
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation point), Equality and Comparison Operators, Conditional Operators, Equality operators (== !=)
!= inequality operator, Equality and Comparison Operators, Equality operators (== !=)
not operator, Conditional Operators
" (double quote), Strings and Characters, Strings and Characters, String Type
enclosing string literals, String Type
escape sequence for, Strings and Characters, Strings and Characters
#define directive, Conditional Attributes
#elif directive, Preprocessor Directives
#else directive, Conditional Attributes
#end directive, Conditional Attributes
#endif directive, Conditional Attributes
#error directive, Preprocessor Directives
#if directive, Preprocessor Directives
#line directive, Conditional Attributes
#pragma warning directive, Pragma Warning
#region directive, Conditional Attributes
#undef directive, Conditional Attributes
#warning directive, Preprocessor Directives
% (percent sign), Arithmetic Operators
remainder operator, Arithmetic Operators
' (single quote), Strings and Characters, Strings and Characters
enclosing character literals, Strings and Characters
escape sequence for, Strings and Characters
/ (forward slash), Comments, Comments, XML Documentation, XML Documentation
/* … */ enclosing multi-line comments, Comments
/** … */ documentation comment, XML Documentation
// preceding comments, Comments
/// documentation comment, XML Documentation
- (minus sign), Unsafe Code, The Pointer-to-Member Operator
-> pointer-to-member operator, Unsafe Code, The Pointer-to-Member Operator
+ (plus sign), Increment and Decrement Operators, Multicast Delegates
++ increment operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
+= combining delegates, Multicast Delegates
- (minus sign), Increment and Decrement Operators, Multicast Delegates
-- decrement operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
-= removing delegate operands, Multicast Delegates
-0 (negative zero) value, Special Float and Double Values
16-bit integral types, 8-and 16-Bit Integrals
8-bit integral types, 8-and 16-Bit Integrals
: (colon), The goto statement
terminating label statement, The goto statement
; (semicolon), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators
terminating statements, Literals, Punctuators, and Operators
< (left angle bracket), Bitwise operators, Lifted Operators, Lifted Operators
<< shift left operator, Bitwise operators
<= less than or equal operator, Lifted Operators
less than operator, Lifted Operators
<code> XML tag, Standard XML Documentation Tags
<example> XML tag, Standard XML Documentation Tags
<include> XML tag, Standard XML Documentation Tags
<para> XML tag, Standard XML Documentation Tags
<paramref> XML tag, Standard XML Documentation Tags
= (equal sign), Real Number Rounding Errors, Event Modifiers, Equality operators (== !=)
== equality operator, Real Number Rounding Errors, Equality operators (== !=)
=> in lambda expressions, Event Modifiers
> (right angle bracket), Bitwise operators, Lifted Operators, Lifted Operators
>= greater than or equal operator, Lifted Operators
>> shift right operator, Bitwise operators
greater than operator, Lifted Operators
? (question mark), Conditional Operators, Null Basics, Null Coalescing Operator
?: ternary conditional operator, Conditional Operators
?? coalescing operator, Null Coalescing Operator
indicating nullable types, Null Basics
@ (at sign), Contextual keywords
prefixing identifiers, Contextual keywords
[] (square brackets), Arrays, Arrays, Indexers
in array declaration, Arrays
indexers, Indexers
indexing arrays, Arrays
(backslash), Conditional Operators, Strings and Characters, String Type
escape sequence for, Strings and Characters, String Type
preceding escape sequences, Conditional Operators
{} (braces), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators, Changing the flow of execution with braces
enclosing statement blocks, Literals, Punctuators, and Operators, Changing the flow of execution with braces
| (vertical bar), Bitwise operators, Conditional Operators, Conditional Operators
bitwise-or operator, Bitwise operators, Conditional Operators
|| conditional or operator, Conditional Operators
~ (tilde), 8-and 16-Bit Integrals, Finalizers
complement operator, 8-and 16-Bit Integrals
prefixing finalizers, Finalizers
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