
  • A
  • Anchors. See Career anchors
  • Artificial intelligence, growth, 3
  • Automation, growth, 3
  • Autonomy (AU), 47–48, 78, 86
    • maximization, 93
    • need, 105
    • prominence, 118
  • B
  • Business, initiation, 98–99
  • C
  • Career anchors, 39–41
    • categories, 46–57
    • CliftonStrengths, relationship, 130t–131t
    • importance, 77
    • interpretation, 89
    • modernization, 58–63
    • Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator, relationship, 131–137, 132t, 133t–135t
    • online assessment, 75
    • personality assessments, 127
    • process, 83
    • profile, 78–79
    • radar charts, examples, 77e, 85e, 94e, 100e, 105e, 111e, 118e
    • statements, 75–76
    • stories, 90, 95, 101, 106, 112
  • Career‐oriented personality assessments, 127
  • Careers
    • aspirations
      • issues, 13–14
      • realization, 84
    • assessments, usage, 125
    • choices
      • implications, 123–124
      • preferences/leanings, 76
    • counseling, 127
    • course, change, 111
    • examples, 58–63
    • growth development items, 85
    • job portfolio, 41
    • journeys, 90
      • implications, 123–124
    • seeker, metaphor, 124–125
    • story, knowledge, 67–69
  • Challenge and risk (C&R), 48–50, 73
    • anchor, 63
    • approach, 78
    • handling, ability (increase), 94–96
    • trade, absence, 106
  • Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 (CliftonStrengths), 128–129
    • career anchors, relationship, 130t–131t
  • Company, transparency (attempt), 103–104
  • Contract work, growth, 5
  • Corporate careers, availability (decrease), 5
  • Covid‐19 pandemic
  • Co‐workers, visits, 104–105
  • D
  • Dedication, rewards, 7
  • Distance learning, negative effect, 107
  • Domination/coercion (level 1), 22–23
  • Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel), xv, 3, 13, 35, 45, 67, 75, 83, 89, 125
  • E
  • Emotionally intimate relationships, 22, 26–27
  • Employees, virtual locations, 103
  • Entrepreneurial creativity (EC), 50–51
  • Entrepreneurial shift, 112
  • Entrepreneurial skills, 86, 94–95
  • Entrepreneurships, 91, 100, 118–119, 136
  • Experiences
    • feedback, 38
    • reactions, 37
  • External careers, 35–36
    • VUCAA, impact, 40
  • F
  • Face‐to‐face meetings, 92
  • Family, care, 108–109
  • Family/personal relationships, representation, 17
  • Freedom, maximization, 93
  • Freelancing, proliferation, 3
  • Frost, Robert, 123, 124
  • Gig economy, 5
  • Global turbulence, 4, 7–8
  • Great Resignation, 5, 111
  • Growth
    • line, evaluation, 106
    • profile, 83–84
    • statements, examples, 84
  • H
  • Hierarchical authority, decline, 7
  • Hierarchy, signaling, 17
  • Hyper‐specialization, 7
  • I
  • In‐person meetings, usage, 115–116
  • Internal careers, 36–38
    • VUCAA, impact, 40
  • J
  • Job
    • application, ordeal, 113–114
    • availability, expectation, 101
    • challenge, 49, 110
    • change, 115
      • review, 70–71
    • description, example, 90–93
    • exit, example, 59–60, 95–96
    • experience, value, 115
    • grant proposal, 114, 116–117
    • hunting/hopping, 89
    • interactions, 113
    • ladders, fuzziness, 5
    • learning experience, 91
    • loss, 6
    • love, 103
    • misery, 96
    • portfolio, 41
    • responsibility, 115–116
    • selection process, 113–114
    • shifts, balancing, 61
    • support activities, 112
    • switch, 96–99
    • trade‐off, 100
  • Job interview (deep dive), 109–110, 114
    • importance, 67
    • purpose, 68
    • questions, 69–70
    • transcription, usage, 68–69
  • K
  • Knowledge work, 40
  • L
  • Labor
    • force, reduction, 5
  • Labor, employment security (trade), 3
  • Layoffs, 95–96, 102, 113
  • Learning experience, 52, 91
  • Life/lifestyle. See Office life
    • decisions, 125
    • disruption, Covid (impact), 97–98
    • family visit/move, 102–103
    • stress, 106–107
  • Life‐work integration (LW), 56–57, 77–78
    • need, 105
    • prominence, 118
    • trade, absence, 106
    • value
      • expectation, 94
      • shift, 100
  • Lost/future relationships, representation, 17–18
  • Loyalty, reduction, 7
  • M
  • Motives (experience reactions), 37
  • Multidimensional life‐work considerations, 14
  • Mutual relationship, 15
  • Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 128
    • career anchors, relationship, 131–137, 132t, 133t–135t
    • polarities, 131
  • O
  • Office life, 8
    • description, 101
    • social aspects, perception, 104
    • strictures, 106
  • Online assessment, usage, 75
  • Operational/production roles, decrease, 7
  • Organizational realities, 4, 6–7
  • P
  • Part‐time work, growth, 5
  • Personality assessments, 127
  • Personal life, work (organization), 104
  • Personal/personized relationships, 22, 25–26
  • Personization, 25
  • Problem solving, challenge, 49–50
  • Professional distance, maintenance, 24
  • Professional intimacy, 27
  • Q
  • Quiet Quitting, ix
  • R
  • Radar chart format, 76
  • Relationship map, 23, 27
    • building, 15–21
    • initial template, 15e
  • Relationships
    • career, equivalence, 124–125
    • change, 29e
    • depth, 20e
    • emerging/changing relationships, 19e
    • examination, 14
      • reasons, 30–31
    • identification, lines (drawing), 19–21
    • insights, 28–30
    • levels, 19, 21–27
      • change, 29e
    • lost/future relationships, representation, 17–18
    • mapping, 14
      • levels, 28e
    • types, 22
  • Remote classes, 109
  • Remote work
    • change, 101
    • downside, 116
    • problems, 6
  • Retirement, 61–63
  • Risk, providing, 49
  • “Road Not Taken, The” (Frost), 123
  • Robotics, growth, 3
  • S
  • Schein, Ed, 127
  • Self‐actualization, 92
  • Self‐discovery
    • experience, 128
    • journey, 39–41
  • Serial entrepreneur, identification, 51
  • Service
    • rewards, absence, 7
    • shift, 112
    • virtual provision, 107
  • Service, dedication to a cause (SV), 53–54
  • Skills/competencies (experience reactions), 37
  • Skills development items, 85
  • Social network, picture, 18
  • Spiderweb chart format, xiii, xvii, 76–78, 85
  • Stability
    • increase, 94–95
    • values, shift, 100
  • Stability and security (S&S), 55–56, 77–78
    • anchor, 63
    • illusion, 106
  • Start‐up challenge and risk, 106
  • Status, signaling, 17
  • Stress, 106, 108–109
  • T
  • Talents/motives/values, connection, 38
  • Taxonomy, model (need), 22
  • Technical function (TF), 46–47
    • anchor, 63
    • expertise, 111
    • skill, emphasis, 95
  • Technical‐Functional shift, 112
  • Technological change, impact, 6
  • Telework, 3
  • Transactional relationships, 22, 23–25
    • zero‐sum, 24
  • Transient work, growth, 5
  • Travel budgets, usage, 104
  • U
  • Unemployment, example, 60–61
  • Unpaid jobs, usage, 114
  • Upward Bound, work, 106–108, 111
  • V
  • Values (experience reactions), 37
  • Virtual meetings, usage, 115–116
  • Virtual teams, 3
  • Virtual work
    • capability, 103
    • demands, 7
  • Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, and Anxiety (VUCAA), 4, 31
    • impact, 40
    • standard career, relationship, 35
  • Volunteering, 98
  • W
  • Work
    • ability, perceptions, 70–71
    • changes, 4–6
    • decisions, 125
    • distributed work, 6
    • experience, example, 59–63
    • initiation, 110
    • organization, 104
    • questions, 13
    • relationships
      • completion, 16e
      • representation, 16–17
    • transformation, 3–4
  • Work/family, challenges (integration), 84
  • Workload, increase, 5
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