Chapter 10

The Hadoop Foundation and Ecosystem

In This Chapter

arrow Why the Hadoop ecosystem is foundational for big data

arrow Managing resources and applications with Hadoop YARN

arrow Storing big data with HBase

arrow Mining big data with Hive

arrow Interacting with the Hadoop ecosystem

As Chapter 9 explains, Hadoop MapReduce and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) are powerful technologies designed to address big data challenges. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you really need to be a programmer or data scientist to be able to get the most out of these elemental components. Enter the Hadoop ecosystem. For several years and for the foreseeable future, open source as well as commercial developers all over the world have been building and testing tools to increase the adoption and usability of Hadoop. Many are working on bits of the ecosystem and offering their enhancements back to the Apache project. This constant flow of fixes and improvements helps to drive the entire ecosystem forward in a controlled and secure manner.

In this chapter, you take a look at the various technologies that make up the Hadoop ecosystem.

Building a Big Data Foundation with the Hadoop Ecosystem

Trying to tackle big data challenges without a toolbox filled with technology and services is like trying to empty the ocean with a spoon. As core components, Hadoop MapReduce and HDFS are constantly being improved and provide great starting points, but you need something more. The Hadoop ecosystem provides an ever-expanding collection of tools and technologies specifically created to smooth the development, deployment, and support of big data solutions. Before we look at the key components of the ecosystem, let’s take a moment to discuss the Hadoop ecosystem and the role it plays on the big data stage.

No building is stable without a foundation. While important, stability is not the only important criterion in a building. Each part of the building must support its overall purpose. The walls, floors, stairs, electrical, plumbing, and roof need to complement each other while relying on the foundation for support and integration. It is the same with the Hadoop ecosystem. The foundation is MapReduce and HDFS. They provide the basic structure and integration services needed to support the core requirements of big data solutions. The remainder of the ecosystem provides the components you need to build and manage purpose-driven big data applications for the real world.

In the absence of the ecosystem it would be incumbent on developers, database administrators, system and network managers, and others to identify and agree on a set of technologies to build and deploy big data solutions. This is often the case when businesses want to adapt new and emerging technology trends. The chore of cobbling together technologies in a new market is daunting. That is why the Hadoop ecosystem is so fundamental to the success of big data. It is the most comprehensive collection of tools and technologies available today to target big data challenges. The ecosystem facilitate the creation of new opportunities for the widespread adoption of big data by businesses and organizations.

Managing Resources and Applications with Hadoop YARN

Job scheduling and tracking are integral parts of Hadoop MapReduce. The early versions of Hadoop supported a rudimentary job and task tracking system, but as the mix of work supported by Hadoop changed, the scheduler could not keep up. In particular, the old scheduler could not manage non-MapReduce jobs, and it was incapable of optimizing cluster utilization. So a new capability was designed to address these shortcomings and offer more flexibility, efficiency, and performance.

Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) is a core Hadoop service providing two major services:

check.png Global resource management (ResourceManager)

check.png Per-application management (ApplicationMaster)

The ResourceManager is a master service and control NodeManager in each of the nodes of a Hadoop cluster. Included in the ResourceManager is Scheduler, whose sole task is to allocate system resources to specific running applications (tasks), but it does not monitor or track the application’s status. All the required system information is stored in a Resource Container. It contains detailed CPU, disk, network, and other important resource attributes necessary for running applications on the node and in the cluster.

Each node has a NodeManager slaved to the global ResourceManager in the cluster. The NodeManager monitors the application’s usage of CPU, disk, network, and memory and reports back to the ResourceManager. For each application running on the node there is a corresponding ApplicationMaster. If more resources are necessary to support the running application, the ApplicationMaster notifies the NodeManager and the NodeManager negotiates with the ResourceManager (Scheduler) for the additional capacity on behalf of the application. The NodeManager is also responsible for tracking job status and progress within its node.

Storing Big Data with HBase

HBase is a distributed, nonrelational (columnar) database that utilizes HDFS as its persistence store. It is modeled after Google BigTable and is capable of hosting very large tables (billions of columns/rows) because it is layered on Hadoop clusters of commodity hardware. HBase provides random, real-time read/write access to big data. HBase is highly configurable, providing a great deal of flexibility to address huge amounts of data efficiently. Now take a look at how HBase can help address your big data challenges.

HBase is a columnar database, so all data is stored into tables with rows and columns similar to relational database management systems (RDBMSs). The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. One important difference between HBase tables and RDBMS tables is versioning. Each cell value includes a “version” attribute, which is nothing more than a timestamp uniquely identifying the cell. Versioning tracks changes in the cell and makes it possible to retrieve any version of the contents should it become necessary. HBase stores the data in cells in decreasing order (using the timestamp), so a read will always find the most recent values first.

Columns in HBase belong to a column family. The column family name is used as a prefix to identify members of its family. For example, fruits:apple and fruits:banana are members of the fruits column family. HBase implementations are tuned at the column family level, so it is important to be mindful of how you are going to access the data and how big you expect the columns to be.

The rows in HBase tables also have a key associated with them. The structure of the key is very flexible. It can be a computed value, a string, or even another data structure. The key is used to control access to the cells in the row, and they are stored in order from low value to high value.

All of these features together make up the schema. The schema is defined and created before any data can be stored. Even so, tables can be altered and new column families can be added after the database is up and running. This extensibility is extremely useful when dealing with big data because you don’t always know about the variety of your data streams.

Mining Big Data with Hive

Hive is a batch-oriented, data-warehousing layer built on the core elements of Hadoop (HDFS and MapReduce). It provides users who know SQL with a simple SQL-lite implementation called HiveQL without sacrificing access via mappers and reducers. With Hive, you can get the best of both worlds: SQL-like access to structured data and sophisticated big data analysis with MapReduce.

Unlike most data warehouses, Hive is not designed for quick responses to queries. In fact, queries can take several minutes or even hours depending on the complexity. As a result, Hive is best used for data mining and deeper analytics that do not require real-time behaviors. Because it relies on the Hadoop foundation, it is very extensible, scalable, and resilient, something that the average data warehouse is not.

Hive uses three mechanisms for data organization:

check.png Tables: Hive tables are the same as RDBMS tables consisting of rows and columns. Because Hive is layered on the Hadoop HDFS, tables are mapped to directories in the file system. In addition, Hive supports tables stored in other native file systems.

check.png Partitions: A Hive table can support one or more partitions. These partitions are mapped to subdirectories in the underlying file system and represent the distribution of data throughout the table. For example, if a table is called autos, with a key value of 12345 and a maker value Ford, the path to the partition would be /hivewh/autos/kv=12345/Ford.

check.png Buckets: In turn, data may be divided into buckets. Buckets are stored as files in the partition directory in the underlying file system. The buckets are based on the hash of a column in the table. In the preceding example, you might have a bucket called Focus, containing all the attributes of a Ford Focus auto.

Hive metadata is stored externally in the “metastore.” The metastore is a relational database containing the detailed descriptions of the Hive schema, including column types, owners, key and value data, table statistics, and so on. The metastore is capable of syncing catalog data with other metadata services in the Hadoop ecosystem.

Hive supports an SQL-like language called HiveQL. HiveQL supports many of the SQL primitives, such as select, join, aggregate, union all, and so on. It also supports multitable queries and inserts by sharing the input data within a single HiveQL statement. HiveQL can be extended to support user-defined aggregation, column transformation, and embedded MapReduce scripts.

Interacting with the Hadoop Ecosystem

Writing programs or using specialty query languages are not the only ways you interact with the Hadoop ecosystem. IT teams that manage infrastructures need to control Hadoop and the big data applications created for it. As big data becomes mainstream, non-technical professionals will want to try to solve business problems with big data. Look at some examples from the Hadoop ecosystem that help these constituencies.

Pig and Pig Latin

The power and flexibility of Hadoop are immediately visible to software developers primarily because the Hadoop ecosystem was built by developers, for developers. However, not everyone is a software developer. Pig was designed to make Hadoop more approachable and usable by nondevelopers. Pig is an interactive, or script-based, execution environment supporting Pig Latin, a language used to express data flows. The Pig Latin language supports the loading and processing of input data with a series of operators that transform the input data and produce the desired output.

The Pig execution environment has two modes:

check.png Local mode: All scripts are run on a single machine. Hadoop MapReduce and HDFS are not required.

check.png Hadoop: Also called MapReduce mode, all scripts are run on a given Hadoop cluster.

Under the covers, Pig creates a set of map and reduce jobs. The user is absolved from the concerns of writing code, compiling, packaging, submitting, and retrieving the results. In many respects, Pig is analogous to SQL in the RDBMS world. The Pig Latin language provides an abstract way to get answers from big data by focusing on the data and not the structure of a custom software program. Pig makes prototyping very simple. For example, you can run a Pig script on a small representation of your big data environment to ensure that you are getting the desired results before you commit to processing all the data.

Pig programs can be run in three different ways, all of them compatible with local and Hadoop mode:

check.png Script: Simply a file containing Pig Latin commands, identified by the .pig suffix (for example, file.pig or myscript.pig). The commands are interpreted by Pig and executed in sequential order.

check.png Grunt: Grunt is a command interpreter. You can type Pig Latin on the grunt command line and Grunt will execute the command on your behalf. This is very useful for prototyping and “what if” scenarios.

check.png Embedded: Pig programs can be executed as part of a Java program.

Pig Latin has a very rich syntax. It supports operators for the following operations:

check.png Loading and storing of data

check.png Streaming data

check.png Filtering data

check.png Grouping and joining data

check.png Sorting data

check.png Combining and splitting data

Pig Latin also supports a wide variety of types, expressions, functions, diagnostic operators, macros, and file system commands.

To get more examples, visit the Pig website within It is a rich resource that will provide you with all the details:


Many businesses store information in RDBMSs and other data stores, so they need a way to move data back and forth from these data stores to Hadoop. While it is sometimes necessary to move the data in real time, it is most often necessary to load or unload data in bulk. Sqoop (SQL-to-Hadoop) is a tool that offers the capability to extract data from non-Hadoop data stores, transform the data into a form usable by Hadoop, and then load the data into HDFS. This process is called ETL, for Extract, Transform, and Load. While getting data into Hadoop is critical for processing using MapReduce, it is also critical to get data out of Hadoop and into an external data source for use in other kinds of application. Sqoop is able to do this as well.

Like Pig, Sqoop is a command-line interpreter. You type Sqoop commands into the interpreter and they are executed one at a time. Four key features are found in Sqoop:

check.png Bulk import: Sqoop can import individual tables or entire databases into HDFS. The data is stored in the native directories and files in the HDFS file system.

check.png Direct input: Sqoop can import and map SQL (relational) databases directly into Hive and HBase.

check.png Data interaction: Sqoop can generate Java classes so that you can interact with the data programmatically.

check.png Data export: Sqoop can export data directly from HDFS into a relational database using a target table definition based on the specifics of the target database.

Sqoop works by looking at the database you want to import and selecting an appropriate import function for the source data. After it recognizes the input, it then reads the metadata for the table (or database) and creates a class definition of your input requirements. You can force Sqoop to be very selective so that you get just the columns you are looking for before input rather than doing an entire input and then looking for your data. This can save considerable time. The actual import from the external database to HDFS is performed by a MapReduce job created behind the scenes by Sqoop.

Sqoop is another effective tool for nonprogrammers. The other important item to note is the reliance on underlying technologies like HDFS and MapReduce. You see this repeatedly throughout the element of the Hadoop ecosystem.


Hadoop’s greatest technique for addressing big data challenges is its capability to divide and conquer. After the problem has been divided, the conquering relies on the capability to employ distributed and parallel processing techniques across the Hadoop cluster. For some big data problems, the interactive tools are unable to provide the insights or timeliness required to make business decisions. In those cases, you need to create distributed applications to solve those big data problems. Zookeeper is Hadoop’s way of coordinating all the elements of these distributed applications.

Zookeeper as a technology is actually simple, but its features are powerful. Arguably, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to create resilient, fault-tolerant distributed Hadoop applications without it. Some of the capabilities of Zookeeper are as follows:

check.png Process synchronization: Zookeeper coordinates the starting and stopping of multiple nodes in the cluster. This ensures that all processing occurs in the intended order. When an entire process group is complete, then and only then can subsequent processing occur.

check.png Configuration management: Zookeeper can be used to send configuration attributes to any or all nodes in the cluster. When processing is dependent on particular resources being available on all the nodes, Zookeeper ensures the consistency of the configurations.

check.png Self-election: Zookeeper understands the makeup of the cluster and can assign a “leader” role to one of the nodes. This leader/master handles all client requests on behalf of the cluster. Should the leader node fail, another leader will be elected from the remaining nodes.

check.png Reliable messaging: Even though workloads in Zookeeper are loosely coupled, you still have a need for communication between and among the nodes in the cluster specific to the distributed application. Zookeeper offers a publish/subscribe capability that allows the creation of a queue. This queue guarantees message delivery even in the case of a node failure.

Because Zookeeper is managing groups of nodes in service to a single distributed application, it is best implemented across racks. This is very different than the requirements for the cluster itself (within racks). The underlying reason is simple: Zookeeper needs to perform, be resilient, and be fault tolerant at a level above the cluster itself. Remember that a Hadoop cluster is already fault tolerant, so it will heal itself. Zookeeper just needs to worry about its own fault tolerance.

The Hadoop ecosystem and the supported commercial distributions are ever-changing. New tools and technologies are introduced, existing technologies are improved, and some technologies are retired by a (hopefully better) replacement. This one of the greatest advantages of open source. Another is the adoption of open source technologies by commercial companies. These companies enhance the products, making them better for everyone by offering support and services at a modest cost. This is how the Hadoop ecosystem has evolved and why it is a good choice for helping to solve your big data challenges.

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