Cryptology Overview

The first thing you need to know is that cryptology and cryptography are not the same things. Cryptology is the overall art and science of making and breaking codes. Cryptography and cryptanalysis are disciplines within cryptology.


The second thing you need to know is that in attempting to define any one term in the field of cryptology, a floodgate of other new terminology, many starting with the letter “c,” is opened!

Here are some basic definitions of words that start with “crypt”:

Cryptography. Code making. It is the art of creating and using simple word or character substitutions to hide the original meaning.

Image    Cryptanalysis. Code breaking. It is the process of analyzing a cryptographic algorithm for weaknesses and exploiting them to break the code.

Image    Cryptosystem. Any system that implements codes to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Image    Cipher. A cryptographic algorithm (or “encryption algorithm”) used to encrypt and decrypt files and messages.

Image    Ciphertext. An encrypted message or file. Code.

Image    Cleartext (or plaintext). An unencrypted message or file.

Image    Encryption (Enciphering). Cryptosystems encrypt by rendering cleartext into ciphertext. Encoding.

Image    Decryption (Deciphering). The message recipient’s cryptosystem decrypts by rendering the ciphertext back into cleartext. Decoding.


The terms enciphering and deciphering, while technically accurate, are not commonly used anymore.

Let’s talk about a common misuse of terminology. There is no such action as unencryption because there is no verb “unencrypt.” Encrypted messages are decrypted, not unencrypted, by a cryptosystem. Unencrypted is an adjective that refers to a message that is sent in cleartext.

An example of a real-time use of cryptology would be an IPsec VPN cryptosystem, which uses cryptographic algorithms (ciphers) to encrypt messages into ciphertext and decrypt those same messages back to cleartext. A cryptanalyst (a hacker, for example) would use the science of cryptanalysis as a form of man-in-the-middle attack to try to break the code. There, we’ve used all the terms in the list of definitions that we’ve created so far!

Figure 6.1 illustrates the elements of a cryptosystem. The data flow is left to right. All the traffic from the A network to the B network is encrypted by router A and becomes ciphertext for transmission inside an IPsec VPN to router B. Attackers (cryptanalysts!) would not be able to read the ciphertext because they possess neither the encryption key nor the encryption algorithm, both of which would be needed to decrypt this coded transmission. When the ciphertext arrives at router B, it is decrypted using the same encryption algorithm and encryption keys as were used by router A to encrypt it. When the message is forwarded by router B to network B, its final destination, it has been rendered back into cleartext.

FIGURE 6.1 IPsec VPN: Example of a real-time cryptosystem.

IPsec VPN: Example of a real-time cryptosystem.

Theoretically, it is possible to break any code because an attacker would only need to try by brute force every possible key (a large universe of possibilities) in combination with all known ciphers (a small universe of possibilities). The emphasis, of course, is on the word theoretical. Part of the art of encryption in a Cisco network, or any network security architecture, is to find the balance between usability and security. In this case, the encryption algorithms may be well known and therefore guessable, but we must make the keys reasonably difficult to break such that a knowledgeable attacker cannot access our sensitive information. You can read the specifics of how to implement an IPsec VPN cryptosystem in Chapter 7, but it would be useful to look at some of the building blocks first.

Exam Alert

Understanding the fundamentals of a cryptosystem at a high level will aid you greatly in understanding, rather than simply memorizing, the concepts. In turn, you will find it much easier to configure the crypto features of the Cisco IOS, including IPsec VPNs. If that isn’t motivation enough, troubleshooting issues that deal with cryptography requires a high-level understanding at a minimum.

Historically, earlier efforts in creating cryptosystems relied on the secrecy of the cipher itself to achieve confidentiality. Examples of this would be the Caesar cipher or the Enigma machine used by the German military during World War II. With most modern cryptosystems, secrecy relies on the strength of the keys because knowledge of the crypto algorithms themselves is largely in the public domain.

We hadn’t used the term key until the last two paragraphs. Basically, there are two main elements in a cryptosystem that are used to turn cleartext into ciphertext: ciphers, defined earlier, and keys. A key (also known as an encryption key or cryptographic key) is a collection of bits, usually stored in a file, that are used with a cipher to encrypt and decrypt a message.

Fair to say, the larger the number of bits in your bit collection, the stronger the resulting encryption. There is more about keys in the sections “Exploring Symmetric Key Encryption” and “Exploring Asymmetric Key Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure” later in this chapter.

To place all this into a networking context, encryption can occur at several layers of the OSI model, including the following:

Image    Data Link Layer (OSI Layer 2). Proprietary link layer encryption devices; examples include Ethernet NICs with encryption chips, which encrypt the payload of frames.

Image    Network Layer (OSI Layer 3). Protocols such as the IPsec framework, which create encrypted payload in network layer packets.

Image    Transport Layer (OSI Layer 4). Protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which create encrypted payload in transport layer segments.

Image    Application Layer (OSI Layers 5–7). Protocols such as Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for remote terminal sessions or secure messaging applications, such as Lotus Notes, and secure database applications, such as Oracle’s SQL*Net, which create encrypted payload at the application layer.


There are examples of both IPsec and SSL in Chapter 7 because they are useful in setting up the vendor-neutral, real-time network cryptosystems called virtual private networks (VPNs).


It’s a question of perspective. If you’re a hacker, you’re not attacking, you’re cryptanalyzing, right? At least, that’s what you tell the judge. If you are the victim, it’s a cryptographic attack. Table 6.1 explains some examples of cryptographic attacks.

TABLE 6.1 Examples of Cryptographic Attacks

Image Image


You may recall from Chapter 2, “Building a Secure Network Using Security Controls,” that encryption, and thus cryptosystems, are examples of technical controls. The organization’s security policy will dictate what constitutes “reasonable security,” hopefully after using industry-standard metrics to measure the organization’s vulnerability to the threat of certain exploits. Physical controls must be defined and implemented to safeguard the technical controls.

In January of 1999, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher developed by IBM, and which uses 56-bit keys, was cracked in just over 22 hours as part of the RSA Data Security’s “DES Challenge III” (see

It is estimated that using the same method, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) could be cracked in 149 trillion years.

Encryption Algorithm (Cipher) Desirable Features

A good encryption algorithm should be resistant to the attacks outlined in Table 6.1. Table 6.2 lists other key features desirable in an encryption algorithm.

TABLE 6.2 Encryption Algorithm Desirable Features


Symmetric Key Versus Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithms

Encryption keys work with encryption algorithms to turn cleartext into ciphertext. But be careful with our terminology because it isn’t the keys that are symmetric or asymmetric; it is the method in which they are used by encryption algorithms that determines their symmetry. There are two broad categories of use for encryption keys:

Image    Symmetric Encryption Algorithm. Uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data.

Image    Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm. Requires different keys—one key to encrypt the cleartext, and another to decrypt the ciphertext.

Complete sections later in this chapter explore examples of each in more detail.


“I want examples!” you say. OK, here’s one. As was noted earlier, since the focus on modern cryptosystems is the strength of the encryption key, safeguarding the key is of primary importance. A related issue is key distribution. For example, if the modern cryptosystem is an IPsec VPN using symmetric keys, generating a shared secret key for encryption between two VPN gateways over a hostile network such as the Internet is a critical issue. For example, the keys could be distributed out-of-band using a courier service or a phone call and then manually inputted on the devices. This is probably secure but hardly convenient. The Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange solves this issue. It defines an in-band (and slightly magical!) way of securely creating a shared key using the same hostile network that the data will eventually be encrypted and transmitted across. This is explained in Chapter 7.

Symmetric Key Algorithms

Because symmetric key algorithms are based on simple mathematical operations, they are quite fast and often used for encryption services; they are easily accelerated by hardware. We will see examples of hardware acceleration in Cisco hardware in Chapter 7.

Key management algorithms, such as Diffie-Hellman mentioned in the previous note, provide secure key exchange. Examples of symmetric key algorithms and their key lengths include the following:

Image    DES (Data Encryption Standard). 56 bits.

Image    3DES (Triple DES). 112 and 168 bits.

Image    AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). 128, 192, and 256 bits.

Image    IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm). 128 bits.

Image    RC (Rivest Cipher or Ron’s Code) Series:

Image    RC2: 40 and 64 bits.

Image    RC4: 1 to 256 bits.

Image    RC5: 0 to 2040 bits.

Image    RC6: 128, 192, and 256 bits.

Image    Blowfish. 32 to 448 bits.

Image    SEAL (Software Encryption Algorithm). 160 bits.

Exam Alert

Know the names of all the ciphers in the previous list, as well as the key length that they each require.


AES, also known as Rijndael after the last names of the co-inventors, resulted from a competition by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for a successor to the pervasive DES cipher. RC6 was one of the finalists in that same competition. AES was adopted in November 2001 and approved by NIST as FIPS 197. It is remarkable for its speed, relative ease of use, and little memory requirement. Since its adoption, it has quickly become the de facto standard for encryption worldwide and not just for the U.S. federal government.

Asymmetric Key Algorithms

Asymmetric key algorithms are more commonly referred to as public key algorithms. For example, in an IPsec VPN, a device such as an IOS router will use its peer’s public key to encrypt data to that peer and decrypt data from that same peer using its own private key. The asymmetry is found in the fact that each peer requires a key pair consisting of a private key and public key. The private key is almost never transmitted to the peer, but the public key can be freely exchanged because only the holder of the matching private key will be able to decrypt messages encrypted with that public key. This makes the resulting cryptosystem highly resistant to attacks ... assuming that a key of sufficient length and complexity is chosen of course.

Examples of encryption algorithms that make use of asymmetric keys (usually in lengths of 512 to 4096 bits) include the following:

Image    Diffie-Hellman (DH)

Image    Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)

Image    Elliptic Curves Cryptography (ECC)

Image    ElGamal Encryption System (ElGamal)

Asymmetric encryption algorithms are slower than symmetric encryption algorithms because they are based on complex computations.

Also, the lengths of the encryption keys, while longer than symmetric keys, do not equate to equivalent security bit-to-bit, according to the following key equivalency:

Image    RSA with 1024-bit key equal to 80-bit symmetric key

Image    RSA with 2048-bit key equal to 112-bit symmetric key

Image    RSA with 3072-bit key equal to 128-bit symmetric key

Block Versus Stream Ciphers

Now that we’ve categorized encryption algorithms by their use of keys (symmetric or asymmetric), let’s look at categorizing ciphers by the way they organize data prior to encryption. Encryption algorithms can be either block ciphers or stream ciphers.

Block ciphers have the following characteristics:

Image    A data stream is parsed into fixed-length units (blocks) of plaintext data and then transformed into ciphertext of the same length.

Image    The size of the block used varies with the cipher (DES uses 8 bytes = 64 bits).

Image    Block sizes have to be uniform so padding is common.

Image    The resulting ciphertext is typically longer than the plaintext (see the last bullet in the following stream cipher characteristics list for comparison).

Stream ciphers have the following characteristics:

Image    Stream ciphers work at a more granular level, using smaller units of plaintext data; bits, for example.

Image    Because blocking is not used, padding is not needed, and therefore the size of the messages does not change when they are transformed to ciphertext.


Do not confuse the number of bits in a block used by a block cipher with the number of bits in its key. For example, 3DES uses a 168-bit key, but 64-bit blocks.

Stream ciphers can be much faster than block ciphers because they do not need to block and pad the data and can encrypt an arbitrary number of bits.

Common block ciphers include the following:

Image    DES and 3DES when used in Electronic Code Book (ECB) or Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode

Image    AES

Image    IDEA

Image    Secure and Fast Encryption Routine (SAFER)

Image    Skipjack

Image    Blowfish

Image    RSA

Common stream ciphers include the following:

Image    DES and 3DES when used in Output Feedback (OFB) or cipher feedback (CFB) mode

Image    RC4

Image    Software Encryption Algorithm (SEAL)

Which Encryption Algorithm Do I Choose?

We’ve categorized encryption algorithms by whether they use block or stream ciphers and whether they use symmetric or asymmetric keys. At a high level, we have looked at some of the features of these categories. This still doesn’t answer the over-arching question as to which encryption algorithm we should choose. Is there a body of industry best practices that will help? According to Cisco, it is a matter of trust and an algorithm’s resistance to brute force attack.

Two basic criteria for choosing an encryption algorithm are as follows:

Image    The algorithm provides sufficient protection against brute force attacks. (For more about who defines “sufficient,” see Chapter 2 and the following note.)

Image    The algorithm is trusted by the greater cryptographic community.

With respect to the last point, symmetric algorithms that are considered trusted are DES, 3DES, IDEA, RC4, and AES.

Asymmetric algorithms that are considered trusted are RSA and DH.


Practically speaking, the organization’s security policy will determine whether a cipher provides sufficient protection against attack based on such factors as the likelihood of an exploit and the cryptosystem’s vulnerability against specific threats. One would think that the most secure cipher should always be the one to choose, as long as it doesn’t introduce unacceptable tradeoffs in terms of performance and latency. In reality, it is the trustworthiness and not just the security of a cipher that may tip the balance when deciding the cipher to use in a cryptosystem such as an IPsec VPN. Trust is hard to quantify, but the idea of trust is easier to quantify with industry data. For example, because they are trusted by industry, an IPsec VPN might be configured to use the following:

Image    AES as a symmetric algorithm for protecting data and the negotiations between the peers.

Image    DH for automating the generation and exchange of encryption keys between the peers.

Other encryption algorithms might not be trusted. For example, ECC is considered to be relatively immature. However, depending on the cryptosystem’s requirements, it might be an acceptable tradeoff, especially if the devices in the cryptosystem do not possess much processing power.

Cryptographic Hashing Algorithms

A cryptographic hash is sometimes described as a one-way encryption—encryption where there is no possibility of decryption. Hashing algorithms, like encryption algorithms, take cleartext data and using an encryption key, transform the cleartext data into something different and unreadable by an attacker. But what comes out of the hashing process is not ciphertext as with encryption algorithms, but rather a fixed-length hash. The implication with ciphertext is that it will be deciphered. With a hash, the whole purpose is that it cannot be deciphered.

Hashes are most commonly used as a method of integrity assurance. (Recall C-I-A from Chapter 1.) When a device in a cryptosystem wants to ensure that the data that it is sending to its peer is not being tampered with, it can append a hash of a message with the original message. The receiving device can create its own hash of the received message and compare it with the hash that is appended to the message. If they are the same, then the message has not been tampered with.

What prevents an attacker from altering a message and then altering the hash to reflect the altered message’s new contents? Nothing actually, except both the sender and the receiver are not only using the same hashing algorithm, but they are hashing the message with a shared secret key added. Only the devices that knows the key (and they’re not sharing it with an attacker) will be able to create and compare the hashes correctly. There’s another use of keys, again underlining how important it is to properly manage and secure these keys.


Hashing algorithms are described in more detail in the “Exploring Cryptographic Hashing Algorithms and Digital Signatures” section of this chapter.

Principles of Key Management

A recurring thread has been the necessity of proper key management because attacks against modern cryptosystems are not against the encryption algorithms, but against the keys.

Principles of key management include the following:

Image    Key management policies describe the secure generation (or issuance), verification, exchange, storage, and destruction of keys.


Getting way ahead of ourselves for a moment, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a good example of the principles of key management. PKI defines a whole protocol for the secure issuance, exchange, revocation, destruction, storage, and backup of digital certificates and integral asymmetric keys used for device and individual authentication and encryption, typically in an enterprise setting. PKI is examined later in the section, “Exploring Asymmetric Key Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure.”

Image    Key management is often considered the most difficult task of designing, implementing, and maintaining cryptosystems.

Image    Secure key management is vitally important in a cryptosystem.

Image    Compared to encryption algorithms, key management is a more common avenue of attack on modern cryptosystems.

Following is a summary of the component tasks in a key management policy. A key management policy manages key:

Image    Generation

Image    Verification

Image    Storage

Image    Exchange

Image    Revocation

Image    Destruction

Other Key Considerations

Because we have established that attackers will pry away at a modern cryptosystem’s keys, it stands to reason that we should do nothing to aid the attackers in their tasks. Two considerations with respect to keys stand out: the concept of keyspaces and the issue of key length.


A keyspace is the set of all possible values that a key might draw from. This is the “universe of choices.” The larger the keyspace, the more difficult it will be for a brute force attack to be successful. An effective comprehensive network security policy will recognize these keyspace concepts:

Image    The keyspace of an encryption algorithm is the set of all possible key values.

Image    Each bit has two possible values, 1 or 0; thus, an n-bit key has 2n possible key values.

Image    Most encryption algorithms can be configured to use weak (easily guessable and repeating) keys.

Image    Manual definition of keys can be difficult because care must be taken to avoid the use of known weak keys.

Key Length

The longer the key length, the larger the keyspace, the more difficult it is to crack the code. If an encryption algorithm is considered trustworthy (see the earlier section, “Which Encryption Algorithm Do I Choose?”), then the only way that an attacker can crack the code is by attempting to brute-force the keys. The goal is to make this kind of attack unfeasible.


A largely unspoken axiom of network security is that you are making your network unattractive to attackers. The more unattractive you make your network, the more likely that an attacker will move on to another network. This is the philosophy that many people use in burglar-proofing their homes. It’s not so much that they are burglar-proof; rather, that there is often a visible deterrent that makes the burglar move on to a neighbor’s house. Remember from an earlier chapter, network security is not a risk elimination exercise; it is a risk mitigation exercise. Long keys are unfeasible to crack. A sufficiently long key with a modern cryptosystem could conceivably take millions or billions of years to crack. The sun will have exploded and the earth turned to dust by that time.

Exam Alert

On average, cryptanalysis by brute force will crack the code after searching through half the keyspace.

The length of your keys should be dictated by the tradeoff between security and usability. Knowing your attackers (including how well-funded they are) through a proper risk assessment will indicate the encryption algorithm to use and the length of encryption keys to use with that algorithm.


SSL VPNs are becoming increasingly common. SSL is also a good way to demonstrate some of the encryption algorithms, hashing algorithms, and the use of encryption keys that we have looked at so far. Chapter 7 contains a quick overview of some of Cisco’s SSL VPN solutions. Here we will do a quick overview of what SSL is and then use it to glue some of the ideas we have come across to our synapses. SSL is a cryptosystem that was invented by Netscape Corporation in the mid 1990s.

SSL characteristics include the following:

Image    Symmetric key algorithms for encryption.

Image    Asymmetric key algorithms for authentication and key exchange.

Image    Hashes during the authentication process. Cleartext passwords are never exchanged.

Image    Similar to IPsec in that it specifies methods to negotiate encryption algorithms and then uses the negotiated algorithms to transform data.

Image    Used worldwide by many e-commerce sites (at least the ones we trust!).

Image    Secures not only web communication but is also popular to secure email protocols such as SMTP, FTP, IMAP, and POP3.

Image    Gaining rapid acceptance as an alternative to IPsec for remote-access VPNs.

Image    Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the newer, standards-based, replacement for SSL. (But we still call the whole paradigm SSL.)

Image    Employs key lengths between 40 and 256 bits for encryption algorithms.

Figure 6.2 illustrates Cisco’s new remote-access AnyConnect SSL VPN client establishing a VPN to a central site ASA 5500 Series adaptive security appliance using SSL. As noted, SSL defines methods for negotiating the ciphers, as well as authenticating the peers and performing a secure key exchange. This is the same exchange as would occur if a user were to visit a secure e-commerce site such as would be established for online banking.

FIGURE 6.2 SSL tunnel establishment using Cisco AnyConnect SSL client.

SSL tunnel establishment using Cisco AnyConnect SSL client.


Step 6 in Figure 6.2 is included for the sake of completeness, however it is not part of a standard SSL tunnel establishment process.

After the secure SSL tunnel is established, the VPN client obtains an IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and other information from the VPN server, the ASA. The result is illustrated in Figure 6.3. Look for these two things on Figure 6.3:

A. The client has obtained IP address

B. An RSA_AES_128_SHA1 cipher has been negotiated to protect the data in the VPN tunnel.

FIGURE 6.3 Parameters obtained from VPN server by AnyConnect SSL VPN client.

Parameters obtained from VPN server by AnyConnect SSL VPN client.

Exploring Symmetric Key Encryption

The simplest, most scalable cryptosystems to implement are those that use symmetric key encryption. Ciphers that use symmetric keys use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the data. We will examine the principles and operation of symmetric key encryption algorithms and look at examples of its implementation while weighing its strengths and weaknesses.

Figure 6.4 represents a typical symmetric key cryptosystem. The data flow is from left to right. Cleartext data is rendered into ciphertext by the sender by encrypting the data with an encryption key and a cipher. The ciphertext is turned back into cleartext when the receiver in the cryptosystem uses the same encryption algorithm with an identical key to decrypt the data.

FIGURE 6.4 Symmetric key encryption.

Symmetric key encryption.

Here are some facts about the key lengths used with symmetric key encryption algorithms:

Image    40 to 256 bits are typical key lengths.

Image    Trusted key lengths are 80 bits or greater.

Image    Regardless of which encryption algorithm employs them, key lengths of less than 80 bits are considered obsolete and should not be used.

Now that we’ve established that 80 bits or greater is acceptable, let’s speak about the longevity of the keys’ protection. What length of key should be used, grouped by the algorithm that employs it and longevity of protection? Table 6.2 explores those parameters as they relate to longevity of protection. The assumption made in Table 6.2 is that we are protecting against brute force attack. Also, when you look at the table, recall that symmetric algorithms are considered the strongest type of algorithms, thus they necessitate a shorter key length than asymmetric encryption algorithms.

TABLE 6.2 Key Length Longevity


The remainder of this section explores the details of the most common Symmetric Key Encryption algorithms individually.


The following are the main characteristics of DES:

Image    Fixed key length of 64 bits, though only 56 bits are always used for encryption.

Image    Hardware acceleration is relatively simple because of its logical (binary) operation.

Image    40-bit DES is still 56-bits: 40-bit key plus 16 known bits to pad the key out to 56 bits.

Image    Block cipher modes include the following:

Image    ECB (Electronic Code Block) mode.

Image    CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode. IPsec VPNs mostly choose this.

Image    Stream cipher modes include the following:

Image    CFB mode (Cipher Feedback). Similar to CBC.

Image    OFB mode (Output Feedback).

Exam Alert

Cisco IPsec VPNs use DES and 3DES in CBC mode.

Although DES is considered obsolete, mostly because of its small key size, it can be used for small amounts of data where no alternative exists. It is susceptible to brute force attacks on its keys, having been cracked in 2001 in 22 hours.

Here are some other guidelines to make a DES cryptosystem as secure as possible:

Image    Change keys frequently.

Image    Use a secure channel to exchange keys between the sender and receiver. (Diffie-Hellman is one method.)

Image    Use CBC if possible. In CBC block cipher mode, encryption of one 64-bit block depends on the previous blocks.

Image    Use 3DES if possible.


The following are the main characteristics of 3DES:

Image    Basic algorithm is identical to DES, just applied three successive times.

Image    Can use two or three 56-bit keys to achieve 112- or 168-bit key strength. (See the next Exam Alert.)

Image    3DES is not significantly more processor-intensive than DES, making it a good choice for software-based encryption.

Image    3DES is considered the most trusted of symmetric encryption algorithms by virtue of how long it has been used, as well as its key length.


Don’t confuse the trustworthiness of an encryption algorithm with its strength. Although AES is considered cryptographically stronger than 3DES, it has only been a NIST standard since 2001 and an official U.S. government standard since May 2002, whereas 3DES has been tested in the field for more than 35 years and has not been found to possess any flaws. Brute force attacks are considered to be unfeasible against 3DES.

Exam Alert

Cisco IPsec VPNs use the 168-bit 3DES implementation in the CBC block cipher mode.

If you use DES as a verb, 3DES has sometimes (and rather lazily) been described as producing ciphertext from cleartext that has been DES’d three times. Strictly speaking this is true, but it also implies that the cleartext is encrypted three times. This is incorrect. In fact, Figure 6.5 illustrates how 3DES operates. The numbering in the figure matches the following steps:

  1. The cleartext data is first encrypted with a 56-bit key creating ciphertext.

  2. This ciphertext is then decrypted (not encrypted!) with a second 56-bit key. Because the second key is always different than the first key, actual decryption doesn’t occur, so effectively the result is also ciphertext.

  3. The ciphertext from step 2 is again encrypted, either with a third different key or with the same one that was used in step 1.

FIGURE 6.5 3DES operation.

3DES operation.


If three different keys are used, (K1, K2, and K3 in Figure 6.5), then the total key length is said to be 168 bits. If only two keys are used (that is, K1 and K3 are the same and K2 is different), then the total key length is said to be 112 bits. Cisco does not use 112-bit 3DES in its IPsec VPN implementation.

Surprisingly, if you use the three different keys, and all three steps encrypted in succession from the original cleartext, the composite key strength would be only 58 bits! The encrypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) process that 3DES uses is known as 3DES-EDE.


It might take several years before AES is as trusted as 3DES, but it is considered a stronger algorithm. In 1997, NIST announced a competition that was open to the public, inviting them to submit a proposal for an encryption algorithm that would eventually replace DES. Of the fifteen proposed candidates, the Rijndael algorithm was chosen to become AES. Twofish and RC6 were two other candidates. Rijndael is a combination of the names of the inventors, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen.

The following are the main features of AES:

Image    AES uses a variable block length and variable key length. Blocks can be 128, 192, or 256 bits in length and encryption keys can be 128, 192, or 256 bits in length.

Image    AES is future-proof because both block and key lengths can be added to in 32-bit increments.

Image    AES is much faster than 3DES, making it ideal for software encryption.

Image    AES is specifically designed for efficient implementation in software or hardware on a number of processor platforms.

Image    AES is gaining trust in the security community because it has exhibited no known flaws in 10 years of review.

Image    AES is considered to be stronger than 3DES because it is faster and it allows 192- and 256-bit key lengths.

The default encryption algorithm on Cisco platforms remains 3DES, probably because of its maturity relative to AES.

AES is supported on the following Cisco platforms:

Image    Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(13)T and later

Image    Cisco PIX Firewall Software Version 6.3 and later

Image    Cisco ASA Software Version 7.0 and later

Image    Cisco VPN 3000 Software Version 3.6 and later


The Software Encryption Algorithm (SEAL) was first published in 1994. The current version, 3.0, was published in 1997.

The following are the main features of SEAL:

Image    SEAL is a stream cipher and is considered very fast.

Image    SEAL was first supported in IOS with Release 12.3(7)T.

Image    SEAL uses a 160-bit encryption key.

Image    SEAL is less processor-intensive than equivalent encryption algorithms.

Exam Alert

Routers that have hardware-accelerated encryption do not support SEAL. Also, the VPN peers must support IPsec and have the K9 subsystem.

You can use the show version CLI command to confirm whether your version of IOS has the K9 subsystem required to run SEAL:

CiscoISR-A#show version
Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version
12.4(15)T5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Thu 01-May-08 02:31 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE

CiscoISR-A uptime is 21 hours, 6 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 20:45:39 UTC Mon May 26 2008
System image file is "flash:c870-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T5.bin"

Rivest Ciphers (RC)

These encryption algorithms are called Rivest Ciphers, as they were written by Ron Rivest of RSA fame. They are sometimes also called Ron’s Code. They are popular encryption algorithms because of their relative speed and variable key-length.

The following are the main features of Rivest Ciphers:

Image    RC2. Block cipher that features a variable-length key.

Image    It was designed as a plug-in replacement for DES.

Image    RC4. Stream cipher that features a variable length key.

Image    RC4 uses the Vernam cipher, but is not considered a one-time pad (OTP) because it uses a pseudo-random key.

Image    RC4 Runs very quickly in software.

Image    RC4 is often used to secure real-time communications such as e-commerce sites that use SSL or SSL VPNs like Cisco’s SSL VPN solution. (See the example in Figure 6.6.)

FIGURE 6.6 Website certificate for Cisco Content Engine indicating RC4 128-bit SSL encryption.

Website certificate for Cisco Content Engine indicating RC4 128-bit SSL encryption.

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an example of how RC4 can be implemented poorly.

Image    RC5. Block cipher that features speed and a variable block size and a variable key length.

Image    RC6. Block cipher that lost out to Rijndael in the AES competition. Based on RC5.

Figure 6.6 illustrates a website certificate for a Cisco Content Engine CE-590 indicating a 128-bit RC4 encrypted SSL link.

Exploring Cryptographic Hashing Algorithms and Digital Signatures

Recall from the previous discussion in this chapter that a cryptographic hash is sometimes described as one-way encryption—encryption where there is no possibility of decryption. Hashing algorithms, like encryption algorithms, take cleartext data and, using an encryption key, transform the cleartext data into something different and unreadable by an attacker. But what comes out of the hashing process is not ciphertext as with encryption algorithms, but rather a fixed-length hash or digest. The implication with ciphertext is that it will be deciphered. With a hash, the whole purpose is that it essentially cannot be deciphered as it is extremely infeasible to do so. The two most popular hashing algorithms are Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). These will be discussed separately in their own sections shortly.


The output of the hashing functions is a fixed-length hash or “digest.” Think of a hashing function as a hungry beast into whose mouth you pour in data of variable lengths. The animal digests it and then outputs it (the analogy gets a bit ugly here) into fixed-length digests. The digestion algorithm of the animal can be either of the following:

Image    Message Digest 5 (MD5). Creates 128-bit digests.

Image    Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). Creates 160-bit digests.

In both cases, the output is completely unrecognizable from the input. It is important to realize that the hashing function does not define the formatting of the output, but rather the process to completely disassociate it from the input.

Hashing functions are most commonly used as an integrity check, similar to a frame check sequence (FCS) in a frame. When data is transmitted, a hash of that transmitted data is appended to the data to be checked by the receiver. If the receiver determines that the computed hash is different than the hash appended to the message, the receiver assumes that the data has been tampered with. The key here is the word computed. The receiver computes the hash using the same algorithm that was used with the appended hash.

It is common to represent a hashing algorithm as a mathematical function (because that’s what it is!):

h = H(x)


h = The computed hash.

H = The hashing function (MD5 or SHA-1).

x = The data of variable length fed into the hashing function.

Figure 6.7 represents a simple hashing cryptosystem.

FIGURE 6.7 Simple hash cryptosystem.

Simple hash cryptosystem.


In general, hashing functions should be “collision resistant,” meaning that two messages with the same hash are very unlikely.

If that was all there was to it, an attacker could launch a man-in-the-middle attack that would go something like this:

  1. Seize the data with the original hash.

  2. Alter it.

  3. Compute and append a new hash by making an educated guess as to which of the two popular hashing algorithms (MD5 or SHA-1) was used.

  4. Transmit the altered data with the new hash to the receiver.

So, how good is the hash as an integrity check if we left it right there? Not very good, right? The reason standalone hashing functions were designed this way was to serve as a lightweight, simple, but effective way to guarantee the integrity of transmission over telecommunication circuits of sometimes dubious quality. If a receiving station finds that a message fails the integrity check, it can ask for a retransmission from the transmitting station. The assumption is that the communication links between the transmitter and receiver are not hostile, which would be true in the case of closed networks such as leased-line, circuit-switched, or packet-switched networks.


If, however, the intermediate network is the Internet or some other network that is considered hostile by our security policy, we should find a way to assure the authenticity of the hash itself. The transmitter would create a hash made of the following:

Image    A shared-secret encryption key.

Image    + the variable-length data.

Thus, only if the receiver possesses the same shared-secret encryption key would it be able to compute the same hash with the same variable-length data. This is how Hashing Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) work. HMACs are hashing functions with the addition of a shared-secret encryption key. This makes for a hashing cryptosystem that is much more resistant to a man-in-the-middle attack.

Figure 6.8 illustrates the addition of a shared-secret encryption key to create an HMAC instead of a simple hash before the data is transmitted.

FIGURE 6.8 Hashing cryptosystem with HMACs.

Hashing cryptosystem with HMACs.

Cisco uses two popular HMACs:

Image    Keyed MD5

Image    Keyed SHA-1

They are based respectively on MD5 and SHA-1 hashing functions.


If you’re keeping track, we have now achieved the I and A in C-I-A. IPsec VPNs use HMAC functions to assure data integrity and to provide origin authentication. Only the holder of the same shared-secret key could create a hash that can be matched by the receiver.

Exam Alert

The use of HMACs is the same procedure that is used in the generation and verification of secure fingerprints.

Message Digest 5 (MD5)

The following are the main features of the MD5 hashing algorithm:

Image    MD5 is very common (ubiquitous).

Image    MD5 was derived from its predecessor, MD4.

Image    MD5 uses a complex sequence of logical (binary) operations that result in a 128-bit message digest.

Image    MD5 is not recommended for new cryptosystems because SHA-1 is preferred for its theoretically higher security.

Image    MD5 was invented by Ron Rivest.

MD5 is less trusted than SHA-1 because of some theoretical weaknesses in some of its building blocks. This kind of speculation makes the cryptology world somewhat uneasy. Thus, although it has not been proven in the real world that MD5 is any less safe than SHA-1, SHA-1 is preferred over MD5 because any risk should be avoided.

Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1)

Theoretically, SHA-1 should be marginally slower than MD5 on the same platform because it works with a 32-bit longer buffer than MD5, but it should be more resistant to a brute force attack for that very reason.

The following are the main features of the SHA-1 hashing algorithm:

Image    Similar to MD4 and MD5 in that it takes an input message, x, of no more than 264 bits.

Image    Produces a 160-bit message digest.

Image    Slightly slower than MD5.

Image    SHA-1 corrects an unpublished flaw in its predecessor, SHA.

Image    SHA-1 is published as an official NIST standard as FIPS 180-1.


As with any modern cryptosystem, the most important best practice with HMACs is to protect the secret keys. Realistically, an attacker has a 1 in 2 chance of guessing the hashing algorithm used, but they should never be able to guess the keys!

Digital Signatures

Another way of securing messages among devices and people in a cryptosystem is the use of a digital signature. Digital signatures are usually derived from digital certificates, which are part of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). As their name suggests, when digital signatures are used instead of hashes and HMACs in transactions, the sender cannot disavow themselves from the transaction. This is called non-repudiation, and simply means that the data came uniquely (and could only have originated) from the holder of the digital signature.

Here are the most common uses for digital signatures:

Image    Non-repudiation

Image    Authenticating users

Image    Proving both the authenticity and integrity of PKI-generated certificates

Image    Signed timestamps

In Figure 6.9, a user is composing an email message to Bob’s email address, , telling him to take the day off. The user clicks the button (1) in the email message, indicating that it should be digitally signed and when (2) the message is sent, a message (3) pops up, indicating that the message is about to be signed by the user’s private key.

FIGURE 6.9 Signing and sending an email with a digital signature.

Signing and sending an email with a digital signature.

The question is whether the email message really came from Bob’s boss. Clearly, Bob should only take the day off if the message actually originated from his boss and Bob can verify the message upon receipt. If he verifies the message successfully, then only the boss or someone with access to the boss’s computer (and private key) could have sent it. The message source is non-reputable.

Figure 6.10 shows the process of sending a digitally signed email message.

FIGURE 6.10 Digital signature process example.

Digital signature process example.

Here’s how it works. The assumption is that Bob and Bob’s boss have agreed upon a signature algorithm:

  1. Bob’s boss signs the email message with her private signature key. This key must be kept secret.


    If the boss’s signature key is not kept secret and private, there can be no non-repudiation.

  2. A digital signature is generated by the signature algorithm using Bob’s boss’s signature key.

  3. The boss’s email application attaches the digital signature to the email message and sends it to Bob.

  4. Bob’s email application verifies the signature using the (typically publicly available) verification key.

  5. If the message verifies successfully, then it can only have originated from Bob’s boss’s computer (non-repudiation) because only the holder of the private key can produce a digital signature that can be verified with the corresponding public key. Furthermore, the verification check confirms that the data has not changed in transit, thus assuring its integrity.


Technically, the sender’s private signature key and the receiver’s public verification keys can be any agreed-upon keys, but the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is recommended to manage the keys; this will ensure their safeguarding and improve the scalability of the solution.

Digital Signature Standard (DSS)

The whole process hinges on the digital signature algorithm used, so it only makes sense that there should be a Digital Signature Standard. DSS was first issued in 1994 by NIST. Originally, there was only one standard, but now DSS incorporates three, as follows:

Image    Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA):

Image    The original standard.

Image    Not as flexible as RSA.

Image    Slow verification of signatures.

Image    Digital Signature Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography (RSA). An RSA digital signature algorithm. This is commonly referred to as simply “RSA,” although this is technically incorrect.

Image    Elliptic Curves Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). Also added to the DSS.

Exploring Asymmetric Key Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure

One of the main issues with symmetric key cryptosystems is that they don’t scale very well. Asymmetric key cryptosystems, where different keys are used for encrypting and decrypting, scale well. This is mainly because the management of these asymmetric keys is integral to the same infrastructure that is used to generate and issue them in the first place. In this section, we examine the principles behind asymmetric key encryption and look at popular encryption algorithms that use asymmetric keys including Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA), Diffie-Hellman (DH), and public key infrastructure (PKI).

Asymmetric algorithms are slower than symmetric algorithms because they are more mathematically complex. Because they are slower, they are not typically used in real-time encrypted data flows and are instead used as key exchange protocols. Symmetric algorithms are discussed in the section, “Exploring Symmetric Key Encryption.”

Asymmetric encryption algorithms provide for both confidentiality and authentication. They are often called public key algorithms. They are asymmetric in that each party to the cryptosystem has two keys, contained in a “key pair” consisting of a private key and a corresponding public key:

Image    Private key. This key is not freely distributed, and is closely guarded, thus ensuring confidentiality.

Image    Public key. Usually freely available, and distributed to any entity that wants to enter into confidential communication with the system that holds the corresponding private key.

Both keys are capable of encrypting data. If the private key is used for encrypting data, the corresponding public key is used to decrypt the data and vice versa.

Examples of public key encryption algorithms include the following:

Image    RSA:

Image    Invented in 1997 by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman.

Image    Often used in digital signatures for authentication and non-repudiation.

Image    100 times slower than DES in hardware and 1,000 times slower than DES in software.

Image    Consequently, it can be used for encryption but not typically for large quantities of data.

Image    DSA. Digital Signature Algorithm (part of DSS).

Image    DH. Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. Describes a method for generating a shared secret encryption key in a secure fashion over an unsecure network. The DH key exchange uses the peers’ public and private key pairs as part of its algorithm. Very commonly used by Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Phase I during the establishment of an IPsec VPN session. See the next chapter for more information.

Image    ElGamal. An asymmetric key encryption algorithm based on the DH key agreement. First described by Taher Elgamal in 1984.

Image    Elliptic Curve. Used for both encryption and also part of DSS.

Encryption with Asymmetric Keys

In order to encrypt a message to an entity (a box or a person), you need their public key. The transmitter encrypts the message with an agreed-upon encryption algorithm and the receiver’s public key. The receiver decrypts the message with the receiver’s private key. Confidentiality is assured because only the holder of the private key can decrypt the message. Thus:

Encrypt (public key) + Decrypt (private key) = confidentiality

Authentication with Asymmetric Keys

We discussed digital signatures in the last section. This is an example of how authentication works with asymmetric keys. Remember how Bob’s boss signed the email message with her private key, and Bob verified the email message with the boss’s public key? Authentication is assured because only Bob’s boss could have encrypted a message that is verified with the boss’s public key. Thus:

Encrypt (private key) + Decrypt (public key) = authentication


As with any modern cryptosystem, the most common attack will be on the encryption keys. Safeguarding of the private keys in an asymmetric key cryptosystem is absolutely critical.

Public Key Infrastructure Overview

In large-scale asymmetric encryption cryptosystems, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is often used to manage the keys. The integrity of the cryptosystem itself revolves around the trust inherent in the PKI employed. Because the cryptosystem’s private keys are managed by the framework of the PKI, a badly managed PKI would lead to an untrustworthy cryptosystem. All the devices, users, and other entities within the cryptosystem leverage on this trust. If their credentials (certificates, keys, and so on) can be proved to be issued by the same, trusted third-party authority, then the entities will trust one another.

Thus, in a PKI, it is all about trust. Here is some terminology providing a framework for a discussion of PKI:

Image    PKI. A trust framework that supports technologies in a Public Key technology implementation.

Image    Certificate Authority (CA). The trusted third party that signs public keys.

Image    Certificates. Documents that associate names to the public keys that have been signed by the CA.


User’s certificates are always signed by a CA; otherwise, they lack validity and are not trustworthy. CAs have certificates themselves that contain their public key. Who does the CA trust? Itself, of course! These so-called CA certificates are self-signed by the CA because hierarchically the CA is at the top of the trust “org chart.”

PKIs don’t just happen. Neither are they just users and certificates. PKIs comprise five main areas, as follows:

Image    CAs. Address key management and issuance.

Image    PKI Users. Some examples are VPN gateways, routers, people, and e-commerce servers

Image    Storage and Protocols:

Image    How are credentials (keys, certificates) safely stored and distributed?

Image    Some of the enrollment and issuance procedures can be automated.

Image    Supporting Organizational Framework. Practices and procedures and user authentication using Local Registration Authorities (LRAs), integrated into the organization’s comprehensive security policy.

Image    Supporting Legal Framework. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), incident response, policies for lost or stolen keys, and so on.

PKI Topologies

There are two basic PKI topologies, central (single-root) and hierarchical. These are illustrated in Figures 6.11.

FIGURE 6.11 Central (single-root) and hierarchical CAs.

Central (single-root) and hierarchical CAs.

Central (Single-Root) CA

This is the simplest way to implement a PKI. Certificates are issued by one CA. Its most obvious advantage is its simplicity, but having one root CA has some disadvantages:

Image    Not scalable to large environments; for example, across several departments within a federal government.

Image    Topology requires one centralized administration where all the trust decisions are made.

Image    Single point of failure. If the single root CA is compromised, then the whole PKI is, because all the public keys have been signed by the same CA.

Hierarchical CA

A hierarchical CA delegates the root CA’s authority to subordinate CAs, thereby distributing trust. A compromise of a subordinate CA’s private key only compromises the public keys that it has signed. Ultimately, all subordinate CAs’ public keys have been signed by the same root CA; no matter the depth of the hierarchy, there is only one root. Thus, users trust certificates issued to other users within the same hierarchy. In Figure 6.11, even though Alice and Bob are in different departments of the same company, their CA’s certificates were issued by the same root CA, and thus Alice trusts Bob.

This chain of logic is called the certification path.

Cross-Certified CAs

With cross-certified CAs, two or more separate organizations’ root CAs are configured to trust or “cross-certify” each other. In this manner, all entities within each organization’s PKI trust entities in the other organization’s PKI. This is another approach to hierarchical CAs.

PKI and Usage Keys

Some Public Key Infrastructures are designed such that users are required to possess two key pairs: one for encryption and another one for signing. These key pairs can be different strengths. This necessitates two certificates for the user: one for encryption and another for signing. (Recalling that the certificate contains the user’s public key.)

PKI Server Offload and Registration Authorities (RAs)

Many organizations require that the CA be kept under lock and key and, in some cases, powered down until it is needed to sign certificates. This is because the security of the CA defines the security and trustworthiness of the whole PKI. Depending on the scale of the solution, some of the day-to-day management tasks in a PKI can be offloaded (delegated) to a Registration Authority (RA), minimizing the CA’s exposure. Some of these tasks may include the following:

Image    User authentication during enrollment.

Image    User key generation. (If required, normally the client will create its own public key, which is signed by the CA when the enrollment request is approved and the certificate issues.)

Image    Certificate distribution.


In general, PKI is a good fit for an IPsec VPN because if a VPN peer is compromised and its certificate quickly revoked by a PKI administrator, that peer can no longer use that certificate to connect to the VPN. This is very effective if the VPN peers check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which is issued by the CA, whenever authentication occurs.

PKI Standards

Standardization of PKI protocols is crucial, especially when interoperability of PKI protocols is required. One example of this that we’ve already seen is in cross-certification of CAs. PKI also should work with other standards, such as the following:

Image    X.500 directory services

Image    Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)

Image    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Some of these standards define user information databases and information repositories. It is very convenient (especially when these other services already exist) that PKI interoperates with them.

X.509 v3

The most common standard for the PKI framework is X.509 v3. X.509 defines the certificate structure. Its use is widespread in the following:

Image    Servers. Web, email, LDAP, and other servers using SSL and TLS.

Image    Web Browsers. SSL and TLS.

Image    Email Programs. Secure Multipart Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME) attachments.

Image    IPsec VPNs. Used for authentication instead of simple pre-shared keys (PSKs) during the IKE Phase I negotiation. (See Chapter 7.)

Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)

PKCS defines the formatting of data that is exchanged between the different elements within a PKI. It was developed to promote interoperability, as well as standardize PKI APIs. Some important examples of these standards include the following:

Image    PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography.

Image    PKCS #2: DH Key Agreement.

Image    PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax (see note below).

Image    PKCS #10: Certificate Request Syntax (see note below).


Think of PKCS #7 and #10 as standards for encapsulation of information between elements in a PKI. In this way, it is similar to network protocols because these standards define rules for communicating information between PKI peers. For example, a certificate enrollment request may be contained in a PKCS #10 envelope and transmitted in turn as the payload of PKCS #7 message to the CA. The issued X.509 v3 certificate is encapsulated as the payload of a PKCS #7 message.

Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

SCEP automates the procedure of enrolling in a CA and the issuing of certificates. It is most commonly used in IPsec VPNs where the VPN peers use certificate-based authentication and where manual enrollment is not practical. SCEP not only automates the secure issuance of certificates, but it manages the whole PKI life cycle, including automatic renewal of certificates that are close to their expiry date.

Figure 6.12 shows a simple depiction of this process using the reference network design introduced with Figure 4.1 in Chapter 4, “Implementing Secure Management and Hardening the Router.”

FIGURE 6.12 SCEP process.

SCEP process.

Certificate Enrollment Process

There are three basic steps involved in enrolling in a CA. Naturally, the first step is making sure that the participants in the PKI trust the CA. This is done by retrieving and validating the CA’s certificate. At a high-level, the three steps are as follows:

  1. Retrieving the CA Certificates. The PKI participants retrieve the CA’s certificate and validate (authenticate) it. Cisco recommends using some out-of-band (relative to the network) channel for the most secure solution. For example, validation of the CA certificate may be as simple as faxing the information found in the CA’s X.509 certificate and the CA’s public key to the CA administrator and asking that they validate it by return fax.

  2. Certificate Enrollment. Assuming that the CA’s certificate is validated successfully, the PKI participants now trust the CA to issue identity certificates. The PKI participants enroll in the CA by sending a certificate request to the CA. This request contains the user’s self-generated public key; the user’s corresponding private key is retained on the user’s device. (The PKI can also be configured so the CA generates the private and public key pair.) The CA issues the certificate after validating the user’s enrollment request. Like the validation of the CA’s certificate on the part of the user, Cisco recommends that the user’s certificate request is validated using an out-of-band method by the CA. (Only seems fair!)


    Note the terminology in step 2. The participants enroll in the Certificate Authority. This process can be automated (SCEP) or it can be a manual process. When SCEP is used, steps 1 through 3 are all automated, though the CA administrator will likely reserve the right to manually issue the pending enrollment requests before they can be retrieved.

    The participants in a PKI can be people or machines.

  3. Certificate Issuance/Retrieval. The certificate is issued by the CA. As noted, this process is typically manual for security reasons. The PKI participants can now retrieve the issued certificates from the CA. This might involve visiting a special web page on the CA or some other method, such as an attachment to an email message from the CA administrator.

When steps 1 through 3 are complete, each participant in the PKI will possess the following:

Image    The CA’s certificate.

Image    Participant’s identity certificate (containing the participant’s signed public key) signed by the CA.

Image    A key pair:

Image    Participant’s public key.

Image    Participant’s corresponding private key.

Certificate-Based Authentication

Now that the participants have the CA’s certificate, their own identity certificate and a key pair, they can authenticate to one another without the involvement of the CA. Because they possess identity certificates that have been signed by the same CA, they should naturally trust one another. The PKI participants could be IPsec VPN peers, as in Figure 6.13.

FIGURE 6.13 Certificate-based authentication between IPsec VPN peers.

Certificate-based authentication between IPsec VPN peers.


If you have skipped to this part of the chapter and are not familiar with the concept of digital signatures, you owe it to yourself to go to the section “Digital Signatures” in this chapter before reviewing the following steps. Recall that the digital signature is derived from the certificate.

The actual mechanics of certificate-based authentication are as follows:

  1. The PKI participants exchange certificates.

  2. The participants verify each other’s digital signatures. This step consists of each participant:

    a. Hashing the plaintext portion of the other participant’s certificate.

    b. Decrypting the other participant’s digital signature using the CA’s public key (contained in the CA’s certificate).

    c. Comparing the results in steps a and b. If they match, the participant’s certificate has been issued by the same CA.

  3. Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Phase I completes. (The mechanics of what happens inside IKE Phase I beyond this authentication process will be examined in Chapter 7.)

Certificate Applications

We’ve mentioned IPsec, SSL VPN servers and application layer servers (such as email and web servers) as common applications of certificates. One CA server can issue certificates that can be used for all these types of authentication, as long as the participants in the PKI support the same procedures for enrollment, issuance, and installation.

Certificates are often seen at the application layer of the OSI model in the following ways:

Image    SSL

Image    TLS

Image    S/MIME (Secure Multi-part Internet Mail Extension)

Image    PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

The most common Cisco uses of certificates include:

Image    IPsec—certificate-based authentication during IKE Phase I

Image    802.1X using EAP-TLS (Extensible Authentication Protocol-TLS)

Image    TN3270 over SSL (IBM Telnet protocol using SSL encryption)

Image    SSL VPN Servers (WebVPN solution; see Chapter 7)

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