

Ackman Bill, 49. See also activist shareholders

Acorn Energy, 203

activist shareholders, 49

Actuant, 203

Adelphia, 82, 151. See also tone at the top

Adesida, Ade, 232. See also University of Illinois

affect heuristic, 135. See also motivated reasoning

agency problem, 35

in public companies, 58

agency theory, 35. See also principal-agent problem; agency problem

Aguilera, Ruth, 232. See also University of Illinois

Akerson, Dan, 96. See also CEO, controversy about compensation of; General Motors

AIG, 154, 165. See also GMI ratings; housing bubble

Alger, Fred, 109. See also risk, Fred Alger Management case study of

anchoring, 127, 139, 145. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow

annual operating plan (AOP), 90. See also long-range plan

AOL, 15

AOP. See annual operating plan

Apple, 12, 16–17

video from the 1980s about, 17

Argyris, Chris, 65–66. See also psychological contract

Arrow Electronics, 203

Arthur Andersen, 151. See also Enron

attribute substitution, 138–139, 145

Atwood, Chuck, 183, 231. See also EQR

interview with, 190–193

audit committee, 100. See also financial expertise; financial literacy

practices, 178

availability cascades, 139. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow

Ave Maria, Florida, 72. See also Monaghan, Tom

Ave Maria Foundation, 72. See also Monaghan, Tom

“Ave Maria Mass” (composition by Stephen Edwards), 72. See also Monaghan, Tom

Ave Maria University, 72. See also Monaghan, Tom

Avery Dennison, 203


balance sheet, 103–105

barriers to entry, 61. See also supply and demand

behavioral research, 132–141, 144. See also Kahneman, Daniel; Thinking Fast and Slow

belonging. See membership, privilege of

Berkshire Hathaway, 55, 57–58, 59. See also Buffett, Warren; controlled public companies

and M&As, 113

The Best and The Brightest, 126, 127, 129, 133. See also individual dynamics; organizational dynamics

Blackrock, 49. See also institutional investors

Blackstone Group, 14. See also Equity Office Properties

Blue Ribbon Committee, 153. See also Sarbanes-Oxley


and appointment of the CEO, 83

approval of annual and long-range plans by the, 89–93

and assistance to management, 114–116

and the authority of the CEO, 115

busy, 174, 176

determinants of effectiveness of the, 121–122

diversity, 177–178

and enterprise risk, 106–111

education of the, 118–119

evaluation of the, 117–118

importance of diversity in, 75–76

layering of, 119–120

and M&As, 111–114

and mitigation of risk, 106–107

merits of smaller vs. larger, 20–21

monitoring results by the, 89–93

process, 123–126

renewing of the, 117–120

renovation of the, 119–120

responsibilities vis-à-vis management of, 47–48

role vs. management role, 30

roles vis-à-vis management, 114

size, 24, 172, 176–177, 180

structure and composition, 171–178

board performance

standard measure of, 10–11

boardroom decisions, outcomes of, 6, 7

Bob Evans, 76

Boeing, 86

bounded rationality, 132–133, 144. See also behavioral research

BP, Deepwater Horizon, 165. See also GMI ratings

brainstorm versus debate, 141–144

broad excellence, 12, 25

in GFS, 12

Brown Company, 8

Buffett, Warren, 57–58, 59. See also Berkshire Hathaway

Built to Last, 107. See also Collins Jim

bull market, 151

Business Judgment Rule, 31

Bynoe, Linda Walker, 76, 202, 205, 231. See also EQR; Northern Trust; Prudential Retail Mutual Funds


C3 Energy, 203

CalPERS, 49, 58. See also institutional investors; pension funds

template for good governance, 160–163

candor, 43–45. See also professional responsibilities of directors

Case, Steve, 15. See also AOL

Caterpillar, 86

causes and statistics (difficulties learning from statistics), 140. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow


appointment of, and the board, 83

authority of, and the board, 115

authority in nonprofit organizations, 77

compensation of, 94–99

controversy about compensation of, 96–97

and director compensation, 99

importance in Cummins, Inc., 83–84

importance in GFS, 84

importance of a strong, 19, 75

need for outside, 86

succession of, 85–86

ultimate test of, 85

Cerberus Capital Management, 112. See also Chrysler

chairman roles and CEO roles, combination of, 6, 59, 150, 159, 171, 174–175, 180. See also Solso, Tim; Zell, Sam

lack of evidence regarding, 174

Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, Inc., 202

Chisolm, Don, 3. See also Zell, Sam; EQR

Christensen, Clay, 108. See also The Innovator’s Dilemma; slow death, prevention of

Chrysler, 69

federal bailout of, 154

merger of Daimler and, 112

sale to Cerberus Capital Management, 112

Citigroup, 131

cognitive biases. See also behavioral research; Kahneman, Daniel; Thinking Fast and Slow

prevention of, 145–146

Collins, Jim, 107. See also Built to Last; Good to Great; How the Mighty Fall

committees, 176

company assets, 31–32

company (companies) definition of, 51–52

as economic entity, 59–63

and employees’ values, 65

as a family, 64–65

as human communities, 63–66

importance of history and past of, 67

as a legal entity, 52–59

as a means and an end, 70–74

legal structures of a, 52

as an open system, 74–75

private, 53–55

public, 58–59

as a story, 66–70

controlled public companies, 55–58. See also Buffett, Warren; Kelly Services

additional responsibilities of directors in, 56–57

Cook, Tim, 12. See also Apple

core competence, 88. See also

Hamel, Gary; Prahalad, C. K.; strategic intent

Countrywide, 165. See also GMI ratings

creative destruction, 7

conflict of interest, 40–41. See also professional responsibilities of directors

constructiveness, 45. See also professional responsibilities of directors

core competence, 25. See also diversification, unrelated

Corporate Governance Matters, 125, 169

Corporate Governance Research Program, 125

corporate performance and board structure, 171–174

Cummins, Clessie Lyle, 69. See also Cummins, Inc., history of

Cummins, Inc., 2, 38, 86. See also “How Companies Fail” (presentation by John Hackett)

arrival of foreign competitors to, 68

history of, 69

importance of CEO in, 83–81

inventory management in, 130–131

lessons from the Big Three auto companies, 69–70

survival during the 1980s of, 68

tone at the top in, 82

visit of Professor Ishikawa to, 89–90

cycle of continuous improvement, 90. See also Ishikawa, Kaoru; quality movement


D&O insurance, 31–32

Daimler, 112. See also M&As

death spiral, 108. See also slow death, prevention of; How the Mighty Fall; The Innovator’s Dilemma

debate, need for, 147. See also brainstorming versus debate

Debrock, Larry, 232. See also University of Illinois

debt, 103–105. See also balance sheet; liquidity

temptation for excessive, 105


in groups vs. individuals, 129. See also individual dynamics

quality control checklist for, 145

strategy for de-biasing, 145–146

Delaware Supreme Court, 181

Deming, W. Edwards, 90

destiny, control of, 12, 14, 25, 29. See also Pyramid of Purpose; great governance

in GFS, 22

Detroit Tigers, 71. See also Monaghan, Tom

Dick Clark Productions, 76

director compensation, 33, 99. See also pay, privilege of; privileges of board work

director(s). See also governance; stewardship

busy, 171, 174

critical questions related to M&As for, 112–113

evaluation and feedback process,

guidelines for evaluation of M&As for, 113–114

independence, 27, 41–43, 150, 176

lead independent, 171, 174, 175–176

need for vigilance and savvy, 101–102

risk of interlocking with CEOs, 99

role of, 27

directors and officers insurance. See D&O insurance

directors and officers policies. See D&O insurance

Disney, 112. See also M&As

diversification, unrelated, 19

DLA Piper, 203

Dodd-Frank, 154–156

accountability and executive compensation and, 155–156

strengthening corporate governance by, 156

Domino’s Pizza, 70–72. See also Monaghan, Tom; Bain Capital

Downey, Dave, 202, 204–225, 231. See also Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, Inc.; First Busey Corporation; M Financial Holding; M Life Insurance Company;

duty of care, 36–37. See also legal duties of directors; responsibilities of board work

duty of loyalty, 37. See also legal duties of directors; responsibilities of board work


earnings management, 102. See also director(s), need for vigilance and savvy

Easter, Bob, 231. See also University of Illinois

Echambadi, Raj, 232. See also University of Illinois

economic value

creation, 10, 13, 25

measure of, 12

EDF, 73. See also McDonald’s Corporation/EDF partnership

education of the board, 118–119. See also financial literacy

effective internal controls, importance of, 99–101

efficiency, 12. See also nonprofit organizations

Ellison, Larry, 96. See also CEO(s), controversy about

compensation of; Oracle employee engagement. See broad excellence

Employee Stock Ownership Plan. See ESOP

Enron, 32, 82, 151. See also tone at the top

enterprise risk management, 107


combating, 75

negative, 74. See also companies, as open systems

Environmental Defense Fund, 73. See also McDonald’s Corporation/EDF partnership

EOP. See Equity Office Properties

EQR, 3–4, 58. See also Zell, Sam

board diversity in, 75–76

board self-evaluation in, 119

board size in, 24

committees in board of, 24

evaluation of the board in, 117–118

Glass, Lewis & Co proxy paper of, 166

governance in, 22–25

governance structure in, 23–24

high aspirations in, 22–23

importance of a great team in, 146

importance of supply and demand for, 60–61

and the inevitability of risk, 106

and the REIT industry, 22–23

2013 ISS’s report of, 167–168

and value creation, 23

younger directors in, 75

Equity Group Investments, 3. See also Zell, Sam

Equity Office Properties (EOP), 14. See also EQR and Zell, Sam

Equity Residential, Inc. See EQR

Erb, Fred, 73. See also University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources; Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise

Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, 73. See also University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources

ERM. See enterprise risk management

Ernst & Ernst, 81

ESOP, 55

ESPN, 76

evaluation of the board, 117–118, 119

execution, 15

executive and operational functions of management, 47

executive compensation. See also CEO, compensation of

equity-based, 150–151

goals and principles of, 97–99

use of restricted stock and stock options, 150

problems of golden handshakes and golden parachutes, 98

executive sessions, 175–176

Exxon, 112. See also M&As


Falcon Building Products, Inc., 203

federal bailouts, 154

federal legislation, 169

FERF, 81

fiduciary, 31

financial auditors, 100–102

financial bubble, 131

Financial Executives Research Foundation, 81

financial expertise, 61–62, 100, 171, 176. See also financial statement analysis

importance for audit committee of, 178

financial literacy, 61, 100, 118, 151. See also education of the board; financial statement analysis; financial expertise

financial reporting

format effects in, 133

importance of, 99–101

financial results, manipulation by management of, 178. See also earnings management

financial staff, 100–102

financial statement analysis, 61–63

First Busey Corporation, 202

First Virtual Group, 203

five forces model of corporate strategy, 88. See also Porter, Michael

Forbes, 5

Ford, Bill, 86. See also Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company, 69, 86

need for outside CEO in, 86

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 81

framing, 127

Frank, Robert, 96. See also CEO(s), controversy about compensation of; winner-take-all society

Fred Alger Management, Inc., 109–111

functional dominance, 131. See also organizational dynamics


Galvin, Bob, 17. See also Motorola; high aspirations

General Motors, 19, 69, 70, 96, 154, 165, 203. See also Akerson, Dan; CEO(s), controversy about compensation of; GMI ratings; federal bailouts; risk

GFS, 1–2

aggressive adoption of technology in, 13

boards of advisors in, 21

broad excellence in, 12

combating entropy in, 75

as example for high aspirations, 17–18

expansion of, in Canada, 92–93

governance structure in, 20

growth from US to Canada, 67–68

importance of CEO in, 84

importance of a great team in, 146

importance of long-range plan in, 92–93

Letter of Wishes by founders of, 22

operating philosophy of, 21

practices, 178–180

relation with governance strength, 178

views about debt in, 104

GL. See Glass, Lewis & Co

Glass, Lewis & Co, 166–167

proxy paper on EQR, 166

Global Campus Initiative (University of Illinois), 87–88

GMI ratings, 164–166

golden handshakes, 98. See also executive compensation

golden parachutes, 98, 156. See also executive compensation

Gordon, Dan, 231. See also

GFS interview with, 193–196

Gordon Food Service. See GFS

Gordon, Jim, 231. See also

GFS interview with, 197–198

Gordon, John, 75

Gordon, Paul, 1, 75. See also GFS

Good to Great, 107. See also Collins, Jim


best practices, 149–152

in EQR, 22–25

evaluation of good, 169–180

government’s efforts to fix failed, 152–156

key functions of, 47–48

importance of process for success of, 122–126

in nonprofit organizations, 76–78

practices of good, 180–181

in private companies, 54–55

ratings, 163–169

report cards for, 157–163

stronger, 179

structure in EQR, 23–24

structure in GFS, 20

and survival in perpetuity, 18

templates for good, 157–163

weak, 179–180

governance vs. managing, 28, 46–48

governance reform, 57–58

Governance Risk Indicators (GRId), 167. See also ISS

Grasso, Dick, 98. See also executive compensation; New York Stock Exchange

Gray, David L., 2, 75, 231. See also GFS

interview with, 198–202

great governance

practical suggestions for, 147

Pyramid of Purpose for, 11

what is, 10

Greenleaf, Robert, 29. See also servant leadership; service, privilege of; stewardship

Groupon, 76


Haben, Mary Kay, 76. See also Kraft Foods; Wrigley; Bob Evans; Hershey

Hackett John, 38–39. See also

Cummins; “How Companies Fail” (presentation)

Hackman, J. Richard, 122

Halberstam, David, 126.

See also The Best and The Brightest; individual dynamics; organizational dynamics

Hall, Bill, 203, 204-225, 231.

See also Actuant; Falcon Building Products, Inc.; Stericycle; W. W. Grainger

Halperin, Errol, 203, 231. See also DLA Piper

Hamel, Gary, 88. See also core competence; Prahalad, C. K.; strategic intent

Harlem Globetrotters, Inc., 203

Harper, Jim, 185, 189, 231. See also EQR

helicopter view, 66

Henderson, Jim, 68, 70, 90. See also Cummins

Hershey, 76

heuristics, 132–133. See also behavioral research; bounded rationality

Hewlett-Packard, 112. See also M&As

high aspirations, 14–25, 80–81

in EQR, 22–25

in GFS, 17–18

and Steve Jobs, 17

and high performance, 15

in University of Michigan Business School, 80

Hill, Rick, 203, 204-225, 231. See also Arrow Electronics; Novellus Systems, Inc.

hindsight (bias), 139. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow

history and past

of a company, 67

of Cummins, 69

housing bubble, 154

“How Companies Fail” (presentation by John Hackett), 38–39

How the Mighty Fall, 107–108. See also Collins, Jim; slow death, prevention of

Humble Inquiry, 116. See also questions, importance of


Icahn, Carl, 49. See also activist shareholders

incentives, creation of, 93–96

income gap in organizations, 94

independent chairman v. chairman and CEO, 174–175

individual dynamics, 126–129

innovation. See broad excellence

The Innovator’s Dilemma, 108. See also How the Mighty Fall; slow death, prevention of

institutional investors, 49, 58, 166. See also pension funds

inventory management, 130

investors, passive, 19

Ishikawa, Kaoru, 89–90. See also Cummins, Inc.; quality movement

ISS, 167–169

2013 report on EQR, 167–169


Jackson, Mannie, 203, 204-225, 231. See also Acorn Energy; Harlem Globetrotters, Inc.

James River Corporation, 6

Jobs, Steve, 16, 17

Walter Isaacson’s biography of, 17

judges v. formulas, 140–141. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow


Kahn, Robert, 74. See also The Social Psychology of Organizations; companies, as open systems

Kahneman, Daniel, 125–126, 132. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow

Katz, Daniel, 74. See also The Social Psychology of Organizations; companies, as open systems

Kelly Services, 5, 56, 203, 231.

Kerr, Clark, 72. See also Uses of the University; University of California

Keywell, Brad, 76. See also Groupon

Kozlowski, Dennis, 102. See also director(s), need for vigilance and savvy

Kraft Foods, 76

Krugman, Paul, 96. See also CEO(s), controversy about compensation of; winner-take-all society

KVP-Sutherland, 6


Larcker, David, 125. See also Corporate Governance Matters; Corporate Governance Research Program

leaders, development at every level of, 13

leadership, 19. See also broad excellence

differences between academic research and, 45

importance of character in, 85

importance of a great team for, 145

Leadership Pyramid, 8485

legal duties of directors, 36–37. See also responsibilities of board service

Lehman Brothers, 19, 154, 165. See also GMI ratings; risk

Levinson, Harry, 64. See also company, as a family

Linebarger, Tom, 70. See also Cummins

liquidity, 103–105. See also balance sheet

in Cummins, Inc., 103–104

Live Nation, 76

Loeb, Daniel, 49. See also activist shareholders

long-range plan, 89–93. See also annual operating plan

importance in GFS of the, 92–93

Lowenthal, Ed. See EQR

LRP. See long-range plan

Lurie, Bob, 3. See also Zell, Sam and Equity Group Investments


M&As, 111–114

critical questions for directors related to, 112–113

and cultural compatibility, 113

and Daimler’s merging with Chrysler, 112

as example of suboptimal course of action, 130

and Hewlett-Packard, 112

and Sprint’s acquisition of Nextel, 112

successful cases of, 112

M Financial, 203, 231

Maps of Bounded Rationality (Kahneman), 138–139. See also attribute substitution

Madoff, Bernie, 102. See also director(s), need for vigilance and savvy

Mahoney, Joe, 232. See also University of Illinois

management, executive and operational functions of, 47

March of Dimes, 13

market capitalization. See economic value creation

Mautz, Bob, 81. See also Ernst & Ernst; Paton Accounting Center at the University of Michigan

maximization of long-term value, 36

McDonald’s Corporation/EDF partnership, 73. See also Environmental Defense Fund

membership, privilege of, 29–30. See also privileges of board work

mergers and acquisitions. See M&A

Miller, Irwin, 133. See also Cummins, Inc.; bounded rationality

mission achievement, 11, 25. See also nonprofit organizations

mission statement, 81. See also high aspirations

Mobil, 112. See also M&As

Monaghan, Tom, 70–72. See also Domino’s Pizza; Ave Maria Foundation

Money for Nothing: How the Failure of Corporate Boards is Ruining American Business and Costing Us Trillions, 49

Monsanto, 7

mortality statistics, corporate, 18

motivated reasoning, 133–136.

See also behavioral research Motorola, 17

Mulally, Alan, 86. See also Boeing; CEO, need for outside

Mullin, Peter, 203, 204–225, 231. See also Avery Dennison; M Financial

Murphy, Leslie, 203, 204-225, 231. See also Kelly Services


NASDAQ, 153. See also Blue Ribbon Committee; Sarbanes-Oxley

The Nature of Leadership (by Joe

White), 84

Neithercut, David, 174–175, 183, 231. See also EQR

interview with, 187–190

Nextel, 112. See also M&As

New York Stock Exchange, 98, 153

News Corp, 165. See also GMI ratings

Nike Corporation, 73–74

nonprofit organizations, 25

CEO’s authority in, 77

governance in, 7678

measure of board performance for, 11, 12

objective function of, 77

Northern Trust, 76, 202

Novellus Systems, Inc., 203


occasional dissent, directors’ need for, 30. See also unity, directors’ need for

organizational dynamics, 126–127, 131


multiple purposes of, 12

open system, 74–75

Oracle, 96. See also CEO(s), controversy about compensation of; Ellison, Larry

Osborne, Alex, 141. See also brainstorm versus debate


Parfet, Don, 203, 204-225, 231. See also Kelly Services; Rockwell Automation

part-time board, importance of, 46

Paton Accounting Center at the University of Michigan, 81

pay, privilege of, 32–34. See also privileges of board work

PCAOB, 153. See also Sarbanes-Oxley

Peltz, Nelson, 49. See also activist shareholders

pension funds, 58

people development. See broad excellence persistence, 93. See also strategy

Pfizer, 7

Pharmacia of Sweden, 7

philosophy, operating in GFS, 21

Pixar, 112. See also M&As

Plan, Do, Check, Act, 90. See also Cummins, Inc.; Ishikawa, Kaoru; quality movement

Porter, Michael, 88. See also five forces model of corporate strategy

Prahalad, C. K., 88. See also core competence; strategic intent; Hamel, Gary; University of Michigan Business School

Prince, Charles O., 131. See also Citigroup

principal-agent problem, 35. See also agency theory

private companies. See also ESOP

governance in, 54–55

measure of board performance for, 10

privileges of board work, 28–35.

See also responsibilities of board service

process, board

advice for the board about, 123–124

advice for individual directors about, 123

Procter & Gamble, 86

productivity. See broad excellence professional responsibilities of directors, 37–41

when a company is failing, 37–40

protection, privileges of, 30–32. See also privileges of board work; Business Judgment Rule; D&O insurance

proxy advisory services, 49, 166. See also Glass, Lewis & Co

Prudential Retail Mutual Funds, 76, 202

psychological contract, 65–66

psychological ownership, 73

public companies, 58–59

agency problem in, 58

temptation for excessive debt in, 105

Pyramid of Purpose, 11, 14

illustration of the, 13


quality movement, 89–90. See also Cummins, Inc.; Ishikawa, Kaoru

Qualls, Bill, 232. See also University of Illinois

questions, importance of, 10, 115–116, 133. See also bounded rationality; Humble Inquiry

QuickScore. See ISS


real estate investment trust. See REIT

REIT, 3 22–23. See also EQR

representativeness (heuristic), 139. See also behavioral research; Thinking Fast and Slow

resignation, 39, 43. See also professional responsibilities of directors; director independence

respect, privilege of, 35. See also privileges of board work

responsibilities of board work, 35–41

return on invested capital over time, 12

Rindfleisch, Aric, 232. See also University of Illinois

risk, 19. See also enterprise risk management; General Motors; Lehman Brothers

board’s job to mitigate, 106–107

board role of overseeing, 106–111

and control, 104

Fred Alger Management, Inc. case study of, 109–111

inevitability of, 106

and return, 106, 107

risk/reward relationship, 105

risks of joining a board, 4

Rockwell Automation, 203

Rosenberg, Sheli, 231. See also EQR


Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 61, 82, 152–154

Schacht, Henry, 68, 70, 116. See also Cummins; questions, importance of

Schein, Ed, 116. See also Humble Inquiry; questions, importance of

Sculley, John, 16–17. See also Apple

self-determination, 12, 14. See also Pyramid of Purpose; great governance

self-serving attribution bias, 135–136. See also motivated reasoning

sense-making, 127–128

separation of ownership and control. See principal-agent problem; agency theory

servant leadership, 18. 21, 29. See also high aspirations; service, privilege of; stewardship

Servant Leadership (by Robert Greenleaf), 29

service, privilege of, 29. See also privileges of board work; servant leadership

Shapiro, Mark, 76. See also ESPN; Six Flags; Dick Clark Productions; Live Nation

shareholder and board primacy, 150

shareholder-friendly practices, 169–171. See also governance, evaluation of good; shareholder-unfriendly practices

shareholder return. See economic value creation

shareholder rights movement, 149

and the bull market, 151

and dismantling of most takeover protections, 171

and governance best practices, 150–152

shareholder-unfriendly practices, 170–171

shareholder value, as focus of directors, 36

shareholder value movement (or revolution), 41, 96, 169

Simon, Herbert, 132. See also bounded rationality

Sirius, 112. See also M&As

Siebel Systems, 203

Siebel, Tom, 203, 205, 231. See also C3 Energy; First Virtual Group; Siebel Systems

Six Flags, 76

slow death, prevention of, 107–108. See also How the Mighty Fall

The Social Psychology of Organizations (by Katz and Kahn), 74. See also companies, as open systems

Solso, Tim, 70, 86, 175, 203, 231. See also Cummins, Inc.; General Motors, Inc.

Sprint, 112. See also M&As stages of decline, 108. See also How the Mighty Fall; The Innovator’s Dilemma; slow death, prevention of

stakeholders’ interest and shareholder value, 36

Steele, Myron, 181

Stericycle, 203

stewardship, 21, 27. See also servant leadership

strategic intent, 88. See also core competence; Hamel, Gary; Prahalad, C. K.

strategy, 79, 86–89

board-imposed, 87

formulation vs. execution of, 86–87

importance of, 87

importance of persistence in, 93

need for management to own the, 88

and the planning process, 89–93

Strohm, Bruce. See also EQR

supply and demand, 60–61, 106

survival, 125

in perpetuity, 18

sweatshops, 73

system 1 and system 2, 136–138, 144. See also behavioral research; Kahneman, Daniel; Thinking Fast and Slow


Tayan, Brian, 125. See also Corporate Governance Matters; Corporate Governance Research Program

teams, 122

technical independence and real independence. See director independence

technology, aggressive adoption of, 13

Thinking Fast and Slow, 125–126, 135, 136, 139. See also behavioral research; Kahneman, Daniel; Maps of Bounded Rationality

TIAA-CREF, 49, 58. See also institutional investors; pension funds

template for good governance, 157–160

tone at the top, 81–83

in Cummins, Inc., 82

importance in fraud prevention, 82

Treadway Commission, 153. See also Sarbanes Oxley

Tversky, Amos, 125, 132. See also behavioral research; Kahneman, Daniel; Thinking Fast and Slow

Tyco, 59, 82, 102, 151. See also director(s), need for vigilance and savvy; tone at the top


undercapitalization, 103. See also balance sheet; liquidity unity, directors’ need for, 30.

See also occasional dissent, directors’ need for unity of command, 46, 115

University of California, 72

University of Illinois, 4, 72–73, 231

Global Campus Initiative of the, 8788

lack of CFO in, 100–101

University of Michigan, 4, 71

University of Michigan Business School, 1, 2, 73

University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources, 73

Upjohn Company, 6–7

Upjohn Institute, 231

UPS, 86

Uses of the University (by Clark Kerr), 72. See also University of California


value creation, 23. See also economic value creation in EQR, 23, 24–25

values, employees’, 65

vision statement, 81. See also high aspirations

Viswanathan, Madhu, 232. See also University of Illinois

Volcker, Paul, 68


Weick, Karl, 10

Whitaker, Gil, 1, 2, 122. See also University of Michigan Business School

winner-take-all society, 96. See also CEO(s), controversy about compensation of; Frank, Robert; Krugman, Paul

Wise, Phyllis, 232. See also University of Illinois

WorldCom, 32, 59, 82, 151. See also tone at the top

Wrigley, 76

W. W. Grainger, 203


XM, 112. See also M&As


Your Creative Power, 141


Zell, Sam, 2–3, 14, 174–175, 183, 184–187, 231

interview with, 184–185

philosophy of governance, 184

views on the board’s job, 184

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