
AAPOR Task Force Report, 66

Active listening, 44

American Association for Public Opinion Researchers (AAPOR), 83

American Consumer Opinion, 61

American Trends Panel (ATP), 60

Answering questions, willingness to, 1314

Audience, 7475

knowing, 75

lack of understanding by, 7577

types of, 7779

Behavior coding, 35

Big Data, 6466

Breakoff rates, 5859

Brevity, question, 1415

Built-in assumptions questions, 17

Call record, 4041

Callback, 40

Changing technology, and survey research, 5371

Chartjunk, 90

Checks-and-balances, 85

City of residence, 1112

Clarity, question, 1415

Closed-ended questions, 2028

Coding, 42

behavior, 35

Cognitive interviews, 34

Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), 55

Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), 9, 55

Confidentiality, 8384

Content, survey results, 7981

executive summaries, 8182

privacy, confidentiality, and proprietary information, 8384

Data, 1

coding, 42

collection, 2

confidentiality agreements, 83

editing, 4243

making available to other social scientists, 4344

presenting, 8586

Data analysis, 2, 43

Data entry, 43

Deliverables, 7475

Digital divide, 58

Disposition codes, 40

Documentation, for interviewer, 4546

Double-barrel questions, 16

Double-negative questions, 17

Dynamic probes, 39

Editing, data, 4243

Empirical, 1

Ethical issues, 6668

Executive summaries, 8182

Experts, reviewing survey, 35

Expression, survey results, 85

presenting data, 8586

text, graphs, and tables, 8693

Face-to-face survey, 36, 39

Focus groups, 34

Good questions. See also Survey questions

key elements of

common question pitfalls, avoiding, 1617

specificity, clarity, and brevity, 1415

writing, 731

goals for, 11

Google, 34

Google Scholar, 34

Granularity, 24

Graphs, 8693

Human subject protections, 83

IBM RAMAC 305, 54

Inflation, 8

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), 4344

Interactive probes, 39

Internet, 64

access, 5659

-accessible smartphones, 57


-administered survey, 44

debriefing, 35

manual, 46

–respondent–questions interaction, 3


practice interviews, 46

providing documentation for, 4546

Interviewing. See Questioning

Level of granularity, 80

Likert Scale, 2526

Listening, 44

Loaded/leading questions, 16

Mailed surveys, probing in, 3940

Marketing Research, 73

MCAPI, 5556

MCATI, 5556

Measurement, 2

Mixed-mode surveys, 89

advantages of, 10

Mobile technologies, 64. See also MCAPI; MCATI

Modern computing, 5355

internet access and survey mobility, 5659

wireless telephones, 5556

Moore’s Law, 54

Narrative presentation. See Text

National Center for Health Statistics, 56

New York Times, 53

Nonresponse bias, 47

Nontechnical audience, 7778

Online panels, 6063

Online survey, 9, 19, 57, 6162

Open-ended questions, 1820

Opt-in panels, 6064

Ordered/scalar response category, 25

Participants, 74

Pew Research Center, 5657

Practice interviews, 46

Pretesting, 3537

Privacy, 8384

Probability-based panels, 5960

Probability surveys, 6466

Probes, defined, 38


in mailed surveys, 3940

in web surveys, 39

Proprietary information, 8384

Questioning, as social process, 23, 6

Questions, 16

Record keeping, 4041

Refusals, 45

Reliability, 1113

Research design, 2

Researchers, 74

Response rate, 41, 47

Role playing, 46

Sampling, 2, 7

Satisficing, 36

Scientific approach, 1

Self-administered survey, 41

Semantic Differential Scale, 2628

Skip patterns, 36


dependent, 57

internet-accessible, 57

Social process, questioning as, 23, 6

Specificity, question, 1415

Sponsors, 74

Statistical story-telling, 86

Structured questions. See Closed-ended questions

Survey mobility, 5659

Survey panels, 59

opt-in panels, 6064

probability-based panels, 5960

Survey presentations, 73

Survey questions, 731

good questions

key elements of, 1417

writing, 731

responses to, 87

types and formats, 1718

closed-ended, 2028

open-ended, 1820

validity and reliability in, 1113

willingness to answer, 1314

Survey reports

format of, 7980

writing, 43

Survey results

audience, 7475

knowing, 75

lack of understanding by, 7577

types of, 7779

content, 7981

executive summaries, 8182

privacy, confidentiality, and proprietary information, 8384

expression, 85

presenting data, 8586

text, graphs, and tables, 8693

presenting, 7397

Survey technology, 5371. See also specific technologies

SurveyMonkey, 6162

Surveys, 3351


linking to other information, 4142

probe questions, 3739

probing in mailed surveys, 3940

probing in web surveys, 39

record keeping, 4041

behavior coding and interviewer debriefing, 35

developing, 7, 3334

cognitive interviews, 34

focus groups, 34

other surveys, 34

interviewer training

practice interviews, 46

providing documentation for, 4546

listening, 44

making data available to other social scientists, 4344

mode of delivery, 37

participation, 4748

pretesting, 3537

processing data

coding, 42

data analysis, 43

data entry, 43

editing, 4243

writing reports, 43

Tables, 8693

Tailored Design Method, 9

Technical audience, 7778

Telephone survey, 35, 36, 39

disposition codes for, 40

Telephones, wireless, 5556

Text, 8693

Total Design Method, 9

UNIVAC, 5354

Universal Automatic Computer. See UNIVAC

Unstructured questions. See Open-ended questions

Validity, 1113

Wall Street Journal, 54

Web surveys, probing in, 39

Wireless telephones, 5556

YouGov, 61

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