

  • 25-year environment plan, 128
  • 48-hour week, 109
  • 50-hour week, 109


  • accounting
    • impact assessment for, 145
    • for no-deal Brexit, 124
  • Airbus, 17
  • Amsterdam, Treaty of, 31
  • annual leave, 108
  • Article 50
    • extending date of, 12, 58
    • overview of, 11
    • May, Theresa and, 12
  • audit, for no-deal Brexit, 124
  • automation opportunities, 165–166


  • backstop, 54–56
    • border controls and, 101–102
    • overview of, 11
    • transition period, 14
    • UK Parliament, as objection in, 15
  • Bank of England, 61
  • Barclay, Stephen, 46
  • Barnier, Michel, 46
  • Barrow, Tim, 46
  • BCC (British Chambers of Commerce), 18, 150, 176
  • behavior, employee, 113
  • Bercow, John, 58
  • Black Wednesday, 30–31
  • Blair, Tony, 35
  • border controls
    • checks at, 99
    • delays at, 99–101
    • juxtaposed border controls, 99
    • logistics and, 98–102
    • Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland, 11, 101–102
    • satellites used in, 102
    • withdrawal agreement on, effects of, 98
  • Brexit, 7–22. See also withdrawal agreement
    • costs of, 47–48, 87
    • date of, 12
    • Hard Brexit, 11, 16
    • keeping informed about developments with
      • changing political landscape, 174–175
      • companies leaving UK, 173–174
      • currency, impact on, 175–176
      • financial markets, impact on, 175–176
      • government alerts, 149
      • overview, 169
      • repatriation of UK/EU laws to Westminster and devolved parliaments, 173
      • resources, accessing, 176
      • Scottish independence, 172
      • trade negotiations with EU, 170–171
      • transition period, 170
      • workforce pressures affecting public and private sectors, 175
    • no-deal Brexit
      • amendments to UK data protection law in case of, 134–135
      • defined, 11
      • impact assessment for, 124, 125
      • overview, 112
      • prospects of, 16
      • UK Parliament and, 58
    • official government tool to help businesses prepare for, 150
    • origin of, 13
    • protecting businesses against uncertainty of
      • business resources, engaging with, 156
      • customers, communicating with, 159
      • developments, keeping up to date with, 155
      • experts, working with, 154–155
      • government support, engaging with, 156
      • impact assessment, performing, 154
      • multiple streams of income, creating, 157–158
      • overview, 153–154
      • staff, engaging and motivating, 158–159
      • staying focused, 156
      • suppliers, communicating with, 159–160
    • public opinion on, 1
    • public voting on, 16
    • referendum
      • 1975 results, 8, 28
      • 2016 results, 8–9, 38–39
      • EU in, role of, 39
      • key issues in, 34–39
    • Soft Brexit, 11, 16
    • speculations on, 60–62
    • timeline of, 11–13
    • UK Parliament and
      • delaying, 58–60
      • voting on, 15–16, 33–34
  • Britain, vs. UK, 24. See also United Kingdom (UK)
  • British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), 18, 150, 176
  • British citizenship, 111
  • British Empire, 25
  • budget deficits, within EU, 36
  • Bull Market Board (financial forum), 176
  • business. See also employees
    • contracts, reviewing, 135–136
    • customers, communicating with, 105
    • delays, preparing for, 105
    • disruption in, 11, 21, 104–105
    • diversifying, 157
    • environmental standards, complying with, 127–128
    • European
      • border controls impacting, 101
      • financed through UK, 66–67
      • importance to UK market, 84–85
      • UK financial market impacting, 37
    • foreign-owned, 123
    • GDPR of EU citizens, managing, 133–135
    • impact assessment for
      • contingency plan, making, 149–150
      • environmental standards, 147
      • finances, 144–146
      • IT and data implications, accessing, 148
      • licensing, 147
      • logistics, 141–144
      • operating standards, 147
      • overview, 137–138
      • product standards, 147
      • professional qualifications, 147
      • trade, 141–144
      • workforces, 138–141
    • intellectual property, 125–127
    • international trading by, 19–20
    • leaving UK, 173–174
    • legal and regulatory changes in, 131–132
    • local advisers for, 158
    • official government tool to help prepare for Brexit, 150
    • overview, 121–122
    • owned by UK companies/citizens, 123–125
    • people as asset in, 107–108
    • personal data of EU citizens, managing, 133–135
    • planning for Brexit, 22, 60–61
    • post-Brexit opportunities for
      • business processes, automating, 165–166
      • companies that left UK, 167
      • customer Brexit-related problems, solving, 163–164
      • domestic demand for products and services, 162–163
      • homegrown support, capitalizing on, 167
      • investments from overseas investors, seeking, 166
      • markets beyond EU, 162
      • overview, 161–162
      • personal reputation, building, 164–165
      • reduced regulation, capitalizing on, 163
    • preparing for changes for European branches/subsidiaries, 122–125
    • product safety standards, maintaining, 129–130
    • protecting against Brexit uncertainty, 22, 81
      • Brexit developments, keeping up to date with, 155
      • business resources, engaging with, 156
      • customers, communicating with, 159
      • experts, working with, 154–155
      • government support, engaging with, 156
      • impact assessment, performing, 154
      • multiple streams of income, creating, 157–158
      • overview, 153–154
      • staff, engaging and motivating, 158–159
      • staying focused, 156
      • suppliers, communicating with, 159–160
    • reactions to Brexit, 17–18
    • SE, 124
    • that left UK, 167
    • travel for, 120, 140
    • in UK
      • currency swings, benefiting from, 82
      • EU imports affecting, expensive, 86
      • importance of EU markets to, 84
      • tariffs on, impacts of, 82–83
      • VAT processes and, 71
    • websites of, 132–133
    • World Trade Organization (WTO) rules affecting, 90
  • Business Brexit Checklist, 150


  • Cameron, David, 8, 12, 32, 34, 36
  • Canada-style deal, 171
  • cash flow, impact assessment for, 145
  • CBI (Confederation of British Industry), 18, 95, 155, 176
  • CDS (Customs Declaration System), 100–101
  • CE marking, 129–130
  • Certificates of Professional Competence (CPCs), 103
  • Change UK, 174
  • CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) system, 100–101
  • citizens, EU. See European Union (EU) citizens
  • Citywire Funds Insider (financial forum), 176
  • collective redundancy obligations, 109
  • Common Agricultural Policy, 29
  • Common Foreign and Security Policy, 26
  • common market. See single market
  • Commonwealth countries
    • independence of, 25
    • UK trading with, 90–91
  • Companies House forms, for no-deal Brexit, 125
  • company registration, for no-deal Brexit, 125
  • Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 18, 95, 155, 176
  • Conservative Party, 7
    • in elections, losing majority, 12
    • on employment, 70
    • on EU, 30
    • Labour Party and, 60
    • promising referendum, 9
  • consumer patterns, changes in, 124
  • consumer protection, 129
  • contingency plan, 149–150
  • contracts, business, 135–136
  • copyright protection, 125–126
  • Corbyn, Jeremy, 16, 57, 60
  • costs
    • of divorce bill, 47
    • impact assessment for, 145
    • of imports and exports, 86–87
    • monitoring, 86
    • of storage, 104–105
    • of transportation, 104–105
  • Council of the European Union, 29
  • countries. See also specific countries by name
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 29
  • CPCs (Certificates of Professional Competence), 103
  • cross-border merger, 124
  • currency, 146, 175–176
  • customers, solving Brexit-related problems for, 163–164
  • customs, 101
    • declaration on future relations on, 70
    • goods processed at, 100
  • Customs Declaration System (CDS), 100–101
  • customs duties
    • defined, 80
    • EU, financing, 29
    • vs. import VAT, 88
    • vs. tariffs, 80
    • withdrawal agreement and, 88–89
  • Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system, 100–101
  • customs union, 10
    • EFTA and, 11
    • origin of, 26
    • UK joining, prospect of, 16
    • UK's access to, transition period, 48
    • in withdrawal agreement, 14


  • data
    • impact of Brexit on data practices, 148
    • transferring between UK and EU, 134–135
  • data protection, 148
  • Data Protection Act, 134
  • Davis, David, 45, 110
  • declaration on future relations, 63–74
    • customs arrangements, 70
    • movement between EU and UK, 71–72
    • negotiating on, 72–74
    • overview of, 64–65
    • regulations between EU and UK, 69–70
    • trading between EU and UK, 65–71
    • vs. withdrawal agreement, 64
  • Delors, Jacques, 30
  • Democratic Unionist Party, 12, 39, 54
  • Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU), 176
  • Department for International Trade, 166
  • designs, protecting, 125–126
  • devalued pound, 162
  • devolution, definition of, 173
  • devolved parliaments, 173
  • DExEU (Department for Exiting the European Union), 176
  • divorce bill, 14, 44, 47
  • domestic demand, for products and services, 162–163
  • double taxation, 123
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), 103, 143
  • drivers, shortage of, 95
  • dual citizenship, 111
  • Dyson, James, 18


  • EBU (European Broadcasting Union), 74
  • EC (European Community), 26–27
  • economic operator registration and identification (EORI) number, 87
  • EEA (European Economic Area), 10, 26, 124
  • EFTA (European Free Trade Association), 11
  • employees
    • access to workers, maintaining, 96–97
    • behavior of, problematic, 113–114
    • communicating with, 158
    • costs of employment, 96
    • declaration on future relations on, 72
    • engagement of, monitoring, 114
    • EU citizens in UK as, 107–110
    • factors affecting, 20–21
    • losing, avoiding, 114
    • settled status, 21, 50
    • shortages of, 95, 117
    • supporting, 114–115
  • employment laws, 107–110
  • employment-related issues, 140–141
  • Environment Principles and Governance Bill, 128
  • environmental standards, 127–128, 147
  • EORI (economic operator registration and identification) number, 87
  • ERM (exchange rate mechanism), 30–31
  • EU. See European Union
  • EU Community Licenses, 103
  • .eu domain names, 132–133, 148
  • EU settlement scheme toolkit, 139
  • EU27 countries, 110, 134
  • Europe, regulations between UK and, 9–11, 63–74
    • after WWII, 25–27
    • in 1970's, 27–29
    • in 1980's, 30
    • in 1990's, 32–33
  • European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 74
  • European Central Bank, 29
  • European Commission, 29
  • European Community (EC), 26–27
  • European Council, 29
  • European Court of Auditors, 29
  • European Court of Justice, UK and
    • Article 50, ruling on, 57
    • overruling laws of, 32
    • ruling policies of, 38
    • transition period under jurisdiction of, 49
  • European Economic Area (EEA), 10, 26, 124
  • European Economic Community (EEC), 8, 9, 10, 28
  • European exchange rate mechanism (ERM), 30–31
  • European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 11
  • European Health Insurance Card, 120
  • European Parliament, 28
  • European Patent Office, 127
  • European Union (EU). See also European Union (EU) and UK; European Union (EU) citizens
    • Article 50, 11, 16
    • Black Wednesday, 30–31
    • budget deficits within, 36
    • Common Foreign and Security Policy, 26
    • Council of the European Union, 29
    • Court of Justice of the European Union, 29
    • customs union, 10, 16
    • financing of, 29
    • imports and exports, 83–84
    • on Ireland, borders in, 54
    • laws of, abiding by, 14, 49, 66
    • Maastricht Treaty, 31
    • markets beyond, 162
    • moving to, 119
    • Norway and, 10
    • overview of, 10
    • Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, 26
    • principles governing, 10
    • role of in Brexit, 39
    • Schengen Area, 10
    • single market, 10
    • tariffs on goods moving between UK and, 123
    • on trading, 52
    • transfer of power in, 32
    • transferring data between UK and, 134–135
    • transportation within, 102–103
    • Turkey and, 10
    • UK's trading relationship with, 129
    • visiting on business trips, 120
  • European Union (EU) and UK, 83–85
    • businesses in EU
      • financed through UK, loans, 66–67
      • importance of UK market to, 84–85
      • UK financial market impacting, 37
    • declaration on future relations, 64–65, 72–74
    • movement between, 51–52, 71–72, 101
    • negotiations between, 12
    • trading between, 65–71, 83–84
      • in financial services, 67–68
      • free-trade agreement, 66
      • statistics, 78–79
      • tariff-free, 70–71
      • VAT on goods, 71
      • WTO rules, 67
    • UK's influence in, 28–29
    • UK's view of, 25
  • European Union (EU) citizens
    • employing in UK
      • effect on Brexit, 107–110
      • impact of, 110–112
      • ongoing access to needed labor, 116–117
      • overview, 138–140
      • supporting, 112–115
    • living and working in UK, 115
    • prejudice/discrimination between UK and, 114
    • rights of, 14, 50–52
  • European Union settlement scheme toolkit, 139
  • euros, exchange rates between pounds and, 123
  • Eurovision, 74
  • Eurozone, 10, 13, 32
  • exchange rate mechanism (ERM), 30–31
  • excise duty, vs. import VAT, 88
  • expatriates, rights of, 50–51
  • experts, working with, 154–155
  • exports, UK–EU, 85–89. See also imports
    • free-trade agreement, negotiating, 81
    • import VAT and customs duties, 88–89
    • logistics and costs, 86–87
    • services, 89–90
    • tariffs, 82–86
    • trade deficit, 37
    • withdrawal agreement, 81–82


  • Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), 176
  • ferries, roll-on/roll-off, 100
  • Ferry company P&O, 18
  • fifty-hour week, 109
  • finances, impact assessment for, 144–146
  • financial forums, 176
  • financial markets, impact on, 175–176
  • Financial Times, 176
  • Financial Times Stock Index (FTSE) 100, 61
  • foreign products, 163
  • foreign-owned companies, 123
  • forty-eight-hour week, 109
  • Fox, Liam, 77
  • France, vetoing UK from joining EEC, 9, 27
  • freedom of movement, 36–37, 71–72, 116
    • Schengen Area, 9
    • single market and, 10
    • transition period and, 14, 50
  • free-trade agreement, 66, 79–81
  • Freight Transport Association (FTA), 96
  • FTSE (Financial Times Stock Index) 100, 61
  • funding, 146
  • funds, transferring, 123
  • future relations negotiations, 108


  • GDP (gross domestic product), 35, 36
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 21, 148
    • managing personal data of EU citizens and, 133–135
    • questions to ask about, 148
  • Germany, UK citizens and, 119
  • Gibraltar, Spain and, 55
  • Gilson, Sally, 96
  • Good Friday Agreement, 53–54
  • goods. See exports, UK–EU; imports
  • government alerts, on Brexit, 149
  • government support, engaging with, 156
  • grants, 146
  • Great Britain, defined, 24
  • Green Brexit, 128
  • Green Card, 94, 103
  • A Green Future (environment plan), 128
  • Grexit, 13
  • gross domestic product. See GDP


  • Hard Brexit, 11, 16
  • Heath, Edward, 27, 38
  • heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), 95, 103
  • high-profile companies, 173
  • HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) authorizations, 87–89
  • homegrown support, capitalizing on, 167
  • House of Commons, 56


  • Iceland, 10, 11
  • IDP (International Driving Permit), 94, 103
  • immigration, 36–37, 116–117
  • impact assessment, for businesses
    • contingency plan, making, 149–150
    • environmental standards, 147
    • finances, 144–146
    • IT and data implications, 148
    • licensing, 147
    • miscellaneous considerations, 148–149
    • operating and product standards, 147
    • overview, 137–138
    • performing, 154
    • professional qualifications, 147
    • trade and logistics, 141–144
    • workforces, 138–141
  • imports, 142–143. See also exports, UK–EU
    • quotas of, 80
    • taxes on, 80
    • in UK, 85–89
    • VAT, 88
  • India, trading with, 91
  • Information Technology (IT), accessing implications for, 148
  • information vacuum, 113
  • intellectual property (IP), 125–127
  • international data transfers, 134–135
  • International Driving Permit (IDP), 94, 103
  • International Monetary Fund, 61
  • Investing in International Real Estate For Dummies (Wallwork), 154
  • investments, from overseas investors, 166
  • InvestUK (investment promotion agency), 166
  • IP (intellectual property), 125–127
  • Irish backstop. See backstop
  • Irish citizenship, 111
  • IT (Information Technology), accessing implications for, 148


  • Jaguar Land Rover, 17
  • John Lewis (retailer), 17
  • Juncker, Jean-Claude, 46–47


  • Kropp, Brian, 112


  • labor, access to, 116, 117, 139–140
  • Labour Members of Parliament (MPs), 159
  • Labour Party, 16
    • Conservative Party and, 60
    • employment, stance on, 70
    • holding 1975 referendum, 28
    • “no confidence” motion, 57
  • large goods vehicles (LGVs), 95
  • legal changes, in businesses, 131–132
  • licensing, 147
  • Liechtenstein, 10, 11
  • Lisbon, Treaty of, 31
  • Lloyds Banking Group, 17
  • local business advisers, 158
  • logistics, 95–98
    • access to workers, maintaining, 96–97
    • drivers, shortage of, 95
    • opportunities, 98
    • warehousing, 97–98


  • Maastricht Treaty, 26, 31
  • Major, John, 31
  • marketing messages, 163
  • markets
    • beyond EU, 162
    • financial, impact on, 175–176
    • UK, 119
  • markings, CE, 129–130
  • maternity leave, 108
  • May, Theresa, 45, 108
    • Article 50 and, 12
    • Cameron, David, replacing, 34
    • Corbyn, Jeremy and, 60
    • on free movement of people, 14, 20–21
    • UK Parliament and, 15, 16, 56–61
  • measures, list of, 128
  • Moore Stephens/Barclays UK Logistics Confidence Index, 95
  • multiple streams of income, 157–158


  • National Health Service (NHS), 87, 116, 175
  • nationalism, 32
  • negotiations, 43–62, 108, 170–171
    • declaration on future relations, 72–74
    • free-trade agreement, 81
    • start date of, 12
    • teams, 45–47
    • UK rebate, 29–30
    • withdrawal agreement, 47–62
      • backstop, 54–56
      • Brexit, speculations on, 60–62
      • citizens, rights of, 50–52
      • cost of Brexit, 47–48
      • EU laws, abiding by, 49
      • Northern Ireland, 53–56
      • scope of, 44
      • trade, 52
      • transition period, 48–49
      • UK Parliament and, 56–60
  • NHS (National Health Service), 87, 116, 175
  • Nice, Treaty of, 31
  • Nissan, 17
  • no-deal Brexit
    • amendments to UK data protection law in case of, 134–135
    • defined, 11
    • impact assessment for, 124, 125
    • overview, 112
    • prospect of, 16
    • UK Parliament and, 58
  • non-EU countries
    • EEA, 10
    • EFTA, 11
    • transportation to and from, 106
    • UK's free-trade agreements with, 68
  • Northern Ireland, 53–56
    • backstop, 11, 14, 15, 54–56
    • customs, concerns about, 70
    • Democratic Unionist Party, 12
    • The Good Friday Agreement, 53–54
    • Republic of Ireland and, 101–102
  • Northern Ireland Assembly, 53
  • Norway, 10, 11
  • Norway-style deal, 170


  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), 166
  • Office for Budget Responsibility, 47
  • Office for National Statistics (ONS), 78, 117
  • online articles, publishing, 164
  • online resources
    • amendments to UK data protection law in case of no-deal Brexit, 134–135
    • application for settled or pre-settled status, 112, 115
    • author's business, 154
    • Bull Market Board, 176
    • Business Brexit Checklist, 150
    • CE and UKCA markings, 130
    • Chambers of Commerce, 176
    • Citywire Funds Insider, 176
    • Commissioner’s Office tool for guidance on GDPR and data protection after Brexit, 148
    • Confederation of British Industry, 155, 176
    • Department for International Trade, 166
    • DExEU, 176
    • employer toolkit for settlement scheme, 112
    • environment law to deliver Green Brexit article about, 128
    • EU settlement scheme toolkit, 139
    • FSB, 176
    • government alerts on Brexit, signing up for, 149
    • Intellectual Property Office, 125
    • international data transfers, 134–135
    • InvestUK, 166
    • IP protection, 126
    • no-deal Brexit, 124–125
    • official government tool to help businesses prepare for Brexit, 150
    • proxy services, 132–133
  • ONS (Office for National Statistics), 78, 117
  • operating standards, 147
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 166
  • organizations, collaborating with, 164
  • overseas branches, risks for, 123
  • overseas investors, 166
  • overtime, 109


  • pain points, 163
  • Parliament. See United Kingdom (UK) Parliament
  • passporting, 90
  • patent, protection, 125–126
  • permanent residence document, 111
  • personal reputation, building, 164–165
  • Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, 26
  • political declaration on future relations. See declaration on future relations
  • political landscape, changing, 174–175
  • political parties
    • Conservative Party, 7
      • in elections, losing majority, 12
      • employment, stance on, 70
      • Labour Party and, 60
      • promising referendum, 9
      • stances on, EU, 30
    • Democratic Unionist Party, 12, 39, 54
    • Labour Party, 16, 28, 57, 60, 70
    • Scottish National Party (SNP), 39
    • Tory Party, 30
    • UK Independence Party (UKIP), 9, 23, 32
  • post-Brexit opportunities for businesses
    • business processes, automating, 165–166
    • from companies that left UK, 167
    • customer Brexit-related problems, solving, 163–164
    • domestic demand for products and services, 162–163
    • homegrown support, capitalizing on, 167
    • investments from overseas investors, seeking, 166
    • markets beyond EU, 162
    • overview, 161–162
    • personal reputation, building, 164–165
    • reduced regulation, capitalizing on, 163
  • pound (currency)
    • devalued, 162
    • exchange rates between euro and, 123
  • preferential-trade agreements, 79–80
  • pre-settled status, 111–112
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 69
  • private sectors, workforce pressures affecting, 175
  • problematic behavior, in employees, 113
  • pro-EU Independent Group. See Change UK
  • professional advice, seeking, 154–155
  • professional qualifications, impact assessment for, 147
  • protections, employment law, 109–110
  • proxy services, 132–133
  • public sectors, workforce pressures affecting, 175
  • PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), 69


  • qualifications, professional, 147
  • quotas, 80


  • Raab, Dominic, 17, 45
  • rebates, 29–30, 35–36
  • reduced regulation, capitalizing on, 163
  • regulations, between EU and UK, 69–70
  • regulatory changes, 131–132
  • repatriation, of UK/EU laws to Westminster, 173
  • Republic of Ireland
    • backstop, 54–56
      • overview of, 11
      • transition period, 14
      • UK Parliament, as objection in, 15
    • customs, concerns about, 70
    • freedom of movement in, 118
    • The Good Friday Agreement, 53–54
    • Northern Ireland and, 101–102
    • UK trading with, 85
  • re-register trademarks, 127
  • resources, accessing, 176
  • Robbins, Oliver, 46
  • roll-on/roll-off ferries, 100
  • Rome, Treaty of, 27


  • safety markings, 129–130
  • Schengen Area, 9, 10, 11
  • Scotland, 73, 172
  • Scottish National Party (SNP), 39
  • SE (Societas Europaea) companies, 124
  • services
    • domestic demand for, 162–163
    • exporting, 89–90
    • proxy, 132–133
  • settled status, 21, 50
    • EU citizens and, 138
    • in UK, 111–112
  • single customs territory, 54
  • single market (common market)
    • defined, 10
    • European Economic Area (EEA), 10
    • origin of, 26
    • UK's access to in transition period, 48
  • SNP (Scottish National Party), 39
  • Societas Europaea (SE) companies, 124
  • Soft Brexit, 11, 16
  • Sony, 18
  • sovereignty
    • nationalism and, 32
    • of UK, 38
  • Spain, 55
  • staff, engaging and motivating, 158–159
  • standards, 127–128, 129, 147
  • storage, costs of, 104–105
  • Sturgeon, Nicola, 172
  • subsidiaries
    • deciding to set up, 125
    • definition of, 122
    • preparing for changes for European, 123
    • risks for, 123
  • suppliers, communicating with, 159–160
  • supply chain disruptions, 123, 143–144
  • Switzerland, 10, 11
  • Switzerland-style deal, 171


  • tailored Brexit services, 163
  • Tajani, Antonio, 47
  • tariffs, 123
    • vs. customs duties, 80
    • defined, 80
    • impacting UK businesses, 82–83
    • on imports and exports, 82–83
    • trading free of, 10, 26, 70–71, 82
  • taxation, double, 123
  • Thatcher, Margaret, 29–30
  • third countries, 134, 148
  • Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, 90
  • Tory Party, 30
  • trade, 65–69, 70–71. See also customs; exports, UK–EU; imports; tariffs
    • in financial services, 37, 67–68
    • free-trade agreement, 66
    • international, factors affecting, 19–20
    • as key issue in Brexit, 37
    • negotiations on, 52, 170–171
    • trade deficit, 37
    • UK
      • with Commonwealth countries, 90–91
      • issues with, 80–83
      • relations of, 78–80
    • VAT on goods, 71
    • withdrawal agreement, not included in, 14
    • WTO rules, 67
  • trade barriers, 141–142
  • trademarks, 125–126
  • transferring data, between UK and EU, 134–135
  • transition period, 48–49, 157, 170
    • customs duties in, 89
    • divorce bill in, 47
    • end date of, 12
    • extending date of, 12
    • overview of, 14
    • trading during, 81
    • VAT during, 89
    • withdrawal agreement, dependent on, 12
  • transportation
    • costs of, 104–105
    • documentation for, 103
    • within EU, 102–103
    • to/from non-EU countries, 106
    • within UK, 96
  • travel, 118, 120
    • business trips, 120, 140
    • between EU and UK, 36–37
      • declaration on future relations, 71–72
      • transition period, 14, 50
    • within European Union (EU), 9–10
      • single market (common market), 10
  • Treaty of Amsterdam, 31
  • Treaty of Lisbon, 31
  • Treaty of Nice, 31
  • Treaty of Rome, 27
  • trends, 112
  • Turkey, 10
  • Turkey-style deal, 171
  • Tusk, Donald, 46
  • twenty five-year environment plan, 128


  • UEFA European Football Championship, 74
  • UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marking, 130
  • UK Driver Certificates of Professional Competence (CPCs), 103
  • UK Independence Party (UKIP), 9, 23, 32
  • UK Warehousing Association (UKWA), 97–98
  • Unitary Patent System, 127
  • United Kingdom (UK), 23–39, 77–91. See also European Union (EU) and UK; United Kingdom (UK) citizens; United Kingdom (UK) Parliament
    • border control at ports, 100–101
    • vs. Britain, 24
    • businesses owned by EU companies/citizens, 123–125
    • companies leaving, 173–174
    • companies that have left, 167
    • constituent countries of, 7
    • customs union, access to, 48
    • disagreements with EU employment law, 109
    • economy of, EU citizens and, 110–111
    • Gibraltar and, 55
    • imports and exports, 85–89
      • free-trade agreement, negotiating, 81
      • import VAT and customs duties, impact on, 88–89
      • logistics and costs, 86–87
      • services, 89–90
      • tariffs, 82–86
      • withdrawal agreement, 81–82
    • joining customs union, prospect of, 16
    • joining EEC, 9, 27
    • joining ERM, 30–31
    • loans financed through, 66–67
    • non-EU countries, free-trade agreement with, 68
    • public finances, 110
    • Republic of Ireland, trading with, 85
    • Schengen Area and, 9, 10
    • Spain and, 55
    • tariffs on goods moving between EU and, 123
    • trade, 78–80
      • with Commonwealth countries, 90–91
      • issues with, 80–83
      • with USA, 79
      • worldwide, 68–69, 78–79
    • trade relationship with EU, 129
    • transferring data between EU and, 134–135
    • voting on Brexit, 8, 38–39
    • withdrawal agreement, publishing, 12
  • United Kingdom (UK) citizens
    • disadvantages for, 119–120
    • employing in EU, 118–120, 138–140
    • employment-related questions for, 140
    • living in France, 118
    • living in Germany, 118
    • prejudice/discrimination between EU and, 114
  • United Kingdom (UK) Parliament
    • backstop and, 15
    • Brexit and, 58–62
    • Data Protection Act 2018, 133
    • devolved, 173
    • employment law and rights and, 109
    • EU employment rules and, 108
    • Prime Minister Theresa May and, 108
    • rejecting proposals, 59
    • UKIP and, 9
    • voting on Brexit, 15–16
      • no-deal Brexit, 58
      • political parties, 33–34
      • withdrawal agreement, 12, 56–60


  • VAT (value-added tax), 143, 145
    • declaration on future relations and, 69
    • impacting UK, 88–89
    • import VAT vs. customs duties, 88
    • process, changes to, 71
    • receipts, 29
    • in transition period, 49
  • Verhofstadt, Guy, 47
  • visas, 116–117
  • Vodafone, 17
  • voting on Brexit, 8–9
    • constituent countries, 38–39
    • UK Parliament, 15–16
      • political parties, 33–34
      • withdrawal agreement, 56–60


  • warehousing, 97–98, 104–105
  • websites, 132–133
  • Westminster, repatriation of UK/EU laws to, 173
  • white papers, publishing, 164
  • Wilding, Peter, 13
  • withdrawal agreement
    • customs union included in, 14
    • vs. declaration on future relations, 64
    • draft of, 12
    • effects on border control, 98
    • effects on custom duties, 88–89
    • effects on import VAT, 88–89
    • imports and exports on, 81–82
    • negotiating, 47–62
      • backstop, 54–56
      • citizens, rights of, 50–52
      • EU laws, abiding by, 49
      • EU team, 46–47
      • Northern Ireland, 53–56
      • scope of, 44
      • trade, 52
      • transition period, 48–49
      • UK Parliament, 56–62
      • UK team, 45–46
    • overview of, 11
    • transition period dependent on, 12
  • withdrawal deal. See no-deal Brexit
  • workers’ rights, 108–110
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) rules
    • overview of, 67
    • services businesses, affecting, 90
    • trading partners, discrimination against, 84
    • trading under, 171
    • VAT processes under, 71
  • World War II, Europe and UK relationship following, 25–27
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