Chapter 4
Securing the Routing Process


  • images 4.1 Security on Cisco routers
    • Configure multiple privilege levels
    • Configure Cisco IOS role-based CLI access
    • Implement Cisco IOS resilient configuration
  • images 4.2 Securing routing protocols
    • Implement routing update authentication on OSPF
  • images 4.3 Securing the control plane
    • Explain the function of control plane policing

images To provide secure routing and switching, the routers and switches themselves must be secured. Leaving them in a vulnerable state can render all other security implementations useless because unauthorized access can allow a malicious individual to alter all the security settings that are in place. Additionally, when routers are exchanging routing updates, any unauthenticated updates can reveal important information about your network to anyone who convinces your router to perform a routing update. In this chapter, you will explore functionality you should take advantage of to secure access to the devices, to secure routing updates, and to secure the control plane.

In this chapter, you will learn the following:

  • Securing Cisco routers
  • Securing routing protocols

Securing Router Access

Securing administrative access to the router is the first step in securing the routing process. This prevents unauthorized access to the router, which will ensure that the configuration of the router cannot be altered. In this section, you’ll learn about configuring secure administrative access using several tools.

First I’ll discuss how to configure an encrypted session with the router using SSH rather than Telnet (which transmits in clear text). Next I’ll talk about controlling the operations of each individual technician by assigning privilege levels. As privilege levels do not meet the needs of all environments, you’ll also look at a way to get more granular with the assignment of tasks by authorizing functions via a command-line interface (CLI) with role-based CLI. Finally, I’ll discuss how to protect the configuration of the router using the Cisco IOS resilient configuration feature.

Configuring SSH Access

While Telnet can certainly be used to manage a router, this remote access technology transmits everything in clear text, making it unsuitable in today’s environments. For this reason, you should always use Secure Shell (SSH) for secure remote access. The SSH server on the router will require an RSA public/private key pair to use in the process of encrypting the traffic. It can generate this key pair but must have certain information configured before it can do so because it uses this information as the label for the key pair.

Therefore, the high-level steps to set up SSH are as follows:

  1. Set the router name.
  2. Set the router domain name.
  3. Generate the RSA key.

Here are the actual commands:

Router(config)#hostname R63
R63(config)#ip domain-name
R63(config)#crypto key generate rsa ?
  encryption    Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  exportable    Allow the key to be exported
  general-keys  Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  label         Provide a label
  modulus       Provide number of modulus bits on the command line
  on            create key on specified device.
  redundancy    Allow the key to be synced to high-availability peer
  signature     Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  storage       Store key on specified device
  usage-keys    Generate separate RSA key pairs for signing and encryption

R63(config)#crypto key generate rsa modulus 1024
The name for the keys will be:
% The key modulus size is 1024 bits
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 2 seconds)
*Mar 28 18:32:09.095: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled

In these steps, you can see I created a name, R63; set the domain name to; and generated a key. The modulus keyword I used sets the length of the key, which in this case is 1,024 bits. Notice the syslog message that indicates SSH version 1.99 has been enabled. This indicates it is a version 2 server, which can accept connections from SSH version 1 devices.

Next you need to do the following:

  1. Create a username and password for each user who needs SSH access.
  2. Configure line vty to only accept SSH connections.
R63(config)#username troy secret mac
R63(config)#line vty ?
  <0-1114>  First Line number
R63(config)#line vty 0 1114
R63(config-line)#login local
R63(config-line)#transport input ssh

Notice that I created a user named troy with a password of mac. You can create a single account to be shared by all authorized technicians and name it something like admin, or you can create separate accounts for each user. Separate accounts will provide accountability.

Also notice that when I entered line vty mode, I checked to see how many vty lines this device has so that when I run the command to enter that mode, the commands I apply will apply to all lines. The command login local tells the router that all user accounts will be found locally on this router and not on a remote server. That’s why I needed to create the local account that I did. Finally, I set the router to only accept SSH connections with the last command.

Configuring Privilege Levels in IOS

Privilege levels allow you to assign a technician sets of activities that coincide with the level the technician has been assigned. There are 16 levels, from 0 to 15. When you are in user mode (router>), you are at Privilege level 1. When you are in privileged mode (router#), you are at level 15.

You can assign levels between 0 and 15, and by linking these levels with commands, you can control the activities of each technician. This can be done on both IOS devices and on the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA), although the details of each process are slightly different. Privilege levels are created at the global configuration prompt router(config)#. When a level is created, you also add a command at the same time, which means if you are adding multiple commands to the level, you will run the privilege command several times. Once a level is created, access to that level is obtained by entering a password assigned to that level. From a high level, here are the steps required:

  1. Create the level and assign a command to that level.
  2. Assign any additional commands to the level.
  3. Set a password for the level.
  4. Provide the level number and password to the technician (or technicians) who will use it.

First I will create a level numbered 12, and I will assign the show interfaces command to it. Notice that when I do this, I have to assign the command to the level where it is usually executed, in this case privilege exec level.

router(config)#privilege exec level 12 show interfaces

To demonstrate how to assign a command that is executed at a different level, I am now going to add the interface configuration command, and since that command is executed normally at the global configuration mode, I will use the configure keyword when I add it.

router(config)#privilege configure level 12 interface

My intent is to allow this technician to change IP addresses on interfaces, so I need to assign him that command. Since the ip command (along with the parameter address) is executed after entering interface configuration mode, I have to reference interface in the command, as shown here:

router(config)#privilege interface level 12 ip

Now I’m ready to assign a password for level 12 that I just created. That is done the same way any enable secret password is created, adding the level to which it applies as shown next (otherwise it will apply to level 15 as it usually does). The password I set is wordpass.

router(config)#enable secret level 12 wordpass

Once I provide the level number and password to the technician, he will use the password to enter the privilege level as shown here, making it possible to use those commands and no others. To verify the application of the level, he can type show privilege as is also shown.

router#enable 12
router#show privilege 
Current privilege level is 12

If he attempts to use any other commands, he will receive the error message shown here:

router#show run
%invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.

Configuring IOS Role-Based CLI

Another option you can use to control the operations of technicians is a role-based CLI. Using this approach, you can create roles, implemented as sets of operations called parser views. The only view that exists by default is called root, which as you would expect allows access to all commands. Access to this view is provided when you submit the enable secret password.

Once a parser view is created, you can permit access to the view with a password. This makes it simple to onboard a new technician by assigning him the role he will play in the network. Every technician granted the role will have the same set of operations available.

From a high level, here are the steps required:

  1. Create and name the parser view.
  2. Assign a password to the parser view.
  3. Assign commands to the parser view.
  4. Provide the parser view name and password to technicians in the role.
  • First I will create a view called OSPFAdmin.
R63(config)#parser view OSPFAdmin

Notice the prompt has changed, and now any commands I run will affect only this view. At this prompt I can both set a password and assign commands to the view. First I’ll assign a password.

R63(config-view)#secret OSPFp@$$

Now I will assign commands. I won’t assign all commands required to manage OSPF, just enough to show you how it’s done. You must ensure that you have provided all commands required for the role.

R63(config-view)#commands exec include all show
R63(config-view)#commands exec include all debug ip ospf
R63(config-view)#commands exec include all no debug
R63(config-view)#commands exec include all undebug
R63(config-view)#commands configure include router ospf

I have allowed access in exec mode to all show commands and to the debug ip ospf commands required. Then I allowed access to the router ospf command, which will include all command within that context. After a technician has been assigned this role, he will access the role using the following commands. Notice that you can verify the application of the role by using the show parser view command.

R63#enable view OSPFAdmin
Password: OSPFp@$$
R63#show parser view
R63#current view is ‘OSPFAdmin’

Implementing Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration

While securing access to the router should be enough to effectively protect the configuration of the router, there is an additional way to prevent unwanted changes to the configuration. The IOS resilient configuration feature can provide a way to easily recover from an attack on the configuration, and it can also help to recover from an even worse attack in which the attacker deletes not only the startup configuration but also the boot image.

The configuration of this feature can be done with two commands. One enables protection of the boot image, and the other enables protection of the startup configuration. To enable protection of the boot image, issue the following command:

R64(config)#secure boot-image
*April 2 14:24:50.231: %IOS_Resilience-5-IMAGE_RESIL_ACTIVE: Successfully secured running  image

Notice the system message indicating the boot image is protected. To enable protection of the startup configuration, issue the following command:

R64(config)#secure boot-config
*April 2 14:24:50.231: %IOS_Resilience-5-CONFIG_RESIL_ACTIVE: Successfully secured config archive [flash:]

Once these two items are secured (called the secure bootset), you cannot update the startup configuration without removing the secure configuration long enough to make the change and then resecuring it as was done in the first place. To remove the secure startup configuration, execute the following command:

R64(config)#no secure boot-config
*April 2 14:34:50.231: %IOS_Resilience-5-CONFIG_RESIL_INACTIVE: Disabled secure config archive [removed flash:]

When finished making changes, execute the secure boot-config command to secure the configuration again.

But what do you do if the worst happens and the startup configuration is deleted? It can be restored, but you must know the location of the secure boot configuration, and you must reference it in the command. To identify its name and location, execute the following command:

R64#show secure bootset
IOS resilience router id FTX1125A67x

IOS image resilience version 12.4 activated at 14:24:50 UTC Mon April 2 2017
Secure archive flash:/c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-25e.bin type is image (elf) [] Runnable image, entry point 0x8000F000, run from ram
IOS image resilience version 12.4 activated at 14:24:50 UTC Mon April 2 2017
Secure archive type is config
Configuration archive size 4060 bytes

With the location of the secure configurations in hand, now run the following command to restore the configuration:

R64(config)#secure boot-config restore
ios resilience: configuration successfully restored as flash:

In case you were already wondering what would stop a hacker from using these commands, it is worth knowing that these commands can be run only from the console connection.

Implementing OSPF Routing Update Authentication

One of the ways in which a malicious individual may attempt to gather information about your network is to enable the routing protocol in use on a workstation and convince your routers to allow the workstation to become a routing neighbor, allowing the malicious individual to receive routing updates from your routers. As if this isn’t enough to be concerned about, he may also convince your routers to accept a malicious routing update from his workstation, which could pollute the routing tables of your routers. If this occurs, it could result in an inability of the routers to properly route, which would be a form of denial-of-service attack. Moreover, he could inject routes that cause traffic to be directed to him as a prelude to a man-in-the-middle attack.

To prevent this, you can configure the routers to authenticate one another when performing routing updates. In the following two sections, you’ll learn how to do this for the two most commonly used interior routing protocols, OSPF and EIGRP.

Implementing OSPF Routing Update Authentication

OSPF routing updates are secured using a hashing algorithm. You can use either MD5 or SHA-256HMAC. Be aware, however, that some devices may support only MD5. The following are the high-level steps to configuring this:

  1. Define a keychain (a keychain can be used to hold multiple keys if required).
  2. Define a key by number that will reside on the keychain.
  3. Specify the key characters of the key.
  4. Specify the hashing algorithm.
  5. Apply the keychain to an interface.

In this following example, I’m going to use MD5 for the configuration. I will first configure router R64 and then router R65 on the other end of the link. The first step is to configure the keychain as shown here. The keychain on R64 will be ospf-keys.

R64(config)#key-chain ospf-keys

Notice the prompt has changed, and I am now in keychain configuration mode, which is where I will define the key number as follows. The number I am using is 1.

R64(config-keychain)#key 1

Again, the prompt has changed, and I am in key 1 configuration mode, which is where I define the characters in the key, called the key string. The string I am using is troymac.

R64(config-keychain-key)#key-string troymac

The next step is to tell the router the algorithm (MD5) to use for this key, which is done at the same key 1 prompt.

R64(config-keychain-key)#cryptographic-algorithm md5

The final step is to apply the keychain to the interface that connects to router R65.

R64(config-if)#ip ospf authentication key-chain ospf-keys


The configuration can be the same on router R65, but I’m going to change two of the values that do not have to match just to show that they don’t have to match, while keeping the values that do have to match (the key string and the hashing algorithm) the same. The following is the entire set of commands on R65:

R65(config)#key-chain router-keys
R65(config-keychain)#key 2
R65(config-keychain-key)#key-string troymac
R65(config-keychain-key)#cryptographic-algorithm md5
R65(config)#int g0/1
R65(config-if)#ip ospf authentication key-chain router-keys

Implementing EIGRP Routing Update Authentication

Configuring EIGRP routing update authentication is similar to OSPF. However, OSPF specifies the hashing algorithms in the same mode where you specify the key string, but in EIGRP you specify that on the interface. The following are the commands for R64 and R65. Additionally, when you specify the algorithm, you specify the EIGRP AS number in the same command. In the following examples, that AS number is 66. Notice that, again, the keychain names and key numbers do not have to match, while the key string and hashing algorithms do have to match.

R64(config)#key-chain router-keys
R64(config-keychain)#key 1
R64(config-keychain-key)#key-string troymac
R64(config)#int g0/2
R64(config-if)#ip authentication key-chain router-keys
R64(config-if)#up authentication mode eigrp 66 md5

R65(config)#key-chain EIGRP-keys
R65(config-keychain)#key 2
R65(config-keychain-key)# key-string troymac
R65(config)#int g0/1
R65(config-if)#ip authentication key-chain EIGRP-keys
R65(config-if)#ip authentication mode eigrp 66 md5

Securing the Control Plane

There are four types of packets that a router may encounter, and they operate in four “planes” of the router. The four planes and the types of packets that operate in these planes are as follows:

Data Plane Packets These are end-station, user-generated packets that are always forwarded by network devices to other end-station devices.

Control Plane Packets These are network device–generated or received packets that are used for the creation and operation of the network itself. Examples include protocols such as ARP, BGP, and OSPF.

Management Plane Packets These are network device–generated or received packets or management station–generated or received packets that are used to manage the network. Examples are Telnet, SSH, TFTP, SNMP, FTP, NTP, HTTP, HTTPS and other protocols used to manage the device and/or network.

Services Plane Packets A subset of data plane packets, services plane packets are also user-generated packets that are forwarded by network devices to other end-station devices. Examples include such functions as GRE encapsulation, QoS, MPLS VPNs, and SSL/IPsec encryption/decryption.

The concern in this section is with the protection of access to the control plane, which includes the hardware and software that supports routing and the management of the device. Packets in the control plane are those that are either destined for the router itself or generated by the router. If access to the control plane is not protected, routing table corruption, changes to the router configuration, and DoS attacks on the router may result.

Control Plane Policing

Control plane policing (CoPP) is a Cisco IOS feature that can be implemented to prevent these issues. Its implementation is an advanced topic not covered in the exam objectives; however, an understanding of its use is included in the exam objectives.

CoPP treats the control plane as a stand-alone entity with its own ingress and egress ports. It allows for the implementation of controls at the ingress port to the control plane. Figure 4.1 shows the relationship between those control plane ingress and egress ports and the physical interfaces. It also shows the paths taken by the four types of traffic discussed in the previous section.

Diagram shows markings for CoPP, interface ACL, management, control, services, data, ingress interface, route processor, CPU, CEF, AAA, SYSLOG, SNMP, OSPF, BGP, and egress interface.


Notice that three types of traffic can be controlled by CoPP, that is, management, control, and services traffic. Also notice that when access control lists (ACLs) are applied to the ingress physical interface and CoPP has also been applied, CoPP comes into play only for traffic that was allowed through the ingress physical interface ACL. As you can see, ultimately CoPP is designed to protect the route processor. Controls can be implemented that allow and disallow certain types of traffic and can also be used to rate-limit the traffic so as to prevent a DoS attack.

When CoPP is configured, the configuration follows the Cisco Modular QoS CLI (MQC). In this model, three mechanisms are used.

Class Maps Used to categorize traffic types into classes. ACLs are typically used to define the traffic, and then the ACL is referenced in the class map.

Policy Maps Used to define the action to be taken for a particular class. Actions that can be specified are allow, block, and rate-limit.

Service Policies Used to specify where the policy map should be implemented.

Figure 4.2 shows the relationship between these mechanisms.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

FIGURE 4.2 Modular policy framework

This framework is used for other features as well, such as QoS and traffic shaping.


In this chapter, you learned about methods for securing administrative access to the router or switch. You also learned how IOS privilege levels and IOS role-based CLI can be used to specify allowed actions. The Cisco IOS resilient configuration feature and its benefits were introduced. You also learned how to configure authentication for router updates for both OSPF and EIGRP. Finally, the chapter discussed how control plane policing can be used to control access to the control plane.

Exam Essentials

Secure administrative access to the router. Complete the steps required to use Secure Shell to administer the router. These steps include setting the router name and domain name and generating the RSA key. It also includes specifying the use of SSH on the vty lines.

Control administrative actions. Configure IOS privilege levels and IOS role-based CLI to specify actions allowed by technicians when maintaining the router.

Implement Cisco IOS resilient configuration. Protect the integrity and availability of both the IOS and the startup configuration by configuring the Cisco IOS resilient configuration feature.

Implement OSPF routing update authentication. Describe the steps involved in configuring authentication between two OSPF routers that is invoked at each routing update.

Implement EIGRP routing update authentication. Describe the steps involved in configuring authentication between two EIGRP routers that is invoked at each routing update.

Describe the benefits of securing the control plane. Understand the dangers that confront the control plane of a router and how control plane policing can be used to control access to the control plane and prevent attacks on it.

Review Questions

  1. Which of the following is not a required step when configuring a router for SSH access?

    1. Set the router name.
    2. Generate the RSA key.
    3. Set the router domain name.
    4. Set the router loopback IP address.
  2. Which of the following statements is true of the following system message?

    *Mar 28 18:32:09.095: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
    1. This router will accept connections only from SSH version 1 devices.
    2. This router will accept connections only from SSH version 2 devices.
    3. This router will accept connections from SSH version 1 or SSH version 2 devices.
    4. This router is an SSH version 1 device.
  3. Which statement is false with regard to this configuration?

    R63(config)#line vty 0 1114
    R63(config-line)#login local
    R63(config-line)#transport input ssh
    1. vty line 67 is affected by this configuration.
    2. The user accounts for access to the vty lines are contained on this router.
    3. Only SSH is allowed to be used on the vty lines.
    4. SSH access will be controlled by a TACACS+ server.
  4. Which of the following statements is true with regard to privilege levels in the IOS?

    1. There are 16 privilege levels.
    2. Level 16 is user mode.
    3. Level 0 is privileged mode.
    4. Privilege levels can be defined on routers but not ASA devices.
  5. Which of the following commands allows the technician to whom the privilege level will be assigned to only change IP addresses?

    1. privilege exec level 12 show interfaces
    2. privilege configure level 12 interface
    3. privilege interface level 12 ip
    4. enable secret level 12 wordpass
  6. Which of the following is the only parser view that exists by default?

    1. admin
    2. root
    3. exec
    4. priv
  7. Which of the statements is true with regard to the following configuration?

    R64(config)#secure boot-image
    *April 2 17:24:50.231: %IOS_Reslience-5-IMAGE_RESIL_ACTIVE: Successfully secured running image
    1. It secures the startup configuration.
    2. It secures the IOS image.
    3. It secures both the IOS image and the startup configuration.
    4. It secures nothing until an additional command is run.
  8. Which of the following statements is false with regard to the Cisco IOS resilient configuration?

    1. The IOS image and the startup configuration are called the secure boot set when protected.
    2. Once secured, the configuration cannot be removed.
    3. To restore the bootset, you must know its location.
    4. To restore the bootset, you must know its name.
  9. Which of the following can be done only from a console connection?

    1. Set up SSH.
    2. Remove a secure bootset configuration.
    3. Create a privilege level.
    4. Generate an SSH key.
  10. Which of the following hashing algorithms are used to implement OSPF routing update authentication?

    1. MD4
    2. MD5
    3. SHA1
    4. SHA2
  11. Which of the following configuration settings must match in the two routers when configuring OSPF routing update authentication?

    1. Keychain name
    2. Key number
    3. Keystring
    4. Router passwords
  12. To which component is the keychain applied when configuring OSPF routing update authentication?

    1. Routing protocol
    2. Hashing algorithm
    3. Interface
    4. Key
  13. To which component is the key applied when configuring OSPF routing update authentication?

    1. Routing protocol
    2. Hashing algorithm
    3. Interface
    4. Keychain
  14. To which component is the hashing algorithm applied when configuring OSPF routing update authentication?

    1. Key
    2. Hashing algorithm
    3. Interface
    4. Keychain
  15. How is configuring EIGRP routing update authentication different from OSPF?

    1. OSPF specifies the hashing algorithms in the same mode where you specify the key string; in EIGRP, that is specified on the interface.
    2. EIGRP specifies the hashing algorithms in the same mode where you specify the key string; in OSPF, that is specified on the interface.
    3. OSPF specifies the keychain in the same mode where you specify the key string: in EIGRP, that is specified on the interface.
    4. OSPF specifies the keychain in the same mode where you specify the key string; in EIGRP, that is specified on the hashing algorithm.
  16. When you specify the algorithm for EIGRP route update authentication, you also specify what value in the same command?

    1. Process ID
    2. AS number
    3. Area ID
    4. Interface number
  17. Which packet type comes from end stations to be forwarded by the router?

    1. Data plane
    2. Control plane
    3. Management plane packets
    4. Services plane packets
  18. Which of the following is an example of control plane packets?

    1. Data to be routed
    2. OSPF updates
    3. Telnet packets
    4. Packets forwarded by network devices to other end-station devices
  19. Packets that are either destined for the router itself or generated by the router are in which plane?

    1. Data plane
    2. Services plane
    3. Control plane
    4. Services plane
  20. When CoPP is configured, the configuration follows the Cisco Modular QoS CLI (MQC). In this model, which mechanism specifies the actions to be taken on the specified traffic type?

    1. Class map
    2. Policy map
    3. Service policy
    4. Action map
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