Trippy trails mode

If you are craving hallucinogenic simulations, we'll introduce a "trippy trails mode" to our visualizations! The implementation is added to the RenderBox library itself. If you're using the completed RenderBox library, then just toggle on the mode in your app. For example, in setup() of MainActivity, add the following line of code at the end:

        RenderBox.mainCamera.trailsMode = true;

To implement it in your copy of RenderBox library, open that project (in Android Studio). In the Camera class (the components/ file), add public boolean trailsMode:

    public boolean trailsMode;

Then, in onDrawEye, instead of erasing the screen for the new frame, we'll draw a full screen quad over the entire frame, with alpha transparency, thus leaving behind a ghostly faded image of the last frame. Every subsequent frame is overdrawn by more semi-transparent black, causing them to fade out over time. Define a color value as follows:

public static float[] customClearColor = new float[]{0,0,0,0.05f};

Then, modify onDrawEye, so it reads as follows:

    public void onDrawEye(Eye eye) {
        if(trailsMode) {
        } else {


The customClear method skips the clear call, leaving behind the colors from the previous frame. Instead, it just draws a semitransparent full-screen black quad with transparency, slightly darkening the "old" image each frame. Before we can do this, the camera needs a shader program to draw the full screen solid color.

fullscreen_solid_color_vertex.shader is as follows:

attribute vec4 v_Position;

void main() {
   gl_Position = v_Position;

fullscreen_solid_color_fragment.shader is as follows:

precision mediump float;
uniform vec4 u_Color;

void main() {
    gl_FragColor = u_Color;

Now back to the Camera component. We set up the program and define a full screen quad mesh, buffers, and other variables. First, we define the variables we'll need:

    static int program = -1;
    static int positionParam, colorParam;
    static boolean setup;
    public static FloatBuffer vertexBuffer;
    public static ShortBuffer indexBuffer;
    public static final int numIndices = 6;
    public boolean trailsMode;

    public static final float[] COORDS = new float[] {
            -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
            1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
            -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
            1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f
    public static final short[] INDICES = new short[] {
            0, 1, 2,
            1, 3, 2
    public static float[] customClearColor = new float[]{0,0,0,0.05f};

Then, define a method to set up the program:

    public static void setupProgram(){
        if(program > -1)    //This means program has been set up //(valid program or error)
        //Create shader program
        program = Material.createProgram(R.raw.fullscreen_solid_color_vertex, R.raw.fullscreen_solid_color_fragment);

        //Get vertex attribute parameters
        positionParam = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(program, "v_Position");

        //Enable vertex attribute parameters

        //Shader-specific parameters
        colorParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_Color");

        RenderBox.checkGLError("Fullscreen Solid Color params");

Define a method to allocate the buffers:

    public static void allocateBuffers(){
        setup = true;
        vertexBuffer = RenderObject.allocateFloatBuffer(COORDS);
        indexBuffer = RenderObject.allocateShortBuffer(INDICES);

Then, call these from the Camera initializer:

    public Camera(){
        transform = new Transform();

Finally, we can implement the customClear method:

    public static void customClear(float[] clearColor){
        // Set the position buffer
        GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(positionParam, 3, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, vertexBuffer);
        GLES20.glUniform4fv(colorParam, 1, clearColor, 0);
        GLES20.glDrawElements(GLES20.GL_TRIANGLES, numIndices, GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indexBuffer);

Rebuild the RenderBox module and copy the library file back to this VisualizeVR project. Don’t forget to set trailsMode to true!

Now when you run the app, it looks trippy and cool!

Trippy trails mode
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