
Review Exhibit 7.2 and identify the first section of Wal-Mart’s cash flow statement— cash from operations. This section represents how much cash a company generated (or lost) during the course of operations during the specified period.

Exhibit 7.2. Wal-Mart 2006 Cash Flow Statement
 Consolidated Statements of Income   
(Amounts in millions)   
Fiscal Year Ended January 31,200620052004
Cash flows from operating activities
 Income from continuing operations$ 11,231$ 10,267$ 8,861
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization4,7174,2643,852
Deferred income taxes(129)263177
  Other operating activities620378173
Changes in certain assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions:
   Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable(456)(304)373
Increase in inventories(1,733)(2,494)(1,973)
   Increase in accounts payable2,3901,6942,587
Increase in accrued liabilities9939761,896
Net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations17,63315,04415,946
Net cash provided by operating activities of discontinued operation50
Net cash provided by operating activities17,63315,04415.996
Cash flows from investing activities
 Payments for property and equipment(14,563)(12,893)(10,308)
Investment in international operations, net of cash acquired(601)(315)(38)
 Proceeds fromnhe disposal of fixed assets1,049953481
Proceeds from the sale of McLane1,500
 Other investing activities(68)(96)78
Net cash used in investing activities of continuing operations(14,183)(12,351)(8,287)
Net cash used in investing activities of discontinued operation(25)
Net cash used in investing activities(14,183)(12,351)(8,312)
Cash flows from financing activities   
Increase (decrease) in commercial paper(704)544688
 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt7,6915,8324,099
Purchase of Company stock(3,580)(4,549)(5,046)
 Dividends paid(2,511)(2,214)(1,569)
Payment of long-term debt(2,724)(2,131)(3,541)
 Payment of capital lease obligations(245)(204)(305)
Other financing activities(349)113111
Net cash used in financing activities(2,422)(2,609)(5,563)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash(102)205320
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents9262892,441
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year5,4885,1992,758
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year$ 6,414$ 5,488$ 5,199
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow Information
 Income tax paid$ 5,962$ 5,593$ 4,538
Interest paid1,3901,1631,024
 Capital lease obligations incurred286377252

Source: Used with permission of Wal-Mart Inc.

In the lemonade stand example, this refers to how much cash was generated from selling lemonade, minus costs of buying new inventories, paying salaries, and any other income or expense that is involved in the direct operations of the business.

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