Chapter 9. Distributed Computation

9.0. Introduction

With the advent of cheaper and cheaper storage, we’re inclined to store more and more data. As this data grows larger and larger, it becomes increasingly difficult to utilize to its full potential. In response, numerous new techniques have emerged in the last decade or so for dealing with such quantities of data.

The primary focus of this chapter is one such technique, MapReduce, developed at Google in the early 2000s. Functional even in name, this technique uses map and reduce in parallel across multiple machines at tremendous scale to process data at phenomenal speeds. In this chapter, we’ll be covering Cascalog, a data-processing library built on top of Hadoop, which is an open source MapReduce implementation.

We’ll also briefly cover Storm, a real-time stream-processing library in use at several tech giants such as Twitter, Groupon, and Yahoo!.


Cascalog defines a DSL based on Datalog, the same query language that backs Datomic. It might seem strange at first, but you will be thinking in Datalog in no time. Once you’ve wet your feet with these recipes, visit the Cascalog wiki for more information on writing your own queries.

Cascalog provides a concise syntax for describing data-processing jobs. Transformations and aggregates are easy to express in Cascalog. Joins are particularly simple. You might like the Cascalog syntax so much that you use it even for local jobs.

You can run your Cascalog jobs in a number of different ways. The easiest way is to run jobs locally. When running jobs locally, Cascalog uses Hadoop’s local mode, completing the entire job on your own computer. You get the benefit of parallelism, without the hassle of setting up a cluster.

Once your jobs outgrow local mode, you’ll need to start running them on a Hadoop cluster. Having your own cluster is a lot of fun, but it can take a fair amount of work (and money!) to set up and maintain. If you don’t need a cluster very often, you might consider running your job on link to Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR). EMR provides on-demand Hadoop clusters the same way EC2 provides on-demand servers. You’ll need an Amazon Web Services account to run the job, but it isn’t difficult. You can read exactly how to do it later, in Recipe 9.7, “Running a Cascalog Job on Elastic MapReduce”. Whether you run your job on EMR or on your own cluster, you will package up your code into an uberjar (see Recipe 8.2, “Packaging a Project into a JAR File”), then send it to Hadoop for execution. It is surprisingly simple to get hundreds of computers working on your task.

9.1. Building an Activity Feed System with Storm


You want to build an activity stream processing system to filter and aggregate the raw event data generated by the users of your application.


Streams are a dominant metaphor for presenting information to users of the modern Internet. Used on sites like Facebook and Twitter and mobile apps like Instagram and Tinder, streams are an elegant tool for giving users a window into the deluge of information generated by the applications they use every day.

As a developer of these applications, you want tools to process the firehose of raw event data generated by user actions. They must offer powerful capabilities for filtering and aggregating data and must be arbitrarily scalable to serve ever-growing user bases. Ideally they should provide high-level abstractions that help you organize and grow the complexity of your stream-processing logic to accommodate new features and a complex world.

Clojure offers just such a tool in Storm, a distributed real-time computation system that aims to be for real-time computation what Hadoop is for batch computation. In this section, you’ll build a simple activity stream processing system that can be easily extended to solve real-world problems.

First, create a new Storm project using its Leiningen template:

$ lein new cookbook-storm-project feeds

In the project directory, run the default Storm topology (which the lein template has generated for you):

$ cd feeds
$ lein run -m feeds.topology/run!
Compiling feeds.TopologySubmitter
Emitting: spout default [:bizarro]
Processing received message source: spout:4, stream: default, id: {}, [:bizarro]
Emitting: stormy-bolt default ["I'm bizarro Stormy!"]
Processing received message source: stormy-bolt:5,
  stream: default, id: {}, [I'm bizarro Stormy!]
Emitting: feeds-bolt default ["feeds produced: I'm bizarro Stormy!"]

This generated example topology just babbles example messages incoherently, which probably isn’t what you want, so begin by modifying the “spout” to produce realistic events.

In Storm parlance, the “spout” is the component that inserts data into the processing system and creates a data stream. Open src/feeds/spouts.clj and replace the defspout form with a new spout that will periodically produce random user events such as one might see in an online marketplace (in a real application, of course, you’d hook this up to some source of real data rather than a random data generator):

(defspout event-spout ["event"]
  [conf context collector]
  (let [events [{:action :commented, :user :travis, :listing :red-shoes}
                {:action :liked, :user :jim, :listing :red-shoes}
                {:action :liked, :user :karen, :listing :green-hat}
                {:action :liked, :user :rob, :listing :green-hat}
                {:action :commented, :user :emma, :listing :green-hat}]]
     (nextTuple []
       (Thread/sleep 1000)
       (emit-spout! collector [(rand-nth events)])))))

Next, open src/feeds/bolts/clj. Add a bolt that accepts a user and an event and produces a tuple of (user, event) for each user in the system. A bolt consumes a stream, does some processing, and emits a new stream:

(defbolt active-user-bolt ["user" "event"] [{event "event" :as tuple} collector]
       (doseq [user [:jim :rob :karen :kaitlyn :emma :travis]]
    (emit-bolt! collector [user event]))
  (ack! collector tuple))

Now add a bolt that accepts a user and an event and emits a tuple if and only if the user is following the user who triggered the event:

(defbolt follow-bolt ["user" "event"] {:prepare true}
  [conf context collector]
  (let [follows {:jim #{:rob :emma}
                 :rob #{:karen :kaitlyn :jim}
                 :karen #{:kaitlyn :emma}
                 :kaitlyn #{:jim :rob :karen :kaitlyn :emma :travis}
                 :emma #{:karen}
                 :travis #{:kaitlyn :emma :karen :rob}}]
     (execute [{user "user" event "event" :as tuple}]
              (when ((follows user) (:user event))
                (emit-bolt! collector [user event]))
              (ack! collector tuple)))))

Finally, add a bolt that accepts a user and an event and stores the event in a hash of sets like {:user1 #{event1 event2} :user2 #{event1 event2}}—these are the activity streams you’ll present to users:

(defbolt feed-bolt ["user" "event"] {:prepare true}
  [conf context collector]
  (let [feeds (atom {})]
     (execute [{user "user" event "event" :as tuple}]
              (swap! feeds #(update-in % [user] conj event))
              (println "Current feeds:")
              (clojure.pprint/pprint @feeds)
              (ack! collector tuple)))))

This gives you all the pieces you’ll need, but you’ll still need to assemble them into a computational topology. Open up src/feeds/topology.clj and use the topology DSL to wire the spouts and bolts together:

(defn storm-topology []
   {"events" (spout-spec event-spout)}

   {"active users" (bolt-spec {"events" :shuffle} active-user-bolt :p 2)
    "follows" (bolt-spec {"active users" :shuffle} follow-bolt :p 2)
    "feeds" (bolt-spec {"follows" ["user"]} feed-bolt :p 2)}))

You’ll also need to update the :require statement in that file:

  (:require [feeds
             [spouts :refer [event-spout]]
             [bolts :refer [active-user-bolt follow-bolt feed-bolt]]]
            [backtype.storm [clojure :refer [topology spout-spec bolt-spec]]
                            [config :refer :all]])

Run the topology again. Feeds will be printed to the console by the final bolts in the topology:

$ lein run -m feeds.topology/run!


Storm’s Clojure DSL doesn’t look like standard Clojure. Instead, it uses Clojure’s macros to extend the language to the domain of stream processing. Storm’s stream processing abstraction consists of four core primitives:

Allow programmers to provide names for values. Tuples are dynamically typed lists of values.
Produce tuples, often by reading from a distributed queue.
Accept tuples as input and produce new tuples—these are the core computational units of a Storm topology.
Used to wire spouts to bolts and bolts to other bolts, creating a computational topology. Streams can be configured with rules for routing certain types of tuples to specific instances of bolts.

The following subsections review the components of our system to give a better picture of how these primitives work together.


defspout looks much like Clojure’s standard defn, with one difference—the second argument to defspout is a list of names that will be assigned to elements of each tuple this spout produces. This lets you use tuples like vectors or maps interchangeably. The third argument to defspout is a list of arguments that will be bound various components of Storm’s operational infrastructure.

In the case of the event-spout spout, only collector is used:

(defspout event-spout ["event"]
  [conf context collector]

defspout’s body will be evaluated once, when the spout instance is created, which gives you an opportunity to create in-memory state. Usually this will be a connection to a database or distributed queue, but in this case you’ll create a list of events this spout will produce:

  (let [events [{:action :commented, :user :travis, :listing :red-shoes}
                {:action :liked, :user :jim, :listing :red-shoes}
                {:action :liked, :user :karen, :listing :green-hat}
                {:action :liked, :user :rob, :listing :green-hat}
                {:action :commented, :user :emma, :listing :green-hat}]]

This call to spout creates an instance of a spout with the given implementation of nextTuple. This implementation simply sleeps for one second and then uses emit-spout! to emit a one-element tuple consisting of a random event from the preceding list:

     (nextTuple []
       (Thread/sleep 1000)
       (emit-spout! collector [(rand-nth events)])))))

nextTuple will be called repeatedly in a tight loop, so if you create a spout that polls an external resource, you may need to provide your own backoff algorithm to avoid excess load on that resource.

You can also implement the spout’s ack method to implement a “reliable” spout that will provide message-processing guarantees. For more information on reliable spouts, see Storm’s spout implementation for the Kestrel queueing system, storm-kestrel.


Every time a user takes an action in this system, the system needs to determine whether each other user in the system will be interested in it. Given a simple interest system like Twitter, where users express interest in a single way (i.e., user follows), you could simply look at the follower list of the user who took the action and update feeds accordingly. In a more complex system, however, interest might be expressed by having liked the item the action was taken against, following a collection that the item has been added to, or following the seller of the item. In this world, you need to consider a variety of factors for each user in the system for every event and determine whether the event should be added to that user’s feed.

The first bolt starts this process by generating a tuple of (user, event) for each user in the system every time an event is generated by the event-spout:

(defbolt active-user-bolt ["user" "event"] [{event "event" :as tuple} collector]
  (doseq [user [:jim :rob :karen :kaitlyn :emma :travis]]
    (emit-bolt! collector [user event]))
  (ack! collector tuple))

defbolt’s signature looks very similar to defspout. The second argument is a list of names that will be assigned to tuples generated by this bolt, and the third argument is a list of parameters. The first parameter will be bound to the input tuple, and may be destructured as a map or a vector.

The body of this bolt iterates through a list of users in the system and emits a tuple for each of them. The last line of the body calls ack! on this tuple, which allows Storm to track message processing and restart processing when appropriate.


The next bolt is a prepared bolt; that is, one that maintains in-memory state. In many cases, this would mean maintaining a connection to a database or a queue, or a data structure aggregating some aspect of the tuples it processes, but this example maintains a complete list of the followers in the system in memory.

This bolt looks more like the spout definition. The second argument is a list of names, the third argument is a map of bolt configuration options (importantly, these set :prepare to true), and the fourth argument is the same set of operational arguments received in defspout:

(defbolt follow-bolt ["user" "event"] {:prepare true}
  [conf context collector]

The body of the bolt first defines the list of followers, and then provides the actual bolt definition inside a call to bolt:

  (let [follows {:jim #{:rob :emma}
                 :rob #{:karen :kaitlyn :jim}
                 :karen #{:kaitlyn :emma}
                 :kaitlyn #{:jim :rob :karen :kaitlyn :emma :travis}
                 :emma #{:karen}
                 :travis #{:kaitlyn :emma :karen :rob}}]
     (execute [{user "user" event "event" :as tuple}]
              (when ((follows user) (:user event))
                (emit-bolt! collector [user event]))
              (ack! collector tuple)))))

Note that the tuple argument is inside the bolt’s definition of execute in this case and may be destructured as usual. In cases where the event’s user is not following the user in the tuple, it does not emit a new tuple and simply acknowledges that it received the input.

As noted earlier, this particular system could be implemented much more simply by querying whatever datastore tracks follows and simply adding a story to the feed of each follower. Anticipating a more complicated system, however, provides a massively extensible architecture. This bolt could easily be expanded to a collection of scoring bolts, each of which would evaluate a user/event pair based on its own criteria and emit a tuple of (user, event, score). A score aggregation bolt would receive scores from each scoring bolt and choose to emit a tuple once it received scores from each type of scoring bolt in the system. In this world, adjusting the factors determining the makeup of a user’s feed and their relative weights would be trivial—indeed, production experience with just such a system was, in the opinion of the authors, delightful (see the Rising Tide project page on GitHub).


The final bolt aggregates events into feeds. Since it only receives (user, event) tuples that the “scoring system” has approved, it needs only add the event to the existing list of events it has received for the given user:

  (let [feeds (atom {})]
     (execute [{user "user" event "event" :as tuple}]
              (swap! feeds #(update-in % [user] conj event))
              (println "Current feeds:")
              (clojure.pprint/pprint @feeds)
              (ack! collector tuple))))

This toy topology simply prints the current feeds every time it receives a new event, but in the real world it would persist feeds to a durable datastore or a cache that could efficiently serve the feeds to users.

Note that this design can be easily extended to support event digesting; rather than storing each event separately, it could aggregate an incoming event with other similar events for the user’s convenience.

As described, this system has one enormous flaw: by default, Storm tuples are delivered to exactly one instance of each bolt, and the number of instances in existence is not defined in the bolt implementation. If the topology operator adds more than one feed-bolt, we may have events for the same user delivered to different bolt instances, giving each bolt a different feed for the same user.

Happily, this flaw is addressed by Storm’s support for stream grouping, which is defined in the Storm topology definition.


The topology definition is where the rubber meets the road. Spouts are wired to bolts, which are wired to other bolts, and the flow of tuples between them can be configured to give useful properties to the computation.

This is also where you define the component-level parallelism of the topology, which provides a rough sketch of the true operational parallelism of the system.

A topology definition consists of spout specifications and bolt specifications, each of which is a map from names to specifications.

Spout specifications simply give a name to a spout implementation:

   {"events" (spout-spec event-spout)}

Multiple spouts can be configured, and the specification may define the parallelism of the spout:

     "events" (spout-spec event-spout)
     "parallel-spout" (spout-spec a-different-more-parallel-spout :p 2)

This definition means the topology will have one instance of event-spout and two instances of a-different-more-parallel-spout.

Bolt definitions get a bit more complicated:

    "active users" (bolt-spec {"events" :shuffle} active-user-bolt :p 2)
    "follows" (bolt-spec {"active users" :shuffle} follow-bolt :p 2)

As with the spout spec, you must provide a name for the bolt and specify its parallelism. In addition, bolts require specifying a stream grouping, which defines (a) from which component the bolt receives tuples and (b) how the system chooses which in-memory instance of the bolt to send tuples to. Both of these cases specify :shuffle, which means tuples from “events” will be sent to a random instance of active-user-bolt, and tuples from “active users” will be sent to a random instance of follow-bolt.

As noted, feed-bolt needs to be more careful:

    "feeds" (bolt-spec {"follows" ["user"]} feed-bolt :p 2)

This bolt spec specifies a fields grouping on “user”. This means that all tuples with the same “user” value will be sent to the same instance of feed-bolt. This stream grouping is configured with a list of field names, so field groupings may consider the equality of multiple field values when determining which bolt instance should process a given tuple.

Storm also supports stream groupings that send tuples to all instances and groupings that let the bolt producing a tuple determine where to send it. Combined with the groupings already seen, these provide an enormous amount of flexibility in determining how data flows through your topology.

Each of these component specifications supports a parallelism option. Because the topology does not specify the physical hardware upon which it will run, these hints cannot be used to determine the true parallelism of the system, but they are used by the cluster to determine how many in-memory instances of the specified components to create.


The real magic of Storm comes out in deployment. Storm gives you the tools to build small, independent components that make no assumptions about how many identical instances are running in the same topology. This means that the topology itself is essentially infinitely scalable. The edges of the system, which receive data from and send data to external components like queues and databases, are not necessarily as scalable, but in many cases, strategies for scaling these services are well understood.

A simple deployment strategy is built into the Storm library:

  (doto (LocalCluster.)
    (.submitTopology "my first topology"
                     {TOPOLOGY-DEBUG (Boolean/parseBoolean debug)
                      TOPOLOGY-WORKERS (Integer/parseInt workers)}

LocalCluster is an in-memory implementation of a Storm cluster. You can specify the number of workers it will use to execute the components of your topology and submit the topology itself, at which point it begins polling the nextTuple methods of the topology’s spouts. As spouts emit tuples, they are propagated through the system to complete the topology’s computation.

Submitting the topology to a configured cluster is nearly as simple, as you can see in src/feeds/TopologySubmitter.clj:

(defn -main [& {debug "debug" workers "workers" :or {debug "false" workers "4"}}]
   "feeds topology"
   {TOPOLOGY-DEBUG (Boolean/parseBoolean debug)
    TOPOLOGY-WORKERS (Integer/parseInt workers)}

This file uses Clojure’s Java interop to generate a Java class with a main method. Because the project.clj file specifies that this file should be ahead-of-time compiled, when you use lein uberjar to build a JAR suitable for submission to the cluster, this file will be compiled to look like a normal Java class file. You can upload this JAR to the machine running Storm’s Nimbus daemon and submit it for execution using the storm command:

$ storm jar path/to/thejariuploaded.jar feeds.TopologySubmitter "workers" 5

This command will tell the cluster to allocate five dedicated workers for this topology and begin polling nextTuple on all of its spouts, as it did when you used LocalCluster. A cluster may run any number of topologies simultaneously—each worker is a physical JVM and may end up running instances of many different bolts and spouts.

The full details of setting up and running a Storm cluster are out of the scope of this recipe, but they are documented extensively on Storm’s wiki.


We’ve only touched on a fraction of the functionality Storm has to offer. Built-in distributed remote procedure calls allow users to harness the power of a Storm cluster to make synchronous requests that trigger a flurry of activity across hundreds or thousands of machines. Guaranteed data-processing semantics allow users to build extremely robust systems. Trident, a higher-level abstraction over Storm’s primitives, provides breathtakingly simple solutions to complicated real-time computing problems. A detailed runtime console provides crucial insight into the runtime characteristics of a fully operational Storm cluster. The power provided by this system is truly remarkable.

Storm is also a fantastic example of Clojure’s ability to be extended to a problem domain. Its constructs idiomatically extend Clojure syntax and allow the programmer to stay within the domain of real-time processing, without needing to deal with low-level language formalities. This allows Storm to truly get out of the way. The majority of the code in a well-written Storm topology’s code base is focused on the problem at hand. The result is concise, maintainable code and happy programmers.

See Also

9.2. Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline


You need to change the format of large amounts of data from JSON lists to CSV for later processing. For example, you want to turn this input:

{"name": "Clojure Programming", "authors": ["Chas Emerick",
                                            "Brian Carper",
                                            "Christophe Grand"]}
{"name": "The Joy of Clojure", "authors": ["Michael Fogus", "Chris Houser"]}

into this output:

Chas Emerick,Brian Carper,Christophe Grand
Michael Fogus,Chris Houser


Cascalog allows you to write distributed processing jobs that can run locally for small jobs or on a Hadoop cluster for larger jobs.

To follow along with this recipe, create a new Leiningen project:

$ lein new cookbook

Modify your new project’s project.clj file by adding the cascalog dependency, setting up the :dev profile, and enabling AOT compilation for the cookbook.etl namespace. Your project.clj file should now look like this:

(defproject cookbook "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                 [cascalog "1.10.2"]
                 [org.clojure/data.json "0.2.2"]]
  :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "1.1.2"]]}}
  :aot [cookbook.etl])

Create the file src/cookbook/etl.clj and add a query to it:

(ns cookbook.etl
  (:require [cascalog.api :refer :all]
            [ :as json]))

(defn get-vec
  "Wrap the result in a vector for Cascalog to consume."
  [m k]
   (get m k)))

(defn vec->csv
  "Turn a vector into a CSV string. (Not production quality)."
  (apply str (interpose "," v)))

(defmain Main [in out & args]
    (hfs-textline out :sinkmode :replace)
    ((hfs-textline in) ?in-json)
    (json/read-str ?in-json :> ?book-map)
    (get-vec ?book-map "authors" :> ?authors)
    (vec->csv ?authors :> ?out-csv)))

Create a file with input data in samples/books/books.json:

{"name": "Clojure Cookbook", "authors": ["Ryan", "Luke"]}


The full contents of this solution are available on GitHub in the Cascalog samples repository.

To retrieve a copy of the working project, clone the project from GitHub and check out the etl-sample branch:

$ git clone
$ cd cascalog-samples
$ git checkout etl-sample

You can now execute the job locally with lein run, providing an input and output file:

$ lein run -m cookbook.etl.Main samples/books/books.json samples/books/output

# Or, on a Hadoop cluster
$ lein uberjar
$ hadoop jar target/cookbook-standalone.jar cookbook.etl.Main 
  books.json books.csv

The results in samples/books/output/part-00000 are as follows:



While it would be easy to write a script that converted JSON to CSV, it would be a lot of work to convert the script to run across many computers. Writing the transform script using Cascalog allows it to run in local mode or distributed mode with almost no modification.

There are a lot of new concepts and syntax in the preceding small example, so let’s break it down piece by piece.

In this recipe, the data flows through the functions roughly in order. The first line uses the defmain macro (from Cascalog) to define a class with a -main function that lets you run the query over Hadoop. In this case, the class with a -main function is called Main, but that is not required. defmain allows you to create several Hadoop-enabled queries in the same file:

(defmain Main [in out & args]

Inside the Main function is a Cascalog operator, ?<-,[34] that defines and executes a query:


This operator takes an output location (called a “tap” in Cascalog), a result vector, and a series of logic predicates. The next line is the destination, the place the output will be written to. The same functions are used to create input and output taps:

(hfs-textline out :sinkmode :replace)

This example uses hfs-textline, but many other taps exist. You can even write your own.


Use :sinkmode :replace in your output tap, and Cascalog will replace any existing output. This helps while you are rerunning the query to debug it. Otherwise, you will have to remove the output file every time you want to rerun.

This is a list of all the logic variables that should be returned from this query:


In this case, these are the logic variables that will be dumped into the output location. Cascalog knows these are special logic variables because their names begin with a ? or a !.


When thinking about logic variables, it helps to think of them as containing all possible valid values. As you add predicates, you either introduce new logic variables that are (hopefully) linked to existing variables, or you add constraints to existing logic variables.

The next line defines the input tap. The JSON data structures will be read in one line at a time from the location specified by in. Each line will be stored into the ?in-json logic var, which will flow through the rest of the logic predicates:

((hfs-textline in) ?in-json)

read-str parses the JSON string found in ?in-json into a hash map, which is stored into ?book-map:

(json/read-str ?in-json ?book-map)

Now you pull the authors out of the map and store the vector into its own logic variable. Cascalog assumes vector output means binding multiple logic vars. To outsmart Cascalog, wrap the output in an extra vector for Cascalog to consume:

(get-vec ?book-map "authors" ?authors)

Finally, you convert the vector of authors into valid CSV using the vec->csv function. Since this line produces values for the ?out-csv logic variable, which is named in the output line earlier, the query will produce the output:

(vec->csv ?authors ?out-csv)))

Cascalog is a great tool for building an extract transform load (ETL) pipeline. It allows you to spend more time thinking about your data and less time thinking about the mechanics of reading files, distributing work, or managing dependencies. When writing your own ETL pipelines, it might help to follow this process:

  1. Finalize the input format(s).
  2. Finalize the output format(s).
  3. Start working from the input format, keeping track of the current format for each step.

See Also

9.3. Aggregating Large Files


You need to generate aggregate statistics from terabytes of log files. For example, for a simple input log file (<date>,<URL>,<USER-ID>):


you want to output aggregate statistics like this:

"URL"  {"/"              2
        "/post/datomic"  1
        "/post/clojure"  3}
"User" {"23" 2
        "11" 3
        "14" 1}
"Day"  {"20130512" 6}


Cascalog allows you to write distributed processing jobs that run locally or on a Hadoop cluster.

To follow along with this recipe, clone the Cascalog samples GitHub repository and check out the aggregation-begin branch. This will give you a basic Cascalog project as created in Recipe 9.2, “Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline”:

$ git clone
$ cd cascalog-samples
$ git checkout aggregation-begin

Now add [cascalog/cascalog-more-taps "2.0.0"] to the project’s dependencies and set the cookbook.aggregation namespace to be AOT-compiled. project.clj should look like this:

(defproject cookbook "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                 [cascalog "2.0.0"]
                 [cascalog/cascalog-more-taps "2.0.0"]
                 [org.clojure/data.json "0.2.2"]]
  :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "1.1.2"]]}}
  :aot [cookbook.etl

Create the file src/cookbook/aggregation.clj and add an aggregation query to it:

(ns cookbook.aggregation
  (:require [cascalog.api :refer :all]
            [cascalog.more-taps :refer [hfs-delimited]]))

(defn init-aggregate-stats [date url user]
  (let [day (.substring date 0 8)]
    {"URL"  {url 1}
     "User" {user 1}
     "Day"  {date 1}}))

(def combine-aggregate-stats
  (partial merge-with (partial merge-with +)))

(defparallelagg aggregate-stats
  :init-var    #'init-aggregate-stats
  :combine-var #'combine-aggregate-stats)

(defmain Main [in out & args]
    (hfs-textline out :sinkmode :replace)
    ((hfs-delimited in :delimiter ",") ?date ?url ?user)
    (aggregate-stats ?date ?url ?user :> ?out)))

Add some sample data to the file samples/posts/posts.csv:



The full contents of this solution are available in the aggregation-complete branch of the Cascalog samples repository.

Check out that branch to retrieve a full working copy with sample data:

$ git checkout aggregation-complete

You can now execute the job locally:

$ lein run -m cookbook.aggregation.Main 
  samples/posts/posts.csv samples/posts/output

# Or, on a Hadoop cluster
$ lein uberjar
$ hadoop jar target/cookbook-standalone.jar 
             samples/posts/posts.csv samples/posts/output

The results in samples/posts/output/part-00000, formatted for readability, are as follows:

"URL"  {"/"              2
        "/post/datomic"  1
        "/post/clojure"  3}
"User" {"23" 2
        "11" 3
        "14" 1}
"Day"  {"20130512" 6}


Cascalog makes it easy to quickly generate aggregate statistics. Aggregate statistics can be tricky on some MapReduce frameworks. In general, the map phase of a MapReduce job is well distributed across the cluster. The reduce phase is often less well distributed. For instance, a naive implementation of the aggregation algorithm would end up doing all of the aggregation work on a single reducer. A 2,000-computer cluster would be as slow as a 1-computer cluster during the reduce phase if all the aggregation happened on one node.

Before you start writing your own aggregator, check through the source of cascalog.logic.ops. This namespace has many useful functions and probably already does what you want to do.

In our example, the goal is to count occurrences of each URL. To create the final map, all of the URLs need to end up in one reducer. A naive MapReduce program implementation would use an aggregation over all the tuples. That means you’d be doing all the work on only one node, with the computation taking just as long as it would on a single computer.

The solution is to use Hadoop’s combiner function. Combiners run on the result of the map phase, before the output is sent to the reducers. Most importantly, the combiner runs on the mapper nodes. That means combiner work is spread across the entire cluster, like map work. When the majority of the work is done during the map and combiner phases, the reduce phase can run almost instantly. Cascalog makes this very easy. Many of the built-in Cascalog functions use combiners under the covers, so you’ll be writing highly optimized queries without even trying. You can even write your own functions to use combiners using the defparallelagg macro.


Cascalog often works with vars instead of the values of those vars. For example, the call to defparallelagg takes quoted arguments. The #' syntax means that the var is being passed, not the value that the var refers to. Cascalog passes the vars around instead of values so that it doesn’t have to serialize functions to pass them to the mappers and reducers. It just passes the name of the var, which is looked up in the remote execution environment. This means you won’t be able to dynamically construct functions for some parts of the Cascalog workflow. Most functions need to be bound to a var.

defparallelagg is kind of confusing at first, but the power to write queries that leverage combiners makes it worth learning. You need to provide two vars that point to functions to the defparallelagg call: init-var and combine-var. Note that both arguments are being passed as vars, not function values, so you need to prepend a #' to the names. The init-var function needs to take the input data and change it into a format that can be easily processed by the combine-var function. In this case, the recipe changes the data into a map of maps that can easily be merged. Merging maps is an easy way to write parallel aggregators. The combine-var function needs to be commutative and associative. The function is called with two instances of the output of the init-var function. The return value will be passed as an argument to later invocations of the combine-var function. Pairs of output will be combined until there is only one output left, which is the final output.

What follows is an explanation of the query, bit by bit.

First, require the Cascalog functions you’ll need:

(ns cookbook.aggregation
  (:require [cascalog.api :refer :all]
            [cascalog.more-taps :refer [hfs-delimited]]))

Then define a function, init-aggregate-stats, that takes a date, URL, and user and returns a map of maps. The second level of maps has keys that correspond to the observed values. This is the init function, which takes each row and prepares it for aggregation:

(defn init-aggregate-stats [date url user]
  (let [day (.substring date 0 8)]
    {"URL"  {url 1}
     "User" {user 1}
     "Day"  {date 1}}))

The combine-aggregate-stats function takes the output of invoking the init-aggregate-stats function on all the inputs and combines it. This function will be called over and over, combining the output of init-aggregate-stats function calls and the output of other invocations of itself. Its output should be of the same form as its input, since this function will be called on pairs of output until there is only one piece of data left. This function merges the nested maps, adding the values together when they are in the same key:

(def combine-aggregate-stats
  (partial merge-with (partial merge-with +)))

aggregate-stats takes the two previous functions and turns them into a Cascalog parallel-aggregation operation. Note that you pass the vars, not the functions themselves:

(defparallelagg aggregate-stats
  :init-var    #'init-aggregate-stats
  :combine-var #'combine-aggregate-stats)

Finally, set up Main to define and execute a query that invokes the aggregate-stats operation across input from in, writing it to out:

(defmain Main [in out & args]
  ;; This defines and executes a Cascalog query.
    ;; Set up the output path.
    (hfs-textline out :sinkmode :replace)
    ;; Define which logic variables will be output.
    ;; Set up the input path, and define the logic vars to bind to input.
    ((hfs-delimited in) ?date ?url ?user)
    ;; Run the aggregation operation.
    (aggregate-stats ?date ?url ?user :> ?out)))

If the aggregate you want to calculate can’t be defined using defparallelagg, Cascalog provides some other options for defining aggregates. However, many of them don’t use combiners and could leave you with almost all the computation happening in a small number of reducers. The computation will probably finish, but you are losing a lot of the benefit of distributed computation. Check out the source of cascalog.logic.ops to see what the different options are and how you can use them.

See Also

  • The source of cascalog.logic.ops, a namespace with many predefined operations (including aggregators)

9.4. Testing Cascalog Workflows


You love testing your code. You love writing Cascalog jobs. You hate trying to test your Cascalog jobs.


Midje-Cascalog provides a small amount of extra functionality that makes writing tests for Cascalog jobs quite easy. To follow along with this recipe, clone the Cascalog samples GitHub repository and check out the testing-begin branch. This will give you a basic Cascalog project as created in Recipe 9.2, “Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline”.

Now add the Midje plug-in and Midje-Cascalog dependency to the :dev profile in your project.clj. The :profiles key should now look like this:

(defproject cookbook "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  ;; ...
  :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "1.1.2"]
                                  [cascalog/midje-cascalog "2.0.0"]]
                   :plugins [[lein-midje "3.1.1"]]}})

Create a simple query in src/cookbook/test_me.clj to write a test against:

(ns cookbook.test-me
  (:require [cascalog.api :refer :all]))

(defn capitalize [s]
  (.toUpperCase s))

(defn capitalize-authors-query [author-path]
  (<- [?capitalized-author]
    ((hfs-textline author-path) ?author)
    (capitalize ?author :> ?capitalized-author)))

You can now write a test for this query in test/cookbook/test_me_test.clj:

(ns cookbook.test-me-test
  (:require [cookbook.midje-cascalog :refer :all]
              [sweet :refer :all]
              [cascalog :refer :all]]))

(fact "Query should return capitalized versions of the input names."
  (capitalize-authors-query :author-path) => (produces [["LUKE VANDERHART"]
                                                        ["RYAN NEUFELD"]])
    (hfs-textline :author-path) => [["Luke Vanderhart"]
                                    ["Ryan Neufeld"]]))


The full contents of this solution are available in the testing-complete branch of the Cascalog samples repository.

Check out that branch to retrieve a full working copy with sample data:

$ git checkout testing-complete

Finally, run the tests with lein midje:

$ lein midje
2013-11-09 12:19:27.844 java[3620:1703] Unable to load realm info from
All checks (1) succeeded.


Unit testing is an important aspect of software craftsmanship. However, unit testing Hadoop workflows is difficult, to say the least. Most distributed computing development is done using trial and error, with only limited manual testing happening before the workflow is considered “good enough” and put into production use. You shouldn’t let your code quality slip, but testing distributed code can be difficult. Midje-Cascalog makes it easy to test different parts of your Cascalog workflow by making it dead simple to mock out the results of subqueries.

In the solution outlined, you are testing a simple query. It reads lines from the input path, capitalizes them, and outputs them. Normally, you’d need to make sure part of the test wrote some test data into a file, reference that file in the test, then clean up and delete the file. Instead, using Midje-Cascalog, you mock the hfs-textline call.

fact is provided by the Midje library, which is well worth learning on its own. It is an alternative to deftest from clojure.test. Here, you state the test as a call, followed by an arrow and then the produces function. produces lets you write out the results of a query as a vector of vectors. Having established the test, you use provided to outline the functions you want to mock. This lets you test only the function in question, and not the functions it depends on. Testing your Cascalog workflows is as important as testing any other part of your application. With Midje-Cascalog, this is actually possible.

9.5. Checkpointing Cascalog Jobs


Your long-running Cascalog jobs throw errors, then need to be completely restarted. You waste time waiting for steps to rerun when the problem was later in the workflow.


Cascalog Checkpoint is an excellent library that provides the ability to add checkpoints to your Cascalog job. If a step fails, the job is restarted at that step, instead of restarting from the beginning.

In an existing Cascalog project, such as the one generated by Recipe 9.2, “Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline”, add [cascalog/cascalog-checkpoint "1.10.2"] to your project’s dependencies and set the cookbook.checkpoint namespace to be AOT-compiled.

Then use Cascalog Checkpoint’s workflow macro to set up your job. A hypothetical four-step job would look something like this:

(ns cookbook.checkpoint
  (:require [cascalog.api :refer :all]
            [cascalog.checkpoint :refer [workflow]]))

(defmain Main [in-path out-path & args]
  (workflow ["/tmp/log-parsing"]
    step-1 ([:temp-dirs parsed-logs-path]
            (parse-logs in-path parsed-logs-path))
    step-2 ([:temp-dirs [min-path max-path]]
            (get-min parsed-logs-path min-path)
            (get-max parsed-logs-path max-path))
    step-3 ([:deps step-1 :temp-dirs log-sample-path]
            (sample-logs parsed-logs-path log-sample-path))
    step-4 ([:deps :all]
            (summary parsed-logs-path


Cascalog jobs often take hours to run. There are few things more frustrating than a typo in the last step breaking a job that has been running all weekend. Cascalog Checkpoint provides the workflow macro, which allows you to restart a job from the last step that successfully completed.

The workflow macro expects its first argument, checkpoint-dir, to be a vector with a path for temporary files. The output of each step is temporarily stored in folders inside this path, along with some files to keep track of what steps have successfully completed.

After the first argument, workflow expects pairs of step names and step definitions. A step definitions is a vector of options, followed by as many Cascalog queries as desired for that step. For example:

step-3 ([:deps step-1 :temp-dirs [log-sample-path log-other-sample-path]]
        (sample-logs parsed-logs-path log-sample-path)
        (other-sample-logs parsed-logs-path log-other-sample-path))

This step definition defines step-3. It depends on step-1, so it won’t run until step-1 has completed. This step creates two temporary directories for its queries. Both :deps and :temp-dirs can be either a symbol or a vector of symbols, or can be omitted. After the options vector, you can include one or many Cascalog queries; in this case, there are two queries.

:deps can take several different values. :last, which is the default value, makes the step depend on the step before it. :all makes the step depend on all previously defined steps. Providing a symbol, or vector of symbols, makes that step depend on that particular step or steps. A step won’t run until everything it depends upon has completed. If several steps have their dependencies met, they will all run in parallel.

Every symbol provided to :temp-dirs is turned into a directory within the temp directory. Later steps can use these directories to read data output by earlier steps. These directories are cleaned up once the workflow successfully runs all the way through. Until then, these directories hold the output from the different steps so the workflow can resume from the last incomplete step.


If you want to restart a step that successfully completed, delete the file at <checkpoint-dir>/<step-name>. The :temp-dirs from the step definitions can be found in <checkpoint-dir>/data/<temp-dir>, in case you need to delete or modify the data there.

Another method for dealing with errors is providing error taps for your Cascalog queries. Cascalog will put the input tuples that cause errors in a query into the error tap (for different processing or to dump for manual inspection). With error taps in place, a couple of malformed inputs won’t bring down your entire workflow.

Checkpointing your Cascalog jobs is a little bit of extra work initially, but it’ll save you a lot of time. Things will go wrong. The cluster will go down. You’ll discover typos and edge cases. It is wonderful to be able to restart your job from the last step that worked, instead of waiting for the entire thing to rerun every time.

See Also

9.6. Explaining a Cascalog Query


Your Cascalog job runs very slowly and you aren’t sure why.


Use the cascalog.api/explain function to print out a DOT file of your query. You can follow along by launching a REPL in an existing project, like that created in Recipe 9.2, “Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline”:

(require '[cascalog.api :refer [explain <-]])

(explain "" (<- [?a ?b] ([[1 2]] ?a ?b)))

Next, you’ll want to view the DOT file. There are many ways to do that, but the easiest is probably by using dot, one of the Graphviz tools, to convert a DOT file to a PNG or GIF:

$ dot -Tpng -oslow-query.png

Now open slow-query.png (shown in Figure 9-1) to see a diagram of your query.

Figure 9-1. slow-query.png


Cascalog workflows compile into Cascading workflows. Cascading is a Java library that wraps Hadoop, providing a flow-based plumbing abstraction. The query graph in the DOT file will have different Cascading elements as nodes.

The explain function here is analogous to the EXPLAIN command in many SQL implementations. explain causes Cascalog to print out the query plan. And as with the output from an SQL EXPLAIN, you might have to work to understand exactly what you are seeing.

The biggest thing to look for is that the basic flow of the query is what you expected. Make sure that you aren’t rerunning some parts of your query. Cascalog makes it easy to reuse queries, but often you want to run the query, save the results, then reference the saved results from other queries instead of running it once for every time its output is used.

You can also work to match up the phases from your query plan to a job as it is running. This is tricky, because the phases won’t correspond exactly to your output map. However, when you succeed, you’ll be able be able to track down the slow phases.

In general, to keep your Cascalog queries fast, make sure you are using all of the nodes in your cluster. That means keeping the work in small, evenly sized units. If one map input takes 1,000 times as long to run as the other 40 inputs, your whole job will wait on the one mapper to finish. Working to split the long map job into 1,000 smaller jobs would make the job run much faster, since it could be distributed across the entire cluster instead of running on a single node. It is particularly easy to accidentally have nearly the entire job end up in one reducer. This is easy to see happening in the Hadoop job tracker, when nearly all the reducers are done and the job is waiting on one or two reducers to finish. To fix this, do as much reduce work as possible during the map phase using aggregators, and then make sure that the remaining reduce work isn’t all piling up into a small number of reducers.

9.7. Running a Cascalog Job on Elastic MapReduce


You have a large amount of data to process, but you don’t have a Hadoop cluster.


Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce (EMR) provides on-demand Hadoop clusters. You’ll need an Amazon Web Services account to use EMR.

First, write a Cascalog job as you normally would. There are a number of recipes in this chapter that can help you create a complete Cascalog job. If you don’t have your own, you can clone Recipe 9.2, “Processing Data with an Extract Transform Load (ETL) Pipeline”:

$ git clone
$ cd cascalog-samples
$ git checkout etl-sample

Once you have a Cascalog project, package it into an uberjar:

$ lein compile
$ lein uberjar

Next, upload the generated JAR (target/cookbook-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar if you’re following along with the ETL sample) to S3. If you haven’t ever uploaded a file to S3, follow the S3 documentation to “Create a Bucket” and for “Adding an Object to a Bucket”. Repeat this process to upload your input data. Take note of the path to the JAR and the input data location.

To create your MapReduce job, visit and select “Create New Job Flow” (Figure 9-2). Once you’re in the new job flow wizard, choose the “Custom JAR” job type. Select “Continue” and enter your JAR’s location and arguments. “JAR Location” is the S3 path you noted earlier. “JAR Arguments” are all of the arguments you would normally pass when executing your JAR. For example, using the Cascalog samples repository, the arguments would be the fully qualified class name to execute, cookbook.etl.Main, an s3n:// URI for input data, and an s3n:// URI for the output.

The next few wizard windows allow you to specify additional configuration options for the job. Select “Continue” until you reach the review phase and start your job.

After your job has run, you should be able to retrieve the results from S3. Elastic MapReduce also allows you to set up a logging path to help with debugging if your job doesn’t complete like you expect.

Specifying parameters in the new job flow wizard
Figure 9-2. Specifying parameters in the new job flow wizard


Amazon’s EMR is a great solution if you have big Cascalog jobs but you don’t have to run them very often. Maintaining your own Hadoop cluster can take a fair amount of time and money. If you can keep the cluster busy, it is a great investment. If you only need it a couple of times a month, you might be better off using EMR for on-demand Hadoop clusters.

See Also

[34] While queries look like regular Clojure, they are in fact a DSL. If you’re not familiar with Cascalog queries, learn more in Nathan Marz’s “Introducing Cascalog” article.

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