
This book is the completion of a journey that started out two years ago with Steve and an idea. Through various trials and tribulations, the book traveled and metamorphosed into the current incarnation you hold. Along the way, Jay was graciously given the opportunity to broaden his writing horizons by having Steve as a writing partner and together, we bring you our take on C#. This book would have been impossible without the following people and we’d like to acknowledge all of their efforts.

Brian Jepson, our editor, who taught us to hear different voices (active vs. passive), helped bring things together for the home stretch, and made late nights seem a bit less bleak when he’d respond to an email immediately we sent at 1:00 a.m. Thank you, Brian, for all of this and for asking the questions to make us think.

Ian Griffiths, our technical editor, gave such feedback as every writer should be blessed with. Ian not only kept us honest, but made many great suggestions, and without his efforts this book would have been a much lesser work.

Nathan Torkington, the cookbook guru at O’Reilly, showed us the light, then proved it wasn’t a train. Thank you for starting this series and seeing it through.

From Steve Teilhet

Jay Hilyard worked incredibly hard to make this book great. This book would never have made it to the shelves without you.

Kandis Teilhet, my wife, was there every step of the way to give me the strength to persevere and finish this work. Words cannot express my love for you.

Patrick and Nicholas Teilhet, my two sons, made the rough patches smooth. I couldn’t wish for two better sons.

Jim Barton, a longtime friend, provided solid feedback, great ideas, and pointed out errors that I would have otherwise missed.

Thanks to the entire DevPartner Code Review team at the Compuware NuMega Lab: Bill Holmes helped me sort through several of the diagnostics chapter recipes (and yes, the book is done now); Bob Meagher helped me sort out some rather insidious bugs; Jeff Simmons provided some great ideas for recipes. Thanks also to all of the others who contributed: Allan Gaithuma, Eliza Lecours, Paul Pelski, David Headley, Ken Naroff, and Ann-Marie Makenna. Thanks for all your help and support—I think this calls for a celebration.

From Jay Hilyard

Thanks to Steve Teilhet, without whom I never would have had this opportunity and whom I was glad to help. Now get back to work. :)

My wife Brooke is better to me than I deserve and helped me find the stamina and desire to write even in the tough times. No one could have given more support than my “true companion.” I love you.

My sons, Owen and Andrew, who for all those times that “Daddy’s in the cellar working,” still had laughter and smiles for me when I came up and needed them.

Thanks to Steve Munyan, Barry Tannenbaum, Craig Neth, and Kit Von Sück for their insights on life and programming that helped shape my view of .NET.

And thanks to Greg Park, Keith Ludwig, David Fowler and Cleo O’Donnell for believing I would write someday.

And to my family and friends for asking about a book they don’t understand and still being interested while helping to keep me on an even keel.

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