(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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A Closer Look
UW–Steven’s Point is one of thirteen campuses
in the University of Wisconsin system. With
new leadership in place and a renewed focus
on athletics, UWSP sought a new identity that
would have them stand out from the crowded
Wisconsin collegiate landscape.
Already enriched with a unique nickname,
Pointers, we set out to create an equally unique
identity to represent it. Early research and dis-
covery uncovered a highly competitive athletic
program represented by dozens of different
logos created over the course of many years.
The result was an incoherent identity that had
each sport looking different from the rest.
Our initial exploration included numerous per-
spectives and poses with the final identity being
a strong, bold, and simple profile of the pointer.
The primary logo is accompanied by a system
of closely related secondary and word logos that
allows the identity to function cohesively across
a wide range of applications.
Bold, strong, and straightforward is cap-
tured well in this sports identity. Bosack
pulls off a unique utilitarian motif that
represents the school well and estab-
lishes a strong mascot the school can
market itself with for years to come.
This mark could have taken many direc-
tions and there are several solid designs
being explored in this early stage of the
creative process.
(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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8 7
The brand system is perfectly
suited for the school’s many
sports programs and this shows
how this type of usage would
work on both a colored and white
background. The design has a
nice capacity to simplify into a
one-color mark and still carry the
full weight of the new branding.
That is easier said than done,
and this does it well.
The ease of use is clearly seen in this mark’s usage across a broad range of
applications such as apparel, and interior locations such as the gym floor.
Further design directions and color applications
round out the final presentation of potential
brand graphics presented to UWSP.
(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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