
Note: Italicized page locators refer to figures/tables.


+, addition operator, 18

, backslash character, 15

b, backspace character, 15

&, bitwise AND, 18

^, bitwise exclusive OR, 18

|, bitwise OR, 18

r, carriage return, 15

--, decrement operator, 18, 19

/, division operator, 18

”, double quote, 15

f, form feed, 15

>, greater than operator, 21

>=, greater than or equal to operator, 21

++, increment operator, 18, 19

==, is equal to operator, 21

!=, is not equal to operator, 21

<<n, left shift n places, 18

<, less than operator, 21

<=, less than or equal to operator, 21

&&, logical AND, 21

||, logical OR, 21

%, modulo, 18

*, multiplication operator, 18

n, newline feed, 15

0, null character, 15

>>n, right shift n places, 18

’, single quote, 15

-, subtraction operator, 18

t, tab character, 15


Absolute zero, and Kelvin scale, 47

Abstract classes, 7, 76–80, 192

Abstract class system, and drawing rectangle and circle, 78

AbstractEmployee class, 181

Employee and Boss derived from, 184

AbstractEmployee interface, 182

AbstractEmployee subclasses, 187

AbstractExpression object, in Interpreter pattern, 277

Abstract Factory pattern, 9, 97, 115–121, 154

and Builder pattern, 138

consequences of, 120

and GardenMaker factory, 115–120

more classes added to, 120

Abstraction, in Bridge pattern, 169

abstract keyword, 82

Acceptance, and learning design patterns, 6

accept method, 354, 356, 358, 361

adding to subclasses, 355

Accessor methods, 45

Action methods, 299

ActionVerb class, 280

ActiveX controls, 176

ActiveX Data Objects, 203

Adapter class, 318

Adapter pattern, 9, 155, 157–167, 237

and Bridge pattern, 169

and class adapter, 164–166

making an adapter, 159–160

moving data between lists, 157–158

moving the DataGrid, 160–164

object versus class adapters in C#, 166

pluggable adapters, 166

Proxy pattern, 237

two-way adapters, 166

Adapters, 157

decorators, composites and, 197–198

making, 159–160

Addition operator (+), 18

Address class, Person and Group derived from, 129

addToChain method, 244

Add2.cs program, 16–17

ADO DataSet manipulation, and Clone method, 142

ADO.NET, 199, 203

connecting to database in, 204

deleting contents of table in, 205–206

executing query in, 205

reading data from database table in, 204–205

rows added to database tables with, 206–207

using, 203–207

ADO.NET database connections

as proxies, 236

in Façade pattern, 9

ADO.NET Façade

DBTable class, 211–213

making, 209–213

AgeSwimData class, 151

age distribution display for, 150

Aggregation (in UML diagrams), diamonds indicating, 84

Algebraic strings, parsing, 270


and Strategy pattern, 337

Strategy pattern and dynamic selection of, 344

and Template pattern, 345

AND operation, 17

Annotation, and UML diagrams, 85–86

AnnualGarden class, 117

ANSI standards, and SQL, 202

Appearance property, in CheckBoxes, 36

Application class, 31

Approach, 202

Arithmetic operators, 17, 18

Arithmetic statements, combining assignment statements and, 18–19

Array class, 31

ArrayList, 38, 290, 361

of child nodes, 180

Kid objects in, 284

Observer objects added to, 314

and Prototype pattern, 147

and Stack class, 271

StoreFoodPrice objects in, 215

and TriangleForm class, 350

ArrayList methods, 88, 89

ArrayList object, 54, 88

Arrays, in C#, 87–88

Arrow-object state, 336

Assignment statements, combining arithmetic statements and, 18–19

Autohighlight feature, of C# TextBox, 75

Automobile factories, 115

AxsDatabase class, 210


Backslash character ( ), 15

Backspace character ( b), 15

Bar charts, 338, 345

Bar graph, and Strategy pattern, 343

BarGraph strategy, 344

BarPlot class, 345

LinePlot class derived from, 342

Bar plots, making, 341–342

BarPlotStrategy class, 340, 341

BarPlot window, 341

Base classes, and Template method, 345, 349, 352

Behavioral patterns, 6, 97, 239–363

Chain of Responsibility, 241–253

Command, 255–268

Interpreter, 269–282

Iterator, 283–290

Mediator, 291–299

Memento, 301–312

Observer, 313–319

State, 321–336

Strategy, 337–344

Template Method, 345–352

Visitor, 353–363

Bitfields, 26

BitList class, 61

Bitmap class, 235

Bitmaps, 231

Bitwise And (&), 18

Bitwise exclusive Or (^), 18

Bitwise operators, 17

Bitwise Or (_), 18

BlueCommand class, 265

derived from ColorCommand class, 267

BlueCommand object, and isUndo method, 265

Blue radio button, in watching colors change program, 314

bmp files, and Buttons, 37

Bonds, with check box interface, 131

Booch, Grady, 81

Boolean operators, 17

Boolean variables, 13

Boolean variable type, spelling in C#, 27

bool object, 31

Borland Paradox, 202

Boss class, 183–184, 187, 357, 358

derived from AbstractEmployee class, 184

visitor classes visiting, 359

BossVisitor, 361

Braces ({ } ), 70

classes/functions surrounded by, 17

indentation styles for, 20

statements in condition enclosed within, 19

break statement, 22, 27

Bridge pattern, 9, 155, 169–177, 237

consequences of, 177

extending the bridge, 173–176

UML diagram for, 173

VisList classes, 172

Windows forms as bridges, 176

Bridger class, 173

Bridger interface, defined, 170

btClone_Click event, 149

btConvert_click method, 44

Builder pattern, 76, 98, 107, 129–139, 154

consequences of, 138

inheritance relationships in, 138

Investment Tracker, 130–135

and Prototype pattern, 141

using Items collection in ListBox control, 135–137

Builder program, 176

Builder tools, 176

Butterfly class, 104

Button class, 256, 257, 260, 294, 339

Button events, handling, 119

Buttons, 37, 58, 189, 255, 256

decorating, 191

ToolTip over, 40

Button value, 36

bVacationVisitor class, 358, 359

byte object, 31


C, 11, 313

arrays in line with style used in, 87

differences between C# and, 26

C#, 1, 25. See also Writing Windows C# programs

application building, 31–32

arithmetic and assignment statements combined in, 18–19

arithmetic operators in, 17

character constants in, 14–15

classes used in, 43

class module created from IDE of, 45

cloning in, 142

commas in for loop statements in, 25–26

comments in, 23

common Exception classes in, 91

comparison operators in, 20–21

conditions combined in, 21

converting between numbers and strings in, 13–14

and database structure, 203

decision making in, 19–20

declaring multiple variables in, 14

differences between C and, 26

differences between Java and, 27

do-while statement in, 24

flyweight uses in, 231

for loop in, 24–25

IEnumerator interface in, 284

increment and decrement operators in, 18

logical operators in, 18

looping statements in, 24

as managed language, 30

most common mistake in, 21–22

multiple equal signs for initialization in, 16

numeric constants in, 14

object versus class adapters in, 166

plots drawn in, 341

programming style in, 58

project files, 86

proxies in, 236

simple program in, 16–17

States implementing common interface in, 336

switch statement in, 22

syntax of, 11–27

ternary operator, 23

variables in, 15–16

while loop in, 24

C++, 7, 11, 284, 313

arrays in line with style used in, 87

C# roots in, 29

friend construction in, 302

Caching results, and Composite pattern, 189

Capital class, 60

Capitalization, 27

Caretaker class, 304, 307, 311

Caretaker object, and Memento pattern, 302

Carriage return ( r), 15

Cascading notifications, 318

Case sensitivity, with C#, 11

Casting, 13

Catch blocks, and multiple exceptions, 91–92

catch statement, and exceptions, 90

Celsius temperature scale, 43

absolute zero on, 47

CEO Employee, 184

Chain class, 244, 248, 253

Chain interface, 248, 253

Chain of responsibility pattern, 8, 239, 241–253, 280

applicability of, 242

chain or tree?, 251–252

class diagram for help system, 251

and Command pattern, 255

examples in C#, 252–253

Help chain, 241

implementation of as linear chain, 252

implementation of as tree structure, 251

kinds of requests with, 252

ListBoxes, 246–248

programming a Help system, 248–251

program on the CD-ROM, 253

purpose of, 253

sample code, 243–246

simple Chain of Responsibility, 242

and syntax tree, 278

visual command interpreter program sample, 243

Chain of Responsibility program, class structure of, 247

Character constants, 14–15

CheckBox, 36–37

Check Box Builder, 133

Check boxes, 189, 255

Check box interface, bonds with, 131

CheckChoice class, 133–134

Checked property, of radio buttons, 37

Child nodes, ArrayList of, 180

Children, and nodes, 179

Circle button, 321, 323

Circle class, 77

CircleSeeding, 111

instance of, returned by PrelimEvent class, 110

subclass, 108, 109

Circle seeding

of 100 Free, 112

of swimmers, 107

Circle state object, 324

Class adapter, 157, 164–166

list adapter approach to, 165

object adapter versus, 166

Class-based Adapter, 169

Class containment, 55

Classes, 1, 17, 63

abstract, 76–78

in C#, 30–31

cloning, 145, 146–147

and design patterns, 7

fetching iterators in, 285–286

in Filtered enumeration, 288

and flyweights, 224

for format and value conversion, 48–51

interaction between for simple drawing program, 322

isolation of, with Abstract Factory, 120

and Mediator pattern, 291

as objects, 53–54

and properties, 56–58

for tables in Façade pattern, 213–215

tangled web of interactions between, in Mediator pattern visual interface, 293

traversing series of, 362

uses for, 43

visiting, 357–358

Class instances, cloning, 142

Class libraries, and visitors, 355

Class methods, declaring as public, private, and protected, 71

Class modules, 45

Class patterns, object patterns versus, 155

Clear button, 291, 294, 297, 302, 321

behavior of, 323

Command objects for, 309

Clear method, and Mediator, 295

Click events, event handler for, 295

Client object, in Interpreter pattern, 277

cloneMe method, inheritance of by AgeSwimData class, 150

Clone method, 142, 146, 149


in C#, 142

classes, 145, 146–147

and Prototype pattern, 141, 153

closeTriangle method, 352

CLR. See Common language runtime

Cocoon class, 105

Colleague, and Mediator, 293

Colleague elements, 299

Collection objects, 88–90

Collisions, avoiding, 68

ColObserver class, 315–316, 318

Colon (:), 70

and parsing, 49

ColorChain class, 245

Color-changing code, in Windows Controls program

ColorCommand class, 265–266

classes derived from, 267

ColorForm observer, 316

ColorImage class, 248

Color objects, 316

Color observer, 317

Colors, watching changes in, 314–317

Columns, 199, 203

ComboBox properties, 38

ComdToolBarButton class, 327–328

Command buttons, 297

automatic language generation with, 281

CommandHolder approach, UML diagram of, 262

CommandHolder interface, 259–262

Command interface, 294, 309, 339

ExitCommand implementing, 84

implementing in new classes, 257

and Undo function, 263

and unDo method, 265

CommandMenu class, 260

Command objects, 256–257, 259, 261, 277

building, 257–259

interactions between Mediator object and, 198

Mediators and, 297

and Undo command, 264

Command pattern, 8, 239, 255–268, 280, 311

and building command objects, 257–259

and CommandHolder interface, 259–262

and command objects, 256–257

consequences of, 259

and Mediator pattern, 297

menu designer interface, 258

menu part of using ComandHolder interface, 262

motivation for, 255–256

programs on the CD-ROM, 268

purpose of, 256

simple program demo, 255

undo function provided by, 262–267

Commands, undoing, 263

Commas, in for loop statements, 25–26

Comments, 17, 23

shown in box with turned-down

corner, 86

in UML diagram, 85

Commercial languages, licensing fees and embedding of, 269

Common language runtime, 30

Communication patterns, 5

Company class

with any number of instances of Employee, 85

instances of Person and Employee in, 84

CompareTo method, 147, 173

Comparison operators, 20–21, 21

Compilation errors, 22

Compiler error messages, 25

Complex class, 62

Components, ordering, 189

Composite pattern, 9, 155, 179–190, 237, 283, 355, 362

and Boss class, 183–184

building Employee tree, 184–186

composites in .NET, 189

computing salaries, 180–181

consequences of, 188

doubly linked lists, 187

and Employee class, 181–183

implementation of composite, 180

other implementation issues with, 189

programs on the CD-ROM, 190

and self-promotion, 186–187

and simple composite, 188–189

Composites, adapters, decorators and, 197–198

Composition, and UML diagrams, 84–85

ConcreteImplementors, 173

in Bridge pattern, 169

Concrete methods, 347

Conditions, combining, 21

Console class, 17, 31


character, 14–15

numeric, 14

const modifier, in C#, 12

Constructor method, for Rectangle class, 68

Constructors, 43, 72, 80

Containers, 189

for Command object, 259

as Decorators, 192

Containment, 5

list of swimmers and their times using, 55

contains method, 306

Context class, 323, 337, 339

Context interface, 344

Context object, in Interpreter pattern, 277

ControlChain class, 249–250

Controller, 4

Control names, 58


in C#, 176, 249–250

collection, 189

interactions between, 292–293

Mediator and initialization of, 297

Controls array, and Windows form containing buttons, 194

Convert methods, for converting between numbers and strings, 13

CoolBar, 192

CoolButton, 195

decorating, 191–193

decoration of, with SlashDecorator, 196

CoolDecorator, 196

Coplien, J. O., 141

Copy button, 291

Copy method, and Mediator, 295


objects, 232

and Proxy pattern, 237

Count property, 88, 89, 180

Coupling between objects, reducing, 253

CpyButton class, 294

CreateText method, 93

Creational patterns, 6, 97–154, 123

Abstract Factory, 115–121

Builder, 129–139

Factory Method, 107–113

Prototype, 141–154

Simple Factory, 99–106

Singleton, 123–127

summary of, 154

csFile class, 95–96, 142

csPatterns namespace, 229

Current() property, 284

currentState variable, 325

Cursor class, 235

Customer version, of ListBox, 172



extrinsic, 223, 224, 226

getting out of databases, 201–202

intrinsic, 223, 232

moving between lists, 157–158

plotting in Builder pattern, 136

Database class, 220


connecting with ADO.Net, 204

description of, 199–201

getting data out of, 201–202

kinds of, 202

reading data from with ADO.Net, 204–205

structure of, 203

Database tables

loading and Façade pattern, 218–219

rows added to using ADO.Net, 206–207

DataColumns, 160

DataGrid, 9, 40

and row selection detection, 162

using, 160–162

DataGrid type, 166

Data manipulation, interface manipulation separated from, 45

Data model, 3

Data modification, and Iterator pattern, 289–290

DataRow, 203, 220

DataSet, 142, 203, 220

Data streams, 94

DataTable class, 160, 161, 203, 220

Data types, in C#, 12

dBase, 202, 209, 220, 232

DBTable, 211–213, 215

classes derived from, 207, 213

classes wrapped in by Façade, 220

DB/2 (IBM), 202


making in C#, 19–20

in Temperature class, 47–48


property, 56

multiple variable, 14

variable, 15–16, 25

Decorator class, 191

Decorator panel, code for button added to, 194

Decorator pattern, 155, 191–198, 238

consequences of, 198

decorating CoolButton, 191–193

decorators, adapters, composites and, 198

and event handling, 193–194

and multiple decorators, 195–196

and nonvisual decorators, 197

programs on the CD-ROM, 198

and Proxy pattern, 237

Decrement operator (--), 18, 19

Deep copy, 147

Default case, for switch statements, 22

Delegates, 26, 27, 59–61

demo, 59

Delete * from Table SQL statement, 205

Derived classes

caching special cases in, 361

overriding methods in, 72–73

and Template method, 345, 347, 352

Design patterns, 1

C#, 8

defining, 5–6

description of, 3–4

learning, 6–7

and object-oriented approaches, 7–8

studying, 7

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Software (Gamma, et al.), 4, 6, 7, 16, 133, 179, 192, 197, 198, 223, 283, 302

and Context class, 323

and State pattern, 321

Template Method discussed in, 347

on Templates, 351

types of iterators described by, 290

Visitor pattern discussed in, 362

Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, The (Alpert, Brown, and Woolf), 4, 5, 7, 231, 251, 269, 302, 307

Diamonds, in UML diagrams, 84

Director class, 133

Display classes, using Bridge pattern, 169, 170

Division operator (/), 18

Dot (.), and Convert methods, 13

Double angle brackets, 84

Double dispatching, and Visitor pattern, 361

Double quote ( ”), 15

DoubleRect class(es), 72, 73

double type, 14

Double variable, methods for, 29

Doubly linked lists, and Composite pattern, 187

do-while loop, 24

draw code, in base Triangle class, 351

drawCommand class, draw method in, 266

DrawData objects, 265

drawHandle method, 333

Drawing, in C#, 66–67

Drawing interface

circle and rectangle objects implementing, 332

VisRectangle implementing, 333

Drawing program, for illustrating State pattern, 321, 322, 323–325

drawLine method, 352

drawList collection, 265

DrawMemento class, 332

draw method, 77, 349, 350, 352

in drawCommand class, 266

as empty method, 79

for Rectangle class, 68

and Visitor class, 354

DrawObject, three subclasses of, 353

draw routine, and Triangle class, 348

draw2ndLine method, 348, 349, 350, 352


Editing, and ADO style of programming, 207

Equal signs (multiple), for initialization, 16

else clause, 19, 20

e-mail address book, 129

Employee, instances of, in Company, 84

Employee class, 181–183, 188

derived from AbstractEmployee class, 184

derived from Person class, 82–83

visitor classes visiting, 359

and Visitor pattern, 355–356

Employee records, in databases, 200

Employee salaries

sorted by magnitude, 201

sorted by name, 201

Employee tree, building, 184–186

EmployeeVisitor, 361

EmpNode class, 185

Empty methods, base classes with, 79

Encapsulation, 7, 8, 47, 51, 71, 337

EndChain class, 250

End of file, testing for, 94–95

End-of-file function, 94

Enumerated types, 27

Enumeration class, 287

Enumeration interface, 9

Enumerator, 182

Enumerator property, of Hashtable, 213

Equal sign (=), for representing assignment of data, 17

Equities class, 132

Error checking, and language introduction, 281

Error handling

in C#, 90

encapsulation of, 51

ET++, 4

Event class, 107–108

EventHandler class, 194

Event handling in Decorator, 193–194

control size and position, 194

layout considerations, 194

Events button, 66

Events classes, 109

Examplar pattern, 141


FileExit class, 258

Flyweight, 224–230

simple report, 270–271

Exception classes, in C#, 91

Exception errors, 13

Exception object, 94

Exceptions, 9

in C#, 90–91

in file handling, 94

and Singleton pattern, 124

Exceptions class, 31

Execute command, and Butterfly class, 104

Execute method, 259, 260, 280, 295, 328

Execute() method, 256

ExecuteNonQuery method, 205

ExitCommand, Command interface implemented by, 84

ExitMenu class, 257

External iterators, internal iterators versus, 290

Extrinsic data, 223, 224, 226


Façade classes

building, 207–209

building price query, 207–208

Façade pattern, 155, 199–221, 232, 238

ADO.NET database connections in, 9

and building Façade classes, 207–209

building Price table, 215–218

consequences of, 220

creating classes for each table with, 213–215

and Decorator pattern, 198

elements in constitution of, 220

final application with, 219

grocery program using, 209

loading database tables, 218–219

and making ADO.Net Façade, 209–213

program on the CD-ROM, 221

Factory class, 100, 224

Factory method pattern, 97, 107–113

Events classes, 109–110

and other factories, 112–113

Prototype pattern combined with, 152

StraightSeeding, 110–111

Swimmer class, 109

variations on, 113

when to use, 113

Factory pattern(s), 8, 103–105, 129, 154

Fahrenheit temperature scale, 43, 44

false reserved word, 14, 17

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 103

FFT “butterfly,” 103

File compression, with different algorithms, 337

FileExit class, 258

File handling

in C#, 92–94

exceptions in, 94

file object, 92–93

reading to text file, 93

writing to text file, 93–94

FileList box, 246

FileList class, 248

File object, 92–93

Files, opening for reading, 96

Fill button, 321

behavior of, 323, 324

FillDataSet method, 204

FillState class, 325, 330–331, 336

Fill State object, 330–331

Filtered enumeration, classes used in, 288

Filtered iterators, 286–287

FilteredIterator class, 286–287

Filtered Iterator demo, simple program-illustrated filtered

enumeration, 288

FinalImage class, 235

FirstFirst class, 100

First normal form (1NF), tables in, 200

fixText method, 60, 61

Floating point numbers, 13

Float variable, methods for, 29

FlyCanvas class, 228

Flyweight demo, 224

Flyweight display, with one folder selected, 225

FlyweightFactor class, 224

Flyweight pattern, 8, 155, 223–232, 238

copy-on write objects, 232

discussion about flyweights, 224

example code, 224–230

flyweight uses in C#, 231

handling the mouse and paint events, 230

program on the CD-ROM, 232

sharable objects, 231–232

Flyweights, generation of, 228

Folder class, 226, 228

FolderFactory class, 225, 227, 228


dynamic selection of and FolderFactory, 227

Flyweight demo, 224

Flyweight example and selection of, 229–230

selection of one in Flyweight display, 225

Food class, derived from DBTable, 213

FoodKey, Foods table with, 207

FoodName, Foods table with, 207

Foods table, 207, 214, 218

foreach looping construct, 24, 88

For loop, 24–25

For loop statements, commas in, 25–26

Format conversion, classes used for, 48–51

Format method, 29

Form class, 43, 65, 66, 256

Form Designer, 258

Form feed ( f), 15

Form initialization method, 194, 295

Form_Load routine, 247

Form object, 259

Form1 class, simple hello window in, 65

Forms, menus added to, 39

Form window, 68, 69

Fortran, 19

Fowler, M., 81

FoxBase, 202

Friend construction (C++), 302

ftx delegate, 60


Gamma, Eric, 4

“Gang of Four” (GoF), 4, 277

Garbage collection, and managed languages, 30

Garden class, 116

Gardener program

major objects in, 117

user interface of, 117

Garden interface, 116

GardenMaker factory, 115–120

and handling RadioButton and Button events, 119–120

PictureBox, 118–119

Garden object, methods in, 118

GardenPic class. from PictureBox, 118

Gestalt, 3

getBuilder method, 133

getChain method, 244

getChild method, 186, 188

getChild operation, 180

getClass method, 100

getConvTemp method, 47

getEnumerator method, 289

getFrname method, 102

GetHashCode property, 309

getIterator method, 285

getJob method, 82, 83

getLname method, 102

Get property, and Rectangle class, 306

getSalaries() method, 181, 184

getSeeding method, 109

getSelected method, 136

getSpooler method, 123, 124

getSubordinates method, 283

getSwimmers method, 111

getVacationDays method, 361

getVacDays function, 356

getValue method, 215

getWindow method, with Investment Tracker, 130

gif files, and Buttons, 37

Global points of access, to Singletons, 126

“God class,” Mediator as, 298, 335

GoF patterns, 99

Grand, 81

Graphical editor, state of, 321

Graphics, in C#, 66–67

Graphics object, 68

Greater than operator ((>), 21

Greater than or equal to operator (>=), 21

Green radio button, in watching colors change program, 314

Grid adapter, 166

GridAdapter class, 161

Grocery Database, Price table in, 216

Grocery pricing data, 207, 208

Grocery program, using Façade pattern, 209

Group class, derived from Address class, 129

GUI, 4

Guillamets, 84


Hashtable, 89, 290, 309, 327

of color objects, 245

kids clubs in, 288–289

using, 213

in watching colors change program, 316

Hello form, 65

Help chain, simple demonstration, 248

Help command, receiving, 250–251

Help system, programming, 248–251

HiTextBox, instance of on Windows Designer pane of new form, 74

HiTextBox control, 74

new derived and regular TextBox control, 75

HitTest object, 162

“Hollywood Principle,” and Templates, 351

Hook methods, 347, 352

Hysteresis, 263


IBM DB/2, 202

ICloneable interface, 149

implemented by SwimData class, 146

IComparable interface, 147, 173

Icon class, 235

Icon files, and Buttons, 37


adding to toolbox, 257

and Flyweight, 223

Flyweight pattern, 224, 225

IDE. See Integrated development environment

IdictionaryEnumerator, 289

IEnumerator, 181

interface, 284

if clause, 19

if-else case statements, 321

if statement, 19

If tests, 322

if-then-else, 19

Illegal filenames, exceptions for, 94

ImageChain class, 245

Image class, 235

Image control, 234

Image proxy, 234

ImageProxy class, 234

Imager class, 248

Imager interface, 234, 235

Imager object, 234

Images, on Buttons, 37

Implementing the interface, 76


in Bridge pattern, 169

VisList interface defines interface of, 173

#include directive, in C and C++, 16

Increment operator (++), 18, 19

Indenting, 19, 20

Indexers, 26, 27, 61–62

in databases, 199

demo of bits gotten from number with, 62

Inheritance, 1, 7, 8, 27, 65–80, 74, 80

abstract classes, 76–78

and adapters, 157

constructors, 65–66

drawing and graphics in C#, 66–67

interfaces, 76

interfaces and abstract classes compared, 79–80

namespaces, 68–71

object, 5

and overloading, 71–72

overriding methods in derived classes, 72–73

overriding Windows controls, 74–75

relationships in Builder pattern, 138

replacing methods using new keyword, 74

representation of, in UML diagram, 83

and UML diagrams, 82–83

using, 68

virtual and override keywords, 72

Initialization, 56

and constructor methods, 65

multiple equal signs for, 16

InitializeComponent method, 35, 66, 67

init method, 66, 112

Instances, 43, 63

of classes, 53

and Singleton pattern, 124

Integers, methods for, 29

Integrated development environment, class module created from, 45

Interaction, between objects, 5

Interface manipulation, data manipulation separated from, 45

Interfaces, 1, 7, 76, 179

abstract classes compared with, 79–80

dissimilar classes with same, 150–152

For Iterator, 283

and Observers, 314

and UML diagrams, 84

Interleaved Commands, 263

Internal iterators, external iterators versus, 290

Internalization, and learning design patterns, 6

internal keyword, 302

Internet Explorer, 191

InterpChain class, 279

Interpreter pattern, 8, 239, 269–282

applicability of, 269–270

and Chain of Responsibility pattern, 253

consequences of, 281–282

implementing, 277–280

interpreting the language, 271–272

motivation for, 269

names for participating objects in, 277

objects used in parsing, 272–276

operation of on simple command in text field, 281

program on the CD-ROM, 282

reducing the parsed stack, 276–277

simple parsing hierarchy for, 273

simple report example, 270–271

and syntax tree, 278–280

Intrinsic data, 223, 232

int type, 14

Investment Tracker, 130–135

CheckChoice class, 133–134

ListboxChoice class, 134–135

StockFactory class, 132–133

is equal to operator (==), 21

isLegal, 275

is not equal to operator (!=), 21

Isosceles triangle, drawing, 349–350, 351

isUndo method, 265

Items collection, 38, 159

methods for, 39

using in ListBox control, 135–136

Iterator, fetching, 285–286

Iterator code, sample, 284–285

Iterator interface, and KidIterator class, 285

Iterator pattern, 9, 239, 283–290

consequences of, 289–290

and filtered iterators, 286–288

motivation, 283–284

programs on the CD-ROM, 290

sample iterator code, 284–286

and tracking clubs, 288–289


Jacobson, Ivar, 81

Java, 11, 302

arrays in line with style used in, 87

C# roots in, 29

differences between C# and, 27

Hashtable, 213

Java Design Patterns: A Tutorial, 4

JPEG files, and Buttons, 37


Kelvin temperature scale, converting

to, 47

Keyboard listeners, 250

KeyDown event, 251

KeyDown event listener, 250


and Hashtable, 213

to Hashtable of color objects, 245

for Price table, 215

Keywords, 43

KidClub class, 287

KidData class, 284, 287

KidIterator class, 285

KidList class, 286, 294

Kid objects, 284, 285

Kids class, 285


Label control, properties for, 36

Labels, 35, 40


applicability of, 270

and Interpreter pattern, 269

interpreting, 271–272

Language symbols, parsing into tokens, 271

LastFirst class, 101

Layout, in Decorator, 194

Layout managers, 27

Leaves, 179, 180, 185, 189

Left shift n places (<< n), 18

length property, for arrays, 87

Less than operator (<), 21

Less than or equal to operator (<=), 21

Licensing fees, and embedding of commercial languages, 269

LineButton command Button class, 339–340

Line graphs, 338

plotting, 345

and Strategy pattern, 343

LineGraph strategy, 344

LinePlot class, 345

Line plots, making, 342

LinePlotStrategy class, 340, 341

LinePlot window, 341

List adapter, 158, 159

class adapter approach to, 165

ListboxChoice class, 134–135

ListBox class, 59, 76, 159, 169

KidList class derived from, 294

MyList derived from, 164–165

properties, 38

ListBox control

Items collection in, 135–136

plotting data with, 136

ListBoxes, 38, 58

List boxes

automatic language generation with, 281

food prices loaded into, 218

kidclub, 289

Listbox pattern, 9

ListBox type, 166

ListBridge class, 171, 173

Listeners, 250

ListForm observer, 317

List interface, stocks with, 131

List observer, 317

ListObs window, 315

Lists, data moved between, 157–158

Logical AND operator (&&), 21

Logical Not operator (~), 21

Logical operators, 17, 18

Logical Or operator (__), 21

Looping, through arrays, 87

Looping statements, 24

Lowercase, C# syntax in, 11

Lower class, 60


Macro language, 269

Macro record button, 281

main function, 17

MainMenu control, 257

adding to window form, 39

Managed languages, and garbage collection, 30

Manager class, 360, 361

ManagerVisitor, 361

Math computation, factory patterns in, 103–105

Mathematica, 270


and command buttons management, 321

and handling of mouse and paint events, 310

interaction between buttons and, 330

StateManager and, 326–328, 329

Mediator class, 294, 296–297, 306, 326

interactions between classes simplified with, 293

Mediator object, interactions between Command objects and, 198

Mediator pattern, 8, 239, 291–299, 311

consequences of, 298–299

example system, 291–292

and initialization of system, 297

interactions between controls, 292–293

looser coupling between classes with, 291

mediators and command objects, 297

program on the CD-ROM, 299

sample code, 294–297

simple program with two lists, two buttons, and text field, 292

and single interface mediators, 299

Mediators, and “god class,” 298, 335

Memento class, 306, 321

Memento interface, and handling undo list, 331

Memento objects, 302, 307, 308

Memento pattern, 8, 239, 301–312, 327, 331

cautionary note about sample code with, 308–309

and command objects in user interface, 309–310

consequences of, 311

implementation, 302

motivation, 301–302

mouse and paint events handled

with, 310

program on the CD-ROM, 312

purpose of, 301

rectangles drawing pattern demo, 302, 303, 304

roles for objects defined by, 302

sample code, 302–309

UML diagram for drawing program with, 311

MenuBar, 257

MenuItem class, 257, 260

Menu items, 255, 256

Menus adding to form, 39

Metafile class, 235

Methods, 43, 45

accessor, 45

ArrayList, 88, 89

Concrete, 347

with Garden object, 118

Hook, 347, 352

implementations of and interfaces, 76

for Items Collection, 39

for objects, 29

overriding in derived classes, 72–73

polymorphic, 72

replacing using new, 74

Template, 347

in Template class, 347

virtual, 347

MicroGold, 86

Microsoft Access, 202

Microsoft Excel, 313

Microsoft Office products, VBA in, 269

Microsoft SQL Server, 202

Microsoft Works, 202

Model-View-Controller framework, 3, 4

Modules, class, 45

Modulo operator (%), 18

Mouse, handling in C#, 230

Mouse click events, 323

MouseDown event, 162

and State object, 323, 324

Mouse drag events, 323

MouseEventHandler, 162, 193

MouseMove, 192, 230, 252

MouseUp event, 322

move method, 333

moveNext() method, 287

MultiChoice interface, 132

with Investment Tracker, 130

Multiple exceptions, 91–92

Multiple variables, declaring, 14

Multiplication operator (*), 18

MultVar class, 276

MultVar object, 280

MyList class, derived from ListBox class, 164–165


NameFactory, 102

Namer class, 100, 101

Namer Factory program, 102

Namer program, execution of, 103

Namespaces, 30–31, 68–70

Narrower data types, and wider data types, 13


composites in, 189

Visual control, 176

Netscape Navigator, 191

new keyword, methods replaced using, 74

Newline (line feed) character ( n), 15

new operator, 97

New Project selection window, 31

nextToken method, 52

nextTop method, 271

NoCmd Chain element, 246

NoCmd class, 248

Node object class, 189

Nodes, 179, 180, 185, 189

NonTerminal Expression, 280

NonTerminalExpression object, in Interpreter pattern, 277

Nonvisual decorators, 197

Normal form, 200

Notification messages, and Observer pattern, 318

NOT operation, 17

Null character ( 0), 15

Null exceptions, 94

null reserved word, 14

Numbers, converting between strings and, 13–14

Numerical types, conversion from, 29

Numeric constants, 14


Object adapters, 157

class adapters versus, 166

Object Database Connectivity, 202–203

Object-oriented approaches, notes on, 7–8

Object-oriented languages, and

signatures, 71

Object-oriented programming, 1, 8

and design patterns, 4

difference between procedural programming and, 53

factory concept in, 107

template patterns in, 352

Object patterns, class patterns versus, 155

Objects, 1, 43

in C#, 29

and Chain of Responsibility pattern, 242

classes as, 53–54

composition of, 8, 157

and creational patterns, 97

interaction between, 5

saving state of, 302

used in parsing, 272–276

Objects class, 31

object type, objects fetched from ArrayList and, 88

Observer interface, 315

Observer pattern, 239, 242, 299, 313–319

candidate for, 317

consequences of, 318–319

data displayed as list and in graphical mode, 313

and message to the media, 318

program on the CD-ROM, 319

simple control panel to create red, green, or blue “data,” 314

UML diagram of observer interface and subject interface implementation of, 317

and watching colors change, 314–317


notification messages sent to, 318

and Observer pattern, 314

update methods to, 319

in watching colors change program, 315, 316, 317

ODBC. See Object Database Connectivity

OleDbAdapter, 220

OleDbCommandBuilder, 220

OleDbCommand class, 203

OleDbCommand object, 205

OleDbConnection, 220

OleDbConnection object, 203

OleDbDataAdapter, 203

One’s complement (~), 18

OneSexSwimData class, displaying with one sex on the right, 148

OpenCommand class, 261

OpenForRead statement, 95

OpenForWrite() method, 96

OpenForWrite statement, 95

OpenMenu class, 257

open method, 204

Operator overloading, 27, 62

Oracle, 202

Ordering components, and Composite pattern, 189

Organizational chart, typical, 180

Origin, 270

Originator class, 311

Originator object, and Memento pattern, 302

OR operation, 17

Output, 270

Overloading, 71–72, 80

override keyword, 72


Paint Event, selecting for PictureBox window, 67

PaintEventArgs object, 67

PaintEventHandler, 194

Paint event handler, 69, 78

Paint events, 66, 118, 193, 310

and Decorator interface, 192

handling in C#, 230

in watching colors change program, 315

Paint handler, 266

Paint method, 194, 342

Paint routine, bar plot drawn in, 341

Panels, 131, 134, 136, 192

Parentheses ()

around conditions, 19

data type names enclosed in, 13

and switch statement, 22

Parsed stacks, reducing, 276–277

ParseObject class, 272

ParseObjects, 281

Parser class, 274–275, 277, 280

ParseVar class, 275

ParseVar object, 273

ParseVerb class, 275

ParseVerb object, 273

Parsing, 49

interaction of classes performing, 278

objects used in, 272–276

Parsing hierarchy, for Interpreter pattern, 273

Pascal, 19

Pattern groupings, 311

Pattern Hatching (Vlissides), 361

“Pattern mining,” 6

Peek method, 95

Pen object, 67, 77

Pens, and Paint method, 194

PerennialGarden class, 117

Person, instances of in Company, 84

Person class, 81

derived from Address class, 129

and inheritance, 82–83

with private, protected, and public variables, and methods, 82

UML diagram for with/without method types, 82

pic_Paint event handler, 347

picPaint handler, 230


control, 316

inserting on a Form, 66

Picturebox level, mouse motion checked at, 229

PictureBox window, Paint Event selected for, 67

Pie charts, 338

Placeholder classes, and template classes, 352

Plant object, 116

Plot click method, 136

PlotPanel class, 347

Plots, drawing in C#, 341

PlotStrategy class, 344

instances of, 338

PlotWindow class, 345

Pluggable adapters, 166

Plus sign (+), to combine strings, 17

Pointers, 26, 62

Polymorphic methods, 72

pop method, 271

Positioner class, 227

Prefix characters, and numeric constants, 14

Prefixes, 58

PrelimEvent class, 108, 109, 110, 112

Price class, 208, 213, 218

PriceKey, Price table with, 207

Price query, building, 207–208

Price table, 207, 218

building, 215–218

in Grocery Database, 216

PRINT, 273

Print object, 273

PrintSpooler class, writing skeleton of, 125

Private methods, 48, 53, 63, 71

Privileged access

and Iterator pattern, 290

and Memento pattern, 301

Process button, 60

Product class, 170

ProductList class, 173

Product objects, 173, 174, 175

ProductTable class, 173

ProductTable version, of VisList, 172

Programming, object-oriented, 1

Programming style, in C#, 58


on CD-ROM, 41, 63, 80, 106, 113, 121, 127, 139, 154, 167, 177, 190, 198, 221, 232, 237, 253, 268, 282, 299, 312, 319, 336, 344, 352, 363

interpreters introduced into, 281

Mediator and changes in behavior of, 298

Seeding, 111–112

simple C#, 16–17

simplest Window, in C#, 32–34

simple temperature conversion, 43–45

triangle drawing, 350–351

undoable, 264

watching colors change, 314–317

Windows Controls, 40–41

Properties, classes and, 56–58

Properties window, 66

MouseMove event selected from, 231

Property methods, 56, 58, 63

protected keyword, 71

Protected methods, 71

Protected variables, 71

Prototype, re-sort of left list box shown with, 146

Prototype managers, 152–153

Prototype pattern, 98, 141–154, 154

and cloning in C#, 142

and cloning the class, 146–147

consequences of, 153

and prototype managers, 152–153

using, 142–145, 147–152

Prototype program

simple, 145

sorted results of, 145

Prototype Registry, 153

Proxy image display, with image load shown, 236

Proxy pattern, 155, 233–238

comparison with related patterns, 237

copy-on-write, 232, 237

program on the CD-ROM, 237

proxies in C#, 236

sample code, 234–236

use of, 233–234

Public methods, 48, 53, 63, 71

push method, 271


Queries, executing in ADO.Net, 205

Queue object, 90

Queuing of commands, 257

QuickImage class, 235

Quit key, 248

Quotes (’), characters enclosed in, 14


Radio button events, handling, 119

Radio buttons (or option buttons), 37, 281


opening file for, 96

text files, 93

readLine method, 96

Recognition, and learning design

patterns, 6


drawing in PictureBox on form, 66

square created from, 69–71

Rectangle button, 302, 307, 321

Rectangle class, 68, 77, 229, 306

DoubleRect class derived from, 72, 73

instance of, 69

Square class derived from, 69–70, 71

Rectangle drawing program, 69

Rectangle state object, 324


command class, 310

Command objects for, 309

Rect button, behavior of, 323

rects property, 333

RectState object, 324

Red button, 260

RedButton class, 257

RedCommand Class, 265, 267

RedCommand object, 260, 265

Red menu item, 260

Red radio button, in watching colors change program, 314

References, to arrays, 88

Refined abstraction, in Bridge pattern, 169

Refresh method, 119, 192

registerInterest method, 314


of Prototype classes, 153

and Singleton instantiation, 126

Relational database, 270

remove method, 183, 188, 308

repaint method, 347

Report Generators, 270–271

Responsibilities, Decorator pattern and, 198

restore method, 308, 332

Right shift n places (>>n), 18

Rows, 199

adding to database tables using ADO.Net, 206–207

editing or deleting, 207

Row selection, detecting, 162

Rumbaugh, James, 81


Salaries computation, 180–181

SalaryType column, data in, 200

Scope, 16, 25

Scott, K., 81

Second normal form (2NF), tables in, 200

Seeding class, 108

Seeding diagram, Seeding interface and derived classes in, 109

Select button, 321, 323

select case statements, 321

SelectedIndex property, 162

Selected instance, of Folder, 228, 229

SelectIndexChanged event, 295

Select method, and Mediator, 295

selectOne method, added to State interface, 324

Select statement, 204, 205

Select tests, 322

Self-promotion, and Composite pattern, 186–187

Semicolon (;)

C# statements terminating with, 11

at end of declaring draw method as abstract, 77

statements terminating with, 17

Sender class, 248

sendNotify event, 315, 316

sendToChain method, 244, 248

Sequential operations, languages and specifying order of, 281

setBounds method, 341

setFill method, 333

setPenColor method, 344

setPlotBounds(), 341

Set property, and Rectangle class, 306

setSelected method, 333

setText method, 295

SexSwimData class, 148, 149, 151

Shallow copy, 147

Shape class, 77, 79

Shape objects, 78

Sharable objects, 231–232

Signatures, 71, 76

Simonyi, Charles, 58

SimpleComposite example, 188–189

Simple Factory pattern, 97, 99

building, 101–103

sample code, 100

two derived classes, 100–101

workings of, 99–100

SimpleHello form, after clicking Say Hello button, 33

Single interface Mediators, 299

Single quote ( ’), 15

SingletonException:Exception class, 124

Singleton pattern, 8, 9, 98, 123–127, 154

consequences of, 126

and creating instance of the class, 125–126

and creating singleton using static method, 123–124

exceptions and instances, 124

global point of access provided to singletons, 126

and throwing the exception, 125

SlashDecorator, CoolButton decorated with, 196

Smalltalk, 7, 284, 302

Model-View-Controller framework for, 3

Smalltalk Companion. See Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion

SORT, 273

SortBridge class, 173

sorted list generated using, 175

SortedList class, 89–90

Sort object, 273

Special characters, representations of, 15

Split method, of String class, 51

Spooler class, 123, 124

SQL. See Structured Query Language

SQL query, and ADO.NET Façade, 209, 211

SQL-92 standard, 202

Square, creating from rectangle, 69–71

Square class, deriving from Rectangle class, 69–70, 71

Stack class, 271

Stack object, 90

Stack reduction, and syntax tree, 278

Stacks, 271

ParseObject pushed onto, 272

reducing during parsing, 276

State, of graphical editor, 321

State interface, selectOne method added to, 324

StateManager, 326–328

and the Mediator, 329

StateManager class, 323

current state tracked by, 324

and switches between states, 325–326

State object, mouse activities handled by, 323, 324

State pattern, 8, 239, 309, 321–336

consequences of, 335–336

Fill state handled with, 330–331

and Mediator interaction with State Manager, 326–329

Mediators and “god class,” 335

program on the CD-ROM, 336

sample code, 321–325

simple drawing program illustrating, 322

and state transitions, 336

and Strategy pattern, 337

and switching between states, 325–326

undo list handled with, 331–333

using, 321

VisRectangle and VisCircle classes, 333–335

State transitions, and State pattern, 336

Static methods

in File object, 92

and global point of access, 126

singleton created with, 123–124

Static variable, 123

StockFactory class, 132–133

Stocks, with list interface, 131

Stocks:Equities class, 132

Store class, derived from DBTable, 213

StoreFoodPrice objects, and Prices class, 215

StoreKey, Stores table with, 207

StoreName, Stores table with, 207

Stores table, 207, 214, 218

Straight seeding

of 500 free, 112

of swimmers, 107

StraightSeeding class, 110, 111

StraightSeeding subclass, 108, 109

Strategy pattern, 239, 337–344, 345

consequences of, 344

and Context class, 339

and drawing plots in C#, 341–342

line and bar graph strategies, 340

motivation, 337–338

program commands, 339–340

program on the CD-ROM, 344

sample code, 338

simple panel to call different plots, 340

UML diagram of, 343

StreamReader object, 93

StreamWriter object, 93

String class, Split method of, 51

string object, 31

Strings, 13–14, 27

StringTokenizer class, 51–52, 55, 56, 71–72, 142, 271, 274

struct types, 26

Structural patterns, 6, 97, 155–237

Adapter, 157–167

Bridge, 169–177

Composite, 179–190

Decorator, 191–198

Façade, 199–221

Flyweight, 223–232

Proxy, 233–237

summary of, 237

Structural programs, summary of, 237–238

Structured Query Language, 202, 270

Subclasses, 107, 129, 232

and Abstract Factory pattern, 120

of DrawObject, 353

of InterpChain, 280

and interpret operation, 279

and Prototype pattern, 148, 152, 153

and Singleton, 126

and Template pattern, 345

and visitor classes, 360

Subject, and Observer pattern, 314

Subject interface, 314

Subjects, observers and abstract coupling to, 318

Subordinates, ArrayList, 188

subordinates method, 182

Subsystems, and Façade pattern, 199, 220

Subtraction operator (-), 18

Suffix characters, and numeric constants, 14

Superclasses, 107

SwimData class, 143, 146, 148

UML diagram for, 152

SwimInfo class, 151

Swimmer class, 53, 54, 55, 56–58, 109, 142

Swimmer object, 157, 159

Swimmers, straight seeding of, 107

SwimmerTimes display program, revised version of, 56

switch statement, 22, 27

Sybase, 202

Symbols, in UML diagrams, 82

Syntax tree, and parsing of stack, 278–280

System.Collections namespace, 88

System.Drawing namespace, 68, 229

System namespaces, 17, 31, 68


Tab character ( t), 15

Tables, 199, 203, 231

classes for in Façade pattern, 213–215

deleting contents of, in ADO.Net, 205–206

employee names and salary type, 200

Temperature class

building, 45–47

decisions put into, 47–48

Temperature conversion program, simple, 43–45

Template class, methods in, 347

Template Method pattern, 239, 345–352

consequences of, 352

kinds of methods in Template class, 347

motivation, 345–347

programs on the CD-ROM, 352

sample code, 347–350

templates and callbacks and, 351–352

Triangle drawing program, 350–351

Template methods, 347

Template pattern

and abstract Triangle class, 348

using, 345

Templates, 345

temp variable, 47

TerminalExpression, 280

TerminalExpression object, in Interpreter pattern, 277

Ternary operator, 23

Testing, for end of file, 94–95

Text, and changes in label, 40

TextBox class, 33, 36, 74

TextBox control, 74

and new derived HiTextBox control, 75

TextBoxes, 189

TextBox properties, 37

Text comments, in UML diagrams, 85

Text data, and different line-breaking strategies, 338

Text files

reading, 93

writing, 93–94

Text property, 36

Third normal form (3NF), tables in, 200, 201

Third-party products, VBA embedded in, 269

Throwing exceptions, 92

throws keyword, 27

Throw statement, 92

TimedFinalEvent class, 108, 109, 110, 112

Time entry interface, with parsing of symbols for Scratch, Disqualification, and No Time, 50

TimerCallback class, 234

timerCall method, 234

Timer class, 234

Times class, 55

simple parsing program using, 49

TimeSwimData class, 151

Tokenizer class, 51–52

Tokenizer demo, 53


parsing language symbols into, 271

strings separated into, 51

ToolbarButtons, in C#, 309

Toolbars, 40, 189


new control shown on, 74

TextBox selected from, 33

ToolTips, 39, 40

top method, 271

ToString method, 132, 135

TPaint method, 351

Tree adapter, 166

TreeAdapter class, 163, 175

TreeDemo program, 164

TreeList class, 40, 175

Tree list component, and Bridge, 176

Tree list display, of composite with display of parent nodes, 188

TreeView, 163–164, 189

TreeView control, corporate organization shown in, 186

TreeView list, 185

TreeView pattern, 9

Triangle class, 347, 350

draw code in, 351

three subclasses of, 348

Triangle drawing program, 350–351

TriangleForm class, 350


drawing, 349–350, 351

drawing isosceles, 349–350, 351

drawing standard, 349, 351

TrigButterfly class, 105

true reserved word, 14, 17

try block, 125, 205

and exceptions, 90

file manipulation code enclosed in, 94

Two-way adapters, 166

Type checking, and registry approach, 126


UML. See Unified Modeling Language

UML diagrams, 1, 81–86

and annotation, 85–86

for Bridge pattern, 173

of Chain of Responsibility program class structure, 247

of CommandHolder approach, 262

and composition, 84–85

for Decorators, 197

for drawing program using Memento, 311

and inheritance, 82–83

of inheritance relationships in Builder pattern, 138

and interfaces, 84

of observer interface and subject interface implementation of Observer pattern, 317

showing Employee derived from Person, 83

of Strategy pattern, 343

for various SwimData classes, 152

WithClass, 86

UndoButton, 302

Command objects for, 309

and rectangles drawing program with Memento, 302, 304

Undo command demo

program drawing red and blue lines, 263

program drawing red and blue lines after Undo button clicked, 264

UndoCommand object, 265

Undo commands, 301

Undo function, with Command patterns, 262–267

unDo list

and Caretaker class, 307, 308

handling, 331–333

unDo method, 265

Undo program, classes implementing in Command pattern implementation, 267

Undo requests, 257

Unicode, 12

Unified Modeling Language, 81

Unreasonable values, handling, 51

Unsafe blocks, 26

Unsafe mode, 27

Unsafe sections of C# code, pointers used within, 62

Unselected instance, of Folder, 228, 229

User commands, command interpreter for parsing, 270

User interfaces, command objects in, 309–310

using statement, 16


Vacation data

for bosses, 359

for employees, 356–359

Vacations button, 359

VacationVisitor class, 356

Value conversion, classes used for, 48–51

value keyword, 56

Value method, 289

Variables, 11, 15–16

declaring as public, private, and protected, 71

declaring as they are used, 15–16

delegate, 59

protected, 71

static, 123

VAR type, 273

VarVarParse class, 280

VBA. See Visual Basic for Applications


and C#, 29

as managed language, 30

VB7, 30

VeggieGarden class, 116

VERB type, 273

Video data capture, and compression schemes, 338

View, 4

virtual keyword, 72

Virtual methods, 347

VisCircle class, 333, 335

Visiting, meaning of, 354

visit method, 354, 358, 360

Visitor class, 354, 358, 360

triangle classes visited by, 354

Visitor object, 355

Visitor pattern, 239, 353–363

and Boss visits, 359

catch-all operations with visitors, 360–361

consequences of, 362

and double dispatching, 361

motivation, 353–355

program on the CD-ROM, 363

sample code, 355–356

times to use, 355

traversing series of classes and, 362

using, 353

vacation visits demo, 360

visit and accept methods interactions, 354

visiting several classes, 357–358

visiting the classes, 357

Visitors, catch-all operations with, 360–361

VisList interface, 173, 175, 176

VisList variable, 171

VisRectangle class, 304, 305–306, 333–335

Drawing interface implemented by, 333

VisCircle inheriting from, 333, 335

VisRectangle instance, 306

Visual Basic, 19

C# roots in, 29

major differences between C# and, 11

Visual Basic Design Patterns: VB6 and VB.NET, 4

Visual Basic for Applications, 269

Visual Basic.NET, 11

Visual command interpreter program sample, Chain of Responsibility pattern, 243

Visual controls, interactions between, 292–293

Visual Studio IDE, and mouse move event handler, 230

Visual Studio.NET, 20, 31, 32, 86, 203

decorating inner class in, 197

grid table with, 160

Integrated Development Environment, 65

namespaces, 68

screen from, showing properties interface, 176, 177

visual builder in, 44

Vlissides, J., 361


WealthBuilder class, 135

WealthBuilder program, with list of equities, list box, check

boxes, and plot panel, 137

Web sites, for learning design patterns, 7

While loop, 24

White space characters, 14

representations of, 15

Wider data types, and narrower data types, 13


and data display, 313

and ODBC, 203

Windows controls, 35–40, 80

Buttons, 37

CheckBox, 36–37

Items collection, 38–39

labels, 35

ListBoxes and ComboBoxes, 38

menus, 39

overriding, 74–75

radio buttons, 37

selection of basic, 35

TextBox, 36

ToolTips, 39–40

Windows Controls program, 40–41

Windows Designer, 74

in Visual Studio.NET, 32

Windows Form class, 35

Windows Form Designer, 230

Windows.Forms library, 33

WithClass UML diagrams, 86

writeLine function, 17

writeLine method, 96

Writing text files, 93–94

Writing Windows C# programs, 29–41

building a C# application, 31–32

classes and namespaces in C#, 30–31

managed languages and garbage collection, 30

objects in C#, 29

simplest Window program in C#, 32–34

Windows controls, 35–40

Windows controls program, 40–41


XFactory class, 100

XML, and ADO.NET, 203

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