Avoiding mystery meat navigation

Pointer-based devices have the benefit of being able to use the cursor's hover state to reveal information (for instance, labels on buttons). While this can allow for more minimalist-looking interfaces on desktops, it's a really terrible anti-pattern referred to as mystery meat navigation when on mobiles. When you hover over a button, you're not committing to clicking it. However, because mobile devices lack a hover state, users must necessarily commit to a user interaction to understand what a button even does. Particularly, given how slow the mobile reading experience can be, users tend to be a lot more cautious before committing to any action that might cause the page to reload.

The solution is simple--unless using incredibly clear iconography, label your buttons on mobiles.

For some good mobile icons, try Font Awesome (http://fortawesome.github.io) and Google's Material Icons (https://design.google.com/icons).
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