by Scott Berinato and Matt Perry

To understand the discouraging state of cybersecurity, first consider the stats in figure 2-1, from surveys conducted with companies around the globe in 2017. Respondents were asked about the incidence in their firms of targeted attacks—assaults with the potential to penetrate network defenses and damage or extract valuable assets (as opposed to the countless low-level nefarious activities that are more nuisance than threat). They also reported on breaches—attacks that get through.


Average annual number of targeted attacks and breaches per company

Source: Accenture, “2018 State of Cyber Resilience: Gaining Ground on the Cyber Attacker”

According to a similar survey in 2018 (figure 2-2), the proportion of targeted attacks that were thwarted has risen to 87%. That might sound like good news, but the number of attacks also continues to increase.


Even though we’re thwarting more attacks, we’re not preventing more breaches

Source: Accenture, “2018 State of Cyber Resilience: Gaining Ground on the Cyber Attacker”

And when you take the data in figure 2-3 into account it becomes clear that companies are spending more and more just to tread water. Firms are seeing roughly the same number of breaches, on average. And experts believe that number will not fall substantially, because attacks will keep increasing. Moreover, they worry that breaches will affect higher-impact targets and have more far-reaching consequences. Spending, too, is likely to keep rising, owing to the intensifying use of preventative measures and the increasing costs of breaches.


Average cost of cybercrime per company (US$M)

Source: Accenture and Ponemon Institute, “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Insights on the Security Investments That Make a Difference”

In this chapter we offer a visual exploration of the state of cybersecurity, with charts drawn from three highly respected industry reports. Verizon’s “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report” analyzes more than 53,000 cybersecurity incidents (events that potentially expose data) and 2,216 breaches (incidents resulting in the confirmed disclosure of data) in 65 countries. Accenture’s “2018 State of Cyber Resilience” is based on surveys of 4,600 executives at $1 billion-plus companies in 19 industries across 15 countries. Its “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study,” conducted with the Ponemon Institute, draws on responses from 254 companies in seven countries. Although definitive data on cybersecurity events is hard to come by, given the often-elusive nature of the threat, together these reports provide a detailed picture of the state of play.

The data reveals a dual reality. On the one hand, things haven’t changed: Attacks occur constantly and employ many of the same technical approaches that have been used for years. On the other hand, things have changed radically: More attacks take place now than ever before. And they’re getting more vicious: We’re seeing more assaults on critical infrastructure and a veritable onslaught of “ransomware,” which locks users out of their data or technology until they pay up.

Here’s what we know about cybersecurity today.

Who’s Getting In?

Roughly a quarter of all breaches come from internal sources—but most industries deviate from the average (figure 2-4). In those involving highly sensitive and valuable information—health care, public administration, and professional, technical, and scientific services—the proportion of internal troublemakers is higher, whereas public-facing industries, restaurants, and stores see much more activity from the outside.


Attacks come mostly from outsiders

Note: Some external totals include partners and/or multiple parties. Source: Accenture, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”

How Often Are They Getting In?

In a few highly vulnerable industries, hackers get in more often than not. But in most, multiple attacks are needed to achieve a breach (figure 2-5).


Attacks still fail more often than they succeed

Source: Verizon, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”

The ratio of incidents to breaches in an industry says much about its vulnerability. Accommodation and food services is one of the most vulnerable targets: It averages 11 breaches for every unsuccessful attack, although the payoff for breaking in is often lower than in other industries. The public sector is under massive attack, with the highest number of incidents of the industries studied. But most of them fail: For every 74 unsuccessful attacks, it sees just one breach.

What Are They Getting?

Despite all the work that’s gone into protecting user data and credit card data in recent years, those are the most commonly nabbed assets (figure 2-6). Other information-based targets not reflected here, such as contracts, RFPs (requests for proposals), and control systems, are experiencing more breaches than in the past, but user data and credit card data remain the most popular and vulnerable targets—suggesting that all our defenses haven’t helped as much as they should have.


Personal information and payment information are the most commonly compromised targets

Source: Verizon, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”

Industries in which breaches overwhelmingly involve a single type of information (medical, accommodation and food services) can hone their defenses, because the risk is well defined; the bad guys are almost always after the same thing. But industries that have multiple targets, with no one target accounting for a majority of breaches (financial, manufacturing), need a more flexible risk-mitigation strategy, one that will equip them to fight on several fronts.

Different industries have different pathways by which enemies can enter the networks—but note how frequently web apps are implicated in successful attacks (figure 2-7). Looking at an industry’s top three sources of incidents (bullet points) against the top three sources of breaches (in bold and black) tells us one of two things:

  1. If the top sources of incidents and breaches are the same, those things are heavily targeted, and companies know it—but adversaries are succeeding anyway. Something is amiss.
  2. If the top sources of incidents and breaches differ, companies have gotten good at defending on some fronts (where incidents are high but breaches aren’t) but have blind spots on others (where breaches are high relative to incidents).


What hackers attack most often, and what they attack most successfully, aren’t always the same

Major sources of breaches are in bold and black; major sources of incidents are () bulleted.

Note: Professional, technical, and scientific services has four bulleted items because of a tie.

Source: Verizon, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”

Four Ways to Look at Costs

The simplest way to look at costs is that they’re always going up, whether through investments in defense or spending to recover from breaches (figure 2-8).


Average cost of cybercrime per company in selected countries (US$M)

Source: Accenture and Ponemon Institute, “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Insights on the Security Investments That Make a Difference”

It’s no surprise that the cost of cybercrime is rising around the world. The steepness of the year-over-year increases in Germany and the United States suggests that those countries hold the most appealing—to hackers—combination of value and vulnerability.

Looking at costs by sector, a few things stand out (figure 2-9). The cost of cybercrime for utilities and energy companies is high in part because of that industry’s risk profile: A breach could have immediate and potentially life-threatening consequences. Public sector costs are relatively low, but the sheer volume of attacks means that they are likely to rise significantly, especially as state-level espionage increases.


Average annualized cost of cybercrime by sector, worldwide (US$M)

Source: Accenture and Ponemon Institute, “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Insights on the Security Investments That Make a Difference”

From 2015 to 2017, as shown in figure 2-10, spending on detection and containment rose by about 5%—and breach prevention rates improved. But as figure 2-11 shows, revenue losses haven’t fallen commensurately.


Share of costs per type of activity

Source: Accenture and Ponemon Institute, “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Insights on the Security Investments That Make a Difference”


Share of costs per consequence of attack

Source: Accenture and Ponemon Institute, “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Insights on the Security Investments That Make a Difference”

Business disruptions now cost less than they used to; we’re getting better at maintaining uptime despite the steady drumbeat of attacks. But the cost of information losses has risen steeply. This is the great paradox of cybersecurity: Although we’ve improved our ability to thwart attacks, that hasn’t reduced the damage when attacks do succeed.

Given all this, companies should consider whether the gains realized by having multiple systems online are worth the risks. A new school of thought holds that it’s time to unplug critical systems whose breaches could have dire consequences. Yes, companies would “pay” in terms of convenience and efficiency—but would that price exceed the ever-climbing cost of fending off attacks without making a dent in breaches?


The state of cybersecurity is pretty discouraging. This collection of charts, created using data from three highly respected industry reports, shows just how bleak the full picture is:

  • Systems are constantly under attack by hackers employing technical approaches that have been used for years.
  • Organizations are thwarting more attacks, but more attacks (and more vicious attacks) are taking place now than ever before.
  • What we know about attacks: Most still come from external sources; they fail more often than they succeed; the most common targets are personal and payment information.

Adapted from content posted on hbr.org, May 23, 2018 (product #BG1803).

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