Chapter 19. Reflection and Metadata

As we saw in the previous chapter, a C# program compiles into an assembly that includes metadata, compiled code, and resources. Inspecting the metadata and compiled code at runtime is called reflection.

The compiled code in an assembly contains almost all of the content of the original source code. Some information is lost, such as local variable names, comments, and preprocessor directives. However, reflection can access pretty much everything else, even making it possible to write a decompiler.

Many of the services available in .NET and exposed via C# (such as dynamic binding, serialization, data binding, and Remoting) depend on the presence of metadata. Your own programs can also take advantage of this metadata and even extend it with new information using custom attributes. The System.Reflection namespace houses the reflection API. It is also possible at runtime to dynamically create new metadata and executable instructions in IL (Intermediate Language) via the classes in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.

The examples in this chapter assume that you import the System and System.Reflection, as well as System.Reflection.Emit, namespaces.


When we use the term “dynamically” in this chapter, we mean using reflection to perform some task whose type safety is enforced only at runtime. This is similar in principle to dynamic binding via C#’s dynamic keyword, although the mechanism and functionality is different.

To compare the two, dynamic binding is much easier to use and leverages the DLR for dynamic language interoperability. Reflection is relatively clumsy to use, is concerned with the CLR only—but is more flexible in terms of what you can do with the CLR. For instance, reflection lets you obtain lists of types and members, instantiate an object whose name comes from a string, and build assemblies on the fly.

Reflecting and Activating Types

In this section, we examine how to obtain a Type, inspect its metadata, and use it to dynamically instantiate an object.

Obtaining a Type

An instance of System.Type represents the metadata for a type. Since Type is widely used, it lives in the System namespace rather than the System.Reflection namespace.

You can get an instance of a System.Type by calling GetType on any object or with C#’s typeof operator:

Type t1 = DateTime.Now.GetType();     // Type obtained at runtime
Type t2 = typeof (DateTime);          // Type obtained at compile time

You can use typeof to obtain array types and generic types as follows:

Type t3 = typeof (DateTime[]);          // 1-d Array type
Type t4 = typeof (DateTime[,]);         // 2-d Array type
Type t5 = typeof (Dictionary<int,int>); // Closed generic type
Type t6 = typeof (Dictionary<,>);       // Unbound generic type

You can also retrieve a Type by name. If you have a reference to its Assembly, call Assembly.GetType (we describe this further in the section “Reflecting Assemblies” later in this chapter):

Type t = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType ("Demos.TestProgram");

If you don’t have an Assembly object, you can obtain a type through its assembly qualified name (the type’s full name followed by the assembly’s fully qualified name). The assembly implicitly loads as if you called Assembly.Load(string):

Type t = Type.GetType ("System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, " +
                       "Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");

Once you have a System.Type object, you can use its properties to access the type’s name, assembly, base type, visibility, and so on. For example:

Type stringType = typeof (string);
string name     = stringType.Name;          // String
Type baseType   = stringType.BaseType;      // typeof(Object)
Assembly assem  = stringType.Assembly;      // mscorlib.dll
bool isPublic   = stringType.IsPublic;      // true

A System.Type instance is a window into the entire metadata for the type—and the assembly in which it’s defined.


System.Type is abstract, so the typeof operator must actually give you a subclass of Type. The subclass that the CLR uses is internal to mscorlib and is called RuntimeType.

TypeInfo and Windows Store applications

The Windows Store profile hides most of Type’s members and exposes them on a class called TypeInfo instead, which you obtain by calling GetTypeInfo. So to get our previous example to run in a Windows Store application, you do this:

Type stringType = typeof(string);
string name = stringType.Name;
Type baseType = stringType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;
Assembly assem = stringType.GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
bool isPublic = stringType.GetTypeInfo().IsPublic;

Many of the code listings in this chapter will require this modification in order to work in Windows Store applications. So if an example won’t compile for lack of a member, add .GetTypeInfo() to the Type expression.

TypeInfo also exists in the full .NET Framework, so code that works in Windows Store apps also works in desktop apps that target Framework 4.5 or later. TypeInfo also includes additional properties and methods for reflecting over members.

Windows Store applications are restricted in what they can do with regarding reflection. Specifically, they cannot access nonpublic members of types, and they cannot use Reflection.Emit.

Obtaining array types

As we just saw, typeof and GetType work with array types. You can also obtain an array type by calling MakeArrayType on the element type:

Type simpleArrayType = typeof (int).MakeArrayType();
Console.WriteLine (simpleArrayType == typeof (int[]));     // True

MakeArrayType can be passed an integer argument to make multidimensional rectangular arrays:

Type cubeType = typeof (int).MakeArrayType (3);       // cube shaped
Console.WriteLine (cubeType == typeof (int[,,]));     // True

GetElementType does the reverse: it retrieves an array type’s element type:

Type e = typeof (int[]).GetElementType();     // e == typeof (int)

GetArrayRank returns the number of dimensions of a rectangular array:

int rank = typeof (int[,,]).GetArrayRank();   // 3

Obtaining nested types

To retrieve nested types, call GetNestedTypes on the containing type. For example:

foreach (Type t in typeof (System.Environment).GetNestedTypes())
  Console.WriteLine (t.FullName);

OUTPUT: System.Environment+SpecialFolder

Or, in Window Store:

foreach (TypeInfo t in typeof (System.Environment).GetTypeInfo()
  Debug.WriteLine (t.FullName);

The one caveat with nested types is that the CLR treats a nested type as having special “nested” accessibility levels. For example:

Type t = typeof (System.Environment.SpecialFolder);
Console.WriteLine (t.IsPublic);                      // False
Console.WriteLine (t.IsNestedPublic);                // True

Type Names

A type has Namespace, Name, and FullName properties. In most cases, FullName is a composition of the former two:

Type t = typeof (System.Text.StringBuilder);

Console.WriteLine (t.Namespace);      // System.Text
Console.WriteLine (t.Name);           // StringBuilder
Console.WriteLine (t.FullName);       // System.Text.StringBuilder

There are two exceptions to this rule: nested types and closed generic types.


Type also has a property called AssemblyQualifiedName, which returns FullName followed by a comma and then the full name of its assembly. This is the same string that you can pass to Type.GetType, and it uniquely identifies a type within the default loading context.

Nested type names

With nested types, the containing type appears only in FullName:

Type t = typeof (System.Environment.SpecialFolder);

Console.WriteLine (t.Namespace);      // System
Console.WriteLine (t.Name);           // SpecialFolder
Console.WriteLine (t.FullName);       // System.Environment+SpecialFolder

The + symbol differentiates the containing type from a nested namespace.

Generic type names

Generic type names are suffixed with the ' symbol, followed by the number of type parameters. If the generic type is unbound, this rule applies to both Name and FullName:

Type t = typeof (Dictionary<,>); // Unbound
Console.WriteLine (t.Name);      // Dictionary'2
Console.WriteLine (t.FullName);  // System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'2

If the generic type is closed, however, FullName (only) acquires a substantial extra appendage. Each type parameter’s full assembly qualified name is enumerated:

Console.WriteLine (typeof (Dictionary<int,string>).FullName);

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'2[[System.Int32, mscorlib,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],
[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,

This ensures that AssemblyQualifiedName (a combination of the type’s full name and assembly name) contains enough information to fully identify both the generic type and its type parameters.

Array and pointer type names

Arrays present with the same suffix that you use in a typeof expression:

Console.WriteLine (typeof ( int[]  ).Name);      // Int32[]
Console.WriteLine (typeof ( int[,] ).Name);      // Int32[,]
Console.WriteLine (typeof ( int[,] ).FullName);  // System.Int32[,]

Pointer types are similar:

Console.WriteLine (typeof (byte*).Name);     // Byte*

ref and out parameter type names

A Type describing a ref or out parameter has an & suffix:

Type t = typeof (bool).GetMethod ("TryParse").GetParameters()[1]
Console.WriteLine (t.Name);    // Boolean&

More on this later, in the section “Reflecting and Invoking Members”.

Base Types and Interfaces

Type exposes a BaseType property:

Type base1 = typeof (System.String).BaseType;
Type base2 = typeof (System.IO.FileStream).BaseType;

Console.WriteLine (base1.Name);     // Object
Console.WriteLine (base2.Name);     // Stream

The GetInterfaces method returns the interfaces that a type implements:

foreach (Type iType in typeof (Guid).GetInterfaces())
  Console.WriteLine (iType.Name);


Reflection provides two dynamic equivalents to C#’s static is operator:

Accepts a type and instance
Accepts two types

Here’s an example of the first:

object obj  = Guid.NewGuid();
Type target = typeof (IFormattable);

bool isTrue   = obj is IFormattable;             // Static C# operator
bool alsoTrue = target.IsInstanceOfType (obj);   // Dynamic equivalent

IsAssignableFrom is more versatile:

Type target = typeof (IComparable), source = typeof (string);
Console.WriteLine (target.IsAssignableFrom (source));         // True

The IsSubclassOf method works on the same principle as IsAssignableFrom but excludes interfaces.

Instantiating Types

There are two ways to dynamically instantiate an object from its type:

  • Call the static Activator.CreateInstance method.

  • Call Invoke on a ConstructorInfo object obtained from calling GetConstructor on a Type (advanced scenarios).

Activator.CreateInstance accepts a Type and optional arguments that get passed to the constructor:

int i = (int) Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (int));

DateTime dt = (DateTime) Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (DateTime),
                                                   2000, 1, 1);

CreateInstance lets you specify many other options, such as the assembly from which to load the type, the target application domain, and whether to bind to a nonpublic constructor. A MissingMethodException is thrown if the runtime can’t find a suitable constructor.

Calling Invoke on a ConstructorInfo is necessary when your argument values can’t disambiguate between overloaded constructors. For example, suppose class X has two constructors: one accepting a parameter of type string, and another accepting a parameter of type StringBuilder. The target is ambiguous should you pass a null argument into Activator.CreateInstance. This is when you need to use a ConstructorInfo instead:

// Fetch the constructor that accepts a single parameter of type string:
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (X).GetConstructor (new[] { typeof (string) });

// Construct the object using that overload, passing in null:
object foo = ci.Invoke (new object[] { null });

Or, in Windows Store applications:

ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (X).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors
  .FirstOrDefault (c =>
     c.GetParameters().Length == 1 &&
     c.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof (string));

To obtain a nonpublic constructor, you need to specify BindingFlags—see “Accessing Nonpublic Members” in the later section “Reflecting and Invoking Members”.


Dynamic instantiation adds a few microseconds onto the time taken to construct the object. This is quite a lot in relative terms because the CLR is ordinarily very fast in instantiating objects (a simple new on a small class takes in the region of tens of nanoseconds).

To dynamically instantiate arrays based on just element type, first call MakeArrayType. You can also instantiate generic types: we describe this in the following section.

To dynamically instantiate a delegate, call Delegate.CreateDelegate. The following example demonstrates instantiating both an instance delegate and a static delegate:

class Program
  delegate int IntFunc (int x);

  static int Square (int x) { return x * x; }       // Static method
  int        Cube   (int x) { return x * x * x; }   // Instance method

  static void Main()
    Delegate staticD = Delegate.CreateDelegate
      (typeof (IntFunc), typeof (Program), "Square");

    Delegate instanceD = Delegate.CreateDelegate
      (typeof (IntFunc), new Program(), "Cube");

    Console.WriteLine (staticD.DynamicInvoke (3));      // 9
    Console.WriteLine (instanceD.DynamicInvoke (3));    // 27

You can invoke the Delegate object that’s returned by calling DynamicInvoke, as we did in this example, or by casting to the typed delegate:

IntFunc f = (IntFunc) staticD;
Console.WriteLine (f(3));         // 9 (but much faster!)

You can pass a MethodInfo into CreateDelegate instead of a method name. We describe MethodInfo shortly, in the section “Reflecting and Invoking Members”, along with the rationale for casting a dynamically created delegate back to the static delegate type.

Generic Types

A Type can represent a closed or unbound generic type. Just as at compile time, a closed generic type can be instantiated whereas an unbound type cannot:

Type closed = typeof (List<int>);
List<int> list = (List<int>) Activator.CreateInstance (closed);  // OK

Type unbound   = typeof (List<>);
object anError = Activator.CreateInstance (unbound);    // Runtime error

The MakeGenericType method converts an unbound into a closed generic type. Simply pass in the desired type arguments:

Type unbound = typeof (List<>);
Type closed = unbound.MakeGenericType (typeof (int));

The GetGenericTypeDefinition method does the opposite:

Type unbound2 = closed.GetGenericTypeDefinition();  // unbound == unbound2

The IsGenericType property returns true if a Type is generic, and the IsGenericTypeDefinition property returns true if the generic type is unbound. The following tests whether a type is a nullable value type:

Type nullable = typeof (bool?);
Console.WriteLine (
  nullable.IsGenericType &&
  nullable.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (Nullable<>));   // True

GetGenericArguments returns the type arguments for closed generic types:

Console.WriteLine (closed.GetGenericArguments()[0]);     // System.Int32
Console.WriteLine (nullable.GetGenericArguments()[0]);   // System.Boolean

For unbound generic types, GetGenericArguments returns pseudotypes that represent the placeholder types specified in the generic type definition:

Console.WriteLine (unbound.GetGenericArguments()[0]);      // T

At runtime, all generic types are either unbound or closed. They’re unbound in the (relatively unusual) case of an expression such as typeof(Foo<>); otherwise, they’re closed. There’s no such thing as an open generic type at runtime: all open types are closed by the compiler. The method in the following class always prints False:

class Foo<T>
  public void Test()
    Console.Write (GetType().IsGenericTypeDefinition);

Reflecting and Invoking Members

The GetMembers method returns the members of a type. Consider the following class:

class Walnut
  private bool cracked;
  public void Crack() { cracked = true; }

We can reflect on its public members as follows:

MemberInfo[] members = typeof (Walnut).GetMembers();
foreach (MemberInfo m in members)
  Console.WriteLine (m);

This is the result:

Void Crack()
System.Type GetType()
System.String ToString()
Boolean Equals(System.Object)
Int32 GetHashCode()
Void .ctor()

When called with no arguments, GetMembers returns all the public members for a type (and its base types). GetMember retrieves a specific member by name—although it still returns an array because members can be overloaded:

MemberInfo[] m = typeof (Walnut).GetMember ("Crack");
Console.WriteLine (m[0]);                              // Void Crack()

MemberInfo also has a property called MemberType of type MemberTypes. This is a flags enum with these values:

All           Custom        Field        NestedType     TypeInfo
Constructor   Event         Method       Property

When calling GetMembers, you can pass in a MemberTypes instance to restrict the kinds of members that it returns. Alternatively, you can restrict the result set by calling GetMethods, GetFields, GetProperties, GetEvents, GetConstructors, or GetNestedTypes. There are also singular versions of each of these to hone in on a specific member.


It pays to be as specific as possible when retrieving a type member, so your code doesn’t break if additional members are added later. If retrieving a method by name, specifying all parameter types ensures your code will still work if the method is later overloaded (we provide examples shortly, in the section “Method Parameters”).

A MemberInfo object has a Name property and two Type properties:

Returns the Type that defines the member
Returns the Type upon which GetMembers was called

The two differ when called on a member that’s defined in a base type: DeclaringType returns the base type whereas ReflectedType returns the subtype. The following example highlights this:

class Program
  static void Main()
    // MethodInfo is a subclass of MemberInfo; see Figure 19-1.

    MethodInfo test = typeof (Program).GetMethod ("ToString");
    MethodInfo obj  = typeof (object) .GetMethod ("ToString");

    Console.WriteLine (test.DeclaringType);      // System.Object
    Console.WriteLine (obj.DeclaringType);       // System.Object

    Console.WriteLine (test.ReflectedType);      // Program
    Console.WriteLine (obj.ReflectedType);       // System.Object

    Console.WriteLine (test == obj);             // False

Because they have different ReflectedTypes, the test and obj objects are not equal. Their difference, however, is purely a fabrication of the reflection API; our Program type has no distinct ToString method in the underlying type system. We can verify that the two MethodInfo objects refer to the same method in either of two ways:

Console.WriteLine (test.MethodHandle == obj.MethodHandle);    // True

Console.WriteLine (test.MetadataToken == obj.MetadataToken    // True
                   && test.Module == obj.Module);

A MethodHandle is unique to each (genuinely distinct) method within an application domain; a MetadataToken is unique across all types and members within an assembly module.

MemberInfo also defines methods to return custom attributes (see the section “Retrieving Attributes at Runtime” later in this chapter).


You can obtain the MethodBase of the currently executing method by calling MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.

Member Types

MemberInfo itself is light on members because it’s an abstract base for the types shown in Figure 19-1.

Member types
Figure 19-1. Member types

You can cast a MemberInfo to its subtype—based on its MemberType property. If you obtained a member via GetMethod, GetField, GetProperty, GetEvent, GetConstructor, or GetNestedType (or their plural versions), a cast isn’t necessary. Table 19-1 summarizes what methods to use for each kind of C# construct.

Table 19-1. Retrieving member metadata
C# construct Method to use Name to use Result
Method GetMethod (Method name) MethodInfo
Property GetProperty (Property name) PropertyInfo
Indexer GetDefaultMembers   MemberInfo[] (containing PropertyInfo objects if compiled in C#)
Field GetField (Field name) FieldInfo
Enum member GetField (Member name) FieldInfo
Event GetEvent (Event name) EventInfo
Constructor GetConstructor   ConstructorInfo
Finalizer GetMethod "Finalize" MethodInfo
Operator GetMethod "op_" + operator name MethodInfo
Nested type GetNestedType (Type name) Type

Each MemberInfo subclass has a wealth of properties and methods, exposing all aspects of the member’s metadata. This includes such things as visibility, modifiers, generic type arguments, parameters, return type, and custom attributes.

Here is an example of using GetMethod:

MethodInfo m = typeof (Walnut).GetMethod ("Crack");
Console.WriteLine (m);                             // Void Crack()
Console.WriteLine (m.ReturnType);                  // System.Void

All *Info instances are cached by the reflection API on first use:

MethodInfo method = typeof (Walnut).GetMethod ("Crack");
MemberInfo member = typeof (Walnut).GetMember ("Crack") [0];

Console.Write (method == member);       // True

As well as preserving object identity, caching improves the performance of what is otherwise a fairly slow API.

C# Members Versus CLR Members

The preceding table illustrates that some of C#’s functional constructs don’t have a 1:1 mapping with CLR constructs. This makes sense because the CLR and reflection API were designed with all .NET languages in mind—you can use reflection even from Visual Basic.

Some C# constructs—namely indexers, enums, operators, and finalizers—are contrivances as far as the CLR is concerned. Specifically:

  • A C# indexer translates to a property accepting one or more arguments, marked as the type’s [DefaultMember].

  • A C# enum translates to a subtype of System.Enum with a static field for each member.

  • A C# operator translates to a specially named static method, starting in “op_”; for example, "op_Addition".

  • A C# finalizer translates to a method that overrides Finalize.

Another complication is that properties and events actually comprise two things:

  • Metadata describing the property or event (encapsulated by PropertyInfo or EventInfo)

  • One or two backing methods

In a C# program, the backing methods are encapsulated within the property or event definition. But when compiled to IL, the backing methods present as ordinary methods that you can call like any other. This means GetMethods returns property and event backing methods alongside ordinary methods. To illustrate:

class Test { public int X { get { return 0; } set {} } }

void Demo()
  foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof (Test).GetMethods())
    Console.Write (mi.Name + "  ");

get_X  set_X  GetType  ToString  Equals  GetHashCode

You can identify these methods through the IsSpecialName property in MethodInfo. IsSpecialName returns true for property, indexer, and event accessors—as well as operators. It returns false only for conventional C# methods—and the Finalize method if a finalizer is defined.

Here are the backing methods that C# generates:

C# construct Member type Methods in IL
Property Property get_XXX and set_XXX
Indexer Property get_Item and set_Item
Event Event add_XXX and remove_XXX

Each backing method has its own associated MethodInfo object. You can access these as follows:

PropertyInfo pi = typeof (Console).GetProperty ("Title");
MethodInfo getter = pi.GetGetMethod();                   // get_Title
MethodInfo setter = pi.GetSetMethod();                   // set_Title
MethodInfo[] both = pi.GetAccessors();                   // Length==2

GetAddMethod and GetRemoveMethod perform a similar job for EventInfo.

To go in the reverse direction—from a MethodInfo to its associated PropertyInfo or EventInfo—you need to perform a query. LINQ is ideal for this job:

PropertyInfo p = mi.DeclaringType.GetProperties()
                   .First (x => x.GetAccessors (true).Contains (mi));

Generic Type Members

You can obtain member metadata for both unbound and closed generic types:

PropertyInfo unbound = typeof (IEnumerator<>)  .GetProperty ("Current");
PropertyInfo closed = typeof (IEnumerator<int>).GetProperty ("Current");

Console.WriteLine (unbound);   // T Current
Console.WriteLine (closed);    // Int32 Current

Console.WriteLine (unbound.PropertyType.IsGenericParameter);  // True
Console.WriteLine (closed.PropertyType.IsGenericParameter);   // False

The MemberInfo objects returned from unbound and closed generic types are always distinct—even for members whose signatures don’t feature generic type parameters:

PropertyInfo unbound = typeof (List<>)  .GetProperty ("Count");
PropertyInfo closed = typeof (List<int>).GetProperty ("Count");

Console.WriteLine (unbound);   // Int32 Count
Console.WriteLine (closed);    // Int32 Count

Console.WriteLine (unbound == closed);   // False

Console.WriteLine (unbound.DeclaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition); // True
Console.WriteLine (closed.DeclaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition); // False

Members of unbound generic types cannot be dynamically invoked.

Dynamically Invoking a Member

Once you have a MethodInfo, PropertyInfo or FieldInfo object, you can dynamically call it or get/set its value. This is called dynamic binding or late binding, because you choose which member to invoke at runtime rather than compile time.

To illustrate, the following uses ordinary static binding:

string s = "Hello";
int length = s.Length;

Here’s the same thing performed dynamically with reflection:

object s = "Hello";
PropertyInfo prop = s.GetType().GetProperty ("Length");
int length = (int) prop.GetValue (s, null);               // 5

GetValue and SetValue get and set the value of a PropertyInfo or FieldInfo. The first argument is the instance, which can be null for a static member. Accessing an indexer is just like accessing a property called “Item,” except that you provide indexer values as the second argument when calling GetValue or SetValue.

To dynamically call a method, call Invoke on a MethodInfo, providing an array of arguments to pass to that method. If you get any of the argument types wrong, an exception is thrown at runtime. With dynamic invocation, you lose compile-time type safety but still have runtime type safety (just as with the dynamic keyword).

Method Parameters

Suppose we want to dynamically call string’s Substring method. Statically, this would be done as follows:

Console.WriteLine ("stamp".Substring(2));                  // "amp"

Here’s the dynamic equivalent with reflection:

Type type = typeof (string);
Type[] parameterTypes = { typeof (int) };
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("Substring", parameterTypes);

object[] arguments = { 2 };
object returnValue = method.Invoke ("stamp", arguments);
Console.WriteLine (returnValue);                           // "amp"

Because the Substring method is overloaded, we had to pass an array of parameter types to GetMethod to indicate which version we wanted. Without the parameter types, GetMethod would throw an AmbiguousMatchException.

The GetParameters method, defined on MethodBase (the base class for MethodInfo and ConstructorInfo), returns parameter metadata. We can continue our previous example as follows:

ParameterInfo[] paramList = method.GetParameters();
foreach (ParameterInfo x in paramList)
  Console.WriteLine (x.Name);                 // startIndex
  Console.WriteLine (x.ParameterType);        // System.Int32

Dealing with ref and out parameters

To pass ref or out parameters, call MakeByRefType on the type before obtaining the method. For instance, this code:

int x;
bool successfulParse = int.TryParse ("23", out x);

can be dynamically executed as follows:

object[] args = { "23", 0 };
Type[] argTypes = { typeof (string), typeof (int).MakeByRefType() };
MethodInfo tryParse = typeof (int).GetMethod ("TryParse", argTypes);
bool successfulParse = (bool) tryParse.Invoke (null, args);

Console.WriteLine (successfulParse + " " + args[1]);       // True 23

This same approach works for both ref and out parameter types.

Retrieving and invoking generic methods

Explicitly specifying parameter types when calling GetMethod can be essential in disambiguating overloaded methods. However, it’s impossible to specify generic parameter types. For instance, consider the System.Linq.Enumerable class, which overloads the Where method as follows:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>
 (this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate);

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>
 (this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, int, bool> predicate);

To retrieve a specific overload, we must retrieve all methods and then manually find the desired overload. The following query retrieves the former overload of Where:

from m in typeof (Enumerable).GetMethods()
where m.Name == "Where" && m.IsGenericMethod
let parameters = m.GetParameters()
where parameters.Length == 2
let genArg = m.GetGenericArguments().First()
let enumerableOfT = typeof (IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType (genArg)
let funcOfTBool = typeof (Func<,>).MakeGenericType (genArg, typeof (bool))
where parameters[0].ParameterType == enumerableOfT
   && parameters[1].ParameterType == funcOfTBool
select m

Calling .Single() on this query gives the correct MethodInfo object with unbound type parameters. The next step is to close the type parameters by calling MakeGenericMethod:

var closedMethod = unboundMethod.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int));

In this case, we’ve closed TSource with int, allowing us to call Enumerable.Where with a source of type IEnumerable<int>, and a predicate of type Func<int,bool>:

int[] source = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
Func<int, bool> predicate = n => n % 2 == 1;   // Odd numbers only

We can now invoke the closed generic method as follows:

var query = (IEnumerable<int>) closedMethod.Invoke
  (null, new object[] { source, predicate });

foreach (int element in query) Console.Write (element + "|");  // 3|5|7|

If you’re using the System.Linq.Expressions API to dynamically build expressions (Chapter 8), you don’t need to go to this trouble to specify a generic method. The Expression.Call method is overloaded to let you specify the closed type arguments of the method you wish to call:

int[] source = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
Func<int, bool> predicate = n => n % 2 == 1;

var sourceExpr = Expression.Constant (source);
var predicateExpr = Expression.Constant (predicate);

var callExpression = Expression.Call (
  typeof (Enumerable), "Where",
  new[] { typeof (int) },  // Closed generic arg type.
  sourceExpr, predicateExpr);

Using Delegates for Performance

Dynamic invocations are relatively inefficient, with an overhead typically in the few-microseconds region. If you’re calling a method repeatedly in a loop, you can shift the per-call overhead into the nanoseconds region by instead calling a dynamically instantiated delegate that targets your dynamic method. In the following example, we dynamically call string’s Trim method a million times without significant overhead:

delegate string StringToString (string s);

static void Main()
  MethodInfo trimMethod = typeof (string).GetMethod ("Trim", new Type[0]);
  var trim = (StringToString) Delegate.CreateDelegate
                                    (typeof (StringToString), trimMethod);
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
    trim ("test");

This is faster because the costly dynamic binding (shown in bold) happens just once.

Accessing Nonpublic Members

All of the methods on types used to probe metadata (e.g., GetProperty, GetField, etc.) have overloads that take a BindingFlags enum. This enum serves as a metadata filter and allows you to change the default selection criteria. The most common use for this is to retrieve nonpublic members (this works only in desktop apps).

For instance, consider the following class:

class Walnut
  private bool cracked;
  public void Crack() { cracked = true; }

  public override string ToString() { return cracked.ToString(); }

We can uncrack the walnut as follows:

Type t = typeof (Walnut);
Walnut w = new Walnut();
FieldInfo f = t.GetField ("cracked", BindingFlags.NonPublic |
f.SetValue (w, false);
Console.WriteLine (w);         // False

Using reflection to access nonpublic members is powerful, but it is also dangerous, since you can bypass encapsulation, creating an unmanageable dependency on the internal implementation of a type.

The BindingFlags enum

BindingFlags is intended to be bitwise-combined. In order to get any matches at all, you need to start with one of the following four combinations:

BindingFlags.Public    | BindingFlags.Instance
BindingFlags.Public    | BindingFlags.Static
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static

NonPublic includes internal, protected, protected internal, and private.

The following example retrieves all the public static members of type object:

BindingFlags publicStatic = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static;
MemberInfo[] members = typeof (object).GetMembers (publicStatic);

The following example retrieves all the nonpublic members of type object, both static and instance:

BindingFlags nonPublicBinding =
  BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance;

MemberInfo[] members = typeof (object).GetMembers (nonPublicBinding);

The DeclaredOnly flag excludes functions inherited from base types, unless they are overridden.


The DeclaredOnly flag is somewhat confusing in that it restricts the result set (whereas all the other binding flags expand the result set).

Generic Methods

Generic methods cannot be invoked directly; the following throws an exception:

class Program
  public static T Echo<T> (T x) { return x; }

  static void Main()
    MethodInfo echo = typeof (Program).GetMethod ("Echo");
    Console.WriteLine (echo.IsGenericMethodDefinition);    // True
    echo.Invoke (null, new object[] { 123 } );             // Exception

An extra step is required, which is to call MakeGenericMethod on the MethodInfo, specifying concrete generic type arguments. This returns another MethodInfo, which you can then invoke as follows:

MethodInfo echo = typeof (Program).GetMethod ("Echo");
MethodInfo intEcho = echo.MakeGenericMethod (typeof (int));
Console.WriteLine (intEcho.IsGenericMethodDefinition);            // False
Console.WriteLine (intEcho.Invoke (null, new object[] { 3 } ));   // 3

Anonymously Calling Members of a Generic Interface

Reflection is useful when you need to invoke a member of a generic interface and you don’t know the type parameters until runtime. In theory, the need for this arises rarely if types are perfectly designed; of course, types are not always perfectly designed.

For instance, suppose we want to write a more powerful version of ToString that could expand the result of LINQ queries. We could start out as follows:

public static string ToStringEx <T> (IEnumerable<T> sequence)

This is already quite limiting. What if sequence contained nested collections that we also want to enumerate? We’d have to overload the method to cope:

public static string ToStringEx <T> (IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> sequence)

And then what if sequence contained groupings, or projections of nested sequences? The static solution of method overloading becomes impractical—we need an approach that can scale to handle an arbitrary object graph, such as the following:

public static string ToStringEx (object value)
  if (value == null) return "<null>";
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  if (value is List<>)                                            // Error
    sb.Append ("List of " + ((List<>) value).Count + " items");   // Error

  if (value is IGrouping<,>)                                      // Error
    sb.Append ("Group with key=" + ((IGrouping<,>) value).Key);   // Error

  // Enumerate collection elements if this is a collection,
  // recursively calling ToStringEx()
  // ...

  return sb.ToString();

Unfortunately, this won’t compile: you cannot invoke members of an unbound generic type such as List<> or IGrouping<>. In the case of List<>, we can solve the problem by using the nongeneric IList interface instead:

if (value is IList)
  sb.AppendLine ("A list with " + ((IList) value).Count + " items");

We can do this because the designers of List<> had the foresight to implement IList classic (as well as IList generic). The same principle is worthy of consideration when writing your own generic types: having a nongeneric interface or base class upon which consumers can fall back can be extremely valuable.

The solution is not as simple for IGrouping<,>. Here’s how the interface is defined:

public interface IGrouping <TKey,TElement> : IEnumerable <TElement>,
  TKey Key { get; }

There’s no nongeneric type we can use to access the Key property, so here we must use reflection. The solution is not to invoke members of an unbound generic type (which is impossible), but to invoke members of a closed generic type, whose type arguments we establish at runtime.


In the following chapter, we solve this more simply with C#’s dynamic keyword. A good indication for dynamic binding is when you would otherwise have to perform type gymnastics—as we are doing right now.

The first step is to determine whether value implements IGrouping<,>, and if so, obtain its closed generic interface. We can do this most easily with a LINQ query. Then we retrieve and invoke the Key property:

public static string ToStringEx (object value)
  if (value == null) return "<null>";
  if (value.GetType().IsPrimitive) return value.ToString();

  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  if (value is IList)
    sb.Append ("List of " + ((IList)value).Count + " items: ");

  Type closedIGrouping = value.GetType().GetInterfaces()
    .Where (t => t.IsGenericType &&
                 t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (IGrouping<,>))

  if (closedIGrouping != null)   // Call the Key property on IGrouping<,>
    PropertyInfo pi = closedIGrouping.GetProperty ("Key");
    object key = pi.GetValue (value, null);
    sb.Append ("Group with key=" + key + ": ");

  if (value is IEnumerable)
    foreach (object element in ((IEnumerable)value))
      sb.Append (ToStringEx (element) + " ");

  if (sb.Length == 0) sb.Append (value.ToString());

  return "
" + sb.ToString();

This approach is robust: it works whether IGrouping<,> is implemented implicitly or explicitly. The following demonstrates this method:

Console.WriteLine (ToStringEx (new List<int> { 5, 6, 7 } ));
Console.WriteLine (ToStringEx ("xyyzzz".GroupBy (c => c) ));

List of 3 items: 5 6 7

Group with key=x: x
Group with key=y: y y
Group with key=z: z z z

Reflecting Assemblies

You can dynamically reflect an assembly by calling GetType or GetTypes on an Assembly object. The following retrieves from the current assembly, the type called TestProgram in the Demos namespace:

Type t = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType ("Demos.TestProgram");

In a Windows Store app, you can obtain an assembly from an existing type:

typeof (Foo).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetType ("Demos.TestProgram");

The next example lists all the types in the assembly mylib.dll in e:demo:

Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom (@"e:demomylib.dll");

foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
  Console.WriteLine (t);

Or, in a Windows Store app:

Assembly a = typeof (Foo).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

foreach (Type t in a.ExportedTypes)
  Console.WriteLine (t);

GetTypes and ExportedTypes return only top-level and not nested types.

Loading an Assembly into a Reflection-Only Context

In the preceding example, we loaded an assembly into the current application domain in order to list its types. This can have undesirable side effects, such as executing static constructors or upsetting subsequent type resolution. The solution, if you just need to inspect type information (and not instantiate or invoke types), is to load the assembly into a reflection-only context (desktop apps only):

Assembly a = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom (@"e:demomylib.dll");
Console.WriteLine (a.ReflectionOnly);   // True

foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
  Console.WriteLine (t);

This is the starting point for writing a class browser.

There are three methods for loading an assembly into the reflection-only context:

  • ReflectionOnlyLoad (byte[])

  • ReflectionOnlyLoad (string)

  • ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom (string)


Even in a reflection-only context, it is not possible to load multiple versions of mscorlib.dll. A workaround is to use Microsoft’s CCI libraries or Mono.Cecil.


Calling GetTypes on a multimodule assembly returns all types in all modules. As a result, you can ignore the existence of modules and treat an assembly as a type’s container. There is one case, though, where modules are relevant—and that’s when dealing with metadata tokens.

A metadata token is an integer that uniquely refers to a type, member, string, or resource within the scope of a module. IL uses metadata tokens, so if you’re parsing IL, you’ll need to be able to resolve them. The methods for doing this are defined in the Module type and are called ResolveType, ResolveMember, ResolveString, and ResolveSignature. We revisit this in the final section of this chapter, on writing a disassembler.

You can obtain a list of all the modules in an assembly by calling GetModules. You can also access an assembly’s main module directly—via its ManifestModule property.

Working with Attributes

The CLR allows additional metadata to be attached to types, members, and assemblies through attributes. This is the mechanism by which many CLR functions such as serialization and security are directed, making attributes an indivisible part of an application.

A key characteristic of attributes is that you can write your own, and then use them just as you would any other attribute to “decorate” a code element with additional information. This additional information is compiled into the underlying assembly and can be retrieved at runtime using reflection to build services that work declaratively, such as automated unit testing.

Attribute Basics

There are three kinds of attributes:

  • Bit-mapped attributes

  • Custom attributes

  • Pseudocustom attributes

Of these, only custom attributes are extensible.


The term “attribute” by itself can refer to any of the three, although in the C# world, it most often refers to custom attributes or pseudocustom attributes.

Bit-mapped attributes (our terminology) map to dedicated bits in a type’s metadata. Most of C#’s modifier keywords, such as public, abstract, and sealed, compile to bit-mapped attributes. These attributes are very efficient because they consume minimal space in the metadata (usually just one bit), and the CLR can locate them with little or no indirection. The reflection API exposes them via dedicated properties on Type (and other MemberInfo subclasses), such as IsPublic, IsAbstract, and IsSealed. The Attributes property returns a flags enum that describes most of them in one hit:

static void Main()
  TypeAttributes ta = typeof (Console).Attributes;
  MethodAttributes ma = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Attributes;
  Console.WriteLine (ta + "
" + ma);

Here’s the result:

AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, Abstract, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit
PrivateScope, Private, Static, HideBySig

In contrast, custom attributes compile to a blob that hangs off the type’s main metadata table. All custom attributes are represented by a subclass of System.Attribute and, unlike bit-mapped attributes, are extensible. The blob in the metadata identifies the attribute class and also stores the values of any positional or named argument that was specified when the attribute was applied. Custom attributes that you define yourself are architecturally identical to those defined in the .NET Framework.

Chapter 4 describes how to attach custom attributes to a type or member in C#. Here, we attach the predefined Obsolete attribute to the Foo class:

[Obsolete] public class Foo {...}

This instructs the compiler to incorporate an instance of ObsoleteAttribute into the metadata for Foo, which can then be reflected at runtime by calling GetCustomAttributes on a Type or MemberInfo object.

Pseudocustom attributes look and feel just like standard custom attributes. They are represented by a subclass of System.Attribute and are attached in the standard manner:

[Serializable] public class Foo {...}

The difference is that the compiler or CLR internally optimizes pseudocustom attributes by converting them to bit-mapped attributes. Examples include [Serializable] (Chapter 17), StructLayout, In, and Out (Chapter 25). Reflection exposes pseudocustom attributes through dedicated properties such as IsSerializable; and in many cases, they are also returned as System.Attribute objects when you call GetCustomAttributes (SerializableAttribute included). This means you can (almost) ignore the difference between pseudo- and non-pseudocustom attributes (a notable exception is when using Reflection.Emit to generate types dynamically at runtime; see “Emitting Assemblies and Types” later in this chapter).

The AttributeUsage Attribute

AttributeUsage is an attribute applied to attribute classes. It tells the compiler how the target attribute should be used:

public sealed class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute
  public AttributeUsageAttribute (AttributeTargets validOn);

  public bool AllowMultiple        { get; set; }
  public bool Inherited            { get; set; }
  public AttributeTargets ValidOn  { get; }

AllowMultiple controls whether the attribute being defined can be applied more than once to the same target; Inherited controls whether an attribute applied to a base class also applies to derived classes (or in the case of methods, whether an attribute applied to a virtual method also applies to overriding methods). ValidOn determines the set of targets (classes, interfaces, properties, methods, parameters, etc.) to which the attribute can be attached. It accepts any combination of values from the AttributeTargets enum, which has the following members:

All Delegate GenericParameter Parameter
Assembly Enum Interface Property
Class Event Method ReturnValue
Constructor Field Module Struct

To illustrate, here’s how the authors of the .NET Framework have applied AttributeUsage to the Serializable attribute:

[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Delegate |
                 AttributeTargets.Enum     |
                 AttributeTargets.Struct   |
                 AttributeTargets.Class,     Inherited = false)
public sealed class SerializableAttribute : Attribute { }

This is, in fact, almost the complete definition of the Serializable attribute. Writing an attribute class that has no properties or special constructors is this simple.

Defining Your Own Attribute

Here’s how you write your own attribute:

  1. Derive a class from System.Attribute or a descendent of System.Attribute. By convention, the class name should end with the word “Attribute,” although this isn’t required.

  2. Apply the AttributeUsage attribute, described in the preceding section.

    If the attribute requires no properties or arguments in its constructor, the job is done.

  3. Write one or more public constructors. The parameters to the constructor define the positional parameters of the attribute and will become mandatory when using the attribute.

  4. Declare a public field or property for each named parameter you wish to support. Named parameters are optional when using the attribute.


Attribute properties and constructor parameters must be of the following types:

  • A sealed primitive type: in other words, bool, byte, char, double, float, int, long, short, or string

  • The Type type

  • An enum type

  • A one-dimensional array of any of these

When an attribute is applied, it must also be possible for the compiler to statically evaluate each of the properties or constructor arguments.

The following class defines an attribute for assisting an automated unit-testing system. It indicates that a method should be tested, the number of test repetitions, and a message in case of failure:

[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Method)]
public sealed class TestAttribute : Attribute
  public int     Repetitions;
  public string  FailureMessage;

  public TestAttribute () : this (1)     { }
  public TestAttribute (int repetitions) { Repetitions = repetitions; }

Here’s a Foo class with methods decorated in various ways with the Test attribute:

class Foo
  public void Method1() { ... }

  public void Method2() { ... }

  [Test(20, FailureMessage="Debugging Time!")]
  public void Method3() { ... }

Retrieving Attributes at Runtime

There are two standard ways to retrieve attributes at runtime:

  • Call GetCustomAttributes on any Type or MemberInfo object.

  • Call Attribute.GetCustomAttribute or Attribute.GetCustomAttributes.

These latter two methods are overloaded to accept any reflection object that corresponds to a valid attribute target (Type, Assembly, Module, MemberInfo, or ParameterInfo).


From Framework 4.0, you can also call GetCustomAttributesData() on a type or member to obtain attribute information. The difference between this and GetCustomAttributes() is that the former tells you how the attribute was instantiated: it reports the constructor overload that was used, and the value of each constructor argument and named parameter. This is useful when you want to emit code or IL to reconstruct the attribute to the same state (see “Emitting Type Members” later in this chapter).

Here’s how we can enumerate each method in the preceding Foo class that has a TestAttribute:

foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof (Foo).GetMethods())
  TestAttribute att = (TestAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute
    (mi, typeof (TestAttribute));

  if (att != null)
    Console.WriteLine ("Method {0} will be tested; reps={1}; msg={2}",
                        mi.Name, att.Repetitions, att.FailureMessage);

Or, in a Windows Store app:

foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof (Foo).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods)

Here’s the output:

Method Method1 will be tested; reps=1; msg=
Method Method2 will be tested; reps=20; msg=
Method Method3 will be tested; reps=20; msg=Debugging Time!

To complete the illustration on how we could use this to write a unit-testing system, here’s the same example expanded so that it actually calls the methods decorated with the Test attribute:

foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof (Foo).GetMethods())
  TestAttribute att = (TestAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute
    (mi, typeof (TestAttribute));

  if (att != null)
    for (int i = 0; i < att.Repetitions; i++)
        mi.Invoke (new Foo(), null);    // Call method with no arguments
      catch (Exception ex)       // Wrap exception in att.FailureMessage
        throw new Exception ("Error: " + att.FailureMessage, ex);

Returning to attribute reflection, here’s an example that lists the attributes present on a specific type:

[Serializable, Obsolete]
class Test
  static void Main()
    object[] atts = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (Test));
    foreach (object att in atts) Console.WriteLine (att);



Retrieving Attributes in the Reflection-Only Context

Calling GetCustomAttributes on a member loaded in the reflection-only context is prohibited because it would require instantiating arbitrarily typed attributes (remember that object instantiation isn’t allowed in the reflection-only context). To work around this, there’s a special type called CustomAttributeData for reflecting over such attributes. Here’s an example of how it’s used:

IList<CustomAttributeData> atts = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes
foreach (CustomAttributeData att in atts)
  Console.Write (att.GetType());               // Attribute type

  Console.WriteLine (" " + att.Constructor);   // ConstructorInfo object

  foreach (CustomAttributeTypedArgument arg in att.ConstructorArguments)
    Console.WriteLine ("  " +arg.ArgumentType + "=" + arg.Value);

  foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgument arg in att.NamedArguments)
    Console.WriteLine ("  " + arg.MemberInfo.Name + "=" + arg.TypedValue);

In many cases, the attribute types will be in a different assembly from the one you’re reflecting. One way to cope with this is to handle the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event on the current application domain:

ResolveEventHandler handler = (object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
                            => Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad (args.Name);

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += handler;

// Reflect over attributes...

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= handler;

Dynamic Code Generation

The System.Reflection.Emit namespace contains classes for creating metadata and IL at runtime. Generating code dynamically is useful for certain kinds of programming tasks. An example is the regular expressions API, which emits performant types tuned to specific regular expressions. Other uses of Reflection.Emit in the Framework include dynamically generating transparent proxies for Remoting and generating types that perform specific XSLT transforms with minimum runtime overhead. LINQPad uses Reflection.Emit to dynamically generate typed DataContext classes.

Reflection.Emit is not supported in the Windows Store profile.

Generating IL with DynamicMethod

The DynamicMethod class is a lightweight tool in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace for generating methods on the fly. Unlike TypeBuilder, it doesn’t require that you first set up a dynamic assembly, module, and type in which to contain the method. This makes it suitable for simple tasks—as well as serving as a good introduction to Reflection.Emit.


A DynamicMethod and the associated IL are garbage-collected when no longer referenced. This means you can repeatedly generate dynamic methods without filling up memory. (To do the same with dynamic assemblies, you must apply the AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect flag when creating the assembly.)

Here is a simple use of DynamicMethod to create a method that writes Hello world to the console:

public class Test
  static void Main()
    var dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Foo", null, null, typeof (Test));
    ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();
    gen.EmitWriteLine ("Hello world");
    gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
    dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);                    // Hello world

OpCodes has a static read-only field for every IL opcode. Most of the functionality is exposed through various opcodes, although ILGenerator also has specialized methods for generating labels and local variables and for exception handling. A method always ends in Opcodes.Ret, which means “return,” or some kind of branching/throwing instruction. The EmitWriteLine method on ILGenerator is a shortcut for Emitting a number of lower-level opcodes. We could have replaced the call to EmitWriteLine with this, and we would have gotten the same result:

MethodInfo writeLineStr = typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine",
                           new Type[] { typeof (string) });
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello world");     // Load a string
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineStr);       // Call a method

Note that we passed typeof(Test) into DynamicMethod’s constructor. This gives the dynamic method access to the nonpublic methods of that type, allowing us to do this:

public class Test
  static void Main()
    var dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Foo", null, null, typeof (Test));
    ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();

    MethodInfo privateMethod = typeof(Test).GetMethod ("HelloWorld",
      BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

    gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, privateMethod);     // Call HelloWorld
    gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

    dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);                // Hello world

  static void HelloWorld()       // private method, yet we can call it
    Console.WriteLine ("Hello world");

Understanding IL requires a considerable investment of time. Rather than understand all the opcodes, it’s much easier to compile a C# program then to examine, copy, and tweak the IL. LINQPad displays the IL for any method or code snippet that you type, and assembly viewing tools such as ildasm or .NET Reflector are useful for examining existing assemblies.

The Evaluation Stack

Central to IL is the concept of the evaluation stack. To call a method with arguments, you first push (“load”) the arguments onto the evaluation stack and then call the method. The method then pops the arguments it needs from the evaluation stack. We demonstrated this previously, in calling Console.WriteLine. Here’s a similar example with an integer:

var dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Foo", null, null, typeof(void));
ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();
MethodInfo writeLineInt = typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine",
                                        new Type[] { typeof (int) });

// The Ldc* op-codes load numeric literals of various types and sizes.

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 123);        // Push a 4-byte integer onto stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineInt);

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);           // 123

To add two numbers together, you first load each number onto the evaluation stack, and then call Add. The Add opcode pops two values from the evaluation stack and pushes the result back on. The following adds 2 and 2, and then writes the result using the writeLine method obtained previously:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 2);           // Push a 4-byte integer, value=2
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 2);           // Push a 4-byte integer, value=2
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Add);                 // Add the result together
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineInt);

To calculate 10 / 2 + 1, you can do either this:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 10);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 2);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Div);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Add);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineInt);

or this:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 10);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 2);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Div);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Add);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineInt);

Passing Arguments to a Dynamic Method

You can load an argument passed into a dynamic method onto the stack with the Ldarg and Ldarg_XXX opcodes. To return a value, leave exactly one value on the stack upon finishing. For this to work, you must specify the return type and argument types when calling DynamicMethod’s constructor. The following creates a dynamic method that returns the sum of two integers:

DynamicMethod dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Foo",
  typeof (int),                              // Return type = int
  new[] { typeof (int), typeof (int) },      // Parameter types = int, int
  typeof (void));

ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);      // Push first arg onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_1);      // Push second arg onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Add);          // Add them together (result on stack)
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);          // Return with stack having 1 value

int result = (int) dynMeth.Invoke (null, new object[] { 3, 4 } );   // 7

When you exit, the evaluation stack must have exactly 0 or 1 item (depending on whether your method returns a value). If you violate this, the CLR will refuse to execute your method. You can remove an item from the stack without processing it with OpCodes.Pop.

Rather than calling Invoke, it can be more convenient to work with a dynamic method as a typed delegate. The CreateDelegate method achieves just this. To illustrate, suppose we define a delegate called BinaryFunction:

delegate int BinaryFunction (int n1, int n2);

We could then replace the last line of our preceding example with this:

BinaryFunction f = (BinaryFunction) dynMeth.CreateDelegate
                                           (typeof (BinaryFunction));
int result = f (3, 4);      // 7

A delegate also eliminates the overhead of dynamic method invocation—saving a few microseconds per call.

We demonstrate how to pass by reference later in the section “Emitting Type Members”.

Generating Local Variables

You can declare a local variable by calling DeclareLocal on an ILGenerator. This returns a LocalBuilder object, which can be used in conjunction with opcodes such as Ldloc (load a local variable) or Stloc (store a local variable). Ldloc pushes the evaluation stack; Stloc pops it. For example, consider the following C# code:

int x = 6;
int y = 7;
x *= y;
Console.WriteLine (x);

The following generates the preceding code dynamically:

var dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Test", null, null, typeof (void));
ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();

LocalBuilder localX = gen.DeclareLocal (typeof (int));    // Declare x
LocalBuilder localY = gen.DeclareLocal (typeof (int));    // Declare y

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 6);        // Push literal 6 onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, localX);    // Store in localX
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 7);        // Push literal 7 onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, localY);    // Store in localY

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, localX);    // Push localX onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, localY);    // Push localY onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Mul);              // Multiply values together
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, localX);    // Store the result to localX

gen.EmitWriteLine (localX);          // Write the value of localX
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);         // 42

Redgate’s .NET Reflector is great for examining dynamic methods for errors: if you decompile to C#, it’s usually quite obvious where you’ve gone wrong! We explain how to save dynamic emissions to disk in “Emitting Assemblies and Types”. Another useful tool is Microsoft’s IL visualizer for Visual Studio (


In IL, there are no while, do, and for loops; it’s all done with labels and the equivalent of goto and conditional goto statements. These are the branching opcodes, such as Br (branch unconditionally), Brtrue (branch if the value on the evaluation stack is true), and Blt (branch if the first value is less than the second value).

To set a branch target, first call DefineLabel (this returns a Label object), and then call MarkLabel at the place where you want to anchor the label. For example, consider the following C# code:

int x = 5;
while (x <= 10) Console.WriteLine (x++);

We can emit this as follows:

ILGenerator gen = ...

Label startLoop = gen.DefineLabel();                  // Declare labels
Label endLoop = gen.DefineLabel();

LocalBuilder x = gen.DeclareLocal (typeof (int));     // int x
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 5);                         //
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, x);                          // x = 5
gen.MarkLabel (startLoop);
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 10);              // Load 10 onto eval stack
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, x);                // Load x onto eval stack

  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Blt, endLoop);            // if (x > 10) goto endLoop

  gen.EmitWriteLine (x);                      // Console.WriteLine (x)

  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, x);                // Load x onto eval stack
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1);               // Load 1 onto the stack
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Add);                     // Add them together
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, x);                // Save result back to x

  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Br, startLoop);           // return to start of loop
gen.MarkLabel (endLoop);

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Instantiating Objects and Calling Instance Methods

The IL equivalent of new is the Newobj opcode. This takes a constructor and loads the constructed object onto the evaluation stack. For instance, the following constructs a StringBuilder:

var dynMeth = new DynamicMethod ("Test", null, null, typeof (void));
ILGenerator gen = dynMeth.GetILGenerator();

ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (StringBuilder).GetConstructor (new Type[0]);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci);

Once an object is on the evaluation stack, you can call its instance methods using the Call or Callvirt opcode. Extending this example, we’ll query the StringBuilder’s MaxCapacity property by calling the property’s get accessor and then write out the result:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof (StringBuilder)
                            .GetProperty ("MaxCapacity").GetGetMethod());

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine",
                                         new[] { typeof (int) } ));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);              // 2147483647

To emulate C# calling semantics:

  • Use Call to invoke static methods and value type instance methods.

  • Use Callvirt to invoke reference type instance methods (whether or not they’re declared virtual).

In our example, we used Callvirt on the StringBuilder instance—even though MaxProperty is not virtual. This doesn’t cause an error: it simply performs a nonvirtual call instead. Always invoking reference type instance methods with Callvirt avoids risking the opposite condition: invoking a virtual method with Call. (The risk is real. The author of the target method may later change its declaration.) Callvirt also has the benefit of checking that the receiver is non-null.


Invoking a virtual method with Call bypasses virtual calling semantics and calls that method directly. This is rarely desirable and, in effect, violates type safety.

In the following example, we construct a StringBuilder passing in two arguments, append ", world!" to the StringBuilder, and then call ToString on it:

// We will call:   new StringBuilder ("Hello", 1000)

ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (StringBuilder).GetConstructor (
                     new[] { typeof (string), typeof (int) } );

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldstr, "Hello");   // Load a string onto the eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1000);     // Load an int onto the eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci);       // Construct the StringBuilder

Type[] strT = { typeof (string) };
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldstr, ", world!");
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (StringBuilder).GetMethod ("Append", strT));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof (object).GetMethod ("ToString"));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", strT));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
dynMeth.Invoke (null, null);        // Hello, world!

For fun, we called GetMethod on typeof(object) and then used Callvirt to perform a virtual method call on ToString. We could have gotten the same result by calling ToString on the StringBuilder type itself:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof (StringBuilder).GetMethod ("ToString",
                                                          new Type[0] ));

(The empty type array is required in calling GetMethod because StringBuilder overloads ToString with another signature.)


Had we called object’s ToString method nonvirtually:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call,
          typeof (object).GetMethod ("ToString"));

the result would have been “System.Text.StringBuilder.” In other words, we would have circumvented StringBuilder’s ToString override and called object’s version directly.

Exception Handling

ILGenerator provides dedicated methods for exception handling. The translation for the following C# code:

try                               { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
catch (NotSupportedException ex)  { Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);    }
finally                           { Console.WriteLine ("Finally");     }

is this:

MethodInfo getMessageProp = typeof (NotSupportedException)
                            .GetProperty ("Message").GetGetMethod();

MethodInfo writeLineString = typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine",
                                             new[] { typeof (object) } );
  ConstructorInfo ci = typeof (NotSupportedException).GetConstructor (
                                                        new Type[0] );
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci);
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Throw);
gen.BeginCatchBlock (typeof (NotSupportedException));
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, getMessageProp);
  gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLineString);
  gen.EmitWriteLine ("Finally");

Just as in C#, you can include multiple catch blocks. To rethrow the same exception, emit the Rethrow opcode.


ILGenerator provides a helper method called ThrowException. This contains a bug, however, preventing it from being used with a DynamicMethod. It works only with a MethodBuilder (see the next section).

Emitting Assemblies and Types

Although DynamicMethod is convenient, it can generate only methods. If you need to emit any other construct—or a complete type—you need to use the full “heavyweight” API. This means dynamically building an assembly and module. The assembly need not have a disk presence, however; it can live entirely in memory.

Let’s assume we want to dynamically build a type. Since a type must live in a module within an assembly, we must first create the assembly and module before we can create the type. This is the job of the AssemblyBuilder and ModuleBuilder types:

AppDomain appDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

AssemblyName aname = new AssemblyName ("MyDynamicAssembly");

AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder =
  appDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);

ModuleBuilder modBuilder = assemBuilder.DefineDynamicModule ("DynModule");

You can’t add a type to an existing assembly, because an assembly is immutable once created.

Dynamic assemblies are not garbage collected and remain in memory until the application domain ends, unless you specify AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect when defining the assembly. Various restrictions apply to collectible assemblies (see

Once we have a module where the type can live, we can use TypeBuilder to create the type. The following defines a class called Widget:

TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType ("Widget", TypeAttributes.Public);

The TypeAttributes flags enum supports the CLR type modifiers you see when disassembling a type with ildasm. As well as member visibility flags, this includes type modifiers such as Abstract and Sealed—and Interface for defining a .NET interface. It also includes Serializable, which is equivalent to applying the [Serializable] attribute in C#, and Explicit, which is equivalent to applying [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]. We describe how to apply other kinds of attributes later in this chapter, in the section “Attaching Attributes”.


The DefineType method also accepts an optional base type:

  • To define a struct, specify a base type of System.ValueType.

  • To define a delegate, specify a base type of System.MulticastDelegate.

  • To implement an interface, use the constructor that accepts an array of interface types.

  • To define an interface, specify TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract.

Defining a delegate type requires a number of extra steps. In his weblog at, Joel Pobar demonstrates how this is done in his article titled “Creating delegate types via Reflection.Emit.”

We can now create members within the type:

MethodBuilder methBuilder = tb.DefineMethod ("SayHello",
                                             null, null);
ILGenerator gen = methBuilder.GetILGenerator();
gen.EmitWriteLine ("Hello world");
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

We’re now ready to create the type, which finalizes its definition:

Type t = tb.CreateType();

Once the type is created, we use ordinary reflection to inspect and perform dynamic binding:

object o = Activator.CreateInstance (t);
t.GetMethod ("SayHello").Invoke (o, null);        // Hello world

Saving Emitted Assemblies

The Save method on AssemblyBuilder writes a dynamically generated assembly to a specified filename. For this to work, though, you must do two things:

  • Specify an AssemblyBuilderAccess of Save or RunAndSave when constructing the AssemblyBuilder.

  • Specify a filename when constructing the ModuleBuilder (this should match the assembly filename unless you want to create a multimodule assembly).

You can also optionally set properties of the AssemblyName object, such as Version or KeyPair (for signing).

For example:

AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

AssemblyName aname = new AssemblyName ("MyEmissions");
aname.Version = new Version (2, 13, 0, 1);

AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
  aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);

ModuleBuilder modBuilder = assemBuilder.DefineDynamicModule (
  "MainModule", "MyEmissions.dll");

// Create types as we did previously...
// ...

assemBuilder.Save ("MyEmissions.dll");

This writes the assembly to the application’s base directory. To save to a different location, you must provide the alternative directory when constructing AssemblyBuilder:

AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
  aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, @"d:assemblies" );

A dynamic assembly, once written to a file, becomes an ordinary assembly just like any other. A program could statically reference the assembly we just built and do this:

Widget w = new Widget();

The Reflection.Emit Object Model

Figure 19-2 illustrates the essential types in System.Reflection.Emit. Each type describes a CLR construct and is based on a counterpart in the System.Reflection namespace. This allows you to use emitted constructs in place of normal constructs when building a type. For example, we previously called Console.WriteLine as follows:

MethodInfo writeLine = typeof(Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine",
                                       new Type[] { typeof (string) });
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, writeLine);

We could just as easily call a dynamically generated method by calling gen.Emit with a MethodBuilder instead of a MethodInfo. This is essential—otherwise, you couldn’t write one dynamic method that called another in the same type.

Figure 19-2. System.Reflection.Emit

Recall that you must call CreateType on a TypeBuilder when you’ve finished populating it. Calling CreateType seals the TypeBuilder and all its members—so nothing more can be added or changed—and gives you back a real Type that you can instantiate.

Before you call CreateType, the TypeBuilder and its members are in an “uncreated” state. There are significant restrictions on what you can do with uncreated constructs. In particular, you cannot call any of the members that return MemberInfo objects, such as GetMembers, GetMethod, or GetProperty—these all throw an exception. If you want to refer to members of an uncreated type, you must use the original emissions:

TypeBuilder tb = ...

MethodBuilder method1 = tb.DefineMethod ("Method1", ...);
MethodBuilder method2 = tb.DefineMethod ("Method2", ...);

ILGenerator gen1 = method1.GetILGenerator();

// Suppose we want method1 to call method2:

gen1.Emit (OpCodes.Call, method2);                    // Right
gen1.Emit (OpCodes.Call, tb.GetMethod ("Method2"));   // Wrong

After calling CreateType, you can reflect on and activate not only the Type returned, but also the original TypeBuilder object. The TypeBuilder, in fact, morphs into a proxy for the real Type. We’ll see why this feature is important later in this chapter in the section “Awkward Emission Targets”.

Emitting Type Members

All the examples in this section assume a TypeBuilder, tb, has been instantiated as follows:

AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyName aname = new AssemblyName ("MyEmissions");

AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
  aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);

ModuleBuilder modBuilder = assemBuilder.DefineDynamicModule (
  "MainModule", "MyEmissions.dll");

TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType ("Widget", TypeAttributes.Public);

Emitting Methods

You can specify a return type and parameter types when calling DefineMethod, in the same manner as when instantiating a DynamicMethod. For instance, the following method:

public static double SquareRoot (double value)
  return Math.Sqrt (value);

can be generated like this:

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("SquareRoot",
  MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
  typeof (double),                     // Return type
  new[]  { typeof (double) } );        // Parameter types

mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");  // Assign name

ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);                                // Load 1st arg
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof(Math).GetMethod ("Sqrt"));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Type realType = tb.CreateType();
double x = (double) tb.GetMethod ("SquareRoot").Invoke (null,
                                                new object[] { 10.0 });
Console.WriteLine (x);   // 3.16227766016838

Calling DefineParameter is optional and is typically done to assign the parameter a name. The number 1 refers to the first parameter (0 refers to the return value). If you call DefineParameter, the parameter is implicitly named __p1, __p2, and so on. Assigning names makes sense if you will write the assembly to disk; it makes your methods friendly to consumers.


DefineParameter returns a ParameterBuilder object upon which you can call SetCustomAttribute to attach attributes (see “Attaching Attributes” later in this chapter).

To emit pass-by-reference parameters, such as in the following C# method:

public static void SquareRoot (ref double value)
  value = Math.Sqrt (value);

call MakeByRefType on the parameter type(s):

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("SquareRoot",
  MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
  new Type[] { typeof (double).MakeByRefType() } );

mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");

ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldind_R8);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Math).GetMethod ("Sqrt"));
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stind_R8);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Type realType = tb.CreateType();
object[] args = { 10.0 };
tb.GetMethod ("SquareRoot").Invoke (null, args);
Console.WriteLine (args[0]);                     // 3.16227766016838

The opcodes here were copied from a disassembled C# method. Notice the difference in semantics for accessing parameters passed by reference: Ldind and Stind mean “load indirectly” and “store indirectly,” respectively. The R8 suffix means an 8-byte floating-point number.

The process for emitting out parameters is identical, except that you call DefineParameter as follows:

mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.Out, "value");

Generating instance methods

To generate an instance method, specify MethodAttributes.Instance when calling DefineMethod:

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("SquareRoot",
  MethodAttributes.Instance | MethodAttributes.Public

With instance methods, argument zero is implicitly this; the remaining arguments start at 1. So, Ldarg_0 loads this onto the evaluation stack; Ldarg_1 loads the first real method argument.

Overriding methods

Overriding a virtual method in a base class is easy: simply define a method with an identical name, signature and return type, specifying MethodAttributes.Virtual when calling DefineMethod. The same applies when implementing interface methods.

TypeBuilder also exposes a method called DefineMethodOverride that overrides a method with a different name. This makes sense only with explicit interface implementation; in other scenarios, use DefineMethod.


If you’re subclassing another type, it’s nearly always worth specifying MethodAttributes.HideBySig when defining methods. HideBySig ensures that C#-style method hiding semantics are applied, which is that a base method is hidden only if a subtype defines a method with an identical signature. Without HideBySig, method hiding considers only the name, so Foo(string) in the subtype will hide Foo() in the base type, which is generally undesirable.

Emitting Fields and Properties

To create a field, you call DefineField on a TypeBuilder, telling it the desired field name, type, and visibility. The following creates a private integer field called “length”:

FieldBuilder field = tb.DefineField ("length", typeof (int),

Creating a property or indexer requires a few more steps. First, call DefineProperty on a TypeBuilder, telling it the name and type of the property:

PropertyBuilder prop = tb.DefineProperty (
                         "Text",                      // Name of property
                         typeof (string),             // Property type
                         new Type[0]                  // Indexer types

(If you’re writing an indexer, the final argument is an array of indexer types.) Note that we haven’t specified the property visibility: this is done individually on the accessor methods.

The next step is to write the get and set methods. By convention, their names are prefixed with “get_” or “set_”. You then attach them to the property by calling SetGetMethod and SetSetMethod on the PropertyBuilder.

To give a complete example, we’ll take the following field and property declaration:

string _text;
public string Text
  get          { return _text; }
  internal set { _text = value; }

and generate it dynamically:

FieldBuilder field = tb.DefineField ("_text", typeof (string),
PropertyBuilder prop = tb.DefineProperty (
                         "Text",                      // Name of property
                         typeof (string),             // Property type
                         new Type[0]);                // Indexer types

MethodBuilder getter = tb.DefineMethod (
  "get_Text",                                         // Method name
  MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName,
  typeof (string),                                    // Return type
  new Type[0]);                                       // Parameter types

ILGenerator getGen = getter.GetILGenerator();
getGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);        // Load "this" onto eval stack
getGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field);   // Load field value onto eval stack
getGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);            // Return

MethodBuilder setter = tb.DefineMethod (
  MethodAttributes.Assembly | MethodAttributes.SpecialName,
  null,                                                 // Return type
  new Type[] { typeof (string) } );                     // Parameter types

ILGenerator setGen = setter.GetILGenerator();
setGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);        // Load "this" onto eval stack
setGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_1);        // Load 2nd arg, i.e., value
setGen.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, field);   // Store value into field
setGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);            // return

prop.SetGetMethod (getter);           // Link the get method and property
prop.SetSetMethod (setter);           // Link the set method and property

We can test the property as follows:

Type t = tb.CreateType();
object o = Activator.CreateInstance (t);
t.GetProperty ("Text").SetValue (o, "Good emissions!", new object[0]);
string text = (string) t.GetProperty ("Text").GetValue (o, null);

Console.WriteLine (text);             // Good emissions!

Notice that in defining the accessor MethodAttributes, we included SpecialName. This instructs compilers to disallow direct binding to these methods when statically referencing the assembly. It also ensures that the accessors are handled appropriately by reflection tools and Visual Studio’s IntelliSense.


You can emit events in a similar manner, by calling DefineEvent on a TypeBuilder. You then write explicit event accessor methods and attach them to the EventBuilder by calling SetAddOnMethod and SetRemoveOnMethod.

Emitting Constructors

You can define your own constructors by calling DefineConstructor on a type builder. You’re not obliged to do so—a default parameterless constructor is provided automatically if you don’t. The default constructor calls the base class constructor if subtyping, just like in C#. Defining one or more constructors displaces this default constructor.

If you need to initialize fields, the constructor’s a good spot. In fact, it’s the only spot: C#’s field initializers don’t have special CLR support—they are simply a syntactic shortcut for assigning values to fields in the constructor.

So, to reproduce this:

class Widget
  int _capacity = 4000;

you would define a constructor as follows:

FieldBuilder field = tb.DefineField ("_capacity", typeof (int),
ConstructorBuilder c = tb.DefineConstructor (
  new Type[0]);                  // Constructor parameters

ILGenerator gen = c.GetILGenerator();

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);             // Load "this" onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 4000);        // Load 4000 onto eval stack
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, field);        // Store it to our field
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Calling base constructors

If subclassing another type, the constructor we just wrote would circumvent the base class constructor. This is unlike C#, where the base class constructor is always called, whether directly or indirectly. For instance, given the following code:

class A     { public A() { Console.Write ("A"); } }
class B : A { public B() {} }

the compiler, in effect, will translate the second line into this:

class B : A { public B() : base() {} }

This is not the case when generating IL: you must explicitly call the base constructor if you want it to execute (which nearly always, you do). Assuming the base class is called A, here’s how to do it:

gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ConstructorInfo baseConstr = typeof (A).GetConstructor (new Type[0]);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, baseConstr);

Calling constructors with arguments is just the same as with methods.

Attaching Attributes

You can attach custom attributes to a dynamic construct by calling SetCustomAttribute with a CustomAttributeBuilder. For example, suppose we want to attach the following attribute declaration to a field or property:

[XmlElement ("FirstName", Namespace="http://test/", Order=3)]

This relies on the XmlElementAttribute constructor that accepts a single string. To use CustomAttributeBuilder, we must retrieve this constructor, as well as the two additional properties we wish to set (Namespace and Order):

Type attType = typeof (XmlElementAttribute);

ConstructorInfo attConstructor = attType.GetConstructor (
  new Type[] { typeof (string) } );

var att = new CustomAttributeBuilder (
  attConstructor,                        // Constructor
  new object[] { "FirstName" },          // Constructor arguments
  new PropertyInfo[]
    attType.GetProperty ("Namespace"),   // Properties
    attType.GetProperty ("Order")
  new object[] { "http://test/", 3 }     // Property values

myFieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute (att);
// or propBuilder.SetCustomAttribute (att);
// or typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute (att);  etc

Emitting Generic Methods and Types

All the examples in this section assume that modBuilder has been instantiated as follows:

AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyName aname = new AssemblyName ("MyEmissions");

AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
  aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);

ModuleBuilder modBuilder = assemBuilder.DefineDynamicModule (
  "MainModule", "MyEmissions.dll");

Defining Generic Methods

To emit a generic method:

  1. Call DefineGenericParameters on a MethodBuilder to obtain an array of GenericTypeParameterBuilder objects.

  2. Call SetSignature on a MethodBuilder using these generic type parameters.

  3. Optionally, name the parameters as you would otherwise.

For example, the following generic method:

public static T Echo<T> (T value)
  return value;

can be emitted like this:

TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType ("Widget", TypeAttributes.Public);

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("Echo", MethodAttributes.Public |
GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] genericParams
  = mb.DefineGenericParameters ("T");

mb.SetSignature (genericParams[0],     // Return type
                 null, null,
                 genericParams,        // Parameter types
                 null, null);

mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "value");   // Optional

ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

The DefineGenericParameters method accepts any number of string arguments—these correspond to the desired generic type names. In this example, we needed just one generic type called T. GenericTypeParameterBuilder is based on System.Type, so it can be used in place of a TypeBuilder when emitting opcodes.

GenericTypeParameterBuilder also lets you specify a base type constraint:

genericParams[0].SetBaseTypeConstraint (typeof (Foo));

and interface constraints:

genericParams[0].SetInterfaceConstraints (typeof (IComparable));

To replicate this:

public static T Echo<T> (T value) where T : IComparable<T>

you would write:

genericParams[0].SetInterfaceConstraints (
  typeof (IComparable<>).MakeGenericType (genericParams[0]) );

For other kinds of constraints, call SetGenericParameterAttributes. This accepts a member of the GenericParameterAttributes enum, which includes the following values:


The last two are equivalent to applying the out and in modifiers to the type parameters.

Defining Generic Types

You can define generic types in a similar fashion. The difference is that you call DefineGenericParameters on the TypeBuilder rather than the MethodBuilder. So, to reproduce this:

public class Widget<T>
  public T Value;

you would do the following:

TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType ("Widget", TypeAttributes.Public);

GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] genericParams
  = tb.DefineGenericParameters ("T");

tb.DefineField ("Value", genericParams[0], FieldAttributes.Public);

Generic constraints can be added just as with a method.

Awkward Emission Targets

All the examples in this section assume that a modBuilder has been instantiated as in previous sections.

Uncreated Closed Generics

Suppose you want to emit a method that uses a closed generic type:

public class Widget
  public static void Test() { var list = new List<int>(); }

The process is fairly straightforward:

TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType ("Widget", TypeAttributes.Public);

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("Test", MethodAttributes.Public |
ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();

Type variableType = typeof (List<int>);

ConstructorInfo ci = variableType.GetConstructor (new Type[0]);

LocalBuilder listVar = gen.DeclareLocal (variableType);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, listVar);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Now suppose that instead of a list of integers, we want a list of widgets:

public class Widget
  public static void Test() { var list = new List<Widget>(); }

In theory, this is a simple modification; all we do is replace this line:

Type variableType = typeof (List<int>);

with this:

Type variableType = typeof (List<>).MakeGenericType (tb);

Unfortunately, this causes a NotSupportedException to be thrown when we then call GetConstructor. The problem is that you cannot call GetConstructor on a generic type closed with an uncreated type builder. The same goes for GetField and GetMethod.

The solution is unintuitive. TypeBuilder provides three static methods as follows:

public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (Type, ConstructorInfo);
public static FieldInfo       GetField       (Type, FieldInfo);
public static MethodInfo      GetMethod      (Type, MethodInfo);

Although it doesn’t appear so, these methods exist specifically to obtain members of generic types closed with uncreated type builders! The first parameter is the closed generic type; the second parameter is the member you want on the unbound generic type. Here’s the corrected version of our example:

MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("Test", MethodAttributes.Public |
ILGenerator gen = mb.GetILGenerator();

Type variableType = typeof (List<>).MakeGenericType (tb);

ConstructorInfo unbound = typeof (List<>).GetConstructor (new Type[0]);
ConstructorInfo ci = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (variableType, unbound);

LocalBuilder listVar = gen.DeclareLocal (variableType);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, listVar);
gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

Circular Dependencies

Suppose you want to build two types that reference each other. For instance:

class A { public B Bee; }
class B { public A Aye; }

You can generate this dynamically as follows:

var publicAtt = FieldAttributes.Public;

TypeBuilder aBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType ("A");
TypeBuilder bBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType ("B");

FieldBuilder bee = aBuilder.DefineField ("Bee", bBuilder, publicAtt);
FieldBuilder aye = bBuilder.DefineField ("Aye", aBuilder, publicAtt);

Type realA = aBuilder.CreateType();
Type realB = bBuilder.CreateType();

Notice that we didn’t call CreateType on aBuilder or bBuilder until we populated both objects. The principle is: first hook everything up, and then call CreateType on each type builder.

Interestingly, the realA type is valid but dysfunctional until you call CreateType on bBuilder. (If you started using aBuilder prior to this, an exception would be thrown when you tried to access field Bee.)

You might wonder how bBuilder knows to “fix up” realA after creating realB. The answer is that it doesn’t: realA can fix itself the next time it’s used. This is possible because after calling CreateType, a TypeBuilder morphs into a proxy for the real runtime type. So, realA, with its references to bBuilder, can easily obtain the metadata it needs for the upgrade.

This system works when the type builder demands simple information of the unconstructed type—information that can be predetermined—such as type, member, and object references. In creating realA, the type builder doesn’t need to know, for instance, how many bytes realB will eventually occupy in memory. This is just as well, because realB has not yet been created! But now imagine that realB was a struct. The final size of realB is now critical information in creating realA.

If the relationship is noncyclical—for instance:

struct A { public B Bee; }
struct B {               }

you can solve this by first creating struct B, and then struct A. But consider this:

struct A { public B Bee; }
struct B { public A Aye; }

We won’t try to emit this because it’s nonsensical to have two structs contain each other (C# generates a compile-time error if you try). But the following variation is both legal and useful:

public struct S<T> { ... }    // S can be empty and this demo will work.

class A { S<B> Bee; }
class B { S<A> Aye; }

In creating A, a TypeBuilder now needs to know the memory footprint of B, and vice versa. To illustrate, we’ll assume that struct S is defined statically. Here’s the code to emit classes A and B:

var pub = FieldAttributes.Public;

TypeBuilder aBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType ("A");
TypeBuilder bBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType ("B");

aBuilder.DefineField ("Bee", typeof(S<>).MakeGenericType (bBuilder), pub);
bBuilder.DefineField ("Aye", typeof(S<>).MakeGenericType (aBuilder), pub);

Type realA = aBuilder.CreateType();    // Error: cannot load type B
Type realB = bBuilder.CreateType();

CreateType now throws a TypeLoadException no matter in which order you go:

  • Call aBuilder.CreateType first and it says “cannot load type B”.

  • Call bBuilder.CreateType first and it says “cannot load type A”!


You’ll run into this problem if you emit typed LINQ to SQL DataContexts dynamically. The generic EntityRef type is a struct, equivalent to S in our examples. The circular reference happens when two tables in the database link to each other through reciprocal parent/child relationships.

To solve this, you must allow the type builder to create realB partway through creating realA. This is done by handling the TypeResolve event on the current application domain just before calling CreateType. So, in our example, we replace the last two lines with this:

TypeBuilder[] uncreatedTypes = { aBuilder, bBuilder };

ResolveEventHandler handler = delegate (object o, ResolveEventArgs args)
  var type = uncreatedTypes.FirstOrDefault (t => t.FullName == args.Name);
  return type == null ? null : type.CreateType().Assembly;

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.TypeResolve += handler;

Type realA = aBuilder.CreateType();
Type realB = bBuilder.CreateType();

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.TypeResolve -= handler;

The TypeResolve event fires during the call to aBuilder.CreateType, at the point when it needs you to call CreateType on bBuilder.


Handling the TypeResolve event as in this example is also necessary when defining a nested type, when the nested and parent types refer to each other.

Parsing IL

You can obtain information about the content of an existing method by calling GetMethodBody on a MethodBase object. This returns a MethodBody object that has properties for inspecting a method’s local variables, exception handling clauses, stack size—as well as the raw IL. Rather like the reverse of Reflection.Emit!

Inspecting a method’s raw IL can be useful in profiling code. A simple use would be to determine which methods in an assembly have changed, when an assembly is updated.

To illustrate parsing IL, we’ll write an application that disassembles IL in the style of ildasm. This could be used as the starting point for a code analysis tool or a higher-level language disassembler.


Remember that in the reflection API, all of C#’s functional constructs are either represented by a MethodBase subtype or (in the case of properties, events, and indexers) have MethodBase objects attached to them.

Writing a Disassembler


You can download the source code for this at

Here is a sample of the output our disassembler will produce:

IL_00EB:  ldfld        Disassembler._pos
IL_00F0:  ldloc.2
IL_00F1:  add
IL_00F2:  ldelema      System.Byte
IL_00F7:  ldstr        "Hello world"
IL_00FC:  call         System.Byte.ToString
IL_0101:  ldstr        " "
IL_0106:  call         System.String.Concat

To obtain this output, we must parse the binary tokens that make up the IL. The first step is to call the GetILAsByteArray method on MethodBody to obtain the IL as a byte array. In order to make the rest of the job easier, we will write this into a class as follows:

public class Disassembler
  public static string Disassemble (MethodBase method)
    => new Disassembler (method).Dis();

  StringBuilder _output;    // The result to which we'll keep appending
  Module _module;           // This will come in handy later
  byte[] _il;               // The raw byte code
  int _pos;                 // The position we're up to in the byte code

  Disassembler (MethodBase method)
    _module = method.DeclaringType.Module;
    _il = method.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray();

  string Dis()
    _output = new StringBuilder();
    while (_pos < _il.Length) DisassembleNextInstruction();
    return _output.ToString();

The static Disassemble method will be the only public member of this class. All other members will be private to the disassembly process. The Dis method contains the “main” loop where we process each instruction.

With this skeleton in place, all that remains is to write DisassembleNextInstruction. But before doing so, it will help to load all the opcodes into a static dictionary so we can access them by their 8- or 16-bit value. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use reflection to retrieve all the static fields whose type is OpCode in the OpCodes class:

static Dictionary<short,OpCode> _opcodes = new Dictionary<short,OpCode>();

static Disassembler()
  Dictionary<short, OpCode> opcodes = new Dictionary<short, OpCode>();
    foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof (OpCodes).GetFields
                             (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
      if (typeof (OpCode).IsAssignableFrom (fi.FieldType))
        OpCode code = (OpCode) fi.GetValue (null);   // Get field's value
        if (code.OpCodeType != OpCodeType.Nternal)
          _opcodes.Add (code.Value, code);

We’ve written it in a static constructor so that it executes just once.

Now we can write DisassembleNextInstruction. Each IL instruction consists of a 1- or 2-byte opcode, followed by an operand of zero, 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. (An exception is inline switch opcodes, which are followed by a variable number of operands). So, we read the opcode, then the operand and then write out the result:

void DisassembleNextInstruction()
  int opStart = _pos;

  OpCode code = ReadOpCode();
  string operand = ReadOperand (code);

  _output.AppendFormat ("IL_{0:X4}:  {1,-12} {2}",
                        opStart, code.Name, operand);

To read an opcode, we advance one byte and see whether we have a valid instruction. If not, we advance another byte and look for a 2-byte instruction:

OpCode ReadOpCode()
  byte byteCode = _il [_pos++];
  if (_opcodes.ContainsKey (byteCode)) return _opcodes [byteCode];

  if (_pos == _il.Length)  throw new Exception ("Unexpected end of IL");

  short shortCode = (short) (byteCode * 256 + _il [_pos++]);

  if (!_opcodes.ContainsKey (shortCode))
    throw new Exception ("Cannot find opcode " + shortCode);

  return _opcodes [shortCode];

To read an operand, we first must establish its length. We can do this based on the operand type. Because most are 4 bytes long, we can filter out the exceptions fairly easily in a conditional clause.

The next step is to call FormatOperand, which will attempt to format the operand:

string ReadOperand (OpCode c)
  int operandLength =
    c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineNone
      ? 0 :
    c.OperandType == OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget ||
    c.OperandType == OperandType.ShortInlineI ||
    c.OperandType == OperandType.ShortInlineVar
      ? 1 :
    c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineVar
      ? 2 :
    c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineI8 ||
    c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineR
      ? 8 :
    c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineSwitch
      ? 4 * (BitConverter.ToInt32 (_il, _pos) + 1) :
      4;  // All others are 4 bytes

  if (_pos + operandLength > _il.Length)
    throw new Exception ("Unexpected end of IL");

  string result = FormatOperand (c, operandLength);
  if (result == null)
  {                        // Write out operand bytes in hex
    result = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < operandLength; i++)
      result += _il [_pos + i].ToString ("X2") + " ";
  _pos += operandLength;
  return result;

If the result of calling FormatOperand is null, it means the operand needs no special formatting, so we simply write it out in hexadecimal. We could test the disassembler at this point by writing a FormatOperand method that always returns null. Here’s what the output would look like:

IL_00A8:  ldfld        98 00 00 04
IL_00AD:  ldloc.2
IL_00AE:  add
IL_00AF:  ldelema      64 00 00 01
IL_00B4:  ldstr        26 04 00 70
IL_00B9:  call         B6 00 00 0A
IL_00BE:  ldstr        11 01 00 70
IL_00C3:  call         91 00 00 0A

Although the opcodes are correct, the operands are not much use. Instead of hexadecimal numbers, we want member names and strings. The FormatOperand method, once written, will address this—identifying the special cases that benefit from such formatting. These comprise most 4-byte operands and the short branch instructions:

string FormatOperand (OpCode c, int operandLength)
  if (operandLength == 0) return "";

  if (operandLength == 4)
    return Get4ByteOperand (c);
  else if (c.OperandType == OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget)
    return GetShortRelativeTarget();
  else if (c.OperandType == OperandType.InlineSwitch)
    return GetSwitchTarget (operandLength);
    return null;

There are three kinds of 4-byte operands that we treat specially. The first is references to members or types—with these, we extract the member or type name by calling the defining module’s ResolveMember method. The second case is strings—these are stored in the assembly module’s metadata and can be retrieved by calling ResolveString. The final case is branch targets, where the operand refers to a byte offset in the IL. We format these by working out the absolute address after the current instruction (+ 4 bytes):

string Get4ByteOperand (OpCode c)
  int intOp = BitConverter.ToInt32 (_il, _pos);

  switch (c.OperandType)
    case OperandType.InlineTok:
    case OperandType.InlineMethod:
    case OperandType.InlineField:
    case OperandType.InlineType:
      MemberInfo mi;
      try   { mi = _module.ResolveMember (intOp); }
      catch { return null; }
      if (mi == null) return null;

      if (mi.ReflectedType != null)
        return mi.ReflectedType.FullName + "." + mi.Name;
      else if (mi is Type)
        return ((Type)mi).FullName;
        return mi.Name;

    case OperandType.InlineString:
      string s = _module.ResolveString (intOp);
      if (s != null) s = "'" + s + "'";
      return s;

    case OperandType.InlineBrTarget:
      return "IL_" + (_pos + intOp + 4).ToString ("X4");

      return null;

The point where we call ResolveMember is a good window for a code analysis tool that reports on method dependencies.

For any other 4-byte opcode, we return null (this will cause ReadOperand to format the operand as hex digits).

The final kinds of operand that need special attention are short branch targets and inline switches. A short branch target describes the destination offset as a single signed byte, as at the end of the current instruction (i.e., + 1 byte). A switch target is followed by a variable number of 4-byte branch destinations:

string GetShortRelativeTarget()
  int absoluteTarget = _pos + (sbyte) _il [_pos] + 1;
  return "IL_" + absoluteTarget.ToString ("X4");

string GetSwitchTarget (int operandLength)
  int targetCount = BitConverter.ToInt32 (_il, _pos);
  string [] targets = new string [targetCount];
  for (int i = 0; i < targetCount; i++)
    int ilTarget = BitConverter.ToInt32 (_il, _pos + (i + 1) * 4);
    targets [i] = "IL_" + (_pos + ilTarget + operandLength).ToString ("X4");
  return "(" + string.Join (", ", targets) + ")";

This completes the disassembler. We can test it by disassembling one of its own methods:

MethodInfo mi = typeof (Disassembler).GetMethod (
  "ReadOperand", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

Console.WriteLine (Disassembler.Disassemble (mi));
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