COM+ Just-in-Time Activation

.NET managed components can use COM+ JITA to efficiently handle rich clients (such as .NET Windows Forms clients), as discussed in Chapter 3.

To enable JITA support for your component, use the JustInTimeActivation attribute:

public class MyComponent :ServicedComponent

When you register this component with COM+, the JITA checkbox in the Activation tab on the Component Services Explorer is selected. If you do not use the JustInTimeActivation attribute, JITA support is disabled when you register your component with COM+ (unlike the COM+ default of enabling JITA). The JustInTimeActivation class default constructor enables JITA support, so the following two statements are equivalent:

[JustInTimeActivation (true)]

Enabling JITA support is just one thing you need to do to use JITA. You still have to let COM+ know when to deactivate your object. You can deactivate the object by setting the done bit in the context object, using the DeactivateOnReturn property of the ContextUtil class. As discussed at length in Chapter 3, a JITA object should retrieve its state at the beginning of every method call and save it at the end. Example 10-3 shows a serviced component using JITA.

Example 10-3. A serviced component using JITA

public interface IMyInterface
   void MyMethod(long objectIdentifier);
public class MyComponent :ServicedComponent,IMyInterface
   public void MyMethod(long objectIdentifier)   
      DoWork(  );     
	  //inform COM+ to deactivate the object upon method return
      ContextUtil.DeactivateOnReturn = true;
   //other methods
   protected void GetState(long objectIdentifier){...}
   protected void DoWork(  ){...}
   protected void SaveState(long objectIdentifier){...}

You can also use the Component Services Explorer to configure the method to use auto-deactivation. In that case, the object is deactivated automatically upon method return, unless you set the value of the DeactivateOnReturn property to false.

Using IObjectControl

If your serviced component uses object pooling or JITA (or both), it may also need to know when it is placed in a COM+ context to do context-specific initialization and cleanup. Like a COM+ configured component, the serviced component can use IObjectControl for that purpose. The .NET base class ServicedComponent already implements IObjectControl, and its implementation is virtual—so you can override the implementation in your serviced component, as shown in Example 10-4.

Example 10-4. A serviced component overriding the ServicedComponent implementation of IObjectControl

public class MyComponent :ServicedComponent
   public override void Activate(  ) 
      //Do context specific initialization here
   public override void Deactivate(  ) 
      //Do context specific cleanup here
   public override bool CanBePooled(  )   
	    return true;   
   //other methods

If you encounter an error during Activate( ) and throw an exception, then the object’s activation fails and the client is given an opportunity to catch the exception.

IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization

To maintain JITA semantics, when the object deactivates itself, .NET calls DisposeObject( ) on it explicitly, thus destroying it. Your object can do specific cleanup in the Finalize( ) method (the destructor in C#), and Finalize( ) will be called as soon as the object deactivates itself, without waiting for garbage collection. If the object is a pooled object (as well as a JITA object), then it is returned to the pool after deactivation, without waiting for the garbage collection.

You can also override the ServicedComponent implementation of IObjectControl.Deactivate( ) and perform your cleanup there.

In any case, you end up with a deterministic way to dispose of critical resources without explicit client participations. This situation makes sharing your object among clients much easier because now the clients do not have to coordinate who is responsible for calling Dispose( ).


COM+ JITA gives managed components deterministic finalization, a service that nothing else in .NET can provide out of the box.

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