


Part 1: Object-Oriented Programming in C#

Chapter 1. What Are Design Patterns?

Defining Design Patterns

The Learning Process

Studying Design Patterns

Notes on Object-Oriented Approaches

C# Design Patterns

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 2. Syntax of the C# Language

Data Types

Converting between Numbers and Strings

Declaring Multiple Variables

Numeric Constants

Character Constants


Declaring Variables as You Use Them

Multiple Equal Signs for Initialization

A Simple C# Program

Arithmetic Operators

Increment and Decrement Operators

Combining Arithmetic and Assignment Statements

Making Decisions in C#

Comparison Operators

Combining Conditions

The Most Common Mistake

The Switch Statement

C# Comments

The Ornery Ternary Operator

Looping Statements in C#

The While Loop

The Do-While Statement

The For Loop

Declaring Variables as Needed in For Loops

Commas in For Loop Statements

How C# Differs from C

How C# Differs from Java


Chapter 3. Writing Windows C# Programs

Objects in C#

Managed Languages and Garbage Collection

Classes and Namespaces in C#

Building a C# Application

The Simplest Window Program in C#

Windows Controls





Radio Buttons

ListBoxes and ComboBoxes

The Items Collection



The Windows Controls Program


Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 4. Using Classes and Objects in C#

What Do We Use Classes For?

A Simple Temperature Conversion Program

Building a Temperature Class

Converting to Kelvin

Putting the Decisions into the Temperature Class

Using Classes for Format and Value Conversion

Handling Unreasonable Values

A String Tokenizer Class

Classes as Objects

Class Containment


Classes and Properties

Programming Style in C#



Operator Overloading


Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 5. Inheritance


Drawing and Graphics in C#

Using Inheritance


Creating a Square from a Rectangle

Public, Private, and Protected


Virtual and Override Keywords

Overriding Methods in Derived Classes

Replacing Methods Using New

Overriding Windows Controls


Abstract Classes

Comparing Interfaces and Abstract Classes


Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 6. UML Diagrams





WithClass UML Diagrams

C# Project Files

Chapter 7. Arrays, Files, and Exceptions in C#


Collection Objects





Multiple Exceptions

Throwing Exceptions

File Handling

The File Object

Reading a Text File

Writing a Text File

Exceptions in File Handling

Testing for End of File

A csFile Class

Program on the CD-ROM

Part 2: Creational Patterns

Chapter 8. The Simple Factory Pattern

How a Simple Factory Works

Sample Code

The Two Derived Classes

Building the Simple Factory

Using the Factory

Factory Patterns in Math Computation


Thought Questions

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 9. The Factory Method

The Swimmer Class

The Events Classes


Circle Seeding

Our Seeding Program

Other Factories

When to Use a Factory Method

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 10. The Abstract Factory Pattern

A GardenMaker Factory

The PictureBox

Handling the RadioButton and Button Events

Adding More Classes

Consequences of Abstract Factory

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 11. The Singleton Pattern

Creating Singleton Using a Static Method

Exceptions and Instances

Throwing the Exception

Creating an Instance of the Class

Providing a Global Point of Access to a Singleton

Returning the Same Instance

Other Consequences of the Singleton Pattern

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 12. The Builder Pattern

An Investment Tracker

The Stock Factory

The CheckChoice Class

The ListboxChoice Class

Using the Items Collection in the ListBox Control

Plotting the Data

The Final Choice

Consequences of the Builder Pattern

Thought Questions

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 13. The Prototype Pattern

Cloning in C#

Using the Prototype

Cloning the Class

Using the Prototype Pattern

Dissimilar Classes with the Same Interface

Prototype Managers

Consequences of the Prototype Pattern

Thought Question

Programs on the CD-ROM

Summary of Creational Patterns

Part 3: Structural Patterns

Chapter 14. The Adapter Pattern

Moving Data between Lists

Making an Adapter

Using the DataGrid

Detecting Row Selection

Using a TreeView

The Class Adapter

Two-Way Adapters

Object versus Class Adapters in C#

Pluggable Adapters

Thought Question

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 15. The Bridge Pattern

The Bridger Interface

The VisList Classes

The Class Diagram

Extending the Bridge

Windows Forms as Bridges

Consequences of the Bridge Pattern

Thought Question

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 16. The Composite Pattern

An Implementation of a Composite

Computing Salaries

The Employee Classes

The Boss Class

Building the Employee Tree


Doubly Linked Lists

Consequences of the Composite Pattern

A Simple Composite

Composites in .NET

Other Implementation Issues

Thought Questions

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 17. The Decorator Pattern

Decorating a CoolButton

Handling Events in a Decorator

Layout Considerations

Control Size and Position

Multiple Decorators

Nonvisual Decorators

Decorators, Adapters, and Composites

Consequences of the Decorator Pattern

Thought Questions

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 18. The Façade Pattern

What Is a Database?

Getting Data Out of Databases

Kinds of Databases


Database Structure


Connecting to a Database

Reading Data from a Database Table

Executing a Query

Deleting the Contents of a Table

Adding Rows to Database Tables Using ADO.NET

Building the Façade Classes

Building the Price Query

Making the ADO.NET Façade

The DBTable Class

Creating Classes for Each Table

Building the Price Table

Loading the Database Tables

The Final Application

What Constitutes the Façade?

Consequences of the Façade

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 19. The Flyweight Pattern


Example Code

The Class Diagram

Selecting a Folder

Handling the Mouse and Paint Events

Flyweight Uses in C#

Sharable Objects

Copy-on-Write Objects

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 20. The Proxy Pattern

Sample Code

Proxies in C#


Comparison with Related Patterns

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Summary of Structural Patterns

Part 4: Behavioral Patterns

Chapter 21. Chain of Responsibility


Sample Code


Programming a Help System

Receiving the Help Command

A Chain or a Tree?

Kinds of Requests

Examples in C#

The Chain of Responsibility

Thought Question

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 22. The Command Pattern


Command Objects

Building Command Objects

Consequences of the Command Pattern

The CommandHolder Interface

Providing Undo

Thought Questions

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 23. The Interpreter Pattern



A Simple Report Example

Interpreting the Language

Objects Used in Parsing

Reducing the Parsed Stack

Implementing the Interpreter Pattern

The Syntax Tree

Consequences of the Interpreter Pattern

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 24. The Iterator Pattern


Sample Iterator Code

Fetching an Iterator

Filtered Iterators

The Filtered Iterator

Keeping Track of the Clubs

Consequences of the Iterator Pattern

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 25. The Mediator Pattern

An Example System

Interactions between Controls

Sample Code

Initialization of the System

Mediators and Command Objects

Consequences of the Mediator Pattern

Single Interface Mediators

Implementation Issues

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 26. The Memento Pattern



Sample Code

A Cautionary Note

Command Objects in the User Interface

Handling Mouse and Paint Events

Consequences of the Memento

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 27. The Observer Pattern

Watching Colors Change

The Message to the Media

Consequences of the Observer Pattern

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 28. The State Pattern

Sample Code

Switching between States

How the Mediator Interacts with the StateManager

The ComdToolBarButton

Handling the Fill State

Handling the Undo List

The VisRectangle and VisCircle Classes

Mediators and the God Class

Consequences of the State Pattern

State Transitions

Thought Questions

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 29. The Strategy Pattern


Sample Code

The Context

The Program Commands

The Line and Bar Graph Strategies

Drawing Plots in C#

Making Bar Plots

Making Line Plots

Consequences of the Strategy Pattern

Program on the CD-ROM

Chapter 30. The Template Method Pattern


Kinds of Methods in a Template Class

Sample Code

Drawing a Standard Triangle

Drawing an Isosceles Triangle

The Triangle Drawing Program

Templates and Callbacks

Summary and Consequences

Programs on the CD-ROM

Chapter 31. The Visitor Pattern


When to Use the Visitor Pattern

Sample Code

Visiting the Classes

Visiting Several Classes

Bosses Are Employees,Too

Catch-All Operations with Visitors

Double Dispatching

Why Are We Doing This?

Traversing a Series of Classes

Consequences of the Visitor Pattern

Thought Question

Program on the CD-ROM



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