Error correction

The subject of error correction is almost always described in mathematical terms by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Such mathematical approaches are quite inappropriate for a proper understanding of the concepts of error correction and only become necessary to analyse the quantitative behaviour of a system. The description below will use the minimum possible amount of mathematics, and it will then be seen that error correction is, in fact, quite straightforward.

7.1 Sensitivity of message to error

Before attempting to specify any piece of equipment, it is necessary to quantify the problems to be overcome and how effectively they need to be overcome. For a digital recording system the causes of errors must be studied to quantify the problem, and the sensitivity of the destination to errors must be assessed. In audio the sensitivity to errors must be subjective. In PCM, the effect of a single bit in error depends upon the significance of the bit. If the least significant bit of a sample is wrong, the chances are that the effect will be lost in the noise. Advantage is taken of this in NICAM 728 which does not detect low-order bit errors. Conversely, if a high-order bit is in error, a massive transient will be added to the sound waveform. The effect of uncorrected errors in PCM audio is rather like that of vehicle ignition interference on a radio.

The effect of errors in delta-modulated data is smaller as every bit has the same significance and the information content of each bit is lower as was explained in Chapter 4. In some applications, a delta-modulated system can be used without error correction when this would be impossible with PCM.

Whilst the exact BER (bit error rate) which can be tolerated will depend on the application, digital audio is less tolerant of errors than digital video and more tolerant than computer data.

As might be expected, when compresssion is used, as in DCC, DAB and MiniDisc, much of the redundancy is removed from the data and as a result sensitivity to bit errors inevitably increases. In all these cases, if the maximum error rate which the destination can tolerate is likely to be exceeded by the unaided channel, some form of error handling will be necessary.

There are a number of terms which have idiomatic meanings in error correction. The raw BER is the error rate of the medium, whereas the residual or uncorrected BER is the rate at which the error-correction system fails to detect or miscorrects errors. In practical digital audio systems, the residual BER is negligibly small. If the error correction is turned off, the two figures become the same.

7.2 Error mechanisms

There are many different types of recording and transmission channel and consequently there will be many different error mechanisms. In magnetic recording, data can be corrupted by mechanical problems such as media dropout and poor tracking or head contact, or Gaussian thermal noise in replay circuits and heads. In optical recording, contamination of the medium interrupts the light beam. Warped disks and birefringent pressings cause defocussing. Inside equipment, data are conveyed on short wires and the noise environment is under the designer’s control. With suitable design techniques, errors can be made effectively negligible. In communication systems, there is considerably less control of the electromagnetic environment. In cables, crosstalk and electromagnetic interference occur and can corrupt data, although optical fibres are resistant to interference of this kind. In data networks, errors can be caused if two devices on the same cable inadvertently start transmitting at the same instant.

In long-distance cable transmission the effects of lightning and exchange switching noise must be considered. In DAB, multipath reception causes notches in the received spectrum where signal cancellation takes place. In MOS memories the datum is stored in a tiny charge well which acts as a capacitor (see Chapter 3) and natural radioactive decay produces alpha particles which have enough energy to discharge a well, resulting in a single bit error. This only happens once every few decades in a single chip, but when large numbers of chips are assembled in computer memories the probability of error rises to once every few minutes. In Chapter 6 it was seen that when group codes are used, a single defect in a group changes the group symbol and may cause errors up to the size of the group. Single-bit errors are therefore less common in group-coded channels.

Irrespective of the cause, all these mechanisms cause one of two effects. There are large isolated corruptions, called error bursts, where numerous bits are corrupted all together in an area which is otherwise error-free, and there are random errors affecting single bits or symbols. Whatever the mechanism, the result will be that the received data will not be exactly the same as those sent. It is a tremendous advantage of digital audio that the discrete data bits will each be either right or wrong. A bit cannot be off-colour as it can only be interpreted as 0 or 1. Thus the subtle degradations of analog systems are absent from digital recording and transmission channels and will only be found in convertors. Equally if a binary digit is known to be wrong, it is only necessary to invert its state and then it must be right and indistinguishable from its original value! Thus error correction itself is trivial; the hard part is reliably working out which bits need correcting.

In Chapter 3 the Gaussian nature of noise probability was discussed. Some conclusions can be drawn from the Gaussian distribution of noise.1 First, it is not possible to make error-free digital recordings, because however high the signal-to-noise ratio of the recording, there is still a small but finite chance that the noise can exceed the signal. Measuring the signal-to-noise ratio of a channel establishes the noise power, which determines the width of the noise-distribution curve relative to the signal amplitude. When in a binary system the noise amplitude exceeds the signal amplitude, a bit error will occur. Knowledge of the shape of the Gaussian curve allows the conversion of signal-to-noise ratio into bit error rate (BER). It can be predicted how many bits will fail due to noise in a given recording, but it is not possible to say which bits will be affected. Increasing the SNR of the channel will not eliminate errors, it just reduces their probability. The logical solution is to incorporate an error-correction system.

7.3 Basic error correction

Error correction works by adding some bits to the data which are calculated from the data. This creates an entity called a codeword which spans a greater length of time than one bit alone. In recording, the requirement is to spread the codeword over an adequate area of the medium. The statistics of noise means that whilst one bit may be lost in a codeword, the loss of the rest of the codeword because of noise is highly improbable. As will be described later in this chapter, codewords are designed to be able to correct totally a finite number of corrupted bits. The greater the timespan or area over which the coding is performed, the greater will be the reliability achieved, although this does mean that greater encoding and decoding delays will have to be accepted.

Shannon2 proved that a message can be transmitted to any desired degree of accuracy provided that it is spread over a sufficient timespan or area of the medium. Engineers have to compromise, because excessive coding delay is not acceptable. For example, most short digital audio cable interfaces do not employ error correction because the build-up of coding delays in large systems is unacceptable.

If error correction is necessary as a practical matter, it is then only a small step to put it to maximum use. All error correction depends on adding bits to the original message, and this, of course, increases the number of bits to be recorded, although it does not increase the information recorded. It might be imagined that error correction is going to reduce storage or transmission capacity, because space has to be found for all the extra bits. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once an error-correction system is used, the signal-to-noise ratio of the channel can be reduced, because the raised BER of the channel will be overcome by the error-correction system. Reduction of the SNR by 3 dB in a magnetic tape track can be achieved by halving the track width, provided that the system is not dominated by head or preamplifier noise. This doubles the recording density, making the storage of the additional bits needed for error correction a trivial matter. By a similar argument, digital radio transmitters can use less power. In short, error correction is not a nuisance to be tolerated; it is a vital tool needed to maximize the efficiency of recorders. Digital audio would not be economically viable without it.

7.4 Error handling

Figure 7.1 shows the broad subdivisions of error handling. The first stage might be called error avoidance and includes such measures as creating bad block files on hard disks or using verified media. The data pass through the channel, which causes whatever corruptions it feels like. On receipt of the data the occurrence of errors is first detected, and this process must be extremely reliable, as it does not matter how effective the correction or how good the concealment algorithm if it is not known that they are necessary! The detection of an error then results in a course of action being decided.


Figure 7.1    The basic stages of an error-correction system. Of these the most critical is the detection stage, since this controls the subsequent actions.

A retry is not possible if the data are required in real time for replay purposes. However, in the case of an audio file transfer in a disk-based network, real-time operation is not required. A transmission error due to a network collision or interference will result in a retransmission. If the disk drive detects a read error a retry is easy as the disk is turning at several thousand rpm and will quickly re-present the data. An error due to a dust particle may not occur on the next revolution. Many magnetic tape systems have read after write. During recording, offtape data are immediately checked for errors. If an error is detected, the tape will abort the recording, reverse to the beginning of the current block and erase it. The data from that block are then recorded further down the tape.

7.5 Concealment by interpolation

There are some practical differences between data recording for audio and the general computer data-recording application. Although audio recorders seldom have time for retries, they have the advantage that there is a certain amount of redundancy in the information conveyed. In audio systems, if an error cannot be corrected, then it can be concealed. If a sample is lost, it is possible to obtain an approximation to it by interpolating between the samples before and after the missing one. Clearly concealment of any kind cannot be used with computer data.

In NICAM 728 errors are relatively infrequent and correction is not used. There is simply an error-detecting system which causes samples in error to be concealed. This is described in greater detail in Chapter 8. Momentary interpolations are not serious, but sustained use of interpolation can result in aliasing if high frequencies are present in the recording.

In systems which use compression, bit errors are serious because they cause loss of synchronization in variable-length coding, leading to an audible error much larger than the actual data loss. This is known as error-propagation and to avoid it, compressed systems must use reliable error-correction systems. Concealment is also more difficult in compression systems. In advanced concealment systems, a spectral analysis of the sound is made, and if correct sample values are not available, samples having the same spectral characteristics are substituted. This concealment method can conceal greater damage than simple interpolation because the spectral shape changes quite slowly compared to the voltage domain signal.

If there is too much corruption for concealment, the only course in audio is to mute the output as large numbers of uncorrected errors reaching the analog domain cause noise which can be of a high level.

If use is to be made of concealment on replay, the data must generally be reordered or shuffled prior to recording. To take a simple example, odd-numbered samples are recorded in a different area of the medium from even-numbered samples. On playback, if a gross error occurs on the tape, depending on its position, the result will be either corrupted odd samples or corrupted even samples, but it is most unlikely that both will be lost. Interpolation is then possible if the power of the correction system is exceeded.

It should be stressed that corrected data are indistinguishable from the original and thus there can be no audible artifacts. In contrast, concealment is only an approximation to the original information and could be audible. In practical equipment, concealment occurs infrequently unless there is a defect requiring attention.

7.6 Parity

The error-detection and error-correction processes are closely related and will be dealt with together here. The actual correction of an error is simplified tremendously by the adoption of binary. As there are only two symbols, 0 and 1, it is enough to know that a symbol is wrong, and the correct value is obvious. Figure 7.2 shows a minimal circuit required for correction once the bit in error has been identified. The XOR (exclusive-OR) gate shows up extensively in error correction and the figure also shows the truth table. One way of remembering the characteristics of this useful device is that there will be an output when the inputs are different. Inspection of the truth table will show that there is an even number of ones in each row (zero is an even number) and so the device could also be called an even parity gate. The XOR gate is also a adder in modulo 2 (see Chapter 3).


Figure 7.2    Once the position of the error is identified, the correction process in binary is easy.


Figure 7.3    Parity checking adds up the number of ones in a word using, in this example, parity trees. One error bit and odd numbers of errors are detected. Even numbers of errors cannot be detected.

Parity is a fundamental concept in error detection. In Figure 7.3, the example is given of a four-bit data word which is to be protected. If an extra bit is added to the word which is calculated in such a way that the total number of ones in the five-bit word is even, this property can be tested on receipt. The generation of the parity bit in Figure 7.3 can be performed by a number of the ubiquitous XOR gates configured into what is known as a parity tree. In the figure, if a bit is corrupted, the received message will be seen no longer to have an even number of ones. If two bits are corrupted, the failure will be undetected. This example can be used to introduce much of the terminology of error correction. The extra bit added to the message carries no information of its own, since it is calculated from the other bits. It is therefore called a redundant bit. The addition of the redundant bit gives the message a special property, i.e. the number of ones is even. A message having some special property irrespective of the actual data content is called a codeword. All error correction relies on adding redundancy to real data to form codewords for transmission. If any corruption occurs, the intention is that the received message will not have the special property; in other words if the received message is not a codeword there has definitely been an error. The receiver can check for the special property without any prior knowledge of the data content. Thus the same check can be made on all received data. If the received message is a codeword, there probably has not been an error. The word ‘probably’ must be used because the figure shows that two bits in error will cause the received message to be a codeword, which cannot be discerned from an error-free message. If it is known that generally the only failure mechanism in the channel in question is loss of a single bit, it is assumed that receipt of a codeword means that there has been no error. If there is a probability of two error bits, that becomes very nearly the probability of failing to detect an error, since all odd numbers of errors will be detected, and a four-bit error is much less likely.

It is paramount in all error-correction systems that the protection used should be appropriate for the probability of errors to be encountered. An inadequate error-correction system is actually worse than not having any correction. Error correction works by trading probabilities. Error-free performance with a certain error rate is achieved at the expense of performance at higher error rates. Figure 7.4 shows the effect of an error-correction system on the residual BER for a given raw BER. It will be seen that there is a characteristic knee in the graph. If the expected raw BER has been misjudged, the consequences can be disastrous. Another result demonstrated by the example is that we can only guarantee to detect the same number of bits in error as there are redundant bits.


Figure 7.4    An error-correction system can only reduce errors at normal error rates at the expense of increasing errors at higher rates. It is most important to keep a system working to the left of the knee in the graph.

7.7 Block and convolutional codes

Figure 7.5(a) shows that in a crossword, or product, code the data are formed into a two-dimensional array, in which each location can be a single bit or a multi-bit symbol. Parity is then generated on both rows and columns. If a single bit or symbol fails, one row parity check and one column parity check will fail, and the failure can be located at the intersection of the two failing checks. Although two symbols in error confuse this simple scheme, using more complex coding in a two-dimensional structure is very powerful, and further examples will be given throughout this chapter.

The example of Figure 7.5(a) assembles the data to be coded into a block of finite size and then each codeword is calculated by taking different set of symbols. This should be contrasted with the operation of the circuit of Figure 7.5(b). Here the data are not in a block, but form an endless stream. A shift register allows four symbols to be available simultaneously to the encoder. The action of the encoder depends upon the delays. When symbol 3 emerges from the first delay, it will be added (modulo 2) to symbol 6. When this sum emerges from the second delay, it will be added to symbol 9 and so on. The codeword produced is shown in Figure 7.5(c) where it will be seen to be bent such that it has a vertical section and a diagonal section. Four symbols later the next codeword will be created one column further over in the data.

This is a convolutional code because the coder always takes parity on the same pattern of symbols which is convolved with the data stream on an endless basis. Figure 7.5(c) also shows that if an error occurs, it will cause a parity error in two codewords. The error will be on the diagonal part of one codeword and on the vertical part of the other so that it can uniquely be located at the intersection and corrected by parity.

Comparison with the block code of Figure 7.5(a) will show that the convolutional code needs less redundancy for the same single-symbol location and correction performance as only a single redundant symbol is required for every four data symbols. Convolutional codes are computed on an endless basis which makes them inconvenient in recording applications where editing is anticipated. Here the block code is more appropriate as it allows edit gaps to be created between codes. In the case of uncorrectable errors, the convolutional principle causes the syndromes to be affected for some time afterwards and results in miscorrections of symbols which were not actually in error. This is a further example of error propagation and is a characteristic of convolutional codes. Recording media tend to produce somewhat variant error statistics because media defects and mechanical problems cause errors which do not fit the classical additive noise channel. Convolutional codes can easily be taken beyond their correcting power if used with real recording media.


Figure 7.5 A block code is shown in (a). Each location in the block can be a bit or a word. Horizontal parity checks are made by adding P1, P2, etc., and cross-parity or vertical checks are made by adding CP1, CP2, etc. Any symbol in error will be at the intersection of the two failing codewords. In (b) a convolutional coder is shown. Symbols entering are subject to different delays which result in the codewords in (c) being calculated. These have a vertical part and a diagonal part. A symbol in error will be at the intersection of the diagonal part of one code and the vertical part of another.

In transmission and broadcasting, the error statistics are more stable and the editing requirement is absent. As a result, convolutional codes are used in DAB and DVB whereas block codes are used in recording. Convolutional codes are not restricted to the simple parity example given here, but can be used in conjuction with more sophisticated redundancy techniques such as the Reed–Solomon codes.

7.8 Hamming code

In a one-dimensional code, the position of the failing bit can be determined by using more parity checks. In Figure 7.6, the four data bits have been used to compute three redundancy bits, making a seven-bit codeword. The four data bits are examined in turn, and each bit which is a one will cause the corresponding row of a generator matrix to be added to an exclusive-OR sum. For example, if the data were 1001, the top and bottom rows of the matrix would be XORed. The matrix used is known as an identity matrix, because the data bits in the codeword are identical to the data bits to be conveyed. This is useful because the original data can be stored unmodified, and the check bits are simply attached to the end to make a so-called systematic codeword. Almost all digital recording equipment uses systematic codes. The way in which the redundancy bits are calculated is simply that they do not all use every data bit. If a data bit has not been included in a parity check, it can fail without affecting the outcome of that check. The position of the error is deduced from the pattern of successful and unsuccessful checks in the check matrix. This pattern is known as a syndrome.

In the figure the example of a failing bit is given. Bit three fails, and because this bit is included in only two of the checks, there are two ones in the failure pattern, 011. As some care was taken in designing the matrix pattern for the generation of the check bits, the syndrome, 011, is the address of the failing bit. This is the fundamental feature of the Hamming codes due to Richard Hamming.3 The performance of this seven-bit codeword can be assessed. In seven bits there can be 128 combinations, but in four data bits there are only sixteen combinations. Thus out of 128 possible received messages, only sixteen will be codewords, so if the message is completely trashed by a gross corruption, it will still be possible to detect that this has happened 112 times out of 127, as in these cases the syndrome will be non-zero (the 128th case is the correct data).


Figure 7.6    (a) The generator and check matrices of a Hamming code. The data and check bits are arranged as shown because this causes the syndrome to be the binary address of the failing bit. (b) An example of Hamming-code generation and error correction. (c) Another way of looking at Hamming code is to say that the rows of crosses in this chart are calculated to have even parity. If bit 3 fails, parity check P3 is not affected, but parity checks P1 and P2 both include bit 3 and will fail.

There is thus only a probability of detecting that all of the message is corrupt. In an idle moment it is possible to work out, in a similar way, the number of false codewords which can result from different numbers of bits being assumed to have failed. For fewer than three bits, the failure will always be detected, because there are three check bits. Returning to the example, if two bits fail, there will be a non-zero syndrome, but if this is used to point to a bit in error, a miscorrection will result. From these results can be deduced another important feature of error codes. The power of detection is always greater than the power of correction, which is also fortunate, since if the correcting power is exceeded by an error it will at least be a known problem, and steps can be taken to prevent any undesirable consequences.

The efficiency of the example given is not very high because three check bits are needed for every four data bits. Since the failing bit is located with a binary-split mechanism, it is possible to double the code length by adding a single extra check bit. Thus with four-bit syndromes there are fifteen non-zero codes and so the codeword will be fifteen bits long. Four bits are redundant and eleven are data. Using five bits of redundancy, the code can be 31 bits long and contain 26 data bits. Thus provided that the number of errors to be detected stays the same, it is more efficient to use long codewords. Error-correcting memories use typically four or eight data bytes plus redundancy. A drawback of long codes is that if it is desired to change a single memory byte it is necessary to read the entire codeword, modify the desired data byte and re-encode, the so-called read–modify–write process.

The Hamming code shown is limited to single-bit correction, but by addition of another bit of redundancy can be made to correct one-bit and detect two-bit errors. This is ideal for error-correcting MOS memories where the SECDED (single-error correcting double-error detecting) characteristic matches the type of failures experienced.

The correction of one bit is of little use in the presence of burst errors, but a Hamming code can be made to correct burst errors by using interleaving. Figure 7.7 shows that if several codewords are calculated beforehand and woven together as shown before they are sent down the channel, then a burst of errors which corrupts several bits will become a number of single-bit errors in separate codewords upon de-interleaving.

Interleaving is used extensively in digital recording and transmission, and will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.

7.9 Hamming distance

It is useful at this point to introduce the concept of Hamming distance. It is not a physical distance but is a specific measure of the difference between two binary numbers. Hamming distance is defined in the general case as the number of bit positions in which a pair of words differ. The Hamming distance of a code is defined as the minimum number of bits that must be changed in any codeword in order to turn it into another codeword. This is an important yardstick because if errors convert one codeword into another, it will have the special characteristic of the code and so the corruption will not even be detected.


Figure 7.7    The vertical columns of this diagram are all codewords generated by the matrix of Figure 7.6, which can correct a single-bit error. If these words are recorded in the order shown, a burst error of up to four bits will result in one single-bit error in each codeword, which is correctable. Interleave requires memory, and causes delay. De-interleave requires the same.

Figure 7.8 shows Hamming distance diagrammatically. A three-bit codeword is used with two data bits and one parity bit. With three bits, a received code could have eight combinations, but only four of these will be codewords. The valid codewords are shown in the centre of each of the disks, and these will be seen to be identical to the rows of the truth table in Figure 7.2. At the perimeter of the disks are shown the received words which would result from a single-bit error, i.e. they have a Hamming distance of one from codewords. It will be seen that the same received word (on the vertical bars) can be obtained from a different single-bit corruption of any three codewords. It is thus not possible to tell which codeword was corrupted, so although all single-bit errors can be detected, correction is not possible. This diagram should be compared with that of Figure 7.9, which is a Venn diagram where there is a set in which the MSB is 1 (upper circle), a set in which the middle bit is 1 (lower left circle) and a set in which the LSB is 1 (lower right circle). Note that in crossing any boundary only one bit changes, and so each boundary represents a Hamming distance change of one. The four codewords of Figure 7.8 are repeated here, and it will be seen that single-bit errors in any codeword produce a non-codeword, and so single-bit errors are always detectable.


Figure 7.8    Hamming distance of two. The disk centres contain codewords. Corrupting each bit in turn produces the distance 1 values on the vertical members. In order to change one codeword to another, two bits must be changed, so the code has a Hamming distance of two.


Figure 7.9    Venn diagram shows a one-bit change crossing any boundary which is a Hamming distance of one. Compare with Figure 7.8. Codewords marked*.

Correction is possible if the number of non-codewords is increased by increasing the number of redundant bits. This means that it is possible to spread out the actual codewords in Hamming distance terms.

Figure 7.10(a) shows a distance 2 code, where there is only one redundancy bit, and so half of the possible words will be codewords. There will be non-codewords at distance 1 which can be produced by altering a single bit in either of two codewords. In this case it is not possible to tell what the original codeword was in the case of a single-bit error.

Figure 7.10(b) shows a distance 3 code, where there will now be at least two non-codewords between codewords. If a single-bit error occurs in a codeword, the resulting non-codeword will be at distance 1 from the original codeword. This same non-codeword could also have been produced by changing two bits in a different codeword. If it is known that the failure mechanism is a single bit, it can be assumed that the original codeword was the one which is closest in Hamming distance to the received bit pattern, and so correction is possible. If, however, our assumption about the error mechanism proved to be wrong, and in fact a two-bit error had occurred, this assumption would take us to the wrong codeword, turning the event into a three-bit error. This is an illustration of the knee in the graph of Figure 7.4, where if the power of the code is exceeded it makes things worse.

Figure 7.10(c) shows a distance 4 code. There are now three non-codewords between codewords, and clearly single-bit errors can still be corrected by choosing the nearest codeword. Double-bit errors will be detected, because they result in non-codewords equidistant in Hamming terms from codewords, but it is not possible to determine what the original codeword was.


Figure 7.10    (a) Distance 2 code; non-codewords are at distance 1 from two possible codewords so it cannot be deduced what the correct one is. (b) Distance 3 code; non-codewords which have single-bit errors can be attributed to the nearest codeword. Breaks down in presence of double-bit errors. (c) Distance 4 code; non-codewords which have single-bit errors can be attributed to the nearest codeword, AND double-bit errors form different non-codewords, and can thus be detected but not corrected.

7.10 Cyclic codes

The parallel implementation of a Hamming code can be made very fast using parity trees, which is ideal for memory applications where access time is increased by the correction process. However, in digital audio recording applications, the data are stored serially on a track, and it is desirable to use relatively large data blocks to reduce the amount of the medium devoted to preambles, addressing and synchronizing. Where large data blocks are to be handled, the use of a look-up table or tree has to be abandoned because it would become impossibly large. The principle of codewords having a special characteristic will still be employed, but they will be generated and checked algorithmically by equations. The syndrome will then be converted to the bit(s) in error not by looking them up, but by solving an equation.

Where data can be accessed serially, simpler circuitry can be used because the same gate will be used for many XOR operations. Unfortunately the reduction in component count is only paralleled by an increase in the difficulty of explaining what takes place.

The circuit of Figure 7.11 is a kind of shift register, but with a particular feedback arrangement which leads it to be known as a twisted-ring counter. If seven message bits A–G are applied serially to this circuit, and each one of them is clocked, the outcome can be followed in the diagram. As bit A is presented and the system is clocked, bit A will enter the left-hand latch. When bits B and C are presented, A moves across to the right. Both XOR gates will have A on the upper input from the right-hand latch, the left one has D on the lower input and the right one has B on the lower input. When clocked, the left latch will thus be loaded with the XOR of A and D, and the right one with the XOR of A and B. The remainder of the sequence can be followed, bearing in mind that when the same term appears on both inputs of an XOR gate, it goes out, as the exclusive-OR of something with itself is nothing. At the end of the process, the latches contain three different expressions. Essentially, the circuit makes three parity checks through the message, leaving the result of each in the three stages of the register. In the figure, these expressions have been used to draw up a check matrix. The significance of these steps can now be explained.


Figure 7.11    When seven successive bits A–G are clocked into this circuit, the contents of the three latches are shown for each clock. The final result is a parity-check matrix.

The bits A B C and D are four data bits, and the bits E F and G are redundancy. When the redundancy is calculated, bit E is chosen so that there are an even number of ones in bits A B C and E; bit F is chosen such that the same applies to bits B C D and F, and similarly for bit G. Thus the four data bits and the three check bits form a seven-bit codeword. If there is no error in the codeword, when it is fed into the circuit shown, the result of each of the three parity checks will be zero and every stage of the shift register will be cleared. As the register has eight possible states, and one of them is the error-free condition, then there are seven remaining states, hence the seven-bit codeword. If a bit in the codeword is corrupted, there will be a non-zero result. For example, if bit D fails, the check on bits A B D and G will fail, and a one will appear in the left-hand latch. The check on bits B C D F will also fail, and the centre latch will set. The check on bits A B C E will not fail, because D is not involved in it, making the right-hand bit zero. There will be a syndrome of 110 in the register, and this will be seen from the check matrix to correspond to an error in bit D. Whichever bit fails, there will be a different three-bit syndrome which uniquely identifies the failed bit. As there are only three latches, there can be eight different syndromes. One of these is zero, which is the error-free condition, and so there are seven remaining error syndromes. The length of the codeword cannot exceed seven bits, or there would not be enough syndromes to correct all the bits. This can also be made to tie in with the generation of the check matrix. If fourteen bits, A to N, were fed into the circuit shown, the result would be that the check matrix repeated twice, and if a syndrome of 101 were to result, it could not be determined whether bit D or bit K failed. Because the check repeats every seven bits, the code is said to be a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code.

In Figure 7.6 an example of a Hamming code was given. Comparison of the check matrix of Figure 7.11 with that of Figure 7.6 will show that the only difference is the order of the matrix columns. The two different processes have thus achieved exactly the same results, and the performance of both must be identical. This is not true in general, but a very small cyclic code has been used for simplicity and to allow parallels to be seen. In practice CRC code blocks will be much longer than the blocks used in Hamming codes.

It has been seen that the circuit shown makes a matrix check on a received word to determine if there has been an error, but the same circuit can also be used to generate the check bits. To visualize how this is done, examine what happens if only the data bits A B C and D are known, and the check bits E F and G are set to zero. If this message, ABCD000, is fed into the circuit, the left-hand latch will afterwards contain the XOR of A B C and zero, which is, of course, what E should be. The centre latch will contain the XOR of B C D and zero, which is what F should be and so on. This process is not quite ideal, however, because it is necessary to wait for three clock periods after entering the data before the check bits are available. Where the data are simultaneously being recorded and fed into the encoder, the delay would prevent the check bits being easily added to the end of the data stream. This problem can be overcome by slightly modifying the encoder circuit as shown in Figure 7.12. By moving the position of the input to the right, the operation of the circuit is advanced so that the check bits are ready after only four clocks. The process can be followed in the diagram for the four data bits A B C and D. On the first clock, bit A enters the left two latches, whereas on the second clock, bit B will appear on the upper input of the left XOR gate, with bit A on the lower input, causing the centre latch to load the XOR of A and B and so on.


Figure 7.12    By moving the insertion point three places to the right, the calculation of the check bits is completed in only four clock periods and they can follow the data immediately. This is equivalent to premultiplying the data by x3.

The way in which the cyclic codes work has been described in engineering terms, but it can be described mathematically if analysis is contemplated.

Just as the position of a decimal digit in a number determines the power of ten (whether that digit means one, ten or a hundred), the position of a binary digit determines the power of two (whether it means one, two or four). It is possible to rewrite a binary number so that it is expressed as a list of powers of two. For example, the binary number 1101 means 8 + 4 + 1, and can be written:

23 + 22 + 20

In fact, much of the theory of error correction applies to symbols in number bases other than 2, so that the number can also be written more generally as

x3 + x2 + 1 (20 = 1)

which also looks much more impressive. This expression, containing as it does various powers, is of course a polynomial, and the circuit of Figure 7.11 which has been seen to construct a parity-check matrix on a codeword can also be described as calculating the remainder due to dividing the input by a polynomial using modulo-2 arithmetic. In modulo-2 there are no borrows or carries, and addition and subtraction are replaced by the XOR function, which makes hardware implementation very easy. In Figure 7.13 it will be seen that the circuit of Figure 7.11 actually divides the codeword by a polynomial which is

x3 + x + 1 or 1011

This can be deduced from the fact that the right-hand bit is fed into two lower-order stages of the register at once. Once all the bits of the message have been clocked in, the circuit contains the remainder. In mathematical terms, the special property of a codeword is that it is a polynomial which yields a remainder of zero when divided by the generating polynomial. The receiver will make this division, and the result should be zero in the error-free case. Thus the codeword itself disappears from the division. If an error has occurred it is considered that this is due to an error polynomial which has been added to the codeword polynomial. If a codeword divided by the check polynomial is zero, a non-zero syndrome must represent the error polynomial divided by the check polynomial. Thus if the syndrome is multiplied by the check polynomial, the latter will be cancelled out and the result will be the error polynomial. If this is added modulo-2 to the received word, it will cancel out the error and leave the corrected data.

Some examples of modulo-2 division are given in Figure 7.13 which can be compared with the parallel computation of parity checks according to the matrix of Figure 7.11.

The process of generating the codeword from the original data can also be described mathematically. If a codeword has to give zero remainder when divided, it follows that the data can be converted to a codeword by adding the remainder when the data are divided. Generally speaking, the remainder would have to be subtracted, but in modulo-2 there is no distinction. This process is also illustrated in Figure 7.13. The four data bits have three zeros placed on the right-hand end, to make the wordlength equal to that of a codeword, and this word is then divided by the polynomial to calculate the remainder. The remainder is added to the zero-extended data to form a codeword. The modified circuit of Figure 7.12 can be described as premultiplying the data by x3 before dividing.


Figure 7.13    (a) Circuit of Figure 7.11 divides by x3 + x + 1 to find remainder. At (b) this is used to calculate check bits. At (c) right, zero syndrome, no error.

CRC codes are of primary importance for detecting errors, and several have been standardized for use in digital communications. The most common of these are:

x16 + x15 + x2 + 1 (CRC-16)

x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 (CRC-CCITT)

The implementation of the cyclic codes is much easier if all the necessary logic is present in one integrated circuit. The Fairchild 9401 was found in early digital audio equipment because it implemented a variety of polynomials including the two above. A feature of the chip is that the feedback register can be configured to work backwards if required. The desired polynomial is selected by a three-bit control code as shown in Figure 7.14. The code is implemented by switching in a particular feedback configuration stored in ROM. During recording or transmission, the serial data are clocked in whilst the control input CWE (check word enable) is held true. At the end of the serial data, this input is made false and this has the effect of disabling the feedback so that the device becomes a conventional shift register and the CRCC is clocked out of the Q output and appended to the data. On playback, the entire message is clocked into the device with CWE once more true. At the end, if the register contains all zeros, the message was a codeword. If not, there has been an error.


Figure 7.14    Simplified block of CRC chip which can implement several polynomials, and both generate and check redundancy.

7.11 Punctured codes

The sixteen-bit cyclic codes have codewords of length 216 – 1 or 65 535 bits long. This may be too long for the application. Another problem with very long codes is that with a given raw BER, the longer the code, the more errors will occur in it. There may be enough errors to exceed the power of the code. The solution in both cases is to shorten or puncture the code. Figure 7.15 shows that in a punctured code, only the end of the codeword is used, and the data and redundancy are preceded by a string of zeros. It is not necessary to record these zeros, and, of course, errors cannot occur in them. Implementing a punctured code is easy. If a CRC generator starts with the register cleared and is fed with serial zeros, it will not change its state. Thus it is not necessary to provide the zeros, and encoding can begin with the first data bit. In the same way, the leading zeros need not be provided during playback. The only precaution needed is that if a syndrome calculates the location of an error, this will be from the beginning of the codeword not from the beginning of the data. Where codes are used for detection only, this is of no consequence.


Figure 7.15    Codewords are often shortened, or punctured, which means that only the end of the codeword is actually transmitted. The only precaution to be taken when puncturing codes is that the computed position of an error will be from the beginning of the codeword, not from the beginning of the message.

7.12 Applications of cyclic codes

The AES/EBU digital audio interface described in Chapter 8 uses an eight-bit cyclic code to protect the channel-status data. The polynomial used and a typical circuit for generating it can be seen in Figure 7.16. The full codeword length is 255 bits but it is punctured to 192 bits, or 24 bytes which is the length of the AES/EBU channel status block. The CRCC is placed in the last byte.


Figure 7.16 The CRCC in the AES/EBU interface is generated by premultiplying the data by x8 and dividing by x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1. The process can be performed on a serial input by the circuit shown. Premultiplication is achieved by connecting the input at the most significant end of the system. If the output of the right-hand XOR gate is 1 then a 1 is fed back to all of the powers shown, and the polynomial process required is performed. At the end of 23 data bytes, the CRCC will be in the eight latches. At the end of an error-free 24 byte message, the latches will be all zero.


Figure 7.17 The simple crossword code of the PCM-1610/1630 format. Horizontal codewords are cyclic polynomials; vertical codewords are simple parity. Cyclic code detects errors and acts as erasure pointer for parity correction. For example, if word 2 fails, CRC (a) fails, and 1, 2 and 3 are all erased. The correct values are computed from (b) and (c) such that:

1 = (1 images 4) images 4

2 = (2 images 5) images 5

3 = (3 images 6) images 6

The Sony PCM-1610/1630 CD mastering recorders used a sixteen-bit cyclic code for error detection. Figure 7.17 shows that in this system, two sets of three sixteen-bit audio samples have a CRCC added to form punctured codewords 64 bits long. The PCM-1610 used the 9401 chip of Figure 7.14 to perform the calculation. Three parity words are formed by taking the XOR of the two sets of samples and a CRCC is added to this also. The three codewords are then recorded. If an error should occur, one of the cyclic codes will have a non-zero remainder, and all the samples in that codeword are deemed to be in error. The samples can be restored by taking the XOR of the remaining two codewords. If the error is in the parity words, no action is necessary. Further details of these recorders can be found in section 9.2. There is 100 per cent redundancy in this unit, but it is designed to work with an existing video cassette recorder whose bandwidth is predetermined and so in this application there is no penalty. The CRCC simply detects errors and acts as a pointer to a further correction means. This technique is often referred to as correction by erasure. The failing data is set to zero, or erased, since in some correction schemes the erroneous data will interfere with the calculation of the correct values.

7.13 Burst correction

Figure 7.18 lists all the possible codewords in the code of Figure 7.11. Examination will show that it is necessary to change at least three bits in one codeword before it can be made into another. Thus the code has a Hamming distance of three and cannot detect three-bit errors. The single-bit error correction limit can also be deduced from the figure. In the example given, the codeword 0101100 suffers a single-bit error marked * which converts it to a non-codeword at a Hamming distance of 1. No other codeword can be turned into this word by a single-bit error; therefore the codeword which is the shortest Hamming distance away must be the correct one. The code can thus reliably correct single-bit errors. However, the codeword 0100111 can be made into the same failure word by a two-bit error, also marked *, and in this case the original codeword cannot be found by selecting the one which is nearest in Hamming distance. A two-bit error cannot be corrected and the system will miscorrect if it is attempted.


Figure 7.18    All possible codewords of x3 + x + 1 are shown, and the fact that a double error in one codeword can produce the same pattern as a single error in another. Thus double errors cannot be corrected.

The concept of Hamming distance can be extended to explain how more than one bit can be corrected. In Figure 7.19 the example of two bits in error is given. If a codeword four bits long suffers a single-bit error, it could produce one of four different words. If it suffers a two-bit error, it could produce one of 3 + 2 + 1 different words as shown in the figure (the error bits are underlined). The total number of possible words of Hamming distance 1 or 2 from a four-bit codeword is thus:

4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10

If the two-bit error is to be correctable, no other codeword can be allowed to become one of this number of error patterns because of a two-bit error of its own. Thus every codeword requires space for itself plus all possible error patterns of Hamming distance 2 or 1, which is eleven patterns in this example. Clearly there are only sixteen patterns available in a four-bit code, and thus no data can be conveyed if two-bit protection is necessary.


Figure 7.19    Where double-bit errors occur, the number of patterns necessary is (n – 1) + (n – 2) + (n – 3) + … Total necessary is 1 + n + (n – 1) + (n – 2) + (n – 3) + … etc. Example here is of four bits, and all possible patterns up to a Hamming distance of two are shown (errors underlined).

The number of different patterns possible in a word of n bits is

1 + n + (n–1) + (n–2) + (n–3) +…

and this pattern range has to be shared between the ranges of each codeword without overlap. For example, an eight-bit codeword could result in 1 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 37 patterns. As there are only 256 patterns in eight bits, it follows that only 256/37 pieces of information can be conveyed. The nearest integer below is six, and the nearest power of two below is four, which corresponds to two data bits and six check bits in the eight-bit word. The amount of redundancy necessary to correct any two bits in error is large, and as the number of bits to be corrected grows, the redundancy necessary becomes enormous and impractical. A further problem is that the more redundancy is added, the greater the probability of an error in a codeword. Fortunately, in practice errors occur in bursts, as has already been described, and it is a happy consequence that the number of patterns that result from the corruption of a codeword by adjacent two-bit errors is much smaller.

It can be deduced that the number of redundant bits necessary to correct a burst error is twice the number of bits in the burst for a perfect code. This is done by working out the number of received messages which could result from corruption of the codeword by bursts of from one bit up to the largest burst size allowed, and then making sure that there are enough redundant bits to allow that number of combinations in the received message.

Some codes, such as the Fire code due to Philip Fire,4 are designed to correct single bursts, whereas later codes such as the B-adjacent code due to Bossen5 could correct two bursts. The Reed–Solomon codes (Irving Reed and Gustave Solomon6) have the advantage that an arbitrary number of bursts can be corrected by choosing the appropriate amount of redundancy at the design stage.

7.14 Introduction to the Reed–Solomon codes

The Reed–Solomon codes are inherently burst correcting because they work on multi-bit symbols rather than individual bits. The R–S codes are also extremely flexible in use. One code may be used both to detect and correct errors and the number of bursts which are correctable can be chosen at the design stage by the amount of redundancy. A further advantage of the R–S codes is that they can be used in conjunction with a separate error-detection mechanism in which case they perform only the correction by erasure. R–S codes operate at the theoretical limit of correcting efficiency. In other words, no more efficient code can be found.

In the simple CRC system described in section 7.10, the effect of the error is detected by ensuring that the codeword can be divided by a polynomial. The CRC codeword was created by adding a redundant symbol to the data. In the Reed–Solomon codes, several errors can be isolated by ensuring that the codeword will divide by a number of polynomials. Clearly if the codeword must divide by, say, two polynomials, it must have two redundant symbols. This is the minimum case of an R–S code. On receiving an R–S coded message there will be two syndromes following the division. In the error-free case, these will both be zero. If both are not zero, there is an error.

It has been stated that the effect of an error is to add an error polynomial to the message polynomial. The number of terms in the error polynomial is the same as the number of errors in the codeword. The codeword divides to zero and the syndromes are a function of the error only. There are two syndromes and two equations. By solving these simultaneous equations it is possible to obtain two unknowns. One of these is the position of the error, known as the locator and the other is the error bit pattern, known as the corrector. As the locator is the same size as the code symbol, the length of the codeword is determined by the size of the symbol. A symbol size of eight bits is commonly used because it fits in conveniently with both sixteen-bit audio samples and byte-oriented computers. An eight-bit syndrome results in a locator of the same wordlength. Eight bits have 28 combinations, but one of these is the error-free condition, and so the locator can specify one of only 255 symbols. As each symbol contains eight bits, the codeword will be 255 images 8 = 2040 bits long.

As further examples, five-bit symbols could be used to form a codeword 31 symbols long, and three-bit symbols would form a codeword seven symbols long. This latter size is small enough to permit some worked examples, and will be used further here. Figure 7.20 shows that in the seven-symbol codeword, five symbols of three bits each, A–E, are the data, and P and Q are the two redundant symbols. This simple example will locate and correct a single symbol in error. It does not matter, however, how many bits in the symbol are in error.


Figure 7.20    A Reed–Solomon codeword. As the symbols are of three bits, there can only be eight possible syndrome values. One of these is all zeros, the error-free case, and so it is only possible to point to seven errors; hence the codeword length of seven symbols. Two of these are redundant, leaving five data symbols.

The two check symbols are solutions to the following equations:

A images B images C images D images E images P images Q = 0 [images = XOR symbol]

a7 A images a6 B images a5 C images a4 D images a3 E images a2 P images aQ = 0

where a is a constant. The original data A–E followed by the redundancy P and Q pass through the channel.

The receiver makes two checks on the message to see if it is a codeword. This is done by calculating syndromes using the following expressions, where the (′) implies the received symbol which is not necessarily correct:

S0 = A′ images B′ images C′ images D′ images E′ images P′ images Q′

(This is in fact a simple parity check)

S1 = a7 A′ images a6 B′ images a5 C′ images a4 D′ images a3 E′ images a2 P′ images aQ′

If two syndromes of all zeros are not obtained, there has been an error. The information carried in the syndromes will be used to correct the error. For the purpose of illustration, let it be considered that D′ has been corrupted before moving to the general case. D′ can be considered to be the result of adding an error of value E to the original value D such that D′ = D images E.

As images B images C images D images E images P images Q = 0

then images B images C images (D images E) images E images P images Q = E = S0

As D′ = D images E

then D = D′ images E = D′ images S0

Thus the value of the corrector is known immediately because it is the same as the parity syndrome S0. The corrected data symbol is obtained simply by adding S0 to the incorrect symbol.

At this stage, however, the corrupted symbol has not yet been identified, but this is equally straightforward:

As a7 A images a6 B images a5 C images a4 D images a3 E images a2 P images aQ = 0


a7 A images a6 B images a5 C images a4 (D images E) images a3 E images a2 P images aQ = a4 E = S1

Thus the syndrome S1 is the error bit pattern E, but it has been raised to a power of a which is a function of the position of the error symbol in the block. If the position of the error is in symbol k, then k is the locator value and:

S0 images ak = S1



The value of k can be found by multiplying S0 by various powers of a until the product is the same as S1. Then the power of a necessary is equal to k. The use of the descending powers of a in the codeword calculation is now clear because the error is then multiplied by a different power of a dependent upon its position, known as the locator, because it gives the position of the error. The process of finding the error position by experiment is known as a Chien search.7

7.15 R–S Calculations

Whilst the expressions above show that the values of P and Q are such that the two syndrome expressions sum to zero, it is not yet clear how P and Q are calculated from the data. Expressions for P and Q can be found by solving the two R–S equations simultaneously. This has been done in Appendix 7.1. The following expressions must be used to calculate P and Q from the data in order to satisfy the codeword equations. These are:

P = a6 A images aB images a2 C images a5 D images a3 E

Q = a2 A images a3 B images a6 C images a4 D images aE

In both the calculation of the redundancy shown here and the calculation of the corrector and the locator it is necessary to perform numerous multiplications and raising to powers. This appears to present a formidable calculation problem at both the encoder and the decoder. This would be the case if the calculations involved were conventionally executed. However, they can be simplified by using logarithms. Instead of multiplying two numbers, their logarithms are added. In order to find the cube of a number, its logarithm is added three times. Division is performed by subtracting the logarithms. Thus all the manipulations necessary can be achieved with addition or subtraction, which is straightforward in logic circuits.

The success of this approach depends upon simple implementation of log tables. As was seen in Chapter 3, raising a constant, a, known as the primitive element, to successively higher powers in modulo 2 gives rise to a Galois field. Each element of the field represents a different power n of a. It is a fundamental of the R–S codes that all the symbols used for data, redundancy and syndromes are considered to be elements of a Galois field. The number of bits in the symbol determines the size of the Galois field, and hence the number of symbols in the codeword.


Figure 7.21    The bit patterns of a Galois field expressed as powers of the primitive element a. This diagram can be used as a form of log table in order to multiply binary numbers. Instead of an actual multiplication, the appropriate powers of a are simply added.

Figure 7.21 repeats a Galois field deduced in Chapter 3. The binary values of the elements are shown alongside the power of a they represent. In the R–S codes, symbols are no longer considered simply as binary numbers, but also as equivalent powers of a. In Reed–Solomon coding and decoding, each symbol will be multiplied by some power of a. Thus if the symbol is also known as a power of a it is only necessary to add the two powers. For example, if it is necessary to multiply the data symbol 100 by a3, the calculation proceeds as follows, referring to Figure 7.21:

100 = a2 so 100 images a3 = a(2 + 3) = a5 = 111

Note that the results of a Galois multiplication are quite different from binary multiplication. Because all products must be elements of the field, sums of powers which exceed seven wrap around by having seven subtracted. For example:

a5 images a6 = a11 = a4 = 110

Figure 7.22 shows some examples of circuits which will perform this kind of multiplication. Note that they require a minimum amount of logic.

Figure 7.23 shows an example of the Reed–Solomon encoding process. The Galois field shown in Figure 7.21 has been used, having the primitive element a = 010. At the beginning of the calculation of P, the symbol A is multiplied by a6. This is done by converting A to a power of a. According to Figure 7.21, 101 = a6 and so the product will be a(6 + 6) = a12 = a5 = 111. In the same way, B is multiplied by a, and so on, and the products are added modulo-2. A similar process is used to calculate Q.


Figure 7.22    Some examples of GF multiplier circuits.


Figure 7.23    Five data symbols A–E are used as terms in the generator polynomials derived in Appendix 7.1 to calculate two redundant symbols P and Q. An example is shown at the top. Below is the result of using the codeword symbols A–Q as terms in the checking polynomials. As there is no error, both syndromes are zero.

Figure 7.24 shows a circuit which can calculate P or Q. The symbols A–E are presented in succession, and the circuit is clocked for each one. On the first clock, a6 A is stored in the left-hand latch. If B is now provided at the input, the second GF multiplier produces aB and this is added to the output of the first latch and when clocked will be stored in the second latch which now contains a6A + aB. The process continues in this fashion until the complete expression for P is available in the right-hand latch. The intermediate contents of the right-hand latch are ignored.


Figure 7.24 If the five data symbols of Figure 7.23 are supplied to this circuit in sequence, after five clocks, one of the check symbols will appear at the output. Terms without brackets will calculate P, bracketed terms calculate Q.

The entire codeword now exists, and can be recorded or transmitted. Figure 7.23 also demonstrates that the codeword satisfies the checking equations. The modulo 2 sum of the seven symbols, S0, is 000 because each column has an even number of ones. The calculation of S1 requires multiplication by descending powers of a. The modulo-2 sum of the products is again zero. These calculations confirm that the redundancy calculation was properly carried out.

Figure 7.25 gives three examples of error correction based on this codeword. The erroneous symbol is marked with a dash. As there has been an error, the syndromes S0 and S1 will not be zero.

Figure 7.26 shows circuits suitable for parallel calculation of the two syndromes at the receiver. The S0 circuit is a simple parity checker which accumulates the modulo-2 sum of all symbols fed to it. The S1 circuit is more subtle, because it contains a Galois field (GF) multiplier in a feedback loop, such that early symbols fed in are raised to higher powers than later symbols because they have been recirculated through the GF multiplier more often. It is possible to compare the operation of these circuits with the example of Figure 7.25 and with subsequent examples to confirm that the same results are obtained.


Figure 7.25    Three examples of error location and correction. The number of bits in error in a symbol is irrelevant; if all three were wrong, S0 would be 111, but correction is still possible.


Figure 7.26    Circuits for parallel calculation of syndromes S0, S1. S0 is a simple parity check. S1 has a GF multiplication by a in the feedback, so that A is multiplied by a7, B is multiplied by a6, etc., and all are summed to give S1.

7.16 Correction by erasure

In the examples of Figure 7.25, two redundant symbols P and Q have been used to locate and correct one error symbol. If the positions of errors are known by some separate mechanism (see product codes, section 7.18) the locator need not be calculated. The simultaneous equations may instead be solved for two correctors. In this case the number of symbols which can be corrected is equal to the number of redundant symbols. In Figure 7.27(a) two errors have taken place, and it is known that they are in symbols C and D. Since S0 is a simple parity check, it will reflect the modulo-2 sum of the two errors. Hence S0 = EC images ED.

The two errors will have been multiplied by different powers in S1, such that:

S1 = a5 EC images a4 ED

These two equations can be solved, as shown in the figure, to find EC and ED, and the correct value of the symbols will be obtained by adding these correctors to the erroneous values. It is, however, easier to set the values of the symbols in error to zero. In this way the nature of the error is rendered irrelevant and it does not enter the calculation. This setting of symbols to zero gives rise to the term erasure. In this case,

S0 = C images D

S1 = a5 C images a4 D

Erasing the symbols in error makes the errors equal to the correct symbol values and these are found more simply as shown in Figure 7.27(b).

Practical systems will be designed to correct more symbols in error than in the simple examples given here. If it is proposed to correct by erasure an arbitrary number of symbols in error given by t, the codeword must be divisible by t different polynomials. Alternatively if the errors must be located and corrected, 2t polynomials will be needed. These will be of the form (x + an) where n takes all values up to t or 2t. a is the primitive element discussed in Chapter 3.

Where four symbols are to be corrected by erasure, or two symbols are to be located and corrected, four redundant symbols are necessary, and the codeword polynomial must then be divisible by

(x + a0)(x + a1)(x + a2)(x + a3)


Figure 7.27    If the location of errors is known, then the syndromes are a known function of the two errors as shown in (a). It is, however, much simpler to set the incorrect symbols to zero, i.e. to erase them as in (b). Then the syndromes are a function of the wanted symbols and correction is easier.

Upon receipt of the message, four syndromes must be calculated, and the four correctors or the two error patterns and their positions are determined by solving four simultaneous equations. This generally requires an iterative procedure, and a number of algorithms have been developed for the purpose.810 Modern digital audio formats such as CD and DAT use eight-bit R–S codes and erasure extensively. The primitive polynomial commonly used with GF(256) is

x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1

The codeword will be 255 bytes long but will often be shortened by puncturing. The larger Galois fields require less redundancy, but the computational problem increases. LSI chips have been developed specifically for R–S decoding in many high-volume formats.11,12 As an alternative to dedicated circuitry, it is also possible to perform Reed– Solomon calculations in software using general-purpose processors.13 This may be more economical in small-volume products.

7.17 Interleaving

The concept of bit interleaving was introduced in connection with a single-bit correcting code to allow it to correct small bursts. With burst-correcting codes such as Reed–Solomon, bit interleave is unnecessary. In most channels, particularly high-density recording channels used for digital audio, the burst size may be many bytes rather than bits, and to rely on a code alone to correct such errors would require a lot of redundancy. The solution in this case is to employ symbol interleaving, as shown in Figure 7.28. Several codewords are encoded from input data, but these are not recorded in the order they were input, but are physically reordered in the channel, so that a real burst error is split into smaller bursts in several codewords. The size of the burst seen by each codeword is now determined primarily by the parameters of the interleave, and Figure 7.29 shows that the probability of occurrence of bursts with respect to the burst length in a given codeword is modified. The number of bits in the interleave word can be made equal to the burst-correcting ability of the code in the knowledge that it will be exceeded only very infrequently.


Figure 7.28    The interleave controls the size of burst errors in individual codewords.


Figure 7.29    (a) The distribution of burst sizes might look like this. (b) Following interleave, the burst size within a codeword is controlled to that of the interleave symbol size, except for gross errors which have low probability.


Figure 7.30    In block interleaving, data are scrambled within blocks which are themselves in the correct order.

There are a number of different ways in which interleaving can be performed. Figure 7.30 shows that in block interleaving, words are reordered within blocks which are themselves in the correct order. This approach is attractive for rotary-head recorders, such as DAT, because the scanning process naturally divides the tape up into blocks. The block interleave is achieved by writing samples into a memory in sequential address locations from a counter, and reading the memory with nonsequential addresses from a sequencer. The effect is to convert a one-dimensional sequence of samples into a two-dimensional structure having rows and columns.

Rotary-head recorders naturally interleave spatially on the tape. Figure 7.31 shows that a single large tape defect becomes a series of small defects owing to the geometry of helical scanning.

The alternative to block interleaving is convolutional interleaving where the interleave process is endless. In Figure 7.32 symbols are assembled into short blocks and then delayed by an amount proportional to the position in the block. It will be seen from the figure that the delays have the effect of shearing the symbols so that columns on the left side of the diagram become diagonals on the right. When the columns on the right are read, the convolutional interleave will be obtained. Convolutional interleave works well with stationary head recorders where there is no natural track break and with CD where the track is a continuous spiral. Convolutional interleave has the advantage of requiring less memory to implement than a block code. This is because a block code requires the entire block to be written into the memory before it can be read, whereas a convolutional code requires only enough memory to cause the required delays. Now that RAM is relatively inexpensive, convolutional interleave is less popular.


Figure 7.31    Helical-scan recorders produce a form of mechanical interleaving, because one large defect on the medium becomes distributed over several head sweeps.

It is possible to make a convolutional code of finite size by making a loop. Figure 7.33(a) shows that symbols are written in columns on the outside of a cylinder. The cylinder is then sheared or twisted, and the columns are read. The result is a block-completed convolutional interleave shown at (b). This technique is used in the digital audio blocks of the Video-8 format.

7.18 Product codes

In the presence of burst errors alone, the system of interleaving works very well, but it is known that in most practical channels there are also uncorrelated errors of a few bits due to noise. Figure 7.34 shows an interleaving system where a dropout-induced burst error has occurred which is at the maximum correctable size. All three codewords involved are working at their limit of one symbol. A random error due to noise in the vicinity of a burst error will cause the correction power of the code to be exceeded. Thus a random error of a single bit causes a further entire symbol to fail. This is a weakness of an interleave solely designed to handle dropout-induced bursts. Practical high-density equipment must address the problem of noise-induced or random errors and burst errors occurring at the same time. This is done by forming codewords both before and after the interleave process. In block interleaving, this results in a product code, whereas in the case of convolutional interleave the result is called cross-interleaving.14


Figure 7.32 In convolutional interleaving, samples are formed into a rectangular array, which is sheared by subjecting each row to a different delay. The sheared array is read in vertical columns to provide the interleaved output. In this example, samples will be found at 4, 8 and 12 places away from their original order.


Figure 7.33    (a) A block-completed convolutional interleave can be considered to be the result of shearing a cylinder.


Figure 7.33    (b) A block completed convolutional interleave results in horizontal and diagonal codewords as shown here.


Figure 7.34    The interleave system falls down when a random error occurs adjacent to a burst.

Figure 7.35 shows that in a product code the redundancy calculated first and checked last is called the outer code, and the redundancy calculated second and checked first is called the inner code. The inner code is formed along tracks on the medium. Random errors due to noise are corrected by the inner code and do not impair the burst-correcting power of the outer code. Burst errors are declared uncorrectable by the inner code which flags the bad samples on the way into the de-interleave memory. The outer code reads the error flags in order to correct the flagged symbols by erasure. The error flags are also known as erasure flags. As it does not have to compute the error locations, the outer code needs half as much redundancy for the same correction power. Thus the inner code redundancy does not raise the code overhead. The combination of codewords with interleaving in several dimensions yields an error-protection strategy which is truly synergistic, in that the end result is more powerful than the sum of the parts. Needless to say, the technique is used extensively in modern formats such DAT and DCC. The error-correction strategy of DAT is treated in the next section as a representative example of a modern product code.

An alternative to the product block code is the convolutional cross-interleave, shown in Figure 7.32. In this system, the data are formed into an endless array and the codewords are produced on columns and diagonals. The Compact Disc and DASH formats use such a system. The original advantage of the cross-interleave is that it needed less memory than a product code. This advantage is no longer so significant now that memory prices have fallen so much. It has the disadvantage that editing is more complicated. The error-correction system of CD is discussed in detail in Chapter 12.


Figure 7.35 In addition to the redundancy P on rows, inner redundancy Q is also generated on columns. On replay, the Q code checker will pass on flags F if it finds an error too large to handle itself. The flags pass through the de-interleave process and are used by the outer error correction to identify which symbol in the row needs correcting with P redundancy. The concept of crossing two codes in this way is called a product code.

7.19 Introduction to error correction in DAT

The interleave and error-correction systems of DAT will now be discussed. Figure 7.36 is a conceptual block diagram of the system which shows that DAT uses a product code formed by producing Reed– Solomon codewords at right angles across an array. The array is formed in a memory, and the layout used in the case of 48 kHz sampling can be seen in Figure 7.37.

There are two recorded tracks for each drum revolution and incoming samples for that period of time are routed to a pair of memory areas of 4 bytes capacity, one for each track. These memories are structured as 128 columns of 32 bytes each. The error correction works with eight-bit symbols, and so each sample is divided into high byte and low byte and occupies two locations in memory. Figure 7.37 shows only one of the two memories. Incoming samples are written across the memory in rows, with the exception of an area in the centre, 24 bytes wide. Each row of data in the RAM is used as the input to the Reed– Solomon encoder for the outer code. The encoder starts at the left-hand column, and then takes a byte from every fourth column, finishing at column 124 with a total of 26 bytes. Six bytes of redundancy are calculated to make a 32 byte outer codeword. The redundant bytes are placed at the top of columns 52, 56, 60, etc. The encoder then makes a second pass through the memory, starting in the second column and taking a byte from every fourth column finishing at column 125. A further six bytes of redundancy are calculated and put into the top of columns 53, 57, 61, and so on. This process is performed four times for each row in the memory, except for the last eight rows where only two passes are necessary because odd-numbered columns have sample bytes only down to row 23. The total number of outer codewords produced is 112.

In order to encode the inner codewords to be recorded, the memory is read in columns. Figure 7.38 shows that, starting at top left, bytes from the sixteen even-numbered rows of the first column, and from the first twelve even-numbered rows of the second column, are assembled and fed to the inner encoder. This produces four bytes of redundancy which are written into the memory in the areas marked P1. Four bytes P1, when added to the 28 bytes of data, makes an inner codeword 32 bytes long. The second inner code is encoded by making a second pass through the first two columns of the memory to read the samples on odd-numbered rows. Four bytes of redundancy are placed in memory in locations marked P2. Each column of memory is then read completely and becomes one sync block on tape. Two sync blocks contain two interleaved inner codes such that the inner redundancy for both is at the end of the second sync block. The effect is that adjacent symbols in a sync block are not in the same codeword. The process then repeats down the next two columns in the memory and so on until 128 blocks have been written to the tape.


Figure 7.36 The error-protection strategy of DAT. To allow concealment on replay, an odd/even, left/right track distribution is used. Outer codes are generated on RAM rows, inner codes on columns. On replay, inner codes correct random errors. Flags pass through de-interleave RAM to outer codes which use them as erasure pointers. Uncorrected errors can be concealed after redistribution to real-time sequence.


Figure 7.37 Left even/right odd interleave memory. Incoming samples are split into high byte (h) and low byte (l), and written across the memory rows using first the even columns for L 0–830 and R 1–831, and then the odd columns for L 832–1438 and R 833–1439. For 44.1 kHz working, the number of samples is reduced from 1440 to 1323, and fewer locations are filled.


Figure 7.38    The columns of memory are read out to form inner codewords. First, even bytes from the first two columns make one codeword and then odd bytes from the first two columns. As there are 128 columns, there will be 128 sync blocks in one audio segment.

Upon replay, the sync blocks will suffer from a combination of random errors and burst errors. The effect of interleaving is that the burst errors will be converted to many single-symbol errors in different outer codewords.

As there are four bytes of redundancy in each inner codeword, a theoretical maximum of two bytes can be corrected. The probability of miscorrection in the inner code is minute for a single-byte error, because all four syndromes will agree on the nature of the error, but the probability of miscorrection on a double-byte error is much higher. The inner code logic is exposed to random noise during dropout and mistracking conditions, and the probability of noise producing what appears to be only a two-symbol error is too great. If more than one byte is in error in an inner code it is more reliable to declare all bytes bad by attaching flags to them as they enter the de-interleave memory. The interleave of the inner codes over two sync blocks is necessary because of the use of a group code. In the 8/10 code described in Chapter 6, a single mispositioned transition will change one ten-bit group into another, potentially corrupting up to eight data bits. A small disturbance at the boundary between two groups could corrupt up to sixteen bits. By interleaving the inner codes at symbol level, the worst case of a disturbance at the boundary of two groups is to produce a single-symbol error in two different inner codes. Without the inner code interleave, the entire contents of an inner code could be caused to be flagged bad by a single small defect. The inner code interleave halves the error propagation of the group code, which increases the chances of random errors being corrected by the inner codes instead of impairing the burst-error correction of the outer codes.

After de-interleave, any uncorrectable inner codewords will show up as single-byte errors in many different outer codewords accompanied by error flags. To guard against miscorrections in the inner code, the outer code will calculate syndromes even if no error flags are received from the inner code. If two bytes or less in error are detected, the outer code will correct them even though they were due to inner code miscorrections. This can be done with high reliability because the outer code has three-byte detecting and correcting power which is never used to the full. If more than two bytes are in error in the outer codeword, the correction process uses the error flags from the inner code to correct up to six bytes in error.

The reasons behind the complex interleaving process now become clearer. Because of the four-way interleave of the outer code, four entire sync blocks can be destroyed, but only one byte will be corrupted in a given outer codeword. As an outer codeword can correct up to six bytes in error by erasure, it follows that a burst error of up to 24 sync blocks could be corrected. This corresponds to a length of track of just over 2.5 mm, and is more than enough to cover the tenting effect due to a particle of debris lifting the tape away from the head. In practice the interleave process is a little more complicated than this description would suggest, owing to the requirement to produce recognizable sound in shuttle. This process will be detailed in Chapter 9.

7.20 Editing interleaved recordings

The interleave, de-interleave, time-compression and timebase-correction processes cause delay and this is evident in the time taken before audio emerges after starting a digital machine. Confidence replay takes place later than the distance between record and replay heads would indicate. In DASH format recorders, confidence replay is about one tenth of a second behind the input. Processes such as editing and synchronous recording require new techniques to overcome the effect of the delays.

In analog recording, there is a direct relationship between the distance down the track and the time through the recording and it is possible to mark and cut the tape at a particular time. A further consequence of interleaving in digital recorders is that the reordering of samples means that this relationship is lost.

Editing must be undertaken with care. In a block-based interleave, edits can be made at block boundaries so that coded blocks are not damaged, but these blocks are usually too large for accurate audio editing. In a convolutional interleave, there are no blocks and an edit or splice will damage diagonal codewords over a constraint length near the edit as shown in Figure 7.39.


Figure 7.39    Although interleave is a powerful weapon against burst errors, it causes greater data loss when tape is spliced because many codewords are replayed in two unrelated halves.

The only way in which audio can be edited satisfactorily in the presence of interleave is to use a read–modify–write approach, where an entire frame is read into memory and de-interleaved to the real-time sample sequence. Any desired part of the frame can be replaced with new material before it is re-interleaved and re-recorded. In recorders which can only record or play at one time, an edit of this kind would take a long time because of all the tape repositioning needed. With extra heads read–modify–write editing can be performed dynamically. The sequence is shown in Figure 7.40 for a rotary-head machine but is equally applicable to stationary head transports. The replay head plays back the existing recording, and this is de-interleaved to the normal sample sequence, a process which introduces a delay. The sample stream now passes through a crossfader which at this stage will be set to accept only the offtape signal. The output of the crossfader is then fed to the record interleave stage which introduces further delay. This signal passes to the record heads which must be positioned so that the original recording on the tape reaches them at the same time that the re-encoded signal arrives, despite the encode and decode delays. In a rotary-head recorder this can be done by positioning the record heads at a different height to the replay heads so that they reach the same tracks on different revolutions. With this arrangement it is possible to enable the record heads at the beginning of a frame, and they will then re-record what is already on the tape. Next, the crossfader can be operated to fade across to new material, at any desired crossfade speed. Following the interleave stage, the new recording will update only the new samples in the frame and re-record those which do not need changing. After a short time, the recording will only be a function of the new input. If the edit is an insert, it is possible to end the process by crossfading back to the replay signal and allowing the replay data to be re-recorded. Once this re-recording has taken place for a short time, the record process can be terminated at the end of a frame. There is no limit to the crossfade periods which can be employed in this operating technique, in fact the crossfade can be manually operated so that it can be halted at a suitable point to allow, for example, a commentary to be superimposed upon a recording.


Figure 7.40    In the most sophisticated version of audio editing, there are advanced replay heads on the scanner, which allow editing to be performed on de-interleaved data. An insert sequence is shown. In (a) the replay-head signal is decoded and fed to the encoder which, after some time, will produce an output representing what is already on the tape. In (b), at a sector boundary, the write circuits are turned on, and the machine begins to re-record. In (c) the crossfade is made to the insert material. In (d) the insert ends with a crossfade back to the signal from the advanced replay heads. After this, the write heads will once again be recording what is already on the tape, and the write circuits can be disabled at a sector boundary. An assemble edit consists of the first three of these steps only.

One important point to appreciate about read–modify–write editing is that the physical frames at which the insert begins and ends are independent of the in- and out-points of the audio edit, because the former are in areas where re-recording of the existing data takes place. Electronic editing and tape-cut editing of digital recordings is discussed in Chapter 11.

Appendix 7.1

Calculation of Reed–Solomon generator

For a Reed–Solomon codeword over GF(23), there will be seven three-bit symbols. For location and correction of one symbol, there must be two redundant symbols P and Q, leaving A–E for data.

The following expressions must be true, where a is the primitive element of x3 images x images 1 and images is XOR throughout:


Dividing equation (2) by a:

a6A images a5B images a4C images a3D images a2E images aP images Q = 0
= A images B images C images D images E images P images Q

Cancelling Q, and collecting terms:

(a6 images 1)A images (a5 images 1)B images (a4 images 1)C images (a3 images 1)D images (a2 images 1)E
= (a + 1)P

Using Figure 7.21 to calculate (an + 1), e.g. a6 + 1 = 101 + 001 = 100 = a2:

a2A images a4B images a5C images aD images a6E = a3P
a6A images aB images a2C images a5D images a3E = P

Multiply equation (1) by a2 and equating to equation (2):

a2A images a2B images a2C images a2D images a2E images a2P images a2Q = 0
= a7A images a6B images a5C images a4D images a3E images a2P images aQ

Cancelling terms a2P and collecting terms (remember a2 images a2 = 0):

(a7 images a2)A images (a6 images a2)B images (a5 images a2)C images (a4 images a2)D images
(a3 images a2)E = (a2 images a)Q

Adding powers according to Figure 7.21, e.g.

a7 images a2 = 001 images 100 = 101 = a6:
a6A images B images a3 C images aD images a5E = a4Q
a2A images a3B images a6C images a4D images aE = Q


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