(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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A Closer Look
Hype Production Music is a platform that helps
promote relatively unknown musicians to a
wider audience of younger fans. The goal of this
project was to appeal to this younger fan base
by leaning into metaphors and executions that
are vibrant and fresh, conceptually relating back
to the music itself and lifestyle of the market.
Successful logo options needed to work hard
at varying sizes, ranging from physical banners
down to a small web favicon.
The approach I took at first was to cast the net
wide in looking for visual metaphors, not limit
my thinking based on end-use sizing. These
metaphors ranged in ideas that represented
loudness, communication, energy, the lifting
of a career, to basic things such as music itself.
I looked for a range of bold and vibrant colors
that appealed to a younger market, along with
subtle gritty textures that contrasted my geomet-
ric style. Ultimately, the more successful options
worked well in all size requirements, gave a
sense of this vibrant and varied music lifestyle,
and had conceptual and graphical flexibility to
work in varying lockups and positions.
The logo works well in a more simplified format
even reducing down to a nice one-color treat-
ment used with an iconic rocket to reinforce the
flame concept.
Hype goes out of its way to purposely snub its graphic nose at identity
norms. Funky typography nested in a flame motif and overprinted on
spartan san serif type, it’s a contrast of the music it represents produced
by careless youth with a disregard of established norms.
(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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1 1 7
Hype cannot be contained within one context of style so Blalock lets it run free
and allows the brand to become what it needs to be, more hype playing off visual
metaphors and color palettes that expand the brand vernacular.
(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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