

AAA, 123

advances, 15, 52, 72, 99, 114, 1167, 121, 127, 1379, 142, 145, 1923

advertising, 3, 1489

AEG Live, 634

AFM. see American Federation of Musicians

AFTRA. see American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

American Federation of Musicians (AFM), 101, 111, 123

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 101, 111

American Music Awards, 21

American Society of Composers, Authors, Publishers (ASCAP), 21, 56, 127, 130

Anderson, Chris, 1314

Angelil, Rene, 4950

angels, 42, 90

the Animals, 52

Anselmo, Mick, 49

Arden, Don, 52

Arden, Sharon Rachel. see Osbourne, Sharon

AristoMedia Group, 34

artist as business

alternative forms, 1023

brand/image, 957

corporation, 103

Internet, 1047

limited liability company/partnership, 103

market segmentation, 945

partnership, 1023

proprietorship, 102

support team, 97102

target market, 94

artist management

building a career, 1112

coaching, 78

communication, 910

conflicts of interest, 174

controlling, 6

creative, 10

decision making, 16

find best music, 193

functions, 46

goal-/results’oriented, 1011

importance of, 38

inconspicuous, 201

leadership, 7

leading/directing, 56

nature of, 1621

networking, 8

organizing, 5

part of big business, 1316

persistent, 10

planning, 45

problem solving, 11

as profession, 14

relationship with artist, 46

relationship with record label, 136, 146

salesmanship, 10

skills/personal traits, 611

social, 89

SWOT analysis, 1734

understanding people/business, 34, 7, 10

artist-songwriters, 126, 128, 129, 1301, 132, 152, 192


artistic self-knowledge, 39

background, 378

be patient, 46

be prepared for management, 435

be professional, 423

being commercial, 389

biography, 170

communication methods, 43

consistency in selling tickets/music, 40

creative work, 40

demo recording, 40

evaluation/SWOT analysis, 1723

expenses charged to, 1423

experience, 1712

fan base, 41

funding, 38

get experience, 3941

getting attention of a manager, 401

helpful questions/answers, 445

Internet presence, 423

live performance, 3940

musical genre, 170

as part of music business, 38

partnership agreements, 43

planning personal budget for, 835

preparing to be managed, 3746

relationship with manager, 46

social media/networking, 412

statistics concerning, 38

talents, 171

uniqueness, 172

ASCAP. see American Society of Composers, Authors, Publishers

Ash, Chris, 28

Association of Artist Managers, 20

Atlantic, 95

attorney, 2, 29, 378, 45, 48, 49, 59, 68, 70, 98, 103, 105, 121, 1367, 144, 164, 174, 179, 182

Australia, 177


Backstreet Boys, 589, 122, 164

Ballen, Carolyn, 152

Barnet, Dr Richard, 124

the Baronets, 50

the Beatles, 57

Beck, Jeff, 52

Berne Convention (1989), 126

Beyoncé Knowles, 152

Big Machine Records, 10

Billboard, 2, 8, 22, 61, 68, 149, 150, 158

Black Sabbath, 59

Blackstock, Narvel, 50

Blockbusters (Elberse), 14

Blue Bird Café (Nashville), 56

BMG Music Group, 16

BMI, 60, 130

BMI Live, 130

Bob Doyle & Associates, 56

Bocelli, Andrea, 4

booking agent, 6, 14, 22, 29, 56, 6970, 978, 11112, 116, 123, 152

bootstrapping, 334

Borchetta, Scott, 10

The Borderline (Soho, London), 87

Boyz II Men, 58

Bradley, Connie, 21

brand/image, 957

Brazil, 177

Breslin, Herbert, 534

Brighton Music Conference (UK), 110

Brooks, Garth, 22, 567

Brown, David Darnell (aka Young Buck), 85

Buddy Lee Attractions, 56

Budgets, 3, 56, 10, 21, 3233, 99, 141, 143, 147, 149, 157

artist, 835

career plan, 180

events, 856

live performances, 6, 112, 1134, 1167, 11921, 123, 129, 132

personal budget for the artist, 180

sample, 8991

business advisors

accountant, 101

banker, 100

business manager, 1012

insurance manager, 1001

business framework

form of business, 179

insurance, 179

membership of unions/professional organizations, 180

personnel requirements, 179

business plan

artist management, 2831

recording artist, 16970


California Talent Agency Act (TAA), 69, 70

Canada, 48, 103, 113, 122, 123, 130, 149, 177

Canadian Mechanical Rights Reproduction Agency (CMRRA), 128

Capitol Records, 56

career plan

artist focus, 1702

background, 1679

business framework, 17980

evaluation of artist, 1723

evaluation of manager, 1734

exit strategy, 1812

financial aspects, 180

goals/timelines, 1746

marketing plan, 1768

outline/template, 1835

recording artist business plan, 16970

carnet, 122

Carter, Aaron, 49

Cassetty, Todd, 20

CCCS. see Consumer Credit Counseling Services (of San Francisco)

Chandler, Chas, 51

charts, 22, 61, 68, 149, 1501

Chesney, Kenny, 152

Chess, 95

Chrysler, 5

Clapton, Eric, 52

Clear Channel, 49

CMRRA. see Canadian Mechanical Rights Reproduction Agency

coaching, 187, 18890

Coaching: Evoking excellence in Others (Flaherty), 190

code of conduct, 164

Music Manager’s Forum in Australia, 2934

College Music Journal (CMJ), 8

college radio, 8, 151

college tours, 1234

The Colonel: The Extraordinary Story of Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley (Nash), 49

Combs, Sean “P Diddy”, 58

conflict resolution, 30

Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) (San Francisco), 834

contract, 601, 67

all-in, 142

artist management form, 195210

assignment of responsibility, 74

current trends for recording artists, 1446

disagreements, 74

earnings following contract period (sunset clause/blackout period), 723

example, 195210

exclusivity, 701

groups, 75

income/expenses for artist from recording contract, 13741

insurance, 74

Kesha’s artist management contract, 28792

length, 689

manager’s expenses, 734

manager’s payment for services, 712

manager’s services to artist, 6970

Michael Jackson’s Final Artist Management

Contract, 76, 779

minors, 756

modifications, 745

negotiating, 68

performance, 11819

power of attorney, 71

record label cost provisions, 1434

recording, 23785

transfers, 74

contract meeting

budget the time, 160

dress appropriately, 161

ending the meeting, 163

flow of, 159

going for record deal, 156

key points, 1589

participants, 159

planning for results, 15860

practice the meeting, 1601

prepping, 158

presenting artist for, 15563

purpose of meeting/do homework, 1568

sequence of events, 1612

should artist attend, 162

support material, 15960

visit building/room beforehand, 159

copyright, 126, 12830

compulsory license, 126

foreign countries, 126

law, 126

mechanical license, 126

royalty rate, 126

things that cannot be copyrighted, 127

Copyright Solutions, 129

corporation, 103, 179

Country Radio Seminar (Nashville), 8

Creative Artists Agency, 152

Cruzan rum, 152

Curb Records, 63

Cyrus, Miley, 1523


DAS management, 60, 61

Davis, Clive, 16

Decca Records, 57

Def Jam, 95

digital media manager, 99100

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998), 126

Dill, Stuart, 81

Dion, Celine, 4, 50

Disney Corporation, 152

domain name, 43

Doyle, Bob, 22, 567

Dr. Luke. see Gottwald, Lukasz

Dreamweaver, 107

The Dukes of Hazard, 54


earnings, 1415

expenses charged to artist, 1423

following contract period, 723

live performance, 10924

recording, 13553

songwriting, 12532

education, 267

Egan, Sean, 57

Elberse, Anita, 14

Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 190

Elvis, Inc. (O’Neal), 489

email, 412, 148

Eminem (aka Slim Shady), 62

The Marshall Mathers LP2, 62

Recovery, 62

endorsements, 1512

entertainment law, 1367


background, 256

bootstrapping, 334

business plan, 2830

education, 267

experience, 27

managing disagreements/conflict, 30

money management, 314

negotiations, 30

outgoing personality, 301

proactive, 31

risk, 30

skills/characteristics, 301

suggestions for, 345

tools, 2630

vision/mission, 278

Epic records, 162

Epstein, Brian, 57

ethics, 1634

event plan

background, 856

food/beverage, 88

invitations, 878

performance, 889

promotion, 89

sample budget, 8991

when/where, 867

exit strategy, 181

artist in mature career, 181

planning by manager to end relationship, 1812

Expression Web, 107


Facebook, 8, 41, 1067, 116

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 100

financial plan. see budgets

Flaherty, James, 1889, 190

Fortune magazine, 60

Foster, David, 4

Franklin Covey, 91


Galante, Joe, 17

Garfunkel, Art, 58

gatekeepers, 7, 10, 18, 20, 22, 28, 39, 48, 56, 83, 90, 99, 149, 1634, 176

goal setting, 823

career plan, 1745

checkpoints, 176

goals supporting major goals, 175

major goals, 1745

revisit, 176

sample strategies/tactics, 1745

timelines, 1756

GoDaddy, 43, 104

Godfrey, M.P., 100

Gottwald, Lukasz (Dr. Luke), 601

Grammy, 4, 50

Grant, Peter, 523

Groban, Josh, 4


Harris, Joe, 56

Harry Fox Agency, 128

Harvard Business Review, 14

Hendrix, Jimi, 512

Hilley, Donna, 131

Hip Hop conference (Atlanta), 8

hospitality, 88

House of Blues (Los Angeles/New York), 87

Hutchison, Dr. Thomas, 104


Iacocca, Lee, 5, 16

ICANN. see Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

IFPI. see International Federation of Phonographic Industry

income. see earnings

Indie Music Forum, 152

Instagram, 41

insurance, 74, 1001, 179

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 845, 123

International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI), 14, 38

international touring, 1223

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 104

Internet/Worldwide Web, 104

content, 1067

domain name, 1045

hypertext markup language (HTML), 107

mining digital media for information, 107

uniform resource locator (URL), 105

web hosting services, 105

IRS. see Internal Revenue Service


Jackson, Michael, 634, 76

Jagger, Mick, 57

Japan, 177

Jay-Z, 146

Jeffreys, Frank, 51

Jeffreys, Michael, 502

Jonas Brothers, 58


Kay, Dean, 158

Kemosabe Records, 60

Kennedy, Jerry, 56

Kesha (Kesha Rose Sebert), 601

“Animal”, 601

artist management contract, 28792

“TiK ToK”, 61

Kiss, 121

knowledge acquisition, 1516

Kouzos, James, 1901

Kragen, Ken, 2, 18, 83

Kraski, Mike, 39

KZLA, 1489


La Face records, 61

Labor Code section 1700.4, 6970

Lachey, Nick, 54

Lameier, Jack, 9

Landau, Jon, 556

leadership, 187, 1902

Led Zeppelin, 523

lessons learned

business focus, 556

challenges of iconic performer, 634

conflicts of interest (importance of trust), 502

exploit artist’s talents, 57

family experience, 5960

having it in writing (contracts), 601

manage by boy scout motto (properly prepared), 545

managing artist’s image, 612

negotiation skills, 489

networking, 567

promotion (drawing/using strengths of artist client), 534

reinvention, 623

shared beliefs, 523

targeting (knowledge of target market), 4950

timing, 578

trust, 589

Lewis, Pam, 56, 57

Life is a Contact Sport (Kragen), 2, 83

Life (Richards), 20

limited liability company (LLC), 103

limited liability partnership (LLP), 103

LinkedIn, 8

Little Richard, 52

Live Nation, 14

live performance

background, 10911

booking the performance, 11112

business management of, 11214

college tours, 1234

contract, 11819

income stream, 10924

international touring, 1223

merchandise, 11922

promoting, 11618

soft/hard ticket sales, 11011

tour management, 11416

Live Performance Notification System, 130

LLC. see limited liability company

LLP. see limited liability partnership

LMFAO electro-pop group, 70

Logan, Lee, 148

London, 86, 87

The Long Tail (Anderson), 1314

Los Angeles, 86, 87, 121, 148

Ludacris, 152


McEntire, Reba, 50

McGraw, Tim, 623, 152

McNamara, Dr Carter, 5

Madonna, 146

Major Bob Music, 56

market segmentation, 945

behavioristic, 95

demographic, 94

geographic, 95

psychographic, 95

marketing plan, 176

detailed plans to reach target, 178

state of the industry, 1767

target market for artist, 1778

merchandise, 11920

awareness of Pollstar magazine, 1212

bootleggers, 121

fulfillment of orders, 121

hall fees/house rate, 120

handling, 120

licensing contracts, 121

Michelangelo, 82

Microsoft Outlook, 91

middle agent, 1234


basic knowledge, 312

Cash Flow Statement, 33

funding the artist, 38

funding company at startup, 334

Income Statement, 33

management of, 314

power of, 212

tracking company finances, 323

Moore, Joyce, 189

Moore, Sam, 189

Most, Mickie, 52

motion pictures, 152

Motown, 95

multiple rights recording contract. see 360[o] deal

Music Managers’ Forum (Australia), 201, 2934

contract, 21, 164, 2934

MusicTank, 8

MySpace, 38


‘N Sync, 58

Nash, Alanna, 49

Nashville, 10, 56, 85, 86, 87, 101

network, 412

New Beginnings, 61

New Kids On the Block, 58

New Yardbirds, 52

New York, 86, 87, 122

Nielsen Audio audience ratings, 148

Nielsen Company, 48


Oldham, Andrew Loog, 57

On-Stage, 130

O’Neal, Sean, 48

online sales, 2

online streaming, 29, 69, 107, 137, 145, 150, 177

Osbourne, Ozzy, 5960, 162

Blizzard of Oz, 162

Osbourne, Sharon (Sharon Rachel Arden), 52, 5960, 162


P Diddy. see Combs, Sean “P Diddy”

Page, Jimmy, 52

Palmer, Christopher, 124

Parker, Tom, 489, 73

partnership, 1023

Partnership Agreement for Members of a Band, 21135

Parton, Dolly, 55

Patton, Jonnetta, 612

Pavarotti, Luciano, 534

payola, 1645

Pearlman, Lou, 589, 122

Performing Right Society (PRS) Limited (UK), 130

performing rights organization (PRO), 49, 109, 130, 131

Peters, Tom, 1901

Philips, Randy, 634

planning, 81

budgeting an event, 856

event plan, 869

personal budget for artist, 835

sample budget, 8991

setting/achieving goals, 823

tools, 91

Poetic Justice, 61

Pollstar, 2, 8, 1212, 158

Posner, Barry, 1901


access, 22

body of work, 23

latest success, 23

money, 212

responsibility to give back, 23

understanding, 213

power of attorney, 71

PPD. see published price to dealers

Presley, Elvis, 489, 73

PRO. see performing rights organization

producer, 1412

promoter, 116

budgets, 117

as a casino, 118

payment/split point, 11718

risk, 117

proprietorship, 102

Psy, 22

publicist, 22, 99

published price to dealers (PPD), 139

publishing, 1278

controlled compositions, 129

income, 12930

as negotiating asset, 132


Queen Latifah, 152



charts, 1501

college, 151

performance fees, 130

role in recording artist’s income, 14751

satellite/online, 14950

terrestrial, 1489

radio programmers, 22, 100, 1423, 14852, 1645

radio promotion manager, 100

RCA, 49, 60

record labels, 12

cost provisions in contract, 1434

effect of Internet on, 256

fiduciary relationship, 146

independent, 1467

large, 1367

Recording Contract, 23785

recording income

artist income, 13941

artist management, 146

artists who own/record for independent labels, 1467

background, 1356

business aspects, 147

charges on artist’s statement of account, 1423

creating/paying for recording, 1389

current trends in artist contracts, 1446

income/expenses from recording contract, 13741

radio, 14751

record label provisions, 1434

recording for large labels, 1367

role of producer, 1412

sponsorship, endorsements, TV, motion pictures, 1513

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 38

Reid, John, 74

Resound, 130

RIAA. see Recording Industry Association of America

Richards, Keith, 20, 57

right of publicity, 967

Rimes, LeAnn, 49

Rolling Stones, 20, 57

Rosenberg, Paul, 62

Rowe, Dick, 57

royalties, 126, 131, 136, 13941

RPM Entertainment, 63

RPM Management, 623

Rudolph, Larry, 153


San Francisco, 85

Sant Fe Opera (New Mexico), 53

Saturday Night Live, 55

Sebert, Kesha Rose. see Kesha

SESAC, 130

Siman, Scott, 623

Simpson, Ashlee, 545

Simpson, Jessica, 545

Simpson, Joe, 545

Slim Shady. see Eminem

Small Business Administration, 28

SOCAN. see Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada

social media, 412

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN), 130

software, 91

sole trader, 179

Sonenberg, David, 60, 61

songwriting, 14

copyright, 1267

income, 125, 12830

publishing, 1278

publishing as negotiating asset, 132

song performance income, 1302

Sony Nashville, 17

Sony/ATV, 131

SoundExchange, 130

SoundScan, 21, 48, 613, 68, 150, 158

South by Southwest (Austin, Texas), 38, 110

Spears, Britney, 58

sponsorship, 3, 42, 73, 97, 102, 109, 145, 1512, 157, 202

Springsteen, Bruce, 55


agendas/pecking order, 20

getting past gatekeepers, 18

grudges against gatekeepers, 20

keeping up artists’ spirits, 1819

life/work balance, 17

managing, 1620

necessity for hard work, 20

people will disappoint you, 19

people will string you along, 19

put in perspective, 17

relevance as a player, 18

sunset clause/blackout period, 723

support team, 97

attorney, 98

booking agent, 978

business advisors, 1002

manager of digital media, 99100

manager of radio promotion, 100

publicist, 99

Swift, Taylor, 10, 75

SWOT analysis, 44, 1723


T J Martell, 17

12th & Porter (Nashville), 87

360[o] deal (multiple rights recording contract), 3, 37, 94, 138, 1446, 157

TAA. see California Talent Agency Act

target market

for artist, 1778

defining, 94

knowledge of, 4950

understanding, 94

taxes, 845, 113, 117, 1123, 143

television, 152

Tennessee Protection of Minor Performers Act, 75

ticket sales, 3, 22, 40, 11013, 1179, 121, 155, 158, 174, 177

Timberlake, Justin, 58, 152

Tohme, Tohme, 634, 76

tour management, 53, 58, 74, 117, 119, 145, 179

advancing a performance, 115

duties, 11415

promoters, 11516

settlement meeting, 115

tour support money, 72, 114, 143, 147

trademarks, 96, 1045, 121

Twitter, 41, 1067, 116, 147


United Kingdom, 103, 123, 177, 179

Universal Music Group Nashville, 105

Urban, Keith (graphic artist), 105

Urban, Keith (recording artist), 105

U.S. Copyright Act, 126

U.S. Copyright Office, 126, 128

U.S. Copyright Royalty Board, 128

U.S. Department of State, 122, 123

Usher Raymond IV, 612

Confessions, 61

My Way, 61


videos, 22, 41, 58, 61, 105, 116, 125, 137, 1423, 145, 147, 150, 161, 181


Wald, Melissa, 129

Walker, Jeff, 345

Warner Bros. Records, 56, 60, 100, 124

Web Marketing for the Music Business (Hutchison), 104

websites, 2, 2, 158, 107, 2, 158, 834, 100, 43, 28, 201

Welch, Jack, 192

Welch, Suzy, 192

Wheat, Alynda, 60

Wild Horse saloon (Nashville), 10

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment and Creative Artists Agency, 97, 152

Wright, Johnny, 578


Yahoo!, 43, 104

the Yardbirds, 52

Ylvis, 22

Young Buck (David Darnell Brown), 85

YouTube, 22, 41, 107


Zeppelin, Led, 523

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