

Abate, Salvatore 135

Adding dichromate to the formula 69

Aelavanthara, Jaime vi, 175

Anderson, Christina Z. x, xi, xii, xiii, 47, 122, 123, 140, 147

And the list goes on 30


Babcock, May 178

Bartolomeo, Mariana 180183, 279

Beal, Lindsey 178

Beaver, John 59

Benefits of new cyanotype, The 78

Bentley, Jennah Ward 184187

Bibliography 299301

Blacklow, Laura 188189

Bleeding 64

Bloomfield, Diana vii, 25, 170

Blue spots or streaks, There are 164

Blue stains, There are 168

Boardman, Emma 76

Borax or ammonia toner 111

Bosworth, Mollie 137

Bristol papers 27

Brown vs. green FAC 65

Brushes to use 91

Burns, Leslie 60

Byron, Carol 128


Calinawan, Jonah 65, 91, 190193

Catling, Wendy 194197

Ceuppens, Guido 113

Chart, Density Range CC and NC 70

Chart, Dmax CC 100

Chart, Dmax NC 101

Chart, Exposure scale acid development CC 98

Chart, Exposure scale acid development NC 99

Chart, Exposure time comparison CC:NC 94

Chart, Ratio of FAC:PF 67

Chart, UVBL exposure times 96

Cheng, Hua 1, 57

Chiaris, Kimberly 198201

Choice of acids called “toners” 108

Choice of alkalis called “bleaches” 108

Chulewicz, Monica 202205

Citric acid development for CC 102

Citric acid development for NC 102

Classic Cyanotype 6176

Adding dichromate to the formula 69

Bleeding 64

Brown vs. green FAC 65

Chart, Density range CC and NC 70

Chart, Ratio FAC:PF 67

Classic cyanotype formula 62

Classic cyanotype with oxalic acid 68

Combining solutions and shelf life 68

Double coating cyanotype 69

Favorite classic cyanotype formula, My 63

Historical formulas chart 73

Mold in Solution A 69

Novo’s cyanotype formula 64

Ratio of FAC:PF 66

Tips 70

Valenta’s cyanotype formula 66

Whitaker’s cyanotype formula 68

Classic cyanotype chemistry 14

Classic cyanotype formula 62

Classic cyanotype with oxalic acid 68

Coating the paper 92

Coating vellum papers 93

Coating washi and tissue-thin papers 93

Combination printing 147

Combining solutions and shelf life 68

Contemporary Cyanotype Artists 179298

Cooper, Ellie 131

Crawford, Megan 12

Curving the negative 49

Cyanotype History and Practice 110

Cyanotype’s benefits 2

Cyanotype’s detriments 2

Key events in cyanotype’s history 4

Of reproduction and amateurs 4

Psychology of blue, The 3

Singing the blues 2

Where to next? 4

Cyanotype on fabric 129

Coating fabric 130

Cyanotype formula for fabric 130

Exposing fabric 131

Fabric formula 130

Laundering cyanotype fabric 132

Processing fabric 131

Sources for cyanotype fabric 132

Toning fabric 132

Cyanotype on glass 133

Cleaning the glass plate 133

Coating the glass plate with cyanotype 134

Exposing the glass plate 134

Processing the glass plate 135

Purchasing the glass plate 133

Subbing the glass plate 134

Cyanotype on OHP 135

Cyanotype on wood 135

Cyanotype print washes off, The 159

Cyanotype’s benefits 2

Cyanotype’s detriments 2


Davens, Susan 61, 109

Davis, Robyn 139, 151

Determining exposure the high tech way 49

Determining exposure the low tech way 48

Digital Negatives for Cyanotype 4760

Curving the negative 49

Determining exposure the high tech way 49

Determining exposure the low tech way 48

Duotone negatives from CMYK 56

Duotone negatives from RGB 54

Ink density, A word about 52

Monochrome digital negatives 53

Transparency film 48

Troubleshooting the digital negative 58

Dmax chart 40

Dmax, the holy grail? 39

Double coating cyanotype 69

Drawbacks to new cyanotype? 78

Drying the paper 92

Dugdale, John 206207

Duotone negatives from CMYK 56

Duotone negatives from RGB 54


Editioning work 174

Equipment and supplies 14

Exposing cyanotype 93

Exposure is extremely slow, The 158

Exposure times, Ballpark UVBL 96

Exposure tips 95


FAC and PF mixed turns blue 157

FAC solution has turned blue, The 156

FAC solution is moldy, The 156

Favorite classic cyanotype formula, My 63

Ferguson, Jesseca 208211

Finishing, Framing, and Storing Cyanotype 171176

Editioning work 174

How to best store the print 174

Keeping record of works 172

Matting and framing 174

Varnishing cyanotype prints 172

Flecky, Michael 5

Frideres, Steffani 153

Friedrichsen, Peter 136, 212215

Further Formula Exploration 8390

Quick ’n’ easy hybrid formula 86

Wall’s formula 87

Wang’s formula in a nutshell 85


Generic two-bath alkali-acid toner 114

Gerling, Keith 153

Golaz, Annette 119, 155, 216219

Gonsalves, Jacek 220221


Hamilton, Brenton xiv

Handcoloring 143

Hays, Jessica 116, 125

Hickman, Alaina 141

Highlights are fogged blue, The 161

Highlights are yellowed, The 162

Highlight staining 108

Historical formulas chart 73

Howard, Patricia 298

How long does coated paper last? 93

How to best store the print 174

Hydrochloric acid development for NC 103

Hydrogen peroxide use 104


Image is unsharp, The 168

Inagaki, Katsuhiko 151

Ink density, A word about 52

Invernizzi, Dario 9

Izzo, Suzanne 145, 150


Jackson, John P. 82, 222225

James, Teresa 226231

Jang, Kyeong Ran 133

Janisiewicz, Joanna 106

Jeffcoat, Russell 174

Johnstone, Shannon 232237


Keeping record of works 172

Kellenberger, Max 238241

Key events in cyanotype’s history 4

Kimelman, Tali 9

King, Sandy 242245


Lavender stains, There are 162

Lead acetate toner 112

Lewis, Tasha 246249

Liquid measurements 17


Making the Cyanotype Print 91106

Brushes to use 91

Chart, UVBL exposure time 96

Citric acid development for CC 102

Citric acid development for NC 102

Coating the paper 92

Coating vellum papers 93

Coating washi and tissue-thin papers 93

Dmax charts, CC and NC 100101

Drying the paper 92

Exposing cyanotype 93

Exposure scale charts CC and NC 9899

Exposure time comparison chart, CC and NC 94

Exposure times, Ballpark UVBL 96

Exposure tips 95

How long does coated paper last? 93

Hydrochloric acid development for NC 103

Hydrogen peroxide use 104

Processing cyanotype 98

Processing with acidified water 99

Sulfamic acid development for CC 102

Sulfamic acid development for NC 103

Tips 92

Vinegar development for CC 100

Manikova, Galina 250255

Martínez, Constanza Isaza 256259

Martin, Julia C. 118

Mathewes, Jocelyn 152

Matting and framing 174

Mold in Solution A 69

Monochrome digital negatives 53

Moore, Donna Headrick 171

More Creative Ideas for Cyanotype 139154

Combination printing 147

Handcoloring 143

Photo oils 144

Watercolor pencils 143

Postcards 143

Printing cyanotype over gold leaf 139

Punching a cyanotype print 143

Wet cyanotype process, The 145

Writing on a cyanotype print 142

Murphy, Kathryn 138

Murray, Barbara 146


Nawaz, Sehera 260263

New Cyanotype 7781

Benefits of new cyanotype, The 78

Drawbacks to new cyanotype? 78

New cyanotype formula 81

Papers for new cyanotype 78

New cyanotype chemistry 14

New cyanotype formula 81

Novo’s cyanotype formula 64


Oelbaum, Zeva 264267

One-bath tannic-sodium carbonate toner 112

One-bath toners 110


Palladium chemistry 14

Pantoja, Andrés 20

Papers for Cyanotype 2146

And the list goes on 30

Bristol papers 27

Dmax chart 40

Dmax, the holy grail? 39

Papers for your first foray 28

Papers with color options 28

Pre-acidifying buffered papers 36

Quick peek paper chart 41

Sulfamic acid pre-bath 36

Unbuffered papers made for alt 22

Vellum papers 25

Washi and delicate Asian papers 23

Papers for new cyanotype 78

Papers for your first foray 28

Papers with color options 28

Paper turns blue while drying 157

Part One, Cyanotype Step-by-Step 11

Part Two, Contemporary Cyanotype Artists 177

Photo oils 144

Postcards 143

Powell, Emma 13, 268271

Pre-acidifying buffered papers 36

Print has faded, The 168

Printing Cyanotype on Alternate Surfaces 129138

Cyanotype on fabric 129

Cyanotype on glass 133

Cyanotype on OHP 135

Cyanotype on wood 135

Printing cyanotype over gold leaf 139

Printing Cyanotype Over Palladium 119128

Brushes, A word about 120

Clear formulas 122

Citric acid clear 122

Di-EDTA/citric acid clear 122

Di-EDTA clear 122

Tetra-EDTA/sodium sulfite clear 122

Coating formula 123

Developer choice 120

Ammonium citrate developer 121

Developer tips 121

Potassium oxalate developer 121

Exposing 124

Making the palladium print 123

Paper choice 120

Preshrinking paper 120

Printing with CMYK duotone negatives 126

Printing with RGB duotone negatives 125

Printing with the palladium negative 125

Processing 124

Supplies needed 120

Troubleshooting palladium 126

Print is dull, The 163

Print is grainy, The 160

Print is mottled, The 162

Print is overexposed, The 158

Print is splotchy or crystallized, The 163

Print is too high contrast, The 159

Print is too low contrast, The 159

Print is underexposed, The 158

Prints are inconsistent, The 164

Processing cyanotype 98

Processing with acidified water 99

Psychology of blue, The 3

Punching a cyanotype print 143

Purdy, Susan 19

Pyrogallic-hydrogen peroxide toner 115


Quick and easy measurements 108

Quick ’n’ easy hybrid formula 86

Quick peek paper chart 41


Ratio of FAC:PF 66

Reed, Vicki 72, 129

Reproduction and amateurs, Of 4

Riepenhoff, Meghann 179, 272275

Riff, Paula 149

Rust, Dianna 7


Setting Up the Cyanotype Dimroom 1320

Classic cyanotype chemistry 14

Equipment and supplies 14

Liquid measurements 17

New cyanotype chemistry 14

Palladium chemistry 14

Safety first! 14

Solid measurements 17

Sources for paper 18

Sources for supplies 17

Toning chemistry 14

Useful dimroom aids 16

Shadows are solarized, The 167

Shadows bleed into the highlights, The 159

Sherrod, Judy 276279

Sinclair, Kim 46

Singing the blues 2

Sodium carbonate toner 111

Solid measurements 17

Sources for paper 18

Sources for supplies 17

Starobinskiy, Eugene 90, 105, 117

Stevens, S. Gayle 277

Stromee, Vicky 276

Stübing, Gerardo 280281

Sulfamic acid development for CC 102

Sulfamic acid development for NC 103

Sulfamic acid pre-bath 36


Tcherniak, Natalia 173

Tea toner 111

Toning chemistry 14

Toning Cyanotype 107118

Borax or ammonia toner 111

Choice of acids called “toners” 108

Choice of alkalis called “bleaches” 108

Generic two-bath alkali-acid toner 114

Highlight staining 108

Lead acetate toner 112

One-bath tannic-sodium carbonate toner 112

One-bath toners 110

Pyrogallic-hydrogen peroxide toner 115

Quick and easy measurements 108

Sodium carbonate toner 111

Tea toner 111

Toning tips 109

Trisodium phosphate toner 110

Two-bath toners 113

Toning tips 109

Transparency film 48

Trisodium phosphate toner 110

Troubleshooting Cyanotype 155170

Blue spots or streaks, There are 164

Blue stains, There are 168

Cyanotype print washes off, The 159

Exposure is extremely slow, The 158

FAC and PF mixed turns blue 157

FAC solution has turned blue, The 156

FAC solution is moldy, The 156

Highlights are fogged blue, The 161

Highlights are yellowed, The 162

Image is unsharp, The 168

Lavender stains, There are 162

Paper turns blue while drying 157

Potential problems 155

Print has faded, The 168

Print is dull, The 163

Print is grainy, The 160

Print is mottled, The 162

Print is overexposed, The 158

Print is splotchy or crystallized, The 163

Print is too high contrast, The 159

Print is too low contrast, The 159

Print is underexposed, The 158

Prints are inconsistent, The 164

Shadows are solarized, The 167

Shadows bleed into the highlights, The 159

Troubleshooting the digital negative 58

Two-bath toners 113


Unbuffered papers made for alt 22

Underwood, David 282285

Useful dimroom aids 16


Valenta’s cyanotype formula 66

Van Keuren, Sarah 299

Varnishing cyanotype prints 172

Veenis, Holly 114

Vellum papers 25

Vinegar development for CC 100


Walker, Harrison D. 286289

Walker, Melanie 10, 148

Wall’s formula 87

Waltrip, Db 278

Wang, Sam 55, 8389, 121, 124, 127, 290293

Wang’s formula in a nutshell 85

Ware, Mike 7782, 107, 110, 294297

Washi and delicate Asian papers 23

Watercolor pencils 143

Wet cyanotype process, The 145

Whitaker’s cyanotype formula 68

Writing on a cyanotype print 142


Zhong, Jianming 3

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