Chapter 13
Special Applications


While solution crystallization is the main focus of this book, there are applications which are special cases of the crystallization methods described in earlier chapters. For example, a process requiring sterile crystallization is a special example of an antisolvent addition and is presented in Example 13.1. In this particular example, it is necessary to produce fine particles in order to meet drug dissolution time specifications in the final single‐dose vials. Furthermore, the material is thermally unstable. Therefore, special precautions have to be taken to minimize any degradation during processing.

Integration of crystallization with other process operations, specifically reaction, is another aspect of crystallization that has significant potential to improve overall process economics. In Examples 13.2 and 13.3, two cases are presented in which products are selectively crystallized during reaction. As a result, reaction selectivity, yield, and the cost of raw materials are significantly improved. Furthermore, solvent recovery is simplified since the same solvent is used in both reaction and crystallization. This type of operation can provide significant improvement in process economics and should be part of the development of crystallization processes when applicable.

Other crystallization techniques that are less frequently applied in the pharmaceutical industry, such as melt and freeze crystallization, may be applicable for some processes. In Example 13.4, purification of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is presented. In this case, low‐level impurities, primarily dimethyl sulfide, are removed by controlled fractional crystallization from the melt (DMSO is a liquid above 18.45°C), in combination with adsorption of impurities from the unfrozen liquid. In the feed DMSO prior to the crystallization step, the impurities, while unacceptable, are at too low a level to be removable by adsorption alone.

In Example 13.5, freeze crystallization of imipenem, which has lower stability in solution at room temperature, is presented. In this process, the product is rapidly frozen at an amorphous solid state to conserve its chemical purity. The temperature is then raised (still below the freezing temperature at this stage), and the amorphous solid converts to a crystalline solid over time. After the completion of the solid‐state transition phase, the lyophilization drying cycle is initiated.

Resolution of optical isomers via preferential crystallization is outlined in Chapter 7, Example 7.6, as an example of the use of tightly controlled supersaturation in a cooling crystallization. This process is discussed in greater detail in Example 13.6. The process for resolution of optical isomers utilizes crystallization kinetics, instead of equilibrium solubility, to accomplish the desired isomer separation. It is a proven technique and has been in long‐term operation at the manufacturing scale. Although this application has a specific focus, the crystallization principles to achieve the required all‐growth conditions are broadly applicable.

Another unique technique is solid dispersion, where active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is dispersed in pharmaceutical excipients, and the resulting solid dispersion material can exhibit advantageous physical and chemical properties over the original APIs. It should be mentioned that there is another recent approach named API‐excipient co‐processing. The focus is on modifying solid powder properties of API for better formulability via addition of non‐active excipients (Schenck et al. 2020). Since solid dispersion involves co‐processing of API and excipients, solid dispersion can be viewed as part of API‐excipient coprocessing in a broader sense. In the book, authors will focus on solid dispersion (Section 13.5) with a specific example presented in Example 13.7.

Other unique crystallization techniques, such as supercritical fluid (SCF) crystallization and sonocrystallization (ultrasound in crystallization), are also mentioned. Potential applications for these emerging technologies are present in the pharmaceutical industry.


SCFs are gases and liquids above their critical point. In this state, they are single‐phase fluids with some advantageous properties of both liquids and gases. These properties enable them to be used in a unique manner to engineer, or design particles with proper process manipulation.

SCF, while possessing high enough density to solubilize many substances, are highly compressible, especially near the critical point. In many processes using these fluids, solubility of the desired compound can be manipulated by relatively minor changes in temperature and pressure. Additionally, materials dissolved in them benefit by possessing much lower viscosities and higher diffusivities than they do in conventional liquids, allowing very rapid solid phase formation. In fact, this may be so rapid that pains must be taken to avoid the creation of an amorphous, rather than a crystalline, solid (assuming crystallinity is desired).

A comprehensive review of particle design using SCF is provided by Gupta (2006), York et al. (2004), and Jung and Perrut (2001). York (1999) and Subramaniam et al. (1997) give excellent reviews on use of this technology with pharmaceutical compounds.

SCF processing on a large scale had its earliest success with extraction processes. The decaffeination of coffee and tea is carried out in tonnage quantities, and methylene chloride residues are thus eliminated. Extraction of essential oils and flavors has been commercially successful. Because SCF often have only limited solvation properties for some desired materials, nonsupercritical solvents can be added into the process. Because of its low toxicity and relatively low temperature and pressure critical point, carbon dioxide is the dominant SCF used in the pharmaceutical industry. At its best, an SCF process can produce, in a single step, a pure, dry crystalline solid with high productivity.

The common types of SCF processing and their common acronyms, are:

  • Rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS): The dissolved product is nucleated by rapid expansion through a nozzle.
  • Gas (or SCF) antisolvent (GAS or SAS): SCF is used as antisolvent.
  • Aerosol spray extraction system (ASES): Very small droplets are sprayed into SCF antisolvent to produce, micro‐ or nanoparticles.
  • Particles from gas‐saturated solutions (or suspensions) (PGSS): SCF is dissolved in liquid product or solution in solvent, followed by rapid depressurization.

One variant of the GAS or SAS process (SCF as antisolvent) is solution enhanced dispersion by SCFs (SEDS). Coaxial nozzles are used to introduce drug solution and carbon dioxide at the desired temperature and pressure. In this case, the SCF carries out both droplet breakup and antisolvent functions. SEDS has been tested for a number of pharmaceutical compounds. As noted above, this is a continuing effort.


In recent years, advances in selective stereochemistry have reduced the need for isomer separation. However, many synthetic processes continue to have racemic output (desired and undesired stereoisomers). Separation of these products reduces the possibility of side effects from the inactive isomer. In addition to the reduction of side effects, separation of these isomers often provides the possibility of greatly improved yield if the inactive entity can be racemized and recycled.

13.3.1 Option 1: Use of a Chiral Additive to Create a Diastereoisomeric Set of Compounds

Diastereoisomers have two chiral centers, and those created with the compound being separated will not have the same solubilities and other properties as the original isomers.

This is the most common option exercised in practice. However, it can be costly, because the chiral compound being added to carry out the separation can be expensive. Also, for resolution of racemic mixture which contains 50/50 stereoisomer ratio, the maximum yield would be 50% which is low and can be economically unacceptable.

13.3.2 Option 2: Chiral Chemistry to Improve Reaction Chiral Selectivity of the Desired Isomer

This is a very desirable solution and has attracted very extensive research efforts over decades (for example Akiyama and Ojima 2022; Nag 2018; Gawley and Aube 2012). This approach can greatly improve the chiral purity in chemical synthesis for example from 50 to 90% or higher. Under this scenario, traditional crystallization technique such as cooling, antisolvent, etc., with or without the chiral resolving agents can be applied in a straightforward manner for chiral purification. As an example, the desired isomer can be crystallized out and undesired isomer together with an equal amount or slight excess of desired isomer will remain in the mother liquor.

13.3.3 Option 3: Kinetic and Dynamic Resolution

For the case of kinetic resolution, the desired stereoisomer, for example D, is preferentially crystallized out from the solution in D crystallizer (Figures 7.26 and 7.27). The undesired stereoisomer, for example S, will also be preferentially crystallized out from the solution in L crystallizer (Figures 7.26 and 7.27).

For the case of dynamic resolution, the desired stereoisomer, for example D, is preferentially crystallized out from the solution in D crystallizer. The undesired stereoisomer, for example S, is epimerized in the solution and in equilibrium with R in the dissolver. Since R is preferentially crystallized out, all R/S in the system will convert R over time in D crystallizer (Pellissier 2008, 2022). The process scheme will be very similar to Figure 7.25 (or Figure 7.24).

On the crystallization side, because enantiomers R or S can have the same thermodynamic and kinetic properties, including solubility, crystal growth and nucleation characteristics in nonchiral solvents, special care in maintaining preferential crystal growth of R, while maintaining metastability of supersaturated S in the crystallizer is a must. More details will be provided in Example 13.6 to address these issues.

13.3.4 Option 4: Use of Chromatography, Membrane, Enzyme, or Other Separation Technology

This is also desirable but often costly.


The use of wet mill has been extensively addressed throughout this book (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10). Wet mills, for example sonicator or rotor–stator homogenizer, can be used to break up crystals and alter the crystal morphology. By breaking up crystals, wet mill can effectively shorten the aspect ratio of crystals and improve many solid flow properties. In addition, by using wet mill to initiate nucleation in a controlled manner, for example in situ seed generation, it can facilitate the massive seeding and subsequent crystal growth. The improvement in product size distribution and reduced agglomeration can potentially result in fewer inclusions of impurities and a number of advantages in mechanical handling.

As highlighted below, wet mills can be used beneficially in several key areas of crystallization:

  • Initiation of primary nucleation, narrowing the metastable zone width, especially for massive seeding.
  • Secondary nucleation
  • Crystal habit and perfection
  • Crystal size distribution
  • Reduced agglomeration
  • Improved product handling

There are various types of wet mills, for examples bead mill, sonicator, rotor–stator homogenizer, high pressure cavitation mill, etc. The mechanism for nucleation and particle breakage may not be the same. Sonication (Suslick 1988; Young 1989; Suslick et al. 1990) or high pressure cavitation mill create local high intensity cavitation. Bead mill breaks the particles by mechanical grinding, and high speed rotor–stator create high local shear and frequent collision among particles and rotor/stator to initiate nucleation and particle breakage.

Among these mills, sonicator and rotor–stator homogenizer are probably two most commonly reported tools. Example 7.3, 7.6, 9.7, 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4 highlight the usage of sonicator and rotor–‐stator homogenizer wet mills. Both tools can be easily set‐up in the laboratory for quick investigation. However, the design guidelines for large‐scale operation is more straightforward for rotor–stator homogenizer, and less defined for sonicator, specifically the sonication power intensity, intensity zone, residence time in the recycle loop, overall time cycle, etc. Another concern of sonicator is probe shedding. The sonication probe tip, normally made of titanium, can suffer from pitting and erosion during use, which requires special attention especially for long term usage.

Example 13.6 provides additional details on the application of sonicator at the manufacturing scale to address various aspect of scale‐up, including the issue of probe shedding. It is possible to avoid the complication of shedding of horn metal into the product. This is accomplished by (i) controlling power density at the horn surface (W/cm2) and (ii) providing proper maintenance of the horns, including periodic inspection of the probe(s) and machining away tip erosion. Erosion on an ultrasonic horn occurs more rapidly on an already damaged surface.

Further references on ultrasound in crystallization have been reported [by, among others, Ruecroft et al. (2006), McCausland et al. (2001), Thompson and Doraiswamy (2000), Price (1997a), Anderson et al. (1995), Price (1997b), Martin et al. (1993), and Hem (1967)].


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is concerned with obtaining numerical solutions to fluid flow problems by using computers. The equations governing the fluid flow problem are continuity (conservation of mass), Navier–Stokes (conservation of momentum), and energy equations. These form a system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Solving a particular problem generally involves first discretizing the physical domain that the flow occurs in, such as the interior of a stirred tank. Commercial CFD software, such as FLUENT, is currently available. It has been used to assess the effect of mixing variables and system geometry on mixing performance. Figures 5.9 and 5.10 shows examples of applying CFD to illustrate the mixing in stirred tank, Figure 7.13 shows one example of applying CFD to calculate the flow patterns of two streams in a mixing elbow.

CFD is becoming a more useful tool for describing solid–liquid mixing in crystallization. It can predict the flow patterns, local solids concentration, and local kinetic energy values, taking into account the effects of vessel and agitator shape. Since additional particle population balance equations including crystal growth and nucleation kinetics are required, simplifications such as ignorance of the impact of solid particles on the fluid flow are inevitably applied (Myerson 2001, chapter 8; Wang and Fox 2004; Woo et al. 2006). Therefore, CFD results need to be examined against the actual experimental data before accepting fully their validity. Despite its limitation, CFD is an excellent educational tool for quick learning and a rapid screening/diagnostic tool for process development.


Solid dispersion is a unique material science and particle engineering technique which API is co‐processed and dispersed with pharmaceutical excipients in solid state. It can be prepared by melting (fusion), solvent, or melting‐solvent methods, as well as other nontraditional technique, such as co‐grinding (Chiou and Riegelman 1971; Kaneniwa and Ikekawa 1975). Solid dispersion generates materials with properties significantly different from the original APIs. In particular for water‐insoluble APIs, the resulting solid dispersion material can greatly improve the water solubility (Jermain et al. 2018). It also improves drug–drug and drug–excipient compatibility (Nie et al. 2017). Blending/mixing of a drug or drugs in a solid diluent or diluents by traditional mechanical mixing is not considered as a solid dispersion.

Solid dispersions can be broadly divided into two categories: crystalline‐based and amorphous‐based solid dispersions (Leuner and Dressman 2000; Craig 2002; Singh et al. 2011; Tung 2018). The crystalline‐based dispersion includes eutectic‐mixture, solid‐solution, and (nano)crystalline‐suspension, where API exists in crystalline state. Chapter 2 contains more discussion on solid solution and eutectic mixture. For simplicity, we will focus more on eutectic mixture in the following discussion. The amorphous‐based dispersion include glass‐solution and glass‐suspension, where API exists in amorphous state. Glass‐solution is typically called as amorphous solid dispersion, i.e. ASD.

Crystalline‐based solid dispersions generally possess better stability but inferior dissolution performance in comparison to amorphous‐based solid dispersion (Brough and Williams 2013). For eutectic‐mixture, the drug loading is limited by eutectic composition which is typically <50 wt% and there is no specific control of API particle size (Law et al. 2003; Cherukuvada and Nangia 2014). If the drug loading is above the eutectic composition, it can lead to nonuniformly distributed crystalline API and additives, which will reduce bioavailability. For (nano)crystalline‐suspensions, drug or API loading can be greater than 50 wt% (Kawabata et al. 2011). However, achieving uniformly dispersed nano/micro size API particles with minimum particle agglomeration under high drug loading can be challenging (Bhakay et al. 2018).

Amorphous‐based solid dispersions generally possess better dissolution performance due to the amorphous nature of API. However, amorphous‐based solid dispersions have higher degree of instability. If drug loading is higher than API’s solubility/miscibility in the additive, it maybe kinetically stable over a certain period, but is thermodynamically unstable, and can result in phase separation or uncontrolled crystallization of API during storage, and/or in vitro/in vivo dissolution. Consequently, drug loading is generally <50 wt% in order to reduce the risk of instability (Shah et al. 2014; Newman 2015).

Hybrid solid dispersion, which can consist of both crystalline‐based and amorphous‐based solid dispersion is also explored recently (Rahman et al. 2019; Tung 2021). Hybrid solid dispersion offers an opportunity to overcome the constraints of solid dispersion, i.e. drug loading and instability, and in the meanwhile keep the benefits of solid dispersion, i.e. better dissolution/bioavailability and drug–drug compatibility. Example 13.7 presents one case study using ibuprofen as one model compound.


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