
About the Author

Dru Lavigne is the author of’s FreeBSD Basics column and has been an avid BSD user since FreeBSD 2.2.1. As an IT instructor, she specializes in networking, routing, and security. She is also responsible for ISECOM’s Protocol Database, which can be found at


The following people contributed their hacks, writing, and inspiration to this book:

  • John Richard, known locally as JR, is a system administrator in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His trademark in the field is his insistence on a FreeBSD box as the primary firewall on a network. He has enjoyed working with the author in the past at a private college in Kingston. In his spare time, he experiments with FreeBSD and rides his Harley-Davidson.

    [Hack #64]

  • Joe Warner is a Technical Analyst for Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services Corporation and has been using FreeBSD as a server and desktop since October of 2000. Joe has lived in Salt Lake City, Utah for most of his life and enjoys *BSD, computing, history, and The Matrix.

    [Hacks #35 and #59]

  • Dan Langille ( runs a consulting group in Ottawa, Canada. He has fond memories of his years in New Zealand, where the climate is much more conducive to year-round mountain biking. He lives in a house ruled by felines.

    [Hack #41]

  • Robert Bernier’s professional career has included engineering, accident investigation, and Olympic trials. In the 1980s, his interest returned to IT when he realized he wouldn’t have to use a punch card anymore. Eventually he discovered Linux and by the mid-1990s had developed a passion for all things open source. Today, Robert teaches at the local community college and writes for a number of IT publications based in North America and Europe.

    [Hack #12]

  • Kirk Russell () is a kernel tester at QNX Software Systems (

    [Hack #36]

  • Karl Vogel is a system administrator for the C-17 Program Office. He’s worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for 22 years and has a BS in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Cornell University.

    [Hack #32]

  • Howard Owen discovered computers by reading about Conway’s “Life” in Life magazine. It took many years from that discovery to the time he could actually make a living with the godforsaken things. Once that happened, however, Howard turned into a “major geek.” He has worked as a sysadmin, systems engineer, and systems architect. He is currently employed by IBM in Silicon Valley supporting Linux, but he still runs FreeBSD and OpenBSD at home.

    [Hacks #61 and #62]

  • Daniel Harris is a student and occasional consultant in West Virginia. He is interested in computer networking, documentation, and security; he also enjoys writing, armchair politics, and amateur radio.

    [Hack #55]

  • Andrew Gould, CPA, performs financial and clinical data analysis for a hospital in Texas. His primary tool for data integration is a PostgreSQL database server running on FreeBSD. Andrew has been using FreeBSD at both work and home for four years. Andrew has a BS in Education and a BBA in Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin.

    [Hacks #17, #40, #44, and #68]

  • Jim Mock is a FreeBSD admin and developer turned Mac OS X user and developer. He’s a FreeBSD committer, as well as an OpenDarwin committer, and he currently maintains 50+ DarwinPorts. Jim is also a member of the DarwinPorts Port Manager team. He can be reached at or through his personal site at

    [Hack #88]

  • Avleen Vig is a systems administrator at EarthLink (, where he maintains the company’s web, mail, news, and other Internet services for over 8 million users. He spends his spare time with his newborn son, contributing to the various Internet and Unix communities, and enjoying life. After seizing the day in 2001 and moving to LA from London, he’s waiting to see where life will take him next.

    [Hack #69]

  • Alexandru Popa is a CCNA studying for a CCNP, and is actively involved in the FreeBSD community in his spare time. At the time of this writing, he was studying Computer Science at the Politechnica University of Bucharest. He also maintains out of a basement in a deserted building, using a large hamster array for power. He can be contacted at .

    [Hack #70]

  • Jens Schweikhardt is a German software engineer and Internet wizard who is constantly looking for interesting things to do. As a seven-time IOCCC winner, he is well-known for taking C compilers to their limits. He contributes to Unix standardization and, of course, to God’s Own Operating System. When not hacking, Jens has been caught writing romantic poetry and riding his Italian Moto Guzzi around the Swabian hills and valleys. If he were given one modest wish, it would be clear skies when he goes stargazing with his telescope.

    [Hack #78]

  • Matthew Seaman is 38 years old and a former scientist and academic (Oxford University postgraduate). He is now a specialist in computer system administration, network architecture, and infrastructure design.

    [Hacks #49, #50, and #97 ]

  • Nathan Rosenquist first tried FreeBSD in 1996, and has been using Unix ever since. During the day, he can be found developing Perl-based web applications and business automation software. He lives in Shadow Hills, California with his girlfriend Carrie and their dog Nutmeg.

    [Hack #39]

  • Adrian Mayo ( has worked with computers for 20 years, specializing in the design of safety and mission-critical software for the aerospace and medical industries. He has gained exposure to BSD Unix through Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. He is Editor for the news and support site, writing most of the technical content, including the Unix tutorials and Daily Unix tips.

    [Hacks #14, #15, and #16]

  • Sebastian Stark () works as a system administrator at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Germany. He manages a bunch of workstations, as well as a computer cluster that is used for machine-learning research.

    [Hack #52]

  • Marlon Berlin () studies linguistics, comparative literature, and mathematics in Berlin. He works for DNS:NET, a German ISP, as a systems developer.

    [Hack #52]

  • David Maxwell () is a NetBSD Developer and member of the NetBSD Security-Officer team. He attended Unix Unanimous in Toronto since the first meeting in the early `80s, and still visits when he can. He was an avid Amiga user, and relishes a good (or bad) pun when he can muster one. David currently works at Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT).

    [Hacks #10, #53, #73, #75, and #76]

  • Julio Merino Vidal is studying Informatics Engineering at the UPC University of Barcelona, Spain. He has been a NetBSD developer since November 2002, working on the NetBSD Packages Collection ( and translating the web site to Spanish. He also maintains his own free software projects, including Buildtool ( You can contact him at .

    [Hacks #27 and #87]

  • Jan L. Peterson () is a professional system administrator with 16 years of experience working with multiple Unix versions (and the occasional Windows machine). Laid off from his last job when the company was acquired by a direct competitor, he has spent the last couple of years as a consultant. More about Jan can be found at

    [Hack #74]

  • Michael Vince was born in 1977. His initial interest in computers was video games, but he soon ventured into many other areas, such as programming, Unix, the Web, and networks. Having completed a Diploma in Computer Systems and a CCNA, he is an IT administrator for software companies and has been involved in large software projects that put his development skills to good use. A tech news junkie, he is always interested in the future of computing. He also enjoys staying up late solving difficult problems that require complex regular expressions in Perl, going to the gym, and hanging out in cafes. He is currently working on a software product called Ezmin.

    [Hack #66]

  • Daniel Carosone has been involved with NetBSD as a user, advocate, and developer for over 10 years. He is a member of the NetBSD Security Officer team, which provides leadership for security matters within the project and coordinates responses to public incidents and vulnerabilities. He is Chief Technologist for e-Secure, specializing in security consulting and management services to financial, government, and telecommunications organizations. He promotes security awareness through conference presentations and university lectures. He lives in Melbourne, Australia, and—when not working too hard—enjoys hiking, driving, and astronomy.

    [Hack #60]

  • Aaron Crandall, BSEE, has used OpenBSD since 2.7. He currently works for the Oregon Graduate Institute running computers as a part-time Master’s student. He’s built and given away more OpenBSD firewalls than he can count. Contact him at .

    [Hack #45]

  • chromatic is the Technical Editor of the O’Reilly Network. In practice, that means he edits (open source administration and development) and, occasionally, books like this one. Outside of work, he enjoys cooking and somehow produces a whole slew of weird software hacks like SDL Parrot, tiny mail tools, and that Perl 6 thing. Wade through the disarray of his web site at

    [Hack #92]

  • Brett Warden, BSEE, specializes in Perl programming and embedded systems. He lives in the Northwest with his wife, son, and two antisocial cats. He’s currently keeping an eye out for contracting and permanent positions. You can find a collection of odd projects at

    [Hack #65]


I would like to thank the many BSD and open source users who so willingly shared their experiences, ideas, and support. You serve as a constant reminder that BSD is more than an operating system—it is a community.

I would also like to thank all of my students and the readers of the FreeBSD Basics column. Your questions and feedback fuel my curiosity; may this book return that favor.

Thanks to David Lents and Rob Flickenger for reviews and advice. Special thanks to Jacek Artymiak for his invaluable input from the OpenBSD and NetBSD perspectives. And finally, special thanks to chromatic. A writer couldn’t have asked for a better editor.

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