About The Authors

Brian Graves

Brian is a Kansas City-based UI Designer who is passionate about design, UX, collaborative workflows, and craft beer. In addition to his 9-5 as UI Team Lead at DEG1, Brian is the creator of Responsive Email Patterns2, curator of Responsive Email Resources3, a key developer of MiddleMail4 and serves as a moderator at Litmus Community5.

Fabio Carneiro

Fabio Carneiro is an Email Developer & User Experience Designer at MailChimp, where he spends his days neck-deep in HTML email, designing and developing versatile, responsive templates for more than 7 million MailChimp users. He loves helping others conquer email design6, and has given talks at The Email Design Conference7, Smashing Conference8, and ConvergeSE9, recorded a course for Treehouse10, and shared his expertise with publications like Smashing Magazine.Twitter: @flcarneiro11.

Laura Franz

Laura Franz is a Professor at UMass Dartmouth, where she teaches a wide range of type classes — including a Web Typography class in The Graduate Certificate In Web and Interaction Design. Inspired by the intersection of tradition and technology, Laura shares her web font recommendations on goodwebfonts.com12 and her typography knowledge via “Typographic Web Design: How to Think Like a Typographer in HTML and CSS13” (Wiley), “Typography for Web Designers14”, and “Choosing and Using Web Fonts15”.

Paul Boag

Paul Boag has been working with the web since 1994. He is now co-founder of the web design agency Headscape16, where he works closely with clients to establish their web strategy. Paul is a prolific writer having written the Website Owners Manual17, Building Websites for Return on Investment18, Client Centric Web Design19, Digital Adaptation20 and numerous articles for publications such as .net magazine, Smashing Magazine and the Web Designers Depot. Paul also speaks extensively on various aspects of web design both at conferences across the world and on his award winning Web design podcast boagworld21. Twitter: @boagworld22.

Paul Jarvis

Paul Jarvis is a best-selling author, designer and gentleman of adventure. He's worked with Silicon Valley start-ups, pro-sports athletes, Fortune 500 companies, best-selling authors and the world's biggest entrepreneurs. He also writes for his popular newsletter, The Sunday Dispatches23. Twitter: @pjrvs24.

Ros Hodgekiss

Ros Hodgekiss is the Community Manager for Campaign Monitor, an email marketing and copywriting nerd, Disaster Volunteer with the American Red Cross and an enthusiastic, but not polished dancer. Her experiences from 8 years of creating and sending email campaigns have resulted in countless resources for email coders, including blog posts and Smashing Magazine articles, the “Guide to CSS support in Email25” and the “Guide to Responsive Email Design26”. When not cycling around San Francisco, Ros spends her time educating designers on the black art of email marketing. Twitter: @yarrcat27. Google Profile: https://plus.google.com/+RosHodgekiss28.

Sam Wright

Sam Wright is the founder of Norwich-based agency Blink29. Twitter: @Ohitssamwright30.

About Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine31 is an online magazine dedicated to Web designers and developers worldwide. Its rigorous quality control and thorough editorial work has gathered a devoted community exceeding half a million subscribers, followers and fans. Each and every published article is carefully prepared, edited, reviewed and curated according to the high quality standards set in Smashing Magazine’s own publishing policy32.

Smashing Magazine publishes articles on a daily basis with topics ranging from business, visual design, typography, front-end as well as back-end development, all the way to usability and user experience design. The magazine is—and always has been—a professional and independent online publication neither controlled nor influenced by any third parties, delivering content in the best interest of its readers. These guidelines are continually revised and updated to assure that the quality of the published content is never compromised. Since its emergence back in 2006 Smashing Magazine has proven to be a trustworthy online source.

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