

  1. Activity life cycle

    1. LifeCycleTest activity

    2. LogCat

    3. onCreate() method

    4. onPause() method

    5. onResume() method

    6. paused

    7. protected methods

    8. run the application

    9. sole UI component

    10. stopped

    11. TextView

  2. Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

  3. Accelerometer state


    2. onAccuracyChanged() method

    3. onSensorChanged() method

    4. SensorEvent

    5. SensorEventListener

    6. SensorManager

    7. test activity

  4. Action games

  5. Action Mask

  6. Activity class

  7. Activity life cycle

    1. running

    2. StringBuilder

  8. Advanced Emulator Features

  9. Advertising

    1. Ad aggregation services

    2. Ad providers

    3. game advertising tips

  10. Alpha blending

    1. BlendingScreen implementation

    2. glColor4f()

    3. GLUtils.texImage2D()

    4. methods

    5. per-vertex colors

    6. present() method

    7. vertex and texel colors

    8. vertex color and texture blended

  11. Android

    1. architecture

      1. application framework

      2. components

      3. Dalvik VM

      4. Kernel

      5. Runtime and Dalvik

      6. system libraries

    2. Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)

    3. developer community

    4. devices

      1. hardware

      2. minimum practical target

    5. features

    6. fragmentation

    7. Google

      1. Android Open Source Project

      2. Google I/O

      3. Google Play

    8. history

    9. mobile gaming

      1. casual and hardcore games

      2. connectivity

      3. description

      4. games market

      5. gaming machine

    10. project butter

    11. SDK

    12. version distributions

  12. Android APIs

    1. Activity life cycle

SeeActivity life cycle
  1. AndroidBasicsStarter Activity

SeeAndroidBasicsStarter Activity
  1. audio programming

SeeAudio programming
  1. file handling

SeeFile handling
  1. graphics programming

SeeGraphics programming
  1. input device handling

    1. accelerometer state

    2. key events

    3. multi-touch events

SeeMulti touch events
  1. single-touch events

  1. Android application

    1. APIs

SeeAndroid APIs
  1. Google Play filters

  2. icon

  3. Manifest File

SeeManifest File
  1. AndroidBasicsStarter activity

    1. ArrayAdapter constructor

    2. ListActivity

    3. onCreate() method

    4. onListItemClick() method

    5. setListAdapter() method

    6. test activity

  2. Android event-logging system

  3. Android game development framework

    1. AccelerometerHandler

    2. Activity class

    3. AndroidAudio class

    4. AndroidFastRenderView

    5. AndroidFileIO class

    6. AndroidGame.setScreen() method

    7. AndroidMusic class, MediaPlayer

      1. constructor

      2. dispose() method

      3. implementation

      4. isLooping(), isPlaying(), and isStopped()

      5. OnCompletionListener.onCompletion()

      6. pause() method

      7. play() method

      8. setLooping() and setVolume() methods

      9. stop() method

    8. AndroidSound class

    9. commentary

    10. CompassHandler

    11. getInput(), getFileIO(), getGraphics(), and getAudio() methods

    12. getStartScreen() method

    13. graphics

  1. KeyboardHandler

  1. onCreate() method

  2. onPause() method

  3. onResume() method

  4. plan of attack

  5. Pool class

  6. responsibilities

  7. setScreen() method

  1. AndroidGraphics

    1. AndroidFastRenderView

    2. AndroidGraphics.drawPixmap()

    3. AndroidPixmap

    4. artificial framebuffer

    5. aspect ratio

    6. clear() method

    7. constructor

    8. density

    9. drawPixel() method

    10. drawPixmap() method

    11. drawRect() method

    12. implementation, graphics interface

    13. newPixmap() method

    14. Replica Island

    15. screen sizes and resolutions

    16. target resolution

  2. Android NDK

    1. C/C++ header and implementation

    2. defined

    3. Java Native Methods, creation

    4. settings

    5. shared library

    6. testing, native method

  3. Android Robot

  4. Android Software Development Kit (SDK)

    1. components types

    2. debugging and profiling

      1. breakpoint setting

      2. logcat

    3. implementation

      1. advanced emulator features installation

      2. android virtual device creation

      3. AVD manager window

      4. device connection

      5. HAXM

      6. real device vs. emulator

    4. JDK set up

    5. set up

    6. softwares

  5. Android Studio

    1. breakpoint

    2. code completion

    3. debugging

    4. installation

    5. project

      1. application code

      2. creation

      3. exploration

  6. Android Studio

SeeAndroid Software Development Kit (SDK)
  1. Android Studio version 2

  2. Android virtual devices (AVDs)

  3. Application programming interfaces (APIs)

  4. Arcade games

  5. ARGB4444 format

  6. ARGB8888 format

  7. ASCII bitmap font

  8. ASCII characters

  9. Assets class

  10. Audio programming

    1. music stream

    2. sound effects

    3. volume controls

  11. Audio quality


  1. Beginning Android Games

  2. Bejeweled

  3. Bithack Apparatus

  4. Bitmap font

  5. Blending equations

  6. Blogs and Conventional Web Media

  7. Building blocks


  1. Casual games

    1. accessibility

    2. definition

    3. Gem Miner : Dig Deeper

    4. Temple Run

  2. Cathode ray tube (CRT)

  3. Code

    1. application

    2. file I/O

    3. game programming

    4. input module

      1. acceleration

      2. accelerometer

      3. axes

      4. event-based handling

      5. helper classes

      6. keyboard

      7. key-down events

      8. KeyEvent

      9. operating systems

      10. polling access

      11. TouchEvent classes

      12. touchscreen

      13. USB hardware

    5. modules

    6. pseudocode

    7. window management

  4. Codehead’s Bitmap Font Generator (CBFG)

  5. Collision detection

    1. bounding shapes

      1. axis-aligned bounding box

      2. bounding circle

      3. construction

      4. game object attributes

      5. oriented bounding shape

      6. rotation

      7. scaling

      8. triangle mesh

    2. broad phase

      1. cannon

      2. DynamicGameObject

      3. GameObject

      4. spatial hash grid

      5. Super Mario Brothers scene

    3. collision response

    4. CollisionTest class

      1. members and constructor

      2. present() method

      3. update() method

    5. narrow phase

      1. circle collision

      2. circle/rectangle collision

      3. overlapTester

      4. rectangle collision

  6. Color cube

  7. Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)

  8. Compression

  9. Crate solar system

  10. createCube() method

  11. Cupcake

  12. Cyanogen


  1. Dalvik Executable (DEX) bytecode format

  2. Dalvik virtual machine

  3. Defender

  4. 2D graphics programming

    1. camera

      1. Camera2D class

      2. Camera2DScreen class

      3. view frustum

      4. zooming

    2. collision

SeeCollision detection
  1. GameDev2DStarter

  2. physics

    1. CannonTest

    2. force and mass

    3. getDeltaTime()

    4. numerical Euler integration

    5. point masses

    6. present() method

    7. triangle cannon

    8. update() method

  3. sprite animation

    1. animation class

    2. cavemen walking

    3. keyframes

    4. looping animation

    5. present() method

    6. resume() method

    7. update() method

  4. SpriteBatcher Class

  5. sprite batchers

    1. batcher.endBatch()

    2. beginBatch() method

    3. definition

    4. drawSprite() method

    5. endBatch() method

    6. offerings

    7. scaling

    8. SpriteBatcher.drawSprite() method

    9. SpriteBatcherTest

    10. usage pattern

    11. vertices instance

  6. sprites

  7. texture atlas

    1. arbitrarily sized images

    2. bitmap font

    3. face-lifting operation

    4. GL_LINEAR

    5. objects

    6. resume() method

    7. usage

    8. vertex-creation

  8. texture regions

  9. trignometry

    1. atan2 function

    2. cosine and sine

  10. vectors

    1. add() and sub() methods

    2. ad hoc representation

    3. angle() method

    4. cannon touch event

    5. cannon triangle test

    6. class implementation

    7. cpy() method

    8. direction and distance

    9. len() method

    10. mul() method

    11. normalizing

    12. nor() method

    13. position

    14. present() method

    15. rotate() method

    16. scalars

    17. semi-mathematical representaion

    18. set() method

    19. static constants

    20. unit vectors

    21. update() method

    22. velocity and acceleration

  1. Digital encoding colors

  2. Discoverable by design

  3. Discovery Services

  4. 3D meshes

    1. cube and corner points

  5. Donut

  6. Double-buffering

  7. 3D programming

    1. cameras

      1. handcrafted matrix

      2. instances

      3. LookAtCamera

    2. collision detection and object representation

      1. bounding shapes

      2. DynamicGameObject3D

      3. real time collision

      4. sphere class

      5. sphere overlap testing

      6. testing methods

    3. first-person camera

SeeEuler camera
  1. initialising

  2. loading models

    1. exception handling

    2. implementing OBJ loader

    3. normals and texture coordinates

    4. ObjLoader

    5. plethora

    6. subset

    7. syntax

    8. texture triangle

    9. WaveFront OBJ format

  3. mipmapping

    1. aliasing effects

    2. canvas class

    3. chain

    4. define

    5. texture class

  4. in OpenGL ES, lighting

    1. Ambient lights

    2. color specification, source

    3. cube, vertex

    4. directional lights

    5. enabling and disabling

    6. gathering performances

    7. material specification

    8. normal specification

    9. notifications

    10. point lights

    11. reflections

    12. render object

    13. source, material

    14. specular reflection

    15. sphere, vertex

    16. spotlights

    17. syntax, source enabling

    18. types, material/light

    19. version, normals

    20. vertex normals

    21. working process

  5. in physics

    1. JNI

    2. mass based model

    3. pseudocode

  6. vectors

    1. components

    2. constructors and setters

    3. coordinates

    4. dist() method

    5. distSquared() method

    6. implementation

    7. interpretations

    8. java coding

    9. methods

    10. OpenGL ES

    11. Pythagorean equation

    12. rotate() method

    13. statements

  1. Dragon, Fly!


  1. Éclair

  2. Euler camera

    1. angles

    2. attributes

    3. disabling states

    4. EUlerCameraScreen

    5. first person shooter

    6. gesture processing

    7. grid formation

    8. initial setup

    9. operational methods

    10. point light

    11. projection and model view matrix

    12. SetMatrices() method

    13. SpriteBatcher

    14. stub methods

    15. transformation matrix

    16. UI rendering


  1. File handling

    1. assets/directory

    2. external storage

    3. SharedPreferences

  2. Firmware

  3. Fixed-time-step simulation

  4. Font class

  5. Fragmentation

  6. Framebuffer memory

  7. Frame rate–independent movement

  8. FreeType

  9. Froyo


  1. Game design

    1. building blocks

    2. core mechanics

    3. mechanics

    4. screens

    5. sketching

    6. snake

    7. story and art style

    8. transitions

  2. Game development

    1. alpha compositing

    2. Android

    3. audio interface

    4. audio quality

    5. be-all and end-all solution

    6. blending

    7. color models

    8. compression

    9. entertainment factor

    10. framebuffer

    11. framework

    12. Google Play application

    13. graphics

    14. mechanics

    15. music interface

    16. pixmap

    17. primary colors

    18. requirements

    19. RGB color cube

    20. simulation code

    21. sound interface

    22. tablet

    23. three-minute songs

    24. WASD keys

  3. Game-mechanics item

  4. Garbage collector (GC)

  5. Gem Miner : Dig Deeper

  6. General Public License (GPL)

  7. generateLevel() method

  8. Gingerbread

  9. GL3DBasicsStarter

  10. glFrustumf()

  11. Global Positioning System (GPS)

  12. glPopMatrix() method

  13. glPushMatrix() method

  14. GLScreen Class

  15. GLScreen.update() method

  16. gluPerspective()

  17. Glyph

  18. Google

    1. Android

      1. Google I/O

      2. Google Play

      3. Open Source Project

  19. Google I/O

  20. Google Play filters

  21. Graphics

  22. Graphics.drawPixmap() method

  23. Graphics.newPixmap() method

  24. Graphics processing units (GPUs)

  25. Graphics programming

    1. bitmaps

      1. Canvas.drawBitmap

      2. dispose

      3. loading and examining

      4. test activity

    2. continuous rendering, surface view

      1. motivation

      2. SurfaceCreation and validity

      3. SurfaceHolder and locking

      4. test activity

    3. coordinate systems

    4. drawing methods

      1. blending

      2. circles

      3. lines

      4. pixels

      5. rectangles

      6. testing

    5. going fullscreen

    6. hardware-accelerated rendering

    7. rendering text

      1. alignment and boundaries

      2. drawing text, fonts

      3. loading fonts

      4. test activity

    8. RenderView

    9. screen resolution

  26. Graphics software program


  1. Half-size VGA (HVGA) screens

  2. Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM)


  4. Help screens

  5. Hierarchical systems, matrix stack

    1. crate solar system

    2. glTranslatef()

    3. HierarchicalObject Class

    4. parent-child relationships

    5. render() method

  6. High-scores screen

  7. hitPlatform() method

  8. hitSquirrel()

  9. Honeycomb

  10. Human computer interfaces (HCI)


  1. Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS)

  2. Image formats

  3. Imangi Studios

  4. In-app products (IAPs)

  5. Indexed Vertices

    1. class

    2. constructor

    3. glDrawElements()/glDrawArrays()

    4. glEnableClientState()

    5. glVertexPointer()/glTexCoordPointer()

    6. implementation

    7. indexed bob

    8. rectangle rendering

    9. setVertices() and setIndices() methods

    10. vertices definition

  6. Input devices

    1. multitouch events

    2. action mask and types

  7. Input.getAccelX()

  8. Input.getAccelY()

  9. Input.getAccelZ()

  10. Integrated development environment (IDE)


  1. Java Development Kit (JDK)

    1. set up

  2. Java Micro Edition (ME)

  3. Java Native Interface (JNI)

  4. Java Standard Edition (SE)

  5. Jelly Bean


  1. Kerning

  2. KeyboardHandler

    1. AndroidInput

    2. Android KeyEvent type

    3. constructor

    4. game thread

    5. getKeyEvents()

    6. implementation

    7. isKeyPressed() method

    8. KeyEvent class

    9. keyEventsBuffer

    10. MultiTouchHandler

    11. onKey() method

    12. OnKeyEventListener.onKeyEvent() method

    13. OnKeyListener.onKey() interface method

    14. Pool class

    15. SingleTouchHandler Class

    16. TouchHandler

  3. KeyEvent

  4. KitKat


  1. Licensing

  2. Liquid-crystal display (LCD)

  3. load() method

  4. logcat

  5. LogCat

  6. Lollipop


  1. Main menu screen

  2. Manifest File

    1. components

    2. <activity> element

    3. <application> element

    4. <uses-feature> element

    5. <uses-permission> element

  3. Marshmallow

  4. Matrix stack

    1. glPushMatrix() method

    2. glTranslatef()

    3. hierarchical system

    4. manipulation

    5. model-view matrix

    6. TOS

  5. Max Payne

  6. Mipmapping

    1. aliasing effects

    2. createMipmaps()

    3. define

    4. texture

  7. Mobile gaming

    1. casual and hardcore games

    2. connectivity

    3. description

    4. games market

    5. gaming machine

  8. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

  9. Monetization

  10. Mr. Nom AndroidGame

    1. abstract representation

    2. accelerometer

    3. Audacity

    4. audio assets

    5. benefits

    6. convenient asset store

    7. coordinate system

    8. determination, game over

    9. GameScreen class

      1. coding

      2. constructor

      3. defined

      4. drawReadUI(), drawRunningUI(), drawPausedUI() and drawGameOverUI()

      5. drawText()

      6. drawWorld()

      7. GameState

      8. garbage collector

      9. paused()

      10. present()

      11. ready, running, paused and game over

      12. rendering methods

      13. stain images

      14. update() method

      15. updateGameOver()

      16. updatePaused()

      17. updateReady()

      18. updateRunning()

    10. graphical assets

      1. background.png

      2. buttons.png

      3. filenames and sizes, pixels

      4. headdown.png

      5. help1.png

      6. logo.png

      7. mainmenu.png

      8. numbers.png

      9. PNG format

      10. ready.png

      11. stain1.png

      12. tail.png

      13. target resolution

    11. HelpScreen classes

    12. High-scores screen

      1. images

      2. implementation

      3. rendering numbers

    13. integer coordinates

    14. loading screen

    15. main activity

    16. main menu screen

    17. model classes

    18. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

    19. placing Stains

    20. Snake and SnakePart classes

      1. advance()

      2. checkBitten()

      3. constants

      4. direction

      5. eat() method

      6. head’s position

      7. initial configuration

      8. overlapping

      9. representation

      10. tail parts

      11. turnLeft() and turnRight()

    21. stain class

    22. time-based movement

    23. user settings and high scores

    24. World class

  11. Multitouch events

    1. Action Mask and More Event Types

    2. onTouch() method

    3. pointer identifier

    4. pointer index

    5. process

    6. test activity

  12. Music stream

  13. MySuperAwesomeGame


  1. Nougat


  1. OpenCore

  2. OpenGL ES

    1. 2D transformations

      1. Bob class

      2. combining transformations

      3. matrices

      4. moving bobs

      5. rotation

      6. scaling

      7. translation

      8. world and model space

    2. 3D meshes

      1. createCube() method

      2. cube and corner points

      3. CubeTest class

      4. present() method

      5. resume() method

      6. spinning texture cube

      7. texture coordinates

      8. update() method

    3. 3D vertices

      1. coordinate systems

      2. positions

      3. present() method

      4. right-hand rule

      5. Vertices3Test

    4. camera system

      1. attributes

      2. Euler rotation camera

      3. gimbal lock

      4. GLU.glLookAt() method

      5. present() method

    5. C header files

    6. coordinate system

    7. frame rate measurement

    8. Game.getStartScreen()

    9. GLGame

      1. getGLGraphics() method

      2. getters and setters


      4. onCreate() method

      5. onPause()

      6. onResume() method

      7. onSurfaceChanged()

      8. onSurfaceCreate()

      9. Screen implementation

      10. synchronization

    10. GLGraphics and FloatBuffer

    11. GLSurfaceView

      1. color buffer

      2. EGLConfig

      3. glClearColor()


      5. onCreate() method

      6. onDrawFrame()

      7. onPause()/onResume()

      8. onResume() and onPause() methods

      9. onSurfaceChanged()

      10. onSurfaceCreated() method

    12. matrices

      1. identity

      2. model-view

      3. projection

      4. texture

    13. matrices and transformations

      1. crate solar system

      2. createCube() method

      3. HierarchicalObject class

      4. hierarchical systems

      5. matrix stack

      6. model-view matrix

      7. projection matrix

      8. render() method

      9. texture matrix

      10. update() method

    14. matrix modes and active matrices

    15. NIO buffers

    16. normalized device space

    17. optimization

      1. batching

      2. binding vertices

      3. issues

      4. rendering

      5. state modifications

    18. orthographic projection matrix

    19. perspective projection

      1. glFrustumf() method

      2. GLU.gluPerspective()

      3. vs. orthographic projection

      4. parameters

    20. per-vertex color

    21. primitives

    22. programming model

    23. projection matrix

    24. projections

    25. rendering pipeline

    26. sending vertices

    27. snippet

    28. triangles specification

    29. versions

    30. viewport

    31. z-buffer

      1. blending

      2. depth test or z-test

      3. depth value

      4. precision and fighting

      5. ZBufferTest

  3. Open Handset Alliance (OHA)


  1. Perspective projection

  2. Per-vertex color

  3. Pixels

  4. Playback

  5. pointerIndex

  6. presentLevelEnd() method

  7. presentPaused() method

  8. presentRunning() method

  9. Procedural generation

  10. Projections

  11. Pseudocode

  12. Psym Mobile

  13. Publishing, game

    1. developer console

    2. registered developer

    3. signing APK file

    4. testing

    5. uploading on Google Play

  14. Puzzle games

    1. building blocks

    2. iOS App Store

    3. match-three formula

    4. physics puzzler


  1. Quarter Video Graphics Array (QVGA)


  1. Rasters

  2. Recording

  3. render() method

  4. RGB color model


  1. Screen interfaces

  2. SDK

SeeSoftware development kit (SDK)
  1. SDK Manager

  2. Secure Digital (SD) cards

  3. Settings class


  5. SharedPreferences

  6. Simulation classes, Super Jumper game

    1. Bob class

    2. Castle class

    3. Coin class

    4. Platform class

    5. Spring class

    6. Squirrel class

    7. World class

      1. Bob.hitPlatform()

      2. checkCollisions() method

      3. checkItemCollisions() method

      4. checkPlatformCollisions() method

      5. checkSquirrelCollisions()

      6. generateLevel() method

      7. method update()

      8. Random.nextFloat()

      9. updateBob() method

      10. update methods

      11. updateSquirrels() method

      12. World.update() method

      13. game over–checking method

  7. Single system on chip (SoC)

  8. Single-touch events

    1. coordinate system

    2. first-generation devices

    3. MotionEvent

    4. onTouch() method

    5. test activity

  9. Skia Graphics Library (Skia)

  10. Snake game

  11. Social games

  12. Social Network Integration

  13. Software Development Kit (SDK)

  14. Space Invaders

    1. assets

      1. class

      2. game

      3. sound and music

      4. UI assets

    2. backstory

    3. game mechanics

    4. GameScreen class

      1. calculateInputAcceleration() method

      2. constructor

      3. presentGameOver() method

      4. present() method

      5. presentPaused() method

      6. presentRunning() method

      7. updateGameOver() method

      8. update() method

      9. updatePaused() method

      10. updateRunning() method

    5. main activity

    6. main menu screen

      1. present() method

      2. update() method

    7. optimizations

    8. plan of attack

    9. playing field

    10. screens and transitions

    11. settings class

    12. settings screen

      1. present() method

      2. update() method

    13. simulation classes

      1. invaders

      2. shield blocks

      3. ship

      4. shots

    14. world class

      1. checkInvaderCollisions() method

      2. checkShotCollisions() method

      3. constructor

      4. generateInvaders() method

      5. generateShields() method

      6. shoot() method

      7. updateInvaders() method

      8. update() method

      9. updateShots() method

    15. WorldRender class

      1. renderExplosion() method

      2. renderInvaders() method

      3. render() method

      4. renderShields() method

      5. renderShip() method

  15. Spatial hash grid

    1. cellIds array

    2. clearDynamicCells() method

    3. GameObjects

    4. game world

    5. getPotentialColliders() method

    6. insertDynamicObject() method

    7. insertStaticObject() method

    8. object overlap

    9. removeObject() method

  16. Super Jumper game

    1. assets

      1. bitmap fonts, handling text

      2. game elements

      3. music and sound

      4. texture atlas

      5. UI elements

    2. backstory development

    3. Bob’s horizontal movement

    4. bounding rectangles

    5. definition

    6. game screen

      1. members and constructors

      2. rendering methods

      3. update methods

    7. implementation

      1. assets class

      2. font class

      3. GLScreen class

      4. help screen

      5. high-scores screen

      6. main activity

      7. main menu screen

      8. settings class

    8. mechanics

    9. mock-up and grid

    10. screens and transitions

    11. simulationc lasses

SeeSimulation classes, Super Jumper game
  1. velocities and accelerations

  2. world class implementation

    1. collision detection and response

    2. game over-checking method

    3. procedural generation

    4. update methods

    5. WorldListener


  3. WorldRenderer class

    1. renderBackground() method

    2. renderBob() method

    3. renderCastle() method

    4. rendering code

    5. renderItems() method

    6. renderObjects() method

    7. renderPlatforms() method

    8. renderSquirrels() method


  1. Tank Hero

  2. Temple Run

  3. Tetris

  4. Texture mapping

    1. Class

    2. coordinates

    3. enable and disable


    5. glDrawArrays()

    6. glEnableClientState()

    7. glGenTextures()

    8. GLUtils.texImage2D()

    9. loadTexture()

    10. magnification

    11. minification

    12. snippet

    13. texture filtering

    14. texturing triangle

    15. uploading bitmaps

    16. vertex, triangle

  5. Thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD)

  6. Three-dimensional Euclidian space

  7. Top of the stack (TOS)

  8. TouchEvent code

  9. Tower-defense games


  1. updateGameOver() method

  2. updateLevelEnd() method

  3. updatePaused() method

  4. updateReady() method

  5. updateRunning() method

  6. User interfaces (UIs)

  7. User interface (UI) elements


  1. Virtual currency (VC)

  2. Vsync

W, X, Y

  1. WorldListener


  1. Z-buffer

  2. ZeptoLab

  3. Z-fighting

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