
Chapter 1 - What is Columnar?

What is Parallel Processing?

The Basics of a Single Computer

Data in Memory is Fast as Lightning

Parallel Processing Of Data

A Table has Columns and Rows

Each Parallel Process Organizes the Rows inside a Data Block

Moving Data Blocks is Like Checking In Luggage

Facts That Are Disturbing

Why Columnar?

Row Based Blocks vs. Columnar Based Blocks

As Row-Based Tables Get Bigger, the Blocks Split

Data Blocks Are Processed One at a Time Per Unit

Columnar Tables Store Each Column in Separate Blocks

Visualize the Data – Rows vs. Columns

The Architecture of Redshift

Redshift has Linear Scalability

Distribution Styles

Distribution Key Where the Data is Unique

Another Way to Create A Table

Distribution Key Where the Data is Non-Unique

Distribution Key is ALL

Even Distribution Key

Matching Distribution Keys for Co-Location of Joins

Big Table / Small Table Joins

Fact and Dimension Table Distribution Key Designs

Improving Performance By Defining a Sort Key

Sort Keys Help Group By, Order By and Window Functions

Each Block Comes With Metadata

How Data Might Look On A Slice

Question – How Many Blocks Move Into Memory?

Answer – How Many Blocks Move Into Memory?

Quiz – Master that Query With the Metadata

Answer to Quiz – Master that Query With the Metadata

The ANALYZE Command Collects Statistics

Redshift Automatically ANALYZES Some Create Statements

What is a Vacuum?

When is a Good Time to Vacuum?

The VACUUM Command Grooms a Table

Database Limits

Creating a Database

Creating a User

Dropping a User

Inserting Into a Table

Renaming a Table or a Column

Adding and Dropping a Column to a Table

Chapter 2 - Best Practices For Table Design

Converting Table Structures to Redshift

Converting Table Structures to Redshift Finale

Best Practices for Designing Tables

Choose the Best Sort Key

Each Block Comes With Metadata

Creating a Sort Key

Sort Keys Help Group By, Order By and Window Functions

Choose a Great Distribution Key

Distribution Key Where the Data is Unique

Matching Distribution Keys for Co-Location of Joins

Big Table / Small Table Joins

Define Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraints

Primary Key and Foreign Key Examples

Use The Smallest Column Size When Creating Tables

Use Date/Time Data Types for Date Columns

Specify Redundant Predicates on the Sort Column

Setting the Statement_Timeout to Abort Long Queries

Chapter 3 – System Tables

Amazon Redshift System Tables

Trouble Shooting Catalog Table pg_table_def

Seeing the System Tables in your Nexus Tree

Catalog Table pg_table_def

Checking Tables for Skew (Poor Distribution)

Checking All Statements That Used the Analyze Command

Checking Tables for Skew (Poor Distribution)

Checking For Details About the Last Copy Operation

Checking When a Table Has Last Been Analyzed

Checking For Column Information on a Table

System tables for troubleshooting data loads

Determining Whether a Query is Writing to Disk

Chapter 4 - Compression

Compression Types

Byte Dictionary Compression

Delta Encoding

LZO Encoding

Mostly Encoding

Runlength encoding

Text255 and Text32k Encodings



Chapter 5 – Temporary Tables

Create Table Syntax

Basic Temporary Table Examples

More Advanced Temporary Table Examples

Advanced Temporary Table Examples

Table Limits and CTAS

Performing a Deep Copy

Deep Copy Using the Original DDL

Deep Copy Using A CTAS

Deep Copy Using A Create Table LIKE

Deep Copy By Creating a Temp Table and Truncating Original

CREATING A Derived Table

The Three Components of a Derived Table

Naming the Derived Table

Aliasing the Column Names in The Derived Table

Visualize This Derived Table

Most Derived Tables Are Used To Join To Other Tables

Multiple Ways to Alias the Columns in a Derived Table

Our Join Example With A Different Column Aliasing Style

Column Aliasing Can Default For Normal Columns

CREATING A Derived Table using the WITH Command

Our Join Example With The WITH Syntax

WITH Statement That Uses a SELECT *

A WITH Clause That Produces Two Tables

The Same Derived Query shown Three Different Ways

Quiz - Answer the Questions

Answer to Quiz - Answer the Questions

Clever Tricks on Aliasing Columns in a Derived Table

A Derived Table lives only for the lifetime of a single query

An Example of Two Derived Tables in a Single Query

Connecting To Redshift Via Nexus

Connecting To Redshift Via Nexus

Connecting To Redshift Via Nexus

Connecting To Redshift Via Nexus

Chapter 6 - Explain

Three Ways to Run an EXPLAIN

EXPLAIN – Steps, Segments and Streams

EXPLAIN Terms For Scans and Joins

EXPLAIN Terms For Aggregation and Sorts

EXPLAIN Terms For Set Operators and Miscellaneous Terms

EXPLAIN Terms For Set Operators and Miscellaneous Terms

EXPLAIN Example and the Cost

EXPLAIN Example and the Rows

EXPLAIN Example and the Width

Simple EXPLAIN Example and the Costs




EXPLAIN With a Warning

EXPLAIN For Ordered Analytics Such as CSUM

EXPLAIN For Scalar Aggregate Functions

EXPLAIN For HashAggregate Functions

EXPLAIN Using Limit, Merge and Sort

EXPLAIN Using a WHERE Clause Filter

EXPLAIN Using the Keyword Distinct

EXPLAIN for Subqueries

Chapter 7 – Basic SQL Functions

Finding the Current Schema on the Leader Node

Getting Things Setup in Your Search Path

Five Details You Need To Know About The Search_Path


SELECT * (All Columns) in a Table

SELECT Specific Columns in a Table

Commas in the Front or Back?

Place your Commas in front for better Debugging Capabilities

Sort the Data with the ORDER BY Keyword

ORDER BY Defaults to Ascending

Use the Name or the Number in your ORDER BY Statement

Two Examples of ORDER BY using Different Techniques

Changing the ORDER BY to Descending Order

NULL Values sort First in Ascending Mode (Default)

NULL Values sort Last in Descending Mode (DESC)

Major Sort vs. Minor Sorts

Multiple Sort Keys using Names vs. Numbers

Sorts are Alphabetical, NOT Logical

Using A CASE Statement to Sort Logically

How to ALIAS a Column Name

A Missing Comma can by Mistake become an Alias

Comments using Double Dashes are Single Line Comments

Comments for Multi-Lines

Comments for Multi-Lines As Double Dashes Per Line

A Great Technique for Comments to Look for SQL Errors

Chapter 8 - The WHERE Clause

Using Limit to bring back a Sample

Using Limit With an Order By Statement

The WHERE Clause limits Returning Rows

Using a Column ALIAS throughout the SQL

Double Quoted Aliases are for Reserved Words and Spaces

Character Data needs Single Quotes in the WHERE Clause

Character Data needs Single Quotes, but Numbers Don’t

NULL means UNKNOWN DATA so Equal (=) won’t Work

Use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL when dealing with NULLs

NULL is UNKNOWN DATA so NOT Equal won’t Work

Use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL when dealing with NULLs

Using Greater Than Or Equal To (>=)

AND in the WHERE Clause

Troubleshooting AND

OR in the WHERE Clause

Troubleshooting Or

Troubleshooting Character Data

Using Different Columns in an AND Statement

Quiz – How many rows will return?

Answer to Quiz – How many rows will return?

What is the Order of Precedence?

Using Parentheses to change the Order of Precedence

Using an IN List in place of OR

The IN List is an Excellent Technique

IN List vs. OR brings the same Results

Using a NOT IN List

A Technique for Handling Nulls with a NOT IN List

Another Technique for Handling Nulls with a NOT IN List

BETWEEN is Inclusive

NOT BETWEEN is Also Inclusive

LIKE command Underscore is Wildcard for one Character

LIKE Command Works Differently on Char Vs Varchar

The Ilike Command Is NOT Case Sensitive

Troubleshooting LIKE Command on Character Data

Introducing the TRIM Command

Quiz – What Data is Left Justified and What is Right?

Numbers are Right Justified and Character Data is Left

Answer – What Data is Left Justified and What is Right?

An Example of Data with Left and Right Justification

A Visual of CHARACTER Data vs. VARCHAR Data

Use the TRIM command to remove spaces on CHAR Data

Like and Your Escape Character of Choice

Like and the Default Escape Character

Similar To Operators

Similar To Operators

Similar To Example With Lower Case Letters

Similar To Example With Lower and Upper Case Letters

Similar To Example With Multiple Occurrences

Multiple Occurrences Must Be Consecutive

Chapter 9 - Distinct Vs Group By AND TOP

The Distinct Command

Distinct vs. GROUP BY

Quiz – How many rows come back from the Distinct?

Answer – How many rows come back from the Distinct?

TOP Command

TOP Command is brilliant when ORDER BY is Used!

What is the Difference Between TOP and LIMIT?

Chapter 10 - Aggregation

Quiz – You calculate the Answer Set in your own Mind

Answer – You calculate the Answer Set in your own Mind

The 3 Rules of Aggregation

There are Five Aggregates

Quiz – How many rows come back?

Answer – How many rows come back?

Troubleshooting Aggregates

GROUP BY when Aggregates and Normal Columns Mix

GROUP BY Delivers one row per Group

GROUP BY Dept_No or GROUP BY 1 the same thing

Limiting Rows and Improving Performance with WHERE

WHERE Clause in Aggregation limits unneeded Calculations

Keyword HAVING tests Aggregates after they are Totaled

Keyword HAVING is like an Extra WHERE Clause for Totals

Chapter 11 - Join Functions

A Two-Table Join Using Traditional Syntax

A two-table join using Non-ANSI Syntax with Table Alias

You Can Fully Qualify All Columns

A two-table join using ANSI Syntax

Both Queries have the same Results and Performance

Quiz – Can You Finish the Join Syntax?

Answer to Quiz – Can You Finish the Join Syntax?

Quiz – Can You Find the Error?

Answer to Quiz – Can You Find the Error?

Super Quiz – Can You Find the Difficult Error?

Answer to Super Quiz – Can You Find the Difficult Error?

Quiz – Which rows from both tables Won’t Return?

Answer to Quiz – Which rows from both tables Won’t Return?



Left Outer Joins Compatible with Oracle


RIGHT OUTER JOIN Example and Results

Right Outer Joins Compatible with Oracle



Which Tables are the Left and Which are the Right?

Answer - Which Tables are the Left and Which are the Right?

INNER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

ANSI INNER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

ANSI INNER JOIN with Additional WHERE Clause

OUTER JOIN with Additional WHERE Clause

OUTER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

OUTER JOIN with Additional AND Clause Results

Quiz – Why is this Considered an INNER JOIN?

The DREADED Product Join

The DREADED Product Join Results

The Horrifying Cartesian Product Join

The ANSI Cartesian Join will ERROR

Quiz – Do these Joins Return the Same Answer Set?

Answer – Do these Joins Return the Same Answer Set?


The CROSS JOIN Answer Set

The Self Join

The Self Join with ANSI Syntax

Quiz – Will both queries bring back the same Answer Set?

Answer – Will both queries bring back the same Answer Set?

Quiz – Will both queries bring back the same Answer Set?

Answer – Will both queries bring back the same Answer Set?

How would you Join these two tables?

An Associative Table is a Bridge that Joins Two Tables

Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join?

Answer to Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join?

Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join to ANSI Syntax?

Answer – Can you Write the 3-Table Join to ANSI Syntax?

Quiz – Can you Place the ON Clauses at the End?

Answer – Can you Place the ON Clauses at the End?

The 5-Table Join – Logical Insurance Model

Quiz - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Answer - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Quiz - Write a Five Table Join Using Non-ANSI Syntax

Answer - Write a Five Table Join Using Non-ANSI Syntax

Quiz –Re-Write this putting the ON clauses at the END

Answer –Re-Write this putting the ON clauses at the END

Chapter 12 - Date Functions



SYSDATE Returns a Timestamp With Microseconds

GETDATE Returns a Timestamp Without Microseconds

Add or Subtract Days from a date

The ADD_MONTHS Command Returns a Timestamp

The ADD_MONTHS Command With Trunc Removes Time

ADD_MONTHS Command to Add 1-Year or 5-Years

Dateadd Function And Add_Months Function are Different

The EXTRACT Command


EXTRACT with DATE and TIME Literals

EXTRACT of the Month on Aggregate Queries

The Datediff command

The Datediff Function on Column Data

The Date_Part Function Using a Date

The Date_Part Function Using a Time

Date_Part Abbreviations

The to_char command

Conversion Functions

Conversion Function Templates

Conversion Function Templates Continued

Formatting A Date

A Summary of Math Operations on Dates

Using a Math Operation to find your Age in Years

Date Related Functions

A Side Title example with Reserved Words as an Alias

Implied Extract of Day, Month and Year

DATE_PART Function

DATE_PART Function using an ALIAS


DATE_TRUNC Function using TIME


MONTHS_BETWEEN Function in Action



Redshift TIMESTAMP Function

Redshift TO_TIMESTAMP Function

Redshift NOW() Function

Redshift TIMEOFDAY Function

Redshift AGE Function

Time Zones

Setting Time Zones

Using Time Zones

Intervals for Date, Time and Timestamp

Using Intervals

Troubleshooting The Basics of a Simple Interval

Interval Arithmetic Results

A Date Interval Example

A Time Interval Example

A DATE Interval Example

A Complex Time Interval Example using CAST

A Complex Time Interval Example using CAST

The OVERLAPS Command

An OVERLAPS Example that Returns No Rows

The OVERLAPS Command using TIME

The OVERLAPS Command using a NULL Value

Chapter 13 - OLAP Functions


CSUM – The Sort Explained

CSUM – Rows Unbounded Preceding Explained

CSUM – Making Sense of the Data

CSUM – Making Even More Sense of the Data

CSUM – The Major and Minor Sort Key(s)

Reset with a PARTITION BY Statement

PARTITION BY only Resets a Single OLAP not ALL of them

ANSI Moving Window is Current Row and Preceding n Rows

How ANSI Moving SUM Handles the Sort

Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Moving SUM every 3-rows Vs a Continuous Average

Partition By Resets an ANSI OLAP

Moving Average

The Moving Window is Current Row and Preceding

How Moving Average Handles the Sort

Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Quiz – How is that 4th Row Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that 4th Row Calculated?

Moving Average every 3-rows Vs a Continuous Average

Partition By Resets an ANSI OLAP

RANK Defaults to Ascending Order

Getting RANK to Sort in DESC Order




PERCENT_RANK() OVER with 14 rows in Calculation

PERCENT_RANK() OVER with 21 rows in Calculation

Quiz – What Causes the Product_ID to Reset?

Answer to Quiz – What Cause the Product_ID to Reset?

COUNT OVER for a Sequential Number

Quiz – What caused the COUNT OVER to Reset?

Answer to Quiz – What caused the COUNT OVER to Reset?

The MAX OVER Command


The MIN OVER Command

Quiz – Fill in the Blank

Answer – Fill in the Blank

The Row_Number Command

Quiz – How did the Row_Number Reset?

Quiz – How did the Row_Number Reset?

Standard Deviation Functions Using STDDEV / OVER

Standard Deviation Functions and STDDEV / OVER Syntax



Variance Functions Using VARIANCE / OVER





Using LAG and LEAD

Using LEAD

Using LEAD With and Offset of 2

Using LAG

Using LAG With an Offset of 2

Chapter 14 - Temporary Tables

CREATING A Derived Table

The Three Components of a Derived Table

Naming the Derived Table

Aliasing the Column Names in The Derived Table

Visualize This Derived Table

Most Derived Tables Are Used To Join To Other Tables

Multiple Ways to Alias the Columns in a Derived Table

Our Join Example With A Different Column Aliasing Style

Column Aliasing Can Default For Normal Columns

CREATING A Derived Table using the WITH Command

Our Join Example With The WITH Syntax


A WITH Clause That Produces Two Tables

The Same Derived Query shown Three Different Ways

Quiz - Answer the Questions

Answer to Quiz - Answer the Questions

Clever Tricks on Aliasing Columns in a Derived Table

A Derived Table lives only for the lifetime of a single query

An Example of Two Derived Tables in a Single Query

Create Table Syntax

Basic Temporary Table Examples

More Advanced Temporary Table Examples

Advanced Temporary Table Examples

Performing a Deep Copy

Deep Copy Using the Original DDL

Deep Copy Using A CTAS

Deep Copy Using A Create Table LIKE

Deep Copy By Creating a Temp Table and Truncating Original

Chapter 15 - Sub-query Functions

An IN List is much like a Subquery

An IN List Never has Duplicates – Just like a Subquery

An IN List Ignores Duplicates

The Subquery

The Three Steps of How a Basic Subquery Works

These are Equivalent Queries

The Final Answer Set from the Subquery

Quiz- Answer the Difficult Question

Answer to Quiz- Answer the Difficult Question

Should you use a Subquery of a Join?

Quiz- Write the Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the Subquery

Quiz- Write the More Difficult Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the More Difficult Subquery

Quiz- Write the Subquery with an Aggregate

Answer to Quiz- Write the Subquery with an Aggregate

Quiz- Write the Correlated Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the Correlated Subquery

The Basics of a Correlated Subquery

The Top Query always runs first in a Correlated Subquery

Correlated Subquery Example vs. a Join with a Derived Table

Quiz- A Second Chance To Write a Correlated Subquery

Answer - A Second Chance to Write a Correlated Subquery

Quiz- A Third Chance To Write a Correlated Subquery

Answer - A Third Chance to Write a Correlated Subquery

Quiz- Last Chance To Write a Correlated Subquery

Answer – Last Chance to Write a Correlated Subquery

Quiz- Write the NOT Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the NOT Subquery

Quiz- Write the Subquery using a WHERE Clause

Answer - Write the Subquery using a WHERE Clause

Quiz- Write the Subquery with Two Parameters

Answer to Quiz- Write the Subquery with Two Parameters

How the Double Parameter Subquery Works

More on how the Double Parameter Subquery Works

Quiz – Write the Triple Subquery

Answer to Quiz – Write the Triple Subquery

Quiz – How many rows return on a NOT IN with a NULL?

Answer – How many rows return on a NOT IN with a NULL?

How to handle a NOT IN with Potential NULL Values

Using a Correlated Exists

How a Correlated Exists matches up

The Correlated NOT Exists

The Correlated NOT Exists Answer Set

Quiz – How many rows come back from this NOT Exists?

Answer – How many rows come back from this NOT Exists?

Chapter 16 - Substrings and Positioning Functions

The TRIM Command trims both Leading and Trailing Spaces

A Visual of the TRIM Command Using Concatenation

Trim and Trailing is Case Sensitive

How to TRIM Trailing Letters



Using SUBSTRING to move Backwards

How SUBSTRING Works with a Starting Position of -1

How SUBSTRING Works with an Ending Position of 0

The POSITION Command finds a Letters Position

Quiz – Find that SUBSTRING Starting Position

Answer to Quiz – Find that SUBSTRING Starting Position

Using the SUBSTRING to Find the Second Word On

Quiz – Why Did only one Row Return

Answer to Quiz – Why Did only one Row Return


Concatenation and SUBSTRING

Four Concatenations Together

Troubleshooting Concatenation

Declaring a Cursor

Chapter 17 – Interrogating the Data

Quiz – What would the Answer be?

Answer to Quiz – What would the Answer be?


Quiz – Fill in the Blank Values in the Answer Set

Answer to Quiz – Fill in the Blank Values in the Answer Set

Quiz – Fill in the Answers for the NULLIF Command

Quiz – Fill in the Answers for the NULLIF Command


Answer to the ZEROIFNULL Question

The COALESCE Command

The COALESCE Answer Set

The Coalesce Quiz

Answer – The Coalesce Quiz

The Basics of CAST (Convert And STore)

Some Great CAST (Convert And STore) Examples

Some Great CAST (Convert And STore) Examples

Some Great CAST (Convert And STore) Examples

The Basics of the CASE Statements

The Basics of the CASE Statement

Valued Case Vs. A Searched Case

Quiz - Valued Case Statement

Answer - Valued Case Statement

Quiz - Searched Case Statement

Answer - Searched Case Statement

Quiz - When NO ELSE is present in CASE Statement

Answer - When NO ELSE is present in CASE Statement

When an ELSE is present in CASE Statement

Answer - When an ELSE is present in CASE Statement

When an Alias is NOT used in a CASE Statement

Answer - When an Alias is NOT used in a CASE Statement

Combining Searched Case and Valued Case

Nested Case

Put a CASE in the ORDER BY

Chapter 18 - View Functions

Creating a Simple View to Restrict Sensitive Columns

Creating a Simple View to Restrict Rows

Creating a View to Join Tables Together

You Select From a View

Basic Rules for Views

An ORDER BY Example Inside of a View

An ORDER BY Inside of a View That is Queried Differently

Creating a View With Ordered Analytics

Creating a View With The TOP Command

Creating a View With The LIMIT Command

Altering A Table

Altering A Table After a View has been Created

A View that Errors After An ALTER

Troubleshooting a View

Updating Data in a Table through a View

Chapter 19 - Set Operators Functions

Rules of Set Operators

INTERSECT Explained Logically

INTERSECT Explained Logically

UNION Explained Logically

UNION Explained Logically

UNION ALL Explained Logically

UNION Explained Logically

EXCEPT Explained Logically

EXCEPT Explained Logically

Minus Explained Logically

Minus Explained Logically

Testing Your Knowledge

Answer - Testing Your Knowledge

Testing Your Knowledge

Answer - Testing Your Knowledge

An Equal Amount of Columns in both SELECT List

Columns in the SELECT list should be from the same Domain

The Top Query handles all Aliases

The Bottom Query does the ORDER BY (a Number)

Great Trick: Place your Set Operator in a Derived Table


A Great Example of how EXCEPT works

Chapter 20 – Statistical Aggregate Functions

The Stats Table



The STDDEV_POP Function


The STDDEV_SAMP Function


The VAR_POP Function

A VAR_POP Example

The VAR_SAMP Function

A VAR_SAMP Example

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