Chapter 12

Assessments and Audits

Lauren Collins,    kCura Corporation

Risk Management is a discipline that exists in every professional environment. Having the ability to gauge and measure exposure within an environment effectively prepares the organization to proactively implement workflows and assessments. Defining security holes in an organization is the delineation of risk that may exist. It is necessary to architect a framework to analyze exclusive incidents, potential outcomes that may arise from such incidents, and the impending consequences. Managing vulnerability where a team can identify, classify, remediate, and mitigate potential situations is critical to keeping a business up and running. Additionally, tools can be utilized to identify and classify possible vulnerabilities. Information security needs to be in line with the business objectives, and decisions must be made based on metrics and indicators of vulnerabilities. Regularly combining assessments and audits offers executives a clear, prioritized, and comprehensive view of risks and vulnerabilities, while integrating IT assets, resources, environment and processes into a single platform. Just as IP addresses had to advance from IPv4 to IPv6, password lengths will have to increase, as will their complexity. Standardization and open collaboration benefit both vendors and consumers as well as advance the industry as a whole. Security professionals benefit from the portability and ease of customization of assessing content, as well as assessing the impact of the latest vulnerability.


assessments; audits; vulnerabilities; risk; penetration testing; vulnerability assessments; port scanning; password cracking; open vulnerability; assessment language

1 Assessing Vulnerabilities and Risk: Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments

Penetration testing usually occurs in the compliance sphere, both in the semantics we use to describe technical points like “regulating deployments” and in the language technology vendors employ to describe those implementations. Compliance, however, is intolerant when it comes to accuracy in writing, and elusive inconsistencies in words can mean the difference between compliance and noncompliance. Erratic interpretations of conditions can lead to incongruous control selection, vague or unsuitable management responses, misrepresentation of controls to auditors, and many other problems. These differences can result in the very violations we are striving to avoid by integrating assessments prior to audits occurring. Penetration tests are valuable for multiple reasons:

• To identify vulnerabilities that may be evasive or impractical to detect with automated network or application vulnerability scanning software

• To identify high-risk vulnerabilities resulting from an amalgamation of lower risk vulnerabilities exploited in a noteworthy sequence

• To regulate the viability of a particular set of attack vectors

• To assess the magnitude of potential business and operational impacts of successful incidents

• To test the ability of network defenders to successfully detect and counter incidents

Multiple techniques can be used to conduct a penetration test; the variance is the volume of knowledge of the implementation factors pertaining to the system undergoing testing. Black box testing assumes no prior familiarity with the testing environment. A tester lays out the scenario and gathers information about the infrastructure prior to formulating an analysis. Black box testing can become exponentially expensive as time goes on. Not only is it labor intensive, but it is also taxing on the network and could cause noticeable slowness due to scanning. White box testing specifies all the information necessary: source code, IP addressing schemes, network diagrams, and any other pertinent information that is available. Believe it or not, gray box testing is also out there. Gray box testing depends on the type of test one can administer; which is entirely based on the extent of the information available.

Vulnerability assessments and penetration tests are habitually exercised interchangeably among technical associates, auditors, and controllers. The misconception is that a penetration test and a vulnerability assessment are notably different exercises. As a result, it is necessary for compliance professionals to become educated on the differences of each in an effort to ensure they are appropriately satiating compliance intentions that the controls perform in an approach they would expect and that they are correctly demonstrating controlled deployments to peers. At a high level, a vulnerability assessment is any interest aimed at research and subsequently at detailed prospective attack points (the vulnerabilities) within a given set of data. In a corporate information technology context, it usually embraces an attentive study of information systems (applications, systems, network devices, etc.) in order to identify concerns that compromise the security of that environment. Potential concerns may include omission of patching, unprotected configurations, and weak passwords.

Vulnerability assessments can be conventional, or they can focus on a more meticulous level of the technology stack, such as an application-level vulnerability assessment. Best practice is to incorporate practical scanning manners, such as running an automated vulnerability scan to query the scope of systems and devices. The next step would be to run a report on the security issues that might be present. The point of the action is to specify as many potential issues as possible that may negatively impact the environment’s security. A vulnerability assessment will contain an automated scan of the environment using a proprietary scanning tool. Furthermore, both types of activities can include vulnerability scoring and prioritization. In the case of a vulnerability assessment, the purpose is to provide information about the qualified severity level and remediation priority for the located issues. The penetration test, on the other hand, is designed to avoid providing attackers with information that gives them ideas on prolific attack opportunities.

From a regulatory compliance stance, the range of a vulnerability assessment or a penetration test will depend on the specific control objective you wish to meet. Since these conditions are sometimes used interchangeably, compliance specialists may find it necessary to ask some key questions rather than assume that a technical process or control implementation includes particular characteristics. Questions to ascertain if a vendor or partner is referring to vulnerability assessments or penetration testing include the following:

• Will the test include a vulnerability list, an activity report, or something else?

• What is the process output or report format?

• Will testers attempt to gain access to control sensitive resources?

• Is there a manual component, or is there just automated scanning?

By making invalid assumptions, you may not be receiving the controls and processes you hoped for. This could lead to more trouble than you had anticipated. Make sure you understand what the partners or vendors mean when they are discussing vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. Ask questions.

Port Scanning and Password Cracking

Port scanning is one of the most popular techniques a hacker can use to discover services that can be compromised. For instance, a port scanner will send a TCP SYN request to the host (or range of hosts) set to scan. Ping sweeps are also an option when attempting to define which hosts are available before starting the TCP port scans. Most port scanners only scan TCP ports by default, and some will have UDP by default as well. Some software packages will perform the discovery and auditing of your systems and network, or if you’re really good and know your way around the command line on a switch, you can navigate around a network quickly to locate and there are free open-source programs as well. Network Mapper (NMAP), an open-source license, will allow scanning of UDP packets and is shown in Figure 12.1. Other common programs that can be used, other than NMAP, are SuperScan and NetScan. A scan will probe the accessible hosts for up to 65,535 viable TCP and UDP ports. You can select specific ports you’d like to scan in order to return fewer results, and also filter to view the services available. Port scans provide the following information from accessible hosts on the network:

• Network address of the hosts discovered

• Services and/or applications the hosts are running

• Hosts that are operational and reachable on the network


Figure 12.1 Network Mapper (NMAP), a utility used for scanning ports.

For your initial scan, it is recommended that you scan all ports from 1 to 65,535. There are many options to get as granular as you want. For instance, a scan can be performed on only well-known ports, or a scan may only involve a certain range of ports specific to your system. If the scanner is unable to find hosts that you are certain would show up, ICMP may be blocked. Once you have concluded what hosts are available and which ports are open, more sophisticate scans can be run to verify that the ports are open and that the tool is not reporting a false positive:

• UDP Scan is a basic UDP scan that looks for any open UDP ports on the host. This option is used to see what is running and determine whether or not Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), firewalls, or other logging devices log the connection.

• Connect is a basic TCP scan that looks for any open TCP ports on the host. This scan is used to see what is running and determine whether or not IDS, firewalls, or other logging devices log the connection.

• SYN Stealth is a scan that initiates a half-open TCP connection, with the host potentially dodging IDS systems and logging. This option is a great scan for testing IDS systems, firewalls, and other logging devices.

• FIN Stealth, Xmas Tree and Null are scans that allow you to get creative by sending odd-shaped packets to the network hosts in order to see how the hosts respond. These scans basically alter the flags in the TCP headers of each packet, which allows you to test how each host handles them to point out weak TCP/IP implementations and patches that may need to be applied.

In Chapter 60, denial-of-service attack was one of the many attacks that were described. When running scans, it is possible to create your own denial-of-dervice attack and potentially crash applications or the entire network. Unfortunately, if there is a host on the network with a weak TCP/IP stack, there is no way to prevent your scan from becoming a DoS attack. To reduce the chance of this happening, use slow NMAP timing options when running scans. Refer to Figure 12.1 to see all the options available when running scans.

Password cracking is a process whereby a hacker or a system can retrieve passwords from records that have been stored or transmitted by a system. A popular tactic, and most common, is to try and guess the password. There is always the option to change the password and to state you have forgotten it; that approach works more than most would assume and has destroyed many people’s virtual lives. In an organization, it is always more secure to assign a user a new password rather than allow them to answer a set of questions to recover their forgotten password. Although only administrators can assign new passwords, the extra security layer is a must. When reflecting how all of us have answered a series of questions to regain a forgotten password, consider a program running through a file system, file by file, attempting to obtain the record where the answers to your challenge questions and password are makes complete sense. That is exactly how a password can be cracked.

Encryption is a common process that individuals and organizations practice, and although it may take longer to crack, an encrypted password is easily attainable. If MD5 or SHA1 hash is used to encrypt a string of characters, that encrypted password is then a string of characters that is stored in the database. Rainbow tables of encrypted hashes contain all possible uses of a password, and such tools are available for free downloads. When comparing the rainbow tables and the target hashes, newer computers have a powerful enough processor and graphics card to achieve quantifiable results quickly. Graphic processing units (GPUs) were designed to do supercomputing where high-end math calculations can be done quickly in electronic trading and password cracking. GPUs are much faster than CPUs at calculating predefined tasks and comprise faster memory and wider input/output (I/O) channels to facilitate rapid computations.

There are several ways to limit the effectiveness of the powerful tools available to hackers. Salted hashes are a randomly generated piece of information that is added to the data prior to running it through the hashing process. A salt is arbitrarily generated information that is added to the data before running through the hashing process. Now the encrypted value cannot be cracked using rainbow tables, and the salt will have to be stored in encrypted databases utilizing a different salt for each password. A hacker would have to decrypt the database as well as each password and its record. Two-factor authentication is another technique organizations can use to intensify security measures. This is a form of security that will add greater security, even in the event a hashed password has been breached.


Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) is the standard for determining vulnerability and configuration issues on systems. OVAL is an open community that was created by MITRE, and it is where knowledge can be shared and the content stored may be accessible to the public in an effort to standardize security efforts and how to assess and report systems and their states. OVAL utilitizes a three-step system assessment:

1. Represent system information.

2. Articulate detailed machine states and report the results of the assessment.

3. Supply organizations with precise, stable, and actionable evidence to improve security.

Here is a case where OVAL could be useful: An organization designed their security procedures, protocols, and policies surrounding the Cisco products that were in their infrastructure. Three companies were acquired, and each of the three companies had hardware other than Cisco. Any vulnerability that was found prior to the acquisition and was corrected will no longer be valid once this other hardware is integrated into the infrastructure. Scanning your territory with three or four tools will now yield completely different results, making it more complex and prove that customized needs will have to be developed for the new assessment tool. Vendors, partners, and various other contributors will report the state of their systems, and this data should be referenced anytime your environment changes. The need for open standardization is clear in an example like this, and the process is represented in Figure 12.2.


Figure 12.2 The assessment process of OVAL.

Through public analysis, direct vendor support, and community contributions, OVAL provides vulnerability content that is reliable and verifiable. OVAL uses the robustness of XML to create a standard language for defining, assessing, and reporting vulnerabilities and configurations. Providing this vulnerability scanning content for the IT industry to collaborate and share technical details allows administrators and engineers to rapidly determine which systems are vulnerable and to rectify those vulnerabilities. And when there is a bug or a false positive, the community is astute to share fixes through use of publicly accessible repositories.

So, where do you go to get this content? There are tools that ship with vulnerability checks and receive regular content updates, or one of the OVAL repositories can assist. Table 12.1 represents the repository and its corresponding platform and content.

Table 12.1

Repositories Available Within OVAL.

Repository Platform Content
MITRE Any platform Open community based support for configuration and vulnerability information
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux Vulnerability content
NIST SCAP Any platform SCAP related

New repositories are added to OVAL’s Web site after they have been created and verified. If you are assessing systems for use with the U.S. federal government, the NIST SCAP repository is your area of interest. Microsoft Security Guides, DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides, and Federal Desktop Core Configuration guides have been developed for assessing the systems established on current federal and vendor systems. Whether you are assessing the impact of the latest vulnerability or checking for federal compliance, the substantial public environment of OVAL developers and contributors will provide useful information to you and your infrastructure.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) provides reference for information security vulnerability and exposures. MITRE assigns a CVE identifier to every vulnerability or exposure. A CVE is used to track vulnerability through different pieces of software, as a single CVE can affect multiple software packages and multiple vendors. The vulnerability is defined as a mistake in the software which may be directly oppressed by an attacker to compromise a system, and an exposure as a fault that could be used as an opportunity to launch an attack. CVE efforts include:

• Vulnerability Management

• Patch Management

• Vulnerability Alerting

• Intrusion Detection

• Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)

• National Vulnerability Database (NVD)

• US-CERT Bulletins

• CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs)

When working with a common identifier, administrators and engineers find it less difficult to share data across separate databases, tools, and services. This data is not only easily accessible but can be integrated with ease. Unless a report comes up stating there is a bug, you’re good to go. CVE is free and available for anyone who is interested in correlating data between diverse vulnerability or security tools, repositories, and services. Anyone could search or download CVE, copy it, redistribute it, reference it, and analyze it, provided you do not modify CVE itself. Companies are allowed to add links and pages to CVE’s Web sites, products, publications, or other capacities. CVE Identifiers, or CVE names, are exclusive and collective identifiers for publicly known information. CVE-2001-0731 references a bug on how Google indexed a file without an external link. A CVE Identifier can be in the form of one of the following:

• Identifier number (“CVE-2001-0731”)

• Description of the security vulnerability or exposure

• Any pertinent references (vulnerability reports and advisories or an OVAL-ID)

Using CVEs to identify vulnerabilities and exposures in your organization will allow for accurate and obtainable information from a vast selection of CVE information sources. CVE can help you make informed decisions and determine which of the capabilities are appropriate for your particular needs. Another plus is having the ability to create a suite of interoperable security tools and capabilities available as a translation mechanism.

2 Risk Management: Quantitative Risk Measurements

By focusing on implementing best practices in your environment, you will be able to accomplish the following tasks:

• Real-time alert configuration: Data centers have become the core of a business, acting as an operations center. Managing logs is a significant step, and it is equally important to access and monitor alerts.

• Proactive protection of the environment: Log management tools and baseline analysis assist an organization to be proactive in their security methodology. Catching holes in security or issues existing, engineers can make a significant difference in time and money. Patching a server is an easy task, but when it is overlooked patch after patch, a vulnerability exists.

• Incident containment: When an unauthorized event occurs in an infrastructure, logs that are set up correctly can alert engineers and pinpoint the exact location quickly. If an engineer can see where the issue resides in a timely manner, that network or server can be isolated to prevent further damage.

• Creation of an audit trail for forensics analysis: When an intrusion is suspected or data loss has occurred, a rockstar audit trail will allow forensic data engineers to retrace the steps taken by someone who has entered the environment and correlate that data into usable information.

• Creation of online documentation as the environment evolves: IT must keep an activity log, tracking all logs across all the environments. Understanding the various systems and how they’re performing allows engineers to shape the infrastructure as the business needs change.

Establishing a Baseline

Two types of alerts should be logged: faults that are generated by the system and the applications running on it, and faults or errors reported by the system’s users. Fault logging and analysis is often the only way of finding out what is unsuitable about a system or application. The analysis of fault logs can be used to identify trends that may indicate deeper issues, such as defective hardware or a lack of competence or training for system administrators or users. All operating systems and many applications, such as database software, provide event logging and basic alerting faculties. This logging functionality should be configured to log all faults and send alerts if the error threshold is above an acceptable, defined threshold. Fault logging and analysis is often the only way to find out what is wrong with a system or an application. Documentation is key when defining which faults to record or report, who is responsible to investigate the faults, and an expected resolution time.

Since data center environments continue to grow, it has become more evident that administrators need to properly manage logs. Checking in on servers, firewalls, appliances, and switching gear event logs will assist IT to do more than simply check for reactive issues. If the process is managed and kept accurate, engineers can create a proactive environment that is capable of spotting and controlling issues before they even arise. Logs can also help an environment plan for the future. Network logs can show engineers where they are lacking and how they can competently plan for growth.

Auditing and Logging

Many devices that provide protection to the infrastructure within networks allow the ability to log events and take actions based on those events. This application system and monitoring provide details both on what has happened to the device and on what is happening in real time. It provides security against lapses in perimeter and application defenses by alerting an administrator about issues, so that defensive measures can be enacted prior to any damage taking place. Without monitoring, an organization does not stand a chance of ascertaining whether a live application is under attack or if it has been compromised.

Business critical applications, processes handling valuable or sensitive information, previously compromised or abused systems, and those systems connected to third parties, all require active monitoring. Whenever suspicious behavior or critical events arise, an alert will be generated and must be acted on. Risk assessments must be done to determine logging levels and which actions are projected from a specified set of alerts. Logging and auditing work together, ensuring that users are only performing the activities they are authorized to perform. This data also plays a key role in preventing, spotting, tracking, and stopping unwanted or inappropriate activities. The levels of alerts, log reviews, and monitoring are an additional necessary component, and at least the following will need to be logged:

• Date, time, and other crucial events

• User ID or IP address

• Successful connections and failed attempts to access systems, data, or applications

• Files, servers, and networks accessed

• Changes to configurations

• Consumption of system utilities

• Exceptions and other security-related events, such as triggered alarms

• Activation of protection systems (intrusion detection systems and malware).

When these types of data are collected, that data will assist in access control monitoring and can provide audit trails when an incident is being investigated. Usually, logs are covered by some form of regulation of how many days it should be kept in case they are needed for an investigation. Employees need to be made aware of any firm monitoring policy activities on the network. Log files are a great source of information, but they serve absolutely no purpose if no one monitors them. When a firm purchases and deploys a solution, the product will not provide security unless the information is collected and analyzed on a regular basis. Some procedures require that the results be reviewed regularly to identify possible security threats and incidents. Each company differs in its processes based on the operations and content, and on how attractive that data may be.

Reviewing Policy Settings

Small networks can generate large amounts of information if the log settings are not optimal. Although log analyzers could automate the auditing and analysis of logs, storage for logs may be another challenge. This type of automated feedback frees up your resources, and your engineer can work to refine the log levels or parse through alerts of accurate threats. Recognizing true threats will help reduce the number of false positives. Eliminating false positives, while maintaining strict controls, is next to impossible. New threats and changes in the network infrastructure are ever changing and will likely affect the effectiveness of existing rule sets. Analyzing logs can provide a basis for focused security awareness training, reduced network misuse, and stronger policy enforcement.

Administrators have powerful access, and their activity should also be recorded and checked. A system restart may be prompted to correct serious errors, and those restarts may not be recorded if an administrator disables the alarm. Administrators’ actions should be logged, notating start and finish times, who was involved and at what capacity, and what actions were taken. The name of the individual recording the information also should be recorded, along with the date and time. An organization with an internal audit team needs to maintain these records.

3 Summary

An information security assessment and audit is the process of determining how effectively an entity being assessed (host, system, network, procedure, person—known as the assessment object) meets specific security objectives. Three types of assessment and audit methods can be used to accomplish this—testing, examination, and interviewing. Testing is the process of exercising one or more assessment and audit objects under specified conditions to compare actual and expected behaviors. Examination is the process of checking, inspecting, reviewing, observing, studying, or analyzing one or more assessment and audit objects to facilitate understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence. Interviewing is the process of conducting discussions with individuals or groups within an organization to facilitate understanding, achieve clarification, or identify the location of evidence. Assessment and audit results are used to support the determination of security control effectiveness over time.

This chapter presents the basic technical aspects of conducting information security assessments and audits. It presents technical testing and examination methods and techniques that an organization might use as part of an assessment and audit, and it offers insights to assessors on their execution and the potential impact they may have on systems and networks. For an assessment and audit to be successful and have a positive impact on the security posture of a system (and ultimately the entire organization), elements beyond the execution of testing and examination must support the technical process. Suggestions for these activities (including a robust planning process, root cause analysis, and tailored reporting) are also presented in this chapter (see checklist: An Agenda for Action for Implementing Information Security Assessments and Audits).

An Agenda for Action for Implementing Information Security Assessments and Audits

The processes and technical recommendations presented in this chapter enable organizations to (check all tasks completed):

_____1. Develop information security assessment and audit policy, methodology, and individual roles and responsibilities related to the technical aspects of assessment and audits.

_____2. Accurately plan for a technical information security assessment and audit by providing guidance on determining which systems to assess and the approach for assessment and audit, addressing logistical considerations, developing an assessment and audit plan, and ensuring legal and policy considerations are addressed.

_____3. Safely and effectively execute a technical information security assessment and audit using methods and techniques, and respond to any incidents that may occur during the assessment and audit.

_____4. Appropriately handle technical data (collection, storage, transmission, and destruction) throughout the assessment and audit process.

_____5. Conduct analysis and reporting to translate technical findings into risk mitigation actions that will improve the organization’s security posture.

_____6. Establish an information security assessment and audit policy. This identifies the organization’s requirements for executing assessments and audits, and provides accountability for the appropriate individuals to ensure assessments and audits are conducted in accordance with these requirements. Topics that an assessment and audit policy should address include the organizational requirements with which assessments and audits must comply; roles and responsibilities; adherence to an established assessment and audit methodology; assessment and audit frequency; and, documentation requirements.

_____7. Implement a repeatable and documented assessment and audit methodology. This provides consistency and structure to assessments and audits; expedites the transition of new assessment and audit staff; and addresses resource constraints associated with assessments and audits. Using such a methodology enables organizations to maximize the value of assessments and audits while minimizing possible risks introduced by certain technical assessment and audit techniques. These risks can range from not gathering sufficient information on the organization’s security posture for fear of impacting system functionality to affecting the system or network availability by executing techniques without the proper safeguards in place. Processes that minimize risk caused by certain assessment and audit techniques include using skilled assessors and auditors, developing comprehensive assessment plans, logging assessor and auditor activities, performing testing off-hours, and conducting tests on duplicates of production systems (development systems). Organizations need to determine the level of risk they are willing to accept for each assessment and audit, and tailor their approaches accordingly.

_____8. Determine the objectives of each security assessment and audit, and tailor the approach accordingly. Security assessments and audits have specific objectives, acceptable levels of risk, and available resources. Because no individual technique provides a comprehensive picture of an organization’s security when executed alone, organizations should use a combination of techniques. This also helps organizations to limit risk and resource usage.

_____9. Analyze findings, and develop risk mitigation techniques to address weaknesses. To ensure that security assessments and audits provide their ultimate value, organizations should conduct root cause analysis upon completion of an assessment and audits to enable the translation of findings into actionable mitigation techniques. These results may indicate that organizations should address not only technical weaknesses, but weaknesses in organizational processes and procedures as well.

The information presented in this chapter is intended to be used for a variety of assessment and audit purposes. For example, some assessments and audits focus on verifying that a particular security control (or controls) meets requirements, while others are intended to identify, validate, and assess a system’s exploitable security weaknesses. Assessments and audits are also performed to increase an organization’s ability to maintain a proactive computer network defense. Assessments and audits are not meant to take the place of implementing security controls and maintaining system security.

Finally, let’s move on to the real interactive part of this chapter: review questions/exercises, hands-on projects, case projects, and optional team case project. The answers and/or solutions by chapter can be found in the Online Instructor’s Solutions Manual.

Chapter Review Questions/Exercises


1. True or False? Penetration testing usually occurs in the compliance sphere, both in the semantics we use to describe technical points like “regulating deployments” and in the language technology vendors use to describe those implementations.

2. True or False? Port scanning is one of the most popular techniques a hacker can use to discover services that can be compromised.

3. True or False? Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) is not the standard for determining vulnerability and configuration issues on systems.

4. True or False? Two types of alerts should be logged: faults that are generated by the system and the applications running on it, and faults or errors reported by the system’s users.

5. True or False? Since data center environments continue to grow, it has become more evident that administrators need to properly manage logs.

Multiple Choice

1. Many devices that provide protection to the infrastructure within networks, allow the ability to ______ events, and take actions based on those events.

A. qualitative analysis

B. vulnerabilities

C. log

D. physical access control


2. Business critical applications, processes handling valuable or sensitive information, previously compromised or abused systems, and those systems connected to third parties, all require:

A. firewall

B. risk assessment

C. scale

D. authentication

E. active monitoring

3. What are usually covered by some form of regulation of how many days they should be kept in case they are needed for an investigation?

A. Organizations

B. Fabric

C. Kerberos

D. Logs

E. Security

4. What can generate large amounts of information if the log settings are not optimal?

A. Cabinet-level state office

B. Denial-of-service attack

C. WPA2-Personal

D. Small networks

E. Taps

5. Who has powerful access, where their activity should be recorded and checked?

A. Systems security plan

B. Consumer privacy protection

C. Administrators

D. Vulnerability

E. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)



Why are risk assessment and risk management relevant to information security?

Hands-On Projects


How is risk assessment related to ISO/IEC 27001 (BS 7799)?

Case Projects


Does ISO/IEC 27001 (BS 7799) define the methodology for risk assessment?

Optional Team Case Project


After implementation, must the organization reassess risks?

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