Chapter 24. Span<T> and Memory<T>

The Span<T> and Memory<T> structs act as low-level façades over an array, string, or any contiguous block of managed or unmanaged memory. Their main purpose is to help with certain kinds of micro-optimization—in particular, writing low-allocation code that minimizes managed memory allocations (thereby reducing the load on the garbage collector), without having to duplicate your code for different kinds of input. They also enable slicing—working with a portion of an array, string, or memory block without creating a copy.

Span<T> and Memory<T> are particularly useful in performance hotspots, such as the ASP.NET Core processing pipeline, or a JSON parser that serves an object database.


Should you come across these types in an API and not need or care for their potential performance advantages:

  • Pass in an array when calling a method that expects a Span<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Memory<T> or ReadOnly​Memory<T> instead; that is, T[]. (This works thanks to implicit conversion operators.)

  • Call the ToArray method to convert from a span/memory to an array. And if T is char, ToString will convert the span/memory into a string.

Specifically, Span<T> does two things:

  • It provides a common array-like interface over managed arrays, strings, and pointer-backed memory. This gives you the freedom to employ stack-allocated and unmanaged memory to avoid garbage collection, without having to duplicate code or mess with pointers.

  • It allows slicing: exposing reusable subsections of the span without making copies.


Span<T> comprises just two fields, a pointer and a length. For this reason, it can represent only contiguous blocks of memory. (Should you need to work with noncontiguous memory, the ReadOnlySequence<T> class is available to serve as a linked list.)

Because Span<T> can wrap stack-allocated memory, there are restrictions on how you can store or pass around instances (imposed, in part, by Span<T> being a ref struct). Memory<T> acts as a span without those restrictions, but it cannot wrap stack-allocated memory. Memory<T> still provides the benefit of slicing.

Each struct comes with a read-only counterpart (ReadOnlySpan<T> and ReadOnly​Memory<T>). As well as preventing unintentional change, the read-only counterparts further improve performance by allowing the compiler and runtime additional freedom for optimization.

.NET Core itself (and ASP.NET Core) uses these types to improve efficiency with I/O, networking, string handling, and JSON parsing.


Span<T> and Memory<T>’s ability to perform array slicing make the old ArraySegment<T> class redundant. To help with any transition, there are implicit conversion operators from ArraySegment<T> to all of the span/memory structs, and from Memory<T> and ReadOnlyMemory<T> to ArraySegment<T>.

Spans and Slicing

Suppose that you’re writing a method to sum an array of integers. A micro-optimized implementation would avoid LINQ in favor of a foreach loop:

int Sum (int[] numbers)
  int total = 0;
  foreach (int i in numbers) total += i;
  return total;

Now imagine that you want to sum just a portion of the array. You have two options:

  • First copy the portion of the array that you want to sum into another array

  • Add additional parameters (offset and count)

The first option is inefficient; the second option adds clutter and complexity (which worsens with methods that need to accept more than one array).

Spans solve this nicely. All you need to do is to change the parameter type from int[] to ReadOnlySpan<int> (everything else stays the same):

int Sum (ReadOnlySpan<int> numbers)
  int total = 0;
  foreach (int i in numbers) total += i;
  return total;

We used ReadOnlySpan<T> rather than Span<T> because we don’t need to modify the array. There’s an implicit conversion from Span<T> to ReadOnlySpan<T>, so you can pass a Span<T> into a method that expects a ReadOnlySpan<T>.

We can test this method as follows:

var numbers = new int [1000];
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) numbers [i] = i;

int total = Sum (numbers);

We can call Sum with an array because there’s an implicit conversion from T[] to Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T>. Another option is to use the AsSpan extension method:

var span = numbers.AsSpan();

The indexer for ReadOnlySpan<T> uses C#’s ref readonly feature to reach directly into the underlying data: this allows our method to perform almost as well as the original example that used an array. But what we’ve gained is that we can now “slice” the array and sum just a portion of the elements as follows:

// Sum the middle 500 elements (starting from position 250):
int total = Sum (numbers.AsSpan (250, 500));

If you already have a Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T>, you can slice it by calling the Slice method:

Span<int> span = numbers;
int total = Sum (span.Slice (250, 500));

You can also use C# 8’s indices and ranges:

Span<int> span = numbers;
Console.WriteLine (span [^1]);            // Last element
Console.WriteLine (Sum (span [..10]));    // First 10 elements
Console.WriteLine (Sum (span [100..]));   // 100th element to end
Console.WriteLine (Sum (span [^5..]));    // Last 5 elements

Although Span<T> doesn’t implement IEnumerable<T> (it can’t implement interfaces by virtue of being a ref struct), it does implement the pattern, which allows C#’s foreach statement to work (see “Enumeration” in Chapter 4).

CopyTo and TryCopyTo

The CopyTo method copies elements from one span (or Memory<T>) to another. In the following example, we copy all of the elements from span x into span y:

Span<int> x = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
Span<int> y = new int[4];
x.CopyTo (y);

Slicing makes this method much more useful. In the next example, we copy the first half of span x into the second half of span y:

Span<int> x = new[] { 1,  2,  3,  4  };
Span<int> y = new[] { 10, 20, 30, 40 };
x[..2].CopyTo (y[2..]);                 // y is now { 10, 20, 1, 2 }

If there’s not enough space in the destination to complete the copy, CopyTo throws an exception, whereas TryCopyTo returns false (without copying any elements).

The span structs also expose methods to Clear and Fill the span as well as an IndexOf method to search for an element in the span.

Working with Text

Spans are designed to work well with strings, which are treated as ReadOnlySpan<char>. The following method counts whitespace characters:

int CountWhitespace (ReadOnlySpan<char> s)
  int count = 0;
  foreach (char c in s)
    if (char.IsWhiteSpace (c))
  return count;

You can call such a method with a string (thanks to an implicit conversion operator):

int x = CountWhitespace ("Word1 Word2");   // OK

or with a substring:

int y = CountWhitespace (someString.AsSpan (20, 10));

The ToString() method converts a ReadOnlySpan<char> back to a string.

Extension methods ensure that some of the commonly used methods on the string class are also available to ReadOnlySpan<char>:

var span = "This ".AsSpan();                    // ReadOnlySpan<char>
Console.WriteLine (span.StartsWith ("This"));   // True
Console.WriteLine (span.Trim().Length);         // 4

(Note that methods such as StartsWith use ordinal comparison, whereas the corresponding methods on the string class use culture-sensitive comparison by default.)

Methods such as ToUpper and ToLower are available, but you must pass in a destination span with the correct length (this allows you to decide how and where to allocate the memory).

Some of string’s methods are unavailable, such as Split (which splits a string into an array of words). It’s actually impossible to write the direct equivalent of string’s Split method because you cannot create an array of spans.


This is because spans are defined as ref structs, which can exist only on the stack.

(By “exist only on the stack,” we mean that the struct itself can exist only on the stack. The content that the span wraps can—and does in this case—exist on the heap.)

The System.Buffers.Text namespace contains additional types to help you work with span-based text, including the following:

  • Utf8Formatter.TryFormat does the equivalent of calling ToString on built-in and simple types such as decimal, DateTime, and so on but writes to a span instead of a string.

  • Utf8Parser.TryParse does the reverse and parses data from a span into a simple type.

  • The Base64 type provides methods for reading/writing base-64 data.

Fundamental CLR methods such as int.Parse have also been overloaded to accept ReadOnlySpan<char>.


Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T> are defined as ref structs to maximize their optimization potential as well as allowing them to work safely with stack-allocated memory (as you’ll see in the next section). However, it also imposes limitations. In addition to being array-unfriendly, you cannot use them as fields in a class (this would put them on the heap). This, in turn, prevents them from appearing in lambda expressions—and as parameters in asynchronous methods, iterators, and asynchronous streams:

async void Foo (Span<int> notAllowed)   // Compile-time error!

(Remember that the compiler processes asynchronous methods and iterators by writing a private state machine, which means that any parameters and local variables end up as fields. The same applies to lambda expressions that close over variables: these also end up as fields in a closure.)

The Memory<T> and ReadOnlyMemory<T> structs work around this, acting as spans that cannot wrap stack-allocated memory, allowing their use in fields, lambda expressions, asynchronous methods, and so on.

You can obtain a Memory<T> or ReadOnlyMemory<T> from an array via an implicit conversion or the AsMemory() extension method:

Memory<int> mem1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var mem2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsMemory();

You can easily convert a Memory<T> or ReadOnlyMemory<T> into a Span<T> or Read​OnlySpan<T> via its Span property so that you can interact with it as though it were a span. The conversion is efficient in that it doesn’t perform any copying:

async void Foo (Memory<int> memory)
  Span<int> span = memory.Span;

(You can also directly slice a Memory<T> or ReadOnlyMemory<T> via its Slice method or a C# range, and access its length via its Length property.)


Another way to obtain a Memory<T> is to rent it from a pool, using the System.Buffers.MemoryPool<T> class. This works just like array pooling (see “Array Pooling” in Chapter 12) and offers another strategy for reducing the load on the garbage collector.

We said in the previous section that you cannot write the direct equivalent of string.Split for spans, because you cannot create an array of spans. This limitation does not apply to ReadOnlyMemory<char>:

// Split a string into words:
IEnumerable<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> Split (ReadOnlyMemory<char> input)
  int wordStart = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i <= input.Length; i++)
    if (i == input.Length || char.IsWhiteSpace (input.Span [i]))
      yield return input [wordStart..i];   // Slice with C# range operator
      wordStart = i + 1;

This is more efficient than string’s Split method: instead of creating new strings for each word, it returns slices of the original string:

foreach (var slice in Split ("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"))
  // slice is a ReadOnlyMemory<char>

You can easily convert a Memory<T> into a Span<T> (via the Span property), but not vice versa. For this reason, it’s better to write methods that accept Span<T> than Memory<T> when you have a choice.

For the same reason, it’s better to write methods that accept ReadOnlySpan<T> than Span<T>.

Forward-Only Enumerators

In the preceding section, we employed ReadOnlyMemory<char> as a solution to implementing a string-style Split method. But by giving up on ReadOnlySpan<char>, we lost the ability to slice spans backed by unmanaged memory. Let’s revisit ReadOnlySpan<char> to see whether we can find another solution.

One possible option would be to write our Split method so that it returns ranges:

Range[] Split (ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
  int pos = 0;
  var list = new List<Range>();
  for (int i = 0; i <= input.Length; i++)
    if (i == input.Length || char.IsWhiteSpace (input [i]))
      list.Add (new Range (pos, i));
      pos = i + 1;
  return list.ToArray();

The caller could then use those ranges to slice the original span:

ReadOnlySpan<char> source = "The quick brown fox";
foreach (Range range in Split (source))
  ReadOnlySpan<char> wordSpan = source [range];

This is an improvement, but it’s still imperfect. One of the reasons for using spans in the first place is to avoid memory allocations. But notice that our Split method creates a List<Range>, adds items to it, and then converts the list into an array. This incurs at least two memory allocations as well as a memory-copy operation.

The solution to this is to eschew the list and array in favor of a forward-only enumerator. An enumerator is clumsier to work with, but it can be made allocation-free with the use of structs:

// We must define this as a ref struct, because _input is a ref struct.
public readonly ref struct CharSpanSplitter
  readonly ReadOnlySpan<char> _input;
  public CharSpanSplitter (ReadOnlySpan<char> input) => _input = input;
  public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator (_input);

  public ref struct Enumerator   // Forward-only enumerator
    readonly ReadOnlySpan<char> _input;
    int _wordPos;
    public ReadOnlySpan<char> Current { get; private set; }

    public Rator (ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
      _input = input;
      _wordPos = 0;
      Current = default;

    public bool MoveNext()
      for (int i = _wordPos; i <= _input.Length; i++)
        if (i == _input.Length || char.IsWhiteSpace (_input [i]))
          Current = _input [_wordPos..i];
          _wordPos = i + 1;
          return true;
      return false;

public static class CharSpanExtensions
  public static CharSpanSplitter Split (this ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
    => new CharSpanSplitter (input);

  public static CharSpanSplitter Split (this Span<char> input)
    => new CharSpanSplitter (input);

Here’s how you would call it:

var span = "the quick brown fox".AsSpan();
foreach (var word in span.Split())
  // word is a ReadOnlySpan<char>

By defining a Current property and a MoveNext method, our enumerator can work with C#’s foreach statement (see “Enumeration” in Chapter 4). We don’t have to implement the IEnumerable<T>/IEnumerator<T> interfaces (in fact, we can’t; ref structs can’t implement interfaces). We’re sacrificing abstraction for micro-optimization.

Working with Stack-Allocated and Unmanaged Memory

Another effective micro-optimization technique is to reduce the load on the garbage collector by minimizing heap-based allocations. This means making greater use of stack-based memory—or even unmanaged memory.

Unfortunately, this normally requires that you rewrite code to use pointers. In the case of our previous example that summed elements in an array, we would need to write another version:

unsafe int Sum (int* numbers, int length)
  int total = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) total += numbers [i];
  return total;

so that we could do this:

int* numbers = stackalloc int [1000];    // Allocate array on the stack
int total = Sum (numbers, 1000);

Spans solve this problem: you can construct a Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T> directly from a pointer:

int* numbers = stackalloc int [1000];
var span = new Span<int> (numbers, 1000);

Or in one step:

Span<int> numbers = stackalloc int [1000];

(Note that this doesn’t require the use of unsafe.) Recall the Sum method that we wrote previously:

int Sum (ReadOnlySpan<int> numbers)
  int total = 0;
  int len = numbers.Length;
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) total += numbers [i];
  return total;

This method works equally well for a stack-allocated span. We have gained on three counts:

  • The same method works with both arrays and stack-allocated memory.

  • We can use stack-allocated memory with minimal use of pointers.

  • The span can be sliced.


The compiler is smart enough to prevent you from writing a method that allocates memory on the stack and returns it to the caller via a Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T>.

(In other scenarios, however, you can legally return a Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T>.)

You can also use spans to wrap memory that you allocate from the unmanaged heap. In the following example, we allocate unmanaged memory using the Marshal.AllocHGlobal function, wrap it in a Span<char>, and then copy a string into the unmanaged memory. Finally, we employ the CharSpanSplitter struct that we wrote in the preceding section to split the unmanaged string into words:

var source = "The quick brown fox".AsSpan();
var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (source.Length * sizeof (char));
  var unmanaged = new Span<char> ((char*)ptr, source.Length);
  source.CopyTo (unmanaged);
  foreach (var word in unmanaged.Split())
    Console.WriteLine (word.ToString());
finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal (ptr); }

A nice bonus is that Span<T>’s indexer performs bounds-checking, preventing a buffer overrun. This protection applies if you correctly instantiate Span<T>: in our example, you would lose this protection if you wrongly obtained the span:

var span = new Span<char> ((char*)ptr, source.Length * 2);

There’s also no protection from the equivalent of a dangling pointer, so you must take care not to access the span after releasing its unmanaged memory with Marshal.FreeHGlobal.

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