
  1. Introduction
  2. Blockchain and the Data Integrity Revolution
  3. Imagine a world in which data can’t be corrupted, hacked, or lost.
  4. by Catherine Tucker
  5. Section 1
  6. Understanding Blockchain
  7. 1.  The Truth About Blockchain
  8. It will take years to transform business, but the journey begins now.
  9. by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani
  10. 2.  A Brief History of Blockchain
  11. It’s come a long way in 10 years.
  12. by Vinay Gupta
  13. 3.  The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
  14. What we can learn from the evolution of another groundbreaking technology.
  15. by Joichi Ito, Neha Narula, and Robleh Ali
  16. 4.  Who Controls the Blockchain?
  17. No one, and everyone, by design.
  18. by Patrick Murck
  19. 5.  How Safe Are Blockchains? It Depends
  20. The security issues are different in public and private networks.
  21. by Allison Berke
  22. 6.  What Blockchain Can’t Do
  23. Someone needs to verify the link between digital records and physical objects.
  24. by Catherine Tucker and Christian Catalani
  25. Section 2
  26. Blockchain and Business
  27. 7.  How Blockchain Is Changing Finance
  28. It could reduce friction and costs.
  29. by Alex Tapscott and Don Tapscott
  30. 8.  As Cryptocurrencies Rise, Who Needs Banks?
  31. It’s a tough time to be a middleman.
  32. by Antonio Fatás and Beatrice Weder di Mauro
  33. 9.  Global Supply Chains Are About to Get Better, Thanks to Blockchain
  34. We’ll be able to track goods between companies and across borders.
  35. by Michael J. Casey and Pindar Wong
  36. 10.  What Blockchain Means for the Sharing Economy
  37. The role of platforms will become less important.
  38. by Primavera De Filippi
  39. 11.  How Blockchain Can Help Marketers Build Better Relationships with Their Customers
  40. The technology can cut down on spam and fraud.
  41. by Campbell R. Harvey, Christine Moorman, and Marc Toledo
  42. 12.  Blockchain Could Help Artists Profit More from Their Creative Works
  43. Movie studios and record companies should take note.
  44. by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
  45. Section 3
  46. The Future of Blockchain
  47. 13.  Does Your Idea Actually Require Blockchain?
  48. What Chinese #MeToo activism teaches us about data integrity.
  49. by Catherine Tucker and Yudan Pang
  50. 14.  How Regulation Could Help Cryptocurrencies Grow
  51. Entrepreneurs are sitting on the sidelines for fear of innocently running afoul of the law.
  52. by Stephen J. Obie and Mark W. Rasmussen
  53. 15.  Using Blockchain to Keep Public Data Public
  54. Information is under attack.
  55. by Brian Forde
  56. 16.  Blockchain Will Help Us Prove Our Identities in a Digital World
  57. And the benefits will accrue to all rungs of society.
  58. by Michael Mainelli
  59. 17.  Making Cryptocurrency More Environmentally Sustainable
  60. In one year, blockchain activity used more power than 159 individual nations.
  61. by Marc Blinder
  62. About the Contributors
  63. Index
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