

Hacking Through the Network: Sniffers and Evasion

In this chapter you will learn about

• Sniffing and protocols that are susceptible to sniffing

• Describing active and passive sniffing

• Describing ethical hacking techniques for layer 2 traffic

• Sniffing tools and displays

• Describing sniffing countermeasures

• Intrusion detection system (IDS) types, use, and placement

• Describing signature analysis within Snort

• Listing IDS evasion techniques

• Firewall types, use, and placement

• Describing firewall hacking tools and techniques

• Use and placement of a honeypot


My office sits on the corner of two hallways, which dead-end just outside, with the door to the stairwell about five feet beyond. There’s also a large window right at the end of the hallway looking out over the giant parking lot, with two big palm trees swaying in the eternal breeze just to the left. Oftentimes, people will walk down to the end of the hallway and look out the window for a while, longing for freedom during the middle of a harsh workday. And, oftentimes, they come down there to take or place personal calls on their cell phones. I know I was educated in Alabama, but I just assumed everyone knew that sound travels.

These people talk to their girlfriends, boyfriends, and, on a couple of occasions, the “other woman.” They call up banks and talk about their accounts or loans. They call businesses they’ve applied to, trying to work out interview times and other assorted goodies. And all of this they do without any knowledge that someone is listening to all their conversations. Thankfully, for all these folks, I’m not an evil little guy. If I were, I could be drawing from several bank accounts. I could also set up and run a very successful dating agency—or a source for divorce proceedings.

In much the same way as in this example, people have conversations over a network all the time, without having any idea someone else could be listening in. In this chapter, we’re going to discuss ways for you to sit in the cramped little corner office of the network wire, listening in on what people are saying over your target subnet. We’ll also include a little discussion on efforts to stop your network intrusion and, hopefully, steps you can take around them.


Most people consider eavesdropping to be a little on the rude side. When it comes to your career as a pen tester, though, you’re going to have to get over your societal norms and become an ace at it—well, an ace at virtual eavesdropping anyway. Sniffing is the art of capturing packets as they pass on a wire, or over the airwaves, to review for interesting information. This information could simply be addresses to go after, or information on another target. It can also be as high value as a password or other authentication code—believe it or not, some protocols send passwords and such in the clear, making things a heck of a lot easier for you. A sniffer is the tool you’ll use to accomplish this, and a host of different ones are available.

Communications Basics

Before we get into sniffing and sniffers, per se, we should spend just a little more time discussing communications basics. In the last chapter, we broke down (at least, at a very high level) some of the salient information and activity that goes on with TCP and UDP. However, that’s only one small step in the overall communications process. I know you’re all groaning at yet another trip down the OSI reference model toll road, but it’s a journey we’ll just have to take together. Figure 5-1 shows the OSI model and the actual TCP/IP stack, side by side, for comparison’s sake. Because it’s important to the remainder of the discussion (and because you’ll see it on your exam), let’s take a little stroll through the OSI reference model to see how the communication works between two systems.


FIGURE 5.1 Communication model comparison

OSI Model: A Quick Discussion

Starting at the top, the Application layer holds all the protocols that allow a user to access information on and across a network. For example, FTP allows users to transport files across networks, SMTP provides for e-mail traffic, and HTTP allows you to surf the Internet at work while you’re supposed to be doing something else. The Presentation layer is designed to put the message into a format all systems can understand. For example, an e-mail crafted in Microsoft Outlook must be translated to pure ASCII code for delivery across a network. The Session layer is more of a theoretical entity, with no real manipulation of the data itself—its job is to open, maintain, and close a session. These three layers make up the “data layers” of the stack, and they map directly to the Application layer of the TCP/IP stack.

The next layer, Transport, is one of utmost importance to a hacker. This is where reliable end-to-end delivery of the message is ensured, along with segmentation, error correction (through retransmission of missing segments), and flow control. Protocols found here are TCP and UDP, among others. The Network layer then takes the segment from the Transport layer and addresses it. The address here is akin to a ZIP code—it’s designed to get the packet to the network where the end station lives. Routed protocols, such as IP, can be found here.

The Data Link layer, next in line, then encapsulates the packet with a header and a trailer. The address found in this header is the physical address for the appropriate system on the subnet the frame is now traveling through (eventually it will be the address of the end station), known as the MAC address. For example’s sake, consider the front of an envelope you put in the mailbox. The ZIP code is used to get it to the post office that knows where you, personally, live. Once it’s in that post office, a mail carrier will read your physical address and deliver it to the correct house on the street. Network traffic is no different—much like the ZIP code gets your envelope to the post office, the IP address gets the packet to a router that knows which subnet your computer lives on. The physical address in the frame is intended to deliver it within the subnet it currently finds itself in, and is changed out as the frame header is stripped off and rebuilt along each subnet pathway. Figure 5-2 shows how the MAC address will change in the frame depending on where it’s located.

Finally, at the Physical layer, everything is converted to electricity, light, radio waves, or whatever media is sending the message. Here, the frame is turned into bits for delivery. Timing and encoding occur here. From the hacking perspective, there’s not a lot of action here, other than denial-of-service opportunities.


FIGURE 5.2 Frames during transit

Believe it or not, your understanding of this communications process is critical to your success in sniffing. If you don’t know how addressing works, and what the protocols are doing at each layer, your time spent looking at a sniffer output will be nothing more than time wasted. Just how so, you may be asking? Well, let’s take a look at the protocols and activities in each layer that will be of note to you in your sniffing.

Protocols of Interest

There are some important protocols in the upper layers for you to pay attention to as an ethical hacker—mainly because of their simplicity. When you think about an Application layer protocol, remember it normally relies on other protocols for almost everything else except its sole, primary purpose. For example, consider the Simple Mail Transport Protocol. SMTP was designed to do one thing—carry an e-mail message. It doesn’t know anything about IP addressing, or encryption, or how big the network pipe is—its only concern is packaging ASCII characters together to be given to a recipient. Because it was written to carry nothing but ASCII, there is virtually no security built into the protocol at all. In other words, everything sent via SMTP, with no encryption added at another layer, is sent as clear text, meaning it can be easily read by someone sniffing the wire.

In another example, although FTP requires a user ID and password to access the server (usually), the information is passed in clear text over the wire. TFTP, SNMP, POP3, and HTTP are all Application layer protocols with information readily available to captured traffic—you just need to learn where to look for it. Sometimes data owners will use an insecure application protocol to transport information that should be kept secret. Sniffing the wire while these clear-text messages go across will display all that for you.

Protocols at the Transport and Network layers can also provide relevant data. TCP and UDP work in the Transport layer and provide the port numbers that both sides of a data exchange are using. TCP also adds sequence numbers, which will come into play later on during session hijacking. IP is the protocol working at the Network layer, and there is loads of information you can glean just from the packets themselves (see Figure 5-3). An IP packet header contains, of course, source and destination IP addresses. However, it also holds such goodies as the quality of service for the packet (Type of Service field) and information on fragmentation of packets along the way (Identification and Fragment Offset fields), which can prove useful in crafting your own fragmented packets later on.

The Data Link layer offers its own unique, and extremely interesting, information. As mentioned before, an IP packet provides the network address, which is needed to route the packet across several individual networks to its final destination. But inside each one of those individual networks, the frame needs a physical address (the MAC) to deliver it to a specific system. The MAC address of an intended recipient is actually the address burned onto the NIC itself. When the frame is being built inside the sending machine, the system uses a protocol called ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to quite literally ask the subnet, “Does anyone have a physical address for the IP address I have here in this packet? If so, please let me know so I can build a frame and send it on.”


FIGURE 5-3 IP packet header


NOTE The MAC address (a.k.a. physical address) that is burned onto a NIC is actually made of two sections. The first half of the address, 3 bytes (24 bits), is known as the Organizational Unique Identifier, and is used to identify the card manufacturer. The second half is a unique number burned in at manufacturing, to ensure no two cards on any given subnet will have the same address.

Sometimes the message is not intended for someone in your network. Maybe it’s a packet asking for a web page, or an e-mail being sent to a server somewhere up the Net. In any case, if the IP address of the packet being sent is not inside the same subnet, the router will usually respond with its MAC address. Why? Because the router knows it will be the one to forward the packet along the way. Once the packet is received, the router will open it up, look in the route table, and build a new frame for the next subnet along the route path. As that frame is being built, it will send another ARP request again: “Does anyone have a physical address for the IP address I have here in this packet? If so, please let me know so I can build a frame and send it on.”

Want to know another interesting thing about ARP? The protocol retains a cache on machines as it works—at least, in many implementations it does. This really makes a lot of sense when you think about it—why continue to make ARP requests for machines you constantly talk to? To see this in action, you can use the ping, arp, and netsh commands on your Windows machine. By pinging a machine, you’ll “arp” the MAC address of the system you’re looking for. In Exercise 5-1, I use my machine ( and ping my daughter’s machine ( As an aside, she’s very excited to be part of “the hacking book.”

Exercise 5-1: Viewing ARP Entries

This exercise is designed to demonstrate how MAC addresses are managed by ARP.

1. Ping a local machine. You can use any IP in your local subnet—for this exercise I pinged from source

2. Type arp –a. The ARP cache will appear, showing the MAC address ARP found for the machine. In the case of my test here, the display shows the following:

C:arp -a
Interface --- 0xd
Internet Address           Physical Address                00-13-10-fc-ce-6c              1c-65-9d-18-f1-d4              ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff

Notice the MAC address of my local router is shown, along with the MAC of my daughter’s PC. The address ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff is the MAC address for the broadcast on our subnet.

3. Clear the ARP cache by typing netsh interface ip delete arpcache. To test its results, check the ARP cache again:

C: netsh interface ip delete arpcache
C: arp -a
No ARP Entries Found

One final relevant note on ARP: The protocol works on a broadcast basis. In other words, requests (“Does anyone have the MAC for this IP address?”) and replies (“I do. Here’s my physical address—please add it to your cache.”) are broadcast to every machine on the network. If they’re not refreshed, the MAC addresses learned with ARP eventually fade away from the cache with time; not to mention new entries will wipe out old ones as soon as they’re received.

All of this is interesting information, but just how does it help a hacker? Well, if you put on your logical thinking cap, you’ll quickly see how it could be a veritable gold mine for your hacking efforts. A system on your subnet will build frames and send them out with physical address entries based on its ARP cache. If you were to, somehow, change the ARP cache on Machine A and alter the cached MAC address of Machine B to your system’s MAC, you would receive all communication Machine A intended to send to Machine B. Suppose you went really nuts and changed the ARP entry for the default gateway on all systems in your subnet to your own machine? Now you’re getting all messages everyone was trying to send out of the local network, often the Internet. Interested now?

The process of maliciously changing an ARP cache on a machine to inject faulty entries is known as ARP poisoning (a.k.a. gratuitous ARP)—and it’s not really that difficult to achieve. As stated earlier, ARP is a broadcast protocol. So, if Machine A is sitting there minding its own business, and a broadcast comes across for Machine B that holds a different MAC address than what was already in the table, Machine A will instantly, and gladly, update its ARP cache—without even asking who sent the broadcast. To quote the characters from the movie Dude, Where’s My Car?, “Sweet!”


NOTE Tons of tools are available for ARP spoofing/poisoning; however, you have two big considerations when using them. First, the ARP entries need updating very frequently—to maintain your “control” you’ll need to always have your fake entry update before any real update comes past. Second, remember ARP is a broadcast protocol, which means ARP poisoning attempts can trigger alerts pretty quickly.

Sniffing Techniques and Tools

So now that we know a little about the communications process and how sniffing a wire can be of great advantage to us, it must be time to discuss just how it’s done. The process of sniffing comes down to a few items of great importance: what state the NIC is in, what wire you have access to, and what tool you’re running. Because a sniffer is basically an application that pulls all frames off a medium for your perusal, and you already know the full communications process, I would imagine it’s easy for you to understand why these three items are of utmost importance.

First, let’s consider your NIC. This little piece of electronic genius works by listening to a medium (a wire most often, or the airwaves in the case of wireless). It reacts when electricity charges the wire, then begins reading the bits coming in. If the bits come in the form of a frame, it looks at the ones making up the destination address. If that address matches its own MAC address, the broadcast address for the subnet, or a multicast address it is aware of, it will pull the frame from the wire and begin working on it. In short, your NIC normally won’t pull in or look at any frame not addressed to it. You have to tell it to.

A sniffer runs in something called promiscuous mode. This simply means that, regardless of address, if the frame is passing on the wire, the sniffer tells the NIC to grab it and pull it in. Most NICs have, or will accept, drivers that support promiscuous mode once a packet-capturing application has been installed. WinPcap is an example of a driver that allows the operating system to provide low-level network access and is used by a lot of sniffers on Windows machine NICs.

This brings up the second interesting point we brought up earlier—what wire, or medium, you have access to. Ethernet (because it’s the most common, it’s what we’ll discuss) runs with multiple systems sharing a wire and negotiating time to talk based on CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection). In short, anyone can talk anytime they want, so long as the wire is quiet. If two decide to talk at the same time, a collision occurs, they back off, and everyone goes at it again. As long as your system is within the same collision domain, you get every message intended for anyone else in the domain. You don’t normally see them because your NIC usually forwards up the ones intended for you. So what constitutes a collision domain? Is the whole world in a collision domain? See Figure 5-4.

Collision domains are composed of all the machines sharing any given transport medium. In other words, if we’re all connected to the same wire, and we use electricity to talk to one another, every time I send a message to one person on the wire, everyone gets shocked. Therefore, only one of us can talk at a time—if two try it simultaneously, the voltage increases and the messages will get all garbled up.


FIGURE 5.4 Collision domains and sniffing

In old 10Base2 networks, every machine was literally touching the same wire (using “T” connectors). In 10, 100, and 1000BaseT networks, which use twisted pair wiring and various connection devices, the media is segmented by several network devices. However, some of them split up that wire and some do not. Any systems connected to a hub all share the same collision domains. Those connected to a switch, however, are on their own collision domain—the switch only sends frames down that wire if they’re intended for the recipient. This brings up a potential problem for the sniffing attacker. If we’re connected to a switch, and we only receive messages intended for our own NIC, what good is it to sniff? Excellent question, and a good reminder that it’s important to know what you actually have access to, media-wise (we’ll answer the question a little later on in this chapter, so just keep reading).

Lastly, sniffing comes down to which tool you decide to use. There are literally tons of sniffers available. Some of them are passive sniffers, simply pulling in frames off the wire as they are received. Others are known as active sniffers, with built-in features to trick switches into sending all traffic their way. In the interest of time, page count, and your study (since this one will be on your exam), we’re going to spend the next few moments discussing Wireshark. Ettercap, EtherPeek, and even Snort (better known as an IDS, though) are all examples of sniffers.

Packet Captures

Wireshark is probably the most popular sniffer available—mainly because it is free, stable, and works really well. Previously known as “Ethereal,” Wireshark can capture packets from wired or wireless networks and provides a fairly easy-to-use interface. The top portion of the display is called the Packet List, and shows all the captured packets. The middle portion, Packet Detail, displays the sections within the frame and packet headers. The bottom portion displays the actual hex entries in the highlighted section. Once you get used to them, you’ll be surprised what you can find in the hex entries—for one example, you can scroll through and pick up ASCII characters from a Telnet login session. Wireshark also offers an almost innumerable array of filters you can apply to any given sniffing session, which can fine-tune your results to exactly what you’re looking for. Additionally, the good folks who created it have provided a multitude of sample captures for you to practice on. Let’s try a short capture session to introduce the basics.

Exercise 5-2: Sniffing Network Traffic with Wireshark

I highly recommend you play with and use Wireshark on a continual basis. You’ll be surprised what kind of unexpected information you can glean from your network. For test purposes on this exercise, be sure you’re familiar with what it takes for the tool to be successful—and really get to know the filters. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Download and install Wireshark. Open the application. Figure 5-5 shows the home screen.


FIGURE 5.5 Wireshark home screen

2. Click your chosen interface in the Capture section, at the top left. (Hint: If you choose your wireless card, click Capture Options first, then turn off promiscuous mode—you’ll catch more frames this way.) The Capture Review window appears.

3. Open a browser window and then go to Close the browser window.

4. Click the Stop Capture button at the top of the screen (see Figure 5-6).

The packets will display in order, from first to last packet captured, in the top portion of the display. Notice the protocols are shown in different colors. Black generally indicates either an error or an encrypted packet.


FIGURE 5.6 The Stop Capture button

5. Click the “Protocol” header. The protocols will align in alphabetical order. Click the first ARP packet and then expand the entries in the middle section. Scroll through some of the other packets and explore each one.

6. Scroll down to the first HTTP packet. Right-click and choose Follow TCP Stream. The pop-up window displays the entire surfing session—scroll through and see!

7. Clear the Expression window and type in the filter command to show only packets sent by your machine—for example, ip.src ==

8. Pick out a packet you received and note the IP address of the machine. Clear the Expression window and sort to display only packets to or from that machine—for example, ip.addr ==


NOTE On some systems (I’m speaking specifically about Vista here, but this may apply to whichever OS you’re running if you have it “locked down”), you may need to set the tool to run as administrator. Not doing so causes all sorts of headaches in trying to run in promiscuous mode.

Following a TCP stream is a great way to discover passwords in the clear. For instance, I downloaded one of the capture files from Wireshark (clicking Sample Captures in the Files section, in the center of the window, gives you plenty to download and play with) regarding a Telnet session. After opening the file, I sorted by protocol and selected the first Telnet packet I could find. A right-click, followed by selecting Follow TCP Stream, gave me the entire session—including the logon information, as shown in Figure 5-7.

Another great feature of Wireshark is its ability to filter a packet capture to your specifications. A filter can be created by typing in the correct stream in the filter window, by right-clicking a packet or protocol header and choosing Apply As Filter, or by clicking the Expression button beside the filter screen and checking off what you’d like. In any case, the filter will display only what you’ve chosen. For example, in Figure 5-8, only Telnet packets will be displayed. In Figure 5-9, all packets with the source address will be shown.

Filters are of great use when you set up a packet capture for a long period of time. Instead of combing through millions of packets, apply a filter and only look at what you need. Other good examples of filters include host (displays traffic to or from, net (displays traffic to or from the subnet, and port 80 (displays all port 80 traffic). During a capture, you can also click the Capture Filters selection from the Capture menu item and choose all sorts of predefined goodies. For one example, No Broadcast and No Multicast is a good one to use if you want to cut down on the number of packets you’ll have to comb through (only packets addressed explicitly to a system on the subnet will be shown). There are, literally, endless combinations of filters you can use. Take advantage of the sample captures provided by Wireshark and play with the Expression Builder—it’s the only real way to learn.


FIGURE 5.7 Telnet session in Wireshark


FIGURE 5.8 Telnet filter in Wireshark


FIGURE 5.9 IP source address filter


EXAM TIP Be very familiar with Wireshark filters and how to read output. Exam questions won’t be too overly complicated if you apply a little logic and are aware of filter syntax and where to look on the output screen.

Another “old-school” tool you’ll definitely see in use on your pen tests, and probably on your exam as well, is tcpdump. Although there is a Windows version (Win-Dump), tcpdump has been a Unix staple from way, way back, and many people just love the tool. There are no bells and whistles—this is a command line tool that simply prints out a description of the contents of packets on a network interface that match a given filter (Boolean expression). In short, you point tcpdump to an interface, tell it to grab all packets matching a Boolean expression you create, and voilà! These packets can be dumped to the screen, if you really like Matrix-y characters flying across the screen all the time, or you can dump them to a file for review later.

The syntax for this tool is fairly simple: tcpdump flag(s) interface. However, the sheer number of flags and the Boolean combinations you can create can make for some pretty elegant search strings. For a simple example, tcpdump -i eth1 puts the interface in listening mode, capturing pretty much anything that comes across eth1. If you were to add the -w flag, you could specify a file in which to save the data, for review later. If you get nuts with it, though, the Boolean expressions show tcpdump’s power. The following command will show all data packets (no SYN, FIN, or ACK-only) to and from port 80:

tcpdump 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2))

!= 0)'

Take some time to review the tcpdump man page at man.html and you can see all sorts of great examples, as well as good write-ups on each of the flags available. But don’t worry too much—no one is going to expect you to write a 35,000-character Boolean expression on the exam. You should, though, know basic flags for tcpdump—particularly how to put the interface in listening mode (-i) and how to write to a file (-w)—and how to use the tool.

Of course, you have plenty of other choices available in sniffers. Ettercap is a very powerful sniffer and man-in-the-middle suite of programs. It is available as a Windows tool, but works much better in its native Unix platform. Ettercap can be used as a passive sniffer, an active sniffer, and an ARP poisoning tool. Other great sniffers include Snort (most often discussed as an intrusion detection application), EtherPeek, Win-Dump, and WinSniffer.


NOTE tcpdump is considered a built-in utility for all Unix systems, whereas Wireshark is typically considered a hacker tool and Ettercap is always considered a hacker tool. If you value your job, I’d highly suggest you don’t install these on your work desktop.

Flooding and Spoofing

So you know the communications flow, which protocols are interesting, what functions and circumstances are important to sniffing, and even how to use a very popular sniffer. What’s left? The answer is, of course, dealing with the problems you’ll encounter along the way. Encryption, for the most part, isn’t one you can normally work around—if it’s in place you’ll just have to work other angles. But collision domains and those pesky switches we talked about earlier? Those we may have some answers for.

One simple way around the limitations of a switch and your collision domain is to ARP poison your target. Because ARP works on a broadcast, the switch will merrily send any ARP packet out to all recipients—as an aside, the process of sending lots of broadcast traffic to a switch in order to force it out to all recipients is called flooding. Be careful, though, because most modern switches have built-in defenses for too many ARP broadcasts coming across the wire, and there are a wide variety of network monitoring tools administrators can put into use to watch for this. Additionally, some network administrators are smart enough to manually add the default gateway MAC permanently (arp -s) into the ARP cache on each device. A couple of tools that make ARP flooding as easy as pressing a button are Cain and Abel (a great Windows hacking tool) and dsniff (a collection of Linux tools holding a tool called ARPspoof).

Another method—although it doesn’t work on many modern switches—is known as a MAC flood. A switch works by maintaining a table—known as the CAM (content addressable memory)—of all the MAC addresses that it learns about. Between ARPs and frames to and from the machine(s), switches learn pretty quickly which port to send messages down. However, when it’s first turned on, and the CAM table is empty, the switch doesn’t know which port to send any given message to. Therefore, when it receives that first message, it floods it to all ports, just like a hub would.

MAC flooding works by sending tons and tons of unsolicited MACs to the switch, filling up the CAM table. Because the CAM is finite in size, it fills up fairly quickly and entries begin rolling off the list. When a switch receives a message and there is no entry in the CAM table, it floods the message to all ports. Therefore, when the switch’s CAM table is rolling out entries faster than it can look them up, the switch basically turns into a hub. This allows the attacker to see every packet on the switch—a fairly clever, and useful, trick. EtherFlood and Macof are examples of tools you can use to give this a try.

Most modern switches protect against MAC floods but may still be susceptible to MAC spoofing. We’ve already covered spoofing in general before, so this concept shouldn’t be anything new to you. When a MAC address is spoofed, the switch winds up with multiple entries in the CAM table for a given MAC address. Unless port security is turned on, the latest entry in the table is the one that is used.

Port security refers to a security feature on switches that allows an administrator to manually assign MAC addresses to a specific port—if the machine connecting to the port does not use that particular MAC, it isn’t allowed to connect. In truth, this type of implementation turns out to be a bit of a pain for the network staff, so most people don’t use it that way. In most cases, port security simply restricts the number of MAC addresses connected to a given port. Say your Windows 7 machine runs six VMs for testing, each with its own MAC. As long as your port security allows for at least seven MACs on the port, you’re in good shape. Anything less, the port will turn amber, SNMP messages will start firing, and you’ll be left out in the cold—or have a network admin come pay you a visit.


EXAM TIP You won’t be asked exacting details on ARP spoofing or MAC flooding, but you do need to know the details of how both work.

For example, suppose “Good Machine,” with MAC address 0A-0B-0C-AA-BB-CC, is on port 2. The switch has learned any frame addressed for that MAC should go to port 2, and no other. The attacker attaches “Bad Machine” to port 3 and wants to see all packets Good Machine is receiving. The attacker uses an application such as Packet Generator (from SourceForge) to create multiple frames with the source address of 0A-0B-0C-AA-BB-CC and sends them off (it doesn’t really matter where). The switch will notice that the MAC address of Good Machine, formally on port 2, seems to have moved to port 3, and will update the CAM table accordingly. So long as this is kept up, the attacker will start receiving all the frames originally intended for Good Machine. Not a bad plan, huh?

Tools for spoofing a MAC address—or changing all sorts of info in the frame for that matter—are easy to find. Cain and Abel, a Windows tool, allows for some frame/packet manipulation, and does a great job of point-and-click ARP poisoning. Scapy (native to Unix) allows for all sorts of packet/frame manipulation and can create streams of data for you. Packet Crafter is an older tool, but is still easy to use. SMAC is specifically designed for MAC spoofing.

Network Roadblocks

All this talk about sniffing and listening in on network conversations makes this whole sordid business sound pretty easy. However, our adversaries—those guys who manage and administer the network and systems we’re trying to gain access to—aren’t going to just sit by and let us take whatever we want without a fight. They are doing everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible for the aspiring ethical hacker—and that means taking advantage of a multitude of hardware and software tools. As stated before, as an ethical hacker, you certainly won’t be expected to know how to crack the latest and greatest network roadblock efforts; however, you are expected to (and should) know what they are and what, if anything, you can do about them.

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection has come a long, long way in the past 15 years or so. What used to be a fringe effort, tacked on to someone’s “real” job, now is a full-time career of its own. As the name implies, intrusion detection is all about identifying intrusion attempts on your network. Sometimes this is simply a passive effort—to notify others of what might be happening. Other times it becomes much more active in nature, letting one punch back, so to speak, at the bad guys. When it comes to ethical hacking, it’s very useful to know how intrusion detection works and what, if anything, you can do to get around it.

IDSs (intrusion detection systems) are hardware and/or software devices that examine streams of packets for unusual or malicious behavior. Sometimes this is done via a signature list, where the IDS compares packets against a list of known traffic patterns that indicate an attack. When a match is made, the alarm sounds. Other IDSs may be anomaly- (or behavior-) based, and simply compare the traffic against what a normal day looks like. Anything unusual sounds the alarm.


NOTE Anomaly- or behavior-based systems require a lot of thought and time in getting things properly set up. The IDS engine will need a significant amount of time to analyze traffic to determine what is “normal.” In many cases, enterprise networks with good security staff will implement both anomaly- and signature-based systems to cover as many bases as possible.

They both have benefits and drawbacks. A signature-based system is only as good as the signature list itself—if you don’t keep it up to date, newer intrusion methods may go undetected. A behavior-based system may be better at picking up the latest attacks, because they would definitely be out of the norm, but such systems are also known to drive administrators crazy with false positives—that is, an alarm showing an intrusion has occurred when, in reality, the traffic is fine and no intrusion attempt has occurred. Anomaly-based IDS is, by its nature, difficult because most network administrators simply can’t know everything going on in their networks.

As an aside, although a false positive is easy enough to identify, you need to be familiar with another term in regard to IDS (and your exam). A false negative occurs when the IDS reports a particular stream of traffic is just fine, with no corresponding alarm or alert, when, in fact, an intrusion attempt did occur. False negatives are considered far worse than false positives, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, many times these aren’t discerned until well after an attack has occurred.

IDSs are also defined not only by what they use to make a decision, but also where they are located and their span of influence. A host-based IDS (also known as HIDS) is usually a software program that resides on the host itself. More often than not an HIDS is signature based, and its entire job is to watch that one host. It looks for traffic or events that would indicate a problem for the host itself. Some popular examples include Cybersafe, Tripwire, Norton Internet Security, and even firewalls and other features built into the operating system itself.

On the other hand, a network-based IDS sits, oddly enough, on the network perimeter. Its job, normally, is to watch traffic coming into, and leaving, the network. Whether signature- or anomaly based, an NIDS will sit outside or inside the firewall, and will be configured to look for everything from port and vulnerability scans to active hacking attempts and malicious traffic. A large network may even employ multiple NIDSs at various locations in the network, for added security. An exterior NIDS outside the firewall would watch the outside world, whereas one placed just inside the firewall on the DMZ could watch your important server and file access. Dozens upon dozens of intrusion detection system and software options are available for you; however, the one used more often than any other, and the one you’ll see on your exam more often than not, is Snort.


Several years ago, Tripwire was just a means to verify file integrity. The program did a great job monitoring files on a machine and notifying you if something was amiss. Somewhere along the way, though, Tripwire moved from being HIDSfocused to much more of a network-based IDS (NIDS) product. Today, Tripwire Enterprise 8.0 is one of the more respected IDS/IPS systems in the world. The “little tool that could” has broadened its horizons and now offers log aggregation, threat response, and even forensic analysis. However, its original roots, verifying file integrity, is still just as valid now as it ever was.


By far the most widely deployed IDS in the world, Snort is an open source IDS that, per its website, “combines the benefits of signature, protocol, and anomaly-based inspection.” It has become the de facto standard for IDS and is in use on networks ranging from small businesses to U.S. government enterprise systems. It is a powerful sniffer, traffic logging, and protocol-analyzing tool that can detect buffer overflows, port scans, operating system fingerprinting, and almost every conceivable external attack or probe you can imagine. Its rule sets (signature files) are updated constantly, and support is easy to find.

Snort runs in three different modes. Sniffer mode is exactly what it sounds like, and lets you watch packets in real time as they come across your network tap. Packet Logger mode saves packets to disk for review at a later time. Network Intrusion Detection System mode analyzes network traffic against various rule sets you pick from, depending on your network’s situation. NIDS mode can then perform a variety of actions based on what you’ve told it to do.


NOTE A network tap is any kind of connection that allows you to see all traffic passing by. It can be as simple as a hub connected on the segment you’d like to watch or as complex as a network appliance created specifically for the task. Just keep two points in mind: First, where you place the tap determines exactly what, and how much, traffic you’ll be able to see. Second, your tap should be capable of keeping up with the data flow (an old 486 running 10Mbps half-duplex connected to a fiber backbone running at 30MB on a slow day will definitely see some packet loss).

It’s not completely intuitive to set up and use, but it isn’t the hardest tool on the planet to master either. That said, as much as I know you’d probably love to learn all the nuances and command-line steps on how to set up and configure Snort completely, this book is about the ethical hacker and not the network security manager. We’re charged with giving you the knowledge you’ll need to pass the exam, and so we’ll concentrate on the rules and the output. If you’re really interested in all the configuration minutia, I’d suggest grabbing the user manual as a start. It’s an easy read and goes into a lot of things we simply don’t have the time or page count to do here.

The Snort “engine,” the application that actually watches the traffic, relies on rule sets an administrator decides to turn on. For example, an administrator may want to be alerted on all FTP, Telnet, and CGI attack attempts, but could care less about denial-ofservice attempts against the network. The engine running on that network, and the one running on the government enterprise down the street that’s watching everything, are the same. The rule sets selected and put in place are what makes the difference.

The Snort configuration file resides in /etc/snort on Unix/Linux and c:snortetc on most Windows installations. The configuration file is used to launch Snort, and contains a list of which rule sets to engage at startup. To start Snort, a command like the following might be used:

snort -l c:snortlog -c c:snortetcsnort.conf

Basically this says, “Snort application, I’d like you to start logging to the directory C: snortlog. I’d also like you to go ahead and start monitoring traffic using the rule sets I’ve defined in your configuration file located in C:etc.”

The configuration file isn’t all that difficult to figure out either. It holds several variables that need to be set to define your own network situation. For example, the variable HOME_NET defines the subnet local to you. On my home network, I would define the variable in the file to read as follows:


Other variables I could set are displayed in the overly simplified snort.conf file displayed next. In this instance, I want to watch out for SQL attacks but, because I’m not hosting any web servers, I don’t want to waste time watching out for HTTP attacks:


* Sets home network


* Sets external network to any


* Tells Snort to watch out for SQL attacks on any device in the network defined as


var RULE_PATH c:etcsnort ules

* Tells Snort where to find the rule sets.

include $RULE_PATH/telnet.rules

* Tells Snort to compare packets to the rule set named telnet.rules and alert on

* anything it finds.


NOTE Some network security administrators aren’t very concerned with what’s going on inside their networks and don’t want to see any traffic at all from them in their Snort logs. If you change the external variable to EXTERNAL_NET !$HOME_NET, Snort will ignore packets generated by your home network that find their way back inside.

If I were hosting websites, I’d turn that function on in the config file by using the following entry:


SMTP_SERVERS, SQL_SERVERS, and DNS_SERVERS are also entries I could add, for obvious reasons. To include a particular rule set, simply add the following line:

include $RULE_PATH/name_of_rule

Speaking of rule sets, there are scads of them. The rules for Snort can be downloaded from the Snort site at any time in a giant zip (tar) file. The rules are updated constantly, so good administrators will pull down fresh copies often. Because the rules are separate from the configuration, all you have to do to update your signature files is to drop the new copy in the directory holding the old copy. One quick overwrite is all that’s needed!

A rule itself is fairly simple. It is composed of an action, a protocol, a source address/port, a destination address/port, and message parameters. For example, consider the following rule:

alert tcp !HOME_NET any -> $HOME_NET 31337 (msg :"BACKDOOR

This rule tells Snort, “If you happen to come across a packet from any address that is not my home network, using any source port, intended for an address within my home network on port 31337, alert me with the message ‘BACKDOOR ATTEMPT-Backorifice.’” Other options you can add to the message section include flags (indicating specific TCP flags to look for), content (indicating a specific string in the packet’s data payload), and specialized handling features. For example, consider this rule:

alert tcp !$HOME_NET any -> $HOME_NET 23 (msg:"Telnet attempt..admin access";
content: "admin

The meaning: “Please alert on any packet from an address not in my home network and using any source port number, intended for any address that is within my home network on port 23, including the ASCII string ‘admin.’ Please write ‘Telnet attempt.. admin access’ to the log.” As you can see, although it looks complicated, it’s really not that hard to understand. And that’s good news, because you’ll definitely get asked about rules on the CEH exam.


EXAM TIP You’ll need to be intimately familiar with the basics of Snort rule syntax, as well as the raw output from the packet capture. Pay special attention in the output to port numbers—most questions can be answered just by knowing what port numbers go with which protocol, and where to find them in the output.

Lastly on Snort, you’ll also need to know how to read the output. GUI overlays are ridiculously easy, so I’m not even going to bother here—you purchased this book, so I’m relatively certain you can read already. Command-line output, though, requires a little snooping around. A typical output is listed here (bold added for emphasis):

02/07-11:23:13.014491 0:10:2:AC:1D:C4 -> 0:2:B3:5B:57:A6 type:0x800 len:0x3C -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:17536 IpLen:20
DgmLen:48 DF
******S* Seq: 0xA153BD Ack: 0x0 Win: 0x2000 TcpLen: 28
TCP Options (4) => MSS: 1460 NOP NOP SackOK
0x0000: 00 02 B3 87 84 25 00 10 5A 01 0D 5B 08 00 45 00 	 %..Z..[..E.
0x0010: 00 30 98 43 40 00 80 06 DE EC C0 A8 01 04 C0 A8 .0.C@.......... 
0x0020: 01 43 04 DC 01 BB 00 A1 8B BD 00 00 00 00 70 02 .C........p.. 	 
0x0030: 20 00 4C 92 00 00 02 04 05 B4 01 01 04 02 .L.......... 

I know, it looks scary, but don’t fret—this is simple enough. The first portion of the line indicates the date stamp at 11:23 on February 7. The next entry shows the source and destination MAC address of the frame (in this case, the source is 0:10:2:AC:1D:C4 and the destination is 0:2:B3:5B:57:A6). The Ethernet frame type and length are next, followed by the source and destination IPs, along with the associated port numbers. This frame, for example, was sent by, with source port 1244, destined for on port 443 (can you say “SSL connection attempt”?). The portion reading “******S*” indicates the SYN flag was set in this packet, and the sequence and acknowledgment numbers follow. The payload is displayed in hex digits below everything.

Do you need to remember all this for your exam? Of course you do. The good news is, though, most of the time you can figure out what’s going on by knowing where to find the port numbers and source/destination portions of the output. I bolded them in the preceding code listing for emphasis. I guarantee you’ll see an output like this on your exam—be ready to answer questions about it.

IDS Evasion Tactics

Our brief exposure to IDSs here should give you pause as an ethical hacker—if these tools work so well, how can we ever break in without being noticed? It’s a fair question, and the answer on some networks is, “You probably can’t.” Again, we’re not looking to break into Fort Knox—we’re looking for the easy target. If IDSs are set up correctly, located in the correct spot on the network, have the latest up-to-date signatures files, and have been on long enough to identify normal behavior, sure, your job is going to be tough. But just how many of those IDSs are perfectly located and maintained? How many are run by a security staff that is maybe a little on the complacent side? Think there may be some misconfigured ones out there, or maybe installations with outdated or corrupt signature files? Now we’re talking!

So, how do we get around these things? First off, learn to slow down. Snort has a great signature file for tracking port scan attempts, but you do have to set it on a timer. I interviewed a perimeter security guy a little while back on this subject and asked him how long he thought, given enough patience, it would take me to port scan his entire network (he watches the perimeter of a huge enterprise network of more than 10,000 hosts). He sighed and told me if I kept everything under two minutes a pop, I can have the whole thing done in a matter of a couple of days. Slow down, scan smaller footprints, and take your time—it will eventually pay off.

Another method for trying to get past the watchful eyes of the security folks is to flood the network. The ethical hacker could set up some fake attacks, guaranteed to trigger a few alerts, along with tons and tons of traffic. The sheer volume of alerts might be more than the staff can deal with, and you may be able to slip by unnoticed.

Evasion through session splicing—a fancy term for fragmentation—is also a worthwhile tactic. The idea here is to put payload into packets the IDS usually ignores. SYN segments, for example, usually have nothing but padding in the data payload. Why not slide small fragments of your own code in there to reassemble later on? You can even try purposefully sending the segments out of order, or sending adjustments with the IP fragment field. The IDS might not pick up on this. Again, patience and time pay off.


NOTE Another extremely common IDS evasion technique in the web world (because it works against web and IDS filters well) is the use of Unicode characters. The idea is to use Unicode characters (U+0020 = a space, U+0036 = the number 6, and U+0041 = a capital A) instead of humanreadable code to confuse the signature-based IDS. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t—just keep in mind that many Unicode signature files are available to look for this very thing.

Some tools you may get asked about or see along the way for IDS evasion are Nessus (also a great vulnerability scanner), ADMmutate (able to create multiple scripts that won’t be easily recognizable by signature files), NIDSbench (an older tool used for playing with fragment bits), and Inundator (a flooding tool). IDSInformer is another great tool that can use captured network traffic to craft, from start to finish, a test file to see what can make it through undetected. Additionally, many packet generating tools—such as Packet Generator and PackETH, shown in Figures 5-10 and 5-11—can do the job nicely.


FIGURE 5.10 Packet Generator screenshot


FIGURE 5.11 PackETH screenshot

Interview with the Hacker

Put down the sharp instruments and back away from the edge of the cliff—I’m not going to recite Anne Rice novel quotes to you. I am going to pay her the “sincerest form of flattery” by borrowing (stealing) her tagline from her book, though, and twisting it for my own use.

If you were to corner a pen tester, a good pen tester, and perform an interview on what they think about hacking—specifically dealing with IDS evasion—you’d probably hear the same couple of conclusions. I think we hit on them in this chapter already, but it’s always helpful to see another perspective—to hear it laid out in a different way. To accomplish this, I chatted with our tech editor during the review of this chapter, and got some sound advice to pass along (credit goes to Mr. Horton for these gems):

The best nugget of wisdom we can give If a business is an attacker’s single target, time is on the attacker’s side. There is so much noise on the Internet from random scans, probes, and so on, that a determined attacker can just take weeks and hide in it. As a pen tester, you rarely have that much time, and it is your greatest limitation. If you’re expected to act as the bad guy and are given only seven days to perform, you will be detected. The trade-off between threat fidelity and unlimited time is difficult to balance.

Where real hackers thrive Most true experts in the field don’t spend time trying to avoid your signatures, they spend their time trying to make sure they blend in. The nemesis of all IDS is encryption: Your critical financial transaction sure looks like my remote agent traffic when they’re both going through SSL. Although there are SSL termination points and other things you can use, the bottom line is that encryption makes IDS useless, barring some mechanism to decrypt before running it through.

• “Cover fire” works in the virtual world too If the attacker has a bunch of IP addresses to sacrifice to the giant network blocker in the sky, some nikto and nmap T5 scans might just do the trick to obfuscate the real attack. This is straight-up cover fire—and it works!

Remember, IDS is not foolproof—much like a firewall, it is simply one tool in your arsenal to defend against attacks. Encryption, stealth, and plain old cover fire can all work to your advantage as a pen tester.

Firewalls and Honeypots

While we’re on the subject of network roadblocks, we can’t ignore the one everyone has already heard of—the firewall. If you’ve watched a Hollywood movie having anything whatsoever to do with technology, you’ve heard mention of firewalls. And, if you’re like me, you cringe every time they bring it up. Script writers must believe that a firewall is some kind of living, breathing entity that has the capability to automatically sense what the bad guys are doing, and anything that makes it past the firewall is free and clear. A firewall isn’t the end-all of security, it’s just one tool in the arsenal. Granted, it can be a very powerful tool, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle, not the whole thing.

The Firewall

A firewall is an appliance within a network that is designed to protect internal resources from unauthorized external access. Firewalls work with a set of rules, explicitly stating what is allowed to pass from one side of the firewall to the other. Additionally, most firewalls work with an implicit deny principle, which means if there is not a rule defined to allow the packet to pass, it is blocked—there is no need to create a rule to deny packets. For example, there may be a rule saying port 80 is allowed to pass from external to internal, but if there is not a rule saying port 443 is allowed, SSL requests to internal resources will automatically be dropped.

Another interesting point on most firewalls is that the list of rules that determine traffic behavior is usually read in order, from top to bottom. As soon as a match is made, the decision on whether to pass the packet is made. For example, an ACL (Access Control List) that starts out with an entry of “allow ip any any” makes the firewall moot—every IP packet will be allowed to pass because the match is made on the first entry. Most firewalls are configured with rule sets to allow common traffic, such as port 80 if you’re hosting web servers and port 53 for DNS lookups, and then rely on implicit deny to protect the rest of the network.

Many firewalls (just like routers) also implement Network Address Translation (NAT) at the border, and NAT can be implemented in many different ways. Basic NAT is a one-to-one mapping, where each internal private IP address is mapped to a unique public address. As the message leaves the network, the packet is changed to use the public IP, and when it is answered and routed back through the Internet to the firewall (or external router), NAT matches it back to the single corresponding internal address and sends it along its way. For example, a packet leaving would be changed to for its journey across the Internet. Although the rest of the world will see IP addresses in your public range, the true senders of the data packets are internal and use an address from any of the private network classes (, 172.16–31.0.0, or

In the real world, though, most organizations and individuals don’t implement a one-to-one mapping—it’s simply too expensive. A more common method of NAT is NAT overload, better known as Port Address Translation. This method takes advantage of the port numbers (and other goodies) unique to each web conversation to allow many internal addresses to use one external address. Although we could drop into an entire conversation here on how this works and what to watch for, I’m simply mentioning it so you won’t be caught off guard by it—should you see it on the exam.


NOTE If you didn’t already know about NAT, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts you’re a NAT “overloader” already. If you don’t believe me, check your wireless router. How many devices do you have connected to it? Each one has its own private IP address assigned (probably in the–254 range), which we all know can’t be routed to or from the Internet. And I’m absolutely certain you did not purchase a public IP address range from your provider, right? Open the configuration for your router and check the public-facing IP address—I’ll bet you’ll find you’ve been NAT-ing like a pro all along.

Much like IDSs, placement of firewalls is very important. In general, a firewall is placed on the edge of a network, with one port facing outward, at least one port facing inward, and another port facing towards a DMZ—an area of the network set aside for servers and other resources that the outside world would need access to. Some networks will apply additional firewalls throughout the enterprise to segment for all sorts of reasons.

A few quick definitions and terms need to be covered here as well. Most of us are already aware of the DMZ and how it is designed to separate internal hosts from Internet traffic dangers, creating a screened subnet between the internal network and the rest of the world. The public zone of your DMZ is connected to the Internet and hosts all the public-facing servers and services your organization provides. These bastion hosts sit outside your internal firewall and can withstand Internet traffic attacks. The private zone holds all the internal hosts that, other than responding to a request from inside that zone, no Internet host has any business dealing with. So, now that you know what the DMZ is and how it’s arranged, we can discuss just what, exactly, a firewall is, how it works, and how we can get around it.

Originally, firewalls were all packet-filtering devices. They basically looked at the headers of packets coming through a port and made decisions on whether to allow them or not based on the ACLs configured. Although it does provide the ability to block specific protocols, the major drawback with packet filtering alone is twofold: It is incapable of examining the packet’s payload, and it has no means to identify the state of the packet. This gave rise to stateful inspection firewalls.

Stateful inspection means the firewall has the means to track the entire status of a connection. For instance, if a packet arrives with the ACK flag set, but the firewall had no record of the original SYN packet, that would indicate a malicious attempt. A great example of the difference in firewalls is the virtual elimination of something called an ACK tunnel. The idea was a server on the outside could communicate with a client on the inside by sending only ACK segments. The packet-filtering firewall would ignore these packets, so long as they were destined for a “good” port. Stateful firewalls block these now, because no SYN packet was ever sent in the first place. In other words, a stateful firewall isn’t just interested in the packets themselves, it’s interested in communication streams.


EXAM TIP HTTP tunneling is a firewall evasion technique you’ll probably see at least mentioned on the exam. The short of it is, lots of things can be wrapped within an HTTP shell (Microsoft Office has been doing this for years). And, because port 80 is almost never filtered by a firewall, you can craft port 80 segments to carry payload for protocols the firewall may have otherwise blocked.

Knowing what a firewall is, where and how it’s most likely to be used in the network, and how it works (via ACLs and/or stateful inspection) is only part of the battle. What we really need to know now is how we identify where the firewall is from the outside (in the middle of our footprinting and attack), and how we can get around it once we find it. Identifying a firewall location doesn’t require rocket-scientist brainpower, because no one really even bothers to hide the presence of a firewall. As we covered earlier, a simple traceroute can show you where the firewall is (returning splats to let you know it has timed out). If you’re using your sniffer and can look into the packets a little, an ICMP Type 3 Code 13 will show that the traffic is being stopped (filtered) by a firewall (or router). An ICMP Type 3 Code 3 will tell you the client itself has the port closed. A tool called Firewall Informer, and others like it, can help in figuring out where the firewall is. Lastly, banner grabbing—which we covered in the last chapter—also provides an easy firewall-identification method.

Once you find the firewall (easy), it’s now time to find out ways to get through it or around it (not so easy). Your first step is to peck away at the firewall in such a manner as to identify which ports and protocols it is letting through and which ones it has blocked (filtered). This process of “walking” through every port against a firewall to determine what is open is known as firewalking. Tons of tools are available for this—from nmap and other footprinting tools, to a tool called Firewalk (for PacketStorm). Whether you set up an nmap scan and document the ports yourself, or use a program that does it for you, the idea is the same—find a port the firewall will allow through, and start your attack there. Just keep in mind this is generally a noisy attack and you will, most likely, get caught.

Of course, the best method available is to have a compromised machine on the inside initiate all communication for you. Usually firewalls—stateful or packet filtering—don’t bother looking at packets with internal source addresses leaving the network. So, for example, suppose you e-mailed some code to a user and had them install it (go ahead, they will... trust me). The system on the inside could then initiate all communications for your hacking efforts from outside, and you’ve found your ticket to ride.


NOTE Other firewall-hacking tools you may run across include, but are not limited to, CovertTCP, ICMP Shell, and 007 Shell. Remember, though, a compromised system inside the network is your best bet.

When it comes to the actual applications you can use for the task, packet-crafting and packet-generating tools are the ones you’ll most likely come across in your career for evading firewalls and IDSs, although a couple of tools are specifically designed for the task. PackETH is a Linux tool from SourceForge that’s designed to create Ethernet packets for “security testing.” Another SourceForge product is Packet Generator, which allows you to create test runs of various packet streams to demonstrate a particular sequence of packets. Netscan also provides a packet generator in its tool conglomeration. All of these allow you to control the fields in frame and packet headers and, in some cases, interject payload information to test the entirety of the security platform. Not bad, huh?

The Honeypot

Our final network roadblock isn’t really designed to stop you at all. Quite to the contrary, this one is designed to invite you in and make you comfortable. It provides you a feeling of peace and tranquility, consistently boosting your ego with little successes along the way—and, like a long lost relative, encourages you to stay for a while.

A honeypot is a system set up as a decoy to entice attackers. The idea is to load it up with all sorts of fake goodies, with not-too-easy vulnerabilities a hacker may exploit. An attacker, desperately looking for something to report as a success, would stumble upon the honeypot and spend all his time and effort there, leaving the real network, and resources, alone. Although it sounds like a great idea, a honeypot isn’t without its own dangers.

By design, a honeypot will be hacked, so this brings up two very important points. First, anything and everything on a honeypot system is not to be trusted. Anything that has that many successful attacks against it could be riddled with loads of stuff you don’t even know about yet. Don’t put information or resources on the honeypot that can prove useful to an attacker, and don’t trust anything you pull off it. Granted, the information and resources have to look legitimate; just make sure they’re not.

Pooh’s Paradise

Winnie the Pooh—that huggable little fluff-filled iconic yellow bear popularized by Walt Disney back in the 1960s—sure loved his honey. As much time as he spent with his face in real pots of honey, I have to imagine his favorite network appliance would have the same name. And I’m sure he’d find his way to some of the honeypot projects spanning the globe.

Honeypots aren’t just to distract hackers, they’re also great at tracking down all sorts of information. Combine this knowledge with the absolute loathing worldwide of unsolicited e-mail and those who forward spam, and it’s not too difficult to see how groups of people might band their honeypots together in a coordinated effort to bring the spammers to a halt. Project Honey Pot is one such effort.

Project Honey Pot is a web-based network of honeypots using embedded software on various websites to collect information on spammers. The project collects IP addresses it catches harvesting e-mail addresses for spam purposes. This information is shared among various law-enforcement agencies to help combat private spammers worldwide. The information collected is also used in research and development of newer versions of the software to further improve the efforts of the group as a whole. Project Honey Pot was founded and is managed by Unspam Technologies, Inc (

Another collaboration of effort is The Honeypot Project, founded in 1999. An international, nonprofit (501c3) research organization dedicated to improving the security of the Internet at no cost to the public, The Honeypot Project raises awareness of threats and provides a “Know Your Enemy” series of papers. The project also provides security tools and techniques to help defeat cyber threats.

These collections, and others like them, demonstrate the good side of the Internet and networking altogether. Many open source projects like this are put together by well-meaning groups simply trying to make the world a better place. Pooh Bear, no doubt, would love them.

Second, the location of the honeypot is of utmost importance. You want this to be seen by the outside world, so you could place it outside the firewall. However, is that really going to fool anyone? Do you really think a seasoned attacker is just going to believe that an administrator protected everything on the network by putting everything behind a firewall, but just forgot this really important server on the outside? A better, more realistic placement is inside the DMZ. A hacker will discover pretty quickly where the firewall is, and placing a hard-to-find port backdoor to the honeypot is just the ticket to draw them in. Wherever the honeypot winds up being located, it needs to be walled off to prevent it becoming a launching pad for further attacks.


NOTE Remember when we were discussing vulnerability scans a little while ago? Nessus does a good job, during a scan, of identifying where a honeypot is located. Another one of note is Send-Safe Honeypot Hunter.

KFSensor is one honeypot option available for network administrators, but bunches of them are available. Run a Google search for honeypot and you’ll see what I mean. Source-Forge, NetSecurity, and many other vendors offer all sorts of honeypot versions. Honeyd is one option that even creates several virtual hosts for the hacker to lose himself in.

Chapter Review

Basic communication steps between two systems are defined by the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP protocol stack. Each layer holds specific protocols providing a unique function in the communication process. Application protocols oftentimes send information in the clear. Transport layer protocols handle sequencing and end-to-end session establishment, and are prime targets. Network and Data Link layer headers provide multiple sources for information.

The Physical layer (layer 2) address, also known as a MAC address, is burned onto the NIC itself. When the frame is being built inside the sending machine, the system uses a protocol called ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to discover a machine on the current subnet that is capable of handling the frame. ARP also retains a cache on machines as it works. Commands used in monitoring and manipulating ARP are ping, arp, and netsh. The process of changing an ARP cache on a machine to interject faulty entries is known as ARP poisoning. Two tools for ARP flooding are Cain and Abel (a great Windows hacking tool) and dsniff (a collection of Linux tools holding a tool called ARPspoof).

Sniffing is the art of capturing packets as they pass on a wire or over the airwaves to review for interesting information. This information could be addresses to go after, information on another target, or even passwords sent in the clear. A sniffer runs in promiscuous mode, meaning regardless of address, if the frame is passing on the wire the NIC will pull it in and process it. Wireshark is probably the most popular sniffer available, and can capture packets from wired or wireless networks on a fairly easy-to-use interface.

In addition to ARP poisoning, another method for exploiting the limitations of a switch and your collision domain is known as MAC flooding. Filling the CAM with more MAC addresses than it can hold basically turns the switch into a hub, because it doesn’t know which address to assign to which port and therefore simply floods every message from that point on. Most modern switches protect against this attack.

IDSs (intrusion detection systems) are hardware and/or software devices that examine streams of packets for unusual or malicious behavior. This is done via a signature list, where the IDS compares packets against a list of known traffic patterns that indicate an attack, or via a traffic comparison over time, where the anomaly-based system learns the normal traffic patterns of the subnet. A signature-based system is only as good as the signature list itself—if you don’t keep it up to date, newer intrusion methods may go undetected. A behavior-based system may be better at picking up the latest attacks, because they would definitely be out of the norm. An anomaly-based system is more susceptible to false positives. A false negative occurs when traffic is deemed to be fine, with no alarm sounding when, in fact, an intrusion attempt did occur.

IDSs are either host based (HIDS) or network based (NIDS). HIDSs reside on the host itself, providing individual host protection. NIDSs provide monitoring of all network traffic, based on where the network tap is installed. Some popular HIDS examples include Cybersafe, Tripwire, Norton Internet Security, and even firewalls and other features built into the operating system itself.

Snort is an open source NIDS that combines the benefits of signature-, protocol-, and anomaly-based inspection. It has become the de facto standard for IDS and is in use on networks ranging from small businesses to U.S. government enterprise systems. It is a powerful sniffer, traffic logging, and protocol analyzing tool that can detect buffer overflows, port scans, operating system fingerprinting, and almost every conceivable external attack or probe you can imagine.

Snort rules are composed of an action, a protocol, a source address/port, a destination address/port, and message parameters. Here’s an example:

alert tcp !HOME_NET any -> $HOME_NET 31337 (msg :"BACKDOOR ATTEMPT-Backorifice")

Raw Snort output provides all sorts of information, and the ports and addresses sections are of specific importance.

A firewall is an appliance within a network that is designed to protect internal resources from unauthorized external access. Firewalls work with a set of rules, explicitly stating what is allowed to pass from one side of the firewall to the other. Additionally, most firewalls work with an implicit deny principle. Firewalls can be discovered by traceroute, port-scanning tools, and a variety of other methods.

Firewalls are packet-filtering or stateful devices. Packet-filtering firewalls look at the headers of packets coming through a port and make a decision on whether or not to allow them based on the ACLs configured. Stateful firewalls have the means to track the entire status of a connection.

ACK tunneling and HTTP tunneling are examples of firewall evasion techniques, although stateful firewalls can help prevent ACK tunneling. Firewalking is the process of examining each port on the firewall to discover potential attack vectors. The best method of firewall evasion is to use a compromised machine on the inside to initiate all communication.

A honeypot is a system set up as a decoy to entice attackers. The honeypot location is very important, because the machine is designed to be attacked and needs to be walled off from the rest of your network.


1. Which of the following is not a defense against sniffing?

A. Encrypting communication

B. Implementing port security on all switches

C. Moving to an all-switched network

D. Using hubs within the network

2. A captured packet output from Snort shows the following:

02/07-11:23:13.014491 0:10:2:AC:1D:C4 -> 0:2:B3:5B:57:A6 type:0x800 len:0x3C -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:17536 IpLen:20
DgmLen:48 DF
******S* Seq: 0xA153BD Ack: 0x0 Win: 0x2000 TcpLen: 28
TCP Options (4) => MSS: 1460 NOP NOP SackOK
0x0000: 00 02 B3 87 84 25 00 10 5A 01 0D 5B 08 00 45 00 .....%..Z..[..E.
0x0010: 00 30 98 43 40 00 80 06 DE EC C0 A8 01 04 C0 A8 .0.C@........... 
0x0020: 01 43 04 DC 01 BB 00 A1 8B BD 00 00 00 00 70 02 .C........... 	 p.
0x0030: 20 00 4C 92 00 00 02 04 05 B4 01 01 04 02 .L........... 

Which of the following is correct regarding this output (choose all that apply)?

A. The hacker is attempting an ACK tunnel attack against

B. The hacker is attempting to access a Backorifice install on

C. The attacker’s IP address is

D. The attacker’s IP address is

3. Which layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack encapsulates data into frames?

A. Data Link

B. Application

C. Network

D. Network Access

4. You are reviewing a packet capture in Wireshark but only need to see packets from IP address Which of the following filters will provide the output you wish to see?

A. ip = =

B. ip.address = =

C. ip.src = =

D. ip.source.address = =

5. During an out-brief from a pen test, you hear reference to an ACK tunnel attack failing against the firewall. From this fact alone, you can determine this is a ___ firewall.

A. stateful

B. stateless

C. packet-filtering

D. honeypot

6. You are configuring rules for your Snort installation and want to have an alert message of “Attempted FTP” on any FTP packet coming from an outside address intended for one of your internal hosts. Which of the following rules are correct for this situation?

A. alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 23 (msg:"Attempted FTP")

B. alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 25 (msg:"Attempted FTP")

C. alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 21 (msg:"Attempted FTP")

D. alert tcp $HOME_NET 21 -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Attempted FTP").

7. In the Snort configuration file, which entry defines the location of the rules you will decide to implement?

A. var RULES <foldername>

B. var RULES_PATH <foldername>

C. var RULES_<foldername>

D. None of the above. The Snort conf file does not specify rule locations.

8. Machine A (with MAC address 00-01-02-AA-BB-CC) and Machine B (00-01-02-BB-CC-DD) are on the same subnet. Machine C, with address 00-01-02-CC-DD-EE, is on a different subnet. While sniffing on the fully switched network, Machine B sends a message to Machine C. If an attacker on Machine A wanted to receive a copy of this message, which of the following circumstances would be necessary?

A. The ARP cache of the router would need to be poisoned, changing the entry for Machine A to 00-01-02-CC-DD-EE.

B. The ARP cache of Machine B would need to be poisoned, changing the entry for the default gateway to 00-01-02-AA-BB-CC.

C. The ARP cache of Machine C would need to be poisoned, changing the entry for the default gateway to 00-01-02-AA-BB-CC.

D. The ARP cache of Machine A would need to be poisoned, changing the entry for Machine C to 00-01-02-BB-CC-DD.

9. An IDS installed on the network perimeter sees a spike in traffic during offduty hours and begins logging and alerting. Which type of IDS is in place?

A. Stateful

B. Signature-based

C. Anomaly-based

D. Packet-filtering

10. In the Snort output listed here, which TCP flag (of flags) is set?

02/09-11:23:13.014491 0:10:A2:AD:EB:C5 -> 10:A2:B3:5C:57:AB type:0x800 len:0x3C -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:12365 IpLen:20
DgmLen:48 DF
***A**S* Seq: 0xA153BD Ack: 0xA01657 Win: 0x2000 TcpLen: 28
TCP Options (4) => MSS: 1460 NOP NOP SackOK
0x0000: 00 02 B3 87 84 25 00 10 5A 01 0D 5B 08 00 45 00 	 %..Z..[..E.
0x0010: 00 30 98 43 40 00 80 06 DE EC C0 A8 01 04 C0 A8 .0.C@........... 
0x0020: 01 43 04 DC 01 BB 00 A1 8B BD 00 00 00 00 70 02 .C...........p.
0x0030: 20 00 4C 92 00 00 02 04 05 B4 01 01 04 02 .L........... 





11 . An attacker has successfully connected a laptop to a switch port and turned on a sniffer. The NIC is running in promiscuous mode, and the laptop is left alone for a few hours to capture traffic. Which of the following statements are true?

A. The packet capture will provide the MAC addresses of other machines connected to the switch.

B. The packet capture will only provide the MAC addresses of the laptop and the default gateway.

C. The packet capture will display all traffic intended for the laptop.

D. The packet capture will display all traffic intended for the default gateway.


1. D. Using a hub within a network actually makes life easier on the sniffer. A fully switched network and port security frustrate such efforts. Encryption is, by far, the best option.

2. B and C. In this output, the attacker (source IP listed first) has sent a SYN packet (S flag is set: “ ******S*”) to Backorifice (31337 is the destination port).

3. D. The Network Access layer includes the Data Link and Physical layers from the OSI reference model. Encapsulation into frames occurs at the Data Link layer in the OSI model, but in the Network Access layer of the TCP/IP stack.

4. C. ip.src = = IPaddress will display only those packets with the specified source IP address.

5. A. ACK tunneling doesn’t work against stateful inspection firewalls. Stateful firewalls track the conversation, and a packet received without a SYN record would be dropped.

6. C. Snort rules follow the same syntax: action protocol src address src port -> dest address port (options).

7. B. The RULES_PATH variable tells the config file where to find all Snort rules.

8. B. ARP poisoning is done on the machine creating the frame—the sender. Changing the default gateway entry on the sending machine results in all frames intended for an IP out of the subnet being delivered to the attacker. Changing the ARP cache on the other machine or the router is pointless.

9. C. IDSs can be signature- or anomaly-based. Anomaly-based systems build a baseline of normal traffic patterns over time—anything that appears outside of the baseline is flagged.

10. B and D. The output indicates the SYN and ACK flags are set (***A**S*).

11. A and C. Switches filter or flood traffic based on the address. Broadcast traffic—such as ARP requests and answers—are flooded to all ports. Unicast traffic—such as traffic intended for the default gateway—are sent only to the port on which the machine rests.

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