Conducted by
August J. Aquila, Ph.D. and Coral L. Rice
Sponsored by
PCPS Division of the AICPA

2006 Owner Compensation Survey
Overall Results

What type of owner compensation system does the firm currently use? N %
Equal pay method 67 15.8
Formula method (firm uses algebraic formula to determine income allocation) 75 17.7
Managing owner decides how to allocate income 53 12.5
Compensation committee (small group of owners) decides how to allocate income 22 5.2
Executive committee decides how to allocate income 21 5.0
All owners (meet as a group) to decide how to allocate income 47 11.1
Pay-for-Performance method (objective and subjective goals are predetermined for each owner at the beginning of the year and evaluated at the end of the year)4 23 5.
Paper and Pencil method (all owners recommend a base compensation for each owner including themselves) 10 2.4
Ownership percentage method (income allocate based on ownership percentage) 28 6.6
Eat what you kill (system only rewards individual production effort) 23 5.4
Other (please specify) 55 13.0
Total Respondents 424  


For how many years have you been using this method? N %
1 year or less 13 3.1
2 to 5 years 81 19.6
5 or more years 320 77.3
Total Respondents 414  


Compared to 10 years ago, how much has your compensation system changed? N %
Hasn’t changed 185 45.2
Somewhat changed 142 34.7
Significantly changed 82 20.0
Total Respondents 409  


How likely is it that your firm will change its owner compensation system in the next two years? N %
Not likely 211 51.1
Somewhat likely 124 30.0
Very likely 64 15.5
Not sure 14 3.4
Total Respondents 413  


How satisfied are you with the current system? N %
Very dissatisfied 20 4.9
Somewhat dissatisfied 41 10.1
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 31 7.6
Somewhat satisfied 181 44.5
Very satisfied 134 32.9
Total Respondents 407  


How satisfied do you believe your fellow owners are with the current system? N %
Very dissatisfied 14 3.4
Somewhat dissatisfied 44 10.8
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 42 10.3
Somewhat satisfied 194 47.7
Very satisfied 95 23.3
Total Respondents 407  


If you were to select a new compensation system, which one would you select from the following? N %
Equal pay method 13 3.4
Formula method (firm uses algebraic formula to determine income allocation) 71 18.3
Managing owner decides how to allocate income 18 4.6
Compensation committee (small group of owners) decides how to allocate income 29 7.5
Executive committee decides how to allocate income 18 4.6
All owners (meet as a group) to decide how to allocate income 37 9.5
Pay-for-Performance method (objective and subjective goals are predetermined for each owner at the beginning of the year and evaluated at the end of the year) 140 36.1
Paper and Pencil method (all owners recommend a base compensation for each owner including themselves) 7 1.8
Ownership percentage method (income allocate based on ownership percentage) 14 3.6
Eat what you kill (system only rewards individual production effort) 17 4.4
Other (please specify) 24 6.2
Total Respondents 388  


Below is a list of compensation criteria that you may or may not use in your current system. Please indicate if each particular factor is used or not used in your current system. If it is used, please indicate how important the factor is to your current system. Currently used Not currently used
Book of business 43% (155) 35% (126)
Client or book gross profitability (cash collected less total time at cost to service client or book) 23% (80) 58% (198)
Community involvement 19% (65) 63% (214)
Cross-selling 15% (52) 68% (230)
Fees collected 37% (129) 40% (141)
Firm management responsibility 43% (150) 33% (115)
Industry experience/expertise 13% (45) 65% (218)
Managed charge hours 30% (102) 48% (164)
Mentoring and training employees 20% (68) 60% (206)
New business development (origination) 35% (124) 40% (141)
Ownership percentage 40% (141) 35% (124)
Personal billable hours (all hours that were actually billed to client) 36% (126) 39% (136)
Personal charge hours (all hours that were charged to work-in-process) 32% (113) 45% (159)
Professional involvement 17% (57) 60% (205)
Realization (net fees divided by gross fees) 33% (115) 44% (153)
Seniority within the firm 21% (72) 56% (192)
Technical expertise 19% (65) 58% (195)
Utilization (total charge hours divided by total work hours) 13% (44) 65% (215)
Total Respondents 367  


Below is a list of compensation criteria that you may or may not use in your current system. Please indicate if each particular factor is used or not used in your current system. If it is used please indicate how important the factor is to your current system. Very unimportant Somewhat unimportant Somewhat important Very important
Book of business 4% (13) 5% (17) 24% (85) 26% (94)
Client or book gross profitability (cash collected less total time at cost to service client or book) 2% (8) 4% (15) 21% (73) 15% (50)
Community involvement 4% (15) 15% (52) 20% (67) 2% (6)
Cross-selling 4% (14) 9% (29) 19% (66) 3% (11)
Fees collected 4% (14) 5% (16) 24% (83) 25% (89)
Firm management responsibility 3% (12) 9% (32) 39% (139) 13% (46)
Industry experience/expertise 3% (9) 7% (24) 26% (87) 6% (19)
Managed charge hours 3% (12) 8% (26) 28% (97) 13% (45)
Mentoring and training employees 2% (7) 11% (39) 24% (82) 7% (23)
New business development (origination) 1% (5) 7% (23) 28% (98) 23% (82)
Ownership percentage 9% (32) 12% (41) 23% (81) 17% (61)
Personal billable hours (all hours that were actually billed to client) 3% (10) 7% (25) 31% (108) 18% (63)
Personal charge hours (all hours that were charged to work-in-process) 5% (17) 10% (35) 26% (91) 13% (47)
Professional involvement 4% (15) 15% (51) 20% (67) 4% (13)
Realization (net fees divided by gross fees) 3% (10) 8% (29) 28% (98) 16% (56)
Seniority within the firm 8% (26) 13% (43) 20% (68) 6% (19)
Technical expertise 3% (9) 8% (27) 26% (88) 10% (33)
Utilization (total charge hours divided by total work hours) 5% (17) 11% (36) 19% (62) 5% (18)
Total Respondents 367      


How satisfied are you with the current criteria? N %
Very dissatisfied 15 4.1
Somewhat dissatisfied 44 11.9
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 37 10.0
Somewhat satisfied 164 44.4
Very satisfied 108 29.3
Total Respondents 369  


How satisfied do you believe your fellow owners are with the current criteria? N %
Very dissatisfied 8 2.2
Somewhat dissatisfied 41 11.1
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 48 13.0
Somewhat satisfied 181 49.1
Very satisfied 83 22.5
Total Respondents 369  


Which of the following criteria do you believe should be used in your owner compensation system? (check all that apply) N %
Book of business 224 63.1
Client or book gross profitability (cash collected less total time at cost to service client or book) 214 60.3
Community involvement 147 41.4
Cross-selling 147 41.4
Fees collected 234 65.9
Firm management responsibility 294 82.8
Industry experience/expertise 129 36.3
Managed charge hours 183 51.5
Mentoring and training employees 192 54.1
New business development (origination) 261 73.5
Ownership percentage 168 47.3
Personal billable hours (all hours that were actually billed to client) 200 56.3
Personal charge hours (all hours that were charged to work-in-process) 137 38.6
Professional involvement 131 36.9
Realization (net fees divided by gross fees) 216 60.8
Seniority within the firm 95 26.8
Technical expertise 175 49.3
Utilization (total charge hours divided by total work hours) 99 27.9
Other (please specify) 22 6.2
Total Respondents 355  


How would you describe the way in which owner performance is currently evaluated? N %
Formal, written annual evaluation of performance 34 9.3
Informal, verbal (little written) evaluation of performance 140 38.4
Combination of formal and informal 62 17.0
There is currently no evaluation of owner performance 129 35.3
Total Respondents 365  


Evaluation is mainly: N %
Objective 45 14.7
Subjective 95 31.0
Combination of objective and subjective 166 54.2
Total Respondents 306  


To what extent . . . Not at all To some extent To a great extent
Do you understand your firm’s compensation system? 1% (2) 7% (24) 93% (337)
Does each owner understand your firm’s compensation system? 1% (3) 24% (86) 75% (272)
Do you believe your firm’s owner compensation system drives performance? 15% (56) 53% (191) 32% (115)
Total Respondents 363    


Please indicate the extent to which you believe the current owner compensation system is designed to be fair to each owner in the firm. N %
System is not designed to be fair. 31 8.5
System is designed to be somewhat fair. 145 39.8
System is designed to be very fair. 188 51.6
Total Respondents 364  


Please indicate the extent to which you believe the current owner compensation system is applied fairly to each owner in the firm. N %
System is not applied fairly. 20 5.5
System is applied somewhat fairly. 126 34.6
System is applied very fairly. 218 59.9
Total Respondents 364  


To what extent do you believe setting individual owner goals contributes to higher levels of firm profitability? N %
Not at all 26 7.2
To some extent 194 54.0
To a great extent 139 38.7
Total Respondents 359  


Do you believe team/firm-wide goals tied to owner compensation are a useful process for achieving higher levels of profitability in the firm? N %
Yes 306 85.2
No 53 14.8
Total Respondents 359  


Does each owner in your firm have written goals? N %
Yes 71 19.6
No 291 80.4
Total Respondents 362  


Do you believe each owner should have written goals? N %
Yes 292 80.9
No 69 19.1
Total Respondents 361  


To what extent is your owner compensation system tied into achieving results of your strategic plan? N %
Not at all 190 52.9
To some extent 135 37.6
To a great extent 34 9.5
Total Respondents 359  


How much would you like the firm’s revenue (top line) to increase over the next 5 years? N %
1–5% 12 3.3
6–10% 64 17.8
11–15% 73 20.3
16%+ 211 58.6
Total Respondents 360  


How much would you like the firm’s profits to increase over the next 5 years? N %
1–5% 8 2.2
6–10% 54 15.0
11–15% 78 21.7
16%+ 220 61.1
Total Respondents 360  
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