Testing that a Lambda has been deployed correctly

To test a deployed Lambda, you can run the following command:

$ aws lambda invoke --invocation-type Event 
--function-name lambda-dynamo-data-api-sam --region eu-west-1
--payload file://../../sample_data/request-api-gateway-get-valid.json outputfile.tmp

To automate it, we can put the following code into a shell script, serverless-microservice-data-api/bash/apigateway-lambda-dynamodb/invoke-lambda.sh:

. ./common-variables.sh
rm outputfile.tmp
status_code=$(aws lambda invoke --invocation-type RequestResponse
--function-name ${template}-sam --region ${region}
--payload file://../../sample_data/request-api-gateway-get-valid.json
outputfile.tmp --profile ${profile})
echo "$status_code"
if echo "$status_code" | grep -q "200";
cat outputfile.tmp
if grep -q error outputfile.tmp;
echo " error in response"
exit 1
echo " pass"
exit 0
echo " error status not 200"
exit 1

We invoke the Lambda, but also check the response given in the outputfile.tmp file using the grep command. We return an exit code of 1 if an error is detected, and 0 otherwise. This allows you to chain logic when involved by other tools or by CI/CD steps.

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