Chapter 18. Assemblies

An assembly is the basic unit of deployment in .NET Core and is also the container for all types. An assembly contains compiled types with their IL code, runtime resources, and information to assist with versioning and referencing other assemblies. An assembly also defines a boundary for type resolution. In .NET Core, an assembly comprises a single file with a .dll extension.


When you build an executable application in .NET Core, you end up with two files: an assembly (.dll) and an executable launcher (.exe) appropriate to the platform you’re targeting.

This differs to what happens in .NET Framework, which generates a portable executable (PE) assembly. A PE has an .exe extension and acts both as an assembly and an application launcher. A PE can simultaneously target 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows.

.NET Core also lets you reference WinRT libraries, which have a .winmd extension. Structurally, they are similar to assemblies, but contain only metadata and no IL code.

Most of the types in this chapter come from the following namespaces:


What’s in an Assembly

An assembly contains four kinds of things:

An assembly manifest
Provides information to the CLR, such as the assembly’s name, version, and other assemblies that it references
An application manifest
Provides information to the operating system, such as how the assembly should be deployed and whether administrative elevation is required
Compiled types
The compiled IL code and metadata of the types defined within the assembly
Other data embedded within the assembly, such as images and localizable text

Of these, only the assembly manifest is mandatory, although an assembly nearly always contains compiled types (unless it’s a resource assembly. See “Resources and Satellite Assemblies”).

The Assembly Manifest

The assembly manifest serves two purposes:

  • It describes the assembly to the managed hosting environment.

  • It acts as a directory to the modules, types, and resources in the assembly.

Assemblies are thus self-describing. A consumer can discover all of an assembly’s data, types, and functions—without needing additional files.


An assembly manifest is not something you add explicitly to an assembly—it’s automatically embedded into an assembly as part of compilation.

Here’s a summary of the functionally significant data stored in the manifest:

  • The simple name of the assembly

  • A version number (AssemblyVersion)

  • A public key and signed hash of the assembly, if strongly named

  • A list of referenced assemblies, including their version and public key

  • A list of types defined in the assembly

  • The culture it targets, if a satellite assembly (AssemblyCulture)

The manifest can also store the following informational data:

  • A full title and description (AssemblyTitle and AssemblyDescription)

  • Company and copyright information (AssemblyCompany and Assembly​Copyright)

  • A display version (AssemblyInformationalVersion)

  • Additional attributes for custom data

Some of this data is derived from arguments given to the compiler, such as the list of referenced assemblies or the public key with which to sign the assembly. The rest comes from assembly attributes, indicated in parentheses.


You can view the contents of an assembly’s manifest with the .NET tool ildasm.exe. In Chapter 19, we describe how to use reflection to do the same programmatically.

Specifying assembly attributes

Commonly used assembly attributes can be specified in Visual Studio on the project’s Properties page, on the Package tab. The settings on that tab are added to the project file (.csproj).

To specify attributes not supported by the Package tab, or if not working with a .csproj file, you can specify assembly attributes in source code. .NET Framework projects automatically create a file for this purpose, AssemblyInfo.cs in the Properties folder, but .NET Core projects do not. Although you can specify attributes in any source code file in your project, adding a .cs file specifically for attributes allows you to keep them together and well organized.

A dedicated attributes file contains only using statements and assembly attribute declarations. For example, to expose internally-scoped types to a unit test project, you would do this:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;


The Application Manifest (Windows)

An application manifest is an XML file that communicates information about the assembly to the OS. An application manifest is embedded into the startup executable as a Win32 resource during the build process. If present, the manifest is read and processed before the CLR loads the assembly—and can influence how Windows launches the application’s process.

A .NET application manifest has a root element called assembly in the XML namespace urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
  <!-- contents of manifest -->

The following manifest instructs the OS to request administrative elevation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" />

We describe the consequences of requesting administrative elevation in Chapter 21.

UWP applications have a far more elaborate manifest, described in the Package.appxmanifest file. This includes a declaration of the program’s capabilities, which determine permissions granted by the OS. The easiest way to edit this file is with Visual Studio, which displays a dialog when you double-click the manifest file.

Deploying an application manifest

You can add an application manifest to a .NET Core project in Visual Studio by right-clicking your project in Solution Explorer, selecting Add, then “New item,” and then choosing Application Manifest File. Upon building, the manifest will be embedded into the output assembly.


The .NET tool ildasm.exe is blind to the presence of an embedded application manifest. Visual Studio, however, indicates whether an embedded application manifest is present if you double-click the assembly in Solution Explorer.


The contents of an assembly are actually packaged within an intermediate container, called a module. A module corresponds to a file containing the contents of an assembly. The reason for this extra layer of containership is to allow an assembly to span multiple files, a feature present in .NET Framework but absent in .NET Core. Figure 18-1 illustrates the relationship.

Single-file assembly
Figure 18-1. Single-file assembly

Although .NET Core does not support multifile assemblies, at times you need to be aware of the extra level of containership that modules impose. The main scenario is with reflection (see “Reflecting Assemblies” and “Emitting Assemblies and Types” in Chapter 19).

The Assembly Class

The Assembly class in System.Reflection is a gateway to accessing assembly metadata at runtime. There are a number of ways to obtain an assembly object: the simplest is via a Type’s Assembly property:

Assembly a = typeof (Program).Assembly;

You can also obtain an Assembly object by calling one of Assembly’s static methods:

Returns the assembly of the type that defines the currently executing function
Does the same as GetExecutingAssembly but for the function that called the currently executing function
Returns the assembly defining the application’s original entry method

After you have an Assembly object, you can use its properties and methods to query the assembly’s metadata and reflect upon its types. Table 18-1 shows a summary of these functions.

Table 18-1. Assembly members
Functions Purpose See the section...
FullName, GetName Returns the fully qualified name or an AssemblyName object “Assembly Names”
CodeBase, Location Location of the assembly file “Loading, Resolving, and Isolating Assemblies”
Load, LoadFrom, LoadFile Manually loads an assembly into memory “Loading, Resolving, and Isolating Assemblies”
GetSatelliteAssembly Locates the satellite assembly of a given culture “Resources and Satellite Assemblies”
GetType, GetTypes Returns a type, or all types, defined in the assembly “Reflecting and Activating Types” in Chapter 19
EntryPoint Returns the application’s entry method, as a MethodInfo “Reflecting and Invoking Members” in Chapter 19
GetModule, GetModules, ManifestModule Returns all modules, or the main module, of an assembly “Reflecting Assemblies” in Chapter 19
Returns the assembly’s attributes “Working with Attributes” in Chapter 19

Strong Names and Assembly Signing

A strongly named assembly has a unique identity. It works by adding two bits of metadata to the manifest:

  • A unique number that belongs to the authors of the assembly

  • A signed hash of the assembly, proving that the unique number holder produced the assembly

This requires a public/private key pair. The public key provides the unique identifying number, and the private key facilitates signing.

The public key is valuable in guaranteeing the uniqueness of assembly references: a strongly named assembly incorporates the public key into its identity.


Strongly naming an assembly is important in .NET Framework for two reasons:

  • It allows the assembly to be loaded into the “global assembly cache”

  • It allows the assembly to by referenced by other strongly named assemblies.

Strong naming is much less important in .NET Core, because .NET Core does not have a global assembly cache; nor does it impose the second restriction.

In .NET Framework, the private key protects your assembly from tampering, in that without your private key, no one can release a modified version of the assembly without the signature breaking. In practice, this is of use when loading an assembly into .NET Framework’s global assembly cache. In .NET Core, the signature is of little use because it’s never checked.

Adding a strong name to a previously “weak” named assembly changes its identity. For this reason, it pays to strong-name an assembly from the outset, if you think the assembly might need a strong name in the future.


Strong-name-signing is not the same as Authenticode-signing. We cover Authenticode later in this chapter.

How to Strongly Name an Assembly

To give an assembly a strong name, first generate a public/private key pair with the sn.exe utility:

sn.exe -k MyKeyPair.snk

Visual Studio installs a shortcut called Developer Command Prompt for VS, which starts a command prompt whose PATH contains development tools such as sn.exe.

This manufactures a new key pair and stores it to a file called MyKeyPair.snk. If you subsequently lose this file, you will permanently lose the ability to recompile your assembly with the same identity.

You can sign an assembly with this file by updating your project file. From Visual Studio, go to the Project Properties window, and then, on the Signing tab, select the “Sign the assembly” checkbox and select your .snk file.

The same key pair can sign multiple assemblies—they’ll still have distinct identities if their simple names differ.

Assembly Names

An assembly’s “identity” comprises four pieces of metadata from its manifest:

  • Its simple name

  • Its version (“” if not present)

  • Its culture (“neutral” if not a satellite)

  • Its public key token (“null” if not strongly named)

The simple name comes not from any attribute, but from the name of the file to which it was originally compiled (less any extension). So, the simple name of the System.Xml.dll assembly is “System.Xml.” Renaming a file doesn’t change the assembly’s simple name.

The version number comes from the AssemblyVersion attribute. It’s a string divided into four parts as follows:

You can specify a version number as follows:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("")]

The culture comes from the AssemblyCulture attribute and applies to satellite assemblies, described later in the section “Resources and Satellite Assemblies”.

The public key token comes from the strong name supplied at compile time, as we discussed in the preceding section.

Fully Qualified Names

A fully qualified assembly name is a string that includes all four identifying components, in this format:

simple-name, Version=version, Culture=culture, PublicKeyToken=public-key

For example, the fully qualified name of System.Private.CoreLib.dll is System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e.

If the assembly has no AssemblyVersion attribute, the version appears as If it is unsigned, its public key token appears as null.

An Assembly object’s FullName property returns its fully qualified name. The compiler always uses fully qualified names when recording assembly references in the manifest.


A fully qualified assembly name does not include a directory path to assist in locating it on disk. Locating an assembly residing in another directory is an entirely separate matter that we pick up in “Loading, Resolving, and Isolating Assemblies”.

The AssemblyName Class

AssemblyName is a class with a typed property for each of the four components of a fully qualified assembly name. AssemblyName has two purposes:

  • It parses or builds a fully qualified assembly name.

  • It stores some extra data to assist in resolving (finding) the assembly.

You can obtain an AssemblyName object in any of the following ways:

  • Instantiate an AssemblyName, providing a fully qualified name

  • Call GetName on an existing Assembly

  • Call AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName, providing the path to an assembly file on disk

You can also instantiate an AssemblyName object without any arguments and then set each of its properties to build a fully qualified name. An AssemblyName is mutable when constructed in this manner.

Here are its essential properties and methods:

string      FullName    { get; }            // Fully qualified name
string      Name        { get; set; }       // Simple name
Version     Version     { get; set; }       // Assembly version
CultureInfo CultureInfo { get; set; }       // For satellite assemblies
string      CodeBase    { get; set; }       // Location

byte[]      GetPublicKey();                 // 160 bytes
void        SetPublicKey (byte[] key);
byte[]      GetPublicKeyToken();            // 8-byte version
void        SetPublicKeyToken (byte[] publicKeyToken);

Version is itself a strongly typed representation, with properties for Major, Minor, Build, and Revision numbers. GetPublicKey returns the full cryptographic public key; GetPublicKeyToken returns the last eight bytes used in establishing identity.

To use AssemblyName to obtain the simple name of an assembly:

Console.WriteLine (typeof (string).Assembly.GetName().Name);
// System.Private.CoreLib

To get an assembly version:

string v = myAssembly.GetName().Version.ToString();

We examine the CodeBase property in “Loading, Resolving, and Isolating Assemblies”.

Assembly Informational and File Versions

Two further assembly attributes are available for expressing version-related information. Unlike AssemblyVersion, the following two attributes do not affect an assembly’s identity and so have no effect on what happens at compile-time or at runtime:

The version as displayed to the end user. This is visible in the Windows File Properties dialog box as Product Version. Any string can go here, such as “5.1 Beta 2.” Typically, all of the assemblies in an application would be assigned the same informational version number.
This is intended to refer to the build number for that assembly. This is visible in the Windows File Properties dialog box as File Version. As with Assembly​Version, it must contain a string consisting of up to four numbers separated by periods.

Authenticode Signing

Authenticode is a code-signing system whose purpose is to prove the identity of the publisher. Authenticode and strong-name signing are independent: you can sign an assembly with either or both systems.

Although strong-name signing can prove that assemblies A, B, and C came from the same party (assuming the private key hasn’t been leaked), it can’t tell you who that party was. To know that the party was Joe Albahari—or Microsoft Corporation—you need Authenticode.

Authenticode is useful when downloading programs from the internet, because it provides assurance that a program came from whoever was named by the Certificate Authority and was not modified in transit. It also prevents the Unknown Publisher warning when running a downloaded application for the first time. Authenticode signing is also a requirement when submitting apps to the Windows Store.

Authenticode works with not only .NET assemblies, but also unmanaged executables and binaries such as .msi deployment files. Of course, Authenticode doesn’t guarantee that a program is free from malware—although it does make it less likely. A person or entity has been willing to put its name (backed by a passport or company document) behind the executable or library.


The CLR does not treat an Authenticode signature as part of an assembly’s identity. However, it can read and validate Authenticode signatures on demand, as you’ll see soon.

Signing with Authenticode requires that you contact a Certificate Authority (CA) with evidence of your personal identity or company’s identity (articles of incorporation, etc.). After the CA has checked your documents, it will issue an X.509 code-signing certificate that is typically valid for one to five years. This enables you to sign assemblies with the signtool utility. You can also make a certificate yourself with the makecert utility; however, it will be recognized only on computers on which the certificate is explicitly installed.

The fact that (non-self-signed) certificates can work on any computer relies on public key infrastructure. Essentially, your certificate is signed with another certificate belonging to a CA. The CA is trusted because all CAs are loaded into the OS (to see them, go to the Windows Control Panel and then, in the search box, type “certificate”. In the Administrative Tools section, click “Manage computer certificates.” This launches the Certificate Manager. Open the node Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click Certificates). A CA can revoke a publisher’s certificate if leaked, so verifying an Authenticode signature requires periodically asking the CA for an up-to-date list of certification revocations.

Because Authenticode uses cryptographic signing, an Authenticode signature is invalid if someone subsequently tampers with the file. We discuss cryptography, hashing, and signing in Chapter 21.

How to Sign with Authenticode

Obtaining and installing a certificate

The first step is to obtain a code-signing certificate from a CA (see the sidebar that follows). You can then either work with the certificate as a password-protected file, or load the certificate into the computer’s certificate store. The benefit of doing the latter is that you can sign without needing to specify a password. This is advantageous because it avoids having a password visible in automated build scripts or batch files.

To load a certificate into the computer’s certificate store, open the Certificate Manager as described earlier. Open the Personal folder, right-click its Certificates folder, and then pick All Tasks/Import. An import wizard guides you through the process. After the import is complete, click the View button on the certificate, go to the Details tab, and copy the certificate’s thumbprint. This is the SHA-256 hash that you’ll subsequently need to identity the certificate when signing.


If you also want to strong-name-sign your assembly, you must do so before Authenticode signing. This is because the CLR knows about Authenticode signing, but not vice versa. So, if you strong-name-sign an assembly after Authenticode-signing it, the latter will see the addition of the CLR’s strong name as an unauthorized modification, and consider the assembly tampered.

Signing with signtool.exe

You can Authenticode-sign your programs with the signtool utility that comes with Visual Studio (look in the Microsoft SDKsClickOnceSignTool folder under Program Files). The following signs a file called LINQPad.exe with the certificate located in the computer’s My Store called “Joseph Albahari,” using the secure SHA256 hashing algorithm:

signtool sign /n "Joseph Albahari" /fd sha256 LINQPad.exe

You can also specify a description and product URL with /d and /du:

 ... /d LINQPad /du

In most cases, you will also want to specify a time-stamping server.

Time stamping

After your certificate expires, you’ll no longer be able to sign programs. However, programs that you signed before its expiry will still be valid—if you specified a time-stamping server with the /tr switch when signing. The CA will provide you with a URI for this purpose: the following is for Comodo (or Ksoftware):

 ... /tr /td SHA256

Verifying that a program has been signed

The easiest way to view an Authenticode signature on a file is to view the file’s properties in Windows Explorer (look in the Digital Signatures tab). The signtool utility also provides an option for this.

Resources and Satellite Assemblies

An application typically contains not only executable code, but also content such as text, images, or XML files. Such content can be represented in an assembly through a resource. There are two overlapping use cases for resources:

  • Incorporating data that cannot go into source code, such as images

  • Storing data that might need translation in a multilingual application

An assembly resource is ultimately a byte stream with a name. You can think of an assembly as containing a dictionary of byte arrays keyed by string. You can see this in ildasm if you disassemble an assembly that contains a resource called banner.jpg and a resource called data.xml:

.mresource public banner.jpg
  // Offset: 0x00000F58 Length: 0x000004F6
.mresource public data.xml
  // Offset: 0x00001458 Length: 0x0000027E

In this case, banner.jpg and data.xml were included directly in the assembly—each as its own embedded resource. This is the simplest way to work.

The Framework also lets you add content through intermediate .resources containers. There are designed for holding content that might require translation into different languages. Localized .resources can be packaged as individual satellite assemblies that are automatically picked up at runtime, based on the user’s OS language.

Figure 18-2 illustrates an assembly that contains two directly embedded resources, plus a .resources container called welcome.resources, for which we’ve created two localized satellites.

Figure 18-2. Resources

Directly Embedding Resources


Embedding resources into assemblies is not supported in Window Store apps. Instead, add any extra files to your deployment package, and access them by reading from your application StorageFolder (Package.Current.Installed​Location).

To directly embed a resource using Visual Studio:

  • Add the file to your project.

  • Set its build action to Embedded Resource.

Visual Studio always prefixes resource names with the project’s default namespace, plus the names of any subfolders in which the file is contained. So, if your project’s default namespace was Westwind.Reports and your file was called banner.jpg in the folder pictures, the resource name would be


Resource names are case sensitive. This makes project subfolder names in Visual Studio that contain resources effectively case sensitive.

To retrieve a resource, you call GetManifestResourceStream on the assembly containing the resource. This returns a stream, which you can then read as any other:

Assembly a = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();

using (Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream (""))
using (XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create (s))

System.Drawing.Image image;
using (Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream ("TestProject.banner.jpg"))
  image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream (s);

The stream returned is seekable, so you can also do this:

byte[] data;
using (Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream ("TestProject.banner.jpg"))
  data = new BinaryReader (s).ReadBytes ((int) s.Length);

If you’ve used Visual Studio to embed the resource, you must remember to include the namespace-based prefix. To help avoid error, you can specify the prefix in a separate argument, using a type. The type’s namespace is used as the prefix:

using (Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream (typeof (X), "data.xml"))

X can be any type with the desired namespace of your resource (typically, a type in the same project folder).


Setting a project item’s build action in Visual Studio to Resource within a WPF application is not the same as setting its build action to Embedded Resource. The former actually adds the item to a .resources file called <AssemblyName>.g.resources, whose content you access through WPF’s Application class, using a URI as a key.

To add to the confusion, WPF further overloads the term resource. Static resources and dynamic resources are both unrelated to assembly resources!

GetManifestResourceNames returns the names of all resources in the assembly.

.resources Files

.resources files are containers for potentially localizable content. A .resources file ends up as an embedded resource within an assembly—just like any other kind of file. The difference is that you must do the following:

  • Package your content into the .resources file to begin with

  • Access its content through a ResourceManager or pack URI rather than a Get​ManifestResourceStream

.resources files are structured in binary and so are not human-editable; therefore, you must rely on tools provided by the Framework and Visual Studio to work with them. The standard approach with strings or simple data types is to use the .resx format, which can be converted to a .resources file either by Visual Studio or the resgen tool. The .resx format is also suitable for images intended for a Windows Forms or ASP.NET application.

In a WPF application, you must use Visual Studio’s “Resource” build action for images or similar content needing to be referenced by URI. This applies whether localization is needed or not.

We describe how to do each of these in the following sections.

.resx Files

A .resx file is a design-time format for producing .resources files. A .resx file uses XML and is structured with name/value pairs as follows:

  <data name="Greeting">
  <data name="DefaultFontSize" type="System.Int32, mscorlib">

To create a .resx file in Visual Studio, add a project item of type Resources File. The rest of the work is done automatically:

  • The correct header is created.

  • A designer is provided for adding strings, images, files, and other kinds of data.

  • The .resx file is automatically converted to the .resources format and embedded into the assembly upon compilation.

  • A class is written to help you access the data later on.


The resource designer adds images as typed Image objects (System.Drawing.dll) rather than as byte arrays, making them unsuitable for WPF applications.

Reading .resources files

The ResourceManager class reads .resources files embedded within an assembly:

ResourceManager r = new ResourceManager ("welcome",

(The first argument must be namespace-prefixed if the resource was compiled in Visual Studio.)


If you create a .resx file in Visual Studio, a class of the same name is generated automatically with properties to retrieve each of its items.

You can then access what’s inside by calling GetString or GetObject with a cast:

string greeting = r.GetString ("Greeting");
int fontSize = (int) r.GetObject ("DefaultFontSize");
Image image = (Image) r.GetObject ("flag.png");

To enumerate the contents of a .resources file:

ResourceManager r = new ResourceManager (...);
ResourceSet set = r.GetResourceSet (CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture,
                                    true, true);
foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry in set)
  Console.WriteLine (entry.Key);

Creating a pack URI resource in Visual Studio

In a WPF application, XAML files need to be able to access resources by URI; for instance:

  <Image Height="50" Source="flag.png"/>

Or, if the resource is in another assembly:

  <Image Height="50" Source="UtilsAssembly;Component/flag.png"/>

(Component is a literal keyword.)

To create resources that can be loaded in this manner, you cannot use .resx files. Instead, you must add the files to your project and set their build action to Resource (not Embedded Resource). Visual Studio then compiles them into a .resources file called <AssemblyName>.g.resources—also the home of compiled XAML (.baml) files.

To load a URI-keyed resource programmatically, call Application.GetResource-Stream:

Uri u = new Uri ("flag.png", UriKind.Relative);
using (Stream s = Application.GetResourceStream (u).Stream)

Notice we used a relative URI. You can also use an absolute URI in exactly the following format (the three commas are not a typo):

Uri u = new Uri ("pack://application:,,,/flag.png");

If you’d rather specify an Assembly object, you can retrieve content instead with a ResourceManager:

Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
ResourceManager r = new ResourceManager (a.GetName().Name + ".g", a);
using (Stream s = r.GetStream ("flag.png"))

A ResourceManager also lets you enumerate the content of a .g.resources container within a given assembly.

Satellite Assemblies

Data embedded in .resources is localizable.

Resource localization is relevant when your application runs on a version of Windows built to display everything in a different language. For consistency, your application should use that same language, too.

A typical setup is as follows:

  • The main assembly contains .resources for the default or fallback language.

  • Separate satellite assemblies contain localized .resources translated to different languages.

When your application runs, .NET Core examines the language of the current OS (from CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture). Whenever you request a resource using ResourceManager, the Framework looks for a localized satellite assembly. If one’s available—and it contains the resource key you requested—it’s used in place of the main assembly’s version.

This means that you can enhance language support simply by adding new satellites—without changing the main assembly.


A satellite assembly cannot contain executable code, only resources.

Satellite assemblies are deployed in subdirectories of the assembly’s folder as follows:


XX refers to the two-letter language code (such as “de” for German) or a language and region code (such as “en-GB” for English in Great Britain). This naming system allows the CLR to find and load the correct satellite assembly automatically.

Building satellite assemblies

Recall our previous .resx example, which included the following:

  <data name="Greeting"

We then retrieved the greeting at runtime as follows:

ResourceManager r = new ResourceManager ("welcome",
Console.Write (r.GetString ("Greeting"));

Suppose that we want this to instead write “hallo” if running on the German version of Windows. The first step is to add another .resx file named that substitutes hello for hallo:

  <data name="Greeting">

In Visual Studio, this is all you need to do—when you rebuild, a satellite assembly called MyApp.resources.dll is automatically created in a subdirectory called de.

Testing satellite assemblies

To simulate running on an OS with a different language, you must change the CurrentUICulture using the Thread class:

  = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo ("de");

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture is a read-only version of the same property.


A useful testing strategy is to ℓѻ¢αℓïʐɘ into words that can still be read as English, but do not use the standard Roman Unicode characters.

Visual Studio designer support

The designers in Visual Studio provide extended support for localizing components and visual elements. The WPF designer has its own workflow for localization; other Component-based designers use a design-time-only property to make it appear that a component or Windows Forms control has a Language property. To customize for another language, simply change the Language property and then start modifying the component. All properties of controls that are attributed as Localizable will be saved to a .resx file for that language. You can switch between languages at any time just by changing the Language property.

Cultures and Subcultures

Cultures are split into cultures and subcultures. A culture represents a particular language; a subculture represents a regional variation of that language. The Framework follows the RFC1766 standard, which represents cultures and subcultures with two-letter codes. Here are the codes for English and German cultures:


Here are the codes for the Australian English and Austrian German subcultures:


A culture is represented in .NET with the System.Globalization.CultureInfo class. You can examine the current culture of your application as follows:

Console.WriteLine (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);
Console.WriteLine (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);

Running this on a computer localized for Australia illustrates the difference between the two:


CurrentCulture reflects the regional settings of the Windows Control Panel, whereas CurrentUICulture reflects the language of the OS.

Regional settings include such things as time zone and the formatting of currency and dates. CurrentCulture determines the default behavior of such functions as DateTime.Parse. Regional settings can be customized to the point where they no longer resemble any particular culture.

CurrentUICulture determines the language in which the computer communicates with the user. Australia doesn’t need a separate version of English for this purpose, so it just uses the US one. If I spent a couple of months working in Austria, I would go to the Control Panel and change my CurrentCulture to Austrian-German. However, given that I can’t speak German, my CurrentUICulture would remain US English.

ResourceManager, by default, uses the current thread’s CurrentUICulture property to determine the correct satellite assembly to load. ResourceManager uses a fallback mechanism when loading resources. If a subculture assembly is defined, that one is used; otherwise, it falls back to the generic culture. If the generic culture is not present, it falls back to the default culture in the main assembly.

Loading, Resolving, and Isolating Assemblies

Loading an assembly from a known location is a relatively simple process. We refer to this as assembly loading.

More commonly, however, you (or the CLR) will need to load an assembly knowing only its full (or simple) name. This is called assembly resolution. Assembly resolution differs from loading in that the assembly must first be located.

Assembly resolution is triggered in two scenarios:

  • By the CLR, when it needs to resolve a dependency

  • Explicitly, when you call a method such as Assembly.Load(AssemblyName)

To illustrate the first scenario, consider an application comprising a main assembly plus a set of statically referenced library assemblies (dependencies):

AdventureGame.dll    // Main assembly
Terrain.dll          // Referenced assembly
UIEngine.dll         // Referenced assembly

By “statically referenced,” we mean that AdventureGame.dll was compiled with references to Terrain.dll and UIEngine.dll. The compiler itself does not need to perform assembly resolution, because it’s told (either explicitly or by MSBuild) where to find Terrain.dll and UIEngine.dll. During compilation, it writes the full names of the Terrain and UIEngine assemblies into the metadata of AdventureGame.dll, but no information on where to find them. So, at runtime, the Terrain and UIEngine assemblies must be resolved.

Assembly loading and resolution is handled by an assembly load context (ALC); specifically, an instance of the AssemblyLoadContext class in System​.Runtime.Loader. Because AdventureGame.dll is the main assembly for the application, the CLR uses the default ALC (AssemblyLoadContext.Default) to resolve its dependencies. The default ALC resolves dependencies first by looking for and examining a file called AdventureGame.deps.json (which describes where to find dependencies), or if not present, it looks in the application base folder, where it will find Terrain.dll and UIEngine.dll. (The default ALC also resolves .NET Core framework assemblies.)

As a developer, you can dynamically load additional assemblies during the execution of your program. For example, you might want to package optional features in assemblies that you deploy only when those features have been purchased. In such a case, you could load the extra assemblies, when present, by calling Assembly.Load(AssemblyName).

A more complex example would be implementing a plug-in system whereby the user can provide third-party assemblies that your application detects and loads at runtime to extend your application’s functionality. The complexity arises because each plug-in assembly might have its own dependencies that must also be resolved.

By subclassing AssemblyLoadContext and overriding its assembly resolution method (Load), you can control how a plug-in finds its dependencies. For example, you might decide that each plug-in should reside in its own folder, and its dependencies should also reside in that folder.

ALCs have another purpose: by instantiating a separate AssemblyLoadContext for each (plug-in + dependencies), you can keep each isolated, ensuring that their dependencies load in parallel and do not interfere with one another (nor the host application). Each, for instance, can have its own version of JSON.NET. Hence, in addition to loading and resolution, ALCs also provide a mechanism for isolation. Under certain conditions, ALCs can even be unloaded, freeing their memory.

In this section, we elaborate on each of these principles, and describe the following:

  • How ALCs handle loading and resolution

  • The role of the default ALC

  • Assembly.Load and contextual ALCs

  • How to use AssemblyDependencyResolver

  • How to load and resolve unmanaged libraries

  • Unloading ALCs

  • The legacy assembly loading methods

Then, we put the theory to work and demonstrate how to write a plug-in system with ALC isolation.


The AssemblyLoadContext class is new to .NET Core. In .NET Framework, ALCs were present but restricted and hidden: the only way to create and interact with them was indirectly via the LoadFile(string), LoadFrom(string) and Load(byte[]) static methods on the Assembly class. Compared to the ALC API, these methods are inflexible, and their use can lead to surprises (particularly when handling dependencies). For this reason, it’s best to favor explicit use of the AssemblyLoad​Context API in .NET Core.

Assembly Load Contexts

As we just discussed, the AssemblyLoadContext class is responsible for loading and resolving assemblies as well as providing a mechanism for isolation.

Every .NET Assembly object belongs to exactly one AssemblyLoadContext. You can obtain the ALC for an assembly as follows:

Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
AssemblyLoadContext context = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (assem);
Console.WriteLine (context.Name);

Conversely, you can think of an ALC as containing or owning assemblies, which you can obtain via its Assemblies property. Following on from the previous example:

foreach (Assembly a in context.Assemblies)
  Console.WriteLine (a.FullName);

The AssemblyLoadContext class also has a static All property that enumerates all ALCs.

You can create a new ALC just by instantiating AssemblyLoadContext and providing a name (the name is helpful when debugging), although more commonly, you’d first subclass AssemblyLoadContext so that you can implement logic to resolve dependencies; in other words, load an assembly from its name.

Loading assemblies

AssemblyLoadContext provides the following methods to explicitly load an assembly into its context:

public Assembly LoadFromAssemblyPath (string assemblyPath);
public Assembly LoadFromStream (Stream assembly, Stream assemblySymbols);

The first method loads an assembly from a file path, whereas the second method loads it from a Stream (which can come directly from memory). The second parameter is optional and corresponds to the contents of a project debug (.pdb) file, which allows stack traces to include source code information when code executes (useful in exception reporting).

With both of these methods, no resolution takes place. The following loads the assembly c: empfoo.dll into its own ALC:

var alc = new AssemblyLoadContext ("Test");
Assembly assem = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath (@"c:	empfoo.dll");

If the assembly is valid, loading will always succeed, subject to one important rule: its simple name must be unique within its ALC. This means that you cannot load multiple versions of the same-named assembly into a single ALC; to do this, you must create additional ALCs. We could load another copy of foo.dll as follows:

var alc2 = new AssemblyLoadContext ("Test 2");
Assembly assem2 = alc2.LoadFromAssemblyPath (@"c:	empfoo.dll");

Note that types that originate from different Assembly objects are incompatible even if the assemblies are otherwise identical. In our example, the types in assem are incompatible with the types in assem2.

After an assembly is loaded, it cannot be unloaded except by unloading its ALC (see “Unloading ALCs”). The CLR maintains a lock of the file for the duration that it’s loaded.


Avoid locking the file by loading the assembly via a byte array:

bytes[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes (@"c:	empfoo.dll");
var ms = new MemoryStream (bytes);
var assem = alc.LoadFromStream (ms);

This has two drawbacks:

  • The assembly’s Location property will end up blank. Sometimes, it’s useful to know where an assembly was loaded from (and some APIs rely on it being populated).

  • Private memory consumption must increase immediately to accommodate the full size of the assembly. If you instead load from a filename, the CLR uses a memory-mapped file, which enables lazy loading and process sharing. Also, should memory run low, the OS can release its memory and reload as required without writing to a page file.


AssemblyLoadContext also provides the following method, which loads an assembly by name:

public Assembly LoadFromAssemblyName (AssemblyName assemblyName);

Unlike the two methods just discussed, you don’t pass in any information to indicate where the assembly is located; instead you’re instructing the ALC to resolve the assembly.

Resolving assemblies

The preceding method triggers assembly resolution. The CLR also triggers assembly resolution when loading dependencies. For example, suppose that assembly A statically references assembly B. To resolve reference B, the CLR triggers assembly resolution on whichever ALC assembly A was loaded into.


The CLR resolves dependencies by triggering assembly resolution—whether the triggering assembly is in the default or a custom ALC. The difference is that with the default ALC, the resolution rules are hardcoded, whereas with a custom ALC, you write the rules yourself.

Here’s what then happens:

  1. The CLR first checks whether an identical resolution has already taken place in that ALC (with a matching full assembly name); if so, it returns the Assembly it returned before.

  2. Otherwise, it calls the ALC’s (virtual protected) Load method, which does the work of locating and loading the assembly. The default ALC’s Load method applies the rules we describe in “The Default ALC”. With a custom ALC, it’s entirely up to you how you locate the assembly. For instance, you might look in some folder and then call LoadFromAssemblyPath when you find the assembly. It’s also perfectly legal to return an already-loaded assembly from the same or another ALC (we demonstrate this in “Writing a Plug-In System”).

  3. If Step 2 returns null, the CLR then calls the Load method on the default ALC (this serves as a useful “fallback” for resolving Framework and common application assemblies).

  4. If Step 3 returns null, the CLR then fires the Resolving events on both ALCs—first, on the default ALC, and then on the original ALC.

  5. (For compatibility with .NET Framework): if the assembly still hasn’t been resolved, the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve event fires.


After this process completes, the CLR does a “sanity check” to ensure that whatever assembly was loaded has a name that’s compatible with what was requested. The simple name must match; the public key token must match if specified. The version need not match—it can be higher or lower than what was requested.

From this, we can see that there are two ways to implement assembly resolution in a custom ALC:

Override the ALC’s Load method
This gives your ALC “first say” over what happens, which is usually desirable (and essential when you need isolation).
Handle the ALC’s Resolving event
This fires only after the default ALC has failed to resolve assembly.

If you attach multiple event handlers to the Resolving event, the first to return a non-null value wins.

To illustrate, let’s assume that we want to load an assembly that our main application knew nothing about at compile-time, called foo.dll, located in c: emp (which is different from our application folder). We’ll also assume that foo.dll has a private dependency on bar.dll. We want to ensure that when we load c: empfoo.dll and execute its code, c: empar.dll can correctly resolve. We also want to ensure that foo and its private dependency, bar, do not interfere with the main application.

Let’s begin by writing a custom ALC that overrides Load:

using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Loader;

class FolderBasedALC : AssemblyLoadContext
  readonly string _folder;
  public FolderBasedALC (string folder) => _folder = folder;

  protected override Assembly Load (AssemblyName assemblyName)
    // Attempt to find the assembly:
    string targetPath = Path.Combine (_folder, assemblyName.Name + ".dll");

    if (File.Exists (targetPath))
      return LoadFromAssemblyPath (targetPath);   // Load the assembly

    return null;    // We can't find it – it could be a framework assembly

Notice that in the Load method, we return null if the assembly file is not present. This check is important because foo.dll will also have dependencies on the .NET Core framework assemblies; hence, the Load method will be called on assemblies such as System.Runtime. By returning null, we allow the CLR to fall back to the default ALC, which will correctly resolve these assemblies.


Notice that we didn’t attempt to load the .NET Core framework assemblies into our own ALC. The framework assemblies are not designed to run outside the default ALC, and attempts to load them into your own ALC can result in incorrect behavior, performance degradation, and unexpected type incompatibility.

Here’s how we could use our custom ALC to load the foo.dll assembly in c: emp:

var alc = new FolderBasedALC (@"c:	emp");
Assembly foo = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath (@"c:	empfoo.dll");

When we subsequently begin calling code in the foo assembly, the CLR will at some point need to resolve the dependency on bar.dll. This is when the custom ALC’s Load method will fire and successfully locate the bar.dll assembly in c: emp.

In this case, our Load method is also capable of resolving foo.dll, so we could simplify our code to this:

var alc = new FolderBasedALC (@"c:	emp");
Assembly foo = alc.LoadFromAssemblyName (new AssemblyName ("foo"));

Now, let’s consider an alternative solution: instead of subclassing AssemblyLoad​Context and overriding Load, we could instantiate a plain AssemblyLoadContext and handle its Resolving event:

var alc = new AssemblyLoadContext ("test");
alc.Resolving += (loadContext, assemblyName) =>
  string targetPath = Path.Combine (@"c:	emp", assemblyName.Name + ".dll");
  return alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath (targetPath);   // Load the assembly
Assembly foo = alc.LoadFromAssemblyName (new AssemblyName ("foo"));

Notice now that we don’t need to check whether the assembly exists. Because the Resolving event fires after the default ALC has had a chance to resolve the assembly (and only when it fails), our handler won’t fire for Framework assemblies. This makes this solution simpler, although there’s a disadvantage. Remember that in our scenario, the main application knew nothing about foo.dll or bar.dll at compile time. This means that it’s possible for the main application to itself depend on assemblies called foo.dll or bar.dll. If this were to occur, the Resolving event would never fire, and the application’s foo and bar assemblies would load, instead. In other words, we would fail to achieve isolation.


Our FolderBasedALC class is good for illustrating the concept of assembly resolution, but it’s of less use in real life because it cannot handle platform-specific and (for library projects) development-time NuGet dependencies. In “AssemblyDependencyResolver” we describe the solution to this problem, and in “Writing a Plug-In System”, we give a detailed example.

The Default ALC

When an application starts, the CLR assigns a special ALC to the static AssemblyLoadContext.Default property. The default ALC is where your startup assembly loads, along with its statically referenced dependencies and the .NET Core Framework assemblies.

The default ALC looks first in the default probing paths to automatically resolve assemblies (see “Default probing”); this normally equates to the locations indicated in the application’s .deps.json and .runtimeconfig.json files.

If the ALC cannot find an assembly in its default probing paths, its Resolving event fires. Handling this event lets you load the assembly from other locations, which means that you can deploy an application’s dependencies to additional locations, such as subfolders, shared folders, or even as a binary resource inside the host assembly:

AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += (loadContext, assemblyName) =>
  // Try to locate assemblyName, returning an Assembly object or null.
  // Typically you'd call LoadFromAssemblyPath after finding the file.
  // ...

The Resolving event in the default ALC also fires when a custom ALC fails to resolve (in other words, when its Load method returns null), and the default ALC is unable to resolve the assembly.

You can also load assemblies into the default ALC from outside the Resolving event. Before proceeding, however, you should first determine whether you can solve the problem better by using a separate ALC or with the approaches we describe in the following section (which use the executing and contextual ALCs). Hardcoding to the default ALC makes your code brittle because it cannot as a whole be isolated (for instance, by unit testing frameworks, or by LINQPad).

If you still want to proceed, it’s preferable to call a resolution method (i.e., LoadFrom​AssemblyName) rather than a loading method (such as LoadFromAssemblyPath)—especially if your assembly is statically referenced. This is because it’s possible that the assembly might already be loaded, in which case LoadFromAssemblyName will return the already-loaded assembly, whereas LoadFromAssemblyPath will throw an exception.

(With LoadFromAssemblyPath, you can also run the risk of loading the assembly from a place that’s inconsistent with where the ALC’s default resolution mechanism would find it.)

If the assembly is in a place where the ALC won’t automatically find it, you can still follow this procedure and additionally handle the ALC’s Resolving event.

Note that when calling LoadFromAssemblyName, you don’t need to provide the full name; the simple name will do (and is valid even if the assembly is strongly named):

AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyName ("System.Xml");

However, if you include the public key token in the name, it must match with what’s loaded.

Default probing

The default probing paths normally comprise the following:

  • Paths specified in AppName.deps.json (where AppName is the name of your application’s main assembly). If this file is not present, the application base folder is used instead.

  • Folders containing the .NET Core Framework assemblies (if your application is Framework-dependent).

MSBuild automatically generates a file called AppName.deps.json, which describes where to find all of its dependencies. These include platform-agnostic assemblies, which are placed in the application base folder, and platform-specific assemblies, which are placed in the runtimes subdirectory under a subfolder such as win or unix.

The paths specified in the generated .deps.json file are relative to application base folder—or any additional folders that you specify in the additionalProbingPaths section of the AppName.runtimeconfig.json and/or configuration files (the latter is intended only for the development environment).

The Current ALC

In the preceding section, we cautioned against explicitly loading assemblies into the default ALC. What you usually want, instead, is to load/resolve into the current ALC.

In most cases, the current ALC is the one containing the currently executing assembly:

var executingAssem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (executingAssem);

Assembly assem = alc.LoadFromAssemblyName (...);  // to resolve by name
        // OR: = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath (...);  // to load by path

Here’s a more flexible and explicit way to obtain the ALC:

var myAssem = typeof (SomeTypeInMyAssembly).Assembly;
var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (myAssem);

Sometimes, it’s impossible to infer the current ALC. For example, suppose that you were responsible for writing the .NET Core binary serializer that we covered in Chapter 17. A serializer such as this writes the full names of the types that it serializes (including their assembly names), which must be resolved during deserialization. The question is, which ALC should you use? The problem with relying on the executing assembly is that it will return whatever assembly contains the deserializer, not the assembly that’s calling the deserializer.

The best solution is not to guess, but to ask:

public object Deserialize (Stream stream, AssemblyLoadContext alc)

Being explicit maximizes flexibility and minimizes the chance of making mistakes. The caller can now decide what should count as the “current” ALC:

var assem = typeof (SomeTypeThatIWillBeDeserializing).Assembly;
var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (assem);
var object = Deserialize (someStream, alc);

Assembly.Load and Contextual ALCs

To help with the common case of loading an assembly into the currently executing ALC; that is:

var executingAssem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (executingAssem);
Assembly assem = alc.LoadFromAssemblyName (...);

Microsoft has defined the following method in the Assembly class:

public static Assembly Load (string assemblyString);

as well as a functionally identical version that accepts an AssemblyName object:

public static Assembly Load (AssemblyName assemblyRef);

(Don’t confuse these methods with the legacy Load(byte[]) method, which behaves in a totally different manner—see “The Legacy Loading Methods”.)

As with LoadFromAssemblyName, you have a choice of specifying the assembly’s simple, partial, or full name:

Assembly a = Assembly.Load ("System.Private.Xml");

This loads the System.Private.Xml assembly into whatever ALC the executing code’s assembly is loaded in.

In this case, we specified a simple name. The following strings would also be valid, and all would have the same result in .NET Core 3:

"System.Private.Xml, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51"
"System.Private.Xml, Version="
"System.Private.Xml, Version=, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51"

If you choose to specify a public key token, it must match with what’s loaded.


The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) cautions against loading an assembly from a partial name, recommending that you specify the exact version and public key token. Their rationale is based on factors relevant to .NET Framework, such as the effects of the Global Assembly Cache and Code Access Security. In .NET Core, these factors aren’t present, and it’s generally safe to load from a simple or partial name.

Both of these methods are strictly for resolution, so you cannot specify a file path. (If you populate the CodeBase property in the AssemblyName object, it will be ignored.)


Don’t fall into the trap of using Assembly.Load to load a statically referenced assembly. All you need do in this case is refer to a type in the assembly, and obtain the assembly from that:

Assembly a = typeof (System.Xml.Formatting).Assembly;

Or, you could even do this:

Assembly a = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented.GetType().Assembly;

This avoids hardcoding the assembly name (which you might change in the future) while triggering assembly resolution on the executing code’s ALC (as would happen with Assembly​.Load).

If you were to write the Assembly.Load method yourself, it would (almost) look like this:

Assembly Load (string name)
  Assembly callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
  var callingAlc = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (callingAssembly);
  return callingAlc.LoadFromAssemblyName (new AssemblyName (name));


Assembly.Load’s strategy of using the calling assembly’s ALC context fails when Assembly.Load is called via an intermediary, such as a deserializer or unit test runner. If the intermediary is defined in a different assembly, the intermediary’s load context is used instead of the caller’s load context.


We described this scenario earlier, when we talked about how you might write a deserializer. In such cases, the ideal solution is to force the caller to specify an ALC rather than inferring it with Assembly.Load(string).

But because .NET Core evolved from .NET Framework—where isolation was accomplished with application domains rather than ALCs—the ideal solution is not prevalent, and Assembly.Load(string) is sometimes used inappropriately in scenarios in which the ALC cannot be reliably inferred. An example is the .NET Core binary serializer.

To allow Assembly.Load to still work in such scenarios, Microsoft has added a method to AssemblyLoadContext called EnterContextualReflection. This assigns an ALC to AssemblyLoadContext.CurrentContextualReflectionContext. Although this is a static property, its value is stored in an AsyncLocal variable, so it can hold separate values on different threads (but still be preserved throughout asynchronous operations).

If this property is non-null, Assembly.Load automatically uses it in preference to the calling ALC:


var myALC = new AssemblyLoadContext ("test");
using (myALC.EnterContextualReflection())
   Console.WriteLine (
     AssemblyLoadContext.CurrentContextualReflectionContext.Name);  // test


// Once disposed, EnterContextualReflection() no longer has an effect.

void Method1() => Assembly.Load ("...");    // Will use calling ALC
void Method2() => Assembly.Load ("...");    // Will use myALC
void Method3() => Assembly.Load ("...");    // Will use calling ALC

We previously demonstrated how you could write a method that’s functionally similar to Assembly.Load. Here’s a more accurate version that takes the contextual reflection context into account:

Assembly Load (string name)
  var alc = AssemblyLoadContext.CurrentContextualReflectionContext
     ?? AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext (Assembly.GetCallingAssembly());

  return alc.LoadFromAssemblyName (new AssemblyName (name));

Even though the contextual reflection context can be useful in allowing legacy code to run, a more robust solution (as we described earlier) is to modify the code that calls Assembly.Load so that it instead calls LoadFromAssemblyName on an ALC that’s passed in by the caller.


.NET Framework has no equivalent of EnterContextual​Reflection—and does not need it—despite having the same Assembly.Load methods. This is because with .NET Framework, isolation is accomplished primarily with application domains rather than ALCs. Application domains provide a stronger isolation model whereby each application domain has its own default load context, so isolation can still work even when only the default load context is used.

Loading and Resolving Unmanaged Libraries

ALCs can also load and resolve native libraries. Native resolution is triggered when you call an external method that’s marked with the [DllImport] attribute:

[DllImport ("SomeNativeLibrary.dll")]
static extern int SomeNativeMethod (string text);

Because we didn’t specify a full path in the [DllImport] attribute, calling Some​NativeMethod triggers a resolution in whatever ALC contains the assembly in which SomeNativeMethod is defined.

The virtual resolving method in the ALC is called LoadUnmanagedDll, and the loading method is called LoadUnmanagedDllFromPath:

protected override IntPtr LoadUnmanagedDll (string unmanagedDllName)
  // Locate the full path of unmanagedDllName...
  string fullPath = ...
  return LoadUnmanagedDllFromPath (fullPath);    // Load the DLL

If you’re unable to locate the file, you can return IntPtr.Zero. The CLR will then fire the ALC’s ResolvingUnmanagedDll event.

Interestingly, the LoadUnmanagedDllFromPath method is protected, so you won’t usually be able to call it from a ResolvingUnmanagedDll event handler. However, you can achieve the same result by calling the static NativeLibrary.Load:

someALC.ResolvingUnmanagedDll += (requestingAssembly, unmanagedDllName) =>
  return NativeLibrary.Load ("(full path to unmanaged DLL)");

Although native libraries are typically resolved and loaded by ALCs, they don’t “belong” to an ALC. After it’s loaded, a native library stands on its own and takes responsibility for resolving any transitive dependencies that it might have. Furthermore, native libraries are global to the process, so it’s not possible to load two different versions of a native library, if they have the same filename.


In “Default probing”, we said that the default ALC reads the .deps.json and .runtimeconfig.json files, if present, in determining where to look to resolve platform-specific and development-time NuGet dependencies.

If you want to load an assembly into a custom ALC that has platform-specific or NuGet dependencies, you’ll need to somehow reproduce this logic. You could accomplish this by parsing the configuration files and carefully following the rules on platform-specific monikers, but doing so is not only difficult, but the code that you write will break if the rules change in a later version of .NET Core.

The AssemblyDependencyResolver class solves this problem. To use it, you instantiate it with the path of the assembly whose dependencies you want to probe:

var resolver = new AssemblyDependencyResolver (@"c:	empfoo.dll");

Then, to find the path of a dependency, you call the ResolveAssemblyToPath method:

string path = resolver.ResolveAssemblyToPath (new AssemblyName ("bar"));

In the absence of a .deps.json file (or if the .deps.json doesn’t contain anything relevant to bar.dll), this will evaluate to c: empar.dll.

You can similarly resolve unmanaged dependencies by calling Resolve​UnmanagedDllToPath.

A great way to illustrate a more complex scenario is to create a new Console project called ClientApp and then add a NuGet reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. Add the following class:

using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;

namespace ClientApp
  public class Program
    public static SqlConnection GetConnection() => new SqlConnection();
    static void Main() => GetConnection();   // Test that it resolves

Now build the application and look in the output folder: you’ll see a file called Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll. However, this file never loads when run, and attempting to explicitly load it throws an exception. The assembly that actually loads is located in the runtimeswin (or runtimes/unix) subfolder; the default ALC knows to load it because it parses the ClientApp.deps.json file.

If you were to try to load the ClientApp.dll assembly from another application, you’d need to write an ALC that can resolve its dependency, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll. In doing so, it would be insufficient to merely look in the folder where ClientApp.dll is located (as we did in “Resolving assemblies”). Instead, you’d need to use AssemblyDependencyResolver to determine where that file is located for the platform in use:

string path = @"C:sourceClientAppinDebug
var resolver = new AssemblyDependencyResolver (path);
var sqlClient = new AssemblyName ("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient");
Console.WriteLine (resolver.ResolveAssemblyToPath (sqlClient));

On a Windows machine, this outputs the following:


We give a complete example in “Writing a Plug-In System”.

Unloading ALCs

In simple cases, it’s possible to unload a nondefault AssemblyLoadContext, freeing memory and releasing file locks on the assemblies it loaded. For this to work, the ALC must have been instantiated with the isCollectible parameter true:

var alc = new AssemblyLoadContext ("test", isCollectible:true);

You can then call the Unload method on the ALC to initiate the unload process.

The unload model is cooperative rather than preemptive. If any methods in any of the ALC’s assemblies are executing, the unload will be deferred until those methods finish.

The actual unload takes place during garbage collection; it will not take place if anything from outside the ALC has any (nonweak) reference to anything inside the ALC (including objects, types, and assemblies). It’s not uncommon for APIs (including those in the .NET Core Framework) to cache objects in static fields or dictionaries—or subscribe to events—and this makes it easy to create references that will prevent an unload, especially if code in the ALC uses APIs outside its ALC in a nontrivial way. Determining the cause of a failed unload is difficult and requires the use of tools such as WinDbg.

The Legacy Loading Methods

If you’re still using .NET Framework (or writing a library that targets .NET Standard, and want to support .NET Framework) you won’t be able to use the AssemblyLoadContext class. Loading is accomplished instead by using the following methods:

public static Assembly LoadFrom (string assemblyFile);
public static Assembly LoadFile (string path);
public static Assembly Load (byte[] rawAssembly);

LoadFile and Load(byte[]) provide isolation, whereas LoadFrom does not.

Resolution is accomplished by handling the application domain’s AssemblyResolve event, which works like the default ALC’s Resolving event.

The Assembly.Load(string) method is also available to trigger resolution and works in a similar way.


LoadFrom loads an assembly from a given path into the default ALC. It’s a bit like calling AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath except for the following:

  • If an assembly with the same simple name is already present in the default ALC, LoadFrom returns that assembly rather than throwing an exception.

  • If an assembly with the same simple name is not already present in the default ALC, and a load takes place, the assembly is given a special LoadFrom status. This status affects the default ALC’s resolution logic, in that should that assembly have any dependencies in the same folder, those dependencies will resolve automatically.


.NET Framework has a Global Assembly Cache (GAC). If the assembly is present in the GAC, the CLR will always load from there instead. This applies to all three loading methods.

LoadFrom’s ability to automatically resolve transitive same-folder dependencies can be convenient—until it loads an assembly that it shouldn’t. Because such scenarios can be difficult to debug, it can be better to use Load(string) or LoadFile and resolve transitive dependencies by handling the application domain’s Assembly​Resolve event. This gives you the power to decide how to resolve each assembly and allows for debugging (by creating a breakpoint inside the event handler).

LoadFile and Load(byte[])

LoadFile and Load(byte[]) load an assembly from a given file path or byte array into a new ALC. Unlike LoadFrom, these methods provide isolation and let you load multiple versions of the same assembly. However, there are two caveats:

  • Calling LoadFile again with the identical path will return the previously loaded assembly.

  • In .NET Framework, both methods first check the GAC and load from there instead if the assembly is present.

With LoadFile and Load(byte[]), you end up with a separate ALC per assembly (caveats aside). This enables isolation, although it can make it more awkward to manage.

To resolve dependencies, you handle the AppDomain’s Resolving event, which fires on all ALCs:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) =>
  string fullAssemblyName = args.Name;
  // return an Assembly object or null

The args variable also includes a property called RequestingAssembly, which tells you which assembly triggered the resolution.

After locating the assembly, you can then call Assembly.LoadFile to load it.


You can enumerate all of the assemblies that have been loaded into the current application domain with AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(). This works in .NET Core, too, where it’s equivalent to the following:

AssemblyLoadContext.All.SelectMany (a => a.Assemblies)

Writing a Plug-In System

To fully demonstrate the concepts that we’ve covered in this section, let’s write a plug-in system that uses unloadable ALCs to isolate each plug-in.

Our demo system will initially comprise three .NET Core projects:

Plugin.Common (library)
Defines an interface that plug-ins will implement
Capitalizer (library)
A plug-in that capitalizes text
Plugin.Host (Console application)
Locates and invokes plug-ins

Let’s assume that the projects reside in the following directories:


All projects will reference the Plugin.Common library, and there will be no other interproject references.


If Plugin.Host were to reference Capitalizer, we wouldn’t be writing a plug-in system; the central idea is that the plug-ins are written by third parties after Plugin.Host and Plugin.Common have been published.

If you’re using Visual Studio, it can be convenient to put all three projects into a single solution for the sake of this demo. If you do so, right-click the Plugin.Host project, choose Build Dependencies > Project Dependencies, and then tick the Capitalizer project. This forces Capitalizer to build when you run the Plugin.Host project, without adding a reference.


Let’s begin with Plugin.Common. Our plug-ins will perform a very simple task, which is to transform a string. Here’s how we’ll define the interface:

namespace Plugin.Common
  public interface ITextPlugin
    string TransformText (string input);

That’s all there is to Plugin.Common.

Capitalizer (plug-in)

Our Capitalizer plug-in will reference Plugin.Common and contain a single class. For now, we’ll keep the logic simple, so that the plug-in has no extra dependencies:

public class CapitalizerPlugin : Plugin.Common.ITextPlugin
  public string TransformText (string input) => input.ToUpper();

If you build both projects and look in Capitalizer’s output folder, you’ll see the following two assemblies:

Capitalizer.dll      // Our plug-in assembly
Plugin.Common.dll    // Referenced assembly


Plugin.Host is a Console application with two classes. The first class is a custom ALC to load the plug-ins:

class PluginLoadContext : AssemblyLoadContext
  AssemblyDependencyResolver _resolver;

  public PluginLoadContext (string pluginPath, bool collectible)
    // Give it a friendly name to help with debugging:
    : base (name: Path.GetFileName (pluginPath), collectible)
    // Create a resolver to help us find dependencies.
    _resolver = new AssemblyDependencyResolver (pluginPath);

  protected override Assembly Load (AssemblyName assemblyName)
    // See below
    if (assemblyName.Name == typeof (ITextPlugin).Assembly.GetName().Name)
      return null;

    string target = _resolver.ResolveAssemblyToPath (assemblyName);

    if (target != null)
      return LoadFromAssemblyPath (target);

    // Could be a framework assembly. Allow the default context to resolve.
    return null;

  protected override IntPtr LoadUnmanagedDll (string unmanagedDllName)
    string path = _resolver.ResolveUnmanagedDllToPath (unmanagedDllName);

    return path == null
      ? IntPtr.Zero
      : LoadUnmanagedDllFromPath (path);

In the constructor, we pass in the path to the main plug-in assembly as well as a flag to indicate whether we’d like the ALC to be collectible (so that it can be unloaded).

The Load method is where we handle dependency resolution. All plug-ins must reference Plugin.Common so that they can implement ITextPlugin. This means that the Load method will fire at some point to resolve Plugin.Common. We need to be careful because the plug-in’s output folder is likely to contain not only Capitalizer.dll, but also its own copy of Plugin.Common.dll. If we were to load this copy of Plugin.Common.dll into the PluginLoadContext, we’d end up with two copies of the assembly: one in the host’s default context, and one in the plug-in’s PluginLoad​Context. The assemblies would be incompatible, and the host would complain that the plug-in does not implement ITextPlugin!

To solve this, we check explicitly for this condition:

    if (assemblyName.Name == typeof (ITextPlugin).Assembly.GetName().Name)
      return null;

Returning null allows the host’s default ALC to instead resolve the assembly.


Instead of returning null, we could return typeof(IText​Plugin).Assembly, and it would also work correctly. How can we be certain that ITextPlugin will resolve on the host’s ALC and not on our PluginLoadContext? Remember that our PluginLoadContext class is defined in the Plugin.Host assembly. Therefore, any types that you statically reference from this class will trigger an assembly resolution on the ALC into which its assembly, Plugin.Host, was loaded.

After checking for the common assembly, we use AssemblyDependencyResolver to locate any private dependencies that the plug-in might have. (Right now, there will be none.)

Notice that we also override the LoadUnamangedDll method. This ensures that if the plug-in has any unmanaged dependencies, these will load correctly, too.

The second class to write in Plugin.Host is the main program itself. For simplicity, let’s hardcode the path to our Capitalizer plug-in (in real life, you might discover the paths of plug-ins by looking for DLLs in known locations, or reading from a configuration file):

class Program
  const bool UseCollectibleContexts = true;

  static void Main()
    const string captializer = @"C:sourcePluginDemo"
      + @"CapitalizerinDebug

    Console.WriteLine (TransformText ("big apple", captializer));

  static string TransformText (string text, string pluginPath)
    var alc = new PluginLoadContext (pluginPath, UseCollectibleContexts);
      Assembly assem = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath (pluginPath);

      // Locate the type in the assembly that implements ITextPlugin:
      Type pluginType = assem.ExportedTypes.Single (t =>
                        typeof (ITextPlugin).IsAssignableFrom (t));

      // Instantiate the ITextPlugin implementation:
      var plugin = (ITextPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance (pluginType);

      // Call the TransformText method:
      return plugin.TransformText (text);
      if (UseCollectibleContexts) alc.Unload();    // unload the ALC

Let’s look at the TransformText method. We first instantiate a new ALC for our plug-in and then ask it to load the main plug-in assembly. Next, we use Reflection to locate the type that implements ITextPlugin (we cover this in detail in Chapter 19). Then, we instantiate the plug-in, call the TransformText method, and unload the ALC.


If you needed to call the TransformText method repeatedly, a better approach would be to cache the ALC rather than unloading it after each call.

Here’s the output:


Adding dependencies

Our code is fully capable of resolving and isolating dependencies. To illustrate, let’s first add a NuGet reference to Humanizer.Core, version 2.6.2. You can do this via the Visual Studio UI, or by adding the following element to the Capitalizer.csproj file:

    <PackageReference Include="Humanizer.Core" Version="2.6.2" />

Now, modify CapitalizerPlugin as follows:

using Humanizer;
namespace Capitalizer
  public class CapitalizerPlugin : Plugin.Common.ITextPlugin
    public string TransformText (string input) => input.Pascalize();

If you rerun the program, the output will now be this:


Next, we create another plug-in called Pluralizer. Create a new .NET Core library project, and add a NuGet reference to Humanizer.Core, version 2.7.9:

    <PackageReference Include="Humanizer.Core" Version="2.7.9" />

Now, add a class called PluralizerPlugin. This will be similar to Capitalizer​PlugIn, but we call the Pluralize method instead:

using Humanizer;
namespace Pluralizer
  public class PluralizerPlugin : Plugin.Common.ITextPlugin
    public string TransformText (string input) => input.Pluralize();

Finally, we need to add code to the Plugin.Host’s Main method to load and run the Pluralizer plug-in:

  static void Main()
    const string captializer = @"C:sourcePluginDemo"
      + @"CapitalizerinDebug

    Console.WriteLine (TransformText ("big apple", captializer));

    const string pluralizer = @"C:sourcePluginDemo"
      + @"PluralizerinDebug

    Console.WriteLine (TransformText ("big apple", pluralizer));

The output will now be like this:

big apples

To fully see what’s going on, change the UseCollectibleContexts constant to false and add the following code to the Main method to enumerate the ALCs and their assemblies:

foreach (var context in AssemblyLoadContext.All)
  Console.WriteLine ($"Context: {context.GetType().Name} {context.Name}");

  foreach (var assembly in context.Assemblies)
      Console.WriteLine ($"  Assembly: {assembly.FullName}");

In the output, you can see two different versions of Humanizer, each loaded into its own ALC:

Context: PluginLoadContext Capitalizer.dll
  Assembly: Capitalizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...
  Assembly: Humanizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...
Context: PluginLoadContext Pluralizer.dll
  Assembly: Pluralizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...
  Assembly: Humanizer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...
Context: DefaultAssemblyLoadContext Default
  Assembly: System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral,...
  Assembly: Host, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Even if both plug-ins were to use the same version of Humanizer, the isolation of separate assemblies can still be beneficial because each will have its own static variables.

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