(This changes the model a little, of course, and adds some error to the
approximation error inherent in the finite element method.)
We shall use the following simple description of the mesh: (1) four
denoted N, E, Y, % for nodes, edges, faces, and tetrahedra; (2)
incidence relations,
on which more below;__(3) the
of the mesh"
this isafunction n~x n,from N to D, givingforeachnode n its
position x n in D or on S. In the case of straight tetrahedra, this is
enough to determine the location of all
(the generic name for
node, edge, face, etc.), and no other placement parameters are needed.
Thanks to this placement, one can confuse under a single expression,
for example, "tetrahedron T", two conceptually different things: here
the element T of ~ which is a mere label, and the tetrahedron T, a part
of D, which is its image under the placement. It's a convenient and not
too dangerous abuse, 13 which I'll commit freely, for all simplices. Symbols
F(e), N(T), and other similar ones, will stand for, respectively, the subset
of all faces that contain edge e, the subset of all nodes that are contained
in tetrahedron T, and other similar subsets for various simplices. The
purpose of the incidence relations, which we shall wait until Chapter 5 to
describe in full detail, is to point to the faces of a given tetrahedron, the
edges of a given face, etc., and thus to give full knowledge of subsets like
Y-(e) or N(T). Finally, we shall denote by
D n
the subdomain of D
obtained by putting together all tetrahedra of the subset T(n), and use
similar notation for D and Dr, calling D s the
of tetrahedra
simplex s (Fig. 3.5). (No attempt is made to distinguish between
open and closed clusters, as that will be clear from context.)
FIGURE 3.5. Clusters of tetrahedra around simplex s (s being, from left to
right, node n, edge e, face f, and tetrahedron T). For better view, faces
containing the simplex are supposed to be opaque, and others transparent.
Let's now recall the notion of barycentric coordinates. Four points
x 1, x 2, x 3, x 4 in three-dimensional space are in
generic position
if the
determinant det(x 2 - x 1, x 3 - xl, x 4 - x~) does not vanish. In that case,
13Mathematicians use s for the simplex as an algebraic object and Is1 for its image.
76 CHAPTER 3 Solving for the Scalar Magnetic Potential
they form a tetrahedron. Four real numbers
~1, ~2, ~3, ~4
such that
Ei ~1 __
1 determine a point x, the
of the xis for these
uniquely defined by
= Ki
(12) x
-- X 0 E i= 1,4 (xi- x0),
where x 0 is any origin (for instance, one of the xis). Conversely, any
point x has a unique representation of the form (12), and the weights ~',
considered as four functions of x, are the
barycentric coordinates
of x in
affine basis
provided by the four points. Note that x belongs to the
tetrahedron if Kl(x) > 0 for all i. The Kls are affine functions of x.
Remark 3.3. Consequently, a function p which is polynomial with
respect to the three Cartesian coordinates can be expressed as a polynomial
expression x ~ P(;~l(x),..., K4(x)) of the barycentric coordinates, where
P is another polynomial,
of the same maximum degree
as p, with four
variables. This possibility is often used, usually without warning.
Now, consider our paving of D by tetrahedra. To each node n of
the mesh, let us attribute a function, defined as follows: Its value at point
x is 0 if the cluster D n does not contain x, and if it does, it is the
barycentric coordinate of x with respect to n, in the affine basis provided
by the tetrahedron to which x belongs. (There is no ambiguity in that,
because if x belongs to a simplex s, and thereby, to all tetrahedra of the
cluster of s, its barycentric coordinates with respect to vertices of s are
all the same, whatever the tetrahedron one considers to reckon them.)
We shall reattribute to this
nodal function
the symbol ~n.__ Note that, by
construction, Kn(x) > 0, its support is
its domain is D (but doesn't
go beyond), and
(13) ~
n~N ~n(x)--1
for all x ~ D.
The K~s themselves are often called
"barycentric coordinates", though they
coincide with the previous ~'s only
for the nodes around x. This abuse is
harmless, but I'll stick to "nodal
functions", notwithstanding.
A shorter way to describe them is
to say:
is the only
piecewise affine
function 14 that takes the value 1 at
node n and 0 at all other nodes. The inset shows the pattern of level
lines of Kn in the 2D case (triangulation of a plane domain D). It is easy
14 Meaning: affine by restriction to each tetrahedron. I will use
in such
cases: mesh-wise affine, mesh-wise quadratic, etc. (this is not standard terminology).
from this to imagine the graph of the corresponding function, and to
understand why the )vns are often called "hat functions".
Exercise 3.8. Prove that the hat functions are linearly independent.
Exercise 3.9. Compute the average of
)~n over
(1) an edge e, (2) a face
f, (3) a tetrahedron T, all containing n.
Remark 3.4. Two things are essential in this construction: (1) each )~n is
supported on the cluster of n, (2) they form a
partition of unity
over D,
~n_ 1, relation (13). The affine character is secondary, and is
i.e., ~ ~N
lost in case of curved tetrahedra. 15 But it considerably simplifies the
programming, in conjunction with Remark 3.3, as we'll see. ~)
Well, that's all:
The finite element method is the Ritz-Galerkin method,
the basis functions being a partition of unity associated with a mesh,
as above.
There are many ways to devise such a partition of unity, and the use
of barycentric functions is only the simplest. When one refers to "a"
finite element, it's this whole procedure one has in mind, not only the
analytical expression of the basis functions. However, the latter suffices
in many cases. Here, for instance, the restrictions of the )vns to individual
tetrahedra are affine functions, that is, polynomials of maximum degree
1 of the Cartesian coordinates (one calls them ,,p1 elements" for this
reason), and this is enough characterization. 16
Let us give another example, which demonstrates the power of this
notation. What
are ,,p2
elements"? This means functions with small
support, like the above )vns, which restrict to each tetrahedron as a second-
degree polynomial, and therefore (Remark 3.3) are in the span of the
products )vn)~ m. This is enough to point to the partition of unity, for the
set {)vn)v m" n ~ N, m ~ N } is perfect in this respect: We do have
n m n
~n,m~N ~n~m___ ~ ~ N[~n(~ ~ N ~m)] = ~ ~ N
after (13), and the support of )v n)v m is either the cluster of n, if n = m, or
the cluster of edge n to m, if n and m are neighbors (the inset, next
page, shows the level lines of )vn)vm). Note how the coefficients q~n m in
the expansion q0
= ~n, m
q~nm Kn~m are determined by the values of q0 at
15What is affine, then, is the "pull-back" of K n onto the reference tetrahedron. For this
notion, push a little forward (Note 7.9).
16There is in finite element theory a traditional distinction between "basis functions",
like the )n, and "shape functions", which are their restrictions to mesh volumes. As one
sees here, shape functions are more simply characterized. Theory, on the other hand, is
easier in terms of basis functions.
78 CHAPTER 3 Solving for the Scalar Magnetic Potential
the nodes and the mid-edges (Exer. 3.11).
3.10. Compute the averages of
;~nKm and ~n ~m ~ on a tetrahedron, in
all cases, n ~ m, n = m, etc.
3.11. Devise a set of p2 functions
Wmn such that
Wmn --
1 at the middle of
edge {m, n}, or at node n if n = m, and
0 at all other nodes and mid-edges.
3.12 (Gaussian quadrature
formulas). The average of an affine
function over a tetrahedron is the average
of its nodal values. The average of a
function is a
average of its nodal and mid-edge values. Which weights? What about
Finite elements with degrees of freedom attached to specific points
(cf. Note 10), like the p1 and p2 elements, are called
There are other varieties, built on hexahedra or other shapes, or with
derivatives as DoFs (those are
elements), and so forth. Refer
to specialized books such as [Ci]. There are also vector-valued finite
elements, to which we shall return in Chapters 5 and 6.
3.3.3 The linear system
Generated by these basis elements, the finite dimensional subspace
contains all functions of the form
q) = ~n~N~n ~n .
There is one degree of freedom q~n for each node n, equal to the value of
q0 at node n. The family q~ = {q~n : n ~ N} can be construed as a vector
of an N-dimensional space, where N = # N is the number of nodes in
the mesh. We shall denote this vector space by (it should rather be
~m' but we may drop the m without any risk of confusion while we are
dealing with
mesh at a time). Of course ~ and are isomorphic,
but they are objects of different kinds, and we shall keep the difference in
mind. To stress it, let us call Pm the injective map from into
defined by (14), which sends q~ to q~m = Pm(~)" Then, ~m = pm(~). Similar
notation will be used throughout, with capitals for spaces, and boldface
connoting degrees of freedom and the vector spaces they span. In
particular, we shall denote with bold parentheses the Euclidean scalar
product of two elements of ~, like this:
(q~, i~') = ~ne N q}n {~'n"
I h
To introduce ~ m' first call N (S) the set of all boundary nodes that
h h b
belong to S, including those on the frontier between S and S. Formally,
h h .
N(S )= {n ~ N : Xn ~ cl(S )}, where cl stands for the closure relative to
h h ....
S. Let N(S 0) and N(S 1) similarly be defined. Then, define
(16) ~i= {(p ~ ~. (Pn = 0 if n ~ N(Sh0), (Pn = I if n ~ N(sh)}
and, similarly, ~0, two parallel subspaces of ~. Finally, let us set
(17) ~0
1110 (i)I
m = Pro( )' m = Pm((1)I)"
I ~0
Relation (10), ~Im = q0 m + m' has a counterpart here. Let us construct
q~l, a special vector, with all components q)
n =
0 except for n e N(Shl),
where they are set to 1. Then, with
defined as (pi = I q)l,
11)I ~-- q}I q- I[I ~0 .
Remark 3.5. If you try to check (7) at this stage, you will see that it fails if
the faces at the boundary do not fit it exactly. Cf. the inset: a piecewise
affine function that vanishes at n and m, but not
at g, cannot be zero at x. Because of this tiny
difference, ~im is not contained in ~i, and applying
the geometrical reasonings suggested by Fig. 3.4
would be a "variational crime", in the sense of Strang
and Fix [SF]. This (jocular) charge should not deter
anyone from using a mesh similar to the one in
inset in case of a curved boundary. This is perfectly right! What is not,
and would constitute the crime, would be to apply the simple convergence
proof that will follow to such a situation, which calls for more cumbersome
treatment. Thanks to our decision to deform D into a polyhedron
before meshing, we do have ~i = ~
n (I)I
and ~0 = ~ n ~0, as
m m m m
announced in (7). But this will not be effectively used before we address
convergence and error analysis, and what immediately follows does not
depend on the truth of these assertions. ~)
We want now to interpret problem (9), that is,
) m
in algebraic terms. Since ~I m = P m(~)' this is a linear system with respect
find g3 m
~ lff£ )I
ID ~ grad q0 m . grad q0' = 0 V q0'~ ~0
m m I
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