Absolute value function, 19, 400

Acceleration, 110

average, 254

instantaneous, 254

Accumulated change, 357

calculating, 380


clearance of, 226227

geometric decay of, 8788

Addition law, 39

Aerobic rate, 289

Agnesi, M.G., 264

Algebraic equations, 141

Allee effect, 467468

Allometric scaling, 4445

Amplitude, 31

Ant biodiversity, 186187. See also Derivatives as functions

Antiderivatives, 396

of acceleration, 353

for cos(ax), 350

definition, 348

evaluation theorem and, 379380

general forms of, 349

initial value problem, 350351

rules, 350

with slope fields, 353

stooping behavior of peregrine falcons, 354355

of velocity, 353

Antidifferentiation, 348

Archimedes, 357

Arctic fin whale, sustainable exploitation of, 302303

Area under curve, 357358

estimating, 362364

exact, under x2 on the interval [0, 1], 364365

finding, 347

mortality rates due to plague, 360362

for nonnegative continuous function, 369

of various rates associated with disease, 360

Arithmetic, functional, 62


mean, 540

sequence, 87

Arteriosclerosis, 230, 230f


linear, 282283

vertical, 279

Asymptotes and infinity

difference of infinities, 148

dose–response curves, 147148

horizontal asymptotes, 145148

infinite limits at infinity, 151153

informal definition, 149

overview, 144

unabated population growth, 153

vertical asymptotes, 149151

wolves eating moose, 150151

Autonomous differential equation, 432, 476

first-order, 485

Autonomous models, 468

Average, 540

acceleration, 254

Mexico population growth, 108109

rate of change, 108. See also Rates of change and tangent lines

velocity, 110, 112

Axon, 497


Back substitution, 605

Beetle, developmental rates of, 243

Bellows, T. S., 330

Bell-shaped curve, 223

Bell-shaped distributions

life expectancy function, 579582

logistic distribution, 556563

lognormal distribution, 567572

normal distribution, 563565

reproductive success, 582585

survivorship function, 575579

Bernoulli, Jacob, 53

Best-fitting line, 27


dynamics, 9495, 164, 171

model, 331

sockeye salmon dynamics, 164166

Bicorn curve, 231

Bifurcation diagram, 493

for a model of an autocatalytic gene, 496498

pitchfork bifurcation, 495

sudden disappearances of queen conchs, 493495

Bifurcation theory, 490491

Bighorn ram's horn, calculating length of a, 381

Binomial theorem, 200

Bins, 508

Biological switches, 495500

Biopharmaceutics models, 456

Bird diversity in oak woodlands, histogram for, 509510

Birth time quartiles, 521

Bison abundance, 241242, 241f, 241t. See also Linear approximation

Bivariate data, 25

Blood-brain barrier, morphine across, 643644

Blue sky catastrophe, 494

Body mass index (BMI), 219, 248

Bolt, U, 111, 254256

Bounding property of integral, 375

Briere model, 275


Calculus, defined, 56

Calment, Jeanne-Louise, 520


in a candy bar, estimate of, 423424

defined, 422

used while working out, estimating, 423

Carbon dioxide

concentrations in Hawaii, 2930

data, fitting, 3233

global extrema with, 294295

output from electric power plants, 2729

Carbon monoxide pollution, 221

Cardiac output, estimating, 420421

Carlson's data for exponential growth model, 435437

Carrying capacity, 438

Chain rule, 221222

bell-shaped curve, 223

with graphs, 223224

modeling problems using, 228229

parasitoids, 222223

Chebyshev, Pafnuty, 552

Chebyshev's inequality, 552553

Circadian rhythms, 235236

Circular tangents, 224225

Cissoid of Diocles, 230

Clark, Colin W., 440

Clearance rate constant, determining, 458

Closed interval method, 12, 294

Cobwebbing, 9597, 334

hump-shaped function, 97

solutions, 166, 167

square roots, 96

Codling moth, search period of, 295296

Colson, J., 264

Comparison test, 532533

Compartment models

blood-brain barrier, morphine across, 643644

morphine-6-glucuronide dynamics from clinical studies, 644645

Composite function, defined, 65

Composition limit law, 136

Compounded interest, continuously, 5354

Compression, 6061

Concave down, 252

Concave up, 252

Concavity, 252253

intervals of, 279


harvesting, 440

of proportionality, 38

per capita growth rate model, 433434

qualitative behavior of, 434435


at a point, 135136. See also Limit laws and continuity

laws, 137

of elementary functions theorem, 137

sequential limits, 155156


function, 365

defined, 382

random variable, 514515


line, 596

map, 596597

contour plot of Mount Eden, 599600

of genetic circuit, 598599


of doubly improper integrals, 535536

tests, 532534

Convergent, 527528

Cosine functions, 31

approximating, 258259

derivatives of, 232233 (See also Derivatives of trigonometric functions)

Cowie, Richard, 320

Crab harvests, estimating, 411413

Critical value, 291

Cumulative distribution function (CDF)

birth time distribution, 516517

of drug decay, 518519

exponential, 518519

Laplace, 537

for Mediterranean fruit fly, 519520

properties, 517

of a random variable, 516


Data fitting, 2538

carbon dioxide, 3233

concentrations in Hawaii, 2930

output from electric power plants, 2729

fitting linear equations to data, 2730

linear functions, 2627

periodic and trigonometric functions, 3031

periods and amplitudes, estimating, 3132

slope of line, 26

Decay of beer froth, modeling, 5253

Decisions and optimization. See also Differentiation, applications of

marginal value theorem, 319320

Northwestern crows and whelks, 316317

optimal decisions, 315318

foraging and marginal value, 318319

time for producing seeds, 317318

time to harvest, 322323

plantation, optimal rotation period for, 323324

Decomposition of functions, 66

Definite integral, 9

and integration by parts, 397

approximating integrals with sums, 371

as a limit of a Riemann sum, 370

at a point, 375

computation using summation formula, 371372

defined, 369

geometrical meaning of, 372374, 384

of dx rule, 372373

properties of, 373375

signed area interpretation of, 373

substitution for, 390391

sum as, 370

using signed areas, 373

Degree-days, 358


for seedless grapes, 383384

for sweet corn, 359360

calculating, using fundamental theorem, 383

of grapes to ripen after pollination, 374375

under constant temperature, 358359

Dendrites, 497

Dependent variables, 26, 592

Depolarized equilibrium, 484

Derivative, 5, 78


at point, 171172

absolute value functions, 178

algebric steps, 173174

differentiability and continuity, 177180

example, 172173

instantaneous rates of change, 175176

instantaneous velocity, 176

melting arctic sea ice, 177

multiple intersections, 174175

slopes of tangent lines, 174

tangent line to parabola, 174

as a function

ant biodiversity, 186187

defined, 182183

derivatives and graphs, 190192

estimation using table, 184185

examples, 183184, 186, 187188, 191192

f′, signs of, 190191

foraging for food, 188190

mean value theorem, 187188

notational alternatives, 185186

Derivatives of polynomials and exponentials

derivatives of sums, differences, and scalar multiples, 201

elementary differentiation rules, 201203

example, 201202

exponential depletion of resources, 206207, 207f

exponentials, derivatives of, 204206

fetal heart, growth of, 202203

human immunodeficiency virus, clearance of, 205206

natural exponential, 205

power rule, 200201

weight lifting, 203

of a logarithm. See also Implicit differentiation

clearance of acetaminophen, 226227

modeling using chain rule, 228229

power law for positive real numbers, 227

of trigonometric functions, 232237

circadian rhythms, 235236

periodic populations, 236

rate of change of carbon dioxide, 234235

sine and cosine, 232, 232f

trigonometric limits, 233234

rules for sine and cosine, 233

Determinant, 612613

of a 2-by-2 matrix, 612

Developmental rate (percent completed per day), 243244, 249

Developmental thresholds, 348

Difference equations, 8797

asymptotic behavior of, 158

Beverton-Holt dynamics, generalized, 9495

cobwebbing, 9597

drug delivery, 8991

equilibrium, finding, 9394

geometric decay of acetaminophen, 8788

implicit in taking repeated square roots, 8889

lethal recessive genes, 9193

Differences, 132

derivatives of, 201

Differential calculus, 5, 8, 347

Differential equations. see also linear models in biology

analytical approach to, 434

constant per capita growth rate model, 433434

Euler's method, 469472


growth model, 435437

population growth and decay, 433

finding and plotting solutions, 448449

Leibniz's notation, 185, 352

logistic growth, 437440

phase lines, 476482

slope fields, 464469

solutions to, 445447

solving a separable, 448


a function, 445446

an implicit solution, 447

Weber-Fechner, 352

Differentiation, applications of

with carbon dioxide, 294295

closed interval method, 294

codling moth, search period of, 295296

critical points, 291

decisions and optimization, 315324

dose-response curves, 285286

equilibrium stability, 327

extrema, finding, 290

Fermat's theorem, 290291

finding, 294

first derivative test, 291

global extrema, 293299


families of functions, 284285

using calculus, 278284

graphs, properties of, 279

insect population dynamics, stability of, 330332

lethal genes, 310311


asymptotes, 282283

difference equations, stability of, 328

linearization and difference equations, 327341

local extrema, 289293

logistic equation, 328

marginal value theorem, 319320

maximum economic yield, 300302

monotone difference equations, stability of, 332333

Newton's method, 335337, 336f

northwestern crows and whelks, 316317

open interval method, 296297


decisions, 315318

foraging and marginal value, 318324

time for producing seeds, 317318

time to harvest, 322323

optimization in biology, 299307

plantation, optimal rotation period for, 323324

regression, 307311

residual sum-of-squares, 308

second derivative test, 293

sickle cell alleles, fate of, 334335

stability, graphical approach to, 333334

stability via linearization, 329330

stock-recruitment curves, 286287

sustainable exploitation of Arctic fin whale, 302303

thermodilution, 292293

tumor growth, 305306

tumor regrowth, time to, 337338

tylenol in blood stream, 283284

vascular branching, 306307

“W” shaped curve, 280282

Dirichlet function, 15


logistic equation, 328

logistic model, dynamics of, 162164

random variable, 510


law over division, 39

law over multiplication, 39

Divergent, 527528

Domain of function, 16, 24, 592

Dominance property of integral, 375, 406

Doomsday prediction, 450451

Dose-response curves, 147148, 285286

Doubling time for yeast, 437

Doubly improper integrals

convergence of, 535536

Doubly infinite integrals, 534

Dove strategy, 480

Drug delivery, 8991

dx rule, 372373

Dye dilution, estimating, 421


e, see Euler's number

Eigenvalues, 591, 619620, 619625

using two-step method, 625626

Eigenvectors, 591, 619620, 619625

using two-step method, 625626

Einstein, Albert, 507

Elasticity, 247248. See also Linear approximation

of metabolic rates, 247

Elementary differentiation rules, 201. See also Derivatives of polynomials and exponentials

example, 201202

fetal heart, growth of, 202203, 202f

weight lifting, 203

Elementary functions, 404

Epsilon-delta definition of limit, 127

example, 128

Equilibria, 476

classifying, 482484

in phase-plane, 661


finding, 9394

solutions, 439

stability, 327

Error analysis, 245246. See also Linear approximation

metabolic rate estimation, 246

and sensitivity, 246


function, 404, 405406

propagation, 246

Escape function, 222223, 271

Essential discontinuity, 136

Euler, Leonhard, 53

Euler's method, 432, 469472

effect of the choice of h, 471472

for two time steps h, 471

Euler's number e, 53, 54

Euler's number e, 53, 54

exponential decay, 5152

and exponential functions, 4849, 48t

future value, 54

Malthus's estimate, 4950

Malthus's law of misery, 51

Naïve approach to solving exponential equation, 55

versus polynomial growth, 5051

Evaluation theorem, 379380, 381, 406

Evolutionary game theory, 479

Excitable systems, 665668

Exhaustion, method of, 357


CDF, 518519, 531

decay, 5152

depletion of resources, 206207

equations, 7677


continuously compounded interest, 5354

decay of beer froth, modeling, 5253

growth model, 435

Carlson's data, 435437

doubling time for yeast, 437

model, 4

Exponential versus arithmetic growth, 267

Exponentials and power functions, 7980

Exponentials, derivatives of, 204205. See also Derivatives of polynomials and exponentials

exponential depletion of resources, 206207

human immunodeficiency virus, clearance of, 205206

natural exponential, 205


Fastest humans, 111112

Fermat's theorem, 290291

Fetal echocardiogram, 202

Fetal heart, growth of, 202203

Fibonacci and growth rate of rabbits, 168169

Fire ant damages, estimation of, 418419

First derivative test, 291

First derivatives, 261

First element, 605


approximation for solution, 484485

autonomous differential equation, 485

ordinary differential equations, 432

First percentile, 520

FitzHugh-Nagumo model, 665

Floor function, 124

Folium of Descartes, 230

Force of infection, 671

Forensic medicine, 460461

Fourier series representation, 232

Friend's rule, 24

Frost, B. W., 125

Function(s), 1315. See also Real numbers and functions

classifying, 1920

increasing and decreasing, 19

piecewise-defined, 18

Function building

adding, 62

combining functions, 62

composing, 65, 65f

decomposing functions, 66

dividing, 62

functional arithmetic, 62

horizontal shifts, 58

Michaelis-Menten glucose uptake rate, 6364

multiplying, 62

polynomials, 62

rational functions, 62

reflections, 5960

shifting graphs, 59

short-tailed shrews exploiting cocoons, 6667

stretching and compressing, 6061

substracting, 62

tidal movements, modeling, 6162

vertical shifts, 58

Function of two variables, 592, 594597

graph of, 595

surface plots of the functions, 595596

Functional response, 66

Fundamental theorem of calculus (FTC)

accumulated change, calculating, 380

calculation of accumulation of degree-days, 383384

derivatives, 382383


notation, 380

theorem, 379380

length of a bighorn ram's horn, calculating, 381

Fundamental theorem of integral calculus, 381382

derivatives via, 382383

Future value, 54. See also Exponential growth


Ganz, H., 212

General transitive property, 41

Genes, lethal, 310311

Genetic circuit, contour plot of, 598599

Genetic toggle switch for bacterium Escherichia coli, 668670

Geometric sequence, 87

Geometric similarity, 4041

Global extrema, 293299. See also Differentiation, applications of

with carbon dioxide, 294295

closed interval method, 294

codling moth, search period of, 295296

finding, 294

open interval method, 296297

Global warming, limiting, 141142

Grant, W. B., 181

Graphing using calculus, 278284. See also Differentiation, applications of

dose-response curves, 285286

graphing families of functions, 284285

graphs, properties of, 279

linear asymptotes, 282283

stock-recruitment curves, 286287

tylenol in blood stream, 283284

“W” shaped curve, 280282


algebraic expressions to, 16

chain rule with, 223224

derivatives and, 190192 (See also Derivatives as functions)

shifting, 59

properties of

intervals of concavity, 279

intervals of increase and decrease, 279

vertical asymptotes, 279

x and y intercepts, 279

verbal descriptions to, 1617

Growth rate model, constant per capita, 433434


Haldane, John B. S., 40

Harvest, optimal time to, 322323


constant, 440

effort variable, 440

proportional, 440

of queen conchs, 440441, 491492

Hawk–Dove game, 479, 486

dynamics of, 481482

Hawk strategy, 480

Heaviside “cover-up” method, 399

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, 507

Higher derivatives and approximations, 251262

average acceleration, 254

concavity, 252253

cosine, approximating, 258259

examples, 254256

instantaneous acceleration, 254

quadratic approximation, 258

rates of change, changing, 254

second derivatives, 251252

second-order approximations, 257260

sigmoidal decay in deaths, 253


bird diversity in oak woodlands, 509510

defined, 508

for percentage of body fat, 511512

and probabilities, 508522

roulette game, probability distribution of, 510511

for species diversity, 511

survivorship, 519520

for wheat yield, 564565

for winnings in a game, 548549

HIV levels in infected hosts, 455456

Homogeneous linear differential equation, 648

Horizontal asymptote, 145. See also Asymptotes and infinity

dose-response curves, 147148

finding, 145147

and indeterminate form ∞0, 272273

Horizontal line test, 72

Human immunodeficiency virus, clearance of, 205206

Human population growth

data from 1000 AD until 2010 AD, 450

predatory impacts on, 593594

United States population growth, calculation of, 391392, 450

Hyperbolic secant function, 361


Impala population growth, model for, 620622

Implicit differentiation, 224229

circular tangents, 224225

derivatives of logarithms, 226229

limaçon of Pascal, 225

Implicitly defined solutions, 449450

Improper integrals, 510

convergent, 527528

divergent, 527528

one-sided, 526531

p-integrals, 528529

two-sided, 534537


function, 209

rate, 8

Income tax rates, 1819

Indefinite integrals, 384

substitution for, 386387

Independent variables, 26, 592

Indeterminate form

0, 272273

0−∞, 271

0/0, 265, 267. See also l'Hôpital's rule


integrals, doubly, 534

intervals, 12

limits at infinity, 151. See also Asymptotes and infinity

example, 152153

unabated population growth, 153

∞/∞ indeterminate form, 265. See also l'Hôpital's rule

series, 510

Inflection point, 253

Infusion rate, determining, 456458

Inhibitory neurotransmitters, 498

Inhomogeneous linear differential equation, 648

solutions to, 650653

Initial value problem, 350351


acceleration, 254

per capita growth rate, 434

rate of change, 109, 175. See also Derivative at point; Rates of change and tangent lines

of carbon dioxide, 109110

as derivative, 176

of a function, 347

Instantaneous velocity, 110

of falling object, 112113

Integers, 11

Integral calculus, 5, 347

application, 347

approximating integrals with sums, 371

computation using summation formula, 371372

difference rule, 374

dx rule, 372373

scalar rule, 374

signed area interpretation of integrals, 373

Integrand, 369

Integration, 89

applications of, 417426

combining substitution with, 397

of integrand, 395

interval of, 369

lower limits of, 369

numerical, 403404

by parts, 394396

with definite integral, 397

rate of airflow into lungs, estimation of, 392

of a rational function, 399400

by substitution, 388389

United States population growth, calculation of, 391392

upper limits of, 369

using technology, 390

variable of, 369

Intermediate value theorem, 138139. See also Limit laws and continuity

bisection method, 140

Interval of integration, 369


of concavity, 279

of increase and decrease, 279

of real numbers, 12

Intrinsic growth rate, 434, 438

Inverse functions, 7175. See also Logarithms

finding, 7374

graphing, 7475

horizontal line test, 72

one-to-one function, 7172

using definitions of, 73

Irrational numbers, 11, 12


Jump discontinuity, 136


KISS principle, 433


Lake pollution, determining, 458460, 469

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 507

Laplace distribution, 536537


of exponents, 3940

of logarithms, 76

Left endpoint approximation, 404405

using technology, 405406

Left endpoint rule, 404, 406407, 412

Leibniz, G. W., 107

Leontief input-output theory, 615


recessive genes, 9193

recessives revisited, 159160

Level curve, 596

L'Hôpital's rule, 265270

example, 266267

exponential versus arithmetic growth, 267

∞/∞ indeterminate form, 265

logistic growth function and indeterminate form wvw, 268269

theorem, 266

0/0 indeterminate form, 265

Life expectancy function, 579582

of A. sarcophagus, 580

men vs women, 580581

Life expectancy theorem, 580

Limaçon of Pascal, 225. See also Derivatives of logarithms

Limit laws and continuity

bisection method, 140141

compositional limits, 136

continuity at a point, 135136

continuity laws, 137

continuity of elementary functions theorem, 137

example, 135136, 140141

global warming, limiting, 141142

intermediate value theorem, 138139

properties of limit, 131132

quick limits, 137138

Squeeze theorem, 134

use of, 132133

Limit(s), 5

computational dilemma, 122123

definition, 118, 126127

epsilon-delta proof of limit statement, 127, 128

failures, 121122

finding, 119120

floor function, 124125

formal definition, 126127

informal definition, 118

limit of constant, 128

nonexistence of, 158

of difference equations, 161 (See also Sequential limits)

of form 00, 270271

of polynomials, 132

of sequence, finding, 158159

one-sided, 124

type I functional response, 125126

Linear approximation, 239

bison abundance, 241242

elasticity, 247248

error analysis, 245246

metabolic rate estimation, 246

metabolic rates, elasticity of, 247

sensitivity, error analysis and, 246

sin x, 243

spider mite destroyer, developmental rates of, 243245

tangent line, approximating, 240245

Linear asymptotes, 282283

Linear differential equation, 454

compartment models, 642645

with constant input, 648650

homogeneous, 648

inhomogeneous, 648

solutions of two-dimensional systems of, 639

solving, 639641

stable state distribution and long term behavior, 646648

tumor growth modeled by, 637639, 641642

Linear equation, 562

to data, fitting, 2730

no solutions vs infinitely many solutions, 610611

Linear function, 25, 2627, 113, 228. See also Data fitting

Linear model, 4

Linear models in biology

mixing models, 454460

Newton's law of cooling, 460461

organismal growth, 461462

Linear multivariate model, 603604

Linear regression, 25

on logarithmic scale, 8081

Linear regression analysis of chirping, 597598

Linearization, 240, 484487

of first-order autonomous differential equation, 485

Hawk–Dove game, 486

of membrane voltage model, 487

Linearization and difference equations. See also Differentiation, applications of

equilibrium stability, 327

insect population dynamics, stability of, 330332

linear difference equations, stability of, 328

logistic equation, 328, 328f

monotone difference equations, stability of, 332333

Newton's method, 335337

sickle cell alleles, fate of, 334335

stability, graphical approach to, 333334

stability via linearization, 329330

tumor regrowth, time to, 337338

Local extrema, 289293. See also Differentiation, applications of

critical points, 291

Fermat's theorem, 290291

finding, 290

first derivative test, 291

second derivative test, 293

thermodilution, 292293

Local maximum, 289, 293, 601

Local minimum, 289, 293, 601

Logarithmic scale, 78

Logarithms, 7580, 271, 400. See also Inverse functions

derivatives of (See Derivatives of logarithms)

exponential equations, 7677

exponentials and power functions, 7980

graphing, 76

half-life and doubling time, 7778

laws of, 76

linear regression on logarithmic scale, 8081

logarithmic scale, 7879

Loggerhead abundances, model for projecting, 608609


distribution, 556563

of disease spreads, 556558

linear equation, 562

equation, 328, 438

qualitative analysis of, 439

function, 155


function and indeterminate form 0/0, 267

model, 437440

using Carlson data, 438, 439440, 451452

organismal spread, 561562

PDF, 558561

mean, 560561

regression, 562563

Log-log plots, 79

Lognormal distribution, 567572

lognormal PDF, 569570

strep throat incubation periods, 568569

for survival of moths, 570572

Lognormally distributed, 567

Lotka-Volterra competition equations, 662664


developmental threshold, 358

limits of integration, 369


Malthus, Thomas, 437

Malthus's estimate, 4950

Marginal value theorem, 319320


bioeconomics, 440

modeling, 24

Matrices, 603604

abundances of juvenile and adult loggerheads, models for, 632633

application of models, 630633

blood and tissue compartments, models of, 633

defined, 605608

determinant, 612613

of a 2-by-2 matrix, 612

feeding fishes, model for, 609610

Fibonacci's rabbits, modeling of, 628629

fraction of children at school, home, and hospital, equation for, 614615

graphical interpretation of solutions, 613

impala population growth, model for, 620622, 626628

input-output models, 615616

inverse of, 612613

lead amount in blood, model for calculating, 630632

multiplication by a vector, 616617

net production of electricity, equation for, 615616

projecting future loggerhead abundances, model for, 608609

solving equations, 609617, 612


addition, 607

difference equations theorem, 626

vector multiplication, 607608

Maximum economic yield, 300302,


arithmetic, 540

“average” win in roulette game, 541542

computation of, 540541

for a continuous random variable, 542

for a discrete random variable, 541

distance from the center to where dart lands, 542543

exponential, 543

of extinction rates, 544

logistic PDF, 560561

of symmetrical PDF, 546

Mean-squared property, 551552

Mean value theorem (MVT), 187. See also Derivatives as functions example, 191192

Measurement error, 239, 245

Median, 520

Memory formation, modeling, 498500

Mendel, Gregor, 91

Mendelian inheritance principle, 91

Menten, Maud, 63

Messier, F., 150

Metabolic rates, elasticity of, 247

Mexico population growth, 108109

Michaelis, Leonor, 63


function, 150

glucose uptake rate, 6364


error bound, 408

Midpoint rule, 404, 407409, 412

Mixing models in biology

biopharmaceutics models, 456

clearance rate constant, determining, 458

HIV levels in infected hosts, 455456

infusion rate, determining, 456458

lake pollution, determining, 458460

pharmacokinetics models, 456

Monomorphic strategy, 482

Monotone convergence theorem, 164, 167. See also Sequential limits

Morphine-6-glucuronide dynamics from clinical studies, 644645

Multiplication law, 39

Multivariate modeling

basic concepts, 591594

domain of a function, 592593

function of two variables, 592

measuring frequency of chirping, 597598

predatory impacts on population growth, 593594

range of a function, 592593

real world examples, 597600

Myers, Ran, 287


Naïve approach to solving exponential equation, 55


exponential, 205, 223

logarithm, derivative of, 226

numbers, 11

Negative binomial escape function, 271, 272

Net increase, 381

Neurons, 497

Neurotransmitters, 498

Newton, Isaac, 107

Newton-Raphson difference equation, 335


law of cooling, 460461

method, 335338. See also Linearization and difference equations

nonconvergence of, 337338

theorem, 336337

tumor regrowth, time to, 337

Non-autonomous differential equation, 432

Nonexistence of limits, 158

Nonlinear systems, 656673

applications in physiology and medicine, 664673

genetic toggle switch for bacterium Escherichia coli, 668670

phase-plane method, 658662

of prey-predator interactions, 657658

susceptible (S), exposed (E), infectious (I) model of common cold, 670673

Nonnegativity property of integral, 375

Normal distribution, 563565

of IQ score in socially disparate communities, 566567

North American bison population, modeling (project), 277

Northwestern crows and whelks, 316317

nth derivatives, 261

Nullcline(s), 465, 476

Numerical integration, 403404


Occam's razor, 433

Olympic weightlifting, 4344

One degree-day, 358

One-sided limits, 124. See also Limits

Open interval method, 12, 296297

Optimal foraging and marginal value, 318319

Optimization in biology, 299307. See also Differentiation, applications of

and lethal genes, 310311

maximum economic yield, 300302

regression, 307311

residual sum-of-squares, 308

summation, properties of, 308

sustainable exploitation of Arctic fin whale, 302303

tumor growth, 305306

vascular branching, 306307


Parabola, 174

Parasitoids, 222223

Pareto distribution, 529531

Partial fractions, 398399

Pascal, Blaise, 507, 541

Payoff matrix, 479

Pennings, Tim, 303

Per capita rates

birth rate, 433

clearance rate, 454

death rate, 433

growth, 213

growth rate, 438

Percent error, 247


birth time quartiles, 521

drug decay, chart for, 520521

first, 520

median, 520

overweight baby, chart for, 521522

third, 520

Peregrine falcons, stooping behavior of, 354355

Periodic and trigonometric functions, 3031. See also Data fitting

Periodic populations, 236

Pharmacokinetics models, 456

Phase lines, 476482

for clonal population, 477478

graph for, 478480

for Hawk-Dove replicator equation, 480481

steps to draw, 477


analysis, 591

method, 658662

for excitable systems, 665668

of Lotka-Volterra competition equations, 662664

step-by-step, 659662

Photosynthesis, 15

Physiological time, 358

Pinching theorem, 133

p-intervals, 528529

Pitchfork bifurcation, 495

Planktonic copepods, 125

Plantation, optimal rotation period for, 323324

Point discontinuity, 136

Poiseuille's law, 23, 250

Polymorphic strategy, 482

Polynomial(s), 62

of degree n, 62

growth vs exponential, 5051

fifth-order, 264

limits of, 132

Population resilience, 485486

Power functions and scaling laws, 3846

allometric scaling, 4445

geometric similarity, 4041

laws of exponents, 3940

Olympic weightlifting, 4344

properties of power functions, 38

proportionality, 4041

Power law for positive real numbers, 227

Power rule, 200

example, 201

Power-to-root property, 41

Precalculus functions, 404

Predatory impacts on population growth, 593594

Prevalence of the disease, 556

Principle of parsimony, 433, 437

Probability, 212, 219

density function (PDF)

area under, 514

birthtime distribution, 515516

continuous random variable with, 514515

cumulative distribution function (CDF), 516

defined, 513

exponential, 519

fundamental theorem of, 531

heights of fathers and sons, comparison of, 512513

Laplace, 537

logistic, 558561

lognormal, 569570

from a nonnegative function, 513514

of normal distribution, 563

Pareto, 546547

symmetrical, 545546

uniform, 516

distribution, 510

theory, 507

Product(s), 132, 137

Product rule, 209211. See also Quotient rule

example, 211212

per capita or intrinsic rate of growth, 213

survival rates, 212213

Proportional harvesting, 440

Proportionality, 40

rules of, 41

Pythagorean theorem, 303


Quadratic approximation, 258

Quadratic population function, 228

Qualitative analysis, 434

Queen conchs

harvesting of, 440441, 491492

sudden disappearances of, 493495

Quick limits, 137138

Quotient rule, 213218. See also Product rule dose–response curve for patients, 217218

reciprocal rule, 214

whelks, 215

Quotients, 132, 137


Random mating and Mendelian inheritance principle, 91

Random variable, 510

Range of a function, 592

Rate of airflow into lungs, estimation of, 392

Rates of change, 78, 254


rate of change, 108109

velocity, 110

fastest humans, 111112

of carbon dioxide, 109110, 234235


rate of change, 109110

velocity, 110

of falling object, 112113

Mexico population growth, 108109

rate of change of carbon dioxide, 109110

tangent lines, 113115

velocity, 110113


function, 62, 132

integration of, 399400

numbers, 11, 12

Real numbers, 11, 12

absolute value function, 19

algebraic expressions to graphs, 16

function, classification of, 1920

functions, 1315

income tax rates, 1819

increasing and decreasing functions, 19

piecewise-defined functions, 18

verbal descriptions to graphs, 1617

vertical line test, 1718

words to algebraic representations, 1516

Reciprocal rule, 214

Reflections, 5960

Regression, 307311. See also Optimization in biology

and lethal genes, 310311

residual sum-of-squares, 308

summation, properties of, 308

Renewal function, 417418

Replicator equation, 479

Reproductive number, 583

in the United States, 584

Reproductive success, 582585

effect of measles epidemics, 585

of painted turtles, 583584

of vole life, 582583

Residual sum-of-squares, 308

Retirement account, calculating amount of money in, 419420

Ricker stock-recruitment relationship, 274

Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard, 365

Riemann sum, 370

defined, 365

as a limit of integral, 370

limits of, 365

with right end points, 371

summation formulas, 365

Riemann sums, 404

Right endpoint

approximation, 404405

rule, 404, 412

Rolle's theorem, 194

Rossi, H., 262

Roulette game, probability distribution of, 510511


Saddle node bifurcation, 494

Sample points, 364365

Sandwich theorem, 133


multiple, 201

multiplication, 607

Scaling, allometric, 4445

Scaling laws. See Power functions and scaling laws

Secant line, 7, 113


derivative, 251252, 261

test, 293

element, 605

Second-order approximations, 257260

Second-order chemical kinetics, 400401

Semi-log plots, 79

Semistable equilibrium, 482

Sensitivity, 246, 260

Separation of variables, 445, 447450

Sequences, 6, 8586. See also Difference equations

Sequential continuity theorem, 157158

Sequential limits

asymptotic behavior of difference equations, 158

Beverton-Holt sockeye salmon dynamics, 164166

and continuity, 155156

discrete logistic model, dynamics of, 162164

disruptive selection, 166168

example, 156157

Fibonacci and growth rate of rabbits, 168169

informal definition, 155156

lethal recessives revisited, 159160

limit of sequence, finding, 158159

limits of difference equations, 161

Monotone convergence theorem, 164

nonexistence of limits, 158

sequential continuity theorem, 157158

Set intersection, 62


horizontal, 58

vertical, 58

Short-tailed shrews exploiting cocoons, 6667

Sickle cell alleles, fate of, 334335

Sigmoidal curve, 253

Sigmoidal decay in deaths, 253

Signed area, 373

Signed area interpretation of integrals, 373

Simpson error bound, 409

Simpson's rule, 404, 409411, 421

crab harvests, estimating, 411413

Sine, derivatives of, 232233. See also Derivatives of trigonometric functions

Sinusoidal functions, 31

Slope fields, 464469

autonomous, 468

purely time-dependent, 468469

sketching solutions using, 465467

Solution (s)

defined, 432

to differential equations, 445447

equilibrium, 439

finding and plotting, 448449

first-order approximation for, 484485

to inhomogeneous linear differential equation, 650653

matrices, graphical interpretation of, 613

of two-dimensional systems of linear differential equation, 639

Source-sink dynamics, 647648

Spider mite destroyer, developmental rates of, 243245

Splitting property of integral, 375376

Squeeze theorem, 134. See also Limit laws and continuity


equilibrium, 327

graphical approach to, 333334

of insect population dynamics, 330332

of linear difference equations, 328

of monotone difference equations, 332333

via linearization, 329330

Stable equilibrium, 482

Stable stage distribution, 628

Stable state distribution theorem, 646647

Standard deviation, 547, 565

computation of, 548

for a continuous random variable, 549

Standard normal distribution, 565566

Step function, 124

Stinkbug species, developmental rate of, 348, 351

Stock-recruitment curves, 164, 286287

Stooping behavior of peregrine falcons, 354355

Stretching and compressing, 6061

Substitution, integration by, 388, 397

with leftover x values, 389

with radical function, 388

with a trigonometric function, 389

using, with the help of technology, 390

Substitution for definite integral, 390391

Subtraction law, 39

Sum, 132, 137

derivatives of, 201

of squared errors, 308

Summation, properties of, 308

Super-exponential growth, 450451

Super-exponential model, 4


function, 417418

of person at age t, computing, 398

rates, 212213

renewal equation, 418

and renewal in a clinic, 417418

Survivorship function, 575579

of aging dinosaurs, 576

relationship between CDF and PDF, 576577

Survivorship-mortality equation, 578

for humans in the United States, 578579

mortality rates of dinosaurs, 577578

Susceptible (S), exposed (E), infectious (I) model of common cold, 670673

Sylvester, J., 231

Symmetrical PDF, 545546

means of, 546


Tangent lines, 8, 113. See also Rates of change and tangent lines

approximating, 113115, 240245

for parabola, 115

to parabola, 174

slopes of, 174 (See also Derivative at point)

Tangents, circular, 224225

Theoretical time of conception, 462

Thermodilution, 292293, 421422


derivatives, 261

percentile, 520

Tidal movements, modeling, 6162

Tidal volume, 392

Torricelli's trumpet, 533534

Transcendental equations, 141

Transitive property, 41

Trapezoidal rule, 404, 412

Trigonometric functions, 237

derivatives of (See Derivatives of trigonometric functions)


growth, 305306

regrowth, time to, 337338

Turning points on graph, 191

Two-sided limit, 124

Two-strategy replicator equation, 480

Tylenol in blood stream, 283284


Uniform probability density function (PDF), 516

Union of intervals, 13

United States population growth, calculation of, 391392, 450

Unstable equilibrium, 328, 482


development threshold, 358

limits of integration, 369, 370


Variable of integration, 369


computation of, 548

for a continuous random variable, 549

for discrete random variables, 547

integrating to get a, 550

Laplacian, 550551

mean-squared property, 551552

for Pareto distribution, 552

unbiased estimate of, 548

Vascular branching, 306307

Vectors, 603604

addition of, 616617

defined, 605608

matrix multiplication by, 616617

scalar multiplication by, 616617

Velocity, 110111. See also Rates of change and tangent lines

average, 110

fastest humans, 111112, 111t

instantaneous, 110

instantaneous velocity of falling object, 112113

Vertical asymptotes, 279. See also Asymptotes and infinity

difference of infinities, 148

finding, 149150

informal definition, 149

wolves eating moose, 150151

Vertical line test, 1718

Von Bertalanffy growth

curve, 155

equation, 461462



differential equation, 352

law, 352

Weight lifting, 203

Whelks, 215f

Wilson-Cowan model, 498

Work done

by a bear digging a trench, 425426

by a constant force, 422423

in digging a cellar, 424425

“W” shaped curve, 280282


x intercepts, 279


y intercepts, 279


Zach, Reto, 279

z direction, 594

z scores, 565

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