Fully connected layer

After stacking up a bunch of convolution and pooling steps, we follow them with a fully connected layer where we feed the extracted high-level features that we got from the input image to this fully connected layer to use them and do the actual classification based on these features:

Figure 9.9: Fully connected layer -each node is connected to every other node in the adjacent layer

For example, in the case of the digit classification task, we can follow the convolution and pooling step with a fully connected layer that has 1,024 neurons and ReLU activation to perform the actual classification. This fully connected layer accepts the input in the following format:

[batch_size, features]

So, we need to reshape or flatten our input feature map from pool_layer2 to match this format. We can use the following line of code to reshape the output:

pool1_flat = tf.reshape(pool_layer1, [-1, 14 * 14 * 20])

In this reshape function, we have used -1 to indicate that the batch size will be dynamically determined and each example from the pool_layer1 output will have a width of 14 and a height of 14 with 20 channels each.

So the final output of this reshape operation will be as follows:

 [batch_size, 3136]

Finally, we can use the dense() function of TensorFlow to define our fully connected layer with the required number of neurons (units) and the final activation function:

dense_layer = tf.layers.dense(inputs=pool1_flat, units=1024, activation=tf.nn.relu)
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