The obligatory bar chart example

No introductory chapter on D3 would be complete without a basic bar chart example. They are to D3 as Hello World is to everything else, and 90% of all data storytelling can be done in its simplest form with an intelligent bar or line chart. For a good example of this, look at the kinds of graphics the Financial Times or The Economist includes in their articles--they frequently summarize the entire piece with a simple line chart or histogram. Coming from a newsroom development background (Full disclosure: I work on the Interactive Graphics desk at the Financial Times), many of my examples will be related to some degree to current events or possible topics worth visualizing with data. The news development community has been really instrumental in creating the environment for D3 to flourish, and it's increasingly important for aspiring journalists to have proficiency in tools such as D3.
The first dataset that we'll use is the UK Electoral Commission's result set from the UK Brexit referendum. We will draw a bar chart depicting voter turnout by region.

The source for this data is at

We'll create a bar for each region in the UK. The first step is to get a basic container setup, which we can then be populated with all of our delicious new JavaScript code. We can either jump straight into the code, or we can set up some stuff to make life easier for us later on. Let's go with the first route for now. There's a lot of new-fangled JavaScript stuff coming at you really soon, so let's keep it light for the moment.

First open lib/main.js and write your very first line of D3:

const chart ='body') 
.attr('id', 'chart');

This selects the HTML <body> element, appends a <svg> element, and gives it the ID of #chart. We'll be using this pattern a lot throughout the book.

Before we get any further, it's worth pointing out our first new-fangled modern JavaScript feature:
The const keyword is used to define a variable that won't change dramatically. By dramatically I mean that you can still modify it somewhat (for instance, adding elements to an array or modifying an object), but you'll throw an error if you try to reassign it. It will also throw an error if you try to use it before it's declared. Unlike constants in other languages, JavaScript constants only apply to the current function scope (they're not global unless you make them that). This is really useful when using a functional programming style, as it prevents weird bugs caused by variable hoisting (an unusual JavaScript language feature, whereby variables are ultimately interpreted at the top of each function closure instead of where you actually define them). For more on const, visit
Another new way to define variables in JavaScript is using let, which is like var but, like const, has block scope, meaning that it is limited to the block, statement, or expression where it's used. This also helps prevent weird bugs. For more information, visit
When should you use each? Use const if you're not going to reassign a variable and use let if you will. I try to avoid reassigning variables, so I will usually use const in this book. However, while you still can use the var keyword to assign variables in modern JavaScript, you really shouldn't--always use let or const instead, defaulting to let if you're not sure which will work in a given situation.

Yeah! Let's open this up in the browser; ensure that the development server is running (npm start if it isn't) and go to http://localhost:8080

Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "d3"

Whups. Okay, that could have gone better...

You're getting this error because we haven't imported D3, yet. If you've used D3 before, you might be more familiar with it attached to the window global object. This is what happens when you include d3.js via a <script> tag. We're not doing that, however--we're JavaScript rockstarninjaciraptors; we use the new hotness, ES2015 module imports!

Go back to main.js. At the top of the file, type this:

import * as d3 from 'd3'; 

Let's unpack this a bit. Import statements must be at the top of every file (so no sneaky Node.js-style require() calls inside your functions), because it allows for static analysis. This lets new JavaScript tools be more effective. They always start with the import token.

Next is the curly bracket bit. In an ES2015 module, there are two types of exports:

  • Named: This is where you give the export a title that needs to be imported specifically (though it can be renamed), and it is inside curly brackets. 
  • Default: There can be only one of these per module, and it can be referred to as anything when importing. We'll see this a bit later on.

What we do above is import all of the D3 microlibs under the namespace d3.

If you go back to your browser and switch quickly to the Elements tab, you'll notice a new SVG with an ID of #chart at the bottom of the page. There's progress!

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