
ability/aptitude tests, 2nd

abroad, graduates working see working abroad

agencies, recruitment

alumni events

anecdotal information

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)

application forms



downloadable format

factual information



online format, 2nd

open questions

paper format

structure, creating


common reasons for rejecting

company, researching

CV, preparing/updating

dates and deadlines

employer, putting oneself into shoes of

feedback, obtaining

forms see application forms

getting started

graduate training schemes

job applied for, researching

job description



next steps

person specification, 2nd

personal statements

postgraduate study

speculative, 2nd

Architecture and Building graduates

arts/creative arts and humanities, subjects chosen

Design graduates

English graduates

Fine Arts graduates

History graduates

Languages graduates

Media Studies graduates

Performing Arts graduates

assessment centres

case studies and scenarios

contents of assessment

group discussions

group tasks

job-related tests



psychometric tests


social events

Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)

Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR)

Bachelor’s degrees see undergraduate degrees

Bank of England

Barristers, Bar professional Training for, 2nd

Biology graduates

blended learning


Bright, Jim, 2nd

Brilliant Graduate CV (Bright, Earl and Winter), 2nd

Brilliant Passing Psychometric Tests (Mulvey)

British Psychological Society

bulletins, job vacancies advertised in

bursaries, postgraduate study

business and administrative studies, subject areas chosen

Business and Management graduates

Finance and Accountancy graduates

Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Transport graduates

Marketing graduates

business and customer awareness

Business and Management graduates

business networks, personal networks distinguished

business start-ups, 2nd

Business Zone website

‘Career Planner’ (questionnaire)

casual work


charities, funding of postgraduate study

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Chemistry graduates

Civil Engineering graduates

closed questions

closing dates, looking out for

communication skills

company, researching

Computer Science and IT graduates

Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 2nd, 3rd

confidence, work experience

connections, making

covering letters

differences from personal statements

similarities to personal statements

current information

customer care

CV (curriculum vitae), preparing/updating

applications, 2nd, 3rd



experience abroad

personal profile



references, testimonials and referees

skills and achievements


daily newspapers, job vacancies advertised in


see also labour market information (LMI)



persons included in collection of

quantitative and qualitative

dates and deadlines

see also time

balancing job applications with final year study

closing dates, looking out for

critical factors

early deadlines

employability, increasing

graduate job plan

graduate training schemes, 2nd

honesty, need for

law courses

postgraduate courses, 2nd

postgraduate study

project planning

recruitment timescales

rescue plans


time, as best resource

time management

tips for new graduates

deadlines see dates and deadlines

decisions, career choices

being in charge

changes to existing plan


existing job

external factors

family circumstances/influences


first graduate job

flexibility requirements

further study and training

grand plan


location factors, 2nd

moving on

personal factors, impact on career plans

positive statements

reasons for

second graduate job

skills, enhancing

success, factors for

Department of Business and Skills (BIS)

design graduates

desirable criteria, person specification

destination of leavers from higher education institutions see DLHE (destination of leavers from higher education institutions)

directories, job vacancies advertised in

distance learning programmes, 2nd, 3rd

DLHE (destination of leavers from higher education institutions)

completing own data request

limitations of survey

doctoral degrees, 2nd

dress code

Earl, Joanne, 2nd

earnings, graduate

see also graduate premium

average starting salary

median salary

starting vs finishing salaries

variations within average ranges

economic modelling

Economics graduates

Education Liaison Task Group, Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services

Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates


business and customer awareness

communication and literacy

developing skills when unemployed

foreign languages skills


Information Technology

need for skills in graduates


problem solving

project management




skillset and mindset


working abroad

employer’s perspective

employability skills

employer, putting oneself into shoes of

expected skills/capabilities of a graduate, 2nd

job opportunities, accessing, 2nd


soft skills

subject discipline



see also self-employment

accessing job opportunities see job opportunities, accessing

CV, preparing/updating

demanding working abroad

employment rates, by degree subject choice, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

in an innovative organisation

labour market see graduate labour market; labour market

labour market information see labour market information (LMI); subject disciplines/areas chosen by graduates; subject research data

location of work, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

vacation work see vacation work

employment agencies

engineering and building management, subject areas chosen

Architecture and Building graduates

Civil Engineering graduates

Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates

Mechanical Engineering graduates

English graduates

‘enterprise education’

entrepreneurship, 2nd

entry, points of

Erasmus+ university exchange programme

essential criteria, person specification

European doctorate

European Union, working for, 2nd


Facebook, 2nd, 3rd



graduate training schemes

unsuccessful interviews

Finance and Accountancy graduates

Fine Arts graduates

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), ‘Know Before You Go’ campaign

foreign language skills, 2nd, 3rd

demand for language proficiencies

Forensic Science


Foundation degrees, 2nd, 3rd

freelance staff

funding of postgraduate study


employers, persuading

funding oneself

grants, loans and bursaries

obtaining, timing of

people who can advise

postgraduate loans

public funding

research councils



sources of funding

by universities

gender balance, by subject area see male to female ratio

geographical and sectoral territories

Geography graduates

Gilleard, Carl, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

global graduates see working abroad


graduate labour market

see also labour market

differences between graduates

distinctive nature

graduates as a labour supply

earnings, graduate

employability see employability

expected skills of a graduate, 2nd

graduate as ‘supply’ in

graduates vs other occupational sectors

mobility of graduates

next steps

points of entry

points of leverage

postgraduate study as leverage in

small-to-medium-sized enterprises see small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

supply and demand

training of graduates

work actually performed by graduates

graduate premium

see also earnings, graduate

defined, 2nd


whether guaranteed

reasons for paying more for a graduate

Graduate Prospects website, 2nd, 3rd

postgraduate study, 2nd, 3rd

work experience, 2nd

Graduate Talent Pool

graduate training schemes

applications, managing

being strong contender for


business consultancies


creativity requirement

dates and deadlines, 2nd


direct entry

early deadlines

feedback, seeking and making use of

flexibility requirements

key features

knowing business in context

knowing recruitment timescales/where to find vacancies

long-term nature

multinational engineering companies


next steps

pub and restaurant businesses

regional housing associations

rotation programmes

sectoral growth and decline

selection criteria, meeting

selection methods

strengths and interests

whether suitable

typical schemes

grants, postgraduate study

group discussions

hard skills

Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU)

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

History graduates

HND courses, 2nd

honesty, need for

Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Transport graduates

illegal work

important/urgent test

Information Technology, application

see also Computer Science and IT graduates

‘inside enterpreneurs’

Institute of Civil Engineers

Intelligence (ONS)


internships, 2nd


asking panel questions

breaking down

checking invitation to interview

at a distance

dress code

final preparation

first impressions

open questions


procedures following

question preparation

research company and job

Skype, 2nd

telephone and video

unsuccessful outcomes

intrapreneurship, 2nd

invited speaker events

job description

job fairs, graduate

job interviews see interviews

job opportunities, accessing


chance dimension

employer’s perspective, 2nd

following postgraduate study

geographical dimension

graduate training schemes

job search horizons, broadening

luck, creating one’s own


newspapers, 2nd, 3rd

next steps

online vacancies

pools of applicants

print vacancies

accessible online

recruitment agency, registering with

researching job applied for, 2nd, 3rd

speculative applications

supply and demand

time dimension

Twitter, using for job opportunities

websites, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

job vacancies


pools of applicants

print format

knowledge, self-employment

labour market

see also graduate labour market


demand side


graduate labour as distinct sector within

image of ‘market’


supply side

labour market information (LMI)

actual functions performed on completion of degree

anecdotal information

becoming an intelligent consumer



data collection methods


whether fit for purpose

geographical and sectoral territories

interrogating the data

job search horizons, broadening

labour market experience

labour market intelligence

need for knowledge about

persons included in data collection

points of entry

points of leverage, 2nd

quantitative and qualitative



subject areas see subject disciplines/areas; subject research data

types of jobs undertaken by graduates


language proficiency, demand for

languages graduates

Law graduates

leverage, points of, 2nd


job opportunities, accessing, 2nd, 3rd

profile, 2nd


LLM Criminal Justice

LLM Oil and Gas Law

LMI see labour market information (LMI)

loans, postgraduate study, 2nd

local newspapers, vacancies advertised in

location of work, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

male to female ratio, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

Marketing graduates

Masters degrees

Mathematics graduates

Mechanical Engineering graduates

Media Studies graduates

median salary


milestones, projects


National Union of Students (NUS)

nature/nurture debate, entrepreneurship

negotiation skills

networking (word of mouth)

alumni events

business networks, personal networks distinguished

dos and don’ts

graduate job fairs

invited speaker events


online presence, need for

postgraduate study

in practice

in principle

reasons for

social networks, 2nd

work shadowing

newspapers, job vacancies advertised in, 2nd, 3rd


Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2nd, 3rd

online job vacancies

online networking

online presence, need for

open questions

overseas, graduates working see working abroad

Performing Arts graduates

person specification, 2nd

personal networks, business networks distinguished

personal statements


and covering letter

postgraduate study

personality tests, 2nd

persuasion skills

Physical and Geographical Sciences

Physics graduates

points of entry

points of leverage, 2nd

Politics graduates

portfolio of experience, creating

positive psychology

Postgrad Magazine

postgraduate bulletins

postgraduate study

accommodation costs

applying for even with no first degree

applying for jobs following

applying for without a ‘good’ degree

asking others their thoughts

attendance modes (full- or part-time)

being clear about motives for

blurring of distinct modes of study

campus programmes, 2nd

Certificate or Diploma

course information, probing beneath

distance learning programmes, 2nd

doctoral degrees, 2nd

dos and don’ts

early deadlines, 2nd

enjoyment of subject

entry to profession demanding

finding out about

funding see funding of postgraduate study

good application, making

higher-level degrees

at home or abroad

individual universities

language of instruction

leverage in the labour market


looking beyond home country

as main route to career as lecturer/researcher

Masters degrees

modes of delivery (campus-based, distance-learning or online learning), 2nd


next steps

online programmes, 2nd

personal statements

professional body course listings

range of courses on offer


research-based degrees, 2nd

selection of course

self-knowledge as a student

specialist know-how for niche sectors, developing

taking at any stage

undergraduate degree as basis for

undergraduate degree, studying beyond

visits to different campuses


assessment centres



print vacancies

accessible online

problem solving

positive steps to take

working abroad

professional practice, taught doctorate for

project management/planning, 2nd

Prospects publications/website

Psychology graduates

psychometric tests

public funding

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

quality standards, projects

quantitative and qualitative data

Radley, Julian, 2nd

recruitment agency

registering with

and speculative applications

references, testimonials and referees, 2nd




regional newspapers, job vacancies advertised in, 2nd

reliable information

rescue plans

research councils

research doctorate


reverse culture shock

sandwich placements, during degree

scientific subject areas chosen

Biology graduates

Chemistry graduates

Physical and Geographical Sciences graduates

Physics graduates

Sports Science graduates

sector guides

sectoral growth and decline, graduate training schemes

selection, successful

assessment centres

employer’s perspective

interviews see interviews



self-employment, 2nd

business start-ups, 2nd

and entrepreneurship, 2nd

experience, gaining

financial management

freelance staff


and intrapreneurship, 2nd


as life-changing choice

market research

marketing, publicity and promotion

micro-business, starting/trying out



own business, setting up and running


research and developing one’s idea



starting business immediately at full strength


taking a course/module as part of degree



connections, making


evidence, gathering



next steps

postgraduate study

psychometric tests



talking to others

uniqueness of each student

self-management, 2nd



CV, preparing/updating


employability see employability


expected skills of a graduate, 2nd



soft, 2nd, 3rd



transferable see transferable skills

Skype interviews, 2nd

small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

asking other workers about

defined, 2nd


and entrepreneurship

graduate training schemes, 2nd

headcount categories


postgraduate study

whether small, medium-sized or micro

SMART project goals

SMEs see small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

social media see Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter

social networks, 2nd

social sciences, subjects chosen

Economics graduates

Geography graduates

Law graduates

Politics graduates

Psychology graduates

Sociology graduates

Sociology graduates

soft skills, 2nd, 3rd

Solicitors, Legal practice courses for

speaker events

specialist bulletins, job vacancies advertised in

speculative applications, 2nd

focusing approach

and recruitment agencies

Sports Science graduates

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), LMI

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), LMI

STAR structure, applications, 2nd

Start Your Own Business (Welsted and Whiteling)

subject disciplines/areas chosen by graduates

arts, creative arts and humanities

breakdown of research findings see subject research data

business and administrative studies

employer’s perspective

engineering and building management


mathematics, IT and computing


social sciences

subject research data

employment rates, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

male to female ratio, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

occupational sectors chosen

Architecture and Building graduates

Biology graduates

Business and Management graduates

Chemistry graduates

Civil Engineering graduates

Computer Science and IT graduates

design graduates

Economics graduates

Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates

English graduates

Finance and Accountancy graduates

Fine Arts graduates

Foundation degree graduates

Geography graduates

History graduates

Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Transport graduates

language graduates

Law graduates

Marketing graduates

Mathematics graduates

Mechanical Engineering graduates

Media Studies graduates

Performing Arts graduates

Physical and Geographical Sciences graduates

Physics graduates

Politics graduates

Psychology graduates

Sociology graduates

Sports Science graduates

range of degree subjects included

Architecture and Building graduates

Biology graduates

Business and Management graduates

Chemistry graduates

Civil Engineering graduates

Computer Science and IT graduates

design graduates

Economics graduates

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


English graduates

Finance and Accountancy graduates

Fine Arts graduates

Foundation degree graduates

Geography graduates

History graduates

Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Transport graduates

language graduates

Law graduates

Marketing graduates

Mathematics graduates

Mechanical Engineering graduates

Media Studies graduates

Performing Arts graduates

Physical and Geographical Sciences graduates

Physics graduates

Politics graduates

Psychology graduates

Sociology graduates

Sports Science graduates

response rates and destination percentages, 2nd

Architecture and Building graduates

Biology graduates

Business and Management graduates

Chemistry graduates

Civil Engineering graduates

Computer Science and IT graduates

design graduates

Economics graduates

Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates

English graduates

Finance and Accountancy graduates

Fine Arts graduates

Foundation degree graduates

Geography graduates

History graduates

Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism and Transport graduates

language graduates

Law graduates

Marketing graduates

Mathematics graduates

Mechanical Engineering graduates

Media Studies graduates

Performing Arts graduates

Physical and Geographical

Sciences graduates

Physics graduates

Politics graduates

Psychology graduates

Sociology graduates

Sports Science graduates

subject-specific skills

supply and demand

demand for global graduates

demand for language proficiencies

distinctive nature of graduate as a labour supply

graduate labour market

relationship between as critical to job search

working abroad

taught/professional doctorate

teaching English abroad


technical skills

telephone interviews



see also assessment centres; interviews

ability/aptitude, 2nd



personality, 2nd




as best resource

job opportunities, accessing

recruitment timescales, knowing

time management

see also dates and deadlines

accepting help

to-do lists

important/urgent test

key dates

knowing what works

time as best resource

work-life balance

to-do lists

transferable skills, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

work experience

Twitter, 2nd, 3rd, 4th


UCAS Teacher Training (UTT)

UK Commission for Employment and Skills, 2nd, 3rd

undergraduate degrees

as basis for postgraduate study

postgraduate study

studying beyond

understanding motives for studying beyond

Universities UK

University Careers Service website

vacation work

during degree

valid information

video interviews

vocational degrees


WDGD (What do graduates do?)

see also subject disciplines/areas

degree subjects in

groupings of studies


see also Graduate Prospects website

dates and deadlines, 2nd


job opportunities, accessing, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

self-employment, 2nd

University Careers Service

weekly newspapers, job vacancies advertised in

Winter, David

work experience, 2nd



evidence, collecting and recording

experience, gaining

getting best from

internship following graduation

job prospects, improving

job search, enhancing

next steps

as part of degree

personal confidence and transferable skills

sandwich and vacation placements during degree


structure and focus, giving oneself

trying things out


work placement as part of course

work shadowing, 2nd

working abroad

bureaucracy and accessing key documents

casual work, checking if worth the risk

checking if entitled to work abroad

checking out job opportunities

demand for global graduates

Embassy in chosen country

employment demanding working abroad

employment overseas as graduate choice

enjoying overseas experience

Erasmus+ university exchange programme

foreign language skills obtained

High Commission of chosen country

interview at a distance

‘Know Before You Go’ campaign (FCO)

language proficiency, demand for

making most of opportunities

next steps

online searches

problem solving

return destination, sorting before going abroad

returning home

reverse culture shock on return home

short-term study abroad as part of degree (Erasmus+)

specific demand for global graduates


transferable skills valued by employers

travel, employers’ perspective

vacation work while still a student

work experience as part of degree

work-life balance

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