
A-weighting filter, 69, 712

Absolute accuracy, 725

AC-3 coding system, see Dolby AC-3 coding system

Accumulator, 96

Active filter, 205

Adaptive slicer, 353

Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding (ASPEC), 302, 313

Addresses, memory, 6, 486

Adiabatic process, 34

Advanced audio coding (AAC), 305, 31622

encoder, 316, 317, 318

intensity/coupling stage, 320

inter-block prediction, 320

intra-block prediction, 31920

modules, 316

profiles, 316

requantization, 321

Advanced television systems ommittee (ATSC) broadcasts, audio content, 302

AES-3-1985, 447

AES-3-1992 interface, 447, 448

AES-18-1992 data packet scheme, 461

AES/EBU interface, 31, 445, 446, 448

address form, 531

block-sync pattern, 536

clock accuracy, 469

code specification, 364, 41315

with DAT player, 460

frame structure, 44952

quality, 73033

reference signal, 467

routing process, 46970

synchronization, 386, 4668

use with MADI, 462

Agarwal-Burrus filter structure, 171

AGC system, for replay signal, 34041

Airy function, 649, 650, 657

Aliasing, 200202, 204, 725

Analog technology, 12

filters, 137, 205

and information capacity, 197

mixers, 108, 113

television broadcasting, 480

Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), 10, 2428

effect on sound quality, 722

noise shaping, 2647

one-bit noise-shaping, 26970

AND gate function, 91

Anharmonics, 223, 269

distortion by, 54

Anisotropy, 632

Anti-aliasing filter, 202, 204205

Anti-image filter, 200

Antiferromagnetic materials, 334

Aperiodic signal, 37

Aperture effect, 21516

Apt-X coding system, 294, 302, 3223

Area-divided track following (ATF), 511

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 100

Artifacts, 280

Asymmetrical coding system, 276

Asynchronous operation, 468

AT&T Bell Labs, ASPEC system, 302

ATRAC (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coder), 302, 3245, 684

Attentional selectivity, 7334

Audio level metering, 6971

Audio signal voltage, midrange reference, 83, 84

Audio transmission cabling, 746

Audio waveform, digital representation, 198

Auditory masking, 20, 28, 48, 49, 278, 712

Automatic dialogue replacement (ADR), 601

Average data rate, 15

Azimuth recording, 3445

B-adjacent code, 418

Backward masking, 49

Bad-block file system, 583

Balanced line working, 74, 77

Band limitation, 204

Bandpass filters, 1614

Bandsplitting process, 295

Bandwidth, 4

critical, 48, 523

Barkhausen noise, 338, 719

Bartlett window, 131

Baseline wander, 353

Beat frequency, 52

Beats, 513

Bel (unit), 66

Bi-phase mark coding, see FM coding

Binary system:

addition principles, 93, 96

coding notations, 814

scope, 56

signal transmission, 67

Birdsinging, see Anharmonics

Birefringence, 632, 635

Bit allocation (requantization step size), 308, 309

Bit error rate (BER), 391, 392

Bits (BInary digiTS), 5, 358

Blackman window, 133

Block coding, 29091, 398400

interleaving, 429


level metering, 71

use of compression, 2778

use of disk systems, 598

use of PPM, 70

Burst errors, 16, 402

correction, 41518

Butterfly (FFT element), 180, 181

Bytes, 5

Cable transmission:

audio, 746

coding, 361

constant impedance, 32930

inductance, 332

Canonic structures, 171

Capacitance effects, 33032

Capacitive coupling, 726, 727

Capacitors, 93

Cascading, 167

Category code, 4579

CCETT (France), MUSICAM, 302

CCITT-V.11, 447

CCRC, 415

CD (Compact Disc), 9, 619, 620, 6234

8/14 code, 370

category code, 459

construction, 624

cross-interleaving, 433

deformities, 6723

EFM channel code, 66474

enhanced, 263

information layer, 621, 646

manufacture, 6538

mastering, 500, 501, 502, 612, 6579, 676

personal portable players, 696

player structure, 6929

readout, 3456, 64553

sampling rate, 209

scanning mechanism, 653

subcode, 68592

sync pattern, 388

timing structure, 679

track structure, 68083

wider-window effect, 196

CD-R (CD recordable), 346


Central processing unit (CPU), 99100

interrupts, 101103


definition, 3278

transmission, see Transmission channel

Channel coding, 1920, 20, 329, 35760, 360

bits, 3589

communications, 37983

DAT, 3736

definition, 358

general-purpose, 3625

group, 3668, 369

recording-oriented, 36061

transmission-oriented, 3612

Channel status specification:

consumer, 45660

professional, 4536

Check word enable (CWE), 412

Chien search, 420

Cliff-edge effect, see Crash knee

Clipping, 270, 272

Clock, see Word clock

Clustering, block, 603

CNET, ASPEC system, 302

Cochlea (inner ear), 39, 4042

Codebook, 366

Codec, 21, 276

level calibration, 2834

use with a recorder, 277

Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM), 383

Coder, see Compressor


cyclic, see Cyclic codes

punctured, 413

Codeword, 397

systematic, 400


asymmetrical system, 276

floating-point, 28990

non-uniform, 289

sub-band, 2912

variable-length, 282

Coding gain, 276, 289, 291, 301

COFDM (European DVB standard), 494

Communications codes, 37983

Compact cassette, see DCC (digital compact cassette)

Compact Disc, see CD (Compact Disc)

Companding, 276, 2889

near-instantaneous, see Block coding

Comparator, 269


basics, 2021, 276, 27983

benefits, 275, 277

formats, 301302

guidelines, 288

lossless, see Lossless coding

in stereo, 7339

techniques available, 28893

use for storage, 277

see also MPEG audio coding system

Compression factor, 276, 2867


in digital system, 96, 99

instructions, 98

operating system, 98

software, 98

stack, 102103

subroutine, 102

Concatenation, 386, 388

Conditional Access Table (CAT), 488

Conductors, transmission, 329

Confidence replay, 19, 440

Consonant notes, 53, 54

Constant linear velocity (CLV), 656

Constant Q (filter bank characteristic), 186

Consumer equipment, standards, 31, 448

Contrast (light variation), 646

Controls, digital, 108109

Conversion process, 1968

analog-to-digital, see Analog-to-digital

conversion (ADC)

digital-to-analog, see Digital-to-analog

conversion (DAC)

Convertor, 10

alternative structures, 24951

clipping, 270, 272

DPCM, 25052

flash, 2446, 253

gear-change, 248

integrator-type, 236, 24041

interference design, 78

monolithic, 239, 241

noise-shaping, 251

PCM, 24950

quality behaviour, 7227

sigma DPCM, 250, 264

weighted-current, 239

Convolutional code, 398400

Convolutional interleaving, 42930, 431, 432

cross, 433

Convolutional randomizing, 3835

Convolutional RLL codes, 3767

Cosine coefficient, 1812

Crash knee, codec quality, 286

CRC-16 standard, 412

Critical bands, 4850

Cross-interleaving, 433

Crystal oscillator, 21415

Curie temperature, 347, 348, 622, 662

Cyclic codes, 406409

applications, 41315

implementation, 412

mathematics, 40912

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code blocks, 408

D-type latch, 93

DAB (digital audio broadcasting), 9, 289, 49094

data rate, 383

MPEG audio coding, 302

MUSICAM system, 302

sampling rate, 209

use of compression, 21

DASH (digital audio stationary head), 53946

adaptive slicing, 353

confidence replay, 440

cross-interleaving, 433, 545

error-correction strategy, 545

HDM-1 code, 376

interleaving, 5456

interpolation, 5456

record heads, 342

sampling rate, 209

DASH II (double density) version, 541

DASH-F version, 542

DASH-M version, 542

DASH-S version, 542

DAT (digital audio tape), 9

8 mm rotary format, 532

AES/EBU interface, 460

block diagram, 509

channel code, 3736

data channel code, 51820

editing process, 613

error correction systems, 4359

half-inch rotary format, 532

interchange alignment, 51518

interleaving, 438

introduction, 50210

non-tracking replay, 5312

prerecorded tapes, 510

Pro R time, 5268

quarter-inch rotary format, 532

record heads, 693

sampling rate, 209

shuttle process, 5214

timecode, 52431

track following, 51014

Data separation, 20, 350, 357

Data valid bit (V-bit), 105106, 450

Data-reduction process, 20

DC offset removal, 159, 160

DC-free channel waveform, 352

DC-free codes, 6657

DCC (digital compact cassette), 20, 21, 278, 537, 54751, 698, 718

record heads, 342

De-interleaving, 1819

DeciBel (unit), 45, 64, 689

Decimation process, 139

Decode time stamp (DTS), 483

Decoder, see Expander

Defect skipping, 584

Degradation, graceless, see Crash knee

Delay handling, data stream, 104

Delays, programmable, 13

Delta-modulation, 251, 255

Demultiplexer, 119

Density ratio (DR), 359

Deserializing, 385

CD, 674

Detent, 354, 358

Device under test (DUT), 71020

Diatonic scale, 54

Dielectrics, 330

loss, 332

Differential non-linearity, 7245

Differential pulse code modulation

(DPCM), 25051

sigma, 250, 2512

Differential quadrature phase shift keying

(DQPSK), 380, 477

Differential working, 74, 78

Differentiation, digital, 96, 97

Digital audio:

alternative media, 334, 445

in personal computers, 2930

professional requirements, 31, 67, 75

Digital audio broadcasting, see DAB

Digital audio reference signal (DARS), 15

Digital audio tape, see DAT

Digital compact cassette, see DCC

Digital data storage (DDS), 9

Digital radio, see DAB

Digital signal processor (DSP) chips, 113, 115

Digital sum value (DSV), 372, 374

Digital systems:

benefits, 810

minimal, 1011

self-diagnosis, 9

technology, 25

see also Digital audio

Digital video broadcasting (DVB), see DVB

Digital video disk (DVD), see DVD

Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), 10, 12, 23541, 247

consumer external, 215

effect on sound quality, 722

one-bit, 2679

Direct form 2 filter, 168

Direct metal mastering, CD, 65960

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 1836, 293, 299301

inverse, 300

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 125, 174, 175, 1779

see also Discrete cosine transform

Discrete frequency transform (DFT), 293

Discrete time integrator, 96

Disk drives:

floppy, see Floppy disks

flying head, 55860

head movement, 5623

magnetic, 5567

playing time, 599

rotation subsystems, 5667

sampling rate, 598

servo-surface, 56771

use of transducer, 563

Disk pack, multiplatter, 557, 558

Disk systems, 5914

advantages, 5989

controller, 58890


arranging audio data, 5957

error handling, 5827

reading and writing, 56062

structure, 558

Dissonance sensation, 52, 54

Distortion effects, 223, 711, 717


basics, 2247

digital technique, 23031

Gaussian pdf, 2345

rectangular pdf, 2313

triangular pdf, 2334

Dolby Laboratories:

AC-3 coding system, 302, 3234

noise-reduction systems, 294

Dolph window, 133

Domain wall motion, 335, 337

Doppler shift, 37

Double insulation protection, 79

Droop, voltage, 210, 211

Dropouts, 16

DSIS (Dual Channel Sound in Syncs) system, 381, 383

DVB (digital video broadcasting), 20, 21

DVD (digital video disk), 619, 6234

coding, 304

information layer, 652

player structure, 700703

DVTR (digital video tape recorder)

audio samples, 5336

sampling rate, 209

sectors, 534, 535

shuttle, 5345

Dynamic element matching, 236, 238, 239


finite frequency discrimination, 45, 734

finite time discrimination, 49

frequency selectivity, 41

inner, see Cochlea (inner ear)

inter-aural delay, 734

as lossy device, 708

musical sounds, 535

spacing, 423

structure, 3940

see also Hearing

EBU, television timecode, 528, 605

Echo production, 11517

Edit decision list (EDL), 599, 609

Edit point, 607609

Editing process, 43942, 600602

in DAT, 613

with disc drives, 60911

jump, 61618

non-linear, 602

off-line, 277

on-line, 277

in open-reel digital recorders, 61416

with random access media, 602

on recording media, 602603

structure, 603604

timecode, 605

Effects, producing, 11517

EFM (eight to fourteen modulation)

channel code, 37073, 664, 670

EIAJ format, 501

8/10 group code, 3734

interleaving, 439

8/14 code, see EFM code

Electrical supply, 72, 329

safety devices, 789

Electromagnetic compatability (EMC), 768

Electromagnetic energy, 32931

interference effects, 726

Elementary streams, 21

in DTV, 482

Encoder, rotary incremental, 10910

Enhanced Compact Discs, 263

Entropy, 280

perceptual, 286

Equalization, channel, 34850

Equalizer, see Pulse sharpener

Equiripple filter, 133

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 50

Erasure flags, 433


causes, 39091

handling, 3934

mechanisms, 3912

Error bursts, 392

Error concealment, 1718, 3945

by interpolation, 3945

Error correction:

appropriate level, 397

basics, 1619, 3923

by erasure, 4268

detection stage, 3934

MOS memories, 402

parity, 3967

use of codewords, 397

XOR gate, 395

Error propagation, 394

Eureka 147 project, 302

Expander, 21, 276

External reference locking process, 15

Eye, effect of jitter and noise, 354

Eye pattern, 448

degradation, 378

Faders, 108109

Faraday effect, 348

Ferrimagnetic materials, 3345

Ferromagnetic materials, 335

Fibre-optic interfacing, 466

FIFO chip, see Silo

Figure of merit (FoM), 360

Filtering search, 179


digital, 112, 1215, 204207

see also under individual type names

ideal, 202

Finite time discrimination, 49

Finite-impulse response (FIR) filters, 127, 12936, 151

Fire code, 418

FireWire network, 474

Flash convertor, 2446, 253

Floating-point coding, 28990

block, 29091

Floppy disks, 57982

Flux modulation, 719

Flying head, disk drive, 55860

Flywheel effect, 356, 365

FM coding, 3624, 447

for disks, 560

FM radio, disadvantages, 49091

Folded filter, 135, 136

Forward masking, 49

4/5 code, 463

Fourier Transform (FT), 125, 174, 183

Frame Alignment Word (FAW), 477

Fraunhofer Society, ASPEC system, 302

Frequency discrimination, 478, 49

Frequency domain/spectrum, 367, 1257

Frequency modulation coding, see FM coding

Frequency response, 589, 71213

Frequency searching, 179

Frequency shift keying (FSK), 23, 361, 667

Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), 473

Full adder circuit, 96

Fundamental note, 53, 57

Fuses, 78

Gain coefficients, 108, 111

Gain control, 106107, 11012, 284

Gain error, 724

Galois field (GF), 18991, 4214

Gates, see Logic gates

Gaussian distribution, 192, 193

Gaussian dither, 2345

Gear-change convertor, 248

Genlocking, 4667, 468

Gibb’s phenomenon, 131, 133

Gigabyte, 6

Global Positioning System (GPS),

broadcasts, 362

Graceful degradation, 3778

Granulation (intermodulation distortion), 223

Granules (encoding technique), 311

Gray code, 109

Group code recording (GCR), 3668, 369, 670

Group delay, 328

Guard intervals, 4934

Guard-band-less recording, 345

Half adder circuit, 93

Hamming code, 400402

Hamming distance, 402405, 41617

Hamming window, 131, 1334

Hanning window, 131

Hard disk recorders, 212

record head, 3423

Harmonics, 535, 578

distortion, 534, 223

HDM-1 code, 376

HDM-2 code, 376

Head disk assembly (HDA), 573, 578

Header check function, 58990

Headroom, 270, 272, 712

Hearing, 3840

critical bands, 48

fixed filter model, 50

frequency discrimination, 38, 45, 478, 49

mental processes, 425

stereo effects, 42, 7334

Heisenberg inequality, 313

Hexadecimal notation, 81

High-level Data Link Control (HDLC), 462

High-order loop filter, 266

Higher-order filters, 1678

Huffman coding, 2823, 314, 321, 322

Hysteresis process, 3368

Identification code (ID), 120

Impedance effects, 329

matching, 64, 678

mismatching, 332

Inductive coupling, 727

Inductive record head, 33940, 342

Infinite-impulse response (IIR) filters, 127, 129, 15053

alternative configurations, 1535

Information, definition, 279

Information capacity, audio system, 707

Information rate, 279, 280

Insertion loss, 68

Instantaneous data rate, 15

Integer-ratio sampling, 141

Integral linearity, 724

Intentional logic scheme, 91

Inter-aural delay (IAD), 44, 7345

Inter-aural intensity difference (IID), 43

Inter-block prediction, 301

Inter-symbol interference, 344, 349

Interblock gap (IBG), 519


AES/EBU, see AES/EBU interface

consumer, 446

electrical, 4469

professional, 446, 449

quality considerations, 73033

Interference effects, 768

Interleaving, 1819, 402, 42833, 439

block, 429

convolutional, 42930, 431, 432

editing recordings, 43942

Intermodulation, 59, 60

testing sound reproduction, 721

Intermodulation distortion (IMD), 715

International Electrotechnical Commission

(IEC), 302, 446

International Standard Recording Code

(ISRC), 687

International Standards Organization

(ISO), 302

Internet, use of compression, 277

Interpolation, 140, 1412, 146

for error concealment, 3945

Interrupts, computer, 101103

Intrinsic coercive force, 336

IRT (Germany), MUSICAM, 302

ISDN, ASPEC system, 302

ISO/IEC/MPEG group, 302

ISO/MPEG, sub-bands, 294

Isothermal process, 33

Jitter, see Sampling clock jitter

jump editing, 61618

JVC, PCM adaptor, 501

Kaiser window, 133

Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) window, 318

Kerr effect, 348, 623, 633

rotation angle, 6623

Key change (musical), 545

Kilobyte (unit), 6

Lag filter, 162

Lag network, first-order, 152

Laser disk drive, 619, 62931

Laser pickups, optical disks, 6425

LaserVision disk patent, 645

Latches, 93

Lead filter, 162

Lead network, first-order, 154, 155

Least significant bit (LSB), 5

use in quantizing process, 218

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 283

Level metering, 6971, 270

Light-emitting diode (LED), 630

Limit cycle, 1678

Line signalling, see Cable transmission

Line-up, 69, 270

Linear distortion, 711

Linear fader, absolute, 109

Linear phase filter, 1212, 206207

Linear superimposition, 5960

Linearity, 220

importance, 60

testing sound reproduction, 715, 721

transfer function, 58

Listening range, level-dependent, 457

Listening tests, 2845

Litz wire, 329

Logarithm principle, 656

Logic design, 9092

truth table, 92, 95

Logic gates, 91, 92

Logical elements, 88

Loop filter, high-order, 266

Lossless coding, 277, 278, 2823

subjective, 281

Lossy coding, 278

Loudness sensation, 457

control, 46


behaviour, 707, 719, 736

quality testing, 70810

reference-grade, 72021

Low-complexity (LC) profile, AAC, 316

Low-disparity code, 374

Low-pass filter (LPF), 129, 200, 205

MADI (multi-channel audio interface)

standard, 3689, 445, 4623

4/5 code, 3689

audio channel format, 4645

data transmission, 463

frame structure, 4634

Magnetic coupling, 7267

Magnetic effects, 3347

Magnetic recording process, 33844

Magneto-optic (M-O) disks, 3478, 622

playing, 6335

Magneto-resistive (M-R) head, 342

Main data begin parameter, 316

Manchester code, see FM coding

Maréchal criterion, 652, 653, 657

Masking, auditory, 48, 49

Masking model, 2845

ideal, 286

Masking threshold, 307

Mastering process, 600601

for CD, 500, 501, 502, 612, 6579, 676

Matching process, impedance, 64, 678

Megabyte (MB), 6

Memory addresses, 6, 13, 486

Merging process, channel symbols, 368

Message sensitivity, to error, 39091

Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS), 93

Microphone, behaviour, 59

Miller code, 365, 366, 560

MiniDisc, 6234

ATRAC codec, 302, 3245

EFM channel code, 66474

link sectors, 683

magneto-optical recording principle, 347

prerecorded, 619, 621, 6256, 653

read/write process, 66063

recordable, 619, 626, 6634

recorder/player structure, 700

table of contents, 692

track structure, 6834

Mitsubishi ProDigi format, 376

Mixers, digital, 108, 11215

Modified discrete cosine transform

(MDCT), 293, 323

Modified frequency modulation (MFM),

see Miller code

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 650

Modulo-n arithmetic, 1878

Monolithic convertor, 239, 241

Monotonicity, 725

Morse Code, 282

Most significant bit (MSB), 5, 85

inversion, 86

Moving-head disk drive, 556

MP3, see MPEG Layer III

MPEG audio coding system, 276, 302, 302305

layers, 302303

use of compression, 287

MPEG Layer I, 303, 305310

accuracy, 307

coder, 306307

decoder, 310

elementary stream format, 309

input blocks, 307308

masking threshold, 307

NMR, 308

quantization rate, 308

MPEG Layer II, 303, 31012

decoder, 312

elementary stream format, 311

MPEG Layer III, 303, 31216

encoder, 314

MP3 application, 31213

psychoacoustic model, 314

window functions, 313

MPEG-1, 303304

MPEG-2, 303304

AAC, 305, 31622

in digital television broadcasting, 480, 482

jitter standards, 486

transport streams, 4835

MPEG/Audio group, 302

standards, 302305

Multipath reception, 29

Multiplexing, 119, 12021

statistical, see Statistical multiplexing

transport stream, 48890

Multiplier, 113

binary circuit, 107

Music number (MNR), 687

Musical instruments, effect, 535

MUSICAM (Masking pattern adapted

Universal Sub-band Integrated Coding

and Multiplexing), 302

NAGRA D machine, 532

Near Instantaneous Companded Audio

Multiplex system, see NICAM 728


Negative (low true) logic, 91

Network Information Table (NIT), 488

Networks, 4714

asynchronous, 473, 474

digital audio, 31

isochronous, 4734

synchronous, 473, 474

Nibbles, 452

NICAM 728 system, 190, 191, 4749

error concealment, 394

modulation scheme, 38081

sampling rate, 209

sensitivity to error, 390

sync pattern, 386

TV sound, 20


control, 1011, 16

definition, 1978, 292, 71011

Gaussian distribution, 392

immunity, 328

modulation, 223, 233

probability, 192

program-modulated, 146

quantizing, 202

thermal, 192, 711

white, 37, 258

Noise shaping technique, 226, 251, 25963

using ADCs, 2647

Noise to masking ratio (NMR), 2856

Noisiness, see Unpredictability

Non-linear distortion, 711

Non-Return to Zero Invert (NRZI)

recording, 36061

Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) recording, 36061

Non-Tracking (NT) format, 532

Non-uniform coding, 289

Non-uniform quantizing, 84

Notebook computers, 30

Null packets, 489

Numerical aperture (NA), 652

Numerically-locked loop (NLL), 118, 148

Nyquist noise theorem, 201, 337

Nyquist rate conversion, 252, 256

Objective testing, 70810, 71020

Octaldecimal notation, 81

Octave, 55

Offset binary coding, 834

Offset error, 724

Ohm’s law, 63

One-bit conversion approach, 26970

Open-reel tape, 30

editing process, 61416

recorder, 245

Operating levels, digital audio, 270, 272

Operating system, computer, 98

Optical disks:

base material, 629

basics, 3456

erasable, 619, 622, 623

focus systems, 6358

frequency response, 347

laser pickups, 6425

manufacture, 6538

playing, 62935

surface contamination, 6269

tracking systems, 63942

types, 61923

see also CD (Compact Disc)

Optical fibres, 466

Optical recorders, 345

OR gate function, 91

Orthogonal frequency division, 493

Overflow effects, 168

control circuit, 96

Oversampling, 1424, 207, 2528

without noise shaping, 2589

Overwriting, 345

P data word, 6856, 691

Pack contents (PC), DAT, 526

Packet identification code (PID), 485

Packet multiplexer, 119, 120

Packetized elementary stream (PES), 482

Packets, 11920, 4823

continuity count, 120

Packing (null packets), 120

Parallel transmission, 7

Paramagnetic materials, 3345

Parity, 3957

in error detection, 3967

Parity tree, 396

Pascal (unit), 69

PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), 3, 7, 198, 250

adaptors, 223, 499501

binary channel efficiency, 255

decoders, 21

Nyquist rate, 249, 256

sensitivity to error, 390

PCM-1610/1630 unit, 500, 501

PCM-3324 machine, 542

PCM-F1 format, 501

Peak program meter (PPM), 70, 71

Peak voltage, 63, 64

Peak-shift distortion, 344, 349, 350

Perceptive coding, 2789

Percussion sound, 36

Periodic signal, 367

Phantom power, 76


CD information layer, 6456

defining, 1756

lag/lead, 154

reversal, 88

shift, 612

Phase angle, 612

Phase contrast microscopy, 620

Phase encoding (PE), 362, 363, 364

Phase margin, see Jitter margin

Phase shift keying (PSK), 361

Phase-linear filter, 35, 1212, 206207

Phase-locked loops, 11, 11718, 214, 3556


CD players, 262

laser head, 6423


optical medium invention, 620

PASC data reduction, 5489

SAA, 7010 data separator, 695

Phon (unit), 45

Photoresist process, CD manufacture, 653, 6568

Pitch sensation, 55

Place theory, 42, 55

Planck’s Law, 630

Polarization, light, 6312

Polaroid material, 632

Pole/zero positions, 16871

Positive (high true) logic, 90, 91

Power factor, 73

correction units, 73

Power ratio, 66

Power spectral density (PSD), 259

Power supply:

characteristics, 72

ripple effects, 214, 726

switched mode, 214

Pre-echo effect, 291

Pre-noise effect, 291

Preamble pattern, 356

Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding

(PASC), 5489

Predictability, 280

Predictive coding, 279

AAC, 318

Presence filters, 168

Presentation time stamp (PTS), 483

Primitive element, 421

Probability concept, 1923

Probability distribution function (pdf),


Processing, digital, 889

Processor, see Central processing unit


ProDigi, see Mitsubishi ProDigi format

Product block code, 433

Product codes, 430, 433

Professional equipment, standards, 31, 67, 75, 446

Professional Running time (Pro R time), 526

conversion from timecode, 552

Program, computer, 97

Program Association Table (PAT), 487

Program clock reference (PCR), 485

Program counter (PC), 100

Program Map Table (PMT), 487

Program specific information (PSI), 4878

Propagation delay, 89

Prototype filter, 297

Pseudo-random sequences (PRS), 1267, 128, 191

generator, 191, 193

Pseudo-video system, 207208, 500

Psychoacoustics, 39

Pulse code modulation (PCM), see PCM

Pulse sharpener, 350

Punch-in process, 614

Punctured codes, 413

Q factor (ear), 41

Q subcode word, 686, 691, 692

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

(QUAM), 382, 383

Quadrature mirror filter (QMF), 295, 2967

polyphase, 2978

Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), 380


digital system, 7228

performance limits, 2867

performance measurement, 2846

Quantizing process, 4, 134, 21720, 243

error, 220224

noise, 202

serial, 2467

white-noise-dithered, 258

Quarter-wave plate, 632

Radio frequency (RF) energy, 76

RAID (Redundant array of inexpensive

disks) arrays, 587

Ramp integrator, 247

Random access memory (RAM), 9, 12, 13, 93

dynamic, 94

Random access systems, 602

Randomizing, 3789

convolutional, 3835

Rate conversion, see Sampling-rate conversion

RC network, simulation, 15051

Reactive load, 724

Read only memory (ROM), 13

Read-modify-write technique, 603, 614

Reclocking process, 89

Reconstruction filter, 141, 200, 202, 204

Record head:

hard disk, 3423

inductive, 33942

magneto-resistive, 342

for tape work, 342


open-reel digital, 245

rotary-head digital, 257

stationary-head, 5369

Rectification process, AC lines, 78

Recurrence relationship, 158

Redundancy, 17, 280

Redundant bit, 17, 3967

Reed-Solomon (R-S) codes, 189, 41820,


calculations, 42026

generator polynomials calculation, 4423

Reference gap, disk, 576

Reference locking process, external, 15

Reflection effect, optical disk, 6289

Refraction effect, optical disk, 628

Remanent coercive force, 337

Remez exchange algorithm, 133

Replay, with inductive head, 33940, 342

Requantizing, 22930

Resampling, 216

Residual current breaker (RCB), 79

Residual expansion process, 248

Return to Zero (RZ) recording, 360

Revectoring, 586

Reverberation effect, 11617

Root mean square voltage, 63, 64

Rotary head recorder, 257

Rotary positioners, Winchester technology, 5779

Rotary-head digital audio tape (RDAT) system, 26

Routing, signal, 46971

RS-422A data communication, 447

Run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 3678

convolutional, 3767

Sample-and-hold device, 209211

Sampled ramp, 96

Sampling clock jitter, 11, 146, 147, 21115, 348

conversion, 7312

margin, 360

rejection, 354

Sampling process, 34, 1213, 198200

choice of rate, 207209

critical, 293

high rates, 72930

theory, 200, 295

Sampling rate clock, see Word clock

Sampling-rate conversion, 1367, 469

alternative categories, 1379

stages, 14042

Saturation, 168, 270

Scale factor select information (SCFSI), 311

Scaleable sampling rate (SSR) profile, AAC, 316

Scaling process, 168

Scrub wheel encoder, 608

Sector skipping, 584

Sectors, in DVTR, 534, 535

Seek process, disk drive, 5636

Self-clocking waveform, 328

Semiconductor laser, 630

Semitones, 55

Serial Copying Management System

(SCMS), 457

Serial transmission, see PCM

Servo-surface drives

disks, 56771

Winchester technology, 5746

Shift register, 20, 93, 407

Shock waves, sound, 35

Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), 183

Shuffling, for error concealment, 1718

Shuttle process:

DAT, 5214

DVTR, 5345

Side spots, optical disks, 640

Sigma-delta modulation, 251, 26970

Signal inversion, 88

Signal subtraction, 88

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 197, 222, 328

enhancement, 2647

sound quality testing, 71112

Silence signal, 467

Silo, 104, 105106

operation, 5913

Simple harmonic motion (SHM), 62

sound reproduction distortion test, 717

Sine coefficient, 1812

Sine wave, 612

Single program transport stream (SPTS), 484

Single-error correcting double-error detecting (SECDED) characteristic, 402

Skew (timing differences), 328

Skin effect, conductor, 329

Skip sectoring, see Sector skipping

Slicing process, 35053

adaptive, 353

SMPTE timecode format, 605, 606

SMPTE/EBU timecode, 364

Soft sectoring, 572

Software, computer, 98


CDP-101 data separator, 695

CX, 7933 data separator, 695

CX-193 chip, 695

laser head, 6445

MiniDisc, see MiniDisc

non-tracking format, 209, 532

PCM-1610/1630 CD mastering recorder, 415

PCM-3324, 539, 542

PCM-F1 format, 501

Philips Digital Interface (SPDIF), 445,


SDIF-2 interface reference clock, 468

U-matic VCR, 500


basic physics, 323

masking, 38

speed, 335

see also Hearing

Sound pressure level (SPL), 45, 64, 69

Sound reproduction:

bandwidth criteria, 714

linearity testing, 715

objective testing, 71020

quality, 704707

sideband testing, 720

simple harmonic distortion test, 717

squarewave testing, 71415

subjective testing, 72022

subjective/objective testing comparison, 70810

SPDIF (Sony Philips Digital Interface), 445, 730

Spectrum shaping, optical disks, 20

Spooling files, 597

Squarewave testing, 71415

Stack, computer, 102103

Stack pointer, 101, 103

Star-quad cabling technique, 75

Static memories, 94

Stationary-head recorders, 5369

Statistical code analysis, 728

Statistical multiplexer (STATMUX), 120, 282, 489

Stereophonic systems, 7356

Storage elements, digital, 88, 93, 104

Stuffing (null packets), 120

Sub-band coding, 2912, 2934, 306

Subcodes, CD, 685

Subjective testing, 70810, 72021

Subjectively lossless system, 281

Switched mode power supply, 214

Switching logic, network, 472

Synchronization, 1516, 137, 3858, 4456

AES/EBU interface, 4668

Syndrome pattern, 400

Synthesis filter, 310

Systematic codeword, 400

Table of contents (TOC), 687, 689

MiniDisc, 692

user, 692

Talkback, in auxiliary data, 452

Tape recorders:

digital, 497, 502

helical scan, 4978

rotary head, 4978

transverse scan, 497

TDM (time-division multiplexing), 119, 120, 473

BBC proposal, 470

Television broadcasting, 383, 48082

Temporal masking, 291

Temporal noise shaping (TNS), AAC, 319

Ten-bit patterns, group codes, 373

Thermal noise, 192

Thermal switches, 789

Thermomagneto-optics, 622

Thomson, ASPEC system, 302

Three-phase electricity supply, 72

Timbral waveform, 44

Timbre, changing, 46, 58, 59

Time domain, 367

Time stamps, packet header, 4823

Time window, variable, 291

Time-division multiplexing, see TDM

Time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 323

Time-intensity trading region, 734

Timebase compression, 1415, 103104

Timebase correction (TBC), 4, 16, 21, 103104


DAT, 52431

for editing, 605

synchronization, 605

Timecode marker (TCM), 52830, 5523

Timers, programmable, 103

Tone controls, 46

TOSLink, 466

Track-following systems, 376

Track-hold circuit, see Sample-and-hold


Transducers, 563

Transfer function, 58, 220

Transformer, lossless, 68

Transforms, 1257

see also under individual types

Transient sound, 44

Transistor-transistor logic (TTL), 91

Transitions, 354, 384


basics, 3279, 445

types, 32933

Transport streams:

in DTV, 4812

MPEG-2, 4835

multiplexing, 48890

Transposing filters, 168

Transversal filters, 350

Truncation effects, 129, 131, 167

Twisted-ring counter, 189, 191, 192, 407

2/3 code, 36970

2/4M code, 376

Two’s complement system, 858

U-matic system, 612

Unbalanced transmission working, 76

Unison (single note), 52

Unpredictability, 280

User channel, 4612

User table of contents (UTOC), 692

V bit, see Data valid bit (V bit)

Variable ratio conversion, 139, 146, 148

Variable-length coding, 282

Vectors, 712

diagram, 712

Verification process, software, 98

Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), 14, 500

U-matic system, 612

Virtual sound source, 736

Volt rms (root mean square), 63

Voltage gain, 68

Voltage levels, logic elements, 8990

Voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), 108

Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), 4856

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 117, 215

centring, 357

Volume unit (VU) meter, 70

Wave table, eight-point DCT, 299


channel-coded, 358

and coding value, 878

numerical, 45

reconstructed, 202204

self-clocking, 328

time-domain, 292

transform, 2923

Waveguide, 330

Wavelength, 36

Wavelet transform, 1867

Weighted-current convertor, 239

Weighting curves, level-dependent response, 47

Weighting filter, 69

White noise, 37

White-noise-dithered quantizer, 258

Wider-window, digital channel, 1967

Winchester technology, 556, 5724

rotary positioners, 5779

servo-surface drives, 5746

Windage, on rotary positioners, 578

Window functions, 1313, 293

Window margin, see Jitter margin

Window switching, 31314

Word clock, 10, 328, 3545, 468

frequency, 145

references, 4857

Wordlength, 56, 113

Words (binary numbers), 5

WORM (Write Once Read Many) disks, 346, 619, 6212

Write address, 13

XLR connectors, 75, 77, 448

XOR gate, in error correction, 395

z-transform, 15561

Zero-order-hold system, 21516

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