Software Development

This chapter presents the following:

• Software development life cycle

• Development methodologies

• Operation and maintenance

• Maturity models

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

—John F. Woods

Software is usually developed with a strong focus on functionality, not security. In many cases, security controls are bolted on as an afterthought (if at all). To get the best of both worlds, security and functionality have to be designed and integrated at each phase of the software development life cycle. Security should be interwoven into the core of a software product and provide protection at the necessary layers. This is a better approach than trying to develop a front end or wrapper that may reduce the overall functionality and leave security holes when the software has to be integrated into a production environment.

Before we get too deep into secure software development, however, we have to develop a shared understanding of how code is developed in the first place. In this chapter we will cover the complex world of software development so that we can understand the bad things that can happen when security is not interwoven into products properly (discussed in Chapter 25).

Software Development Life Cycle

The life cycle of software development deals with putting repeatable and predictable processes in place that help ensure functionality, cost, quality, and delivery schedule requirements are met. So instead of winging it and just starting to develop code for a project, how can we make sure we build the best software product possible?

Several software development life cycle (SDLC) models have been developed over the years, which we will cover later in this section, but the crux of each model deals with the following phases:

Requirements gathering   Determining why to create this software, what the software will do, and for whom the software will be created

Design   Encapsulating into a functional design how the software will accomplish the requirements

Development   Programming software code to meet specifications laid out in the design phase and integrating that code with existing systems and/or libraries

Testing   Verifying and validating software to ensure that the software works as planned and that goals are met

Operations and maintenance   Deploying the software and then ensuring that it is properly configured, patched, and monitored


You don’t need to memorize the phases of the SDLC. We discuss them here so you understand all the tasks that go into developing software and how to integrate security throughout the whole cycle.

In the following sections we will cover the different phases that make up an SDLC model and some specific items about each phase that are important to understand. Keep in mind that the discussion that follows covers phases that may happen repeatedly and in limited scope depending on the development methodology being used. Before we get into the phases of the SDLC, let’s take a brief look at the glue that holds them together: project management.

Project Management

Many developers know that good project management keeps the project moving in the right direction, allocates the necessary resources, provides the necessary leadership, and hopes for the best but plans for the worst. Project management processes should be put into place to make sure the software development project executes each life-cycle phase properly. Project management is an important part of product development, and security management is an important part of project management.

The project manager draws up a security plan at the beginning of a development project and integrates it into the functional plan to ensure that security is not overlooked. This plan will probably be broad and should refer to documented references for more detailed information. The references could include computer standards (RFCs, IEEE standards, and best practices), documents developed in previous projects, security policies, accreditation statements, incident-handling plans, and national or international guidelines. This helps ensure that the plan stays on target.

The security plan should have a life cycle of its own. It will need to be added to, subtracted from, and explained in more detail as the project continues. Keeping the security plan up to date for future reference is important, because losing track of actions, activities, and decisions is very easy once a large and complex project gets underway.

The security plan and project management activities could be scrutinized later, particularly if a vulnerability causes losses to a third party, so we should document security-related decisions. Being able to demonstrate that security was fully considered in each phase of the SDLC can prove that the team exercised due care and this, in turn, can mitigate future liabilities. To this end, the documentation must accurately reflect how the product was built and how it is supposed to operate once implemented into an environment.

If a software product is being developed for a specific customer, it is common for a Statement of Work (SOW) to be developed, which describes the product and customer requirements. A detailed SOW helps to ensure that all stakeholders understand these requirements and don’t make any undocumented assumptions.

Sticking to what is outlined in the SOW is important so that scope creep does not take place. If the scope of a project continually extends (creeps) in an uncontrollable manner, the project may never end, not meet its goals, run out of funding, or all of the foregoing. If the customer wants to modify its requirements, it is important that the SOW is updated and funding is properly reviewed.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project management tool used to define and group a project’s individual work elements in an organized manner. It is a deliberate decomposition of the project into tasks and subtasks that result in clearly defined deliverables. The SDLC should be illustrated in a WBS format, so that each phase is properly addressed.

Requirements Gathering Phase

This is the phase in which everyone involved in the software development project attempts to understand why the project is needed and what the scope of the project entails. Typically, either a specific customer needs a new application or a demand for the product exists in the market. During this phase, the software development team examines the software’s requirements and proposed functionality, engages in brainstorming sessions, and reviews obvious restrictions.

A conceptual definition of the project should be initiated and developed to ensure everyone is on the right page and that this is a proper product to develop. This phase could include evaluating products currently on the market and identifying any demands not being met by current vendors. This definition could also be a direct request for a specific product from a current or future customer.

Typically, the following tasks should be accomplished in this phase:

• Requirements gathering (including security ones)

• Security risk assessment

• Privacy risk assessment

• Risk-level acceptance

The security requirements of the product should be defined in the categories of availability, integrity, and confidentiality. What type of security is required for the software product and to what degree? Some of these requirements may come from applicable external regulations. For example, if the application will deal with payment cards, PCI DSS will dictate some requirements, such as encryption for card information.

An initial security risk assessment should be carried out to identify the potential threats and their associated consequences. This process usually involves asking many, many questions to elicit and document the laundry list of vulnerabilities and threats, the probability of these vulnerabilities being exploited, and the outcome if one of these threats actually becomes real and a compromise takes place. The questions vary from product to product—such as its intended purpose, the expected environment it will be implemented in, the personnel involved, and the types of businesses that would purchase and use the product.

The sensitivity level of the data that many software products store and process has only increased in importance over the years. After a privacy risk assessment, a privacy impact rating can be assigned, which indicates the sensitivity level of the data that will be processed or accessible. Some software vendors incorporate the following privacy impact ratings in their software development assessment processes:

P1, High Privacy Risk   The feature, product, or service stores or transfers personally identifiable information (PII), monitors the user with an ongoing transfer of anonymous data, changes settings or file type associations, or installs software.

P2, Moderate Privacy Risk   The sole behavior that affects privacy in the feature, product, or service is a one-time, user-initiated, anonymous data transfer (e.g., the user clicks a link and is directed to a website).

P3, Low Privacy Risk   No behaviors exist within the feature, product, or service that affect privacy. No anonymous or personal data is transferred, no PII is stored on the machine, no settings are changed on the user’s behalf, and no software is installed.

The software vendor can develop its own privacy impact ratings and their associated definitions. As of this writing there are several formal approaches to conducting a privacy risk assessment, but none stands out as “the” standardized approach to defining a methodology for an assessment or these rating types, but as privacy increases in importance, we might see more standardization in these ratings and associated metrics.

The team tasked with documenting the requirements must understand the criteria for risk-level acceptance to make sure that mitigation efforts satisfy these criteria. Which risks are acceptable will depend on the results of the security and privacy risk assessments. The evaluated threats and vulnerabilities are used to estimate the cost/benefit ratios of the different security countermeasures. The level of each security attribute should be focused upon so that a clear direction on security controls can begin to take shape and can be integrated into the design and development phases.

The end state of the requirements gathering phase is typically a document called the Software (or System) Requirements Specification (SRS), which describes what the software will do and how it will perform. These two high-level objectives are also known as functional and nonfunctional requirements. A functional requirement describes a feature of the software system, such as reporting product inventories or processing customer orders. A nonfunctional requirement describes performance standards, such as the minimum number of simultaneous user sessions or the maximum response time for a query. Nonfunctional requirements also include security requirements, such as what data must be encrypted and what the acceptable cryptosystems are. The SRS, in a way, is a checklist that the software development team will use to develop the software and the customer will use to accept it.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a common language used to graphically describe all aspects of software development. We will revisit it throughout the different phases, but in terms of software requirements, it allows us to capture both functional and nonfunctional requirements with use case diagrams (UCDs). We already saw these in Chapter 18 when we discussed testing of technical controls. If you look back to Figure 18-3, each use case (shown as verb phrases inside ovals) represents a high-level functional requirement. The associations can capture nonfunctional requirements through special labels, or these requirements can be spelled out in an accompanying use case description.

Design Phase

Once the requirements are formally documented, the software development team can begin figuring out how they will go about satisfying them. This is the phase that starts to map theory to reality. The theory encompasses all the requirements that were identified in the previous phase, and the design outlines how the product is actually going to accomplish these requirements.

Some organizations skip the design phase, but this can cause major delays and redevelopment efforts down the road because a broad vision of the product needs to be understood before looking strictly at the details. Instead, software development teams should develop written plans for how they will build software that satisfies each requirement. This plan usually comprises three different but interrelated models:

Informational model   Dictates the type of information to be processed and how it will move around the software system

Functional model   Outlines the tasks and functions the application needs to carry out and how they are sequenced and synchronized

Behavioral model   Explains the states the application will be in during and after specific transitions take place

For example, consider an antimalware software application. Its informational model would dictate how it processes information, such as virus signatures, modified system files, checksums on critical files, and virus activity. Its functional model would dictate how it scans a hard drive, checks e-mail for known virus signatures, monitors critical system files, and updates itself. Its behavioral model would indicate that when the system starts up, the antimalware software application will scan the hard drive and memory segments. The computer coming online would be the event that changes the state of the application. If it finds a virus, the application would change state and deal with the virus appropriately. Each state must be accounted for to ensure that the product does not go into an insecure state and act in an unpredictable way.

The data from the informational, functional, and behavioral models is incorporated into the software design document, which includes the data, architectural, and procedural design, as shown in Figure 24-1.


Figure 24-1 Information from three models can go into the design.

From a security point of view, the following items should also be accomplished in the design phase:

• Attack surface analysis

• Threat modeling

An attack surface is what is available to be used by an attacker against the product itself. As an analogy, if you were wearing a suit of armor and it covered only half of your body, the other half would be your vulnerable attack surface. Before you went into battle, you would want to reduce this attack surface by covering your body with as much protective armor as possible. The same can be said about software. The software development team should reduce the attack surface as much as possible because the greater the attack surface of software, the more avenues for the attacker; and hence, the greater the likelihood of a successful compromise.

The aim of an attack surface analysis is to identify and reduce the amount of code and functionality accessible to untrusted users. The basic strategies of attack surface reduction are to reduce the amount of code running, reduce entry points available to untrusted users, reduce privilege levels as much as possible, and eliminate unnecessary services. Attack surface analysis is generally carried out through specialized tools to enumerate different parts of a product and aggregate their findings into a numeral value. Attack surface analyzers scrutinize files, Registry keys, memory data, session information, processes, and services details. A sample attack surface report is shown in Figure 24-2.


Figure 24-2 Attack surface analysis result

Threat modeling, which we covered in detail in Chapter 9 in the context of risk management, is a systematic approach used to understand how different threats could be realized and how a successful compromise could take place. As a hypothetical example, if you were responsible for ensuring that the government building in which you work is safe from terrorist attacks, you would run through scenarios that terrorists would most likely carry out so that you fully understand how to protect the facility and the people within it. You could think through how someone could bring a bomb into the building, and then you would better understand the screening activities that need to take place at each entry point. A scenario of someone running a car into the building would bring up the idea of implementing bollards around the sensitive portions of the facility. The scenario of terrorists entering sensitive locations in the facility (data center, CEO office) would help illustrate the layers of physical access controls that should be implemented.

These same scenario-based exercises should take place during the design phase of software development. Just as you would think about how potential terrorists could enter and exit a facility, the software development team should think through how potentially malicious activities can happen at different input and output points of the software and the types of compromises that can take place within the guts of the software itself.

It is common for software development teams to develop threat trees, as shown in Figure 24-3. A threat tree is a tool that allows the development team to understand all the ways specific threats can be realized; thus, it helps them understand what type of security controls they should implement in the software to mitigate the risks associated with each threat type.


Figure 24-3 Threat tree used in threat modeling

There are many automated tools in the industry that software development teams can use to ensure that they address the various threat types during the design stage. One popular open-source solution is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Threat Dragon. This web-based tool enables the development team to describe threats visually using flow diagrams. Figure 24-4 shows a simple diagram of a three-tier web system showing its trust boundary and the four ways in which the tiers interact. The next step in building the threat model would be to consider how each of these four interactions could be exploited by a threat actor. For example, stolen credentials could allow an adversary to compromise the web server and, from there, issue queries to the database server that could compromise the integrity or availability of records stored there. For each threat identified through this process, the software development team would develop controls to mitigate it.


Figure 24-4 A simple flow diagram for threat modeling

The decisions made during the design phase are pivotal steps to the development phase. Software design serves as a foundation and greatly affects software quality. If good product design is not put into place in the beginning of the project, the following phases will be much more challenging.

Development Phase

This is the phase where the programmers become deeply involved. The software design that was created in the previous phase is broken down into defined deliverables, and programmers develop code to meet the deliverable requirements.

There are many computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools that programmers can use to generate code, test software, and carry out debugging activities. When these types of activities are carried out through automated tools, development usually takes place more quickly with fewer errors.

CASE refers to any type of software tool that supports automated development of software, which can come in the form of program editors, debuggers, code analyzers, version-control mechanisms, and more. These tools aid in keeping detailed records of requirements, design steps, programming activities, and testing. A CASE tool is designed to support one or more software engineering tasks in the process of developing software. Many vendors can get their products to the market faster because they are “computer aided.”

In the next chapter we will delve into the abyss of “secure coding,” but let’s take a quick peek at it here to illustrate its importance in the development phase. As stated previously, most vulnerabilities that corporations, organizations, and individuals have to worry about reside within the programming code itself. When programmers do not follow strict and secure methods of creating programming code, the effects can be widespread and the results can be devastating. But programming securely is not an easy task. The list of errors that can lead to serious vulnerabilities in software is long.

The MITRE organization’s Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) initiative ( describes “a demonstrative list of the most common and impactful issues experienced over the previous two calendar years.” Table 24-1 shows the most recent list.


Table 24-1 2021 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses List

Many of these software issues are directly related to improper or faulty programming practices. Among other issues to address, the programmers need to check input lengths so buffer overflows cannot take place, inspect code to prevent the presence of covert channels, check for proper data types, make sure checkpoints cannot be bypassed by users, verify syntax, and verify checksums. The software development team should play out different attack scenarios to see how the code could be attacked or modified in an unauthorized fashion. Code reviews and debugging should be carried out by peer developers, and everything should be clearly documented.

A particularly important area of scrutiny is input validation because it can lead to serious vulnerabilities. Essentially, we should treat every single user input as malicious until proven otherwise. For example, if we don’t put limits on how many characters users can enter when providing, say, their names on a web form, they could cause a buffer overflow, which is a classic example of a technique used to exploit improper input validation. A buffer overflow (which is described in detail in Chapter 18) takes place when too much data is accepted as input to a specific process. The process’s memory buffer can be overflowed by shoving arbitrary data into various memory segments and inserting a carefully crafted set of malicious instructions at a specific memory address.

Buffer overflows can also lead to illicit escalation of privileges. Privilege escalation is the process of exploiting a process or configuration setting to gain access to resources that would normally not be available to the process or its user. For example, an attacker can compromise a regular user account and escalate its privileges to gain administrator or even system privileges on that computer. This type of attack usually exploits the complex interactions of user processes with device drivers and the underlying operating system. A combination of input validation and configuring the system to run with least privilege can help mitigate the threat of escalation of privileges.

What is important to understand is that secure coding practices need to be integrated into the development phase of the SDLC. Security has to be addressed at each phase of the SDLC, with this phase being one of the most critical.

Testing Phase

Formal and informal testing should begin as soon as possible. Unit testing is concerned with ensuring the quality of individual code modules or classes. Mature developers develop the unit tests for their modules before they even start coding, or at least in parallel with the coding. This approach is known as test-driven development and tends to result in much higher-quality code with significantly fewer vulnerabilities.

Unit tests are meant to simulate a range of inputs to which the code may be exposed. These inputs range from the mundanely expected, to the accidentally unfortunate, to the intentionally malicious. The idea is to ensure the code always behaves in an expected and secure manner. Once a module and its unit tests are finished, the unit tests are run (usually in an automated framework) on that code. The goal of this type of testing is to isolate each part of the software and show that the individual parts are correct.

Unit testing usually continues throughout the development phase. A totally different group of people should carry out the formal testing. Depending on the methodology and the organization, this could be a QA, testing, audit, or even red team. This is an example of separation of duties. A programmer should not develop, test, and release software. The more eyes that see the code, the greater the chance that flaws will be found before the product is released.

No cookie-cutter recipe exists for security testing because the applications and products can be so diverse in functionality and security objectives. It is important to map security risks to test cases and code. The software development team can take a linear approach by identifying a vulnerability, providing the necessary test scenario, performing the test, and reviewing the code for how it deals with such a vulnerability. At this phase, tests are conducted in an environment that should mirror the production environment to ensure the code does not work only in the labs.

Security attacks and penetration tests usually take place during the testing phase to identify any missed vulnerabilities. Functionality, performance, and penetration resistance are evaluated. All the necessary functionality required of the product should be in a checklist to ensure each function is accounted for.

Security tests should be run to test against the vulnerabilities identified earlier in the project. Buffer overflows should be attempted, interfaces should be hit with unexpected inputs, denial-of-service (DoS) situations should be tested, unusual user activity should take place, and if a system crashes, the product should react by reverting to a secure state. The product should be tested in various environments with different applications, configurations, and hardware platforms. A product may respond fine when installed on a clean Windows 10 installation on a stand-alone PC, but it may throw unexpected errors when installed on a laptop that is remotely connected to a network and has a virtual private network (VPN) client installed.

Testing Types

Software testers on the software development team should subject the software to various types of tests to discover the variety of potential flaws. The following are some of the most common testing approaches:

Unit testing   Testing individual components in a controlled environment where programmers validate data structure, logic, and boundary conditions

Integration testing   Verifying that components work together as outlined in the design specifications

Acceptance testing   Ensuring that the code meets customer requirements

Regression testing   After a change to a system takes place, retesting to ensure functionality, performance, and protection

A well-rounded security test encompasses both manual tests and automated tests. Automated tests help locate a wide range of flaws generally associated with careless or erroneous code implementations. Some automated testing environments run specific inputs in a scripted and repeatable manner. While these tests are the bread and butter of software testing, we sometimes want to simulate random and unpredictable inputs to supplement the scripted tests.

A manual test is used to analyze aspects of the program that require human intuition and can usually be judged using computing techniques. Testers also try to locate design flaws. These include logical errors, which may enable attackers to manipulate program flow by using shrewdly crafted program sequences to access greater privileges or bypass authentication mechanisms. Manual testing involves code auditing by security-centric programmers who try to modify the logical program structure using rogue inputs and reverse-engineering techniques. Manual tests simulate the live scenarios involved in real-world attacks. Some manual testing also involves the use of social engineering to analyze the human weakness that may lead to system compromise.

At this stage, issues found in testing procedures are relayed to the development team in problem reports. The problems are fixed and programs retested. This is a continual process until everyone is satisfied that the product is ready for production. If there is a specific customer, the customer would run through a range of tests before formally accepting the product; if it is a generic product, beta testing can be carried out by various potential customers and agencies. Then the product is formally released to the market or customer.

Images NOTE

Sometimes developers include lines of code in a product that will allow them to do a few keystrokes and get right into the application. This allows them to bypass any security and access controls so they can quickly access the application’s core components. This is referred to as a “back door” or “maintenance hook” and must be removed before the code goes into production.

Operations and Maintenance Phase

Once the software code is developed and properly tested, it is released so that it can be implemented within the intended production environment. The software development team’s role is not finished at this point. Newly discovered problems and vulnerabilities are commonly identified at this phase. For example, if a company developed a customized application for a specific customer, the customer could run into unforeseen issues when rolling out the product within its various networked environments. Interoperability issues might come to the surface, or some configurations may break critical functionality. The developers would need to make the necessary changes to the code, retest the code, and re-release the code.

Almost every software system requires the addition of new features over time. Frequently, these have to do with changing business processes or interoperability with other systems. This highlights the need for the operations and development teams to work particularly closely during the operations and maintenance (O&M) phase. The operations team, which is typically the IT department, is responsible for ensuring the reliable operation of all production systems. The development team is responsible for any changes to the software in development systems up until the time the software goes into production. Together, the operations and development teams address the transition from development to production as well as management of the system’s configuration.

Another facet of O&M is driven by the fact that new vulnerabilities are regularly discovered. While the developers may have carried out extensive security testing, it is close to impossible to identify all the security issues at one point and time. Zero-day vulnerabilities may be identified, coding errors may be uncovered, or the integration of the software with another piece of software may uncover security issues that have to be addressed. The development team must develop patches, hotfixes, and new releases to address these items. In all likelihood, this is where you as a CISSP will interact the most with the SDLC.

Change Management

One of the key processes on which to focus for improvement involves how we deal with the inevitable changes. These can cause a lot of havoc if not managed properly and in a deliberate manner. We already discussed change management in general in Chapter 20, but it is particularly important during the lifetime of a software development project.

The need to change software arises for several reasons. During the development phase, a customer may alter requirements and ask that certain functionalities be added, removed, or modified. In production, changes may need to happen because of other changes in the environment, new requirements of a software product or system, or newly released patches or upgrades. These changes should be carefully analyzed, approved, and properly incorporated such that they do not affect any original functionality in an adverse way.

Change management is a systematic approach to deliberately regulating the changing nature of projects, including software development projects. It is a management process that takes into account not just the technical issues but also resources (like people and money), project life cycle, and even organizational climate. Many times, the hardest part of managing change is not the change itself, but the effects it has in the organization. Many of us have been on the receiving end of a late-afternoon phone call in which we’re told to change our plans because of a change in a project on which we weren’t even working. An important part of change management is controlling change.

Change Control

Change control is the process of controlling the specific changes that take place during the life cycle of a system and documenting the necessary change control activities. Whereas change management is the project manager’s responsibility as an overarching process, change control is what developers do to ensure the software doesn’t break when they change it.

Change control involves a bunch of things to consider. The change must be approved, documented, and tested. Some tests may need to be rerun to ensure the change does not affect the product’s capabilities. When a programmer makes a change to source code, she should do so on the test version of the code. Under no conditions should a programmer change the code that is already in production. After making changes to the code, the programmer should test the code and then deliver the new code to the librarian. Production code should come only from the librarian and not from a programmer or directly from a test environment.

A process for controlling changes needs to be in place at the beginning of a project so that everyone knows how to deal with changes and knows what is expected of each entity when a change request is made. Some projects have been doomed from the start because proper change control was not put into place and enforced. Many times in development, the customer and vendor agree on the design of the product, the requirements, and the specifications. The customer is then required to sign a contract confirming this is the agreement and that if they want any further modifications, they will have to pay the vendor for that extra work. If this agreement is not put into place, then the customer can continually request changes, which requires the software development team to put in the extra hours to provide these changes, the result of which is that the vendor loses money, the product does not meet its completion deadline, and scope creep occurs.

Other reasons exist to have change control in place. These reasons deal with organizational policies, standard procedures, and expected results. If a software product is in the last phase of development and a change request comes in, the development team should know how to deal with it. Usually, the team leader must tell the project manager how much extra time will be required to complete the project if this change is incorporated and what steps need to be taken to ensure this change does not affect other components within the product. If these processes are not controlled, one part of a development team could implement the change without another part of the team being aware of it. This could break some of the other development team’s software pieces. When the pieces of the product are integrated and some pieces turn out to be incompatible, some jobs may be in jeopardy, because management never approved the change in the first place.

Change control processes should be evaluated during system audits. It is possible to overlook a problem that a change has caused in testing, so the procedures for how change control is implemented and enforced should be examined during a system audit.

The following are some necessary steps for a change control process:

1. Make a formal request for a change.

2. Analyze the request:

a. Develop the implementation strategy.

b. Calculate the costs of this implementation.

c. Review security implications.

3. Record the change request.

4. Submit the change request for approval.

5. Develop the change:

a. Recode segments of the product and add or subtract functionality.

b. Link these changes in the code to the formal change control request.

c. Submit software for testing and quality control.

d. Repeat until quality is adequate.

e. Make version changes.

6. Report results to management.

The changes to systems may require another round of certification and accreditation. If the changes to a system are significant, then the functionality and level of protection may need to be reevaluated (certified), and management would have to approve the overall system, including the new changes (accreditation).

Development Methodologies

Several software development methodologies are in common use around the world. While some include security issues in certain phases, these are not considered “security-centric development methodologies.” They are simply classical approaches to building and developing software. Let’s dive into some of the methodologies that you should know as a CISSP.


It is exceptionally rare to see a development methodology used in its pure form in the real world. Instead, organizations typically start with a base methodology and modify it to suit their own unique environment. For purposes of the CISSP exam, however, you should focus on what differentiates each development approach.

Waterfall Methodology

The Waterfall methodology uses a linear-sequential life-cycle approach, illustrated in Figure 24-5. Each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to make sure the project is on the correct path and should continue.


Figure 24-5 Waterfall methodology used for software development

In this methodology all requirements are gathered in the initial phase and there is no formal way to integrate changes as more information becomes available or requirements change. It is hard to know everything at the beginning of a project, so waiting until the whole project is complete to integrate necessary changes can be ineffective and time consuming. As an analogy, let’s say that you are planning to landscape your backyard that is one acre in size. In this scenario, you can go to the gardening store only one time to get all your supplies. If you identify during the project that you need more topsoil, rocks, or pipe for the sprinkler system, you have to wait and complete the whole yard before you can return to the store for extra or more suitable supplies.

The Waterfall methodology is a very rigid approach that could be useful for smaller projects in which all the requirements are fully understood up front. It may also be a good choice in some large projects for which different organizations will perform the work at each phase. Overall, however, it is not an ideal methodology for most complex projects, which commonly contain many variables that affect the scope as the project continues.


A prototype is a sample of software code or a model that can be developed to explore a specific approach to a problem before investing expensive time and resources. A team can identify the usability and design problems while working with a prototype and adjust their approach as necessary. Within the software development industry, three main prototype models have been invented and used. These are the rapid prototype, evolutionary prototype, and operational prototype.

Rapid prototyping is an approach that allows the development team to quickly create a prototype (sample) to test the validity of the current understanding of the project requirements. In a software development project, the team could develop a rapid prototype to see if their ideas are feasible and if they should move forward with their current solution. The rapid prototype approach (also called throwaway) is a “quick and dirty” method of creating a piece of code and seeing if everyone is on the right path or if another solution should be developed. The rapid prototype is not developed to be built upon, but to be discarded after serving its purposes.

When evolutionary prototypes are developed, they are built with the goal of incremental improvement. Instead of being discarded after being developed, as in the rapid prototype approach, the evolutionary prototype is continually improved upon until it reaches the final product stage. Feedback that is gained through each development phase is used to improve the prototype and get closer to accomplishing the customer’s needs.

Operational prototypes are an extension of the evolutionary prototype method. Both models (operational and evolutionary) improve the quality of the prototype as more data is gathered, but the operational prototype is designed to be implemented within a production environment as it is being tweaked. The operational prototype is updated as customer feedback is gathered, and the changes to the software happen within the working site.

In summary, a rapid prototype is developed to give a quick understanding of the suggested solution, an evolutionary prototype is created and improved upon within a lab environment, and an operational prototype is developed and improved upon within a production environment.

Incremental Methodology

If a development team follows the Incremental methodology, this allows them to carry out multiple development cycles on a piece of software throughout its development stages. This would be similar to “multi-Waterfall” cycles taking place on one piece of software as it matures through the development stages. A version of the software is created in the first iteration and then it passes through each phase (requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation) of the next iteration process. The software continues through the iteration of phases until a satisfactory product is produced. This methodology is illustrated in Figure 24-6.


Figure 24-6 Incremental development methodology

When using the Incremental methodology, each incremental phase results in a deliverable that is an operational product. This means that a working version of the software is produced after the first iteration and that version is improved upon in each of the subsequent iterations. Some benefits to this methodology are that a working piece of software is available in early stages of development, the flexibility of the methodology allows for changes to take place, testing uncovers issues more quickly than the Waterfall methodology since testing takes place after each iteration, and each iteration is an easily manageable milestone.

Because each incremental phase delivers an operational product, the customer can respond to each build and help the development team in its improvement processes, and because the initial product is delivered more quickly compared to other methodologies, the initial product delivery costs are lower, the customer gets its functionality earlier, and the risks of critical changes being introduced are lower.

This methodology is best used when issues pertaining to risk, program complexity, funding, and functionality requirements need to be understood early in the product development life cycle. If a vendor needs to get the customer some basic functionality quickly as it works on the development of the product, this can be a good methodology to follow.

Spiral Methodology

The Spiral methodology uses an iterative approach to software development and places emphasis on risk analysis. The methodology is made up of four main phases: determine objectives, identify and resolve risks, development and test, and plan the next iteration. The development team starts with the initial requirements and goes through each of these phases, as shown in Figure 24-7. Think about starting a software development project at the center of this graphic. You have your initial understanding and requirements of the project, develop specifications that map to these requirements, identify and resolve risks, build prototype specifications, test your specifications, build a development plan, integrate newly discovered information, use the new information to carry out a new risk analysis, create a prototype, test the prototype, integrate resulting data into the process, and so forth. As you gather more information about the project, you integrate it into the risk analysis process, improve your prototype, test the prototype, and add more granularity to each step until you have a completed product.


Figure 24-7 Spiral methodology for software development

The iterative approach provided by the Spiral methodology allows new requirements to be addressed as they are uncovered. Each prototype allows for testing to take place early in the development project, and feedback based upon these tests is integrated into the following iteration of steps. The risk analysis ensures that all issues are actively reviewed and analyzed so that things do not “slip through the cracks” and the project stays on track.

In the Spiral methodology the last phase allows the customer to evaluate the product in its current state and provide feedback, which is an input value for the next spiral of activity. This is a good methodology for complex projects that have fluid requirements.

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Within this methodology the angular aspect represents progress and the radius of the spirals represents cost.

Rapid Application Development

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology relies more on the use of rapid prototyping than on extensive upfront planning. In this methodology, the planning of how to improve the software is interleaved with the processes of developing the software, which allows for software to be developed quickly. The delivery of a workable piece of software can take place in less than half the time compared to the Waterfall methodology. The RAD methodology combines the use of prototyping and iterative development procedures with the goal of accelerating the software development process. The development process begins with creating data models and business process models to help define what the end-result software needs to accomplish. Through the use of prototyping, these data and process models are refined. These models provide input to allow for the improvement of the prototype, and the testing and evaluation of the prototype allow for the improvement of the data and process models. The goal of these steps is to combine business requirements and technical design statements, which provide the direction in the software development project.

Figure 24-8 illustrates the basic differences between traditional software development approaches and RAD. As an analogy, let’s say that the development team needs you to tell them what it is you want so that they can build it for you. You tell them that the thing you want has four wheels and an engine. They bring you a two-seat convertible and ask, “Is this what you want?” You say, “No, it must be able to seat four adults.” So they leave the prototype with you and go back to work. They build a four-seat convertible and deliver it to you, and you tell them they are getting closer but it still doesn’t fit your requirements. They get more information from you, deliver another prototype, get more feedback, and on and on. That back and forth is what is taking place in the circle portion of Figure 24-8.


Figure 24-8 Rapid Application Development methodology

The main reason that RAD was developed was that by the time software was completely developed following other methodologies, the requirements changed and the developers had to “go back to the drawing board.” If a customer needs you to develop a software product and it takes you a year to do so, by the end of that year the customer’s needs for the software have probably advanced and changed. The RAD methodology allows for the customer to be involved during the development phases so that the end result maps to their needs in a more realistic manner.

Agile Methodologies

The industry seems to be full of software development methodologies, each trying to improve upon the deficiencies of the ones before it. Before the Agile approach to development was created, teams were following rigid process-oriented methodologies. These approaches focused more on following procedures and steps instead of potentially carrying out tasks in a more efficient manner. As an analogy, if you have ever worked within or interacted with a large government agency, you may have come across silly processes that took too long and involved too many steps. If you are a government employee and need to purchase a new chair, you might have to fill out four sets of documents that need to be approved by three other departments. You probably have to identify three different chair vendors, who have to submit a quote, which goes through the contracting office. It might take you a few months to get your new chair. The focus is to follow a protocol and rules instead of efficiency.

Many of the classical software development approaches, as in Waterfall, provide rigid processes to follow that do not allow for much flexibility and adaptability. Commonly, the software development projects that follow these approaches end up failing by not meeting schedule time release, running over budget, and/or not meeting the needs of the customer. Sometimes you need the freedom to modify steps to best meet the situation’s needs.

Agile methodology is an umbrella term for several development methodologies. The overarching methodology focuses not on rigid, linear, stepwise processes, but instead on incremental and iterative development methods that promote cross-functional teamwork and continuous feedback mechanisms. This methodology is considered “lightweight” compared to the traditional methodologies that are “heavyweight,” which just means this methodology is not confined to a tunnel-visioned and overly structured approach. It is nimble and flexible enough to adapt to each project’s needs. The industry found out that even an exhaustive library of defined processes cannot handle every situation that could arise during a development project. So instead of investing time and resources into deep upfront design analysis, the Agile methodology focuses on small increments of functional code that are created based on business need.

The various methodologies under the Agile umbrella focus on individual interaction instead of processes and tools. They emphasize developing the right software product over comprehensive and laborious documentation. They promote customer collaboration instead of contract negotiation, and emphasize abilities to respond to change instead of strictly following a plan.

A notable element of many Agile methodologies is their focus on user stories. A user story is a sentence that describes what a user wants to do and why. For instance, a user story could be “As a customer, I want to search for products so that I can buy some.” Notice the structure of the story is “As a <user role>, I want to <accomplish some goal> so that <reason for accomplishing the goal>.” For example, “As a network analyst, I want to record pcap (packet capture) files so that I can analyze downloaded malware.” This method of documenting user requirements is very familiar to the customers and enables their close collaboration with the development team. Furthermore, by keeping this user focus, validation of the features is simpler because the “right system” is described up front by the users in their own words.


The Agile methodologies do not use prototypes to represent the full product, but break the product down into individual features that are continuously being delivered.

Another important characteristic of the Agile methodologies is that the development team can take pieces and parts of all of the available SDLC methodologies and combine them in a manner that best meets the specific project needs. These various combinations have resulted in many methodologies that fall under the Agile umbrella.


Scrum is one of the most widely adopted Agile methodologies in use today. It lends itself to projects of any size and complexity and is very lean and customer focused. Scrum is a methodology that acknowledges the fact that customer needs cannot be completely understood and will change over time. It focuses on team collaboration, customer involvement, and continuous delivery.

The term scrum originates from the sport of rugby. Whenever something interrupts play (e.g., a penalty or the ball goes out of bounds) and the game needs to be restarted, all players come together in a tight formation. The ball is then thrown into the middle and the players struggle with each other until one team or the other gains possession of the ball, allowing the game to continue. Extending this analogy, the Scrum methodology allows the project to be reset by allowing product features to be added, changed, or removed at clearly defined points. Since the customer is intimately involved in the development process, there should be no surprises, cost overruns, or schedule delays. This allows a product to be iteratively developed and changed even as it is being built.

The change points happen at the conclusion of each sprint, a fixed-duration development interval that is usually (but not always) two weeks in length and promises delivery of a very specific set of features. These features are chosen by the team, but with a lot of input from the customer. There is a process for adding features at any time by inserting them in the feature backlog. However, these features can be considered for actual work only at the beginning of a new sprint. This shields the development team from changes during a sprint, but allows for changes in between sprints.

Extreme Programming

If you take away the regularity of Scrum’s sprints and backlogs and add a lot of code reviewing, you get our next Agile methodology. Extreme Programming (XP) is a development methodology that takes code reviews (discussed in Chapter 18) to the extreme (hence the name) by having them take place continuously. These continuous reviews are accomplished using an approach called pair programming, in which one programmer dictates the code to her partner, who then types it. While this may seem inefficient, it allows two pairs of eyes to constantly examine the code as it is being typed. It turns out that this approach significantly reduces the incidence of errors and improves the overall quality of the code.

Another characteristic of XP is its reliance on test-driven development, in which the unit tests are written before the code. The programmer first writes a new unit test case, which of course fails because there is no code to satisfy it. The next step is to add just enough code to get the test to pass. Once this is done, the next test is written, which fails, and so on. The consequence is that only the minimal amount of code needed to pass the tests is developed. This extremely minimal approach reduces the incidence of errors because it weeds out complexity.


Kanban is a production scheduling system developed by Toyota to more efficiently support just-in-time delivery. Over time, Kanban was adopted by IT and software systems developers. In this context, the Kanban development methodology is one that stresses visual tracking of all tasks so that the team knows what to prioritize at what point in time in order to deliver the right features right on time. Kanban projects used to be very noticeable because entire walls in conference rooms would be covered in sticky notes representing the various tasks that the team was tracking. Nowadays, many Kanban teams opt for virtual walls on online systems.

The Kanban wall is usually divided vertically by production phase. Typical columns are labeled Planned, In Progress, and Done. Each sticky note can represent a user story as it moves through the development process, but more importantly, the sticky note can also be some other work that needs to be accomplished. For instance, suppose that one of the user stories is the search feature described earlier in this section. While it is being developed, the team realizes that the searches are very slow. This could result in a task being added to change the underlying data or network architecture or to upgrade hardware. This sticky note then gets added to the Planned column and starts being prioritized and tracked together with the rest of the remaining tasks. This process highlights how Kanban allows the project team to react to changing or unknown requirements, which is a common feature among all Agile methodologies.


Traditionally, the software development team and the IT team are two separate (and sometimes antagonistic) groups within an organization. Many problems stem from poor collaboration between these two teams during the development process. It is not rare to have the IT team berating the developers because a feature push causes the IT team to have to stay late or work on a weekend or simply drop everything they were doing in order to “fix” something that the developers “broke.” This friction makes a lot of sense when you consider that each team is incentivized by different outcomes. Developers want to push out finished code, usually under strict schedules. The IT staff, on the other hand, wants to keep the IT infrastructure operating effectively. Many project managers who have managed software development efforts will attest to having received complaints from developers that the IT team was being unreasonable and uncooperative, while the IT team was simultaneously complaining about buggy code being tossed over the fence at them at the worst possible times and causing problems on the rest of the network.

A good way to solve this friction is to have both developers and members of the operations staff (hence the term DevOps) on the software development team. DevOps is the practice of incorporating development, IT, and quality assurance (QA) staff into software development projects to align their incentives and enable frequent, efficient, and reliable releases of software products. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 24-9.


Figure 24-9 DevOps exists at the intersection of software development, IT, and QA.

Ultimately, DevOps is about changing the culture of an organization. It has a huge positive impact on security, because in addition to QA, the IT teammates will be involved at every step of the process. Multifunctional integration allows the team to identify potential defects, vulnerabilities, and friction points early enough to resolve them proactively. This is one of the biggest selling points for DevOps. According to multiple surveys, there are a few other, perhaps more powerful benefits: DevOps increases trust within an organization and increases job satisfaction among developers, IT staff, and QA personnel. Unsurprisingly, it also improves the morale of project managers.


It is not all that common for the security team to be involved in software development efforts, but it makes a lot of sense for them to be. Their job is to find vulnerabilities before the threat actors can and then do something about it. As a result, most security professionals develop an “adversarial mindset” that allows them to think like attackers in order to better defend against them. Imagine being a software developer and having someone next to you telling you all the ways they could subvert your code to do bad things. It’d be kind of like having a spell-checker but for vulnerabilities instead of spelling!

DevSecOps is the integration of development, security, and operations professionals into a software development team. It’s just like DevOps but with security added in. One of the main advantages of DevSecOps is that it bakes security right into the development process, rather than bolting it on at the end of it. Rather than implementing controls to mitigate vulnerabilities, the vulnerabilities are prevented from being implemented in the first place.

Other Methodologies

There seems to be no shortage of SDLC and software development methodologies in the industry. The following is a quick summary of a few others that can also be used:

Exploratory methodology   A methodology that is used in instances where clearly defined project objectives have not been presented. Instead of focusing on explicit tasks, the exploratory methodology relies on covering a set of specifications likely to affect the final product’s functionality. Testing is an important part of exploratory development, as it ascertains that the current phase of the project is compliant with likely implementation scenarios.

Joint Application Development (JAD)   A methodology that uses a team approach in application development in a workshop-oriented environment. This methodology is distinguished by its inclusion of members other than coders in the team. It is common to find executive sponsors, subject matter experts, and end users spending hours or days in collaborative development workshops.

Reuse methodology   A methodology that approaches software development by using progressively developed code. Reusable programs are evolved by gradually modifying preexisting prototypes to customer specifications. Since the reuse methodology does not require programs to be built from scratch, it drastically reduces both development cost and time.

Cleanroom   An approach that attempts to prevent errors or mistakes by following structured and formal methods of developing and testing. This approach is used for high-quality and mission-critical applications that will be put through a strict certification process.

We covered only the most commonly used methodologies in this section, but there are many more that exist. New methodologies have evolved as technology and research have advanced and various weaknesses of older approaches have been addressed. Most of the methodologies exist to meet a specific software development need, and choosing the wrong approach for a certain project could be devastating to its overall success.


While all the methodologies we covered are used in many organizations around the world, you should focus on Agile, Waterfall, DevOps, and DevSecOps for the CISSP exam.

Maturity Models

Regardless of which software development methodology an organization adopts, it is helpful to have a framework for determining how well-defined and effective its development activities are. Maturity models identify the important components of software development processes and then organize them in an evolutionary scale that proceeds from ad hoc to mature. Each maturity level comprises a set of goals that, when they are met, stabilize one or more of those components. As an organization moves up this maturity scale, the effectiveness, repeatability, and predictability of its software development processes increase, leading to higher-quality code. Higher-quality code, in turn, means fewer vulnerabilities, which is why we care so deeply about this topic as cybersecurity leaders. Let’s take a look at the two most popular models: the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM).

Capability Maturity Model Integration

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a comprehensive set of models for developing software. It addresses the different phases of a software development life cycle, including concept definition, requirements analysis, design, development, integration, installation, operations, and maintenance, and what should happen in each phase. It can be used to evaluate security engineering practices and identify ways to improve them. It can also be used by customers in the evaluation process of a software vendor. Ideally, software vendors would use the model to help improve their processes, and customers would use the model to assess the vendors’ practices.


For exam purposes, the terms CMM and CMMI are equivalent.

CMMI describes procedures, principles, and practices that underlie software development process maturity. This model was developed to help software vendors improve their development processes by providing an evolutionary path from an ad hoc “fly by the seat of your pants” approach to a more disciplined and repeatable method that improves software quality, reduces the life cycle of development, provides better project management capabilities, allows for milestones to be created and met in a timely manner, and takes a more proactive approach than the less effective reactive approach. It provides best practices to allow an organization to develop a standardized approach to software development that can be used across many different groups. The goal is to continue to review and improve upon the processes to optimize output, increase capabilities, and provide higher-quality software at a lower cost through the implementation of continuous improvement steps.

If the company Stuff-R-Us wants a software development company, Software-R-Us, to develop an application for it, it can choose to buy into the sales hype about how wonderful Software-R-Us is, or it can ask Software-R-Us whether it has been evaluated against CMMI. Third-party companies evaluate software development companies to certify their product development processes. Many software companies have this evaluation done so they can use this as a selling point to attract new customers and provide confidence for their current customers.

The five maturity levels of CMMI are shown in Figure 24-10 and described here:

Level 0: Incomplete   Development process is ad hoc or even chaotic. Tasks are not always completed at all, so projects are regularly cancelled or abandoned.

Level 1: Initial   The organization does not use effective management procedures and plans. There is no assurance of consistency, and quality is unpredictable. Success is usually the result of individual heroics.

Level 2: Managed   A formal management structure, change control, and quality assurance are in place for individual projects. The organization can properly repeat processes throughout each project.

Level 3: Defined   Formal procedures are in place that outline and define processes carried out in all projects across the organization. This allows the organization to be proactive rather than reactive.

Level 4: Quantitatively Managed   The organization has formal processes in place to collect and analyze quantitative data, and metrics are defined and fed into the process-improvement program.

Level 5: Optimizing   The organization has budgeted and integrated plans for continuous process improvement, which allow it to quickly respond to opportunities and changes.


Figure 24-10 CMMI staged maturity levels

Each level builds upon the previous one. For example, a company that accomplishes a Level 5 CMMI rating must meet all the requirements outlined in Levels 1–4 along with the requirements of Level 5.

If a software development vendor is using the Prototyping methodology that was discussed earlier in this chapter, the vendor would most likely only achieve a CMMI Level 1, particularly if its practices are ad hoc, not consistent, and the level of the quality that its software products contain is questionable. If this company practiced a strict Agile SDLC methodology consistently and carried out development, testing, and documentation precisely, it would have a higher chance of obtaining a higher CMMI level.

Capability maturity models (CMMs) are used for many different purposes, software development processes being one of them. They are general models that allow for maturity-level identification and maturity improvement steps. We showed how a CMM can be used for organizational security program improvement processes in Chapter 4.

The software industry ended up with several different CMMs, which led to confusion. CMMI was developed to bring many of these different maturity models together and allow them to be used in one framework. CMMI was developed by industry experts, government entities, and the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. So CMMI has replaced CMM in the software engineering world, but you may still see CMM referred to within the industry and on the CISSP exam. Their ultimate goals are the same, which is process improvement.

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CMMI is continually being updated and improved upon. You can view the latest documents on it at

Software Assurance Maturity Model

The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is specifically focused on secure software development and allows organizations of any size to decide their target maturity levels within each of the five critical business functions: Governance, Design, Implementation, Verification, and Operations, as shown in Figure 24-11. One of the premises on which SAMM is built is that any organization that is involved in software development must perform these five functions.


Figure 24-11 Software Assurance Maturity Model

Each business function, in turn, is divided into three security practices, which are sets of security-related activities that provide assurance for the function. For example, if you want to ensure that your Design business function is done right, you need to perform activities related to threat assessment, identification of security requirements, and securely architecting the software. Each of these 15 practices can be independently assessed and matured, which allows the organization to decide what maturity level makes sense for each practice.

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You can find more information on SAMM at

Chapter Review

While there is no expectation that you, as a CISSP, will necessarily be involved in software development, you will almost certainly lead organizations that either produce software or consume it. Therefore, it is important that you understand how secure software is developed. Knowing this enables you to see what an organization is doing, software development-wise, and quickly get a sense of the maturity of its processes. If processes are ad hoc, this chapter should have given you some pointers on how to formalize the processes. After all, without formal processes and trained programmers in place, you have almost no hope of producing software that is not immediately vulnerable as soon as it is put into production. On the other hand, if the organization seems more mature, you can delve deeper into the specifics of building security into the software, which is the topic of the next chapter.

Quick Review

• The software development life cycle (SDLC) comprises five phases: requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and operations and maintenance (O&M).

• Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) refers to any type of software that allows for the automated development of software, which can come in the form of program editors, debuggers, code analyzers, version-control mechanisms, and more. The goals are to increase development speed and productivity and reduce errors.

• Various levels of testing should be carried out during development: unit (testing individual components), integration (verifying components work together in the production environment), acceptance (ensuring code meets customer requirements), and regression (testing after changes take place).

• Change management is a systematic approach to deliberately regulating the changing nature of projects. Change control, which is a subpart of change management, deals with controlling specific changes to a system.

• Security should be addressed in each phase of software development. It should not be addressed only at the end of development because of the added cost, time, and effort and the lack of functionality.

The attack surface is the collection of possible entry points for an attacker. The reduction of this surface reduces the possible ways that an attacker can exploit a system.

• Threat modeling is a systematic approach used to understand how different threats could be realized and how a successful compromise could take place.

• The waterfall software development methodology follows a sequential approach that requires each phase to complete before the next one can begin.

• The prototyping methodology involves creating a sample of the code for proof-of-concept purposes.

• Incremental software development entails multiple development cycles that are carried out on a piece of software throughout its development stages.

• The spiral methodology is an iterative approach that emphasizes risk analysis per iteration.

• Rapid Application Development (RAD) combines prototyping and iterative development procedures with the goal of accelerating the software development process.

• Agile methodologies are characterized by iterative and incremental development processes that encourage team-based collaboration, where flexibility and adaptability are used instead of a strict process structure.

• Some organizations improve internal coordination and reduce friction by integrating the development and operations (DevOps) teams or the development, operations, and security (DevSecOps) teams when developing software.

• An integrated product team (IPT) is a multidisciplinary development team with representatives from many or all the stakeholder populations.

• Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes, which will improve their performance.

• The CMMI model uses six maturity levels designated by the numbers 0 through 5. Each level represents the maturity level of the process quality and optimization. The levels are organized as follows: 0 = Incomplete, 1 = Initial, 2 = Managed, 3 = Defined, 4 = Quantitatively Managed, 5 = Optimizing.

• The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is specifically focused on secure software development and allows organizations to decide their target maturity levels within each of five critical business functions: Governance, Design, Implementation, Verification, and Operations.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. The software development life cycle has several phases. Which of the following lists these phases in the correct order?

A. Requirements gathering, design, development, maintenance, testing, release

B. Requirements gathering, design, development, testing, operations and maintenance

C. Prototyping, build and fix, increment, test, maintenance

D. Prototyping, testing, requirements gathering, integration, testing

2. John is a manager of the application development department within his company. He needs to make sure his team is carrying out all of the correct testing types and at the right times of the development stages. Which of the following accurately describe types of software testing that should be carried out?

  i. Unit testing   Testing individual components in a controlled environment where programmers validate data structure, logic, and boundary conditions

 ii. Integration testing   Verifying that components work together as outlined in design specifications

iii. Acceptance testing   Ensuring that the code meets customer requirements

iv. Regression testing   After a change to a system takes place, retesting to ensure functionality, performance, and protection

A. i, ii

B. ii, iii

C. i, ii, iv

D. i, ii, iii, iv

3. Marge has to choose a software development methodology that her team should follow. The application that her team is responsible for developing is a critical application that can have few to no errors. Which of the following best describes the type of methodology her team should follow?

A. Cleanroom

B. Joint Application Development (JAD)

C. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

D. Reuse methodology

4. Which level of Capability Maturity Model Integration allows organizations to manage all projects across the organization and be proactive?

A. Defined

B. Incomplete

C. Managed

D. Optimizing

5. Mohammed is in charge of a large software development project with rigid requirements and phases that will probably be completed by different contractors. Which methodology would be best?

A. Waterfall

B. Spiral

C. Prototyping

D. Agile

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 6–9. You’re in charge of IT and security at a midsize organization going through a growth stage. You decided to stand up your own software development team and are about to start your first project: a knowledge base for your customers. You think it can eventually grow to become the focal point of interaction with your customers, offering a multitude of features. You’ve heard a lot about the Scrum methodology and decide to try it for this project.

6. How would you go about documenting the requirements for this software system?

A. User stories

B. Use cases

C. System Requirements Specification (SRS)

D. Informally, since it’s your first project

7. You are halfway through your first Scrum sprint and get a call from a senior vice president insisting that you add a new feature immediately. How do you handle this request?

A. Add the feature to the next sprint

B. Change the current sprint to include the feature

C. Reset the project to the requirements gathering phase

D. Delay the new feature until the end of the project

8. Your software development team, being new to the organization, is struggling to work smoothly with other teams within the organization as needed to get the software into production securely. Which approach can help mitigate this internal friction?

A. DevSecOps

B. DevOps

C. Integrated Product Teams (IPT)

D. Joint Analysis Design (JAD) sessions

9. What would be the best approach to selectively mature your software development practices with a view to improving cybersecurity?

A. Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)

B. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

C. Kanban

D. Integrated product teams (IPTs)


1. B. The following outlines the common phases of the software development life cycle:

  i. Requirements gathering

 ii. Design

iii. Development

 iv. Testing

v. Operations and maintenance

2. D. There are different types of tests the software should go through because there are different potential flaws to look for. The following are some of the most common testing approaches:

Unit testing   Testing individual components in a controlled environment where programmers validate data structure, logic, and boundary conditions

Integration testing   Verifying that components work together as outlined in design specifications

Acceptance testing   Ensuring that the code meets customer requirements

Regression testing   After a change to a system takes place, retesting to ensure functionality, performance, and protection

3. A. The listed software development methodologies and their definitions are as follows:

Joint Application Development (JAD)   A methodology that uses a team approach in application development in a workshop-oriented environment.

Rapid Application Development (RAD)   A methodology that combines the use of prototyping and iterative development procedures with the goal of accelerating the software development process.

Reuse methodology   A methodology that approaches software development by using progressively developed code. Reusable programs are evolved by gradually modifying preexisting prototypes to customer specifications. Since the reuse methodology does not require programs to be built from scratch, it drastically reduces both development cost and time.

Cleanroom   An approach that attempts to prevent errors or mistakes by following structured and formal methods of developing and testing. This approach is used for high-quality and critical applications that will be put through a strict certification process.

4. A. The six levels of Capability Maturity Integration Model are

Incomplete   Development process is ad hoc or even chaotic. Tasks are not always completed at all, so projects are regularly cancelled or abandoned.

Initial   The organization does not use effective management procedures and plans. There is no assurance of consistency, and quality is unpredictable. Success is usually the result of individual heroics.

Managed   A formal management structure, change control, and quality assurance are in place for individual projects. The organization can properly repeat processes throughout each project.

Defined   Formal procedures are in place that outline and define processes carried out in all projects across the organization. This allows the organization to be proactive rather than reactive.

Quantitatively Managed   The organization has formal processes in place to collect and analyze quantitative data, and metrics are defined and fed into the process-improvement program.

Optimizing   The organization has budgeted and integrated plans for continuous process improvement, which allow it to quickly respond to opportunities and changes.

5. A. The Waterfall methodology is a very rigid approach that could be useful for projects in which all the requirements are fully understood up front or projects for which different organizations will perform the work at each phase. The Spiral, prototyping, and Agile methodologies are well suited for situations in which the requirements are not well understood, and don’t lend themselves well to switching contractors midstream.

6. A. Any answer except “informally” would be a reasonable one, but since you are using an Agile methodology (Scrum), user stories is the best answer. The important point is that you document the requirements formally, so you can design a solution that meets all your users’ needs.

7. A. The Scrum methodology allows the project to be reset by allowing product features to be added, changed, or removed at clearly defined points that typically happen at the conclusion of each sprint.

8. A. DevSecOps is the integration of development, security, and operations professionals into a software development team. This is a good way to solve the friction between developers and members of the security and operations staff.

9. A. CMMI and SAMM are the only maturity models among the possible answers. SAMM is the best answer because it allows for more granular maturity goals than CMMI does, and it is focused on security.

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