Appendix . Interface Summary

Interface summaries are listed below in alphabetical order; the subsections name each interface and its primary type, if it has one. The notation “T is opaque X_T” indicates that interface X exports an opaque pointer type X_T, abbreviated as T in the descriptions. The representation for X_T is given, if the interface reveals its primary type.

The summary for each interface lists, in alphabetical order, the exported variables, excluding exceptions, followed by the exported functions. The prototype for each function is followed by the exceptions it can raise and a concise description. The abbreviations c.r.e. and u.r.e. stand for checked and unchecked runtime error(s).

The following table summarizes the interfaces by category and gives the pages on which the summaries begin.





























































T is opaque AP_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any AP function.

T AP_add(T x, T y)


T AP_addi(T x, long int y)


return the sum x + y.

int AP_cmp(T x, T y)
int AP_cmpi(T x, long int y)

return an int <0, =0, or >0 if x<y, x=y, or x>y.

T AP_div(T x, T y)


T AP_divi(T x, long int y)


return the quotient x/y; see Arith_div. It is a c.r.e. for y=0.

void AP_fmt(int code, va_list *app,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[], int width, int precision)


a Fmt conversion function: consumes a T and formats it like printf’s %d. It is a c.r.e. for app or flags to be null.

void AP_free(T *z)

deallocates and clears *z. It is a c.r.e. for z or *z to be null.

T AP_fromstr(const char *str, int base,
    char **end)


interprets str as an integer in base and returns the resulting T. Ignores leading white space and accepts an optional sign followed by one or more digits in base. For 10<base≤36, lowercase or uppercase letters are interpreted as digits greater than 9. If end≠null, *end points to the character in str that terminated the scan. If str does not specify an integer in base, AP_fromstr returns null and sets *end to str, if end is nonnull. It is c.r.e. for str=null or for base<2 or base>36.

T AP_lshift(T x, int s)


returns x shifted left by s bits; vacated bits are filled with zeros, and the result has the same sign as x. It is a c.r.e. for s<0.

T AP_mod(T x, T y)


long AP_modi(T x, long int y)


return x mod y; see Arith_mod. It is a c.r.e. for y=0.

T AP_mul(T x, T y)


T AP_muli(T x, long int y)


return the product x·y.

T AP_neg(T x)


returns −x.

T AP_new(long int n)


allocates and returns a new T initialized to n.

T AP_pow(T x, T y, T p)


returns xy mod p. If p=null, returns xy. It is a c.r.e for y<0 or for a nonnull p<2.

T AP_rshift(T x, int s)


returns x shifted right by s bits; vacated bits are filled with zeros, and the result has the same sign as x. It is a c.r.e. for s<0.

T AP_sub(T x, T y)


T AP_subi(T x, long int y)


return the difference xy.

long int AP_toint(T x)

returns a long with same sign as x and magnitude |x| mod LONG_MAX+1.

char *AP_tostr(char *str, int size,
    int base, T x)


fills str[0..size-1] with the character representation of x in base and returns str. If str=null, AP_tostr allocates it. Uppercase letters are used for digits that exceed 9 when base>10. It is c.r.e. for a nonnull str to be too small or for base<2 or base>36.


T is opaque Arena_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass nbytes≤0 or a null T to any Arena function.

void *Arena_alloc(T arena, long nbytes,
    const char *file, int line)


allocates nbytes bytes in arena and returns a pointer to the first byte. The bytes are uninitialized. If Arena_alloc raises Arena_Failed, file and line are reported as the offending source coordinates.

void *Arena_calloc(T arena, long count,
     long nbytes, const char *file, int line)


allocates space in arena for an array of count elements, each occupying nbytes, and returns a pointer to the first element. It is a c.r.e. for count≤0. The elements are uninitialized. If Arena_calloc raises Arena_Failed, file and line are reported as the offending source coordinates.

void Arena_dispose(T *ap)

deallocates all of the space in *ap, deallocates the arena itself, and clears *ap. It is a c.r.e. for ap or *ap to be null.

void Arena_free(T arena)

deallocates all of the space in arena — all of the space allocated since the last call to Arena_free.

T Arena_new(void)


allocates, initializes, and returns a new arena.


int Arith_ceiling(int x, int y)

returns the least integer not less than the real quotient of x/y. It is a u.r.e. for y=0.

int Arith_div(int x, int y)

returns x/y, the maximum integer that does not exceed the real number z such that z·y = x. Truncates toward −∞; e.g., Arith_div(−13, 5) returns −3. It is a u.r.e. for y=0.

int Arith_floor(int x, int y)

returns the greatest integer not exceeding the real quotient of x/y. It is a u.r.e. for y=0.

int Arith_max(int x, int y)

returns max(x, y).

int Arith_min(int x, int y)

returns min(x, y).

int Arith_mod(int x, int y)

returns xy·Arith_div(x, y); e.g., Arith_mod(−13, 5) returns 2. It is a u.r.e. for y=0.


T is opaque Array_T

Array indices run from zero to N−1, where N is the length of the array. The empty array has no elements. It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any Array function.

T Array_copy(T array, int length)


creates and returns a new array that holds the initial length elements from array. If length exceeds the length of array, the excess elements are cleared.

void Array_free(T *array)

deallocates and clears *array. It is a c.r.e. for array or *array to be null.

void *Array_get(T array, int i)

returns a pointer to the ith element in array. It is a c.r.e. for i<0 or iN, where N is the length of array.

int Array_length(T array)

returns the number of elements in array.

T Array_new(int length, int size)


allocates, initializes, and returns a new array of length elements each of size bytes. The elements are cleared. It is a c.r.e. for length<0 or size≤0.

void *Array_put(T array, int i, void *elem)

copies Array_size(array) bytes from elem into the ith element in array and returns elem. It is a c.r.e. for elem=null or for i<0 or iN, where N is the length of array.

void Array_resize(T array, int length)


changes the number of elements in array to length. If length exceeds the original length, the excess elements are cleared. It is a c.r.e. for length<0.

int Array_size(T array)

returns the size in bytes of the elements in array.


T is Array_T

typedef struct T {
    int length; int size; char *array; } *T;

It is a u.r.e. to change the fields in a T.

void ArrayRep_init(T array, int length,
    int size, void *ary)

initializes the fields in array to the values of length, size, and ary. It is a c.r.e. for length≠0 and ary=null, length=0 and ary≠null, or size≤0. It is a u.r.e. to initialize a T by other means.



raises Assert_Failed if e is zero. Syntactically, assert(e) is an expression. If NDEBUG is defined when assert.h is included, assertions are disabled.


It is a c.r.e. to pass a null str to any Atom function. It is a u.r.e. to modify an atom.

int Atom_length(const char *str)

returns the length of the atom str. It is a c.r.e. for str not to be an atom.

const char *Atom_new(const char *str, int len)


returns the atom for str[0..len-1], creating one if necessary. It is a c.r.e. for len<0.

const char *Atom_string(const char *str)


returns Atom_new(str, strlen(str)).

const char *Atom_int(long n)


returns the atom for the decimal string representation of n.


T is opaque Bit_T

The bits in a bit vector are numbered zero to N−1, where N is the length of the vector. It is a c.r.e to pass a null T to any Bit function, except for Bit_union, Bit_inter, Bit_minus, and Bit_diff.

void Bit_clear(T set, int lo, int hi)

clears bits lo..hi in set. It is a c.r.e. for lo>hi, or for lo<0 or loN where N is the length of set; likewise for hi.

int Bit_count(T set)

returns the number of ones in set.

T Bit_diff(T s, T t)


returns the symmetric difference s / t: the exclusive OR of s and t. If s=null or t=null, it denotes the empty set. It is a c.r.e. for s=null and t=null, or for s and t to have different lengths.

int Bit_eq(T s, T t)

returns 1 if s = t and zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for s and t to have different lengths.

void Bit_free(T *set)

deallocates and clears *set. It is a c.r.e. for set or *set to be null.

int Bit_get(T set, int n)

returns bit n. It is a c.r.e. for n<0 or nN where N is the length of set.

T Bit_inter(T s, T t)


returns st: the logical AND of s and t. See Bit_diff for c.r.e.

int Bit_length(T set)

returns the length of set.

int Bit_leq(T s, T t)

returns 1 if st and zero otherwise. See Bit_eq for c.r.e.

int Bit_lt(T s, T t)

returns 1 if st and zero otherwise. See Bit_eq for c.r.e.

void Bit_map(T set,
    void apply(int n, int bit, void *cl), void *cl)

calls apply(n, bit, cl) for each bit in set from zero to N−1, where N is the length of set. Changes to set by apply affect subsequent values of bit.

T Bit_minus(T s, T t)


returns st: the logical AND of s and ~t. See Bit_diff for c.r.e.

T Bit_new(int length)


creates and returns a new bit vector of length zeros. It is a c.r.e. for length<0.

void Bit_not(T set, int lo, int hi)

complements bits lo..hi in set. See Bit_clear for c.r.e.

int Bit_put(T set, int n, int bit)

sets bit n to bit and returns the previous value of bit n. It is a c.r.e. for bit<0 or bit>1, or for n<0 or nN, where N is the length of set.

void Bit_set(T set, int lo, int hi)

sets bits lo..hi in set. See Bit_clear for c.r.e.

T Bit_union(T s, T t)


returns st: the inclusive OR of s and t. See Bit_diff for c.r.e.


T is opaque Chan_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any Chan function, or to call any Chan function before calling Thread_init.

T Chan_new(void)


creates, initializes, and returns a new channel.

int Chan_receive(T c, void *ptr, int size)


waits for a corresponding Chan_send, then copies up to size bytes from the sender to ptr, and returns the number copied. It is a c.r.e. for ptr=null or size<0.

int Chan_send(T c, const void *ptr, int size


waits for a corresponding Chan_receive, then copies up to size bytes from ptr to the receiver, and returns the number copied. See Chan_receive for c.r.e.


T is Except_T

typedef struct T { char *reason; } T;

The syntax of TRY statements is as follows; S and e denote statements and exceptions. The ELSE clause is optional.


void Except_raise(const T *e, const char *file, int line)

raises exception *e at source coordinate file and line. It is a c.r.e. for e=null. Uncaught exceptions cause program termination.


raises e.


reraises the exception that caused execution of a handler.

RETURN expression

is a return statement used within TRY statements. It is a u.r.e. to use a C return statement in TRY statements.


T is Fmt_T

   typedef void (*T)(int code,
       va_list *app, int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
       unsigned char flags[256], int width, int precision)

defines the type of a conversion function, which is called by the Fmt functions when the associated conversion specifier appears in a format string. Here and below, put(c, cl) is called to emit each formatted character c. Table 14.1 (page 220) summarizes the initial set of conversion specifiers. It is a c.r.e to pass a null put, buf, or fmt to any Fmt function, or for a format string to use a conversion specifier that has no associated conversion function.

char *Fmt_flags = "-+ 0"

points to the flag characters that can appear in conversion specifiers.

void Fmt_fmt(int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    const char *fmt, ...)

formats and emits the “...” arguments according to the format string fmt.

void Fmt_fprint(FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...)
void Fmt_print(const char *fmt, ...)

format and emit the “...” arguments according to fmt; Fmt_fprint writes to stream, and Fmt_print writes to stdout.

void Fmt_putd(const char *str, int len,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[256], int width, int precision)
void Fmt_puts(const char *str, int len,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[256], int width, int precision)

format and emit the converted numeric (Fmt_putd) or string (Fmt_puts) in str[0..len-1] according to Fmt’s defaults (see Table 14.1, page 220) and the values of flags, width, and precision. It is a c.r.e for str=null, len<0, or flags=null.

T Fmt_register(int code, T cvt)

associates cvt with the format character code, and returns the previous conversion function. It is a c.r.e. for code<0 or code>255.

int Fmt_sfmt(char *buf, int size,
    const char *fmt, ...)


formats the “...” arguments into buf[1..size-1] according to fmt, appends a null character, and returns the length of buf. It is a c.r.e. for size≤0. Raises Fmt_Overflow if more than size−1 characters are emitted.

char *Fmt_string(const char *fmt, ...)

formats the “...” arguments into a null-terminated string according to fmt and returns that string.

void Fmt_vfmt(int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    const char *fmt, va_list ap)

See Fmt_fmt; takes arguments from the list ap.

int Fmt_vsfmt(char *buf, int size,
    const char *fmt, va_list ap)


See Fmt_sfmt; takes arguments from the list ap.

char *Fmt_vstring(const char *fmt, va_list ap)

See Fmt_string; takes arguments from the list ap.


T is List_T

   typedef struct T *T;
   struct T { T rest; void *first; };

All List functions accept a null T for any list argument and interpret it as the empty list.

T List_append(T list, T tail)

appends tail to list and returns list. If list=null, List_append returns tail.

T List_copy(T list)


creates and returns a top-level copy of list.

void List_free(T *list)

deallocates and clears *list. It is a c.r.e. for list=null.

int List_length(T list)

returns the number of elements in list.

T List_list(void *x, ...)


creates and returns a list whose elements are the “...” arguments up to the first null pointer.

void List_map(T list,
    void apply(void **x, void *cl), void *cl)

calls apply(&p->first, cl) for each element p in list. It is a u.r.e. for apply to change list.

T List_pop(T list, void **x)

assigns list->first to *x, if x is nonnull, deallocates list, and returns list->rest. If list=null, List_pop returns null and does not change *x.

T List_push(T list, void *x)


adds a new element that holds x onto the front of list and returns the new list.

T List_reverse(T list)

reverses the elements in list in place and returns the reversed list.

void **List_toArray(T list, void *end)


creates an N+1-element array of the N elements in list and returns a pointer to its first element. The Nth element in the array is end.


It is a c.r.e. to pass nbytes≤0 to any Mem function or macro.



allocates nbytes bytes and returns a pointer to the first byte. The bytes are uninitialized. See Mem_alloc.

CALLOC(count, nbytes)


allocates space for an array of count elements, each occupying nbytes bytes, and returns a pointer to the first element. It is a c.r.e. for count≤0. The elements are cleared. See Mem_calloc.


deallocates ptr, if ptr is nonnull, and clears ptr. ptr is evaluated more than once. See Mem_free.

void *Mem_alloc(long nbytes,
    const char *file, int line)


allocates nbytes bytes and returns a pointer to the first byte. The bytes are uninitialized. If Mem_alloc raises Mem_Failed, file and line are reported as the offending source coordinates.

void *Mem_calloc(long count, long nbytes,
    const char *file, int line)


allocates space for an array of count elements, each occupying nbytes bytes, and returns a pointer to the first element. It is a c.r.e. for count≤0. The elements are cleared, which does not necessarily initialize pointers to null or floating-point values to 0.0. If Mem_calloc raises Mem_Failed, file and line are reported as the offending source coordinate.

void Mem_free(void *ptr, const char *file, int line)

deallocates ptr, if ptr is nonnull. It is a u.r.e. for ptr to be a pointer that was not returned by a previous call to a Mem allocation function. Implementations may use file and line to report memory-usage errors.

void *Mem_resize(void *ptr, long nbytes,
    const char *file, int line)


changes the size of the block at ptr to hold nbytes bytes, and returns a pointer to the first byte of the new block. If nbytes exceeds the size of the original block, the excess bytes are uninitialized. If nbytes is less than the size of the original block, only nbytes of its bytes appear in the new block. If Mem_resize raises Mem_Failed, file and line are reported as the offending source coordinates. It is a c.r.e. for ptr=null, and it is a u.r.e. for ptr to be a pointer that was not returned by a previous call to a Mem allocation function.





allocate a block large enough to hold *p, set p to the address of the block, and return that address. NEW0 clears the bytes, and NEW leaves them uninitialized. Both macros evaluate ptr once.

RESIZE(ptr, nbytes)


changes the size of the block at ptr to hold nbytes bytes, reaims ptr at the resized block, and returns the address of the block. ptr is evaluated more than once. See Mem_resize.


T is MP_T

   typedef unsigned char *T

MP functions do n-bit signed and unsigned arithmetic, where n is initially 32 and can be changed by MP_set. Function names that end in u or ui do unsigned arithmetic; others do signed arithmetic. MP functions compute their results before raising MP_Overflow or MP_DivideByZero. It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any MP function. It is a u.r.e. to pass a T that is too small to any MP function.

T MP_add(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_addi(T z, T x, long y)


T MP_addu(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_addui(T z, T x, unsigned long y)


set z to x + y and return z.

T MP_and(T z, T x, T y)
T MP_andi(T z, T x, unsigned long y)

set z to x AND y and return z.

T MP_ashift(T z, T x, int s)

sets z to x shifted right by s bits and returns z. Vacated bits are filled with x’s sign bit. It is a c.r.e. for s<0.

int MP_cmp(T x, T y)
int MP_cmpi(T x, long y)
int MP_cmpu(T x, T y)
int MP_cmpui(T x, unsigned long y)

return an int <0, =0, or >0 if x<y, x=y, or x>y.

T MP_cvt(int m, T z, T x)


T MP_cvtu(int m, T z, T x)


narrow or widen x to an m-bit signed or unsigned integer in z and return z. It is a c.r.e. for m<2.

T MP_div(T z, T x, T y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

T MP_divi(T z, T x, long y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

T MP_divu(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_divui(T z, T x,
    unsigned long y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

set z to x/y and return z. The signed functions truncate toward −∞; see Arith_div.

void MP_fmt(int code, va_list *app,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[], int width, int precision)
void MP_fmtu(int code, va_list *app,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[], int width, int precision)

are Fmt conversion functions. They consume a T and a base b and format it like printf’s %d and %u. It is a c.r.e. for the b<2 or b>36, and for app or flags to be null.

T MP_fromint(T z, long v)


T MP_fromintu(T z, unsigned long u)


set z to v or u and return z.

T MP_fromstr(T z, const char *str, int base,
    char **end)


interprets str as an integer in base, sets z to that integer, and returns z. See AP_fromstr.

T MP_lshift(T z, T x, int s)

set z to x shifted left by s bits and return z. Vacated bits are filled with zeros. It is a c.r.e. for s<0.

T MP_mod(T z, T x, T y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

sets z to x mod y and returns z. Truncates toward -∞; see Arith_mod.

long MP_modi(T x, long y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

returns x mod y. Truncates toward -∞; see Arith_mod.

T MP_modu(T z, T x, T y)


sets z to x mod y and returns z.

unsigned long MP_modui(T x,
    unsigned long y)

MP_Overflow, MP_DivideByZero

returns x mod y.

T MP_mul(T z, T x, T y)


sets z to x·y and returns z.

T MP_mul2(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_mul2u(T z, T x, T y)


set z to the double-length result of x·y and return z, which has 2n bits.

T MP_muli(T z, T x, long y)


T MP_mulu(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_mului(T z, T x, unsigned long y)


set z to x·y and return z.

T MP_neg(T z, T x)


sets z to –x and returns z.

T MP_new(unsigned long u)

Mem_Failed, MP_Overflow

creates and returns a T initialized to u.

T MP_not(T z, T x)

sets z to ~x and returns z.

T MP_or(T z, T x, T y)
T MP_ori(T z, T x, unsigned long y)

set z to x OR y and return z.

T MP_rshift(T z, T x, int s)

sets z to x shifted right by s bits and returns z. Vacated bits are filled with zeros. It is a c.r.e. for s<0.

int MP_set(int n)


resets MP to do n-bit arithmetic. It is a c.r.e. for n<2.

T MP_sub(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_subi(T z, T x, long y)


T MP_subu(T z, T x, T y)


T MP_subui(T z, T x, unsigned long y)


set z to xy and return z.

long int MP_toint(T x)


unsigned long MP_tointu(T x)


return x as a long int or unsigned long.

char *MP_tostr(char *str, int size,
    int base, T x)


fills str[0..size-1] with a null-terminated string representing x in base, and returns str. If str=null, MP_tostr ignores size and allocates the string. See AP_tostr.

T MP_xor(T z, T x, T y)
T MP_xori(T z, T x, unsigned long y)

set z to x XOR y and return z.


T is opaque Ring_T

Ring indices run from zero to N−1, where N is the length of the ring. The empty ring has no elements. Pointers can be added or removed anywhere; rings expand automatically. Rotating a ring changes its origin. It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any Ring function.

void *Ring_add(T ring, int pos, void *x)


inserts x at position pos in ring and returns x. Positions identify points between elements; see Str. It is a c.r.e. for pos < −N or pos > N+1, where N is the length of ring.

void *Ring_addhi(T ring, void *x)


void *Ring_addlo(T ring, void *x)


adds x to the high (index N−1) or low (index 0) end of ring and returns x.

void Ring_free(T *ring)

deallocates and clears *ring. It is a c.r.e. for ring or *ring to be null.

int Ring_length(T ring)

returns the number of elements in ring.

void *Ring_get(T ring, int i)

returns the ith element in ring. It is a c.r.e. for i<0 or iN, where N is the length of ring.

T Ring_new(void)


creates and returns an empty ring.

void *Ring_put(T ring, int i, void *x)


changes the ith element in ring to x and returns the previous value. See Ring_get for c.r.e.

void *Ring_remhi(T ring)
void *Ring_remlo(T ring)

removes and returns the element at the high end (index N−1) or low end (index 0) of ring. It is a c.r.e. for ring to be empty.

void *Ring_remove(T ring, int i)

removes and returns element i from ring. It is a c.r.e. for i<0 or i≥N, where N is the length of ring.

T Ring_ring(void *x, ...)


creates and returns a ring whose elements are the “...” arguments up to the first null pointer.

void Ring_rotate(T ring, int n)

rotates the origin of ring n elements left (n<0) or right (n≥0). It is a c.r.e. for |n|<0 or |x|>N, where N is the length of ring.


T is opaque Sem_T

   typedef struct T { int count; void *queue; } T;

It is a u.r.e. to read or write the fields in a T directly, or to pass an uninitialized T to any Sem function. It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any Sem function, or to call any Sem function before calling Thread_init.

The syntax of the LOCK statement is as follows; S and m denote statements and a T.


m is locked, statements S are executed and m is unlocked. LOCK can raise Thread_Alerted.

void Sem_init(T *s, int count)

sets s->count to count. It is a u.r.e. to call Sem_init more than once on the same T.

Sem_T *Sem_new(int count)


creates and returns a T with its count field initialized to count.

void Sem_wait(T *s)


waits until s->count>0, then decrements s->count.

void Sem_signal(T *s)


increments s->count.


T is opaque Seq_T

Sequence indices run from zero to N−1, where N is the length of the sequence. The empty sequence has no elements. Pointers can be added or removed from the low end (index zero) or the high end (index N−1); sequences expand automatically. It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T to any Seq function.

void *Seq_addhi(T seq, void *x)


void *Seq_addlo(T seq, void *x)


adds x to the high or low end of seq and returns x.

void Seq_free(T *seq)

deallocates and clears *seq. It is a c.r.e. for seq or *seq to be null.

int Seq_length(T seq)

returns the number of elements in seq.

void *Seq_get(T seq, int i)

returns the ith element in seq. It is a c.r.e. for i<0 or iN, where N is the length of seq.

T Seq_new(int hint)


creates and returns an empty sequence. hint is an estimate of the maximum size of the sequence. It is a c.r.e for hint<0.

void *Seq_put(T seq, int i, void *x)

changes the ith element in seq to x and returns the previous value. See Seq_get for c.r.e.

void *Seq_remhi(T seq)
void *Seq_remlo(T seq)

remove and return the element at the high or low end of seq. It is a c.r.e. for seq to be empty.

T Seq_seq(void *x, ...)


creates and returns a sequence whose elements are the “...” arguments up to the first null pointer.


T is opaque Set_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass a null member or T to any Set function, except for Set_diff, Set_inter, Set_minus, and Set_union, which interpret a null T as the empty set.

T Set_diff(T s, T t)


returns the symmetric difference s / t: a set whose members appear in only one of s or t. It is a c.r.e. for both s=null and t=null, or for nonnull s and t to have different cmp and hash functions.

void Set_free(T *set)

deallocates and clears *set. It is a c.r.e. for set or *set to be null.

T Set_inter(T s, T t)


returns st: a set whose members appears in s and t. See Set_diff for c.r.e.

int Set_length(T set)

returns the number of elements in set.

void Set_map(T set,
    void apply(const void *member, void *cl), void *cl)

calls apply(member, cl) for each member ε set. It is a c.r.e. for apply to change set.

int Set_member(T set, const void *member)

returns one if member ε set and zero otherwise.

T Set_minus(T s, T t)


returns the difference st: a set whose members appear in s but not in t. See Set_diff for c.r.e.

T Set_new(int hint,
    int cmp(const void *x, const void *y),
    unsigned hash(const void *x))


creates, initializes, and returns an empty set. See Table_new for an explanation of hint, cmp, and hash.

void Set_put(T set, const void *member)


adds member to set, if necessary.

void *Set_remove(T set, const void *member)

removes member from set, if member ε set, and returns the removed member; otherwise, Set_remove returns null.

void **Set_toArray(T set, void *end)


creates a N+1-element array that holds the N members in set in an unspecified order and returns a pointer to the first element. Element N is end.

T Set_union(T s, T t)


returns st: a set whose members appear in s or t. See Set_diff for c.r.e.


T is opaque Stack_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass null T to any Stack function.

int Stack_empty(T stk)

returns one if stk is empty and zero otherwise.

void Stack_free(T *stk)

deallocates and clears *stk. It is a c.r.e. for stk or *stk to be null.

T Stack_new(void)


returns a new, empty T.

void *Stack_pop(T stk)

pops and returns the top element on stk. It is a c.r.e. for stk to be empty.

void Stack_push(T stk, void *x)


pushes x onto stk.


The Str functions manipulate null-terminated strings. Positions identify points between characters; for example, the positions in STRING are:


Any two positions can be given in either order. Str functions that create strings allocate space for their results. In the descriptions below, s[i:j] denotes the substring of s between positions i and j. It is a c.r.e. to pass a nonexistent position or a null character pointer to any Str function, except as specified for Str_catv and Str_map.

int Str_any(const char *s, int i, const char *set)

returns the positive position in s after s[i:i+1] if that character appears in set, or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for set=null.

char *Str_cat(const char *s1, int i1, int j1,
    const char *s2, int i2, int j2)


returns s1[i1:j1] concatenated with s2[i2:j2].

char *Str_catv(const char *s, ...)


returns a string consisted of the triples in “...” up to a null pointer. Each triple specifies an s[i:j].

int Str_chr(const char *s, int i, int j, int c)

returns the position in s before the leftmost occurrence of c in s[i:j], or zero otherwise.

int Str_cmp(const char *s1, int i1, int j1,
    const char *s2, int i2, int j2)

returns an integer <0, =0, or >0 if s1[i1:j1]<s2[i2:j2], s1[i1:j1]=s2[i2:j2], or s1[i1:j1]>s2[i2:j2].

char *Str_dup(const char *s, int i, int j,
    int n)


returns n copies of s[i:j]. It is a c.r.e. for n<0.

int Str_find(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *str)

returns the position in s before the leftmost occurrence of str in s[i:j], or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for str=null.

void Str_fmt(int code, va_list *app,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[], int width, int precision)

is a Fmt conversion function. It consumes three arguments — a string and two positions — and formats the substring in the style of printf’s %s. It is a c.r.e. for app or flags to be null.

int Str_len(const char *s, int i, int j)

returns the length of s[i:j].

int Str_many(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *set)

returns the positive position in s after a nonempty run of characters from set at the beginning of s[i:j], or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for set=null.

char *Str_map(const char *s, int i, int j,
    const char *from, const char *to)


returns the string obtained from mapping the characters in s[i:j] according to from and to. Each character from s[i:j] that appears in from is mapped to the corresponding character in to. Characters that do not appear in from map to themselves. If from=null and to=null, their previous values are used. If s=null, from and to establish a default mapping. It is a c.r.e. for only one of from or to to be null, for strlen(from)strlen(to), for s, from, and to to all be null, or for from=null and to=null on the first call.

int Str_match(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *str)

returns the positive position in s if s[i:j] starts with str, or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for str=null.

int Str_pos(const char *s, int i)

returns the positive position corresponding to s[i:i]; subtracting one yields the index of s[i:i+1].

int Str_rchr(const char *s, int i, int j, int c)

is the rightmost variant of Str_chr.

char *Str_reverse(const char *s, int i, int j)


returns a copy of s[i:j] with the characters in the opposite order.

int Str_rfind(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *str)

is the rightmost variant of Str_find.

int Str_rmany(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *set)

returns the positive position in s before a nonempty run of characters from set at the end of s[i:j], or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for set=null.

int Str_rmatch(const char *s, int i, int j,
    const char *str)

returns the positive position in s before str if s[i:j] ends with str, or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for str=null.

int Str_rupto(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *set)

is the rightmost variant of Str_upto.

char *Str_sub(const char *s, int i, int j)


returns s[i:j].

int Str_upto(const char *s, int i, int j, const char *set)

returns the position in s before the leftmost occurrence in s[i:j] of any character in set, or zero otherwise. It is a c.r.e. for set=null.


T is opaque Table_T

It is a c.r.e. to pass a null T or a null key to any Table function.

void Table_free(T *table)

deallocates and clears *table. It is a c.r.e. for table or *table to be null.

void *Table_get(T table, const void *key)

returns the value associated with key in table, or null if table does not hold key.

int Table_length(T table)

returns the number of key-value pairs in table.

void Table_map(T table,
    void apply(const void *key, void **value, void *cl),
    void *cl)

calls apply(key, &value, cl) for each key-value in table in an unspecified order. It is a c.r.e. for apply to change table.

T Table_new(int hint,
    int cmp(const void *x, const void *y),
    unsigned hash(const void *key))


creates, initializes, and returns a new, empty table that can hold an arbitrary number of key-value pairs. hint is an estimate of the number of such pairs expected. It is a c.r.e. for hint<0. cmp and hash are functions for comparing and hashing keys. For keys x and y, cmp(x,y) must return an int <0, =0, or >0 if x<y, x=y, or x>y. If cmp(x,y) returns zero, then hash(x) must equal hash(y). If cmp=null or hash=null, Table_new uses a function suitable for Atom_T keys.

void *Table_put(T table,
    const void *key, void *value)


changes the value associated with key in table to value and returns the previous value, or adds key and value if table does not hold key, and returns null.

void *Table_remove(T table, const void *key)

removes the key-value pair from table and returns the removed value. If table does not hold key, Table_remove has no effect and returns null.

void **Table_toArray(T table, void *end)


creates a 2N+1-element array that holds the N key-value pairs in table in an unspecified order and returns a pointer to the first element. The keys appear in the even-numbered array elements and the corresponding values appear in the following odd-numbered elements; element 2N is end.


T is Text_T

   typedef struct T { int len; const char *str; } T;
   typedef struct Text_save_T *Text_save_T;

A T is a descriptor; clients can read the fields of a descriptor, but it is a u.r.e. to write them. Text functions accept and return descriptors by value; it is a c.r.e. to pass a descriptor with str=null or len<0 to any Text function.

Text manages the memory for its immutable strings; it is a u.r.e. to write this string space or deallocate it by external means. Strings in string space can contain null characters, so are not terminated by them.

Some Text functions accept positions, which identify points between characters; see Str. In the descriptions below, s[i:j] denotes the substring in s between positions i and j.

const T Text_cset   = { 256, "0001...376377" }
const T Text_ascii  = { 128, "0001...176177" }
const T Text_ucase  = {  26, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" }
const T Text_lcase  = {  26, "abcdefhijklmnopqrtuvwxyz" }
const T Text_digits = {  10, "0123456789" }
const T Text_null   = {   0, "" }

are static descriptors initialized as shown.

int Text_any(T s, int i, T set)

returns the positive position in s after s[i:i+1] if that character appears in set, or zero otherwise.

T Text_box(const char *str, int len)

builds and returns a descriptor for the client-allocated string str of length len. It is a c.r.e. for str=null or len<0.

T Text_cat(T s1, T s2)


returns s1 concatenated with s2.

int Text_chr(T s, int i, int j, int c)

See Str_chr.

int Text_cmp(T s1, T s2)

returns an int <0, =0, or >0 if s1<s2, s1=s2, or s1>s2.

T Text_dup(T s, int n)


returns n copies of s. It is a c.r.e. for n<0.

int Text_find(T s, int i, int j, T str)

See Str_find.

void Text_fmt(int code, va_list *app,
    int put(int c, void *cl), void *cl,
    unsigned char flags[], int width, int precision)

is a Fmt conversion function. It consumes a pointer to a descriptor and formats the string in the style of printf’s %s. It is a c.r.e. for the descriptor pointer, app, or flags to be null.

char *Text_get(char *str, int size, T s)

copies s.str[0..str.len-1] to str[0..size-1], appends a null, and returns str. If str=null, Text_get allocates the space. It is a c.r.e. for str≠null and size<s.len+1.

int Text_many(T s, int i, int j, T set)

See Str_many.

T Text_map(T s, const T *from, const T *to)


returns the string obtained from mapping the characters in s according to from and to; see Str_map. If from=null and to=null, their previous values are used. It is a c.r.e for only one of from or to to be null, or for from->lento->len.

int Text_match(T s, int i, int j, T str)

See Str_match.

int Text_pos(T s, int i)

See Str_pos.

T Text_put(const char *str)


copies the null-terminated str into string space and returns its descriptor. It is a c.r.e. for str=null.

int Text_rchr(T s, int i, int j, int c)

See Str_rchr.

void Text_restore(Text_save_T *save)

pops the string space to the point denoted by save. It is a c.r.e. for save=null. It is a u.r.e. to use other Text_save_T values that denote locations higher than save after calling Text_restore.

T Text_reverse(T s)


returns a copy of s with the characters in the opposite order.

int Text_rfind(T s, int i, int j, T str)

See Str_rfind.

int Text_rmany(T s, int i, int j, T set)

See Str_rmany.

int Text_rmatch(T s, int i, int j, T str)

See Str_rmatch.

int Text_rupto(T s, int i, int j, T set)

See Str_rupto.

Text_save_T Text_save(void)


returns an opaque pointer that encodes the current top of the string space.

T Text_sub(T s, int i, int j)

returns s[i:j].

int Text_upto(T s, int i, int j, T set)

See Str_upto.


T is opaque Thread_T

It is a c.r.e. to call any Thread function before calling Thread_init.

void Thread_alert(T t)

sets t’s alert-pending flag and makes t runnable. The next time t runs, or calls a blocking Thread, Sem, or Chan primitive, it clears its flag and raises Thread_Alerted. It is a c.r.e. for t=null or to name a nonexistent thread.

void Thread_exit(int code)

terminates the calling thread and passes code to any threads waiting for the calling thread to terminate. When the last thread calls Thread_exit, the program terminates with exit(code).

int Thread_init(int preempt, ...)

initializes the Thread for nonpreemptive (preempt=0) or preemptive (preempt=1) scheduling and returns preempt or zero if preempt=1 and preemptive scheduling is not supported. Thread_init may accept additional implementation-defined parameters; the argument list must be terminated with a null. It is a c.r.e. to call Thread_init more than once.

int Thread_join(T t)


suspends the calling thread until thread t terminates. When t terminates, Thread_join returns t’s exit code. If t=null, the calling thread waits for all other threads to terminate, and then returns zero. It is a c.r.e. for t to name the calling thread or for more than one thread to pass a null t.

T Thread_new(int apply(void *),
    void *args, int nbytes, ...)


creates, initializes, and starts a new thread, and returns its handle. If nbytes=0, the new thread executes Thread_exit(apply(args)); otherwise, it executes Thread_exit(apply(p)), where p points to a copy of the nbytes block starting at args. The new thread starts with its own empty exception stack. Thread_new may accept additional implementation-defined parameters; the argument list must be terminated with a null. It is a c.r.e. for apply=null, or for args=null and nbytes<0.

void Thread_pause(void)

relinquishes the processor to another thread, perhaps the caller.

T Thread_self(void)

returns the calling thread’s handle.


T is XP_T

   typedef unsigned char *T;

An extended-precision unsigned integer is represented in base 28 by an array of n digits, least significant digit first. Most XP functions take n as an argument along with source and destination Ts; it is a u.r.e. for n<1 or for n not to be the length of the corresponding Ts. It is a u.r.e. to pass a null T or a T that is too small to any XP function.

int XP_add(int n, T z, T x, T y, int carry)

sets z[0..n-1] to x + y + carry and returns the carry out of z[n-1]. carry must be zero or one.

int XP_cmp(int n, T x, T y)

returns an int <0, =0, or >0 if x<y, x=y, or x>y.

int XP_diff(int n, T z, T x, int y)

sets z[0..n-1] to xy, where y is a single digit, and returns the borrow into z[n-1]. It is a u.r.e. for y>28.

int XP_div(int n, T q, T x, int m, T y, T r, T tmp)

sets q[0..n-1] to x[0..n-1]/y[0..m-1], r[0..m-1] to x[0..n-1] mod y[0..m-1], and returns one, if y≠0. If y=0, XP_div returns zero and leaves q and r unchanged. tmp must hold at least n+m+2 digits. It is a u.r.e. for q or r to be one of x or y, for q and r to be the same T, or for tmp to be too small.

unsigned long XP_fromint(int n, T z, unsigned long u)

sets z[0..n−1] to u mod 28n and returns u/28n.

int XP_fromstr(int n, T z, const char *str,
    int base, char **end)

interprets str as an unsigned integer in base using z[0..n-1] as the initial value in the conversion, and returns the first nonzero carry-out of the conversion step. If end≠null, *end points to the character in str that terminated the scan or produced a nonzero carry. See AP_fromstr.

int XP_length(int n, T x)

returns the length of x; that is, the index plus one of the most significant nonzero digit in x[0..n-1].

void XP_lshift(int n, T z, int m, T x, int s, int fill)

sets z[0..n-1] to x[0..m-1] shifted left by s bits, and fills the vacated bits with fill, which must be zero or one. It is a u.r.e. for s<0.

int XP_mul(T z, int n, T x, int m, T y)

adds x[0..n-1]·y[0..m-1] to z[0..n+m-1] and returns the carry-out of z[n+m−1]. If z=0, XP_mul computes x·y. It is a u.r.e. for z to be the same T as x or y.

int XP_neg(int n, T z, T x, int carry)

sets z[0..n-1] to ~x + carry, where carry is zero or one, and returns the carry-out of z[n-1].

int XP_product(int n, T z, T x, int y)

sets z[0..n-1] to x·y, where y is a single digit, and returns the carry-out of z[n-1]. It is a u.r.e. for y≥28.

int XP_quotient(int n, T z, T x, int y)

sets z[0..n-1] to x/y, where y is a single digit, and returns x mod y. It is a u.r.e. for y=0 or y≥28.

void XP_rshift(int n, T z, int m, T x, int s, int fill)

shifts right; see XP_lshift. If n>m, the excess bits are treated as if they were equal to fill.

int XP_sub(int n, T z, T x, T y, int borrow)

sets z[0..n-1] to xyborrow and returns the borrow into z[n-1]. borrow must be zero or one.

int XP_sum(int n, T z, T x, int y)

sets z[0..n-1] to x + y, where y is a single digit, and returns the carry-out of z[n-1]. It is a u.r.e. for y>28.

unsigned long XP_toint(int n, T x)

returns x mod (ULONG_MAX+1).

char *XP_tostr(char *str, int size, int base, int n, T x)

fills str[0..size-1] with the character representation of x in base, sets x to zero, and returns str. It is a c.r.e. for str=null, size to be too small, or for base<2 or base>36.

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