
AAPOR. See The American Association of Public Opinion Researchers

Accessible clusters, 26

ACS. See American Community Survey

Address-based sampling, 10, 30, 82

Al Baghal, Terek, 93

Alreck, Pamela, 68, 69, 76

The American Association of Public Opinion Researchers (AAPOR), 17, 73

American Community Survey (ACS), 9596

Anderson, Barbara, 57

Apples-to-apples contrasts, 76

Attitude–behavior question, 5

Audio recordings of telephone interview, 91

Automobiles, 10

Babbie, Earl, 3940

Back-end time and cost, 76

Balanced allocation, 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 74

Between-stratum analysis, 25

Bias, 37

Bickart, Barbara, 50

Biemer, Paul, 37

Big Data, 31

Box-Steffensmei, Janet, 52

Brace, Ian, 72

Bradburn, Norman, 8

BRFSS. See Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Cannell, Charles, 54

CAPI. See Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing

CASI. See Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing

CATI. See Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing

Cell phone, 9091

Climate change, 51

Cluster sampling, 2526

Cognitive interviews, 96

Communication process, 78

Community, 67

conflict and cooperation, 7

Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), 82

Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing (CASI), 82

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), 74, 75, 81

Computer-assisted telephone interviewing software, 91

Confidence intervals, 2932

Confidence levels, 2932

Conrad, Frederick, 85, 86

Consistency, 5

Convenience sample, 17

Conversational interviewing, 84

approach, 86

Converse, Jean, 57

Cossm, Ronald, 90

Cost per response, 76

Costs, 44

Coupe, Mick, 51

Coverage error, 3942, 9293

minimizing, 4244

types of, 94

Cover letter, 88

Cross-sectional surveys, 10

Currivan, Douglas, 61

Data analysis, 2

Database building, 73

Data collection, 2, 3031

sources and methods of, 6

ways of, 2

Data collection phase of survey, 76

Data quality, 95

Davis, Darren, 58

De Leeuw, Edith, 9, 46

Deutscher, Irwin, 2, 4

Dewey, Tom, 10

Dillman, Don, 9, 4243, 82, 88

Direct marketing, 73

Dirk, Heerwegh, 62

Disproportional stratified random sampling, 24

Duff, Brian, 56

Dynamic probes, 93

Efficient surveys, 77

Egan, Patrick, 57

Election surveys, 5758

Electronic data collection, 31

Energy Supplier Survey (ESS), 94

Enumeration, 16

EPSEM. See Equal probability of selection methods

Equality, 56

Equal probability of selection methods (EPSEM), 18

Error, survey, 3738

coverage error, 3944

definition of, 37

measurement error. See Measurement error

mode effects, 6062

nonresponse error. See Nonresponse error

postsurvey, 6263

random, 37

sampling error, 3839

systematic, 37

types of, 38

ESS. See Energy Supplier Survey

Ethical research, principles of, 73

Ethnicity, 23, 25

Exit polls, 61

Face-to-face delivery, 81

Face-to-face interviewing, 83, 86

Face-to-face surveys, 56

Factorial allocation, 25

Fairness, 56

Finkel, Steven, 58

Fixed costs, 75

Focus groups, 96

Follow-ups, 49

Galesic, Marta, 55

General probes, 93

General Social Survey (GSS), 41, 50, 51

Global warming, 51

Gorden, Raymond, 78

Groves, Robert, 45, 96

GSS. See General Social Survey

Gwartney, Patricia, 84

Hartford, Tim, 31

Ha, Trung, 62

Heaping, 55

Holmes, Thomas, 47

Huber, Gregory, 50

Incentives, 88

Indirect costs, 75

In-house survey, 75

Interactive probes, 93

Interactive Voice Response (IVR), 82

Internet access, 92

Interviewer, 8, 5759

characteristics of, 57, 59

gender of, 5859

race of, 5758

Interviewer-administered surveys, 87, 90

Interviewing, types of, 84

IVR. See Interactive Voice Response

Jackpot, 20

Job interviews, 8

Johnson, Timothy, 58

Kane, Emily, 58

Kreuter, Frauke, 5657

Krosnick, Jon, 5456

LaPiere, Richard, 4

Lax, Jeffrey, 57

Leverage, 45

Leverage-salience theory, 45

Liebow, Elliot, 3, 56

List experiments, 60

Loosveldt, Geert, 62

Lynn, Peter, 93

Macaulay, Laura, 58

Mailed delivery, 81

Mailed surveys, characteristics, 8889

Margin of error, 29

Marilyn Worthy and Danielle Mayclin, 94

Market research survey, 34

Mayclin, Danielle, 94

McDonald, Michael, 61

McNabb, David, 41

Measurement, 2

Measurement error, 49, 94

interviewer, 5759

question order, 5354

question wording, 4953

recognizing and minimizing, 5960

respondents’ characteristics, 5457

Mental health centers, 1718

Mixed-mode surveys, 9, 82, 94

Mobile technology, 72

Mode effect, 38

Monette, Duane, 1

Moore, David, 5354

Motivational statements, 93

Multistage sampling, 26

National Collegiate Athletic Associate (NCAA), 25

National Election Study’s (NES) question, 52

National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, 41

NCAA. See National Collegiate Athletic Associate

Nilson, Aria, 90

Nonprobability sample, 17

Nonrespondents, 89

Nonresponse bias, 4647

Nonresponse error, 44

increasing response, 4849

nonresponse and nonresponse bias, 4647

theories of survey participation, 4445

Nonscheduled interviewing, 84

Nonstandardized interview/interviewing, 8486

Number of responding participants, 76

Observation, and questioning, 26

Occupational subcultures, 8

Online survey research, 7172

Overhead, 75

Paper surveys, 74

Paris, Celia, 50

Parson, Jennifer, 58

Participants, 71

Pew Research Center, 27

Peytchev, Andy, 4647

Phone, 10

surveys, 9, 91, 92

Plewe, Thomas, 9

Political knowledge, 58

Pollner, Melvin, 58

Population, 3940

Postsurvey, 6263

error, 38

Preisendorfer, Peter, 61

Presser, Stanley, 49, 83, 84

Probability-based panels, 72

Probability sampling, 1519, 30, 39

basic structure of, 17

cluster sampling, 2526

confidence intervals and confidence levels, 2932

methods, reliability and validity of, 30

selection of sample size, 2728

simple random samples, 1921

stratified sampling, 2325

systematic sampling, 2123

Professional associations, 73

Proportional stratified random sampling, 24

Quantitative analyses, 63

Questions/questioning, 1, 8, 51

in everyday life, 1

observation and, 26

order, 5354

as social process, 78

wording, 4953

Race, 23, 25

Random-digit dialing approach, 41

Random error, 37

Random-frequency pulse source, 21

Randomized, 96

Random number tables, 2122

Random probe, 97

Random process, 21

Random sampling, 21

Rate of response, 7677

RECS. See Residential Energy Consumption Study

Refusals, 44

Religion, and sexual behavior, 8

Research. see also Survey

design, 2

group, 40

question, 68

strategy, 6

Researchers, 23, 56, 70, 71

Residential Energy Consumption Study (RECS), 94

Respondents, 8, 71, 84, 8586

characteristics, 5457

Response rate, 27, 46

Rewards, 4445

Riley, Matilda White, 2

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 10

Rule of reciprocity, 48

Rule of scarcity, 48

Rule of social validation, 48

Salience, 45

Sample size, 29

determination, 27

selection of, 2728

Sampling, 2

approach, problems of, 18

error, 16, 3839

random numbers in, 20

Satisficing, 5456

Schaeffer, Nora, 83, 84

Schmitz, James, 47

Schober, Michael, 85, 86

Schuldt, Jonathon, 51

Schuman, Howard, 4, 57, 96, 97

Scientific approach, characteristics of, 1

Sensitive questions, 89

Settle, Robert, 68, 69, 76

Sexual behavior, religion and, 8

Significance level, 29

Silver, Brian, 58

Simple random samples, 1921

Singer, Eleanor, 5, 45, 51

Smith, Tom, 50

Snijkers, Ger, 74

Social desirability, 5657, 59

Social exchange, 69

Social exchange theory, 4445, 88

logical consequence of, 48

Socially desirable response, 93

Social media, 69

Social process, 78

Social setting, aspects of, 2

Soulakova, Julia, 62

Split-ballot experiments, 96

Sponsors, 69, 71

group, 73

Stakeholders, 6973

Standardized interview, 83, 84, 86

Strata, 24

Stratified sampling, 2325

types of, 24

Streb, Matthew, 56

Study population, 3940

Sudman, Seymour, 20

Survey, 4, 6768

brief history of, 910

complexity, 76

complexity and number of responding participants, 7577

dealing with diagnostic procedures, 22

delivery, modes of, 8283

dimensions, 8283

face-to-face survey delivery, 8387

mailed survey delivery, 8789

meaning of survey questions and answers, 9697

mixed-mode surveys, 9396

telephone survey delivery, 9092

web survey delivery, 9293

design and execution, 70

ethical considerations, 7273

expensive process of conducting, 68

history of, 910

observation about, 6768

participants and administration of, 17

phases of, 76

procedural aspects of doing, 68

rate of response on, 7677

scope of, 7475

sequential stages, 7475

specific questions for, 70

stakeholders, 6972

technological change, 9

types of, 2

Survey error, 88

Survey panels, growth of, 72

Survey participation, 47

Survey refusal, 9

Survey reporting, technology on, 2

Survey research, 83

technology on, 2

types of, 72

Systematic error, 37

Systematic observation, 1

Systematic sample, 2123

selection process, 22

Tailored design method, 88

Telephone delivery, 81

Telephone survey, 58, 91

characteristics of, 9092

Thornburg, Matthew, 61

Total design method, 88

Total survey error, 37

Tourangeau, Roger, 9, 4647, 57

Triangulation, 67

Truman, Harry, 10

Two-stage sampling process, 26

Up-front time and cost, 76

Visual materials, 87

Voting, 52

Webb, Eugene, 6

Web delivery, 81

Web survey, characteristics of, 9293

Weisberg, Herbert, 37

Whitmarsh, Lorraine, 51

Wolter, Felix, 61

Worthy, Marilyn, 94

Yang, Tinn, 57

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