10.5. UML Notation: Modeling the Static Aspects of an Abstraction

Now that we have a much better understanding about the static aspects of our model, we're ready to portray these in graphical fashion to complement the narrative documentation that we've developed for the SRS. We'll be using UML to produce a class diagram. These next few sections will give you a brief introduction to UML diagramming but won't provide a comprehensive tutorial. For more details on UML, look to the references listed in Chapter 17. Here are the rules for how various aspects of the model are to be portrayed.

10.5.1. Classes, Fields, and Operations

We represent classes as rectangles. When we first conceive of a class—before we know what any of its fields or methods are going to be—we simply place the class name in the rectangle, as illustrated in Figure 10-5.

Figure 10.5. UML depiction of theStudent class

An abstract class is denoted by presenting the class name in italics.

When we're ready to define the fields and operations of a class, we divide the class rectangle into three compartments—the class name compartment, the fields compartment, and the operations compartment—as shown in Figure 10-6. Note that the UML favors the nomenclature of operations instead of methods to reinforce the notion that the diagram is intended to be programming language independent.

Figure 10.6. Class rectangles are divided into three compartments.

As we begin to identify what the fields and/or operations need to be for a particular class, we can add them to the diagram in as much or as little detail as we care to. We might choose simply to list field names, or we might specify their names along with their types (see Figure 10-7). For the Student we identified in the noun phrase analysis of the SRS, we might think to define fields that represent the name, ID, birth date, and grade point average (GPA) of a student as well as the total number of students enrolled in the university, as shown in Figure 10-7. Static fields are identified as such by underlining their names.

Figure 10.7. Sometimes both field names and types are shown.

We might choose simply to list operation names in the operations compartment of a class rectangle, or we might optionally choose to use an expanded form of operation definition as we have for the RegisterForCourse operation in Figure 10-8, in which the input parameter (Course x) and return type (bool) for the method are included.

Figure 10.8. Sometimes argument signatures and return types are also defined.

It's often impractical to show all the fields and operations of every class in a class diagram because the diagram will get so cluttered that it will lose its "punch" as a communications tool. Consider the data dictionary to be the official, complete source of information concerning the model, and only reflect in the diagram those fields and operations that are particularly important in describing the mission of each class. In particular, "get" and "set" operations (whether implemented through methods or, in the case of C#, accessed as properties) are implied for all fields during the design stage and shouldn't be explicitly shown.

Also, just because the field or operation compartment of a class is empty, don't assume that there are no features of that type associated with a class; it usually simply means that the model is still evolving.

10.5.2. Relationships Between Classes

In Chapter 4, we defined several different types of structural relationships that can exist between classes—associations, aggregations (a specific type of association), and inheritance. Let's explore how each of these relationship types is represented graphically.

Binary associations—in other words, relationships between two different classes—are indicated by drawing a line between the rectangles representing the participating classes, and labeling the line with the name of the association. Role names can be reflected at either end of the association line if they add value to the model, but should otherwise be omitted.

We also mark each end of the line with the appropriate multiplicity designator, to indicate whether the relationship is one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many (see Figure 10-9); we'll talk about how to do this a bit later in the chapter.

Figure 10.9. Representing associations between classes

All associations are assumed to be bidirectional at this stage in the modeling effort, and it doesn't matter in which order the participating classes are arranged in a class diagram. So to depict the association "a Professor advises a Student," the graphical notations in Figure 10-10 are all considered equivalent.

Figure 10.10. Equivalent depictions of the advises association between the Professor and Student classes

UML uses the simple convention of a small arrowhead to reflect the direction in which the association name is to be interpreted, giving us a lot more freedom in how we place our class rectangles in a diagram, as shown in Figure 10-11.

Figure 10.11. Using an arrowhead to indicate the direction of an association label

With the UML, no matter how the preceding two rectangles are situated, we can still always label the association advises.

Unary (reflexive) associations—that is, relationships between two different objects belonging to the same class—are drawn with an association line that loops back to the same class rectangle from which it originates. For example, to depict the association "a Course is a prerequisite for a (different) Course," we'd use the notation shown in Figure 10-12.

Figure 10.12. A reflexive association involving the Course class

Aggregation, which (as you learned in Chapter 5) is a specialized form of association that happens to imply containment, is differentiated from a "normal" association by placing a diamond at the end of the association line that touches the "containing" class. For example, to portray the fact that a faculty is composed of professors we'd use the notation shown in Figure 10-13.

Figure 10.13. Indicating aggregation with a diamond

As we mentioned when we first introduced aggregation in Chapter 5, however, you can get by without ever using aggregation! To represent the preceding concept, we could have just created a simple association between the University and School classes, and labeled it is composed of, as shown in Figure 10-14.

Figure 10.14. A simple association as an alternative to an aggregation

The decision of whether to use aggregation versus plain association is subtle because it turns out that both can be rendered in C# code in essentially the same way, as you'll see in Part Three of the book.

Unlike association lines, which should always be labeled with the name of the association that they represent, aggregation lines are typically not labeled because an aggregation by definition implies containment. However, if you wish to optionally label an aggregation line with a phrase such as consists of, is composed of, contains, and so on, it is permissible to do so.

When two or more different classes represent "parts" of some other "whole," each "part" is involved in a separate aggregation with the "whole," as shown in Figure 10-15.

Figure 10.15. Two aggregations, drawn using two diamonds

However, we often join such aggregation lines into a single structure that looks something like an organization chart, as shown in Figure 10-16.

Figure 10.16. Two aggregations involving the same "whole" class, drawn using a single diamond

Doing so is not meant to imply anything about the relationship of Part A to Part B; it's simply a way to clean up the diagram.

Inheritance (generalization/specialization) is illustrated by connecting a derived class to its base class with a line, and then marking the line with a triangle that touches the base class (see Figure 10-17).

Figure 10.17. Inheritance is indicated with a triangle.

As with aggregation, the classes involved in an inheritance relationship can be portrayed with any orientation, as long as the triangle points to the base class.

Unlike association lines, which must always be labeled, and aggregation lines, which needn't be labeled (but can be if you desire), inheritance lines should not be labeled, as they unambiguously represent the "is a" relationship.

As with aggregation, when two or more different classes represent derived classes of the same parent class, each derived class is involved in a separate inheritance relationship with the parent, as shown in Figure 10-18, but we often join the inheritance lines into a single structure, as illustrated in Figure 10-19.

Figure 10.18. Depicting two derived classes with two different triangles

Figure 10.19. Depicting two derived classes with a single triangle

Doing so isn't meant to imply anything different about the relationship of derived class A to derived class B as compared with the previous depiction—these classes are considered to be sibling classes with a common parent class in both cases. It's simply a way to clean up the diagram.

10.5.3. Indicating Multiplicity

You learned in Chapter 5 that for a given association type X between classes A and B, the term multiplicity refers to the number of instances of objects of type A that must/might be associated with a given instance of type B, and vice versa. When preparing a class diagram, we mark each end of an association line to indicate what its multiplicity should be from the perspective of an object belonging to the class at the other end of the line; in other words:

  • We mark the number of instances of B that can relate to a single instance of A at B's end of the line.

  • We mark the number of instances of A that can relate to a single instance of B at A's end of the line.

This is depicted in Figure 10-20.

Figure 10.20. Indicating multiplicity between classes

By way of review, given a single object belonging to class A, there are four different scenarios for how object(s) of type B can be related to it:

  • The A type object can be related to exactly one instance of a B type object, as in the situation "a Student (A) has a Transcript (B)." Here, the existence of an instance of B for every instance of A is mandatory.

  • The A type object can be related to at most one instance of a B type object, as in the situation "a Professor (A) chairs a Department (B)." Here, the existence of an instance of B for every instance of A is optional.

  • The A type object can be related to one or more instances of a B type object, as in the situation "a Department (A) employs many Professors (B)." Here, the existence of at least one instance of B for every instance of A is mandatory.

  • The A type object can be related to zero or more instances of a B type object, as in the situation "a Student (A) is attending many Sections (B)." (A Student can take 0 Sections because at our hypothetical university, a Student is permitted to take a semester off.) Here, the existence of at least one instance of B for every instance of A is optional.

With UML notation, multiplicity symbols are as follows:

  • "Exactly one" is represented by the notation "1".

  • "At most one" is represented by the notation "0..1", which is alternatively read as "zero or one."

  • "One or more" is represented by the notation "1..*".

  • "Zero or more" is represented by the notation "0..*".

  • We use the notation * when we know that the multiplicity should be "many" but we aren't certain (or we don't care to specify) whether it should be "zero or more" or "one or more."

  • It's even possible to represent an arbitrary range of explicit numerical values x..y, such as using "3..7" to indicate, for example, that "a Department employs no fewer than three, and no more than seven, Professors."

Here are some UML examples:

"A Student has exactly one Transcript, and a Transcript belongs to exactly one Student." (See Figure 10-21.)

Figure 10.21. An example of mandatory one-to-one multiplicity

"A Professor works for exactly one Department, but a Department has many (one or more) Professors as employees." (See Figure 10-22.)

Figure 10.22. An example of mandatory one-to-many multiplicity

"A Professor optionally chairs at most one Department, while a Department has exactly one Professor in the role of chairman." (See Figure 10-23.)

Figure 10.23. An example of optional one-to-many multiplicity

"A Student attends many (zero or more) Sections, and a Section is attended by many (zero or more) Students." (See Figure 10-24.)

Figure 10.24. An example of optional many-to-many multiplicity


A Section that continues to have zero Students signed up to attend will most likely be cancelled; nonetheless, there is a period of time after a Section is first made available for enrollment via the SRS that it will have zero Students enrolled.

"A Course is a prerequisite for many (zero or more) Courses, and a Course can have many (zero or more) prerequisite Courses." (See Figure 10-25.)

Figure 10.25. An example of optional many-to-many multiplicity on a reflexive association

We reflect multiplicity on aggregations as well as on simple associations. For example, the UML notation shown in Figure 10-26 would be interpreted as follows: "A (Student's) Plan of Study is composed of many Courses; any given Course can be included in many different (Students') Plans of Study."

Figure 10.26. Reflecting multiplicity on an aggregation

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