Chapter 3 – System Tables

“He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.”


Amazon Redshift System Tables

Amazon Redshift provides access to the following types of system tables:

STL tables for logging - These system tables are generated from Amazon Redshift log files to provide a history of the system. Logging tables have an STL prefix.

STV tables for snapshot data - These tables are virtual system tables that contain snapshots of the current system data. Snapshot tables have an STV prefix.

System views - System views contain a subset of data found in several of the STL and STV system tables. Systems views have an SVV or SVL prefix.

System catalog tables - The system catalog tables store schema metadata, such as information about tables and columns. System catalog tables have a PG prefix.

Every Redshift system automatically contains a number of system tables. These system tables contain information about the installation and about the various queries and processes that are running on the system. You can query these system tables to collect information about the redshift database that is installed.

Trouble Shooting Catalog Table pg_table_def


set search_path to '$user', 'public', 'sql_class';

The above query references the system catalog table named pg_table_def, and it only runs exclusively on the leader node. PG_TABLE_DEF will only return information for tables in schemas that are included in the search path. The first query failed because the 'employee_table' was not in the search_path. Above, we added sql_class to our path. The first query will work now because the database sql_class has been placed in our search path, and that is where the employee_table resides.

Seeing the System Tables in your Nexus Tree


The Redshift catalog is in the pg_catalog database. You can query these tables with SQL or merely do a "Quick Select" by right clicking on any table in the tree. We just did a "Quick Select" on the pg_aggregate table.

Catalog Table pg_table_def


The above query references the system catalog table named pg_table_def, and it only runs exclusively on the leader node. PG_TABLE_DEF will only return information for tables in schemas that are included in the search path. The query we ran on the previous page failed because the 'employee_table' was not in the search_path. The database that contains the employee_table is the sql_class database. Once we added the database sql_class to our search path, the query ran perfectly!

Checking Tables for Skew (Poor Distribution)

SELECT TRIM(name) as Table_Name


,sum(num_values) as rows

from svv_diskusage

where name in ('Order_Table', 'Customer_Table')

and col =0

group by name, slice

order by name, slice;


Uneven distribution, or data distribution skew, forces some nodes or slices to do more work than others which inhibits query performance. To check for distribution skew, you can query the SVV_DISKUSAGE system view. Each row in the system table SVV_DISKUSAGE records the statistics for one disk block. The num_values column gives the number of rows in that disk block, so when you sum(num_values), it returns the number of rows on each slice.

Checking All Statements That Used the Analyze Command


,to_char(starttime, 'HH24:MM:SS.MS') as starttime

,date_diff('sec',starttime,endtime ) as secs

,substring(text, 1, 40) as ActualText

FROM     svl_statementtext

WHERE  sequence = 0

AND       xid in (select xid from svl_statementtext s

where s.text like 'redshift_fetch_sample%' )

order by xid desc, starttime;


The query above returns all the statements that ran in every completed transaction that included an ANALYZE command.

Checking Tables for Skew (Poor Distribution)

select as "Table"

,count(*) as "1 MB blocks"

from stv_blocklist as B


stv_tbl_perm as P

ON       B.tbl =

AND    B.slice = P.slice

WHERE in ('Customer_Table', 'Order_Table')


ORDER BY 1 asc;


You can easily check on how many 1 MB blocks of disk space are used for each table by querying the STV_BLOCKLIST table. This will give you measurements on table sizes.

Checking For Details About the Last Copy Operation

SELECT query                  as Query

,TRIM(filename) as File

,curtime                as Updated

from  stl_load_commits

where query = pg_last_copy_id() ;

STLtables for logging - These

system tables are generated from

Amazon Redshift log files to

provide a history of the system.

Logging tables have an STLprefix.


The above example returns details for the last COPY operation.

Checking When a Table Has Last Been Analyzed

SELECT query



FROM     stl_query

WHERE  querytxt like 'padb_fetch_sample%'

AND       querytxt like '%Sales_Table%'

ORDER BY 1 desc;


To find out when ANALYZE commands were run, you can query STL_QUERY. For example, to find out when the Sales_Table was last analyzed, run the query above.

Checking For Column Information on a Table

SELECT Schemaname as "Schema"





FROM pg_table_def

WHERE tablename = 'Department_Table';

System catalog tables - The system

catalog tables store schema

metadata, such as information

about tables and columns. System

catalog tables have a PG prefix.


The above example returns information for the Department_Table.

System tables for troubleshooting data loads



FROM   ch_loadview

WHERE table_name='Employee_Table';

The example above is helpful in troubleshooting data load issues.

Determining Whether a Query is Writing to Disk


If IS_DISKBASED is true ("t") for any step, then that step wrote data to disk.

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