
Once your program is ready for release, you will probably want to package it properly before distributing it. If it consists of a single .py file, this might not be much of an issue. If you’re dealing with nonprogrammer users, however, even placing a simple Python library in the right place or fiddling with the PYTHONPATH may be more than they want to deal with. Users normally want to simply double-click an installation program, follow some installation wizard, and then have your program ready to run.

Lately, Python programmers have also become used to a similar convenience, although with a slightly more low-level interface. The Distutils toolkit for distributing Python packages makes it easy to write install scripts in Python. You can use these scripts to build archive files for distribution, which the programmer (user) can then use for compiling and installing your libraries.

In this chapter, I focus on Distutils, because it is an essential tool in every Python programmer’s toolkit. And Distutils actually goes beyond the script-based installation of Python libraries. Using Distutils, you can build simple Windows installers and, with the extension py2exe, you can also build stand-alone Windows executable programs. And if you want a self-installing archive for your binaries, I provide a few pointers for achieving that as well.

Distutils Basics

Distutils is documented thoroughly in the two documents “Distributing Python Modules” and “Installing Python Modules,” both available from the Python Library Reference ( You can use Distutils to do all manner of useful things by writing a script as simple as the one shown in Listing 18-1.

Listing 18-1. Simple Distutils Setup Script (

from distutils.core import setup

      description='A simple example',
      author='Magnus Lie Hetland',

You don’t really have to supply all of this information in the setup function (you don’t actually need to supply any arguments at all), and you certainly can supply more (such as author_email or url). The names should be self-explanatory.

imagesTip  The setuptools project ( is based on Distutils, but includes several enhancements. For example, setuptools lets you create so-called “Python eggs,” which are portable, single-file bundles designed for distributing Python packages. It also provides quite a bit of automatic interaction with the Python Package Index (, a centralized index of Python packages.

Save the script in Listing 18-1 as (this is a universal convention for Distutils setup scripts), and make sure that you have a simple module called in the same directory.

imagesCaution  The setup script will create new files and subdirectories in the current directory when you run it, so you should probably experiment with it in a fresh directory to avoid having old files being overwritten.

Now let’s see how you can put this simple script to use. Execute it as follows:


You should get some output like the following:

usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: --help-commands
   or: cmd --help

error: no commands supplied

As you can see, you can get more information using the --help or --help-commands switches. Try issuing the build command, just to see Distutils in action:

python build

You should now see output like the following:

running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
copying -> build/lib

Distutils has created a subdirectory called build, with yet another subdirectory named lib, and placed a copy of in build/lib. The build subdirectory is a sort of working area where Distutils assembles a package (and compiles extension libraries, for example). You don’t really need to run the build command when installing, because it will be run automatically, if needed, when you run the install command.

imagesNote  In this example, the install command will copy the module to some system-specific directory in your PYTHONPATH. This should not pose a risk, but if you don’t want to clutter your system, you might want to remove it afterward. Make a note of the specific location where it is placed, as output by You could also use the -n switch to do a dry run. At the time of writing, there is no standard uninstall command (although you can find custom uninstallation implementations online), so you’ll need to uninstall the module by hand.

Speaking of which . . . let’s try to install the module:

python install

Now you should see something like the following:

running install
running build
running build_py
running install_lib
copying build/lib/ -> /path/to/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages
byte-compiling /path/to/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ to hello.pyc

imagesNote  If you’re running a version of Python that you didn’t install yourself, and don’t have the proper privileges, you may not be allowed to install the module as shown, because you don’t have write permissions to the correct directory.

This is the standard mechanism used to install Python modules, packages, and extensions. All you need to do is provide the little setup script.

The sample script uses only the Distutils directive py_modules. If you want to install entire packages, you can use the directive packages in an equivalent manner (just list the package names). You can set many other options (some of which are covered in the section “Compiling Extensions,” later in this chapter). You can also create configuration files for Distutils to set various properties (see the section “Distutils Configuration Files” in “Installing Python Modules,”

The various ways of providing options (command-line switches, keyword arguments to setup, and Distutils configuration files) let you specify such things as what to install and where to install it. And these options can be used for more than one thing. The following section shows you how to wrap the modules you specified for installation as an archive file, ready for distribution.

Wrapping Things Up

Once you’ve written a script that will let the user install your modules, you can use it yourself to build an archive file, a Windows installer, or an RPM package.

Building an Archive File

You do this with the sdist (for “source distribution”) command:

python sdist

If you run this, you will probably get quite a bit of output, including some warnings. The warnings I get include a complaint about a missing author_email option, a missing file, and a missing README file. You can safely ignore all of these (although feel free to add an author_email option to your script, similar to the author option, a README or README.txt text file, and an empty file called in the current directory).

After the warnings you should see output like the following:

writing manifest file 'MANIFEST'
creating Hello-1.0
making hard links in Hello-1.0...
hard linking -> Hello-1.0
hard linking -> Hello-1.0
tar -cf dist/Hello-1.0.tar Hello-1.0
gzip -f9 dist/Hello-1.0.tar
removing 'Hello-1.0' (and everything under it)

As you can see, when you create a source distribution, a file called MANIFEST is created. This file contains a list of all your files. The file is a template for the manifest, and it is used when figuring out what to install. You can include lines like the following to specify files that you want to have included, if Distutils hasn’t figured it out by itself, using your script (and default includes, such as README):

include somedirectory/somefile.txt

include somedirectory/*

imagesNote  If you’ve run the sdist command before, and you have a file called MANIFEST already, you will see the word reading instead of writing at the beginning. If you’ve restructured your package and want to repackage it, deleting the MANIFEST file can be a good idea, in order to start afresh.

Now, in addition to the build subdirectory, you should have one called dist. Inside it, you will find a gzip’ed tar archive called Hello-1.0.tar.gz. This can now be distributed to others, and they can unpack it and install it using the included script. If you don’t want a .tar.gz file, plenty of other distribution formats are available, and you can set them all through the command-line switch --formats. (As the plural name indicates, you can supply more than one format, separated by commas, to create more archive files in one go.) The format names available in Python 2.5 (accessible through the --help-formats switch to the sdist command) are bztar (for bzip2’ed tar files), gztar (the default, for gzip’ed tar files), tar (for uncompressed tar files), zip (for ZIP files), and ztar (for compressed tar files, using the UNIX command compress).

Creating a Windows Installer or an RPM Package

Using the command bdist, you can create simple Windows installers and Linux RPM files. (You normally use this to create binary distributions, where extensions have been compiled for a particular architecture. See the following section for information about compiling extensions.) The formats available for bdist (in addition to the ones available for sdist) are rpm (for RPM packages) and wininst (for Windows executable installer).

One interesting twist is that you can, in fact, build Windows installers for your package in non-Windows systems, provided that you don’t have any extensions you need to compile. If you have access to both, say, a Linux machine and a Windows box, you could try running the following on a Linux machine:

python bdist --formats=wininst

Then (after ignoring a few warnings about compiler settings) copy the file dist/ Hello-1.0.win32.exe to your Windows machine and run it. You should be presented with a rudimentary installer wizard. (You can cancel the process before actually installing the module.)


Compiling Extensions

In Chapter 17, you saw how to write extensions for Python. You may agree that compiling these extensions could be a bit cumbersome at times. Luckily, you can use Distutils for this as well. You may want to refer back to Chapter 17 for the source code to the program palindrome (in Listing 17-6). Assuming that you have the source file palindrome2.c in the current (empty) directory, the following script could be used to compile (and install) it:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

      ext_modules = [
          Extension('palindrome', ['palindrome2.c'])

If you run the install command with this script, the palindrome extension module should be compiled automatically before it is installed. As you can see, instead of specifying a list of module names, you give the ext_modules argument a list of Extension instances. The constructor takes a name and a list of related files; this is where you would specify header (.h) files, for example.

If you would rather just compile the extension in place (resulting in a file called in the current directory for most UNIX systems), you can use the following command:

python build_ext --inplace

Now we get to a real juicy bit. If you have SWIG installed (see Chapter 17), you can have Distutils use it directly!

Take a look at the source for the original palindrome.c (without all the wrapping code) in Listing 17-3. It’s certainly much simpler than the wrapped-up version. Being able to compile it directly as a Python extension, having Distutils use SWIG for you, can be very convenient. It’s all very simple, really—you just add the name of the interface (.i) file (see Listing 17-5) to the list of files in the Extension instance:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

      ext_modules = [
          Extension('palindrome', ['palindrome.c',

If you run this script using the same command as before (build_ext, possibly with the --inplace switch), you should end up with a file again, but this time without needing to write all the wrapper code yourself.

Creating Executable Programs with py2exe

The py2exe extension to Distutils (available from allows you to build executable Windows programs (.exe files), which can be useful if you don’t want to burden your users with having to install a Python interpreter separately.

imagesTip  After creating your executable program, you may want to use an installer, such as Inno Setup (, to distribute the executable program and the accompanying files created by py2exe. See the “Using a Real Installer” sidebar.

The py2exe package can be used to create executables with GUIs (such as wx, as described in Chapter 12). Let’s use a very simple example here (it uses the raw_input trick first discussed in the section “What About Double-Clicking?” in Chapter 1):

print 'Hello, world!'
raw_input('Press <enter>')

Again, starting in an empty directory containing only this file, called, create a file like this:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


You can run this script like this:

python py2exe

This will create a console application (called hello.exe) along with a couple of other files in the dist subdirectory. You can either run it from the command line or double-click it.

For more information about how py2exe works, and how you can use it in more advanced ways, visit the py2exe web site (

imagesTip  If you’re using Mac OS, you might want to check out Bob Ippolito’s py2app (


A Quick Summary

Finally, you now know how to create shiny, professional-looking software with fancy GUI installers—or how to automate the generation of those precious .tar.gz files. Here is a summary of the specific concepts covered:

Distutils: The Distutils toolkit lets you write installer scripts, conventionally called With these scripts, you can install modules, packages, and extensions. You can also build distributable archives and simple Windows installers.

Distutils commands: You can run your script with several commands, such as build, build_ext, install, sdist, and bdist.

Installers: Many installer generators are available. Using an installer to install your Python program makes the process easier for your users.

Compiling extensions: You can use Distutils to have your C extensions compiled automatically, with Distutils automatically locating your Python installation and figuring out which compiler to use. You can even have it run SWIG automatically.

Executable binaries: The py2exe extension to Distutils can be used to create executable binaries from your Python programs. Along with a couple of extra files (which can be conveniently installed with an installer), these .exe files can be run without installing a Python interpreter separately.

New Functions in This Chapter

Function Description
distutils.core.setup(...) Configures Distutils with keyword arguments in your script

What Now?

That’s it for the technical stuff—sort of. In the next chapter, you get some programming methodology and philosophy, and then come the projects. Enjoy!

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