
Italic page numbers refer to examples of posters, advertisements, and quotes.


Abbott, David 91

advertising 6871

business to business/trade 71, 75

case study 9799

compared with direct marketing 71

conceptual 69, 71

copywriters’ interviews 8791

and development of creative ideas 7375, 8081, 82

editing copy 75, 79, 94

focusing on core message 72

getting pitch right 7172

guerrilla 71

main types 74

online 71, 209, see also blogs; e-mail marketing; websites

product specific 75

recruitment 71, 75

service specific 75

and target audience 7778

and tone of voice 79

see also direct mail; direct marketing

AirTran Airways 58

Allen, Robert G.: quoted 119

Alzheimer’s Association: ads 74, 86, 88

American Medical Association: newsletter (AMA Voice) 142, 143, 144

Amnesty International (case study) 9799

AON Commercial Services: web page 211

Argos (case study) 1904

Asbury, Nick (Asbury & Asbury) 2267

Australia Post: “Send a letter” campaign poster 17

Awdry, Will (Ogilvy): interview 8991


benefit-led selling 15, 301, 33, 34, 75, 76, 92, 117, 119, 166

Bernbach, Bill: quoted 12, 25

Bezos, Jeff: quoted 114

Birkett, David (Envirotech Waste Services) 65

Blackberry users 209

BLDGBLOG web page 215

blogs 12, 789, 209, 214, 215, 217

amateur vs official 214, 216

and hyperlinks 220

writing for 218, 219 20

see also Twitter

body copy 19, 33, 60, 79

BOGOF 105, 107


company magazine 150

Expert range ad 76

Scents & Sensuality catalog 174, 175, 184

Boston, Mark (TTA) 1967

brainstorming 82, see idea generation

brand dictionary 20, 23

brand matrix 105, 120

brands and branding 7, 8, 11, 4067

bad names 58

case studies 647

checking availability of names 50, 63, 120

copywriters’ interviews 449

creating names 412, 50, 58, 62

foreign names 57

hierarchies 55

and language 40, 41, 50, 53

rebranding/renaming 41, 50, 58

and tone of voice 20, 50, 534, 55, 60, 62, 114


in in-store messages 113, 114

online 202, 204, 206, 207, 210, 216, 218, 220

see also editing copy

briefs 25, 26

catalog 180

checklists 27, 37

essential elements 25

and first drafts 28, 33, 35, 37, 61

magazine and newsletter 133

presentation to client 368

and sign-offs 26, 35, 36, 378

website 202, 2067

British Airways: newsletter 135

Broad Stripe Butchers’ website: case study 2223

brochures 50, 54, 165

planning 57, 61

Burnett, Leo: quoted 28, 35, 69, 148

Burns, Peter: Top 100 Internet Mistakes... (quoted) 202


car advertising 20, 34, 69, 70

case studies

advertising and direct marketing 97101

branding 647

catalogs 1904, 1967

digital media/websites 2225

magazines and newsletters 15863

retailing 1249

catalogs 16497

briefs 180

case studies 19094, 1967

copywriters’ interviews 1734, 176

core requirements of copy 184

covers 1689, 182, 184

in-store retail 168, 177

main types 178

online 1889

putting together 1848

tone of voice 1812, 184

understanding and interacting with readers 1778, 181, 184, 185

character profiles 73, 74

Cheney, Theodore: Getting the Words Right (quoted) 165

Churchill, Sir Winston: quoted 89

Clever Wally’s direct marketing 75, 845, 94

clients (stakeholders) 39, 54

and briefs 25, 26, 28, 33, 35, 368

and catalog copy 165, 167


and brand language 50, 534

keep it simple 21, 54

as key to good copywriting 10, 11, 12, 89

marketing 54

and retailing 1035, 119 21, 122

see also tone of voice

company magazines see magazines and

newsletters, company

conceptual advertising 69, 71

conceptualizing 33

confidentiality 169

Consignia 58

Cool Hunting: blog 217

copy 11

core messages 25, 27, 38, 50, 53, 57, 72, 75

Creative Review magazine 75

blog (case study) 2269

creativity 11, 12, 13, 26, 33, 57, 61

early stages 735

and environment 256

six angles 801

customer journeys, in-store 104, 109, 1139


Daily Candy (case study) 2245

Damasio, Antonio 89

D&AD Writing for Advertising Course 89

Datsun 58

DDB (advertising agency) 878

deadlines 26, 57

Department of Transport: “Think!” campaign ad 32

DeRuiter, Geraldine: blogs 217

designers 212, 60, 69, 82

Different Kettle (agency) 97, 99

digital media writing 8, 134, 1989

case studies 2225

interviews 20813

see also blogs; e-mail marketing; Internet; websites

direct mail 71, 81

copy 82, 92

covering letters 83

format and typography 94, 101

and mailing lists 82, 93

target audience 94

and variable data printing 94

direct marketing 68, 75, 82, 845

case study 1001

compared with advertising 71

editing copy 94

and relationship marketing 934

see also direct mail

Dove: “Campaign for real beauty” 90, 90


Economist: ads 12, 80, 91

editing copy

advertisements and direct marketing 75, 79, 94

first drafts 33, 35

magazines and newsletters 138

retail products 114

websites 206, 207 Eisner, Michael (Disney): quoted 57

Elmwood (agency) 65

e-mail marketing 12, 71, 134, 214, 216

emotion: in advertising copy 8990

Energy Savings Trust: web page 201

environment, creativity and 256

Everywhereist: blog 217


Facebook 78, 198, 216, 218, 220

Fairacre Farms: signage 117, 119

Fairmont Hotels: customer magazine 1401

Fat Face: catalog 185

Flickr 219

focus groups 50

Fortune Cookie company: web page 212

FUD 80


GAP 58

Germain, Dan (Innocent Drinks): interview 11012

gimmicks 81

Godin, Seth: All Marketers Are Liars (quoted) 214

Google 25, 47, 190, 210, 213

Chrome ad 51

Gracián, Baltasar: quoted 207

grammar 21

Graphical User Interface (GUI) 209

graphic design 12

and brand identity 41, 63

direct mail 94, 101

typography 212, 37

Greenpeace advert 72, 73

Gribbin, George: quoted 13, 28, 71

Guinness 44


Haji-Ioannou, Stelios (easyGroup): quoted 54

Half Price Books 108, 109

headlines 19, 33, 37, 57

hero products 185, 187

Holmes, Nick (Different Kettle) 97, 99

Horberry, Roger (Elmwood) 645

Howies: catalog 1701

Huffington Post 79

humour 13, 56, 65, 80, 214

Hyland, Angus 46


idea generation 22, 29, 33, 82

Igor International 47, 49

ILA cosmetics range 44, 45, 46

Innocent Drinks: packaging 81, 110, 111, 112

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising 89

interest, creation of 91

internal communications 154, 156

Internet 198, 199

banner ads 71, 209

online catalogs 1889

online magazines and newsletters 134

search engines/search terms 210, 213, see also Google

see also blogs; e-mail marketing; websites


advertising copywriters 8791

brand naming copywriters 449

catalog copywriters 1734, 176

digital media providers 20813

magazine and newsletter editors 1427

retail copywriters 10812

intrigue 16, 81, 92, 169, 206

iPhone users 209

iPod users 209


jargon 20, 55, 138, 154, 209

junk mail 71

Jupiter Design 174, 2223


KFC 58

Kisor, Conan (American Medical Association): interview 142, 144

Klein, Naomi: No Logo (quoted) 199, 216

Klosterman, Chuck: quoted 139

Kodak One magazine (case study) 1623

Krug, Steve: Don’t Make Me Think 210

Kyrillos, Dannielle (Daily Candy) 2245


Lagerfeld, Karl 37

Land Rover Onelife magazine (case study) 15861

Language in Common: blog 29

Larwood, Christa (Land Rover Onelife) 1589

leaflets see brochures

Legal & General web page 200

Leighton, Allan 58

Levy, Danni 225

Lewis, Herschell Gordon: quote 184

LinkedIn 78

links, digital media 202, 210, 214, 220

Liquid Agency, San Jose 7, 58, 667

list brokers/buying 82

Loseley icecream: packaging 118

loyalty campaigns 93, 107

Lush Cosmetics: magazine (Lush Times) 145, 1467


McCartney, Sarah (Lush Times): interview 145

McKenzie Childs: catalog 183

McLuhan, Marshall: quoted 131

magazines and newsletters, company 1301

briefs 133

case studies 158 63

competitions, letters and editorials 154

content 131, 148, 151, 155

editing 138

editors’ interviews 1427

internal 154, 156

magazine creation and writing 1369

maintaining consistency 139

news articles and interviews 1513, 157

newsletter creation and writing 134, 136, 139

online 134

picture captions 153

tone of voice 139

mailer lists 82, 93

Manning, Steve (Igor International): interview 479

Mathews, Meredith (Half Price Books): interview 109

Maugham, William Somerset: quoted 91

MemoMind Pharama (case study) 1001

messaging 8

Meteorological Office brochure 132

Method Home Products (case study) 1245

Metropolitan Police: ad 36

microblogging see Twitter

Milligan, Lorna (Broad Stripe Butchers) 2223

mission statements 54, 55

mobile phones 32, 75, 199, 209, 219

Motley Fool: web page 207

Muccino, Alfredo (Liquid Agency) 667

mystery see intrigue


Neumeier, Marty (Liquid Agency) 58

newsletters see magazines and newsletters, company

NHS: “Clean your hands” campaign poster 14

Nielsen, Jacob 210

Nissan 58

Nokia: 6300 model ad 75


Ogilvy, David

quoted 11, 15, 33, 37, 50, 72, 74

Rolls Royce ad (1950s) 34

Olive Media Products (case study) 667

Online Publishers Association (US) 219

Orwell, George: quoted 69


packaging 81, 110, 111, 112, 118, 11921, 122

Palümba: catalog 179

Patagonia: catalog 172, 173

Pearson Education: employee magazine 149

Penguin Books 81

Pentagram 44, 46


in digital media writing 214

see also tone of voice

Porsche: Cayman ad 69, 70


Australia Post: “Send a letter” campaign 17

NHS: “Clean your hands” campaign 14

San Jose Music Festival 43

Powergenitalia 58

Preston, Donna (Kodak One magazine) 1623

Pret A Manger (case study) 1267, 128, 129

products, in-store

naming 1201, 123

see also brands and branding; packaging

profiling audiences 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 33, 779

promotions 81, 104, 105, 1067, 115, 119

punctuation 21, 138

puns 13, 23, 136, 213


radio advertising 81

readers, understanding and interacting with 60, 1778, 181, 184, 185

Reeves, Rosser: quoted 21, 94

relationship marketing 934

Renault Scenic 50

repetition, avoiding 35, 138, 165, 174, 176, 178, 207

research 11, 25, 44

into brand names 50

and digital media writing 202, 203, 206

for magazines and newsletters 131, 136, 148, 157

and marketing 54

retailing 10129

case studies 1249

copywriters’ interviews 10812

customer journeys 104, 109, 1139

in store messages 1035

products 117, 118, 11922

promotions 104, 105, 1067, 115, 119

signage 104, 105, 109, 114, 115, 116

Ritual Coffee: ad 56

Rockefeller, John D.: quoted 119

Rolls Royce: ad (1950s) 34

Romeo Empire Design 209

Royal Bank of Scotland 75

Royal Mail 58

Ruggie, Diane (DDB): interview 878

Rushworth, John 44

Russell, John (Harley Davidson): quoted 41

RV (recreational vehicle) ads 30, 31

Ryan, Eric (Method Home Products) 1245


Safari browser 209

San Jose Music Festival poster 43

Sands, Jonathan (Elmwood) 65

Santus, Mark (Romeo Empire Design): interview 209

Sawyer, Robert: Kiss and Sell (quoted) 165

Schultz, Howard (Starbucks): quoted 104

search engine optimization (SEO) 213, 220

search engines 210, see also Google

search-friendly copy 199, 210, 213

Serious Waste Management (case study) 645

Shiller, Professor Robert: quoted 53

shops see retailing

signage see under retailing

sign-offs 26, 35, 36, 378

Simmons, John: interview 446

simplicity, importance of 21, 54

Sinclair, Mark (Creative Review) 227

Sliver vodka 48, 49

Smart cars 20

smartphones 199, 209

social media/social networking sites 789, 198, 214, 216, 218, 219

see also blogs

Sophocles: quoted 204

Spa Ritual: packaging 122

spam 71

spelling 21

stakeholder mapping 156

stakeholders see clients

Stanley, Vincent (Patagonia): interview 173

Stella Artois: adverts 81

Sticky Content (agency) 210, 213

store cards 106

stores see retailing

supermarkets 105


Talgo, Scott: quoted 41

target audiences 13, 1516, 27, 38

for advertising and direct marketing 72, 73, 78, 94

see also profiling audiences

telemarketing 71

Territory Ahead, The (TTA) (case study) 1967

Tetlow, Kate (Jupiter Design): interview 174, 176

tone of voice 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 103

and advertising 79

in catalogs 165, 1812

and digital media 216, 218

marketing brands 20, 50, 534, 55, 60

of target audience 78

retailing and products 104, 114, 11920

toolboxes, expanding 29

Toole, Catherine (Sticky Content): interview 210, 213

trade catalogs165, see catalogs

trademarks, checking 50, 63, 120

Twitter 78, 79, 198, 216, 218, 219, 220

typesetting: and copy presentation 37

typography 212, 37, 50

direct mail 94, 101


Unique Selling Points (USPs) 27, 28, 38, 181


value-pricing systems 113

variable data printing 94

VegNews magazine: ad 52

video blogging 219


Waterstones: staff reviews 91

Weather Channel, The: website 208, 209

websites 71, 199

briefs 202, 2067

case studies 2225

designers 213

editing copy 206, 207

examples 200, 201, 207, 208, 211, 212

first drafts 207

home/landing pages 210

importance of links and options 202, 210, 214

importance of personality 214

planning content 2025

search-friendly copy 199, 210, 213

and tagging 210, 213

Wexler, Steve (MemoMind Pharma) 1001

Wickes: catalog 166

Wilde, Stuart: quoted 120

Wishes: tone-of-voice guide 103

witticisms 13, 23, 80, see also puns

word banks 20, 23, 55, 154

word-processed documents 37

Wurman, Richard Saul: Information Anxiety 65


Yang, Jerry (Yahoo): quoted 42

Yeomans, Sunita (Argos): interview 190, 192

YO! Sushi: “Ready, steady, yo!” campaign 59

Young, James Webb: A Technique for Producing Ideas 88

YouTube 198, 214, 219

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