Smart grid digitalization in Germany by standardized advanced metering infrastructure and green button

Jürgen Meister; Norman Ihle; Sebastian Lehnhoff; Mathias Uslar    OFFIS—Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany


With a growing number of decentralized energy resources as well as flexible consumers, the need for real-time data and telemetry from these devices as well as the sections of the power grid in which they are operated is required. Up-to-date information will be necessary not only to balance out demand and supply but also to mitigate network bottlenecks or react to potential instabilities. In this chapter, the authors discuss the German initiative toward an interoperable advanced metering infrastructure suitable for safety-critical ancillary services such as this with the potential for supporting a wide area of related applications in the future.


German Digitization Act; Smart metering infrastructure; Green Button; Smart meter display; Green Button-Download My Data; Green Button-Connect My Data


3D EMT a special kind of AEE that collects all data relevant for energy billing (e.g., from the smart meter gateway and the supplier) and provides this data to the customer

AEE authorized external entity

AMI advanced metering infrastructure

BDEW German Association of Energy and Water Industries

BMWi Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

BNetzA Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency), the highest regulation authority in Germany

BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, the German Federal Office for Information Security

CLS controllable local system

DER distributed energy resource

DMD Download My Data, a process to receive Green Button data

DR demand response

DSO distribution system operator

EEG Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (Energy Sources Act)

Green Button an American data format for access of usage information by customers

HAN home area network

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IF_3D_CON the interface between the 3D EMT and the customer

IF_GW_CON the interface between the smart meter gateway and the customer

IF_GW_WAN the interface between the smart meter gateway an the wide area network

IP Internet protocol

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LMN local metrological network

NAESB North American Energy Standards Board

OBIS object identification system defines identification codes for metering data

PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, the national metrology institute in Germany

PV photovoltaic

RTU remote terminal unit

SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition

SINTEG Smart Energy Showcases—Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition, a funding program initiated by the German government

SMGW smart meter gateway

SMGWA smart meter gateway administrator

SM-PKI smart metering-public key infrastructure

TAF Tarifanwendungsfall, a type of tariff

TLS transport layer security, a cryptographic protocol for secure Internet communication

TSO transmission system operator

USEF Universal Smart Energy Framework

VPP virtual power plant

WAN wide area network

XML extensible markup language, a data format for document encoding

1 Applications in Germany

Germany has achieved a significant share in renewables due to guaranteed feed-in tariffs for renewables and a good state of grid infrastructure. A further increase in renewables demands market-oriented tariffs and more smartness in power grids. Therefore, German regulation and the grid operators need to address the following smart grid applications:

  •  Provision of secondary and tertiary reserve by virtual power plants (VPPs) composed of distributed energy resource (DER), for example, wind or photovoltaic (PV) power plants.
  •  Feed-in management as direct control of the DER by grid operators in case of power grid congestion.
  •  Demand response (DR) management by energy suppliers, VPP operators, or other kinds of aggregators.
  •  Application for consumer attitude change to a lower CO2 footprint or for shifting energy consumption in times with oversupply by renewables.

Secondary reserve, tertiary reserve by DER, and feed-in management are already established applications. Despite a few established markets and regulations, DR management and applications for consumer attitude change are still a moving target. In Germany up until now, they have mainly been addressed in R&D projects only, for example, in decentralized energy management systems [1], VPPs [2], or for the purpose of providing decentralized ancillary services from renewable generation units [3]. Soon, new applications will arise in this area that will be put into practice. These applications will require better availability of detailed metering data and secure communication with DER and consumers.

In this chapter, at first a short overview of the aforementioned smart grid applications in Germany is presented. After this, the new bill called the “Digitalization of the Energy Transition” and the technological implications of this bill for smart grid applications in Germany will be introduced.

1.1 Role and applications of the transmission system operator

German transmission system operators (TSOs) provide two main applications for the integration of renewable energy sources into the transmission grid: the market for control reserve (regelleistung.net) and feed-in management for renewables.

The German TSOs are responsible for maintaining the balance between electricity generation and consumption within their control areas at all times. For the execution of this task, the TSOs can engage different types of control reserve (primary control reserve, secondary control reserve, and tertiary control reserve). The types of control reserve differ according to the principle of activation and their activation speed. Close cooperation between the TSOs contributes to keeping the total requirements for control reserve as low as possible [4]. Therefore, the control reserve may be provided not only by conventional power plants but also by VPPs composed of renewable power generation units, electricity storage units, and flexible loads. In the last few years this led to a decrease of market prices for tertiary and secondary control reserve.

Communication between TSOs, VPPs, and DERs is usually implemented mostly by using the telecontrol standard IEC 60870-5. In case of an activation of a secondary control reserve or a tertiary control reserve, the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system of a TSO sends an activation signal to a VPP SCADA by the serial protocol IEC 60870-5-101 and gets the meter data about power delivery on the same telecontrol channel. The VPP SCADA communicates with pooled DERs, often using the IP-based protocol IEC 60870-5-104.

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) provides a guideline on feed-in management by grid operators under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). This guideline regulates priorities for the reduction of energy production by conventional and renewable power plants in case of an impending congestion for power grid areas. Briefly, the energy production by renewable power plants has a much higher priority than the feed-in by conventional power plants. Furthermore, the EEG provides guidance on compensation for renewable power plant operators in case of production throttling by a grid operator.

Feed-in management applications of TSOs and distribution system operators (DSOs) apply ripple control systems or IEC 60870-5-104 based automation systems for communication of reduction signals to DERs in a case of feed-in management activation. Historically, most German DSOs implement ripple control systems for the support of their own feed-in management or the feed-in management by TSOs. A ripple control system implements a radio-based unidirectional communication from DSO SCADA to all DERs in an electricity grid. The main drawbacks of this technology are missing feedback about the success of a requested DER deactivation and roughly defined communication groups, which do not always match with the area of impending congestion. In practice, grid operators often deactivate more DERs than required for prevention of congestion in a grid area. Therefore, new installed DERs have to provide an IEC 60870-5-104-based bidirectional remote terminal unit (RTU) [5]. This technology allows a tightly focused feed-in management for congestion-relevant subareas in the grid and therefore helps to increase the overall amount of renewable energy in the power grids.

In summary, regulatory, market, and technical rules for the control reserve market and feed-in management by TSOs in Germany are well known and broadly applied.

1.2 Role and applications of the distribution system operator

DSOs implement feed-in management in the same manner and with similar technologies as TSOs. The usage of ripple control systems for feed-in management in distribution grids has the same shortcomings as in transmission grids. Implementation of bidirectional communication with small DERs, for example, household PVs, based on “classic” RTUs from substation automation is often too expensive. Therefore, there is a demand for a new approach for bidirectional communication between small DERs and feed-in management systems.

New applications for flexibility management in distribution grids are, at the moment, a matter of discussion and research in context of the position paper “Smart Grid Traffic Light Concept” of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries [6]. The proposed traffic light concept describes a model for market participants and network operators to interact with one another in the future. The BDEW model uses the logic of a traffic light as an analogy. In the green phase, the energy market participants may act without restrictions. In the red phase, there is a critical congestion and the grid operator overrules market participants by feed-in management. The BDEW position paper defines a new yellow intermediate phase. The yellow phase is entered if a potential bottleneck in a network segment of a distribution grid has been identified. In the yellow phase, the DSO calls upon the flexibility offered by DER operators or their aggregators in that network segment in order to prevent a red phase situation. The discussion about the possible flexibility products for DSOs is still a work in progress, nationally and EU-wide [7]. The German government initiated the funding program “Smart Energy Showcases—Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition” (SINTEG) that aims to develop and demonstrate new approaches to safeguarding secure grid operations with high shares of intermittent power generation on the basis of wind and solar energy in five model regions. The initiated projects in this program address, among other things, the issue of flexibility products for the yellow phase in distribution grids in order to secure an increased share of renewable energy in the energy mix.

The feed-in management applications and those within the SINTEG projects developed market-based flexibility applications for DSOs require detailed knowledge about the grid state and reliable bidirectional communication to the DERs also in distribution grids.

1.3 Role and applications of consumers and decentralized producers in electrical grids

In many situations, it is beneficial if a consumer is able to adapt his consumption behavior. One idea is that he is rewarded if he shifts his power demand in times with high production or even an overproduction from renewable energy sources. To reach this goal, smart metering solutions with real time visualization for the customers are proposed as well as flexible tariffs that adapt to the situation in the grid. Furthermore, there is a need for bidirectional communication to customers with flexible and controllable demand in order to implement DR applications for the yellow phase.

All DERs with an electrical connection point to medium-voltage grids and few of the DERs with a connection point to low-voltage grids have to provide bidirectional communication to feed-in management of DSOs. Due to decreasing subsidies for renewable energy production, DER operators will have to cooperate with VPP operators and other aggregators in the long term in order to sell the produced energy. Therefore, there will be an additional demand for affordable bidirectional communication and metered data from producers and consumers in real time. This demand is addressed by the new bill called “Digitalization of the Energy Transition” [8].

1.4 Distribution grid digitalization as enabler for energy transition

As was seen in the examples of application above, the next step is the energy system transition demands, a more active integration of consumers and DERs in distribution grids and markets. Due to high hardware costs and engineering efforts, grid automation technologies such as the existing IEC 60870-5-104 RTUs are not widely applicable in Germany; therefore a different approach is proposed. The main issue for integrating more renewables into power grids is the digitalization of the distribution grid. The German government addressed this issue in 2016 by a new bill called “Digitalization of the Energy Transition” [8]. The bill will boost digitalization by implementing a Germany-wide advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), including the staggered nationwide rollout of smart meters. On the one side, the planned AMI will provide utilities, customers, and other authorized external entities (AEEs) with metering data in order to better manage the power grids or optimize energy usage. On the other hand, the AMI will implement a secure communication backbone to control decentralized energy production as well as end user consumption.

In the following sections, the basic concepts, features, and technology of the planed Germany-wide AMI will be introduced; it will be explained how the AMI can be combined with the American Green Button Standard for better meter data management; and describe how the AMI will be used for bidirectional communication with DERs and controllable loads in an inexpensive and highly secure manner.

2 Smart grid features

Smart grid applications for transmission grids and the high- and medium-voltage level in transmission grids can and are already implemented by using existing power automation technologies [9]. These technologies were originally developed for substation automation and have their origins in the late 1980s and early 1990s. IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 based RTUs and other automation components have a few drawbacks. In practice, interface implementations are too expensive to be an economical feasible alternative for small DERs and loads on the medium- and low-voltage level in distribution grids. However, most significant are the shortcomings in cybersecurity issues and the lack of built-in plug and play support. TSOs and DSOs use the “air gap” approach to achieve required security levels. System engineers often place the automation technology “as is” in dedicated communication networks. Grid operators manage and often own these networks. This security approach is not transferable to low-voltage level and small DERs because of the need to use public networks and strict cost restrictions.

The bill “Digitalization of the Energy Transition” especially addresses, in addition to infrastructure regulation, security issues and cost restrictions. The Germany-wide roll out of the AMI shall provide DSOs, consumers, energy suppliers, aggregators, and authorized others with a set of basic services related to metering and communication issues. Smart metering-related services of AMI are:

  •  Collection and storage of metering data according to German measurement and instrumentation regulations of the National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt).
  •  Providing secure and privacy protection of metering data to customers, energy suppliers, grid operators, and other AEEs.
  •  Innovative tariff options.

A specific feature of the German AMI is the use of a so-called smart meter gateway (SMGW) as a secured communication device at the customer site. The SMGW collects the data from one or more attached smart meters, stores them, and even applies tariff rules for them before communicating the result to AEEs. The SMGW has three security zones: local metrological network (LMN), home area network (HAN), and wide area network (WAN) (see Section 3.1). Each security zone has dedicated functions, for example, smart meters are connected to the SMGW via the LMN. For communication purposes with AEEs (via the WAN interface), the SMGW has to be equipped with a hardware security module that is responsible for encryption and authorization tasks. The SMGW, together with a smart meter, is in Germany often referred to as an “intelligent metering system” while a digital meter (smart meter) is referred to as a “modern metering device.”

Potentially, the most underestimated basic service of the AMI is the possibility of establishing a secure communication channel to controllable local systems (CLS) at the customer site. In the future, grid operators could use this communication channel of a SMGW for feed-in applications in low-voltage grids. Furthermore, the CLS channel may be used for additional applications in smart grids or other smart city usage areas, for example, assisted living for old or handicapped persons. The CLS channel fulfills the actual security requirements of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), which is the national cybersecurity authority and a regulatory authority of the German government.

In the following, some details of the planned AMI in Germany will be described. First, basic concepts, roles, and components of the German AMI as defined in Refs. [8,10,11] are described. After that, some use cases based on the AMI are presented. These use cases will be the ones implemented first after the rollout for the Germany-wide AMI.

2.1 Basic concepts, roles, and components of German AMI

Regulations for the German AMI differentiate few key roles and components. Fig. 1 illustrates these roles and components with its dependencies.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Actors and components of German AMI.

The role of “smart meter operator” is responsible for installation and operation of the metering infrastructure on customer sites. Persons or companies with the role “customer” are the owner of metering data. Customers may provide the role “authorized external entities” (AEEs) with metering data for billing purposes or efficiency consulting projects. Furthermore, customers can entrust AEE with the usage of the CLS communication channel for various purposes.

The system configuration at the customer's site includes a digital smart meter, a SMGW, and an optional device, the “controllable local system” (CLS). The SMGW is the actual communication device that collects data from one or more smart meters and sends it to authorized receivers. The SMGW is also responsible for the establishing of secure communication channels for further purposes, for example, the control of local CLS devices. All these components must fulfill the security and privacy requirements of the BSI [10]. The smart meter and SMGW must provide a metrological certificate of the PTB [11].

The role “smart meter gateway administrator” (SMGWA) is a kind of a sovereign role. SMGWA is an independent authority that checks authentication and authorization credentials of an AEE and can deny their requests for metering data or for communication with CLS devices on customer's sites.

Regulations for smart metering differentiate between passive and active AEE. The passive AEE only receives metering data from the SMGW whereas the active AEE can interact with CLS devices on customer's sites, for example, for implementation of the feed-in management use case. Furthermore, there are regulated and nonregulated AEEs. Smart meter operators are obliged to support regulated AEEs (customer, energy supplier, and grid operator). The government has defined a price limit for the regulated services in Ref. [8]. Additionally, smart meter operators can charge nonregulated AEEs with usual market prices for nonregulated services in order to generate additional revenues with smart metering infrastructures. We will describe various use cases for typical German AEEs later in more detail.

The distinctive feature of German AMI is the “don’t call me, I‘ll call you back” principle of the SMGW. This means that an AEE cannot initiate communication directly with an SMGW. The SMGW always initiates the communication between the AEE and SMGW. The BSI chose this procedure in order to minimize cybersecurity risks in communication with smart meters and DERs. The UML sequence diagram in Fig. 2 describes in detail the procedure for establishing communication between the SMGW and AEE in case of a special need.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2 Communication initiation procedure between AEE, SMGW, and CLS device.

An AEE asks SMGWA for metered values or for a communication request to a dedicated SMGW. SMGWA authenticates the AEE and checks its rights. If the authorization checks of the AEE are successful, then SMGWA sends the request notification to the SMGW. In case of a data request, SMGW sends metering data in the COSEM [12] format to the AEE. In case of a communication request, SMGW opens a secured communication channel between the CLS device and the AEE. The communication channel can last up to 24 h before it shuts down.

Besides lower security risks, this communication paradigm reduces dependencies from a centralized communication server because different AEEs may establish communication to an SMGW without a communication server in the middle. Besides the described sequence, the SMGW can be configured using a so-called communication profile to send meter data regularly to authorized AEEs. The communication profile is provided to the SMGW by the SMGWA. This way the SMGWA doesn’t have to be contacted for every communication case.

In consequence, the regulations of the BSI [10] and the Bundestag [8] lead to a system architecture described in Fig. 3. On each customer site, we have an SMGW and at least one smart meter. Optionally, we may have one or more CLS devices on a customer site specializing in different domains, for example, a CLS device for supporting feed-in management by a home PV-system or a CLS device for remote health monitoring. In order to control a local CLS device, each AEE can establish a dedicated communication channel to the customer SMGW, if it is authorized by law or by a customer and fulfills the security requirements of the BSI.

Fig. 3
Fig. 3 System architecture of the German AMI.

2.2 AMI-based use cases for the German Energiewende

In Fig. 4, you see an overview of use cases for the German Energiewende that are supported by the AMI. Regulated services are mandatory. Smart meter operators must support these use cases. Nonregulated services are optional and provide a chance to make additional revenues for smart meter operators. Use cases for nonregulated services described in this chapter are only showcase examples. There are a potential for various other use cases in the context of smart home applications. In the following, the use cases will be described in detail.

Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Overview of AMI-based use cases for the German Energiewende.

2.2.1 Use case “providing data for state estimation”

NameProviding data for state estimation
ScopeGrid operators should be supported with metered values of electrical power usage from customer sites.

 Increasing the usage rates of renewable energy.

 Support of fine-grained feed-in management in case of power grid congestion.

NarrativeThe grid operator subscribes to metered values at SMGWA for his grid region. SMGWA acquires measured values from SMGWs, then transforms the data into anonymous data and sends the anonymous data to the grid operator.
ActorsGrid operator, SMGWA, SMGW
PrioritizationRegulated, mandatory

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2.2.2 Use case “providing data for invoicing”

NameProviding data for invoicing
ScopeEnergy suppliers (and grid operators) must be supported with metered values and auxiliary billing data from smart meters on customer sites in order to prepare monthly bills.

 Supporting near time billing, at least on a monthly basis (instead of the usual annual billing).

 Enabling innovative electricity tariffs in order to motivate customers for energy savings and/or demand shifts into times with a surplus of renewable energy.

NarrativeEnergy supplier (or grid operator) applies for a subscription of metered values and auxiliary data for his customers at SMGWA. If the energy supplier is eligible, then the SMGWA configures mechanisms in the SMGW for automated data delivery.
In the case of lost data, the energy supplier may request an ad-hoc data delivery for a specific time range.
ActorsEnergy supplier, grid operator, SMGW, SMGWA
PrioritizationRegulated, mandatory

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2.2.3 Use case “tariff updating”

NameTariff updating
ScopeThe energy supplier may arrange various tariff configurations with customers. Most types of these tariffs can be configured to be applied directly in the SMGW. This way the SMGW can directly rate the metered values for the configured tariff or provide auxiliary billing data, for example, a timestamp when contracted demand peak lasts longer then 30 min.

 Enabling innovative electricity tariffs in order to motivate customers for energy savings and/or demand shifts.

NarrativeEnergy supplier negotiates with the customer a tariff and a customer-specific tariff configuration. After that, the energy supplier sends the new tariff configuration to the SMGWA. The SMGWA deploys this configuration into the SMGW. After (usually time-based) activation of the new tariff configuration, the SMGW sends precalculated energy consumption data for configured tariff-stages to the energy supplier regularly.
ActorsEnergy supplier, SMGW, SMGWA
PrioritizationRegulated, optional

Unlabelled Table

Regulatory specifications differentiate the following types of tariffs:

  •  TAF 1 is a data-minimizing tariff configuration; only meter readings or sums about energy consumption will be sent to the energy supplier. This tariff is comparable to a manual readout of metering data, such as the state of the praxis in Germany now.
  •  TAF 2 is a time-of-use tariff configuration; the price for the customer depends on configured daytime ranges.
  •  TAF 3 is a load-based tariff configuration; the price depends on the metered loads.
  •  TAF 4 is a consumption-based tariff configuration; the price depends on consumed energy in a specific time range, for example, the price may significantly increase if the customer uses more energy in a month than contracted.
  •  TAF 5 is an event-based tariff configuration; the price depends on external events. The supplier may send external events by using the CLS communication channel to the SMGW.
  •  TAF 7 is based on the metered load profile data; different than other tariffs, suppliers calculate energy quantities for various tariff stages in their data centers. In TAF 1 to TAF 5, these calculations are done by SMGWs.

There are some other auxiliary TAF options in SMGW without relevance to price calculations for the customers.

2.2.4 Use case “energy usage visualization”

NameEnergy usage visualization
ScopeOne of the main goals of smart metering in Germany is the rise of customer energy awareness. Therefore there is a need for near-time visualization of energy usage in households and companies.

 Customer is sensitive to his energy use by a simple visualization of the energy usage data.

 Minimizing of energy usage in order to reduce the CO2 footprint in private households and industry.

NarrativeCustomer gets metered values about his energy usage from the 3D EMT and uses an app to visualize this data. The 3D EMT Service acquires the metered values from the SMGW and provides this data to the customer or his app in a standardized data format.
ActorsCustomer, 3D EMT Service, SMGW, SMGWA
PrioritizationRegulated, optional

Unlabelled Table

2.2.5 Use case “invoice verification”

NameInvoice verification
ScopeDue to complex tariff options in deregulated markets and digital metering, customers need tool support for verification of the energy supplier's bills. This tool support has to take in account the requirements for PTB as German authority for measurement and instrumentation regulations and must be independent from energy suppliers.

 Simple and energy supplier independent process and tools for invoice verifications by the customer.

NarrativeCustomer requests metered values for invoice verification from the 3D EMT portal. The 3D EMT Service collects the required data from the SMGW, the SMGWA, and others. The 3D EMT service provides the metered values to the customers, including a digital signature that was generated from the SMGW. In case of TAF 7, the 3D EMT service additionally gets verified tariff calculation rules from the energy supplier and sends this information to the customer, too. The customer uses the received data with the free app Transparenz-Software for invoice verification. In the first step, the app checks, based on digital signatures, whether metered values were manipulated. In the second step, the app visualizes data according to relevant tariff stages ergonomically, so that the customer can simply compare invoiced data with original data.
ActorsCustomer, 3D EMT Service, SMGW, SMGWA, Energy supplier
PrioritizationRegulated, mandatory

Unlabelled Table

2.2.6 Use case “feed-in management”

NameFeed-in management
ScopeIn the case of grid congestion, the grid operator can reduce the energy production of a DER in congestion-related subareas of the power grid.

 Highly selective feed-in management for fine-grained subareas in low- and middle-voltage power grids requires bidirectional communication with the controllable local system of the DER.

NarrativeIn the case of grid congestion, the grid operator opens a communication channel to the CLS of the DER in the affected subarea of the grid. After the connection is established, the grid operator sends reduction signals to CLSs and monitors the reductions.
ActorsGrid Operator, CLS, SMGW, SMGWA.
PrioritizationRegulated, mandatory (especially for DERs in low-voltage grids)

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2.2.7 Use case “virtual power plant”

NameVirtual power plant
ScopeFor direct marketing of electricity from a renewable DER, the DER owners usually have to mandate an independent aggregator with reselling. The aggregator integrates DERs in pools of his virtual power plants and sells the aggregated produced energy or the aggregated flexibilities in energy production to different markets.

 Reducing subsidies for renewable DERs by increasing direct marketing of renewables by aggregators.

NarrativeThe aggregator opens a communication channel in order to send schedules to a DER or a signal for starting or stopping energy delivery. Aggregators usually choose automation protocols. They also define data models and communication procedures for CLS because CLS devices must align with the virtual power plant solution of the aggregator.
ActorsAggregator, CLS, SMGW, SMGWA
PrioritizationNonregulated, optional

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2.2.8 Use case “home health monitoring”

NameHome health monitoring
ScopeThere are usage scenarios besides the energy sector that can benefit from the high security and privacy requirements of the German AMI. One of these usage scenarios may be the public health sector.

 Prevention responsibilities include reducing security risks for the Internet of Things applications in the public health sector.

NarrativeA general practitioner authenticates himself with his digital ID card at the SMGWA. After authorization checks, the SMGWA requests the SMGW to open a communication channel between the software system of the general practitioner and a CLS for health monitoring linked to the SMGW. Then the general practitioner may remotely monitor and configure for example, an insulin pump for his patient.
ActorsGeneral practitioner, CLS (for health monitoring), SMGW, SMGWA
PrioritizationNonregulated, optional

Unlabelled Table

This use case “home health monitoring” is, to our knowledge, not yet on the rollout road maps of the AMI stakeholders in Germany. It is only an example for the market potential of the German AMI.

3 Technology

The focus of the AMI in Germany is cybersecurity, privacy, trustworthiness, and the extensibility for feature requirements in energy and other sectors. In the following subsections, we first give a short overview of the system and security architecture of the AMI as predefined by BSI. Second, we introduce a German adaption of the Green Button format for providing trustworthy data to customers.

3.1 System and security architecture of the German AMI

The system architecture of the AMI differintiates three security zones (cf. Fig. 5):

  •  The LMN contains digital metering devices. Devices in this zone communicate only with a dedicated SMGW.
  •  The HAN hosts security-certified devices. These may be visualization devices for customers, PCs of service technicians, or CLS devices. CLS devices can communicate to physical devices such as a PV on the roof over secured automation protocols. But neither CLS device nor linked devices are allowed to communicate with other networks, for example, the public Internet.
  •  The WAN hosts the mandatory SMGWA service and services for different kinds of AEEs. Communication between an SMGW and an AEE service is always initiated by the SMGW after security approval by the SGMWA. The provider of the AEE services must have the ISO 27001 [13] certification because this service may have communication channels to unsecure networks.
Fig. 5
Fig. 5 System and security architecture of AMI.

This system architecture design reduces high cybersecurity risks because of strict security zones and mandatory authorization of AEEs by the SMGWA. Furthermore, the SMGWA can force a disconnection between the SMGW and an AEE in case of security threats. All SMGWAs in Germany will jointly maintain black lists of untrustworthy AEEs.

The SMGW implements collection and processing of data at the content level as well as the establishment of trusted channels to connected devices and AEEs [14]. All metered values that are prepared to be sent to an AEE or connected devices in the HAN are encrypted and integrity-protected at the content level. Furthermore, the SMGW always enforces the use of encrypted, integrity-protected and mutually authenticated channels for all external communication to AEEs and connected devices. This concept of two-layer encryption facilitates scenarios in which the SMGWA is not the final recipient of metered values from the smart meters. In this way, for example, the SMGWA receives meter data that it forwards to a different party, the real recipient of the data. Here, the SMGWA is the endpoint of the trusted communication channel but cannot read the encrypted meter data addressed to the third party. System administration messages and data exchanged between SMGW, SMGWA, and service components of AEEs are also encrypted and integrity-protected using the cryptographic message syntax of the BSI.

The BSI technical directive “smart metering-public key infrastructure (SM-PKI) for Smart Meter Gateways” [15] specifies requirements for security certificates and how they should be used in context of the German AMI. SM-PKI distinguishes between certificate authorities and certificate users. Certificate authorities release and manage security certificates. Security certificates are X.509 certificates according to requirements in Ref. [16]. All security certificates have a limited validity period. User's certificates are only valid for 2 years. Other certificates may be valid up to 5 years.

Security certificates guarantee secure communication and data exchange between the components and actors of the AMI on various levels of communication. For this purpose, the SM-PKI differentiates three kinds of security certificates:

  •  Transport layer security (TLS) certificates: AMI components use TLS certificates for implementation of encrypted communication channels between each other.
  •  Encryption certificates: SMGWs use encryption certificates for encryption of meter data before sending the data to an AEE. Thus, it ensures a very high level of privacy because only the receiver with the correct certificate can read the meter data.
  •  Signature certificates: A SMGW signs all meter data on arrival with its own signature certificate so that manipulations of metered data by third parties in the SMGW memory or outside the SMGW can be uncovered by signature checks.

Certificate authorities can invalidate security certificate before the end of their validity. A certificate authority publishes invalid certificates in a certificate blacklist. All components and actors in the AMI must always check the validity of the public certificates of their communication counterparts before establishing a connection channel or encrypting the metered data.

In summary, the strict differentiation of network zones LMN, HAN, WAN, and the hard security requirements of the SM-PKI ensure that only trustful AEEs can receive metered data or communicate with CLS devices over the AMI. In case that an AEE or another AMI actor is compromised, for example, by hackers, certificate authorities can isolate the compromised AEE by adding its security certificates to the blacklist. Furthermore, the SMGWA can instantly separate open communication channels of the compromised AEE to SMGWs and CLS devices.

3.2 Data privacy compliant metered data delivery

The main issue in the design of the German AMI is the high requirements in data protection and privacy. The system and security architectures provide interfaces and technologies for the implementation of data protection. The primary use cases “Providing Data (to grid operators) for State Estimation” and “Providing Data (to energy suppliers) for Invoicing” can be implemented with concepts and technologies defined in Ref. [10]. However, these BSI specifications do not exactly describe the delivery of the metered data to customers (respectively consumers). BSI specifications define only a communication channel from SMGW to consumers in HANs, such as the IF_GW_CON communication channel in Fig. 5. But the data model and the protocol for IF_GW_CON are not specified. This implies that data visualization solutions for customers are vendor-specific. It can be acceptable for the use case “energy usage visualization” but it does not work for the use case “invoice verification.” Here, a solution with open interfaces and data formats is needed that supports both. Where the IF_GW_CON lacks standardization, the German National Metrology Institute PTB defined a large set of requirements to enable the customer to verify the bill. They defined that the customer not only has the right to receive data from the SMGW in a digital way, but also that the tariff rules that were applied in order to make the energy bill comprehensible. The requirements also define the metered data to be secured against manipulation using an additional digital signature that includes a hash function over the actual metered value, its status, and the time stamp associated with it.

Since the IF_GW_CON was not fully specified, the idea was to use the IF_GW_WAN interface and an independent instance of an AEE called 3D-EMT to collect the necessary data for the customer and to provide it in a standardized manner using the so-called IF_3D_CON interface. The 3D-EMT serves as an interface between the highly secure AMI with its encrypted machine-to-machine communication and the customer who might not have a digital certificate to provide identification and encryption. It also serves as a bridge between the highly regulated web service-based communication infrastructure that was built up for high automation and security and transforms the data into one file that can be handled by the customer. Fig. 6 shows the system architecture where the 3D-EMT plays a major role as the data collector and processor. The customer logs himself on to the portal of the 3D-EMT to find the meter data of his smart meter together with additional information in one file. The file can be downloaded securely by standard Internet encryption technologies, for example, those used for Internet banking applications.

Fig. 6
Fig. 6 System environment for customer data provision.

The data format that is used to provide the data to the customer is defined by the German standard application rule IF_3D_CON [17]. This application rule adapts and extends the American Green Button format to German requirements. Green Button is based on the standard NAESB REQ.21—Energy Services Provider Interface [18] and is already applied widely in providing meter data and additional information to customers in the United States. The format is XML-based and uses the Atom Link Model for a hierarchical structure of the data. Over time, two application variants have emerged: “Download My Data” and “Connect My Data.” Download My Data (DMD) describes the original use case: the data is provided to the customer as one downloadable file. This file can then be provided to other applications for evaluation or can be viewed in the web browser. Connect My Data (CMD) extends this use case by enabling the customer to authorize third-party applications and service providers to download the data file on behalf of the customer. Respective authorization mechanisms and processes are provided.

In Germany, the DMD concept is applied in a first step. Green Button provides extension points in the format definition that were used to extend the format to the German requirements. The idea was to keep the German version as compatible as possible to the original definition. So-called “transparency software” will be provided to the customer that can import the Green Button data file and check the digital signatures of the metered data. Only if the metered data is identified as unaltered will the data be presented to the customer. In the application rule that describes the format, the data is structured into two different parts: “base data” and “verification data.” The base data describes the actual meter data for a point of delivery. This relies in most parts on the original Green Button format and was extended to provide additional information on the meter and the meter data that is required in Germany. One example of additional information is the OBIS-figure (based on IEC 62056-61) that is used to identify the kind of metered values. The base data also includes the digital signature for the meter data and the respective certification data of the SMGW. Since the American Green Button format does not include any information on tariffs and invoicing rules, this information had to be completely added into the German version. Therefore, the verification data provides possibilities to describe a variety of tariff rules such as time of use or amount of use rules, for example. For purposes besides invoice validation, for example, energy consumption visualization or energy awareness applications, the base data is sufficient. Fig. 7 shows the process and the different instances for downloading the data to the customer's PC as well as verifying the meter data using the transparency software.

Fig. 7
Fig. 7 Data provisioning procedure.

4 Economics

Until now, German energy transition has been driven by guaranteed feed-in tariffs for renewable energy sources. However, the German government has begun shifting to more competitive funding models for renewable energy resources. Established renewables such as wind parks can and should directly participate in energy markets. Due to the actual and future decreasing of guaranteed feed-in tariffs, this option for direct marketing of renewables finds an increased acceptance in the community of renewable energy source operators.

The planed Germany-wide AMI will decrease communication and engineering costs for integration of renewable DERs in direct marketing of energy while enabling the direct control of smaller DERs by grid operators and aggregators.

5 Research

Although there are well-established management applications for the flexibility management of renewable power generation in the transmission grid, the day-to-day matching of flexible demands at customer sites with fluctuating power generation by renewables is still an ongoing challenge and a matter of research projects. Discussions between industrial organizations and regulation authorities on this topic are ongoing.

New applications for flexibility management in distribution grids are a matter of discussion and research in context of the position paper “Smart Grid Traffic Light Concept” of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries [6]. In the amber phase, the DSO calls upon the flexibility offered by DER operators or their aggregators in that network segment in order to prevent a red phase situation. The discussion about the possible flexibility products for DSOs is a work in progress, nationally and EU-wide [7]. The German government initiated the funding program “Smart Energy Showcases—Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition” (SINTEG) with the aim of developing and demonstrating in model regions new approaches to safeguarding secure grid operation with high shares of intermittent power generation on the basis of wind and solar energy. The initiated SINTEG projects address the issue of flexibility products for the amber phase in distribution grids in order to secure an increased share of renewables in the energy mix.

The ongoing and planned research concentrates often on different aspects of the flexibilization of power demand, the automation of DR management, and the discovery of new market mechanisms for flexibility trading on demand and generation sides. The discussed solutions often require a secure, trustable, reliable, and inexpensive AMI for implementation, such as the German AMI.

6 Market

Guaranteed feed-in tariffs for renewable energy sources are continuously declining for new installed DERs over the last few years. Additionally, the German government is now replacing the mechanism of nationwide identical feed-in tariffs by project-specific feed-in tariffs. The project specific feed-in tariffs for, for example, a new wind farm, will be defined by a tendering procedure. The wind farm developer with the lowest demanded feed-in tariff will win a public bid and have to deliver the renewable energy by a lower tariff then other competitors. This shift in government regulations implies a new demand for direct marketing for renewable energy providers.

Whereas the German energy exchange in Leipzig and control reserve market of the transmission operators adapted their mechanisms in the last 10 years to support the trading of renewable energy, new innovative trading mechanisms are now under discussion for distribution grids in local markets, by providing the production and demand flexibilities to aggregators or to distribution grid operators. Furthermore, a few German utilities are experimenting with peer-to-peer markets in low-level grids.

7 Future developments

The German AMI provides sophisticated concepts for meter data management and solutions. The build-up of the nation-wide AMI will take several years, so there might be only a few further developments regarding the AMI concepts during the build-up phase. One of them may be a deeper adoption of the Green Button standard for Germany. The substandard CMD could provide improved metered data services for energy consumer companies. With the implementation of CMD, consumer companies will be able to automatically redirect metered data to their energy management subcontractors for different purposes, for example, regularly providing the obligated ISO 50001 energy reports to government agencies.

In the medium to long term, the broader usage for secured CLS communication channels for Internet of Thing applications outside the energy sector appears to be a promising perspective. Here an integration of future wireless 5G technologies with smart grid gateways (SMGW) would be needed. More importantly, the opening of the registration, authentication, and authorization processes of the smart grid gateway administrators (SMGWA) to other industries than just energy could be crucial for the success and acceptance of a nationwide AMI.

8 Case studies and field trials

The German government initiated the funding program “Smart Energy Showcases—Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition” (SINTEG). SINTEG aims to develop and demonstrate in model regions new approaches to safeguarding secure grid operation with high shares of intermittent power generation based on renewable energy source. The five projects in this program that were started in 2017 address, among other things, the issue of flexible products for the amber phase in distribution grids in order to secure an increases share of renewables in the energy mix and big field trials of the German AMI. In the middle of these projects, it is planned to revise the regulations and standards of the AMI in order to adapt the technical guidelines, market communication processes, and perhaps the regulation, according to experiences in field trials. After these presumably small revisions, a mass rollout of smart meters will be strengthened.

9 Summary and conclusion

In the previous chapters, the smart grid activities in Germany were outlined with a focus on the smart metering infrastructure that is currently built up. In Germany, large customers will be equipped with intelligent metering systems first, before customers with less power consumption will get the systems. The smart metering infrastructure will enable grid operators and suppliers to implement new use cases that have not been possible before. As the smart grid infrastructure is highly regulated, the roles and concepts of the relevant components within the infrastructure are well defined and the communication channels specified as well as the underlying security requirements. One main advantage of the designed overall system is that even players from outside the energy industry can use the infrastructure. With the CLS-channel, the regulator offers so-called “authorized external entities” a quite flexible way to use the infrastructure for new use cases. We introduced in detail some of the use cases foreseen to utilize the infrastructure. From a smart grid point of view, the most important ones are “feed-in management,” “providing data for state estimation,” and “virtual power plant” as they might support grid operators in their daily work keeping the grid stable. More applications regarding smart home applications and smart city concepts are possible but still have to be developed. They might show the full potential of the support that the smart metering infrastructure might offer to the smart grid.

The security architecture behind the infrastructure is complex with a high focus on data security and data privacy. It builds up some obstacles for the infrastructure to be used by third parties but helps the system to be accepted by customers. Since metered data may be tariffed in the SMGW, the “BundesDisplay” project was initialized to define a standardized interface between the smart meter infrastructure and the customer. It enables the customer to request the billing data for the energy consumption directly from his gateway device. The data can be used for visualization of the power consumption or can be provided to third-party software for further analysis.

It can be concluded that an advanced infrastructure such as the smart metering infrastructure as part of the smart grid offers new possibilities for controlling and influencing a large number of customers. High security requirements and extensive regulation have been developed in order to raise the acceptance of the customers for the system. Once widely installed, the infrastructure might be used to unleash the flexibility that is within the customer's energy consumption and therefore might support grid operators keeping the frequency within a smart grid with a high number of decentralized energy sources.


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