
This book is dedicated to my wife Becca and two sons, Liam and Conor, without whose love and support little else would matter. A special thanks to my wife who continually motivated, encouraged, and supported me throughout this process. —Jamey

I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Christine, for supporting me through the last few weeks of completing this book. She gave me the boost of confidence to write about a special technology that I was passionate about. I truly enjoyed every minute I spent on this book. To all my customers who listened to me about NAC and have deployed NAC to secure their networks, thank you for believing in me. Together, we have and will continue to see the positive impact NAC is making. —Jerry

I would like to dedicate this book to my loving wife Jennifer and my energetic children Avery, Brielle, Celine, Danae, and Elliot. —Chad

I would like to dedicate this book to my loving parents and inspiring brother Aditya. —Alok

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